National HighwaysAuthority of (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) New Delhi, India

Public Disclosure Authorized Final EMP Package- Ill : Lucknow- Stretch on NH-28 including Faizabad Bypass August, 2004

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'D I "w'4- Volume 20 Public Disclosure Authorized

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,iroh,stone quarry I C~~~(gatagoregeteI/(4 (ndson$n'aoh)' ja~K sandaggregate)quarry -Banda SandQuarry ~dI~1dUt(dC s~Dfltonequarry 1 t t Y t ,,Chopanr\S sandquarry a(ye gale)

BiuyStone quarry Public Disclosure Authorized

DH4VConsulteants un)a CLnsoineulenbtPvt I tel Shri V.K. Sharma General Manager DHV Consultants I Social & Environmental Development Unit Branch Office National Highway Authority of India C-154, GreaterKailash-l Plot No. G 5 & G 6 New Delhi -110 048 Sector - 10, Telephone +91-11-64 6433 6455 5744 Delhi Fax +91-11622 6543 New E-mail:[email protected]

3 New Delhi, 1IO August 2004

Our Ref. MSP/NHAI/0408.094 Subject Submission of Final Report: Independent Review of EIA, EMP and EA * Process Summary for Lucknow-Ayodhya section of NH-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass Project Dear Sir,

We are submitting the Final Report of Independent Review of EIA, EMP and EA Process Summary for Lucknow Ayodhya section of NH-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass Project for your kind consideration.

We hope you would appreciate our efforts in carrying ollt the assignment.

3 Thanking you,

Yours s irely DHVC ultan

M.S. Prakash (Dr. Team Leader



D\UmlngWH-28FiiuI Repot AugustIO doc\ovenngLetta doc

| | SS> VEsI| DHVConsultants Is partof theDHV Group. n ^|0 - R._l_rl.k aOMAm- Rsn it .hi- r- n.h-ls Fdfr Eavot Gemana Guatemala.Hungary, Hong Korng,Indis, Indoresia, Israel, Kenya, Laos, EnvironmentalManagement plan for - Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 k



I~~~ '0 Z[ 0PI P 1.1 Backgroundof The Project 1-1 1.2 ProjectDescription 1-1 1.3 EnvironmentalImpact Assessments and Environmental Management Plan 1-2 1.4 EnvironmentalClearances 1-3

.i,.l; .i' 2^^12'10 . sl 1 1 I 2.0 Environmentalsetting 2-1

I . , 0 0 0' '0' _. b 0

3.1 MitigationMeasures 3-1

4.1 EnvironmentalBudget 4-1

Table1.1. Detailsof ConstructionPackages 1-1 Table-1i.2: ExistingFeatures of the ProjectStretch 1-1 Table1.3. Carriageway Details 1-2 Table-1.4: StatutoryClearances Obtained/ Applied for by PIU,NHAI 1-3 Table-1.5: EnvironmentalClearances Required to Obtainby the Contractor 1-3 Table-2.1: EnvironmentalImpacts Matrix 2-2 Table-3.1: EnvironmentalManagement Action Plan for Package-ll of Lucknow- AyodhyaSection of NH-28. 3-2 3 Table4.1: EnvironmentalBudget for PackageIlIl of Lucknow-Ayodhya Section of NH-28 4-2

AppendixPill-1: Listof Treesto be Cutfrom Proposed RoW of Package-ll _1 to 2 AppendixP111-2: Lists of AffectedCommunity Utilities including Suggested Mitigation Measures I to 4 AppendixPl11-3: List of AffectedReligious Properties 1 AppendixPl114: Leadto BorrowArea 1 3 AppendixPI11-5: Locationof ProposedOil & GreaseTrap cum Sedimentation Chambers___ AppendixP111-6: Location and Length of ProposedNoise Barriers for Package-llI 3 AppendixP111-7: Environmental Monitoring Plan 1 to 6

Figure1.1: BaseMap I R.....oXa I I I I I I I I I IlCHAPTER - I

U I INTRODUCTION I I I I I I I I EnvironmentalManagement plan for | Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

I 1 INTRODUCTION I 1.1 Background of the Project

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MRTH), Government of India with the task of the capacity augmentation by 4/6 I laning of the East-West Corridor comprising various sections of existing National Highways from Probandar (Gujarat) to Silchar (Assam) either through budgetary resources with or without the assistance of International Funding Agencies like ADB and World Bank or on Build Operate and | Transfer (BOT) basis. The widening is necessary to develop National Highway corridors where traffic intensity has increased significantly and there is a requirement of augmentation of capacity for safe and efficient movement of traffic. The Lucknow - Ayodhya section of East - West corridor is a part of contract package C-III/3 stretches, which starts from km 8.250 to km 122.275 on NH-28 then 15 km on Faizabad bypass, which is funded by World Bank. The project is being prepared for implementation under the Phase-III program. The Figure 1.1 is showing the project stretch of the road.

The Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH 28 is divided into three construction packages, which is described below in Table 1.1. I Table 1.1. Details of Construction Packa es Road Section Package Chainage (Km) Length Cost in (kin) Crores From To (Rs)

Lucknow-Ayodhya Package l 8.25 45.00 36.75 327.01 section of NH 28 3 Package ll 45.00 93.07 48.07 266.74

Package Ill 93.07 122.275 on NH- 44.205 256.61 I ______~~28then 15 km on *______Faizabad bypass 3 This Environmental Management Plan pertains to 36.75 km long construction Package-III. It starts from km 93.07 on NH-28 at village Baraikalan, of district Barabanki and ends at km 15 on Faizabad Bypass at village Lultu Purwa of district Faizabad.

1.2 Project Description

| The select stretch on the NH-28 has two-lane carriageway, the existing feature are depicted below in Table Table-1.2: Existing Features of the Project Stretch Road stretch Lucknow-Ayodhya section of NH-28 Existing carriageway 2-lane with 7.0 m carriageway, 0-1.5 m of paved shoulder and 1.0 m of earthen shoulders on either side I Existing ROW 55 m Proposed ROW 54.9 m

1I1 o EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

The carriageway details and salient features of the Package III have been listed in Table 1.3 and I Table 1.4, respectively. Table 1.3.Carriage way Details S. Attributes Details I No. 1. Design Life a) Flexible pavement 20 years b) Rigid pavement 30 years I 2. Design Speed a) Rural 100 kmph b) Through settlements 60 kmph 3. Carriageway width 7.0 m (3.5x2=7.0 m) I Number of lanes in main carriageway 4 lanes 4. Edge strip adjacent to kerb a) Main carraiage way 0.25 m J b) Bypass 0.5 m 5. Paved Shoulder 1.5 m 6. Earthen/Granular Shoulder 1.0 m 7. Median Width a) Rural Stretches 4.5 to 9.5 m b) Built-up Stretches 1.2 m 8. Embankment Slope (V: H) 1:2 9. Footpath along service road at built-up areas 2.0 m (Footpath is generally over drain with cover) 10. Longitudinal Gradient a) Ruling Maxim. 2.0 % b) Absolute Maxim. 3.3 % 11. Carriage way (m) on bridges/culverts 1.0 m 12. Footbridge on Bridge and culverts (m) 1.2 m 3 13. Service Road 5.5 m

Table 1.4: Salient Features

_ Structures on RoW Religious structures : 17 temples, 3 Community water resources 119 tube wells, 8 ponds Educational Institutes : I schools

Cross Drainage Structures Bridges on Rivers/ major water body : 4 Culvert on canals : Other cross drains : 64

Under passes I Pedestrian/cattle : 2 Pedestrian cum vehicular : 8 Fly overs : None 3 Railway crossings : Three ROB's In Faizabad Bypass section


U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C.1 s, . < a l EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

1.3 Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management I Plan

The Package III stretch is a part of project involves widening and construction of bypass in congested stretches of Lucknow-Ayodhya section on NH-28. This project involves over all land acquisition more than 20 m, moreover, this section has two new bypasses, which passes through agricultural land and involve major land acquisitions. Further more, the cost of the project is also above 100 cores. Therefore, the detailed design of the entire Lucknow-Ayodhya stretch (including Package III section) have been closely coordinated with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Study as per the requirement of the EIA notification (1994) of Ministry of Environment and Forests | (MoEF) issued under the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

Since the proposed four laning of Lucknow- Ayodhya stretch of NH-28 project is being funded through loan from the World Bank, Environmental Impact Assessment was also a requirement of World Bank Operative Directive - 4.01. Along with the EA/SA, a consolidated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and separate Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan including Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) are also required. The project has been categorized as category 'A' project, due to its cumulative magnitude of environmental and social impacts. In accordance with the requirement of 'category A' project of the World Bank, an independent review of the Environmental and Social Assessments, EMP and RAP has also been carried out to address the gaps and deficiencies in those documents. This EMP is finalized based on the outcome of the reviewed EA report. There is a generic EMP, where common management plan applicable for all the construction packages has been given, in addition, this specific EMP has been prepared to give specific environment management measures for each distinctive issues of package-III. 3 1.4 Environmental Clearances The project would require total statutory clearances from Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh. The present status of the statutory clearances for the overall projects work is described U below in Table-1.4 Table-1.4: Statutory Clearances Obtained/ Applied for by PIU, NHAI Si. Clearance Required for Statute under which Statutory Authority Current Status No Clearance is required of Clearance 1 No objection Certificate Environmental Impact Uttar Pradesh To be obtained for the overall activities Assessment Notification, 1994 Pollution Control issued under EP act, 1986 Board 2 Permnission for EP Act, 1986 Central Ground Water To be obtained Withdrawal of Ground Board I Water for construction 3 Perrnission for EP. Act, 1986 Uttar Pradesh To be obtained Borrowing Earth from Irrigation Departmant River Bank 4 Environmental Environmental Impact Ministry of To be obtained Clearance Assessment Notification, 1994 Environmental and issued under EP Act, 1986 Forest, GOI, New I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Delhi. 5 Felling of trees from Conservation of forest Act, Uttar Pradesh State To be obtained ROW of Existing NH-2 1980 Forest Department

Apart from the clearances for the overall project work, the contractor has to obtain required clearances for operating his equipment and carrying out construction work. The clearances/ no

II-3 .110A EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

objection Certificates (NOC) to be collected by the contractor after mobilization but before starting | the construction work listed below in Table-1.5: Table-1.5: Environmental Clearances Required to Obtain by the Contractor

* Si. Construction Activity for Statutory Authority Statute under which Clearance is No. which Clearance Required Required I Hot mix plants, Crushers and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Batch plants Control Board Act, 1981 and the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control Rules, 2000) 2 Storage, Handling, and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Hazardous Wastes (Management and Transport of Hazardous Control Board Handling) rules, 1989 and * Materials manufacturing, Storage and Import of hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 3 Clearance for Engineering for Uttar Pradesh Pollution EP Act, 1986 Manufacturing, Storage I Location and Layout of Control Board and Import of Hazardous Chemicals workers camp, Equipment Rules, 1989 and Storage yards 4 Quarries Department of mining Environment Protection Act, 1986 * GOUP 5 Discharges from the Labor Uttar Pradesh Pollution Water prevention and Control of Camps Control Board pollution) Act, 1974 6 Disposal of Bituminous Intimate to the local Hazardous Wastes (Management and Wastes, if any civic body to use the HandlingO Rules, 1989 local solid waste * disposal site In addition, any other clearance which supervision consultant or PIU, NHAI will feel required for this project will be procured by the NHAI or Contractor as appropriate or as decided by the NHAI I before commencement of the respective work on site. The contractor will submit an undertaking to ensure that no child labor shall be used for any construction and to comply with the EMP provision to the PIU, NHAI. l I I l l

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SB)170 200 00 s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fig1LEBAEMPENDL I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER- LI I I ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING I I I I I I

I EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

3J2 Environmental Setting

In existing environmental set-up of the study corridor (7 km on either side of the project road), in general, and within the Right of Way (ROW), in particular, has been described below:

Topography and Seismicity: Stretch of Package III of Lucknow - Ayodhya section of NH - 28 runs on flat terrain in between the Gomti and Ghaghara rivers. The soil of the area is alluvium. According to seismic map of India (IS: 1893, part 1, 2002), the package I falls in the Seismic zone III (having moderate seismic intensity), therefore, has a moderate risk of potential damage due to earthquake. The ground level along the project between the starting and ending point varies between 105.3-119.2 | m above mean sea level. Climate: The climate of the area is moderate and experiences hot and dry summer from March to Mid June, a humid monsoon from Mid June to September, a short pleasant post-monsoon during I October and November, and a cool and dry winter between December and February. Water Bodies: one irrigation canal and one natural drain form the main surface water system of the area. Beside, 15 ponds /water tanks used for domestic and irrigation purposes are also located close to the road stretch.

