THE OTHER TIGER: HISTORY, BELIEFS, AND RITUALS IN BORNEO BERNARD SELLATO TEMASEK WORKING PAPER SERIES The ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) is an autonomous organization established Editors: in 1968. It is a regional centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security, and Helene Njoto economic trends and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and Andrea Acri economic environment. The Institute’s research programmes are grouped under Assistant Editor: Regional Economic Studies (RES), Regional Strategic and Political Studies (RSPS), Fong Sok Eng and Regional Social and Cultural Studies (RSCS). The Institute is also home to the ASEAN Studies Centre (ASC), the Temasek History Research Centre (THRC) and the Editorial Committee: Singapore APEC Centre. Terence Chong Kwa Chong Guan Helene Njoto The Temasek Working Paper Series is an online publication series which provides an avenue for swift publication and wide dissemination of research conducted or presented within the Centre, and of studies engaging fields of enquiry of relevance to the Centre. The overall intent is to benefit communities of interest and augment ongoing and future research. Bernard Sellato Sellato is a senior researcher (emeritus) at Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CNRS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; EHESS, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; & INaLCO, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) and PSL Research University, Paris, France. Sellato worked and travelled in Kalimantan in 1978-80 and 1991-95. Email:
[email protected]. Cover Image: Monster face, combined with two dragons (or dragon-dogs, aso’) painted on the wall of a village meeting hall; Long-Gelat, upper Mahakam.