National HighwaysAuthority of India (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) New Delhi, India Public Disclosure Authorized Final EMP Package- Ill : Lucknow-Ayodhya Stretch on NH-28 including Faizabad Bypass August, 2004 AQ J,,.,,,,,,_<(l<;,_ E895 'D I "w'4- Volume 20 Public Disclosure Authorized r'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AKG< III -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pa- Public Disclosure Authorized ,iroh,stone quarry I C~~~(gatagoregeteI/(4 (ndson$n'aoh)' ja~K sandaggregate)quarry -Banda SandQuarry ~dI~1dUt(dC s~Dfltonequarry 1 t t Y t ,,Chopanr\S sandquarry a(ye gale) BiuyStone quarry Public Disclosure Authorized DH4VConsulteants un)a CLnsoineulenbtPvt I tel Shri V.K. Sharma General Manager DHV Consultants I Social & Environmental Development Unit Branch Office National Highway Authority of India C-154, GreaterKailash-l Plot No. G 5 & G 6 New Delhi -110 048 Sector - 10, Dwarka Telephone +91-11-64 6433 6455 5744 Delhi Fax +91-11622 6543 New E-mail:[email protected] 3 New Delhi, 1IO August 2004 Our Ref. MSP/NHAI/0408.094 Subject Submission of Final Report: Independent Review of EIA, EMP and EA * Process Summary for Lucknow-Ayodhya section of NH-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass Project Dear Sir, We are submitting the Final Report of Independent Review of EIA, EMP and EA Process Summary for Lucknow Ayodhya section of NH-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass Project for your kind consideration. We hope you would appreciate our efforts in carrying ollt the assignment. 3 Thanking you, Yours s irely DHVC ultan M.S. Prakash (Dr. Team Leader I I D\UmlngWH-28FiiuI Repot AugustIO doc\ovenngLetta doc | | SS> VEsI| DHVConsultants Is partof theDHV Group. n ^|0 - R._l_rl.k aOMAm- Rsn it .hi- r- n.h-ls Fdfr Eavot Gemana Guatemala.Hungary, Hong Korng,Indis, Indoresia, Israel, Kenya, Laos, EnvironmentalManagement plan for - Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 k ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PACKAGE - III 3 OF LUCKNOW - AYODHYA SECTION OF NH - 28 | TABLE OF CONTENTS I~~~ '0 Z[ 0PI P 1.1 Backgroundof The Project 1-1 1.2 ProjectDescription 1-1 1.3 EnvironmentalImpact Assessments and Environmental Management Plan 1-2 1.4 EnvironmentalClearances 1-3 .i,.l; .i' 2^^12'10 . sl 1 1 I 2.0 Environmentalsetting 2-1 I . , 0 0 0' '0' _. b 0 3.1 MitigationMeasures 3-1 4.1 EnvironmentalBudget 4-1 Table1.1. Detailsof ConstructionPackages 1-1 Table-1i.2: ExistingFeatures of the ProjectStretch 1-1 Table1.3. Carriageway Details 1-2 Table-1.4: StatutoryClearances Obtained/ Applied for by PIU,NHAI 1-3 Table-1.5: EnvironmentalClearances Required to Obtainby the Contractor 1-3 Table-2.1: EnvironmentalImpacts Matrix 2-2 Table-3.1: EnvironmentalManagement Action Plan for Package-ll of Lucknow- AyodhyaSection of NH-28. 3-2 3 Table4.1: EnvironmentalBudget for PackageIlIl of Lucknow-Ayodhya Section of NH-28 4-2 AppendixPill-1: Listof Treesto be Cutfrom Proposed RoW of Package-ll _1 to 2 AppendixP111-2: Lists of AffectedCommunity Utilities including Suggested Mitigation Measures I to 4 AppendixPl11-3: List of AffectedReligious Properties 1 AppendixPl114: Leadto BorrowArea 1 3 AppendixPI11-5: Locationof ProposedOil & GreaseTrap cum Sedimentation Chambers___ AppendixP111-6: Location and Length of ProposedNoise Barriers for Package-llI 3 AppendixP111-7: Environmental Monitoring Plan 1 to 6 Figure1.1: BaseMap I R.....oXa I I I I I I I I I IlCHAPTER - I U I INTRODUCTION I I I I I I I I EnvironmentalManagement plan for | Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 I 1 INTRODUCTION I 1.1 Background of the Project National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MRTH), Government of India with the task of the capacity augmentation by 4/6 I laning of the East-West Corridor comprising various sections of existing National Highways from Probandar (Gujarat) to Silchar (Assam) either through budgetary resources with or without the assistance of International Funding Agencies like ADB and World Bank or on Build Operate and | Transfer (BOT) basis. The widening is necessary to develop National Highway corridors where traffic intensity has increased significantly and there is a requirement of augmentation of capacity for safe and efficient movement of traffic. The Lucknow - Ayodhya section of East - West corridor is a part of contract package C-III/3 stretches, which starts from km 8.250 to km 122.275 on NH-28 then 15 km on Faizabad bypass, which is funded by World Bank. The project is being prepared for implementation under the Phase-III program. The Figure 1.1 is showing the project stretch of the road. The Lucknow- Ayodhya section of NH 28 is divided into three construction packages, which is described below in Table 1.1. I Table 1.1. Details of Construction Packa es Road Section Package Chainage (Km) Length Cost in (kin) Crores From To (Rs) Lucknow-Ayodhya Package l 8.25 45.00 36.75 327.01 section of NH 28 3 Package ll 45.00 93.07 48.07 266.74 Package Ill 93.07 122.275 on NH- 44.205 256.61 I _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~28then 15 km on *__________________________________________ Faizabad bypass 3 This Environmental Management Plan pertains to 36.75 km long construction Package-III. It starts from km 93.07 on NH-28 at village Baraikalan, of district Barabanki and ends at km 15 on Faizabad Bypass at village Lultu Purwa of district Faizabad. 