3 Air Quality: Average SO2 and NOx levels were observed to be within the limit of 80 Jig/mi while I the SPM and RPM levels exceeds permissible limits (200 jig/m3 and 100 ,ug/m3 respectively) in the entire project area and CO in Kotsarai (near chainage km 118.5) for residential, rural and other areas as stipulated in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Noise level: In the entire stretch of the package III area day and night time noise level [58-92 eq dB(A)] and night time [43.5- 58.7 eq dB(A)] exceeds the standard for the commercial area. It was observed that the during the day as well as night time, ambient noise scenario in residential, commercial and sensitive places in general exceeded the acceptable limits. Flora and Fauna: The trees planted on both sides of the project road belong to forest department and falls under the category of Protected Forests. There is no wild life wild life corridor is recorded along this stretch. Land Use: The road has mainly agricultural land on either side, which is interspersed with frequent human settlements. Though no change in the macro-climatic setting (precipitation, temperature and wind) is envisaged due to the project, the microclimatic parameters are likely to be temporarily changed mainly by vegetation removal and laying of pavement surface. | There will not be any significant impact adverse impacts of project relating to the hydrology, drainage and break in landscape in this stretch because the widening will be within the already existing RoW. Table-2.1 summarizes the identified environmental impacts from the widening of sections on existing NH-28 and Faizabad bypass in Package-III.

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EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 0

Table-2.1: Environmental Impacts Matrix S. Attribute Description of Impacts Significance No. Pre Construction Operation Construction I Physiography/Land Medium and temporary soil erosion during pre construction and construction stage, Low Medium Low compaction and contamination of soil. 2. Air Quality Direct adverse impact on air quality due to exhaust emissions and construction activity, which will last almost throughout the pre-construction to construction period. A major source of dust during the construction stage is from stone crushing Low High Low operations from the crusher and the vibrating screen. Dusts is generated due to procurement and transport of raw materials from quarries and borrow sites to the road construction area. 3. Water Resources/ Quality Increased sedimentation and degradation of water quality. Low Medium Medium 4. Consumption of Natural Earth: It has been estimated that more than 1147322 cum of earth will be required Resources from borrow areas for package 111. I) Construction materials: Fly ash: As per the India Government directive (order issued on dated 18/06/2002) . Earth the use of fly ash is mandatory for the construction of embankments of any new road/ * Fly ash fly over located within 100 km periphery of thermal power plant. Thermal power . Quarry Materials Plant located at Tanda is within this range of Package -111. Therefore, contractor of this package has to procure the fly ash from this power plant for embankment filling. As per the DPR consultants 71,500 cum of fly ash has to be transported from Thermal Power Plant to project site. The contractor will transport it to project site in closed dump truck. Fly ash will be directly dumped on the embankment. Bulldozer will spread the material and a compactor will be used for compaction. No stock piling will Low Medium Low be required.

3 Quarry materials: Total 379669 cum of stone and aggregates and 91539 m of sand will be required for entire Package - 111. The amount required for this construction package will be procured from quarries identified by DPR consultants.

Water: Total 86,540 m3 of water for construction (including earthwork and concrete work and drinking/household use by labour colony (considering 160 labour on an 2) Water average), which will preferable be extracted from ground water source by dedicated bore well separately bored for construction work.

Noise Noise pollution due to vehicular movement and construction activity during nighttime Low High Medium of the operation phase exceed in the horizon years 2005, 2025 and 2035. ow _ u

in Joint Venture with C0 EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

S. Attribute Description of Impacts Significance No. Pre Construction Operation Construction 6. Ecology/ Flora/ Fauna 4995 numbers of trees will be cut from RoW of Package - III of Lucknow - Ayodhya section of NH - 28. All these trees are common native plants; no endangered or rare Low Medium Low plants are present among them. 7. Human Use Values Land: The Package - III will not require any land acquisition.

Community Properties: 17 temples, one school, and 119 tube wells will be demolished and one school will be partially affected for RoW of Package - III. Eight ponds will be completely filled up and nine ponds will be partially filled up due to the widening of this stretch of road.

These community properties will be relocated/ compensated / enhanced as suggested in Table 3.1 before the construction starts in these sites.

8. Archaeological/Protected The Stretch of Package -111 is not affecting any archeological monuments or Monuments and Cultural structures Properties


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EnvironmentalManagement plan for

Il Package- III of Lucknow - Ayodhya section of NH - 28


I 3.1 Mitigation Measures Table-3.1 summarizes the EMP of package-III of Lucknow-Ayodhya section of NH-28 after addressing all the relevant issues identified during independent review and Environmental Impact I Assessment.



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EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Table-3.1: Environmental Management Action Plan for Package III of Lucknow - Ayodhya Section of NH - 28

Environmental Issue | Mitigation Measures Reference Responsibility I Supervision I______I Document Implementation PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE

Pre-Construction activities by Project Implementation Unit (PIU) P. 1 Land Acquisition, Land acquisition and R&R will be carried out in accordance to P. 1 of RAP Document NGOs; PIU, NHAI R&R (Package III the Generic EMP Generic EMP Collaborating (has not much land Agencies; PIU, acquisition except at km NHAI. 105.659 to 106.059 and km 6.062 to 6.462) P. 2 Clearance of the encroachment! squatters will be in accordance to P.2 RAP document PIU, NHAI PIU, NHAI Clearance of of the Generic EMP Revenue Encroachment] Squatters Authorities 4995 numbers of trees will be removed from the ROW of from Appendix PIII-I: List Contractor Supervision P. 3 Tree Cutting package III before commencement of construction with the prior of trees to be cut Consultants and (Throughout the project intimation to the Forest Department. List of trees to be cut from RoW from RoW of PIU, NHAI corridor) is given in Appendix PfI-1. Package III.

Owners of the trees (both private and Forests department) will be P.3 of the Generic compensated as mentioned in Generic EMP. EMP

P. 4 Relocation of From package-III, community utilities i.e., 116 hand pumps will be MoRTH: 110: 3 Contractor, PIU Community utilities demolished and eight ponds will be filled up. In addition, nine PIU (Throughout the corridor ponds will be partially affected. All these structures will be AppendixPIII-2: List of Package-III) relocated/ mitigated with prior approval of the concerned agencies of Affected before construction starts, on any section of the project corridor. Community Utilities with Suggested The contractor will relocate/ compensate these properties as Mitigation Measures suggested in AnnexurePlf-2 in consultation and agreement with the owner under the supervision of environmental expert of SC. Refer Generic EMP for design and BoQ All other community property resources such as one school will be (Ref.-Appendix G 3:

In Jointventure with - -- -- t m ------m m - rr EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH -28

Responsibility Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Reference Document Implementation Supervision demolished from the stretch of the Package III. This will also be Design document for relocated. In addition, damaged part will be repaired/ enhanced in schools (Design 1) partially affected one school. and Appendix G 4: BOQ The relocation sites for these schools will be identified in accordance with the choice of the community. The schools will be constructed as per UP Primary School Construction Guidance. The select design (Bhammapurva design) is enclosed as Design 1 in Annexure G3 of Generic EMP. The relocation will be completed before the construction starts in these sites. Contractor and PIU, NHAI P.5 Replacement of All cultural property resources such as 17 temples will be relocated. Appendix PIII-3: List NHAI Cultural Property of Affected Religious PIU, Resources The relocation and rebuilding of these religious structures will be Structures with (Throughout the corridor carried out as mentioned in the P5 of the Generic EMP. Suggested Mitigation Package-III) Measures Generic EMP

Pre-construction activities by the Contractor/ Environmental Expert of Supervision Consultants ( SC)

P.6 Field Verification and Modification of the Contract Documents PIU P. 6.1 Joint Field Joint field verification will be done as per the P.6.1 of the Generic P.6. 1 of the Generic Contractor/ Environmental Verification EMP. EMP Expert of SC PIU P.6.2 Modification of the Refer P.6.2 of the Generic EMP. P.6.2 of the Generic Contractor/ Enviromnental Contract Documents EMP Expert of SC Environmental P.6.3 Crushers, Hot-mix Hot mix plants and batching plants will be sited as detailed out in the P.6.3 of the Generic Contractor/ Expert of Plants and Batching P.6.3 of the Generic EMP. EMP Environmental Expert of SC SC, PIU Plants PIU P.6.4 Other Construction All vehicles, equipment and machinery (must adhere to the discharge P.6.4 of the Generic Contractor/ Vehicles, Equipment and standards as applicable according to the E (P) A 1986) to be procured EMP Environmental of SC Machinery as stated in P 6.4 of the Generic EMP. Expert


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EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Reference Respon ibility Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Documentmm Implementation Supervision I______D P.7 Identification and Selection of Material Sources 305.2 Contractor/ PIU Areas Finalizing the borrow areas, planning of haul roads etc. will be MoRTH: P.7.1 Borrow Environmental finalized as described in the P.7.1 of the Generic EMP. and Expert of SC Lead from project site to borrow areas selected by DPR consultants MoRTH: 305.2.2.2 in Appendix PIII- 4. for Package III has been presented Appendix PIII-4: Lead from Project site to Borrow Areas.

P.7.1 of the Generic EMP Generic Contractor/ PIU Fly ash will be procured from the Tanda Thermal Power Stations. P.7.2 of the P.7.2 Fly Ash Environmental Contractor will work out proper haulage road network for EMP Expert of SC transportation of fly ash from plant to project site as detailed in the P.7.2 of the Generic EMP. Environment-al will finalize the quarry for procurement of construction Appendix G8: List of Contractor P.7.3 Quarry Contractor Expert of materials as described in the P.7.3 of the Generic EMP. Quarries (Generic EMP). SC, and PIU

P.7.3 of the Generic EMP Environment-al for the construction water shall be done as per the P.7.4 P.7.4 of the Generic Contractor P.7.4 Arrangement for Arrangement Expert of EMP. EMP Construction Water of the Generic SC and PIU P.8 of the Generic Contractor Environment-al P. 8 Labor Requirements Refer P.8 of the Generic EMP. EMP Expert of SC and PIU camps, Appendix G5 B Contractor Environment-al P. 9 Construction Camp To mitigate environmental hazards the construction of the and the (Generic EMP) Expert of Locations- Selection, their locations, selection of the sites, design of the camps P.9 of the Generic SC, and PIU Design & Layout layout shall be done as specified in the P.9 of the Generic EMP. EMP Environmental for temporary land requirement will be done as stated P. 10 of the Generic Contractor P. 10 Arrangements for Arrangement Expert of P. 11 of the Generic EMP. EMP Temporary Land in the SC and PIU Requirement 3.4 4 In Jaint venture with - mm -mm - - - - EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environmental Issue 1 Mitigation Measures Reference Responsibility I I Document Implementation I Supervision CONSTRUCTION STAGE Construction Stage Activities by Contractor C.1 Site Clearance

C. 1.1 Clearing and Refer C. 1.1 of the of the Generic EMP C. 1.1 of the Generic Contractor Environment-al Grubbing EMP Expert, SC and PIU C. 1.2 Generation of Debris generated due to the dismantling of the existing road will be MoRTH 112.2 and Contractor Environment-al Debris from Dismantling suitably reused as specified in the C. 1.2 of the Generic EMP. MoRTH 112.6 Expert of Structures and Road C.1.2 of the Generic SC and PIU Surface of Existing NH- EMP 28 Section C. 1.3 Other Construction Location of disposal sites will be identified and finalized as stated in MoRTH: 201.2 Contractor Environmental Wastes Disposal the C. 1.3 of the Generic EMP. C.1.3 of the Generic Expert of SC including Fly Ash EMP and PIU, NHAI MoRTH: 301.3.11 C.1.4 Stripping, Refer C.1.4 of the Generic EMP. C.1.4 of the Generic Contractor Environmental Stocking and EMP Expert of Preservation of Top SC and PRJ Soils C. 1.5 Accessibility Refer C. 1.5 of the Generic EMP MoRTH: 112.7 Contractor Environrental expert of SC and C.1.5 of the Generic PIU, NHAI EMP C. 1.6 Planning for Temporary diversions will be constructed, maintained as detailed in MoRTH: 121.1 Contractor Environmental Traffic Diversions and the C. 1.6 of the Generic EMP. Expert of SC, Detours in the Existing C.1.6 of the Generic and PIU State Highways, District EMP and Village Roads C.2 Procurement of Construction Materials C.2.1 EarthfromBorrow The borrow areas will be dug, operated as per the C.2.1 of the MoRTH: 305.2 Contractor Environment-al Areas for Embankment Generic EMP. C.2.1 of the Generic Expert of Construction EMP SC and PIU

