THE INCAS THE INCAS By Franklin Pease García Yrigoyen Translated by Simeon Tegel The Incas Franklin Pease García Yrigoyen © Mariana Mould de Pease, 2011 Translated by Simeon Tegel Original title in Spanish: Los Incas Published by Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2007, 2009, 2014, 2015 © Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015 Av. Universitaria 1801, Lima 32 - Perú Tel.: (51 1) 626-2650 Fax: (51 1) 626-2913
[email protected] Design and composition: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú First English Edition: January 2011 First reprint English Edition: October 2015 Print run: 1000 copies ISBN: 978-9972-42-949-1 Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú N° 2015-13735 Registro de Proyecto Editorial: 31501361501021 Impreso en Tarea Asociación Gráfica Educativa Pasaje María Auxiliadora 156, Lima 5, Perú Contents Introduction 9 Chapter I The Andes, its History and the Incas 13 Inca History 13 The Predecessors of the Incas in the Andes 23 Chapter II The Origin of the Incas 31 The Early Organization of Cusco and the Formation of the Tawantinsuyu 38 The Inca Conquests 45 Chapter III The Inca Economy 53 Labor 64 Agriculture 66 Agricultural Technology 71 Livestock 76 Metallurgy 81 The Administration of Production 85 Storehouses 89 The Quipus 91 Chapter IV The Organization of Society 95 The Dualism 95 The Inca 100 The Cusco Elite 105 The Curaca: Ethnic Lord 109 Inca and Local Administration 112 The Population and Population