a m i n ii ii ii iii is 11 ii rtwnTH


3&&mistniniis. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. THE DAILY JMrtisfmrnis. WhiU Commercial Advertiser this lino is among the youngest facile J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service THE ARLINGTON, of the product of California enterprise, it is emphatically a healthy youngeeter, 3Bi Commission Merchant. Hotel St., - - Honolulu, if NEW GOODS! and encouraged as in the past it will Office Cartwright Building, J. II . FIS1IEB, Pkop. always afford a display of the American Every. Morning Except Sundays, flag on the Pacific Ocean. Merchant Street, s Honolulu, U. I. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. terms: The company was chartered in Decem- 46 Merchant St. My last At No. J Received Board Lodging per week (accord- ber, 1831 . In 1883 two steamships, the steamsnlp and rfc. new and tin Al steel ing THURSTON, to location of room). .10 00 to $12 00 Alameda and Mariposa, each of 3,000 LORRIN A. Ex Bark EDWARD MAY, Transient, per day 2 00 J tons burden, were built for B0BSOKIPT1ON8 Table Board, per week 7 00 the line by a 99 Single Meals 60 the Cramps of Philadelphia, to trade be- W 00 - - And Daily P. 0. Advutuib, one yew... ATTORNEY AT LAW ALAMEDA other Late Arrivals, a very heavy tween San Francisco and Honolulu. The sis months - 8 UU STUCK of GOODS, including: i per month...... 60 Honolulu, H. I. aVi9itors will find this one of the vessels continued on that trade, running Hawaiiah Qazextb, one year ..... 6 00 Of tn Oceanic Steamship Company, wml be due most comfortable and convenient houses Vbkli foreign (In-eludi- ng at Hoaelulu from Sydney and Aucklaud a fortnightly service, up to 1835, when 49-t-y in the city, the rooms being large, light, po8t4e).. 0 Office over Bishop's Bank. oik or about and airy. the Pacific Mail Company withdrew Daily and Waix,one year in advance.... 10 00 laelf Hardware. from the Australian trade. Then the M. DAVIDSON, Oceanic Company took up the contract Invariably Adtanee. J. Hot and cold water bath a, for the Australian service, and bought Payable in 1891, 80-- Feb. 12, 1 y the steamers Zealandia and Australia, of and Counsellor-at-La- w. Attorney Mechanics' Tools 3,000 tons each, which bad been previ- All Transient Advertisement iaut t& ously operated by Pacific Mail Com ie Frepaid. Office Kaahumanu Street, And trill leave for tbe abeve port with mall and CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, a fine assortment; the passengers on or about that date. NORWAY IRON, a fine assint; CARD MATCHES, EAGLE HOUSE pany in the Australian trade. The fleet For freight or passage, having BTJFKRIOB of Oceanic Company 1885, apdbkm: (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0 ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to CHARCOAL IRONS, GALV'D WATER PIPE. the thenjrom 53-i-y jKogers). NUUANU AVENUE. consisted of the Mariposa, the Alameda, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 00., ALSO, A FULL LINE OF the Zealandia and the Australia. Tbe 16 Mercnaut at., Win. G. Irwin & Co., new company entered into a contract WILLIAM C. PARKE, .... with the Australian and New Zealand Bex O. Honolulu. H. I. AOKNTS. Poatofflce -- CHANDLERY Governments, in connection with -- SHIP nil I Hotel (situate in the most pleas-ti- l the ATTORNEY AT LAW Of the most approved kind. I ant nart of ihft (Mtv rnntiniipa tr Union Steamship Company of New Zea- AND offer tbe comforts of a home to land, to run a four weekly mail service to take Acknowledgment. 500 COILS MANILA transients and others. between this port and Honolulu, Samoa, Agent For Sydney and Auckland. ROPE, ALL SIZES, Adjoining the Main Building are several Auckland and Sydney. The contract on Office No. 13 Kaahumanu 8tret, Hono-ti9-- y And Assorted SISAL ROPE. PAI7E ROPF. filvani,! wmw unpif New Cottages specially constructed for this service in 18S5 was for three years ; ' family use. Table unsurpassed. & COOKE, lulu, from the smallest "size up to 4 inch. ms and on its expiration an extension of one LEWERS U.I. AW-Ter- $2.00 per $12.00 day, weekly. Sub-eequen- fcXUUKllULM and UOAL TAK in large quantity. year was made by the colonies. tly Dickson) bpecial arrangements for monthly (Successors to Lowers ft CHARLES F. PETERSON, 4 PITCH, OAKUM, OARS of all sizes. boarders. T. KROUSE, Prop.. an extension of another year 123 1350--y was granted on the old terms of importers and Dealers In tuiuber new fin ateel steamship Honolulu, H. I. a The and Al A FULL ASSORTMENT OF subsidy equivalent to 37,000 to 40,- - And all Kinds of Building Materials. 000 annually. Tbe Oceanic Company Typewriter and Notary Public. " 99 83 FUBT STREET, Honolulu. 79 has, therefore, run on the contract with So. ZEALANDIA Hall's Plows and Breakers California the colonies and has performed the mail Ot theOoeanlo Steamship Uompany, will be HALL'S CANE KNIVES, the best in the market, and Agricultural service between San Francisco and Syd- JOHN T. WATERH0USE, 133-- q due at Honolulu from SanFranouco Office with L. A. Thurston. or or about Tools of all kinds; Lawn Mowers, RUBBER GARDEN HOSE. ney for five years. It entered into a new arrangement with the New Zealand Importer and Dealer in FEED CO., W. F. FREAR, Government for another year's service, ELECTKICAL GOODS in great variety. New Wales Austra- Feb. 12, 1891. KING'S but the South and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STABLES, - LELEO, lian Governments have refused to con- ELECTRlb LIGHT and TELEPHONE GOODS. -ttorne tribute anything, owing to tbe neglect of -A- v"at-H-i - 25-- O, & L. Co. No. 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 79 aw nd will have prompt dlspatcn with maU an (Near R. 'a Depot), the United States Government to con- assengers for the above porta. A Fine ''Assortment of For freight or passage, having SCPERIOB AC tribute a proportion of the cost. O. ACHI, Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- g COMMODATIONS, apply to & Have on Hand and For Sale, Three of tbe company's steamers have WILLIAM Reed Barton's Celebrated SilveipJated Ware! been employed in the Australian trade, Attorney and counsellor at law, And GORHAM SILVER Ex Recent Arrivals: and one tbe Australia in the local MISS D. LAMB, Win. G. Irwin & Co., WARE, suitable for Christmas and trade between San Francisco and Hono- Notary and Ileal Kstate Presents. Wheat Hay, Oat Hay, lulu. The company also has several fnbllo 79-- q AOKNTF. COARSE SALT, always on in Broker. and Type-write- r, hand quantities to . Also, Sperm Alfalfa Hay, Oats, employed Ha- Stenographer Oil, Lard Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder sailing vessels in the and all other Lubricating Oils. Barley, Rolled Barley, waiian trade. Said one of the chief offi- Orrica 36 Merchant Street. 79 Ola a Sprocket Wm. Q. Irwin. PALE BOILED and Raw Paint Oil. Bran, All Corn, cials of the company to an Alt reporter: Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, kinds of PAINTS, dry and ground in oil ; Varnishes, Shellac, Alcohol ; Cracked Corn, Wheat, " If it had not been for the enterprise of H. HACKFELD & CO., near ihe Postoiiice. 