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4InJolin venture with EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Responsibility Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Reference Document Implementation Supervision Appendix G6: Criteria for Selecting Borrow Areas (Generic EMP) Environment-al Fly Ash Contractor will ensure that they will strictly follow the specification As specified in DPR Contractor C.2.2 Expert of given in IRC: SP: 58 for fly ash embankment construction and C.2.2 of the Generic PIU details mentioned in the C.2.2 of the Generic EMP. EMP SC and

Contractor Environmental C.2.3 Quarry Operations Refer C.2.3 of the Generic EMP MoRTH: 111.3 Appendix G 8: List expert of SC and of Selected Quarries PIU, NHAI (Generic EMP)

Contractor Environment-al C.2.4 Transporting Contractor will follow the details given in the C.2.4 of the Generic C.2.4 of the Generic Expert of Construction Materials EMP for transporting materials and management of haul roads. EMP SC and PIU and Haul Road Management Contractor. Environmental C.2.5 Construction Refer C.2.5 of the Generic EMP. C.2.5 of the generic Expert of SC Water EMP and PIU, NHAI. C.3 Construction work Contractor Environmental C.3.1 River Training and While carrying out construction over and close to the perenniaV non- C.3.1 of the Generic Expert of SC Disruption to other perennial streams, mitigation methods as described in the C.3.1 of EMP and PIU, NHAI Users of Water the Generic EMP shall be undertaken. Contractor. Environmental C.3.2 Drainage and For flood control and proper drainage contractor will follow the C.3.2 MoRTH: 305.3.7 306 Expert of SC, Flood Control of the Generic EMP. MoRTH: C.3.2 of the generic PIU, NHAI. EMP Contractor. Environmental C.3.3 Siltation of Water To avoid siltation of water bodies and degradation of water quality in MoRTH: 306 Expert of SC Bodies and Degradation the surface waters the mitigation methods as proposed in the C.3.3 of and PIU, NHAI. of Water Quality the Generic EMP shall be followed. Appendix PIII-5: Locations of Sediment cum Grease Traps

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EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Reference Responsibility Document Implementation Supervision C.3.3 of the Generic EMP (Appendix G4: BOQ Design 2: Silt Fencing Design 3: Combined Sediment cum Oil & Grease Trap).

C.3.4 Slope Protection The contractor will take slope protection measures as per the C.3.4 of the Generic Contractor Environmental Expert of SC and Control of Soil mitigation methods detailed out in the C.3.4 of the Generic EMP. EMP and PIU, NHAI Erosion MoRTH: 305.2.2.2 MoRTH: 306.2

C. 4 Pollution C.4. 1 Water Pollution C.4.1.1 The Contractor will take all precautionary measures to prevent the C.4.1.1 of the Contractor Environmental of SC Water Pollution from pollution due to construction and ancillary activities as mentioned in Generic EMP Expert and PIU, NHAI Construction Wastes the C.4. 1.1 of the Generic EMP. MoRTH: 111.4 Water MoRTH: 113.13 MoRTH: 111.1

Environmental C.4.1. 2 The contractor must refer the Generic EMP to ensure that water MoRTH: 111.4 Contractor Expert of SC Water Pollution from pollution due to fuel and lubricants can be attenuated. MoRTH: 113.13 and PIU, NHAI Fuel and Lubricants MoRTH: 111.1 Contractor will put up oil interceptor / traps to all the water bodies C.4. 1.2 Generic EMP near to the vehicle parking areas of construction sites Appendix P111-5: (AppendixPll-5). Location of Oil and Grease Traps Appendix G 4: BOQ Appendix G3: Design 3 and Design 4 (General EMP) C. 4. 2 Air Pollution C.4.2. 1 Dust Pollution The contractor will take every precaution to reduce the level of dust C.4.2. 1 of the Contractor Environmental of SC from Crusher/ Hot mix along construction sites involving earthwork, by following the Generic EMP Expert 3-7

In Joint venture with - m - - - - - T v t m m Managementplanfor ---_t Environmental - Package- IlI of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Reference Respon ibility Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Document Implementation Supervision MoRTH: 111.1 and PIU, NHAI Plants mnitigationmeasures stated in the C.4.2. lof the Generic EMP MoRTH: 111.5 MoRTH: 111.9 MoRTH: 111.10 MoRTH: 118.1 Contract document C.4.2.2 of the Contractor Environmental C.4. 2 .2 Emission from Refer C.4.2.2 of the Generic EMP. Generic EMP Expert of SC Construction Vehicles, and PIU, NHAI Equipment and Machineries MoRTH: 111.13 Contractor Environmental C.4.3 Noise Pollution: The Contractor shall refer the C.4.3 of the Generic EMP for MoRTH: 111.13 Expert of SC Noise from Vehicles, mitigation methods to attenuate noise pollution. MoRTH: 111.1 and PIU, NHAI Plants and Equipments Contractor will provide noise barriers, boundary wall and plantation MoRTH: 111.13 around the periphery to the suggested locations of select schools/ MoRTH: 111.6 health centers as suggested in the Generic EMP. Select locations of C.4.3 of the Generic schools, where noise barrier are suggested listed in Appendix Pm-6 EMP and design has been given in Appendix G3: design 5, Noise Appendix PIII-6: Barrier. Locations of Noise Barriers Appendix G3: design 5,Noise Barrier C. 5 Safety Contractor Environmental Personal Safety Measures for Labors must be taken up in accordance C.5.1 of the Generic C.5.1 Personal Safety Expert of SC with the C.5.1 of the Generic EMP. EMP Measures for Labours and PIU Contractor Environmental and Safety Traffic and Safety measures should be taken up as described in MoRTH: 112.4 C.5.2 Traffic 'Expert of SC Generic EMP. C.5.2 of the Generic EMP and PIU MoRTH: 112.1 Environment-al The contractor will comply with all the precautions required for the C.5.3 of the Generic Contractor C.5.3 Expert of safety of the workmen as detailed in the 5.3 of the Generic EMP. EMP Precautionary/Safety SC and PIU Measures during Construction

nJnvnfw3-8 - . ,, 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~In Jointventure wlth ------| -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH - 28

Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Reference Responsibility Document Implementation Supervision C.5.4 Risk from Refer C.5.4 of the Generic EMP. MoRTH: 106 Contractor Environment-al Expert of Electrical Equipment (s) C.5.4 of the Generic EMP SC and PIU C.5.5 Risk Force The contractor will take all precaution as stated in C.5.5 of the Contract requirement Contractor. Environmental of Measure Generic EMP to prevent danger to the workers and public In C.5.5 of the Expert Generic EMP SC and PIU Environmental C.5.6 First Aid The contractor will arrange for the first aid as detailed in the C.5.6 of MoRTH: 1207.6 Contractor the Generic EMP C.5.6 of the Generic Expert of SC EMP and PIU, NHAI C.5.7 Informatory Signs Informatory signs must be provided or made available as per C.5.7 C.5.7 of the Generic Contractor Environmental SC and Hoardings of the Generic EMP. EMP Expert of and PIU, NHAI C. 6 Plantation/Preservation/ Conservation Measures Environmental C.6.1 Road side The median plantation shall be carried out as described in the C.6.1 Appendix G 9: Contractor of SC Plantation and Appendix G 9 of the Generic EMP. Plantation Strategy Expert (C.6. 1 of the Generic and PIU, NHAI EMP) C.6.2 Chance found The contractor shall abide by the instructions given in the C.6.2 of C.6.2 of the Generic Contractor Environmental Expert of SC Fauna the Generic EMP. EMP and PIJ, NHAI C.6.3 Chance found All archaeological property found during the construction period C.6.3 of the Generic Contractor Environment-al Expert of Archaeological Property shall be dealt with as described in the C.6.3 of the Generic EMP. EMP SC and PIU

C.7 Labor Camp Management

C.7. 1 Potable Water The contractor will make arrangements for potable water as given in Contract Contractor Environmental the C.7.1 of the Generic EMP. Requirement Expert of SC and PIU, NHAI C.7.1 of the Generic EMP Environmental C.7. 2 Sanitation and The sanitation and sewerage system for the construction workers Contract Contactor Expert of SC Sewage System shall be provided in accordance with the measures suggested in the Requirement C.7.2 of the Generic EMP. C.7.2 of the Generic and PIU, NHAI EMP

In Joint venture with 7s EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Reference Responsibility Issue Mitigation Measures Environmental Document Implementation Supervision as MoRTH; 111.14 Contractor Environmental Disposal The contractor will provide adequate waste disposal facilities C.7. 3 Waste of the Generic Expert of SC described in the C.7.3 of the Generic EMP. C.7.3 EMP and PIU, NHAI

MoRTH: 111.1 Demobilization C.8 Contractor Contractor Environment-al prepare site restoration plans in accordance with the C.8 of the Generic C.8 Cleaning of Contractor will Expert of C.8 of the Generic EMP EMP Construction of Camps details given in the SC and PIU and Restoration ConstructionActivities by PIU - Environmental Cell to the Appendix G 9. PIU ESDA, Tree Plantation Roadside avenue plantation will be implemented according Con. 1. the Generic NHAI details mentioned in the Cons 1 of the Generic EMP. Con. 1 of EMP - STAGE . OPERATIONS Operationstage activities by PIU-Environmental Cell, NHAI the various 0.1 of the Generic PIU ESDA, 0.1 Monitoring operation performance of in the 0.1 EMP NHAI Monitoring Operation mitigation/enhancement measures carried out as described Performance of the Generic EMP. in the 0.3 of 0.2 of the Generic ESDA, Maintenance of Maintenance of drainage shall be done as detailed out 0.2 EMP PIU NHAI Drainage the Generic EMP Pollution NHAI The periodic monitoring of the ambient air quality, noise level, water 0.3 Pollution Monitoring ground and surface water) quality, soil pollution/ contamination Monitoring (both Agency. in the select location will be as suggested in the following subsection. the Generic Pollution NHAI Atmospheric pollution monitoring will be done as per the 0.3.1 of 0.3.1 of 0.3.1 Atmospheric Monitoring the Generic EMP EMP Pollution Agency

EMP 0.3.2 of the Generic Pollution NHAI Noise Pollution Noise pollution will be monitored as per o.3.2 of the Generic 0.3.2 EMP Monitoring IAgency done as given 0.4 of the Generic PIU/NHAI NHAI 0. 4. Soil Erosion and Soil Erosion and Monitoring of Borrow Areas will be 3 -10

7 F2VY7/ w InJoulnventurewith ------m m m - -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environmental Issue Mitigation Measures Reference Responsibilit Document Implementation Supervision Monitoring of Borrow in the 0.4 of the Generic EMP EMP Areas 0.5. Changes in Land NHAI shall take initiative and act as facilitator to prepare an action 0.5 of the Generic NHAI & Local NHAI Use Pattem plan for balanced regional development. The detailed description for EMP Authorities this objective is given in the 0.5 of the Generic EMP. (Revenue Department and Local Civic Bodies) 0.6 Other Activities Orientation of The orientation of implementing agency and contractors shall be 0.6 of the Generic PIU, NHAI ESDA, NHAI Implementing Agency organize as planned in the 0.6 of the Generic EMP. EMP and Contractors

3 -11

InJoint venturewith - w I I I I II I I I II I I ~~~~~~CHAPTER-IV I I ~~ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET I II I I I I I EnvironmentalManagement Plan for | Package--1l of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Pace- wEnvironmental Budget

4.1 Environmental Budget

Environmental budget has been checked considering BOQ with respect to Delhi Schedule of rates published for CPWD. The unit rates for air, water and noise quality monitoring appears to be in line with the prevailing market rates. This budget does not include the slope and embankment protection costs. The embankment protection costs have been included in the DPR considering feasible options based on sensitivity analysis. The tree cutting costs has been included, which has been categorized into four groups and accordingly cost has been calculated. The compensatory aforestation has been suggested at the ratio of 1:2 and cost of which has been calculated @ Rs. 500 per tree including its maintenance for three years. In addition of compensatory aforestation, provision of road side plantation and its maintenance has also been considered and for which cost has been estimated to be Rs. 500 per plant for the tree saplings and Rs 250 per plant for shrubs based on 80% survival rate. Thus, the total cost comes out to be Rs. 7,48,23,607 (Rupees-74.823 million only). The break up of the costs is given in the following table. l l l I I I l I

