The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY by AUTHORITY of the QUEEN's PRINTER PART I Volume 87 REGINA, FRIDAY, JULY19, 1991 No
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THIS ISSUE HAS NO PART Ill (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) - The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN'S PRINTER PART I Volume 87 REGINA, FRIDAY, JULY19, 1991 No. 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I ACTS PROCLAIMED ...........................................1194 MINISTER'S ORDERS ..........................................1194 I The Oil and Gas Conservation Act .................................1194 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ...........................1195 The Co-operatives Act, 1989 .......................................1195 The Business Corporations Act ....................................1196 The Names of Homes Act .........................................1207 The Business Names Registration Act ..............................1207 The Non-profit Corporations Act ...................................1216 PUBLIC NOTICES ..............................................1217 The Change of Name Act ................ : ....................... 1217 Highway Traffic Board ..........................................1219 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act .................................1222 The Planning and Development Act, 1983 ...........................1223 The Public Service Act ...........................................1224 The Tax Enforcement Act ........................................1224 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN .........................................1226 I NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS .....................................1226 PART II The Motor Carrier Conditions of Carriage Regulations. ...................305 The Public Service Vehicles Conditions of Carriage and Rates Exemption Repeal Regulations. ................................326 J 1194 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZE'ITE ACTS PROCLAIMED mitted by Centech Solutions Inc. for disposing of salt water recovered from oilfield production by The following proclamations have been issued injection into the Bakken Sand or the Detrital that are effective on or after January 1, 1991: through the well Esso Coleville Bll-15-31-23, located in legal subdivision 11 of Section 15, in The Agri-Food Act , c.A-15.2, S.S. 1990-91. Sec Township 31, in Range 23, West of the Third tions 1 to 32, 34 to 36, subsection 37(2) and sec Meridian, is approved all in accordance with tions 38 to 40 proclaimed in force effective plans and specifications filed with the Depart January 1, 1991. ment as PM. 782 and subject to the following The Medical LaboratoryLicensing Act, c.M-9.1, conditions: S.S. 1989-90. Proclaimed in force effective April 1, 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval 1991. of a field representative of the Department prior The Ozone-depleting Substances Control Act, to the commencement of salt water injection and c.O-8, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effective subsequent to any modifications to such installa January 1, 1991. tions. The Planning and Development Amendment 2 the wellhead injection pressure shall be lim Act, 1989, c.51, S.S. 1990-91. Section 31 pro ited to a maximum of 6 700 kilopascals for the claimed in_ force effective January 1, 1991. Bakken Sand and 8 200 kilopascals for the Detri The Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Act, tal. c.S-22.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec tive February 18, 1991. 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department approved method. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code Amend ment Act, 1989, c.23, S.S. 1990-91. Section 11 4 The Bakken Sand must be abandoned by proclaimed in force effective March 1, 1991. cement squeezing the perforations before enter The Summary Offences Procedure Act, 1990, ing the Detrital where the well will be classified c.S-63.1, S.S. 1990-91. Proclaimed in force effec as a salt water disposal well in other areas. tive January 1, 1991. This approval does not authorize the applicant * A proclamation appearing in this list for to dispose of salt water without the consent of all the first time is indicated in bold print. the minerals owners, other than the Crown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such l disposal. MINISTER'S ORDERS Dated at Regina, Sask., July 4, 1991. The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ] ELSWICK EAST MIDALE BEDS POOL - WATERFLOOD PROJECT OTHER AREAS - OFF-TARGET WELL ·f MRO 176/91 A 68. Whereas Bow Valley Indus MRO 182/91. The application submitted by tries Ltd. is conducting an exploratory drilling Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Corporation to con program and has requested approval to drill an duct a waterflood project in the Elswick East off-target well to be located 30.5 m east and 152.8 Midale Beds Pool is approved pursuant to section m north of the vertical centre of legal subdivision 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permis 14 of Section 21, in Township 21, in Range 28, sion is granted to construct the facilities and West of the Third Meridian; and recomplete the following wells: Whereas it