1.2 Project Description | The select stretch on the NH-28 has two-lane carriageway, the existing feature are depicted below in Table Table-1.2: Existing Features of the Project Stretch Road stretch Lucknow-Ayodhya section of NH-28 Existing carriageway 2-lane with 7.0 m carriageway, 0-1.5 m of paved shoulder and 1.0 m of earthen shoulders on either side I Existing ROW 55 m Proposed ROW 54.9 m 1I1 o EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 The carriageway details and salient features of the Package III have been listed in Table 1.3 and I Table 1.4, respectively. Table 1.3.Carriage way Details S. Attributes Details I No. 1. Design Life a) Flexible pavement 20 years b) Rigid pavement 30 years I 2. Design Speed a) Rural 100 kmph b) Through settlements 60 kmph 3. Carriageway width 7.0 m (3.5x2=7.0 m) I Number of lanes in main carriageway 4 lanes 4. Edge strip adjacent to kerb a) Main carraiage way 0.25 m J b) Bypass 0.5 m 5. Paved Shoulder 1.5 m 6. Earthen/Granular Shoulder 1.0 m 7. Median Width a) Rural Stretches 4.5 to 9.5 m b) Built-up Stretches 1.2 m 8. Embankment Slope (V: H) 1:2 9. Footpath along service road at built-up areas 2.0 m (Footpath is generally over drain with cover) 10. Longitudinal Gradient a) Ruling Maxim. 2.0 % b) Absolute Maxim. 3.3 % 11. Carriage way (m) on bridges/culverts 1.0 m 12. Footbridge on Bridge and culverts (m) 1.2 m 3 13. Service Road 5.5 m Table 1.4: Salient Features _ Structures on RoW Religious structures : 17 temples, 3 Community water resources 119 tube wells, 8 ponds Educational Institutes : I schools Cross Drainage Structures Bridges on Rivers/ major water body : 4 Culvert on canals : Other cross drains : 64 Under passes I Pedestrian/cattle : 2 Pedestrian cum vehicular : 8 Fly overs : None 3 Railway crossings : Three ROB's In Faizabad Bypass section I U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C.1 s, . < a l EnvironmentalManagement plan for Package- Ill of Lucknow- Ayodhyasection of NH - 28 1.3 Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management I Plan The Package III stretch is a part of project involves widening and construction of bypass in congested stretches of Lucknow-Ayodhya section on NH-28. This project involves over all land acquisition more than 20 m, moreover, this section has two new bypasses, which passes through agricultural land and involve major land acquisitions. Further more, the cost of the project is also above 100 cores. Therefore, the detailed design of the entire Lucknow-Ayodhya stretch (including Package III section) have been closely coordinated with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Study as per the requirement of the EIA notification (1994) of Ministry of Environment and Forests | (MoEF) issued under the Environment Protection Act, 1986. Since the proposed four laning of Lucknow- Ayodhya stretch of NH-28 project is being funded through loan from the World Bank, Environmental Impact Assessment was also a requirement of World Bank Operative Directive - 4.01. Along with the EA/SA, a consolidated Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and separate Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan including Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) are also required. The project has been categorized as category 'A' project, due to its cumulative magnitude of environmental and social impacts. In accordance with the requirement of 'category A' project of the World Bank, an independent review of the Environmental and Social Assessments, EMP and RAP has also been carried out to address the gaps and deficiencies in those documents. This EMP is finalized based on the outcome of the reviewed EA report. There is a generic EMP, where common management plan applicable for all the construction packages has been given, in addition, this specific EMP has been prepared to give specific environment management measures for each distinctive issues of package-III. 3 1.4 Environmental Clearances The project would require total statutory clearances from Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh.
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