4 -1 744? 1s,. | }.,-hI^li-PF 0* m n m - m m - m m

EnvironmentalManagement Plan for Package- IIIof Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Table 4.1: Environmental Budget for Package III of Lucknow - Ayodhya Section of NH-28

COMPONENT STAGE ITEM Unit Unit Cost QUANTITY Total Cost (Rs.) (INR) Mitigation Costs Relocation of Hand Pumps No. Covered in RAP Relocation of Ponds/compensation m3 90 40014.0 36,01,260 Pre- Construction of Retaining Wall m 1200 231 6,13,998 Construction Water Pond Cleaning no 1000 1 1000

Slit Fencing (20 m long) No. of 10,000 8 80,000 locations Construction Combined oil and Sedimentation Chambers No. 60,000 2 X 2= 4 (two locations and 2,40,000 at Truck Lay byes two numbers at each locations) Oil Interceptors at Construction Vehicles and No. 9,000 2 18,000 Machinery Parking Areas Soil Construction Turfing / Pitching Sq.m. - Covered in Engineering costs Barriers for reducing noise levels at sensitive m 2658 40 1,06,320 Operation receptor locations (raising of boundary walls up to 5.5 m) Noise Plantation as noise barrier Noise Construction Double row No. 500 10 5,000 Single row No. 500 365 1,82,500 Boundary wall (1.5 m height) m 940 935 8,78,900 Flora Construction Cost of Tree cutting a) up to 120 cm girth size & 50 m lead 200 1319 2,63,800 b) up to 120 cm girth size & 100 m lead No 300 1319 3,95,700 c) Above 120 cm girth size & 50 m lead . 300 2093 6,27,900 d) Above 120 cm girth size & 100 m lead 400 2093 8,37,200 Compensation for afforestation 500 9990 49,95,000 Plantation of tree saplings for avenue and its No. 500 33210 1,66,05,000 ______maintenance ______

4-2 r7fl/ Ii jontrNut.4 It EnvironmentalManagement Plan for ~ -m------Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

COMPONENT STAGE ITEM Unit Unit Cost QUANTITY Total Cost (Rs.) (INR) Plantation of saplings at median and side including its maintenance for construction No. 250 1,62,000 4,05,00,000 period E (A) Sub-total Mitigation Measures 6,99,51,578 Monitoring Costs Monitoring near all hot mix plant locations No. of 3, 8-hr. samples per day, 2,16,000 approved by the environmental expert of Samples 6000 quarterly for 3 years (3 x 4 x Supervision Consultants 3=36 samples) Construction . . . . . No. of 3, 8-hr. samples per day, 2,16,000 Monitorig at construction sites i tandem Samples 2000 quarterly for 3 years in 3 Air with construction locations (=108 samples) 3, 8 hrs samples for each day 3,24,000 Operation At sensitive receptors specified in the No. of 6000 for 3 consecutive days, for three monitoring plan Samples seasons at two locations for one year. (Total 54 samples) (i) Ground Water Sources (one) No. of Once in a year (before the onset 54000 Construction (ii) Any one major natural drain/canal ( at Samples 4,500 of monsoon) for 3 years at 4 least one surface water bodies) locations (12 samples) (iii) Potable water sources (Two)

.i) Ground Water Sources (Two) Three locations; one in pre- 27,000 Water Quality (i) Groun Water Soturce (Two) monsoon and one in post- Operation leastleAstone4,0 one -do- yeromonsoon foroprtoprid( the initial one surface water sample) year of operation period (6 samples). At equipment yards No. of 1,000 Once every month for 3 years 36, 000 Samples (36 samples)

As directed by the Environmental Expert of No. of 1,000 Once in every 4 months (3 Noise Construction SC Samples times a year) for 3 years at 3 27,000

______locations (27 samples)catins__7_saples z7fl,w 4-3-3 m m - m m m m m m

Environmental ManagementPlan for Package - III of Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH - 28

COMPONENT STAGE ITEM Unit Unit Cost QUANTITY Total Cost (Rs.) (INR) No.of 1,000 3 times a year at 3 locations for Operation As directed by PIU Engineer No.of initial year of operation (9 9,000 samples) At productive agricultural lands abutting 10,000 3 locations once in a year for 90,000 Construction traffic detours and traffic diversions, to be No of three years (9 samples) identified by the Environmental Expert of SC Samples

Soil At accident/spill locations involving bulk No. of 10,000 Maximum three times in 90,000 Operation transport carrying hazardous materials Samples operational phase at 3 locations (9 samples). (B) Sub-total Monitoring Costs 10,89,000 Training and Mobilization Costs Training and Portion of Mobilization Construction As per modules developed by NHAI L.S. total cost of 2,10,000 costs and operation training Facilities and Construction Common for all packages and provision has Will be shared with Package-I Equipments and operation been kept in package I Stake holder Monitoring for land use changes and holding No 2000 5 meetings 10, 000 Consultation Construction meetings with civic authorities meetings Independent Common for all packages and provision has reviewer for EMP Construction been kept in package I L.S _ compliance (C) Sub- total Training & Mobilization Costs 2,20,000 Total Costs (A+B+C) 7,12,60,578 Contingency @ 5% 35,63,028.9 Total Budgeted Costs for Package-III 7,48,23,607 (Rupees-74.823million only)

4-4 /Isg ZMV

i slEulture wit 4 I I I I I I I I I Ig I II I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I I I I I I EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhya sectionof NH - 28

Appendix PIII-1

List of Trees to be cut from Proposed ROW of Package - III

Chainage Specie LHS RHS *(kmG) < LHS LHS RHS Grand

Girth Size <3 30-1 60- 190- 1 120- 90 Total 30-1 60- 190- 1120-1 90- 1 Total Total Pakg-I (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 |1180 80<060 90 120 180 180 >8 * Package-ll======93.000- Arjun 2 1 3 3 3 94.000 Ashok 3 1 1 5 5 Chilwal _ |8 |8 | 8 Gulmohar 1 1 1 Jatnun 2 2 4 4 8 8 Kadam I 1 2 2 2 Khajur 4 4 4 Mango 20 13 32 3 35 35 Neem 5 3 8 8 8

I Neem Chameli I1 1 Pakaria 2 T 1 3 3 Sagun I 1 2 2 2 Sahtut I I I Sissam 1 1 1 5 4 9 9 10

94.000- Amaltush 1I 1

Arjun 5 3 8 8 8

Ashok | I I Bargat 2 2 2 Chilwal 7 7 7 Gulhar 3 3 3 Khajur = 3 4 4 Mahua 1 1 I Mango 1 7 25 16 41 20 69 69 Mehendi | = 4 2 7 7

| ~~~~~~NeemI|

Neem Chameli I I I

Pakaria 5 5 5 I Singri 4 4 4 Sissam 2 4 4 4

95.000- Amaltush 96.000 3 3 3 Arjun 2 2 4 5 5

| ~~~~~~Ashok= I = = = 2 2 5 * ~~~~~~Bargat T T I T41 4 4 4 Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 7 7 7

1~~~~~~~~~Ilso 1 1 -tirm - t obvn^ 7 f 0wS EnvironmentalManagement plan for 0 Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya sectionof NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) LHS _ RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 60 90 120 180 180 Gulmohar I I I Jam|un 2 1 3 3 6 6 Kadam 1 I I 1 Mango 10 7 17 17 17 Mehendi 3 1 4 4 Pakaria 7 7 7 Sahtut I I 1 2 2 Semul ======3 3 3 Singri 6 1 1 2 8 8 Sissam 8 6 14 14 14 96.000- Amrud 1 I 1 97.000 Arjun 2 5 3 8 10 10 Ashok 11 I 1 13 13 Babool 1 3 2 5 6 6 Bel I I 1 Chilwal 32 32 32 Gulmohar 2 1 3 3 3 Jamun 3 3 3 Khajur 4 1 5 5 Mahua I 1 1 2 2 Mango 3 2 5 5 5 Neem 7 5 12 12 12 96 000- Neem Chameli 2 2 2 97.000 Pakaria 18 1 1 129 19

_ _ Sagun 1 1 2 2 12 97.000- Sissam T 6 10 26 26 26 97.000- Arjun 3 10 6 16 19

Ashok 4 1 2 1 1 2 9 9 Bargat I 1 I

Chilwal 1 3 13 13 Gulhar_ _ _ _I 2 3 5 5 Gulmohar I 1 1 2 2 Imli I I I 1 Jamun | _ 2 4 14 18 18 Khajur 8 8 8 * ~~~~~~Mahua =I = = I I==_ l ~~~~~~~MangoT=== 16 10 26 26 26 Mehendi 6 = = - - 6 6 Neem 4 3 7 7 7

Neem Chameli I I I

! In lin- -2 /0t5 Inlsint Vnhrs wSl + EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS __(km) LHS _ _ _ RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total <30 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 60 90 120 180 180 Pakaria 8 1 1 2 10 10 Sagun 4 2 6 6 6 Semul I 1 I I Singri ______= _ _ _ 3 1 1 4 4 Sissam 13 8 21 21 21 Amaltush 3 3 3 3 6 989.000 A iun 2 5 4 9 11 1 1 2 4 15 Ashok 2 2 2 Babool I I I I I Bargat 1 I 1 Chilwal 10 10 2 2 12 Gulhar 2 1 3 2 5 5 Gulmohar I 1 2 2 1 1 3 Jamun 4 2 6 6 6 Khajur 4 1 5 5 Mahua I 1 I I Mango 7 4 11 1i 4 2 6 6 17 Mehendi 4 4 2 2 6 Neem 4 3 7 7 2 1 3 3 10 NeemChameli _ _ _

Pakaria 8 1 1 9 9 9 18 Sagun | 3 2 5 5 = = = = 5 Semul I I 1 2 1 4 1 1 5 Singri _ 2 - 2 - 5 =5 9900 1Sissam = = = 8 5 13 = 13 = _ = 5 3 8 = 8 21

100.000 Ar jun 1 3 2 5 = 6 _ _ 1 1 2 2 18 *Ashok I 6 ======6 = 6 Bargat = 2 2 2 Ber I = I * ~~~~~Chilwal 7 7 8 8 15 | ~~~~~Gulmohar = I- _I = _ = _ =- Jamun 3 2 5 1 6 6 Kadam = 2 1 1 1 Mango 25 16 41 2 43 2 2 4 4 47 Mehendi I I I Neem 3 2 5 5 5 Pakaria 3 1 1 4 4 4 8 Sahtut I I _ Semul I 1 2 2 2

Singri 2 2 4d 4 _ Sissam~~~= =3=13~ 8 21 F21 = _ = 6 4 10 = 10 3 *| -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~I mn mnmui30 -^z 47 nopw~ EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km)| LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 <30 60 90 120 180 180 >180 100.000- Arjun 3 2 5 5 4 2 6 6 11

Ashok 9 1 1 I II 11 Bargat 2 2 1 1 3 1 Bel 3 3 3 100.000- Chilwal 1 1 20 20 21 101.000I Eucaliptu 3 3 3

Gulhar 4 4 4 Gulmohar I I I 1 Imli ______- 1 2 2 Jamnun 2 2 4 5 9 9 Khajur I_ 2 1 2 3 5 Mango 6 20 14 34 12 52 2 1 3 3 55 Mehendi 1 1I 1 Neem 4 3 7 7 2 1 3 3 10

Neem Chameli 1 1 1

Pakaria 6 6 6 Pipal I 1 - * ~~~~~~Sahijan I I I *Singri = 4 _=1= 1 5=

1200 Sissam _ _ _ 3 2 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 4 1 28 69 692 72

Arjun 5 3 8 8 = 7 4 11 11 19 Ashok I 1 4 1 1 6 7 Babool = I 1 2 1 1 2 5 6 Bargat I 1 Ber 5 5 5 Chilwal 6 6 20 20 26 I~~~~~~~Eucaliptu 4 2 _ 3 7 7 Gulhar 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 7 Gulmohar 1 1 2 2 2 Jamun 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 Kadam I I I 1 Khajur 2 2 6 6 8

Mahua 1 1 1 Mango 1 1 10 6 16 8 26 8 6 14 14 40 Mehendi 2 2 1 5 1 _ 6 h ~~~~~~Neem _ I 2 = 2 = = = 4 3 7 7 9