103-- q BRUSHES of all kinds, etc., etc. CLACS SPRECKELS . & CO., i Middlings, O. C. Meal, of this company and the Spreckels, the X7"ALL FOR SALE BY 1 Cut Hay in Bags, Rico Straw, direct mail service between Australia - - - Agents Carriage Co. and San Francisco would have been General Commission Honolulu AT REDUCED PRICES ! abandoned in 1885, and tbe very profit- BANKEK8, able trade since developed between the Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu. 79 &d Colonies and the Pacific Coast would not HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLAND) E. O. HALL SON, 9Goods delivered to any part of the have existed. The present arrangement. IF YOU WANT A HACK city promptly. under which the service is run, is not W. E. ROWELL, ring up 335, both telephones. 139 1353-l- m All Hawaiian drivers. First Cor. FOHT and KING STS. profitable. Tbe New Zealand Govern- Carriages. Draw Exchange en tbe principal parts o the ment simolv oavs according to tbe weight class Horses and Warehouse Mutual Telephone No. 121. Engineer and Surveyor Stand Fort and Merchant St. world. of mail matter despatched, and unless - - ' Office At 0. T. Gulick's, No. 38 Mer- 79-- q chant street. Congress passed the Shipping bill, en- Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Will receive deposit oa open account, loake Office Telephones Mutual No. 139; Bell abling the United States Postmaster-Gener- al 95-- q subsidy, 82-- y collection and conduct a general banking and No. 348. 1345 to pay a liberal there exchange business. can be no doubt whatever that ultimate-- y will be replaced by SALOON, NOTT, the American line BEAVER JOHN CALL FOR a subsidized Bitish line from. Vancou Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. Company's Street, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, Ings Department subject to published rule and ver. All the Oceanic ves Be. fort HORN sels manned by American citizens, NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. XTmTr regulatloua. DIAMOND CEEAMEKY are H. J, miff and the company is in one way an ex- c'lrst-ela- ss Lunches 8erved with Tea, Coffee, ception to all the American companies. Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Mil. W 1800 mn fcvery share ot its stock is ownea oy ui;en from 3 a.m. till 10 p.m. LOVE'S BAKERY American citizens aud in the State of tar Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. 79 Ho. 7S Nauanu Street. BUTTER California. All the steamers fly th) to American flag except tbe Zealandia, In lib., 21b., 31b. and 71b. Tins HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam tfB8.BOBa.LOTB, - Proprietret which is under the Hawaiian nag." Pioneer Tbe importance of the maintenance cl FACTORY and BAKERY. Every Description of Plain and Fancy the Oceanic Company's service to tbe Steam Engines, CAM Finest Article for hotel-keepe- rs and merchants of San Wfh$?r: - , f?A Boiler. Nuar Mill, Coolers, Braaa Francisco is easily apparent, ihe pas aud Lead Casting, F, HORN Practical Comectioner, Bread and Crackers, 33 "Warm Climates. senger tramc trom Australia to we Pastry Cook and Baker. United States and trom Jbngland through and xnchlue;y of every description mad to to shins blacK- - IBIBB the United States to the colonies is tbe t.,ini s.ttntion ttald No. 71 Hotel St. - - . Telephone 74. jmlthing. Job work executed on the anortest Soda Crackers S. FOSTER & Co. largest coming into this port. On an aouce. 1313 79q average 200 saloon passengers paes A R D Wholesale Grocers, through San Francisco on this route THE ROYAL SALOON, & COOKE, Saloon Bread every month, spending an average cf CASTLE xuu eacn m mis city during meir stay. ' Nauann nd Merchant Street Alway on Hand. tor. HARDWAHE, BOLE AGENTS. There are probably 150 steerage passen TJnde. tte Management of gers on tbe same route each month, who MILK BREAD 36 and 8 California St., Ban Francla-eo- . also' spend considerable money here. and Commission Merchants A SPECIALTY. hotel-keepe- rs E1. Shipping 90--y The and the railroads E. H. Wolter, Attended to. obviously a loss it Wl nes, Island Orders Promptly would sutler serious nrietv of th best TO-- q Vancouver LYquoUrBeers.and beer, on draught at IMPORTERS AND DKALKB8 IX Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. this traffic were diverted to ice cold and tbe Canadian Pacific. Alta. 10 oents per giaaa. USTEW GOODS ll 79 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. f3-Ca- and Sea Ua.TBa CASTLE & COOKE, A Fine Assortment. Flantation Agents, Q&ttttlttmmt, Tin, Copper Wort just received 8. China, ATLAS Life, and Marine Life, Fire and Marine Plumbing, and Sheet Iron We have perS. Fire 79-- q a fine selection of New Goods, comprising, one W. K. SALTER, Assurance Company Insnrsioe Agents. elegant ! 79-- q Agents Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner FOUNDED 1808. 1343 HONOLULU, H. V Insurance Set LONDON. AGENTS FOB:! & A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed $ 6,000,000 CASTLE COOKE, Capital. JAMES NOTT, JB., SILK and 8CRKEN8, WATC HMAKER Assets, $ 9,000,000 New England Mutual Life Ins. Ccf 1 , PRACTICAL M PORTERS EBONY FKA5IE8, King: Street, next Geo. Llncoln'a. . OF BOBTOK. Agents of i Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe get your Wn annointed the a Cheapest and best place to nmnf & PLUMBER 1 Elegant Tete-- te uups first-clas- Company we are now ready to TINSMITH Co, of Hartford. Silk bhawls. or Clock Kepaired in a s above JEtna Fire Ins. Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Saucers. A fine lot of manner. effect insurances ai iue ioeeutt:oui Corner of Kins; and Alakea St., premium. UNION Manila Cigars and CUeroots Repairs to Musical Instruments; SCHMIDT & SONS. Honolulu, H. I. II. W. AND AGENTS. 100 in a Box. Mechanical Work; 1348 112-- q Company PLANTATION INSURANCE Fice TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261 Insurance great residence, Mutual, 236. FIRE AND MARINE, . Pins in variety, Electroplating and Gilding. SUN FIRE OFFICE, DEALERS IK Idly .bulbs. classes OF BAN FBANCI8CO, CAXD70BNIA. A few of those handy Mosquito Urns. CT All work warranted for twelve FsHmntos fnrnished on all 154-l- m 79--q ' Also, an assortment of new styles ol months. OF LONDON. H Tinsmithiner work. First 1843 BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, guaran- class workmanship and material CIAS. BREWER & CO.'S teed in all the above branches of my busi-nes- a Rattan Chairs and Tables Established 1710. at reasonable rates. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, Also, a small selection of JAPANESE PLANTATION SUPPLIES, COSTUMES. Boston Line of Packets. & COMPANY, (Limited.) Call early and examine this fin Insurance effected upon every description of C. BREWER assortment of Kew Goods. property at current rates 01 premium. Wm. G. Ibwiw, - President and Manager Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, (Limited). Claci Spbkckils, - - Vice-Preside- nt WING W0 CHAN & CO. IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE Total Bum Insured In 1885 .837,833,700 Waltke M. Giffakd, - - - take notice that the fine . . . . Secretary and Treasurer No. 22 Nuuanu Street. arranged by the Local Agents, and paid - Auditor 79-- q Claims a Inrisdic GENERAL MERCANTILE Thxo. C. Pobtkb, BARK JOHN D. BREWER Wlu pruuipuiuu. .uu iiKaHfw Th- . FURNISHING GOODS OB OI th JLiOCH 1T1DUU1 rwviuim. HOUSE Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. NOTICE. Cam. W. L. Josbxlth, W. Macfarlane & Co. Lamp Goods, and G. AGENTS. Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leav COMMISSION AGISTS OP THB for this port on March 15, 1891, if suffi- Islands. STEAMSHIP CO., MATERNITY offers. 79 Agent for Hawaiian OCEANIC THE KAPIOLANI cient inducement Of San Francisco, Cal. has two rooms to accommodate General Merchandise. paying patients. Ladies of moderate For further particulars apply to LI8T OP OFFICERS1! LEWIS & CO., & Co., (Limited) has means who wish to secure a home on rea Wm. G. Irwin sonable terms, before or during the time 79 1343-- q C. BREWER & CO. - i- - TMafdnt and Manager assumed the assets and liabilities of the Carr...:::::.::...Treurer and 8tary G. Irwin A Co., and will Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston'a Centrifugals of confinement, where the best of food, t.O. Auditor late firm of Wm. attendance, nursing and medical skill will Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Hon. W. K. Allen continue the general business formerly HMIIS PAPER IS KEPT OS FILE 1335-- 4 1 138-- q be provided, will please apply at the Home ADVKBTisiKa carried on by that house. Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Sirs. will X at E. C. Daxk's DIBEOTOBSj to Miller the Matron, who attend A 65 Exchange, to admittance, give terms or any other in Agency, 64 Merchant's Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines San Francisco. Cal., where contracts for 111 STREET. THE DAILY ADVERTISER formation required. FORT BAD S4-3- ru in&de for I 1404 79-- q Honolulu, Oct. 4, 1890. I advertising can be it w n. . Blahon. Hon. H. Weternonsa if yon want tbe latest news. p. Bom 97 T 79-- q R telepnon 340. O. ' : . 79 v

i i - 5 1 . - V uu

1 1 1 DXILY PACIFIC 0l ffUEROUL IDVERMSBR, J4lNUA.RY 31, 1891. if etc., required i 132 utljoriti for the Funeral Ceremonies RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Sales. 3Tcuj 0 of His late Majesty Kalakaua is only to be dilution Stttofrttsciiunta. t .? tarnished on requisitions signed by the Minister BY JAS. F. MOKGAN U of Foreign Affairs. Substance of Sermon Delivered GODFREY BROWN. by Rev. Dr. Reed. TJP-TOW- N a. 265 J Minister of Finance. The iri I t following extract from the S. F. THIS DAY. SILKS! SILKS! SIL KS! Bulletin is given of the funeral services Book, News and Store. From and after this date all warrants Stationery i processes held in San Francisco over the dead AUCTION SALE OF -:- - 4 and other of all the Courts of IMMENSE ASSORTMENT AT -:- - f body of the King : ji this Kingdom roast be in the name of late Kalakaua Full suddIv of Meeritt Ttpe of JA this has no equal ; i " LILIUOKALANI, by the Grace of God, .The music was under the direction Writers instrument i t for price. PROCLAMATION. of the Hawaiian Islands, Queen." J. H. Stewart.who presided at the organ. the . By the Court, N. The choir consisted of the regular quar Stamping Outfits, comprising SACHS', hundreds of patterns with books ot in HENRY SMITH, tet of the Trinity Church, augmented by ot : 1 m at Publio in all Kinds tmDroiaery 104 n Clerk Supreme Court. MK. I ve received instructions to sell struction Fort Street, Honolulu. H. a large number ot voices, ihe num- Auction, at my Salesroom, yaeen tut price complete only $1.50. l. It haring pleased Almighty God to Aliiolani Hale, Jan. 29, 1891. 2677-t- f bers were for an opening voluntary, nice variety of Ikdoob Games ! close the earthly career of King i Beethoven's Funeral March, Burial 5Ahecker Board and Checkers, 25c. just l : On Jan. 31st We have received an immense assortment of Kalakaua on the 20th inst. in Notice is hereby given that from and Psalm, chant by Felton, hymn, "Jeru- Saturday, after this date all drafts on the Treasury AWBoxiNtf Gloves, Bask Balls, San Francisco, California, U. S. salem the Golden;" hymn, "Asleep in AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, for the payment of salaries of employees Bats, Gloves and masks. BLACK AND A., We, the mombers of Cab- in Jesus," and for a postlude Chopin's COLORED SILKS the of the Government must be signed by the ST"Cboqcet Skt8, Lawn Texsis inet of His laie Majesty, hereby head of the Department or Bureau under Funeral March. Dorses Sets, Ibdian Clubs, Dumb Bells. Of every description, which we offer at Very I,ow At 1 :25 the bell tolled briefly to an 8 Heafl of Prices. Proclaim, by virtue of 22d which they serve. mm the nounce that the services in the churcn MTSheet Mcsic. Novels, Pbeses BLAmJ????.?.D SILK' BROCADE SURRAIIS, Article of the Constitution, Her GODFREY BROWN, were about to commence. By this time Being well bred young stock from the tation Bo ks and Albcms, Society Civening shades; INDIA SILKS, all Colors; Royal Highness the Princess Minister of Finance. the church was completely filled, except Kualoa Ranch. Stationery, Office Stationery. SURRAH SILKS, all Colors; BROCADED PONG HE, KvenV Shades: 1, 1891. 26-W-l- ing the very last pews, by BLACK OTTOMAN Honolulu, H. I., Jan. in the invited HARNESS. of SILK, FANCY PLAID SILKS, Liliaokalani QUEEN of the guests. When half-hou-r was reached AliLi BROKEN TO fjff'A fine supply Gold Pens and SILK the Holders. COMBINATION for Evening and Street wear. Hawaiian Islands, under the the funeral procession entered the church THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. headed by the clergy of the city and the Genuine Pig style LILIUOKA-LAN- L Skin and other and title of guard from Troop I, Fourth Cavalry. Tho Hnrsps can be seen ai any Pcbses. The beet line ot Pocket Books LACE FLOUNCING! LACE FLOUNCING! i Wednesday, Jan. 2Sth, at the January, 1891. Everybody rose as Rev. Sanders Reed time after in the Islands. 1 1! began solemnly, am the Resurrection stahles in the rear 01 me aieiruiuni.ai. BLACK CHANTILLY LACE FLOUNCING, n God "I King street. s j Preserve the Queen. borne by six Meat Market, M'AMSH LAUK v i and the Life." The coffin, dl.au FLOUNCING, 8u. Mo. Tu. W. Tb. Fr. fT- - Jan. 2d. THUS. G. THRUM. BLACK FRENCH Given at twenty-nint- h 8. marines, was placed on the waiting bier. LACE FLOUNCING, Iolani Palace, this LastQu'rt'r. MORGAN, 1336 134-- y 3 It was shrouded by a large American J. T. Proprietor. CREAM CHANTILLY and CREAM LISSE FLOUNCINGS, 5 ! day of January A. D. 10th. 1358-t- d AUCTIONEER. ! 13 r Jan. flag and surmounted by elaborate and ORIENTAL and VALENCIENNE FLOUNCING. f 1891. 4 56 7 8 9 10 vL New Moon. beautiful floral pieces. Then the choir 2673-5- t if chanted, "Lord, Me Know My J. A. CUMMINS, 11 12 lT 14 15 16 J7 Jan. 16th. Let End." - ! & n Q ? V lat l'rt'r. After the chant Rev. Dr. Spaulding Kid Grloves Minister of Foreign Affairs. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 read the lesson from the fifteenth chapter FOR SALE! KA?i.?Its-KID GLOVES, Tan U Jan. 24th. Auction Sale of Stocks Shades; ' of Epistle to the Corinthians, be- MOUSQUETAINE i l GODFREY 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 Fall Moon. Paul's Dressed and Undressed Kid in Tn BROWN, w ginning, " Now is Christ risen from the Brown and Black; GW. Minister of Finance. dead and become the first fruits of them MOUSQUETAINE EVENING , in Fawn and ihi CHAS. N. SPENCER, that slept." Prime Red ! tan shades. THE DAILY Then followed the hymn, " Jerusalem Salt Salmon Minister of Interior. the txolden." Monday, Feb. 2nd, On ECF' Before making your purchases in the above lines. CALL and IN A. P. PETERSON, SERMON OF BKV. DR. REED. our LARGE H PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER AJT 13 NOOX, SPECT and VARIED STOCK. i Attorney-Genera- l. Dr. Reed delivered the sermon, in sub- 2G76 7t 1300 4t stance as follows : At my Salesroom, Queen street I will In Barrels, ex Bark Electra. Most of us have been in the habit of eii at ruDiic awuuu, thinking that death came into the world The Popular Hob, 104 Fort f It is with deep sorrow that we an- us a 25 Shares Paia Sugar Co.'s St by the sin of Adam. Fossils teach In Lots to Suit -:- - At Low Prices! nounce the death of His Majesty King Be Just and fear not; story. long Let all tha ends thou alm'st at be different We know that be Stock; Par Value, $100 Kalakaua, which lamented event took Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. fore the age of man, animals and insects place on the 20th instant, at 2 :30 o'clock lived and died. Death did not come into Each. p. m., at San the world by chance. Death is the con- Francisco, Cal., the cause dition of existence on this earth of ours. xoo Shares Hawaiian Sugar of doath being Bright'a disease. SATURDAY. JAN. 31, 1891. But for death it would ' long ago become c. BREWER & CO. Minister of Foreign Affairs, uninhabitable. Death is as natural as Co.'s Stock; Par Value $ioo 26G2-lr- a HOLLISTER & CO., m the falling of a leaf. Life has its root in J. A. CUMMINS. Each; $16 per Share Paid There is not a doubt but the death, which does not break the thread Minister of Interior, of our existence : NOTICE. IMPORTERS AND IN largest edition of any Honolulu Here lies before us the body of an Up. C. N. SPENCER. king. Presently begin '1 t. paper was put out by the Adveb honored it will Minister of Finance, to fall away and will return to its native OWING TO THE AD-- complete sum- GODFREY BROWN. tiser yesterday. A elements. We do not believe that death TERMS CASH. vanced prices in feed and Drags and Medicines mary of the news relative to the destroys the personality of the man. laDor, we the undersign- Attorn , That body which is to be taken away to ed, from and after this late King, with the excellent date, shall charge on all general merchan- A. P. PETERSON. its native land will some day undergo a dise, carted from any steamer arriving OHBMIOAL8. Iolani Palace.Honolulu. January 29th. arrangement of the same, made the process of development. Its elements Jas. from ban Francisco, tbe rate of hftv cents will appear in the flowers of the gardens F. (50 cents) per per lading. 1891. to 2673 AUCTIONEER. ton, as bills of AMERICAN HAVANA issue one of the most desirable of the Hawaiian Islands'. By certain 6t All carting from sailing vessels at tbe rate and CIGARS, be had in Honolulu. Nearly every words, certain actions, this man devel- of forty (40) cents per ton. RESOLUTIONS OP THE PRIVY oped a certain character. That charac- Signed: Hustace, Robertson & Hitch --THE LEADING BRANDS been sold. & copy has ter will go on continually developing ; it ctu Sttrcrttscmcnts. cock: E. Peck Co.: Marcus R. Colburn: COUNCIL City Drayine Co., W. F. Sharratt: M. N. will live torever. Man in death is the Sanders; W. McGuire. ! J. On firet page will be found a same as he is in life. Oh much more so. Honolulu. Jan. 1, 1891. 2654-l- m Cigarettes and Tobaccos. the Hawaiians, your dear King has been short sketch of the Oceanic Steam- taken away, At a meeting of the Privy Council of I believe, because God Honolulu Fire Department! ship line. is gratifying to learn thought that by a longer residence on A. SCHREIBER, State, held at Iolani Palace on Thursday, It J. San earth would not tend toward his spirit- The Most Complete Stock of Photographic Supplies Jan. 29, 1891, the following resolutions by recent news from Francisco ual benefit. Therefore he took him were unanimously adopted: that this line is to be kept up with nearer to Himself so that he could be re- PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Aftkb a reign longer than that of any the steamships Alameda, Mariposa, fined and at last stand purified by fire. 6 On the Islands. other sovereign of Hawaii but one, the And now officers of the fleet, on behalf and JEWELER, and the Monowai or some other of this church, and, I trust, of the people earthly life of our beloved King.Kalakaua, Hotel St., - - - Under the Arlington. was 2:30 one of the New Zealand Steamship of San Francisco and the United States, AGENCY FOR THE closed at o'clock on Tuesday, the we you KODAK. 20th bid take the remains of the day of January ,1891,in San Francisco, Company's large vessels. Should royal man back to his native island Moderate Prices ! California, United States of America. the United States Government be Carry with you the assurance of our sin- Dark Room at Disposal of Amateurs. Failing health for some months past cere sympathy. We thank God that made it seem advisable that he should seek authorized to subsidize this mail seventy years ago there were raised up Notice of Election. to regain by a voyage to missionaries that converted the natives it the more bracing service, several new, larger and Manufacturers of a Full Line of climate of California, and inspired with faster ships will be constructed of the Sandwich Islands, and nince that this hope, he left his kingdom in Novem- time monarch after monarch has been AT THR ADJOURNED MEETING OF baptized in faith, includ- Waihee Sugar ber voyage cir- especially for this route, and the the Christian ! the Co., held this day, last. The and change of ing this man. In the providence of God NOTICE the following officers were elected for the ! cumstances at first seemed to benefit him, steamships Australia and Zealandia he was taken away, but his body will year: AJEEATED semi-month- WATEES but at length mortal diseasie appeared with ly be- will form a line now be sent back to the island he loved OF THE President. ..Z. S. Spalding ANNUAL PARADE nt increased vigor, vice-rresiae- and he sunk to sleep tween San Francisco and this po:rt, so well and for which his heart ever THE arranged for February 3d, hi. li Tenney Comprising the Popular Carbonated Beverages of the Day. carce nine days ago in a foreign land. yearned. by of secretary . . J . O. Carter all proximo, has been postponed order Treasurer P. C. Jones The friendly ship which the Hawaiian peo- as soon as the comtemplated repairs The sermon ended, the choir sang the Umet Engineer. "Rock of Ages," which was followed by Auditor .J. O. Carter ple were waiting for with expectant eyes, on the latter vessel are completed. HENRY SMITH. O. the repetition of the creed. After the J. CARTER. HOLLISTER & CO.. 109 L came this morning, bringing back, not Mono- Secretary H. F D. Secretary Waihee Sugar Co. Fort Mriet r On the through service, the benediction the audience followed the 2C75-3- Honolulu, Jan. 29, 1891. t Honolulu, Jan. 19. 1891. 