is deemed advisable to permit the Saskoil et all Elswick 11-35-4-12 W2M; company to drill the said off-target well and to Saskoil Co-enerco Elwick 7-36-4-12 W2M; prescribe the area to be used as a factor in deter Saskoil Murphy Elswick 1-2-5-12 W2M and mining a production allowable; Saskoil Elswick 11-2-5-12 W2M; Now pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas as pressure maintenance water injection wells, all Conservation Act, permission is granted, effective in accordance with plans and specifications filed on and after the date hereof, to Bow Valley Indus with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu tries Ltd. to drill the off-targetwell, to be located ment No. PM. 783 and subject to the following in legal subdivision 14 of Section 21, in Township conditions: 21, in Range 28, West of the Third Meridian, 1 The injection of water shall not commence subject to the following condition: until the project area has been unitized. 1 If the well is completed as a gas well, the net productive area used in calculating the produc 2 Installations shall be subject to the approval tion allowable shall be determined in accordance of a field representative of Saskatchewan Energy with subsection 30(1) of The Oil and Gas Conser and Mines prior to commencement of water injec vation Regulations, 1985. tion and subsequent to any modification to such installations. Dated at Regina, Sask., July 2, 1991. 3 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim ited to a maximum of 14 000 kPa. COLEVILLE BAKKEN SAND POOL - 4 Annual progress reports shall be submitted PRESSURE MAINTENANCE to the Engineering Services Branch of Saskatche wan Energy and Mines. MRO 179/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub- Dated at Regina, Sask., July 9, 1991. J JULY 19, 1991 1195 OTHER AREAS - PRESSURE CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES MAINTENANCE MRO 183/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil The Co-operativesAct, 1989 and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub mitted by Morgan Hydrocarbons Inc. for dispos ing of salt water recovered from oilfield NOTICES OF INCORPORATION production by injection into the Waseca Sand through the well Morgan Long Lake C16-27-41- Name: ECO LEAD CONSULTING 27, located in legal subdivision 16 of Section 27, in CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Township 41, in Range 27, West of the Third Date oflncorporation: June 28, 1991 Meridian, is approved all in accordance with Registered Office: Pilot Butte, Sask. plans and specifications filed with the Depart Main Type of Business or Activity: promote ment as PM. 784 and subject to the following economic development and energy conditions: conservation 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field representative of the Department prior Name: ENERGY CITY CO-OPERATIVE to the commencement of salt water injection and LOANS LTD. subsequent to any modifications to such installa tions. Date oflncorporation: June 21, 1991 Registered Office: Estevan, Sask. 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim Main Type of Business or Activity: small ited to a maximum to 6 700 kilopascals. business loans co-operative 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a Department approved method. Name: KEYWEST SMALL BUSINESS LOANS This approval does not authorize the applicant CO-OPERATIVE to dispose of salt water without the consent of all Date of Incorporation: June 14, 1991 the mineral owners, other than the Crown, that Registered Office: Ogema, Sask. might reasonably be adversely affected by such Main Type of Business or Activity: small disposal. business loans co-operative Dated at Regina, Sask., July 10, 1991. Name: YOUNG DAIRY BEEF FEEDER CO-OPERATIVE LTD. OTHER AREAS - SALT WATER DISPOSAL Date of Incorporation: June 25, 1991 Registered Office: Dalmeny, Sask. MRO 184/91. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil Main Type of Business or Activity: feeder and Gas Conservation Act, the application sub mitted by CS Resources Limited for disposing of salt water recovered from oilfield production by NOTICES OF STRIKE-OFF injection into the Dina Sand through the well CS I have, July 8, 1991, struck the name THE et al Winter S Cll-10-42-25, located in legal sub OXBOW COMMUNIT Y SWIMMING POOL division 11 of Section 10, in Township 42, in CO-OPERATIVE, off the Register of Co Range 25, West of the Third Meridian, is approved operatives in Saskatchewan, under the provisions all in accordance with plans and specifications The Co-operatives Act, 1989. filed with the Department as S.W.D. 341 and of section 280 of subject to the following conditions: 1 Installations shall be subject to the approval I have, July 8, 1991, struck the name ROYAL of a field representative of the Department prior INVESTORS CO-OPERATIVE LTD. off the to the commencement of salt water injection and Register of Co-operatives in Saskatchewan, under the provisions of section 280 of The Co-operatives subsequent to any modifications to such installa Act, 1989. tions. 2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be lim ited to a maximum of 7 300 kilopascals. I have, July 8, 1991, struck the name THE THUNDER CREEK SNOW PLOW CO 3 All injection volumes shall be metered with a OPERATIVE LIMITED, off the Register of Department approved method.