Neem Chameli 1 1 1 2 5 7..,.54OM- 88Pakaria| L I 8 QI 13 Environmental Management plan for Package - III of Lucknow - Ayodhya section of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS * ~~~(km) LHS ______RHSGrand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total <30130- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 60 90 120 180 180 Sagun 2 1 3 3 3 Sahtut 1 1 2 2 Semul1 1 1 Sissam 5 4 9 9 9 13 9 22 31 40 102.000- Arjun 8 5 13 13 13 103.000 Arju Ashok _ 5 1 1 6 6 Babool I I1 1 2 2 2 ChameliChilwal I 9 9I 91 Gulmohar 1 1 2 2 2 Jamun 2 2 4 5 9 9 I ~~~~~~Kadam 1 1I1 2 2 Khajur 4 4 4 Mahua I I I Mango 6 4 10 10 10 Neem 6 4 to 10 10

Neem Chameli 1 I I 1

Pakaria 9 9 9 Sagun | 3 2 5 5 5 Sahijan I I Sissam 4 6 4 10 14 14

1034.000- Amaltush 6 6 6

Arjun 7 5 12 12 12 Ashok = 3 3 1 7 7 I Chilwal 1 15 15 15 Gulhar 1 1 2 3 5 5 3 Gulmohar 2 5 5 5 Imli = =I = 1 _Jamun 3 3 3

1034.000- Khajur 4 1 5 5

Mango _ I 6 4 10 10 10 Mehendi 2 4 6 6 Neem 4 2 6 6 6 Pakaria 18 18 18

Sagun 1 1 2 2 2 Semul 5 4 9 2 11 11 Singri 2 1 1 2 4 4 Sissam 4 1 1 8 19 23 23 I1 1 104.000-105.000 Amrud 1___ Arjun _ 1 5 4 9 10 4 3 7 = 7 17

I1Il 2O-' V.1 EnvironmentalManagement plan for I Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS _ (km) LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- 18 Total <30 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >10 < 60 90 120 180 180 Ashok 12 1 3 1 1 1 3 6 Babool 1 3 2 5 6 6 Bargat 1 1 1

Chilwal 17 17 25 25 42 Gulhar I 1 2 3 5 5 Gulmohar I 1 1 2 1 1 1 3

Imli = = I 1 I1 1 2 Jamun 2 2 4 8 12 2 2 14 Kadam 1 1 I Khajur 4 4 4 Mahua 1 1 1 1 1 2 Mango 3 2 5 5 8 6 14 14 19 Mehendi 6 6 1 1 7 Neem 1 1 2 2 4 3 7 7 9

Neem Chameli 1 1 1 1 2

Pakaria 8 2 1 3 11 9 9 20 3 Sagun 21 3 3 1 1 2 2 5 Sahtut | _ = Semul1111 Singri 3 --- 114 4 Sissam 10 7 17 17 3 14 10 24 27 44 105.000-106.000 Amaltush 3 I_I__I__I_3 3 Arjun 1 9 6 15 16 8 6 14 14 30 Ashok 7 _ 1 1 1 2 11 3 1 4 15

Bargat _ 2 2 22 Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal I I I I 4 4 15 I Gulmohar 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 5 Jamun 2 2 4 5 9 3 3 12 Kadam I II I I I Khaj ur 3 3 5 5 8 Mango 9 6 15 15 7 4 11 11 26 Mehendi 3 1 4 1 1 2 6 Neem 6 10 10 3 2 5 5 15

Neem Chameli I _ I1 I

Pakaria 14 1 1 15 5 5 20 Sagun I I 1 3 2 5 5 6 Sahtut 2 2 _2 2 Semul I I 1 Singri 1 I 1 1 3 3 Sissam 15 10 25 25 10 7 17 17 42

Ui|i,4I Flt 1s r m1- -- t 04,in EnvironmentalManagement plan for ; | Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS 3 (kin)(km) - - - LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 <30 60 90 120 180 180 106.000- Amaltush I I I

Amrud 1 1 2 2 Arjun 1 3 2 5 6 6 Ashok 5 2 1 1 1 9 9 Babool 6 4 10 10 10 Bargat 2 2 2 Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 26 26 26

Gulmohar 2 1 3 3 = 1 1 4 Kadamn _ _ _ 3 2 5 1 6 6

Kadam 1 1~~~~1 19 19 1 ____ Mango 1 1 8 1 9 1 919 106.000- Mehendi I 1 2 2 107.000____ Neem 8 5 13 13 13 Pakaria 5 5 = _ 4 4 9 Sahtut I 1 I 2 2 Singri 2 1 1 2 4 4 Sissam 16 10 26 26 26

107.000 Ariun 7 4 11 11 11 108.000___ Bargat I1 Bel 2 _ _ _ 2 = -- 2

Chilwal 117 17 17 I~~~~~~~~~~Eucaliptu 3 ===3 3

Jamun 1 2 5 7 7 7 Khajur 3 1 1 4 4 Mahua I I I Mango 9 6 15 15 15 Neem I 1 2 2 2

Neem Cha meli I I I I I1

Pakaria 8 8 8 Sagun 2 1 3 3 3 Sissam 34 22 56 56 56 108.000- 109.000 Arjun 1 1 2 2 3 2 5 1 6 8 Ashok 4 4 4 Bargat I I I Bel I I 1 Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 8 88 I l I i31crall2Gulmoharl I I HH I12 2T8F H HI 2

| 75In lain?U mtm wett EnvironmentalManagement plan for j | Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS

(km)___ LHS _ RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 60 90 120 180 180 >180 Jamun 1 1 2 1 3 13

Khajur 4 4 4 Mango 30 2 10 11 8 19 17 78 13 8 21 21 99 Mehendi 1 1 I Neem 1 1 2 2 2

Neem 2 3 4 1 ~~~~~Chameli2I 1I 4 Pakaria 7 = = 7 4 4 11 Pipal 1 1 1 Sahijan I I1 Sahtut I = l = == I * ~~~~~~Sissam= =1 l 7 18 18 4 3 7 7 25 109.'000- Amrud I __ 2 =2

Arjun = = = 2 2 4 4 3 2 5 5 9 Ashok 4 1 1 6 2 2 4 10 Babool 1 2 2 2 4 7 = 1 I = 2 9 Bargat I I I Ber 3 3 2 2 5 Chameli I I I Chilwal 22 22 15 15 37 Eucaliptu 4 4 4 S Gulhar 2 2 2 Gulmohar I I 1 lamun 2 2 4 4 8 11 11 19 Kadam I I 1 2 1 1 3 Khajur 6 6 7 1 8 14 Mahua I I 1 Mango 1 1 71 7 41 12 12 Mehendi I I Neem 5 4 9 9 9

Neem Chameli I 1 1 2 2

Pakaria 12 12 14 14 26 Sagun 2 3 3 3 3 Sahijan I I I Sahtut I I 1 2 2 Semul | _ _ Sissam 1 2 1 3 14 8 6 14 14 28 110.000- AmrudII I

111.000____ Arjun 4 2 6 6 2 1 3 3 9 Ashok 3 2 5 4 1 1 6 11 Chilwal 7 7 16 16 23

I - 8 - EnvironmentalManagement plan for | Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 <30 60 90 120 180 180 >180 Gulhar 1 1 2 3 5 _ 5 Gulmohar 1 1 I I I 1 2 Jamun 3 3 3 Khajur 6 1 7 3 1 4 11 Mahua I I I Mango I I I 5 4 9 9 10 Mehendi 1 3 4 _ 4 Neem 3 2 5 5 2 - 2 2 7

Neem Chameli 1 1 1

Pakaria 10 10 10 Sagun 1 1 2 2 2 1 Singri ~~ ~1 ~~ 1 ~~~22 4 4 Sissam _ 3 7 5 12 15 8 8 6 14 22 37

111.000- Amaltush 3 3 3 112.000 1 Amrud I _ I - _ I__

Babool 2 1 3 3 3 Bargat 2 2 2 Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 20 20 20 Gulmohar 1 2 1 3 4 4 Jamun 5 5 5 Kadam 1 I I Khajur 1 1 2 2 Mango 2 1 5 4 9 3 155 1 1 1 16 Mehendi 2 2 4 2 2 6 Neem I I I I

Neem Chameli I I I

Pakaria 19 19 19 Sahtut I I I I Semul 2 2 4 1 5 5 Singri 2 1 1 3 3 F Sissam 3 6 15 18 18

112.000- Amaltush 3 3 3 113.000____ Arjun 1 1 2 - 2 2 Ashok 8 2 1 = = 2 3 5 16

Babool 1 1 2 2 = 2 Bargat I I I Bel I _ = 3 Chilwal 7 7 8 8 15

4 | EI r l; 9rt-r- /CoP aw EnvironmentalManagement plan for I Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 <30 60 90 120 180 180 >180

I Gulmohar I I 13_ I 3

Jamun = 1 2 = 2 2 2 4 4 6 I Khajur 5 5 5 5 10 Mango 5 I 10 13 8 21 17 54 2 2 4 9 13 67 Mehendi 2 2 2 Neem 2 2 4 4 2 1 3 1 4 8

Neem Chameli I 7 7 Pakaria| _ 4 = = = = 4 = = 10 = - 10 14 Sagun 1 1 2 2 1 1 1= - 3 Semul 2 1 3 2 5 5 I Singri 3 1 1 2 5 5 Sissam 2 1 3 3 6 4 10 10 13

113.000- Amaltush 3 3 3 114.000 Amrud 1 * ~~~~~~Arjun= = = 4 2 6 6 6 6 1 Ashok 6 1 1 1 8 1 9 Babool 3 2 5 5 5 Bargat I I 1 Ber 2 2 2

1134000- Chilwal 6 6 1 1 7

Gulmohar I I 1 2 2 = = _ 2 Jamun 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 Kadam 1 1 1 Khajur 1 I I Mango 1 1 19 12 31 1 34 1 1 1 35 I Mehendi 2 2 = = 3 Neem 5 3 8 8 8 Pakaria 18 18 =1 19 Sahtut I 111 S-issam 9 6 15 15 _1 1 16 114.000-115.000 Amrud 1___ I I I Arjun 5 3 8 3 II 11 Ashok 5 1 2 = = 8 4 1 1 6 14 I Babool 1 2 I 3 4 1 I 1 5 Bel I I I Chilwal 14 14 16 16 30 [Gulmohar 1 1 2 2 2 Jamun 1 1 2 10 12 12 3 Kadam 2 2 = = = = = - 2

-11 tO -40;1 11 ; raIo- I"/~ la lsint Vmmhuv.udab EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 60 90 120 180 180 Khajur | 8 8 2 2 10

Mahua 1 1 I I 1 Mango = 1 6 4 10 11 1 I 1 2 = 2 13 Mehendi 2 2 2 Neem 3 2 5 5 2 1 3 1 4 9

Neem Chameli 2 2 2

Pakaria 17 17 6 6 23 Sagun 2 2 4 4 4 Sissam I11 8 5 13 1 24 4 2 6 6 30 1156.000 jn I I14 8 6 14 14 156.000 ru Ashok I = = = 1 2 1 1 1 = 5 6 Babool _1 2 2 4 5 5 Bel I_I I I

Chilwal 1 1 14 14 15 Gulmohar _ 1 I 1 1 2 2 3 Jamun 5 5 1 1 5 6 11 Kadam I 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 Khajur 2 1 3 2 2 5 Mahua 1 I 2 2 2 I Mango 13 8 21 21 12 12 33 Neem = 5 3 8 1 9 9

Neem Chameli 2 2 2

Pakaria 1 1 8 8 9 Sagun 4 3 7 7 7 Sissam 1 1 2 2 15 10 25 25 27 116.000- Amrud I I I

1 Arjun 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 6 Ashok 5 I 3 9 4 2 1 7 16 Babool 1 1 3 2 5 7 7

Bargat I I I Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 21 21 5 5 26 Gulmohar I 1 2 2 2 " ~~~~~~Jamun_5 5 = = = 1 10 I 1 16 3 Khajur 5 -5 4 = 5 to Mango 2 2 4 4 1 1 2 3 5 9 Mehendi 1 1 2 2 3 Neem 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 6 Pakaria 5 1 I511 16 3 ~~~~~~Sagun- 1 2 - 2 2

In Iint Nanti. abCO w EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (kin) - - - - - LHS ------RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180 Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- >180Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 60 90 120 180 180 Sahtut I 1 1 Sissam I- 1 6 4 10 1 = 4 3 7 7 18

117.,000- ru 41111 1 118.000 Arjun 1 8 6 14 15 1 1 16 117.000- Ashok 5 1 1 1 1 8 2 1 3 It