2668-l- m their Sovereign in renewed health, but, cortege out of the church, the choir sing- HONOLULU, H. I. wai is advertised to leave San q alas, his lifeless remains. The decorations ing " Asleep in Jesus," as a recessional. 79-- i of loyal affection preparing for his recep- Francisco February 5,and to arrive f i Meeting Notice. Election of Officers. tion are speedily changed into those of here on February 12,on which date Lying in State. mourning, and we meet to-da- y in im- the also be due from of pulse of a common sorrow. the Alameda will The coffin containing the remains - AT THE ANNUAL M FETING the late King was placed on a table in rpHE STOCKHOLDERS OF C. BREW- OF CETSTAL SODA WORKS, The reign of our departed King was Australasia. ease take A the Hawaiian Agricultum! Companv. memorable as an era of remarkable and the center of the Throneroom. The table ot tne held this day, the following persons were notice that the Vn'tiS elected omcers xor current year: increasing prosperity. In the seventeen The New Enterprise. is covered by a large feather , for- Corunanv will be held at its office, on the HARE & CO., Props. No. 81 KINO STREET years of Queen street, on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 4th, Hon. Chas. R. Bishop President his reign, now closed, this nation merly the property of Naheienaina, a Vice-Preside- ::!! The Kona Coffee and Fruit Com- at 10 O'clock A. M. J. U. UAKlHitv, Mr. Sam'l C. Alien nt Sole Manufacturers or Great Blood Purifier has made rapid strides in its material in- sister of Kamehameha I. All except the Secretary C. B. & Co. Mr. P; C. Jones...... Treasurer the (Jan- 2674-l- w dustries, education and the arts of civiliza- pany (Limited) have accepted glass front at the head of the casket is Hono'ulu, Jan. 28, 1S91. Mr. J. O. Carter Secretary tion. uary 2l8t) the charter of incorpora- covered by another feather cloak. Mr. Tom May ....Auditor SARSAPARILLA AND IRON WATER! But death comes alike to King and com- by Hawaiian Gov- All day till 2 p. m. files of people DIRECTORS. tion granted the NOTION Hon. Chas. R. Bishop, Mr. Sam'l C. Al moner, and the seventh Sovereign of Ha- limited to wended their way through the Palace i ernment The charter is into the throne room, making a pitiful len, Mr. P. C. Jones and Mr. Chas M. i waii has gone to join the roll of the illus- Cooke. O. CARTER, fifty years, and the liabilities of the sight to see. A band of girls from Ka-waiah- J. GINCrER trious dead. We hnmbly bow to the will ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY Secretary H. A. Co, ale, in on my stockholders limited to the amount Seminary marched file from to trespass or to shoot Honolulu, Jan. 15, 1891. 2664-l- m of God. unpaid on the shares. The the Seminary to view the remains of land. Kahanui, and those 1 am in charge Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda, Thkrbfose due and Kauna-kaka-i, be it following officers were elected for their late monarch. The little girls were of, viz: Makakupaiaiki, Kapakea, Rksolvbd, That the Privy Council of , with black Kalaniaula, Naiwa, Palaau, and Officers. year: Chas. L. Hop- dressed in white consent of Election of Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc. State here assembled, join with his be- the ensuing eaabea around their waists, all their hair Kaluakai, without written the T. K. R. Amain, owners or my sel f. loved Consort, His Royal Sister and rela- kins, President; neatly tied with ribbons. I he band was Vice President; Henry Smith, Treas- R. W. MEYER. ATA MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS CCTALL AERATED WATERS GUARANTEED V5ViE.JS3 tives, and the Hawaiian people, in ex- a beautiful sight to see. Among others 2673--1 w Kalae. Molokai. of the Peoples' Ice and Refrigerating urer; W. C. Achi, Secretary; John who were : Diplomatic Co. held on Tuesday, Jan. 7th, the follow- pressing great sorrow this untimely called The and 330-TELEPHON- ES-Bell our at fol- were F. Colburn, Auditor; with the Consular corps, . Admiral Brown and ing officers elected to take the place Mutual 298 decease of our late King. , of those resigned : lowing directors, Henry Waterhouse, staff, the Captain and officers of H. B. WANTED. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Resolved, That the foregoing preamble K. Amalu. M. S. Nymphe and many others. No President Jona. Austin CISLAND S.M.Kaaukai and T. Vice-Preside- li. nt and resolutions be entered upon the re- ticeable amongst the callers mourn Jno. S. McGrew 2668-- q and Secretary G. cords of the Privy Council and published ers were the retainers and retinue of 1 HAVE ACCOMMODATION FOR P. Castle in newspapers of St. Andrew's Cathedral. three more boarders at mv table; terms Treasurer L. C. Abies the this city, and Her late Majesty Queen Dowager Emma, REYNOLDS, Auditor T. W. Hobron from $6 per week. W. F. Resolved, That the members of this The services of the second congre- also studentn St. Andrew's Priory 2673 Iw At Thrum's Bookstore. G. P. CASTLE. Council wear the customary for and Iolani College. 1357-2t2fi57- mourning gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral to- Secretary. UNION QIRON WORKS CO. 7- a period of thirty days. morrow, Sunday, will be as follows: C. P. IAUKEA, Furnished Rooms. 9:45 a. M.,Holy Communion with ser- Kcu) SUtocrtisemcnts. J. N. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. 2G75 13C0 Secretary. NOTICE. R. MORE, : Superintendent. mon; Hart's service in D will be NEAT AND COSILY FURN1SH-e- d CHAMBERLAIN'S NOTICE. sung; hymns 314 and 317. 6:30 p. u., Rooms can be bad by an earlv N application No. 4 Garden Lane. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS evensong with sermon; anthem, OTICE. at day openrd a retail store at No. 78 "Lord for Thy Tender Mercy's Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling Engineers and Iron Founders, Sake," by Sarrant; hymns 165 mHE FIRST ANNUAL MEETIKO nv DR. K. KOBAYASHI, The Court will go into full mourning for and 231. Rev. Alex. , the Stockholders of the Kahuku Plan GENERAL MERCHANDISE, His Majesty Kalakaua tation uo. will be held on SATURDAY, Office and Works, Esplanade, Honolulu, late from the date All cordially a- pastor. are invited to January 31, jyi, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the NO. EMMA STREET. combined with - of this notice until two weeks after the attend these services. unite ui j as. r. uasue. 33 funeral, and will wear half mourning from WM. W. HALL, Secretarv. Tailoring and Dressmaking Department MANUFACTURERS OF that time until the expiration of two months Honolulu, Jan. 26, 1891. 2fi73-5- t Hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4 The pair of black leaders nsed in 2655-2- from the day of the funeral. Ladies will and 7 to 9 p. M. WONG HOP CHANG. Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines, drawing the hearse to the Palace Aug. 1890. 45-- q wear black with white trimmings for full 21. Steam boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, MolasBes Tanks, Thursday afternoon, Mr. H. H. Wil- Annual Meeting. PROF. U. J. ORDWAY, Sugar Cars, mourning.and white with black trimmings liams procured from Club Cane Cars, Flevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings, for half mourning. the Stables and not from the Royal NOTICE. Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House All members of the Government and all Builders, Stables, as stated by last evening's Teacher of Banjo, Guitar k Mandolin Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, persons connected with the Court will wear Bulletin. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FROM AND AFTER Etc. crape on several nf the lCarn PI this date we will not be their . Co. will be held on SATURDAY, January Gentlemen being civilians will wear responsible for any black Brain workers, and all who to 31, 1S91, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of Music Department freight after same DIFFUSION MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. have & D. Leave orders at has suits and , and crape on the Castle Cooke. E. TENNEY. News Co. 154-- 1 m been landed. to whom freight is IT stand the severe mental strain conse- Secretary. Hawaiian left arm during the period of full mourn- quent on consigned must be at the landing to receive SOLE AGENTS HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOR THE intellectual employment, find Honolulu. Jan . 24, 1891. 272-l- w ing. Hol-listk- FRANCIS M. ENGLISH, B. A., (0I0N.), their freight Clements' Tonic invaluable. r WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO. All representatives of foreign countries. & Co. are the Agents for the Honolulu. Sept. 5. 1890. Islands. Is prepared to receive pupils in lt? q Consuls and commercial agents are invited St Andrew's Cathedral. English Pelton Water "Wheel. to observe the period of mourning herein Classics, Mathematics and prescribed, and the public generally To those who need a pleasant Tonic Literature. The Enterprise Hack Co. are Special preparation for University and 9REPAIRS of all kinds of MACHINERY done at REASONABLE requested to show their respect for the for any kind of debility, we can recom- Competitive Examinations. HAS BEEN RATRS and at SHORT NOTICE. 1354 14rf-3- i ? memory mend Clements' as the best. For sale MEMORIAL SERVICE. or 43 of the late lamented Sovereign by OT-'F- terms, etc.. please apply No. and has by Hollister & Co. 107-l- m removed to Carriage wearing badges of mourning during the Emma street. Stand No. 13. opposite the Po time specified. 2G7G lice Telephone H. Station. orders will receive JAMES W. ROBERTSON. Petersen has a notice in this The ii, o'clock Service at St. prompt attention and the publio guaran- Acting issue for you. H. PETERSEN teed satisfaction. Wagonetts furnished at The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette Chamberlain. Andrew's Cathedral, on SUN- few Palace, 132 Fort Street. a minute's notice. Iolani January 30th, 1890. DAY MORNING NEXT, will be WBell Tel. 113; Mutual Tel. 630. ''piIIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE with Special Reference to His Fresh Fruits ard Potatoes by every Stnir. WALLACE JACKSON, Df.partm at E. C. Dake'8 Advkrtisikg from San Francisco; the best in 150-- 1 m Manager. ARE THE LEADING PAPERS OF ent of Finance. Majesty UA, tbe market. THE KINGDOM, Honolulu, H. I., Jan. 29, 1891.J Agency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange. Late King KALAKA San Francisco, a Member Con- A fine Stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco. Cal., where contracts for of the Cathedral Orders for Groceries promptly filial. HP HE ADVERTISER 18 THE I Notice is hereby given that ail material, 1 1 auveruains can oe made tor gregation. 2677 sales small pronts. 207-3m- q 1 leading daily paper of Kingdom Cash the --And Have tbe Hardest Circulation DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JANUARY 31, 181)1.

OADD RAILWAY store Sundav and re-- not discussed betweeu witness and constituted a LAND CO.'S entered nieht - . I libel. All men cannot k it i 3Tru) duDfrttsrninitfl. NO DAMAGES. moved goods; did not niiaa anything isrcxiie; could not recouect anything be masters; cannot succeed in bnsi when made list; made list previous in rogam 10 irnming uauve gins ness or amassing a fortune. One TIME TABLE. to meeting creditors: believed troods "for the present they have knocks may make an unfortnnata trunca . " . ' . . . i nr. l 1 r were mo out, nau peniaps some reiereuce tion that may injure nim busi- t TO TAKE sold when assignment made in his EFFECT JAN. 3, 1801. out At not neces- - to JJrodio's style of writing, umh no ness. Related at notion's reoueht: . . . . circumstances of the ENTERPRISE D. M. Crowley vs Ha- sary for legal proceedings in regard refer to native girls; high kickers in assignment in 1884, plaintiff made PLANING MILL to the assignment: told Atherton other letter was not reference to my out list of articles for Atherton, who waiian Gazette Co. that his charge against me were un troupo; did not attempt to get any did not nroduce it. which ininrod PETER HJ.GH: Prop. just. high kickers. Hastie about 35 to 40 the plaintiff. Had Crowley that list TRAINS Nothing taken from my house by years old; ho occasionally learned a ne could prove all goods were given Office and Mill on AJakea 0 me or Tucker; wanted to take bed little to help; sometimes he, some on it. Showed that Hastie was near Queen Street. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. the lounge Mr. on ; times I, opened store in morning dishonest man from llooolulu...0:15 8:45 1:43 4:30f VERDICT IN FAVOR OF and Mrs. Hastie slept evidence given was outrageous to take bed slept on he resided with me at time of disso in regard to Hastie's dishonesty. Arrive Honoullull. 7:15 0:49 2:40 5:28t A lutiou, resided not longer than two The defense r DEFENDANT. search was made of house bv have not brought no fir L Honoullull. 7:45 10:51 3:51 5:50t Tucker and Mehrtens; knew nothing months; found out Hastie was a ba proois of Crowley having taken Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc, Etc. Arrive Honolulu. .8:40 11:55 4:55 6:45f of goods upstairs; Hastie told me man and gambler three or four those goods; considered Atherton nothing months after he came; did not find and Tucker t Sa rrday3 only. 5S-- tf of goods; knew nothing of both honorable, upright Sundays excepted. Continuance cf the Evidence it; went around among customers out his character tin alter ne was men, Put thought that personal feel MOULDINGS-Turn- od and' Sawed Work. Extracts from Letters fighting the rumors.obtaining a little admitted into my house; tried to ings sometime.exert an influence one job work occasionally keep find easiest way to get him out; way or SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. The Verdict. to me. another. Counsel thought Went to Kohala in '86, still followed emphatically did not state about cnarges were of a most serious kind; LB my business, opened up a place for goods to Turner, never gave him Press in the United States have AKKIVALS. a hotel. Was well acquainted such explanation, driven honorable men into retire Friday. Jan. 30. Friday, Jan. 30. and had correspondence with Davidson questions the witness ment. The United States Conirress I... i. ., Strar J A Cumiains. Neilson, from Koo-- opened at 10 a. m., and pro Mrs. Whitney; The effect of connection with this is composed of men lau. Court letters answered; disreputable and Sttur Kila;;ea Hou. Nye.frora Hamakua. ceeded with the case of D. M. Crow was working at my trade operatic buhiness was ruinous to dishonest. Dwelling further on rvi N 15 Kau, me, prevented me from going out in dence produced, Am bktne b Castle, days from San ley vs. the Hawaiian Gazette Co in remained there several he went on to define r rancisco. months; did not preserve letters the world as an honest man, injured ibel and gave comparisons of oun- - Am bktne Mary Winkelman. 