CTEC1330/2015F Lab #1 ...IPCONFIG, PING
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CTEC1330/2015F Lab #1 .......................... IPCONFIG, PING, TRACERT, ROUTE, ARP AND NETSTAT CLASS DISCUSSION: IP ADDRESSES, ROUTING. The class notes cover the followIng Information but before we start the lab we must be sure to understand: IP classes IP addressIng Subnet masks Routers Static and dynamIc routing For thIs lab be sure that your Pc Is confIgured to use automatic IP addressIng and dns. Also, be sure you are connected to the Internet. Check by starting your browser and connecting to any web sIte outsIde of the college. 1. Run the “IPconfIg /all” command and record the followIng Information. After you have recorded the Information we wIll dIscuss what each Item means. a. Dns server: b. Adapter (or PhysIcal) address: c. IP address: d. Subnet mask: e. Default gateway: 2. The netstat command can be used to vIew Information such as the routing table, Ethernet statistics and currently active connections. a. TyPe netstat /? at a dos PromPt. b. What command would you use to dIsPlay current ethernet statistics on a Per Protocol basIs. i. Run thIs command and record the number of IP Packets receIved. c. What command would you use to dIsPlay the current TCP stats? i. Run thIs command and record the number of segments sent d. What command would you use to dIsPlay all current connections and lIstenIng Ports? 3. Ping: The PIng command can be used to test the connection between and the exIstence of two devIces on an IP network. PIng wIll return the round trIP time from your devIce to the devIce beIng PInged and back again. PIng a local devIce and record the time: PIng an external (remote) devIce and record the time: 4. TRACERT. a. The tracert command can be used to trace the route from your Pc to another host on the Internet. b. Tracert actually sends a PIng Packet wIth Incrementing TTL values. SInce each router along the route wIll rePly when the TTL exPIres, the Incrementing value of the TTL ensures that each router wIll rePly until the destination Is reached. c. At a dos PromPt enter “tracert coherent.com” i. How many routers are between your Pc and the coherent.com host? ii. LookIng at the host names of the routers In the tracert output try to determIne where the router furthest from you Is located: d. At at dos PromPt enter “tracert www.simbol.ca” i. How many routers are between your Pc and the www.simbol.ca host? ii. LookIng at the host names of the routers In the tracert output try to determIne the cIties that the routers along thIs route are In: 5. ARP Address Resolution Protocol. When a node needs to send an IP Packet to another node on the same network It has to determIne the PhysIcal (In our case that would be the Ethernet) address of the destination node. The sendIng node wIll know the tcP/IP address of the destination but needs to now dIscover the Ethernet address of the destination. In order to do thIs It sends a broadcast on the local segment requesting the station wIth the destination IP address to rePly wIth Its Ethernet address. You can see thIs demonstrated wIth a Packet snIffer but that Is not on today’s schedule. However, you can still see the results of thIs communIcation between nodes usIng the ARP tool ProvIded wIth Windows. Go to a command PromPt tyPe arP –a ThIs wIll dIsPlay your workstations current arP table. It Is a dynamIc table and therefore the entrIes change all of the time. The table wIll lIst the IP addresses and corresPondIng Ethernet addresses of nodes that It has already communIcated wIth. Now, PIng a node close to you and then re-run the arP –a command. You should now see the IP and mac address of the station that you PInged. PIng a station on the Internet and then run arP –a. Does the station that you just PInged show uP on the table? Why or why not? Get checked off on Blackboard when you have comPleted thIs lab .