118.000 _ __ Babool 1 I 1 2 3 3 Bargat = 2 2 2 Ber _ 2 2 2 Chilwal 10 10 7 7 17 Gulmohar 2 2 4 4 4 Imli I I I I Jamun I 1 5 6 1 1 3 4 10 Kadam 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 Khajur 5 2 7 7 NMahua I 1 2 2 Mango 6 4 10 10 4 3 7 7 17 *Mehendi 2 _ 2 1 1 2 4

| Neem = - = 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 8

Neem Chameli I 1 1

Pakaria| _ I 9 9 8 = 8 17 Palm 2 2 = = 2 :119200 Sagun _ 4 2 6 7 7 * ~~~~~~Semul_ _ ======-- 2 2

Singri _ 4 I I 5 5 118.0Sissam = _ 14 10 6 16 30 8 6 14 14 44

119.000 Amaltush 3 . 3 3

Arjun 7 5 12 12 4 3 7 7 19 Ashok I I I I 3 3 Chilwal 5 5 4 4 9

Gulhar - I - Gulmohar 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 Jamun 2 2 4 1 5 5 Khajur 5 _ 5 5 Mango 3 18 12 30 28 61 5 3 8 8 69 Mehendi 4 2 6 6 Neem 4 3 7 1 8 8 Pakaria 9 9 2 2 11

| Sagun _ 1 2 2 2 Sahtut _I 1 2 2 2 Sissam _ _ = 8 6 14 1 15 6 4 10 10 25

139.000 Amaltush 3 3 3 | r -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12-

Inlsla wano S'S th |^-re EnvironmentalManagement plan for 3 Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) SeeL LHS RHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total | (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 8 0 60 90 120 180 180 Arjun 2 2 4 4 6 4 10 10 14 Ashok 8 2 3 1 1 14 14 Bargat 3 3 3 Ber 4 4 4 Chilwal 20 20 8 8 28 Gulmohar I 1 2 2 4 4 Imli 2 2 2 Jamun I 1 2 2 3 2 5 3 8 10 Kadam 1 1 1 Mahua I 1 1 1 Mango 7 4 11 11 2 2 4 4 15 Mehendi 4 2 6 6 Neem 3 2 5 1 6 6

Neem Chameli 1 1I

Pakaria 18 18 5 5 23 Sagun = 2 1 3 3 3 Sahtut I 1 2 2 2 Semul 1 3 2 5 3 9 9 Singri 3 2 1 3 6 6

Sssam _10 6 16 16 _ 11 7 1 8 1 8 34 120.000- Amrud I I 1

| ~~~~~~Arjun= _ = 3 2 5 = 5 = - = 5

_ _ SisAshok 4 I I 6 6 Bargat Bel 2 2 2 Chilwal _ 23 23 9 9 32 Eucaliptu _ 2 2

120.00- Gulmohar _1 121'.000 Guloha I1

Jamun 5 5 5 Khajur 2 2 2 Mango I 2 1 3 12 15 = = 1 _1 2 2 17 Neem I I 1

Neem Chameli I 1 1

Pakaria 12 12 4 4 16 Sissam 7 5 12 12 = 11 7 18 18 30

122.000- Arjun 5 4 9 9 5 4 9 9 18

122.000 Ashok 5 2 1 1 1 9 6 4 10 19 Babool _ I = Bargat 1 1 1

IR r 1l-llfbl t s1^s 1 °+S,...1 EnvironmentalManagement plan for 0 3 Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya sectionof NH - 28

Chainage Specie LHS RHS (km) LHS RHS Grand Girth Size <3 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total 30- 60- 90- 120- 90- Total Total (cm) 0 60 90 120 180 180 >180 <30 60 90 120 180 180

Bel I I I Ber 2 2 2 Chilwal 7 7 4 4 11 Eucaliptu I I 1

Gulhar 1 1 1 1 Gulmohar I 1 2 2 1 1 1 3

Imli I1 2 2 2 Jamun I 1 7 8 2 1 3 = 3 11 Kadam I 1 2 2 2 Khajur 7 1 8 1 1 9 Mango 2 2 4 3 7 2 2 4 4 11 Mehendi 2 2 2 2 4 Neem 3 2 5 2 7 1 1 2 2 9

Neem Chameli I I 1 2

Pakaria 9 6 5 5 14

Sahtut__ _= ssam 9 6 15 15 10 7 17 17 32 11222.°2°7°-Amrud ___ _ = _ _ _

Arjun 3 2 5 5 5 Pulmoa I I | ~~~~~~AshokI I I 3 1 2 _ = 3 6 I Babool I I I I Bargat I- I 1

| ~~~~~~Chilwal 6 6 __ 5 5 it Gulhara 2 3 3 2 2 13 Gulmohar I I I _ - = - 1 Jamun 9 9 9 Mango I 1 2 _ 2 _2 _ 3 3 5 Mehendi 3 2 _5 _5

Neem I I I _ - - = I- Pak-aria 10 .10 2 2 12 * ~~~~~~Sagun I I - I | ~~~~~~Singri1 2 _ 3 = _ ======3 Sissam 2 2 4 4 4

255 68 365 686 442 1141 534 3491 201 49 329 685 447'1135 487 3333 6824

Summary LHS RHS Total Grand Total Trees<120 1374 1264 2638 6824 Tree>120 2117 2069 4186 I I! ur In.ll nfilillililrwtr- o/WSz4-14- Inblut VentriwIll0*17 EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya sectionof NH - 28

Appendix PIII-2

List of Affected Community Utilities including Suggested Mitigation Measures

Ch. (km) I Status of Impact Mitigation measures Hand pumps 93.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 93.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 93.300 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 94.000 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 94.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 94.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 95.700 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 95.700 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 95.800 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 96.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 98.000 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 100.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 100.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 100.920 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 100.920 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 101.00 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 101.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 101.920 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 101.950 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP _102.700 103.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 103.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 104.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP * _104.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 104.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 105.300 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 105.320 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 105.350 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 106.350 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 108.050 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 108.500 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 108.550 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 1 108.850 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 109.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 109.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 110.800 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 111.300 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 111.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 111.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 111.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 112.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 112.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 112.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 112.550 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 112.800 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 113.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 114.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 114.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 114.920 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 114.922 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP

12.400 Affected lelTo berelocated/compensaInt assugngmswdhi Sn' Environmental Management plan for Package - Ill of Lucknow - Ayodhya section of NH - 28

115.000 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.020 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.150 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.150 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 115.450 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.050 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.150 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP * 116.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP | 116.400 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.500 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.630 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.630 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.700 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP Affected __116.740To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.750 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.840 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.850 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 116.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.030 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.040 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.050 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.050 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 117.250 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.890 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 117.950 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.000 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 118.050 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP * 118.120 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.250 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.350 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 118.450 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.500 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 118.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP I 119.800 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 119.850 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 119.850 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 1 120.000 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.100 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.200 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.250 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.600 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.700 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 12.850 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 120.712 120.200Affected ToTo~I bebein relocated/compensatedreoated/Boin enatdass as suggestedte inn RAPA I 120.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP -2- 6t EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya sectionof NH- 28 l

121.100 Affected To be relocated/cornensated as sugested in RAP 121.150 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP Affected _121.150 To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 121.150 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 121.450 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 121.900 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP F 122.240 Affected Faizabad Bypass To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 13.800 Affected To be relocated/compensated as suggested in RAP 1 ~~~~14.050 Affected To be relocated/cornpensated as suggested in RAP

List of Ponds*l * Chainag Side Distance Area (m) Present Use Status Mitigation/Enhancement (km) from Measures CCI _(m 93.15 R 11.0 5 x 20 It is not in use. Affected (100%) As it is not in use, therefore, relocation is not suggested but it will be compensated. 94.10 R 10.0 40 x 125 Mainly used for irrigation, Affected (100%) To be relocated. bathing, washing cloths and utensils. 94.25 R 10.0 5 x 5 Used for cattle bathing. Affected As it is not in use, therefore, (100%). relocation is not suggested but it will be compensated. 94.50 R 50.0 40 x 50 Mainly used for irrigation, Not Affected Retaining wall to be provided as washing for bathing, enhancement measure washing cloths and utensils. 94.85 R 14.0 8 x 10 It is not in use and infested Affected As it is not in use, therefore, with Water Hyacinth. (100%). relocation is not suggested but it I will be compensated. 94.95 R 9.0 10 x 12 Pond is not in use. Affected (100%) As it is not in use, therefore, relocation is not suggested but will be compensated I 95.00 L 8.5 40 x 15 Used for cattle bathing. Affected (100%) Pond will be I relocated/compensated 95.00 R 9.0 15 x 12 Pond is not in use. Affected (100%) As it is not in use, therefore, relocation is not suggested but will be compensated 98.70 L 70.0 40 x 60 Mainly used for irrigation. Not Affected No enhancement measure is ______suggested 101.60 L 30.0 100 x 30 Used for cattle bathing and Not Affected As enhancement measure for irrigation. retaining wall to be provided. 105.20 R 8.0 20 x 15 Pond is used for irrigation Affected (100%) Pond will be I but infested with Water relocated/compensated Hyacinth 111.70 L 10.5 10 x 20 Used for cattle bathing and Affected (100%) Pond will be I for irrigation. relocated/compensated 113. R 15.0 70 x 70 Not in any use and infested Affected (100%) As pond is not in use relocation 960 with Water Hyacinth. is not suggested but will be I______compensated 114.60 L 11.5 60 x 40 Pond is very shallow Affected (100%) Pond will be mainly used for irrigation relocated/compensated and infested with Water I Hyacinth 117.90 R 8.0 12 x 8 Pond is not in use. Affected (100%) As pond is not in use, therefore, relocation is not suggested but it l will be compensated

3 -/g =p JImtlnVmtrn E_ 4l,. Environmental Management plan for Package - IlIlof Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH - 28

118.25 R 12.0 45 x 50 Not in any use. Affected As pond is not in use, therefore, 1 (100%). relocation is not suggested but __ I _ willbe compensated 120.30 R 42.0 40 x 10 Not in any use and infested Not Affected Cleaning is suggested as with Water Hyacinth. enhancement measure. * Faizabad Bypass 3.30 R 9.0 45 x 45 Not in any use and infested Affected As pond is not in use, therefore, with Water Hyacinth. (100%). relocation is not suggested but it will be compensated 9.400 L 10.0 70 x 25 Used mainly for irrigation Affected Pond will be I (100%). relocated/compensated 9.400 R 10.0 50 x 25 Mainly used for irrigation. Affected Pond will be

_* (100%). relocated/compensated 11.40 L 15.0 100 x 30 Mainly used for irrigation. Affected Pond will be (100%). relocated/compensated All the affected ponds (partially or fully) will be compensated for the lost part. The fully affected ponds will be relocated if suggested in this table otherwise will be compensated. In addition, enhancement measures will be taken as per the suggestions.

U ~~~Listof Educational Institute Chain Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment age dseSi tane Name (m) Impact measures (km) deCIL (in) 94.400 L 27.0 Ekta Mission School: 15 x 30 Not Plantation of trees in two rows Small private primary affected along the front boundary and * school. brick boundary wall (1.5 m) The school will remain along the periphery of the unaffected due to school for noise attenuation is widening, but the road suggested as enhancement will draw close to the measure. school. 94.800 L 28.0 Prathamik Vidyalaya: 15 X 30 Not Construction of boundary wall Small government affected (1.5 m) is suggested along the primary school. No periphery. Plantation of trees boundary wall is there. in two rows along the front The school will remain side and single row along the unaffected due to rest of the periphery of the widening, but the road school for noise attenuation is will draw close to the suggested as enhancement school. measure. 98.70 R 25.0 Vishwanath Sheetla 20 X 40 Partially As mitigation measures Purva Madhayamik affected shifting of front side boundary Vidyalaya: Small wall and plantation around the private junior high boundary wall are suggested. school. Boundary wall Plantation of trees along the at 25m from C/L but periphery will help noise I the main school attenuation. building is at 30m distances. Boundary wall will affected due to widening but main school building will I remain unaffected. 100.20 L 35.0 Godwaa Prathamik 10 X 20 Not As enhancement measure Vidyalaya: Small affected construction of boundary wall ______government primary I_is recommended.