22 days Defendant rests. from Mrs. me patrons; was sure iroru oan rancisco. Whitney. Knew Mr witn posi lsuuients now and long ago. Libel, Am bktne Skagit, 30 days from Tort I'laintitl introduces evidence in Brodie. Brodie was district auction tively, that every item 1 possesd m by statutes of the KiDgdom differed lownsenu. rebuttal. eer, commission aeent and chaper my store was stated in my list given mucn as to libelb in ancient times. Schr Kauikeaouli from Kohala. oned all theatrical companies visiting to Atherton, was at Kohala during when punishment was greater E. F. Ward, resides in Honolulu; - . . . . far o - - mat, election 1867, 1 voted lteform ticket uow. Mr. Crowley; knew of partner district, via live at ljanaina. tiian bolon in his opinion OEPA1CTUKKS. knew Could explain Brodie's reference to Mr. Burgess on the stand as quoted, in 550, made libel highly Friday, Jan. 30. ship of Crowley & Hastie, Crowley's theatricals as complying, with in Honolulu lbbi; Knew urowley; penal. Sylla punished libellous Stmr Kinau, Lorenzen, for Maui and reputation good; heard no rumo: Brodie's request to direct to him plaintiff rented building from me, writers with death. Constantino nawau. any could not he had a partner; Stmr Bishop, St of Crowley's theatrical enterprise; company that came along; one say if burnt them at the stake. " Slander, li Claire, for circuit company know as personal whose edge is oi uanu. Hastie's reputation was not a very came to Wailuku while Atherton; of shamer than a swnnl. Stmr Pele, Smytbe, for Kukaiau. there; Whitney printed bills for goods told Atherton, could not recol whose tongue outvenoms all the Stmr Hawaii, Clarke, for llamakua. good one; ran away and hid himself company; made reference to me; O, lect if told him before or after the worms of Niles." The Press is great- in Kau; witness came from New naturally helped them to find a place second lot was found; did not tell est promoter of enlightenment that TO-DA- VESSELS Y. s, LEAVING Zealand; can't remember of having to sleep; as to term of "high-kicker- Atherton that Crowley had conceal- ever existed, and if used for mali Am bk Electra, Anderson, for San was one of Brodie's .own ; letters of ed goods. cious purposes is capable of destroy- ..-- seen Hastie there; could not charge . ) r rancisco. Mr. Dayton in ing Stmr Kilauea Hou, Nye, mine in response to Brodie s. Brodie David Lived reputation and ruining the hones for Ookala and anything specific against Hastie; agent for every troupe Honolulu 1884, knew Crowley to be and x f peen-e- an p ra. that went to blighting the life of the inno Having secured general reputation not a good one. Kohala. organize com- - engaged in upholstering business; cent the services of Mk. C. C. Ripley. Architect and Building Uf.,'r Did not a and happy. Superintendent, now Cross-examine- I am prepared to furnish Designs for every description of d pany of com- - his shop was on King street, lived 1 I'ASSKNGEKS. Had no acquaint hula girls; never saw a I he J udge charged the lurv. who Building, and will Sujerintend the Contraction of the same. ance with Crowley; did not think pany of hula girls; never owned any on Liliha street; Crowley's house retired to the iurv room, soon re opposite house of prostitution 'Please call and designs before ARBIVAL8. Crowley and Hastie were partners. . Communications with Brodie a that turning with verdict for defendant. examine placing your orders elsewhere. From San Francisco, per bktne Mary were simply done as acts of friend was prosecuted; heard no rumors JDffTrompt attention to all 153--j uiKeiman, jan 31199 U W Mr. Cavanaugu : Lived twelve orders. li uorbert, ship. Lectured on temperance many about Crowley till trouble com The following extracts Knox, E II Eaater, J C Jenkins, wife and years in Honolulu; knew Crowley years to menced about assignment of goods are taken o cnuareu, v xi need, and 11 Katke. before coming the islands; rom letters of D. M. Crowlev to Mr. and Hastie some time: their busi spoke to ladies on temperance: lect- - in 1884. Knew Hastie; I knew of DEPASTURES. was Brodie: For Hawaii Maui, per ness was upholstery; ured on travels occasionally to pass goods concealed; at time deputy and stmr Kimni. had a room in (No. 1 Extract from letter dated La- - Jan 30 Hon H P Ral.lwi.i PI. Wi,.i.t a the building; in building away an idle hour: was not a lecturer marshal, sent officer, did not see ! ! W W Alias furniture goods; officers and haina, October 30, '88.) Barnes. Goodale, H Kanaliele, by Crowley & Hastie. Hastie asked here. Gave a lecture with Mr.Dickev I told Mehrtens New Goods New Goods u raDoe, a x Atkinson, A WrMy, I) L at Hamakuapoko. Dickey offered me about goods; think Atherton told or " I am on the track of, I think, eood Huntsman, Miss A Miss Kapela, witness if ho could leave a parcel in material for what we proposed Horner, Cannot --o- ng part proceeds: them, requested me to see aoout R Hall, Mrs W O Muller, Law On.-Wo- his room; could not remember date; of refunded the get to Waimea in time for stage cus now, .miss rapuiei, J no llmd, and Mr I slept in his room; saw no parcels in gave in cause of temperance; never goods; could not tell whether goods preier to organize lor throueti tour to my room; asked nor received any money from were found after assignment, but nclude a pair or more of hieh-kicker- a. " PENNSYLVANIA " and NEW EASY LAWN MOWERS, Mr. Atherton asked me if from would I had any parcels in my room; told an aid society. . Only lecture deliv circumstances judge the intend trying anyhow I am satisfied SII1FPINO NOTES. Atherton that Hastie had asked him ered where proceeds were given to goods were found after assignment that the right material is here." U. part was made. China, to leave parcel ; wa3 not responsible the W.U.T. Took no in (No. 2 Letter, April 9, '89.) Haviland The steamer J. A. Cummins arrived last politics as professional night from Koolauwith about 1.200 bags for room; lived in Honolulu quite politician; Mr. Levey Was in Honolulu in They have probably written to you sugar ior uie iorypnene. recently; did not hear anything of belonged to Mechanics' Union ; knew 1884, know Crowley and Hastie, as they have to me that Bushnell has Silver Platedware, The schooner Kauikeaouli came in last Crowley offering to sell out the Me- Thurston. Had communication with they were partners; knew Crowley sailed, and they are going to tour the night from Kohala. She brought 2,000 Thurston in October in reference to before partnership, considered Crow- islands as the Pastime Novelty Co., and sugar. chanics' Union. Did not hear about Lamps, Chandeliers uag3 Crowley's hula affair; did not hear furniture for the