AQV4 1 W INllaltn Vmhrsh udib EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

List of Educational Institute Chain _ Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment *agme Si Distance Name (in) Impact measures (kin) school. No well- I defined boundary wall is present. Widening being on the I opposite side, the school will remain unaffected. 101.00 L 31.0 Rajkala Verma Arya 17 X 46 Not No enhancement measure is I Kanya Madhyamik affected suggested Vidyalaya: Private girls secondary school. I Widening being on the opposite side, the school will remain unaffected. * 102.30 L 30.0 Gyan Samaj Vidya Not No enhancement measure is Inter College: 16 X 48 affected suggested Medium sized private higher secondary school. Widening being on the opposite side, the school will remain unaffected. 102.70 L 32.0 National Convent 14 X 32 Not No enhancement measure is School: Private affected suggested English medium school. Widening being on the opposite side, the school will remain unaffected. 104.60 R 30.0 Prathamik Vidyalaya: 15 x 30 Not As enhancement measures Small Government affected construction of boundary wall primary school. No and plantation along the boundary wall is periphery is suggested. present. School is of I proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 105.50 L 35.0 Prathamik Vidyalaya: 18 X 42 Not Construction of boundary wall Medium sized affected and plantation along the Government primary periphery are suggested as school. enhancement measures I No boundary wall is present. It is located outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 111.60 L 28.0 Children Education 13.5 X 34 Not No mitigation measure is Society: Small private affected suggested I primary school. It is located outside of proposed ROW, *______therefore, remains

| ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I ,,,u,,,,,f,nn weah_ CIC"PZA EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

List of Educational Institute Chain _ Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment age de C/L (m) (m) Impact measures

unaffected. 112.25 L 34.0 Poore Ram Din 14 X 32 Not Construction of boundary wall Prathamik Vidyalaya: affected and plantation along the Small Government periphery are suggested as I primary school. enhancement measures. No boundary wall is present. It is located outside of proposed * ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 113.60 R 27.0 AIT Inter College: 34.5 X 78 Not No mitigation measure is I Medium sized private affected suggested higher secondary school. Widening being on the I opposite side, the school will remain unaffected. I 113.70 R 27.0 Maulana Azad 30 X 60 Not Elevation of front side of National Urdu affected existing bounding wall to 5.5m University: Big as noise barrier is suggested. University study center * for BA, B.Com and MA in Urdu. Widening being on the opposite side, the institute will remain unaffected. 114.40 L 70.0 Jafar Memorial Girls 24 X 52 Not Construction of boundary wall I Higher Sec. School: affected is suggested as mitigation Big private school. No measure. boundary wall is I present. It is away from the road, therefore, it will not be affected due to road widening. I 117.90 R 30.0 Prathamik Vidyalaya: 14.5 x 31 Not No mitigation measure is Small government affected suggested primary school. Outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 119.85 L 27.0 Himayatullah Qidwai 13.8 X 35 Not No mitigation measure is I Memorial Public affected suggested School: Small private secondary school. Outside proposed ROW, therefore remains unaffected. 119.90 L 29.0 Pioneer Bal Vidya Not No mitigation measure is * . Mandir School: Small 18 X 44 affected suggested private primary school. Outside proposed ROW, therefore

- 6 - EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

List of Educational Institute Chain Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment age de C/L (m) (m) Impact measures

C/L (in) remains unaffected. 120.20 L 80.0 Purva Madhyamik 32 x 58 Not No mitigation measure is Vidyalaya: Medium affected suggested sized private school up to 8th standard. Away from the road, therefore, remains unaffected. * 120.60 R 8.0 Modern English 20 X 40 Affected As mitigation measure School: Small private relocation of the school though primary school. proper R & R measure will be The school is within of done. proposed ROW, and will be demolished. 120.80 R 28.0 Faizabad Public 30 x 60 Not As enhancement measure X School: Big school affected plantation of trees around the enclosed in boundary periphery of the school is wall. suggested. I Outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 121.45 L 28.0 Government Not No mitigation measure is * Polytechnic College: 37.5 X 85 affected suggested. Boy's polytechnic college inside big I campus. Boundary wall is at 28m from C/L, college building is at 50m. Big playground I inside the campus. It is outside of proposed ROW, I therefore, remains unaffected. 121.80 R 27.0 Rajkiya Women Not No mitigation measure is Polytechnic: Women 41 X 79 affected suggested I polytechnic college inside big campus. Boundary wall is at 27m from C/L and college building is at 45m. It is outside of proposed ROW, J therefore, remains unaffected. 121.90 L 80 Little Angel's School: 41 X 78 Not No mitigation measure is I Medium sized private affected suggested primary school. Far away from the project road * 122.25 R 28.0 National Brain's 15 x 30 Not Construction of boundary wall Academy: Medium affected along the periphery is sized private primary suggested. ______school. No boundary

*7 - 9 j 11 .,l lrU~llf; .. 9540f EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

List of Educational Institute Chain _ Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment *Sage dse Cance Name (in) Impact measures (km) wall is present. It is * outside proposed of ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. I 1.900 R 35.0 Primary School: 10 x 20 Not Construction of boundary wall Small government affected and plantation of trees around primary school. No the periphery of the school as boundary wall is enhancement measures are I present. suggested. It is outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 2.800 L 500 Grammar Academy: 12 x 18 Not No mitigation measure is Small private primary affected suggested J school. Far away from project road, therefore, * remains unaffected 3.000 R 300 Brilliant Rose High 15.5 X 38 Not No mitigation measure is School: Medium sized affected suggested private high school. * Far away from project road, therefore, remains unaffected I 4.800 L 33.0 Smt. Jyoti Memorial 14 X 32 Not No mitigation measure is Boys Hostel: Big boys affected suggested hostel. It is outside of 1 proposed ROW, therefore remains ______unaffected. * 5.060 L 33.0 K T Public School: 18 X 42 Not Plantation of trees around the Medium sized private affected periphery of the school is English Medium suggested as enhancement school. measure. I It is outside of proposed ROW, therefore remains ___ unaffected. 5.060 R 45.0 Luv Kush Chatravaas 18 X 44 Not No mitigation measure is * (Boys Hostel): Boys affected suggested hostel, boundary wall . is located at 30m from C/L and building is at 60m. I away from the project road, therefore, remains unaffected. 5.100 L 35.0 H C J Academy: Big 20 X 40 Not As enhancement measure English medium affected plantation of trees around the private school in big periphery of the school is campus. Boundary wall suggested

______is present at 35m from I _I_I

3 7* -lls111';|1^8- 0 .v4 Mmmliii.udili ~~0 '4 EnvironmentalManagement plan for 1 Package- Il of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

List of Educational Institute Chain _ Dimension Status of Mitigation/ Enhance ment Si Distance Name (n I age de C/L (m) (m) Impact measures (kin) C/L and school * building is at 45m. It is present outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 7.400 L 35.0 Jai Ganesh Shiv 13.8 x 35 Not No mitigation measure is Sagar Mahilla Maha affected suggested * Vidyalaya: Private girls school. It is present outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 8.380 R 31.0 Choudhury 15 X 30 Not Construction of boundary wall I Mahendra Singh affected and plantation of trees along Kisan Junior High the periphery are suggested as School: Small private enhancement measure. school up to 8th standard. No boundary wall is present. It is outside of proposed ROW, therefore, remains unaffected. 3 Note The height of boundary wall will be 1.5 m if not mentioned specifically. Similarly tree plantation will be single row, if not mentioned otherwise. l I I I I'

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/a I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ion otnwt 011 WK 1ll,,r lrills 1llril9 - 02!VZ,= EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Appendix PIII-3

List of Affected Religious Properties

3 Si. Chainage. Name Status of Mitigation/ Enhan. No. (km) impact Measures 1 93.150 Temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of I ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested.. 4 101.950 Jai Bajrangbali Temple: Small roadside temple on Affected Complete relocation of existing ROW. the temple in a suitable 3 The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested... 8 106.100 Shankar temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable I _ The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested. 9 106.250 Shiv Temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested. J 15 117.250 Hanuman & ShivTemple: Two small temples on Affected Complete relocation of existing ROW. the temple in a suitable The temples will be demolished. new place is suggested. I 16 117.950 Mansa Temple: Small temple on existing ROW. Affected Complete relocation of The temples will be demolished. the temple in a suitable new place is suggested. 17 118.150 Shiv Temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of I ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested. 18 118.350 Ram & Janki Temple: Roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested. 19 118.450 Ram & Shiv temple: Built on existing ROW. Affected Complete relocation of The temple will be demolished. the temple in a suitable ______new place is suggested. 20 120.000 Maa Temple: Small temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested. 23 120.850 Kali Devi Temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable Faiabd_yp The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested | ~~~Faizabadbypass 26 9.600 Small temple under construction on existing ROW. Affected Complete relocation of The temple will be demolished. the temple in a suitable new place is suggested 27 9.650 Shiv Temple: Small roadside temple on existing Affected Complete relocation of ROW. the temple in a suitable The temple will be demolished. new place is suggested 28 10.100 Shiv temple: Small roadside temple on existing ROW. Affected Complete relocation of The temple will be demolished. the temple in a suitable l new place is suggested

I ~~ 11 tllIlRr*lo<= AYODHYA Appendix P 111-4

Km 138+000

KBA-18' Km 11+900 LOCATION: KALUPURVA Do ~~~~~~~~LEAD:3.0 Km o o _ YiELD :5x10 5m3 Km 11+150

'BA-17' 8 \\ LOCATION:HALATARA LEAD :3.0 Km \ YIELD :5x10 5m3


'BA-16' LOCATION:FIROZPUR LEAD : 1.0 Km YIELD :5x10 5 m3 1 ~~~~Km0+000 - Km 0+Km 122+500 (STARTING OF FAIZABAD BYPASS)

'BA-15' Km 121+700 Km 121+700 'BA-14' LOCATION:MIRZAPUR LOCATION:BANVIRPUR LEAD :1.0 Km LEAD :2.0 Km 5 3 YIELD :10 x 10 m YIELD :20x10 5m3

I . " Km 115+300

3 ____ | B'BA-13' LOCATION:MOHAMMEDPUR LEAD : 1.0 Km 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YIELD:20xl0 5m3

3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'BA-i12' LOCATION: SHAKKUPUR LEAD : 1.0 Km 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YIELD:>20xl105 m 3 4 [mmW ~~~~~~~~~~~Km99+850

3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'BA-il1' LOCATION: GODVA LEAD :1.5 Km YIELD :>10xlO m3

I ~~~~~~~~~LUCKNOW I;

I ~~Location and Lead to Borrow Areas in Package 111Lucknow -Ayodhya Stretch on NH-28 EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Appendix P111-5

| Location of Proposed Oil & Grease Trap cum Sedimentation Chambers

3* At Truck Lay-byes Sl.No. Right Side of Carriage way Chainage (km) Left Side of Carriage way 1. Tashenpur 106.900 Tashenpur 2. Faizabad Bypass 7.125 Faizabad Bypass Direction: Lucknow to Ayodhya: * along the existing alignment




I I. i.i.t uuI °41r EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

I i.e., species like Silver oak (Grevilea robasta), Karanj (Pongamiapinnata), Poplar etc. are suggested to plant at interval of 3 m as vegetation barrier. AppendixPII-6

3 Location and Length of Proposed Noise Barriers for Package-Ill

Si. Chainage Name of the School Length of Noise Village/ Town No. (km) Barrier (m) *. 1. 113.700 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 40 Jaganpur Total 40 3 Height and Length of Noise Barriers A solid noise barrier of height 5.5 m has been proposed. The length of the barrier will depend on the I extent of the school building/ boundary just beside the road. Design of the noise barrier is depicted in design G5 in Generic EMP.

In addition of noise barrier many places vegetation barrier and boundary wall have been proposed. The two rows of plantation are suggested in front of school and single row for rest of the periphery as vegetation barrier wherever applicable. Tall, conical shaped trees with dense foliage, i.e., species like Silver oak (Grevilea robasta), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Poplar etc. are suggested to plant at interval of 3 m as vegetation barrier. School specific recommendation has been listed in Appendix PIII-2. The BOQ of noise barrier and boundary wall is given in Appendix G4 in Generic EMP. I I I l I l l

I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r11' In * I bt-niurm win,tl - - - -- m - - - m -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- IlI of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Appendix PIII-7 Environmental Monitoring Plan

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility

mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion ent RDS to be located Air Wherever the 3, 8 hrs Continuous Contractor PIU, NHAI / SPM, RSPM, SO2 50m from the plant in (Prevention contractor samples per 24 hours/or through Supervision NO2, CO, HC the downwind and Control decides to day, quarterly for I full approved Consultants (random direction. Use method of Pollution) locate the Hot for 3 years working day' monitoring sampling). specified by CPCB for Rules CPCB, mix plant/ (3 s X 4 t X 3 agency Construc- analysis. 1994 Batching Plant yrs =36 tion Stage Samples) RDS to be located 50 Air 3 locations, one 3 samples per Continuous Contractor PIU, NHAI / m downwind (Prevention on NH-28 at day, quarterly 24 hours/or through Supervision Air SPM, RSPM direction. Method and control of intersection at 3 locations for I full approved Consultants specified by CPCB for Pollution) with Deemwa for 3 yrs. of working day' monitoring analysis will be Rules CPCB Balughat road, construction agency follwed. 1994 at Naka Chawk period. (3s x at km 4.0 on 4t x 3 L x3 Faizabad yrs = 108 Bypass, or samples) Devkali Chowk at km 7.475 on Faizabad Bypass and one at construction camp

-1- .

77,444 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~InJohntvomrt. MMurn_VA ------~ -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for m Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion

Operation SPM, RSPM, RDS to be located at Air Three locations, 3, 8 hour Continuous Stage NO2, CO, HC 15 m from the edge of (Prevention one on NH-28 samples per three, 8 (random pavement. and Control at intersection day, and hour/or for I PIU, NHAI NHAI sampling). of Pollution) with Deemwa monitoring full working Rules CPCB Balughat road, for 3 day for three 1994 at Naka Chawk consecutive non at km 4.0 on days for three consecutive Faizabad seasons (in a days for once Bypass, and non-monsoon in every three Devkali Chowk season) at years in at km 7.475 on two locations operational Faizabad for initial one phase Bypass. year.

2- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m m - m m m m - - -- - m - -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 0

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion ent Constructi Potable/ Ground Grab sample collected Water quality One location at Once in a Contractor PIU, NHAI / on Stage Water Samples: from source and standards by (1) Ghaghra year (before through Supervision pH, TDS, TSS analyze as per CPCB/ IS Canal (at km the onset of approved Consultants Standard Methods for 10500:1991 111.2) or Saryu monsoon in a monitoring Surface Water Examination of Water river (km year for 3 agency Water Samples: and Wastewater 17.469 near years at 4 Quality pH, DO, BOD, bridge at locations COD, TDS, TSS, Faizabad Oil & Grease, Pb bypass) (4 L x It x 3 depending up yr = 12 on the location samples) of construction and (2) one ground water sample (hand pumps/ wells at chainage km 112.55 Besides, samples from potable water sources at (3) labour and (4) contractor's

camp (Total 4 _

InJlavMrtNi with m m ------I - - -o m - -sI -

Environmental Management plan for Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion ent Operation Potable/ Ground Grab sample collected Water quality Three locations 3 Samples in Stage Water Samples: from source and standards by at Ghaghra Pre monsoon pH, TDS, TSS analyze as per CPCB/ IS Canal (at km and 3 samples Standard Methods for 10500:1991 111.2) or Saryu in post NHAI NHAI Surface Water Examination of Water river (km monsoon, Samples: and Wastewater 17.469 near once in pH, DO, BOD, bridge at operation COD, TDS, TSS, Faizabad phase for Oil & Grease, Pb bypass) and two initial one ground water year samples (hand ( 3 L x 2 t x I pumps/ wells at yr. =6 chainage km Samples) 112.55 and km 5 .0 on Faizabad bypass). Noise Constructi Noise level on dB Free at I m from the Noise At equipment Every month Readings to Contractor PIU, NHAI/ Levels on Stage (A) scale equipment whose standards by yards for three years be taken at 15 through Supervision noise levels are being CPCB of construction seconds approved Consultants determined period interval for monitoring (12 m x 3 yrs 15 minutes agency = 36 samples) every hour and then averaged

I~ ~ a~ 4 ,#i. ,s i , , U. m m - - -

Environmental Management plan for Package - IIlof Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH - 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion

Construc Noise level on Equivalent noise Noise Three locations, Once in every Readings to Contractor PIU, NHAI/ tion dB(A) scale levels using an standards by one on NH-28 four months be taken at 15 through Supervision Period integrated noise level CPCB at intersection (three times a seconds approved Consultants meter kept at a with Deemwa year) for 3 interval for monitoring distance of 15 from Balughat road, years at 3 15 minutes agency Noise edge of pavement. at Naka Chawk locations (3 x every hour Levels at km 4.0 on 3 x 3 =27 and then Faizabad samples) averaged. Bypass, and Devkali Chowk at km 7.475 on Faizabad Bypass. Operation Noise levels on Equivalent noise Noise Three locations, At three Readings to NHAI NHAI Stage dB(A) scale levels using an standards by one on NH-28 locations, be taken at 15 through integrated noise level CPCB at intersection thrice a year seconds approved meter kept at a with Deemwa for initial one interval for monitoring distance of 15 from Balughat road, year in 15 minutes agency edge of pavement. at Naka Chawk operation every hour at km 4.0 on phase (31 x 3t and then Faizabad xlyr =9 averaged. Bypass, and samples) Devkali Chowk at km7.475 on Faizabad Bypass. looding Construc- Flooding Flooding locations in At the crossings Every In the post Supervision NHAI tion Stage the package at of all surface summer monsoon consultants crossings of all surface water bodies. before onset season also :Environmental water bodies mainly At all rivers and of monsoon cut banks if Specialist the rivers/streams smaller streams all debris be any should be hydrologist, should be identified and irrigation cleaned from photographed. geo-technical and adequate measures canals of the the vicinity of and materiall

I7~ .Z5-s 4QVJ7e#*4W I VA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+. m m - m - - --- m m

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- III of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion

be taken to avoid project area. all rivers/ Specialist flooding damage to the streams. embankment Banks of all (Especially water bodies embankment near should be smaller streams be Photographed watched carefully) to monitor cuts. Soil Construc- Monitoring of Sample of soil Threshold for At productive Once in a year Construction Environmental PIU, NHAI tion Stage heavy metals collected to be each agriculture land (three years of Stage Specialist (Chromium, acidified and analyzed contaminant abutting ROW, construction) Supervision Cadmium, Lead using absorption set by IRIS traffic detours at least at three Consultants and zinc), oil and spectrophotometer database of and traffic locations once grease. USEPA until diversion at in a year for national least at three three years (3 x standards are locations once Ix 3 =9 promulgated in a year for samples) three years Operation Monitoring of Sample of soil Threshold for At Accident/ Maximum Operation NHAI PIU, NHAI Stage heavy metals collected to be each spill locations three times in Phase (Chromium, acidified and analyzed containment involving bulk operation Cadmium, Lead using absorption set by IRIS transport phase at three and zinc), oil and spectrophotometer database of carrying locations/or grease. USEPA until hazardous locations of national materials accidental standards are spilling (if promulgated any). Soil Construc- Turbidity Visual observation by Water Visual Pre- monsoon Construction Environmental PIU, NHAI Erosion tion Environmental Quality observation at and post Phase Specialist, Specialist, hydrologist standards or high monsoon Hydrologist, and material Specialist standard embankment seasons for and specified of stretches three years of Material NHAI including construction Specialist of

4w- 6 - VA ^t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Is"lorenu S,, Environmental Management plan for Package - IlI of Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH - 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Compon (Chainage) ion

crossings of all Supervision surface water Consultants. bodies Turbidity at the down stream of identified surface water bodies in the package. Soil Operation Turbidity in storm Visual observation by Water At bridge/ Pre- monsoon Construction NHAI NHAI, PIU Erosion stage water and all PIU's Environmental Quality culvert site over and post Stage surface water Specialist standards or river and other monsoon bodies standard water bodies. seasons for specified of initial year of NHAI operation Haul Construc Maintenance and The haul road Haul roads for At least thrice Entire Environmental NHAI-PIU Road tion up keep of haul including those for construction of a day i.e. construction Specialist of upkeep Stage roads borrows areas, carriageway, Morning, period Supervision carriageway mode to evening and Consultant, construction, should be transport earth afternoon Contractor maintained properly by from borrow spray of water at least areas, sand and thrice a day. aggregates from quarries, Fly ash from Thermal Power Station.

Plantation Construc Plantation at The number of trees The plantation The Construction Supervision NHAI tion median and the surviving during each done along comparison Period consultants Stage side of the visit of Environmental median, and should be Environmental carriage way Specialist of side of the done for Specialist

^f.r,6.sw * Ilulsn""wilh N+,~~~~00VA m m m m ------

Environmental Management plan for Package - Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH- 28

Environ Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementat Supervision Conpon (Chainage) ion

supervision consultant carriageway every six should be compared months with number of during sampling planted. construction phase. Plantation Operation Plantation along The number of trees Plantation along The PIU Initial five PIU NHAI Stage the carriage way surviving during each median and side Environmental years on approaches of visit of PIU- of the cell should do bridges Environmental cell carriageway comparison should be compared and assessment with number of sapling of growth planted. every year Eco- Construc Aquatic a) Turbidity at location At location of Once a month Construction Environ- NHAI system tion Ecosystem of all surface water all crossings of Period mental Stage body crossings surface water Specialist of (locations of bodies in the supervision bridge/culvert) should stretch under Consultant be monitored construction Borrow Construc- Monitoring of The Environmental - Identified Once a week Construction Environmental PIU, NHAI area tion Stage borrowing and re- Specialist of borrow areas in period Specialist of manage- development of Supervision package Supervision ment borrow areas Consultants well Consultants inspect borrow area and Contractor every week to ensure proper and controlled borrowing and redevelopment works L ______asper_planse l s prepared r r .. l _ _ __I_ l ______as l l_l

* 8- 71K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Oz ~ ~ VA1wu'Z

I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~liweMsk - m m m m m m m m m - m

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH- 28

Monitoring Plan for Second Year of Operation to Next Sixteen Years Environ- Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Compon- Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementa Supervision ent (Chainage) tion Air Operation SPM, RSPM, RDS to be located at Air 3 locations, one 3, 8 hour Continuous

Stage SO 2 , NO2 , CO, 15 m from the edge of (Prevention on NH-28 at samples per three, 8 HC (random pavement. and Control intersection day, and hour/or for one NHAI NHAI sampling). of Pollution) with Deemwa monitoring full working Rules CPCB Balughat road, for 3 day for three 1994 at Naka Chawk consecutive non at km 4.0 on days for three consecutive Faizabad seasons (in days for once Bypass, and summer, post in every three Devkali Chowk monsoon and years in at km 7.475 on winter operational Faizabad season) at phase Bypass and one two locations at construction for every camp third year up to sixteen years of operation. Operation Potable/ Ground Grab sample collected Water quality Three locations 5 Samples in Stage Water Samples: from source and standards by at Ghaghra Pre monsoon pH, TDS, TSS analyze as per CPCB/ IS Canal (at km and 5 samples Standard Methods for 10500:1991 111.2) or Saryu in post NHAI NHAI Surface Water Examination of Water river (km monsoon, Water Samples: and Wastewater 17.469 near once in Quality pH, DO, BOD, bridge at operation COD, TDS, TSS, Faizabad phase for for Oil & Grease and bypass) and two every third Pb ground water year up to samples (hand sixteen years pumps/ wells). of operation

9- I.F UShErS-9-Et.111 EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- IIl of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28

Monitoring Plan for Second Year of Operation to Next Sixteen Years Environ- Project Monitoring Institutional Responsibility mental Stage Compon- Parameters Special guidance Standards Location Frequency Duration Implementa Supervision ent (Chainage) tion Operation Noise levels on Equivalent noise Noise Three locations, At three Readings to be NHAI NHAI Stage dB(A) scale levels using an standards by one on NH-28 locations, taken at 15 through integrated noise level CPCB at intersection thrice a year seconds approved meter kept at a with Deemwa for every interval for 15 monitoring distance of 15 from Balughat road, third year up minutes every agency Noise edge of pavement. at Naka Chawk to initial hour and then Levels at km 4.0 on sixteen years averaged. Faizabad of operation. Bypass, and Devkali Chowk at km 7.475 on Faizabad Bypass. Soil Operation Monitoring of Sample of soil Threshold for At accident/ Maximum Operation NHAI NHAI Stage heavy metals collected to be each spill locations three times in Phase (Chromium, acidified and analyzed containment involving bulk operation Cadmium and using absorption set by IRIS transport phase at Lead). spectrophotometer database of carrying three USEPA until hazardous locations/or national materials locations of standards are accidental promulgated spilling (if any). Soil Operation Turbidity in storm Visual observation by Water At bridge/ Pre- monsoon Construction NHAI NHAI Erosion water and all PIU's Environmental Quality culvert site over and post Stage surface water Specialist standards or river and other monsoon bodies standard water bodies. seasons for specified of every third NHIAl year up to initial sixteen years of operation

- 10- urn 4*!Jy*4W~~ -z VAls"wii ------mm- -- m - - m -

EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 r

i7r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I I- -Il-~~~~~~~~~~~ AS I~II~ ~~ ~ ~ II~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~~~II is i wt ff.6.