Bungalow; saw ley's standing good; his dealings as the hills have it, the leading artist The American new ship Shenandoah, Minister of Interior reference to of the Universe,' (I suppose they mean the lareest sailine vessel hmlt in America of Crowley being a temperance lec in with me were perfectly satisfactory; G--. same matter. Had communication well, not of the Dives). When I saw them their sailed from New York for San Francisco turer. knew Hastie did sell goods stage business was of a poor order, they WM. FISCHER'S cn January luth. She registers 3,258 tons. Cross-examine- d with Thurston in regard to writ- for him; found goods brought in by Did not know if could with an addition of one or two ap 'anions Grand Active and Gol- The steamer Kaala's cargo on Thursday Hastie brought parcel or not: did ing articles; conversation merged Hastie to have' been stolen; Hastie propriate scenery, make a good panto- from Lahaina was 1,882 bags sugar. den Anvil Wrought not 6ee any parcel n : " into politics. Thurston took me to was employed by Dillingham; he mime troupe, which I think would, with The steamer Kilauea Hou brought on map, showed a section as only land brought in one day one dozen extra little minstiel and variety business. Steel r nuay j,ai uags sugar irom J. A. Mehrtens: laved in Hono llamakua. could be applied to question. Up to razors; doubted being take better than anything else . I in- She leaves this auerdoon. - lulu; knew Crowley, he was engaged quality their tended having a confab with them before Three American barkentines arrived on in upholstery on King street; recol mai. uuie look uu active pan in nis property ; inquired and iound Friday. Mechanics' Union. A platform was goods were Dillingham's; saw they started out again, but they have ! lected having some dealings with re gone to Hana Cooking Ranges The Deing consisted two port went away aud probably fixed their barkentine Mary Winkelnian, - him; was policeman ; firm closed up discussed, of that Hastie without tents, and perhaps that ends it. They tain Nissen, arrived January 30th, about by police; did not recollect whether planks one was to elect both sec passport, was brought back; know no- are certainlv better in general 22 days from San Francisco with general tions of by vote. varietv Axjl an assignment; saw Hastie at time Legislature popular thing about rumor? about . Crowley business than you could train any na OF SIZES, merchandise. Had light soutnerJy and requested me to westerly winds to port. She brought a he was there; did not recollect see Thurston write selling out Mechanics Union; know tive girl to. For the present they have With Boiler and Hot Water deckload of 394 pigs in good condition for Crowley; A her ton was articles, after article appeared, went nothing about Crowley organizing a Knocked me out. Mess. ing not Attachment if desired. Burke and Winston. at-th- to " J still intend, though, there; did not know at time to. Thurston see in regard to try hula company except what I read in and am in correspondence Hono-- one-thir-d The bark Electra, Captain Andersen, where Crowley lived; found out by to have a friend removed from La Advertiser. with a friend in Consuming less fuel, sails at 6 o'clock this morning, at high haina was sole object of second visit. ulu for talent for a minstrel troupe. The either wood or coal, than any tide, for San Frrncisco. fche takes about going under Deputy Marshal's or- Crowley again took etand No two best members of my late company other Stove in exiatenne. 27,000 bags Thurston approved of my article sugar. ders to hunt up Crowley; must have suits brought before assignment; are there and anxious to join again ; one in paper, asked what wanted, re- ! The barkentine S. N. Castle, Captain L. had papers to search; went in to I I brought afterwards; suits were en wrote last week and mentioned an A 1 No Brick work about it H. Hubbard, arrived January 30th About look for goods; Mr. Crowley was fused to take anything; article took tered went to Hatch's office signed ig and song and dance man will go. Just a Clean Cut Stove I 15 dsys from San brings a Francisco. She very short time, he insisted to-nig- Whose Baking geneial cargo. working on chairs, Crowley claimed but I papers voluntary. Creditors did not am expecting to hear again qualities are V for private parties; Crowley, Hastie should take five $5 gold pieces. put accounts collector s hands; rom him I have a darkv, good singer The barkentine Skagit, Captain Robert- in good Grates. son, arrived on Friday, January 30th, and Crowley's wife, Mr. Tucker ac- When Thurston asked what I would no suit pending in Police Court. and bones, and at female imperson- take to act as political agent, jok- ation but I have written to find a real abont30 days from Port Townsend with companied him: no obstructions put I bumming up Hatch thought FOR SALE BY" THE U24.000 feet 175.000 shingles, and replied $2,000. shemale ' who can dance. I have a lot lumber. in way of starch ; did not think he ingly He thought evidence on one side. As long as about 10,"00 pickets. Experienced a suc- that large, but referred the matter to of large colored litho. posters startling cession of heavy gales the first seven days; carried anything away; did not re- man choose to attend his own pri- more anon." thence had light southerly winds to Ma'ui. collect going with truck, or send VV. O. Smith; did not see W. O. vate business, no one has any right up (No. 3 Letter, April 22d, '89.) HAEDWARE CO, Passed the bark Matilda in lat. 40 N., and Smith; was not in market as political to bring him before public opin- - HAWAIIAN long. 136 W. ing truck for any goods; knew heading for Honolulu. After to follow " If I can find a Dassable- violin. I will" Crowley agent, wanted my business. so protects as to 7 (LIMITED). unloaing,the Skagit will go to Kahului to nothing of sale of &Co. ion; law draw set my troupe in motion In a week or Cross-examine- d If made statements that would Opp. Spreckels' Bank, Fort Street, Honolulu, load sugar for San Francisco. Recollections not I I a cloak even over a crime, excuse will go break un the Mechanics' Union for two I to Honolulu and try to get 79 distinct; had no occasion to remem existed in this case. When a man one." q DIED. ber events concerning the assign- $1,000, I would have expected Mr. sets himself up as public teacher,etc , show me door. (No. etter, July 12th, '89.) ment. Thurston to the' I putting himself in a position to be HOLSTEFN In this city, January 29th, made no such statement. Thurston public press should I wrote you last and the show busi Mr3. N. K. Holstein, aged 67. Mr. Morgan was called, not pre exposed, the ness is in abeyance but not abandoned sent. asked me what I would take to work show the Career. That was origin of ROBINSON In this city, January 30th, for the Reform . replied. of it anon." -:- Mrs. Harry Robinson, aged 40. Mr. Crowley, plaintiff in suit: I controversy. By circumstances the Bargains! Bargains! 2,000. At the time of the campaign Lived nine or ten years in Honolulu; Advertiser was justified in showing BRANCH DIVISION. formed a society, -- XOCUI, AND GENERAL. came from ban 1 rancisco: occupa the natives had him up. No paper, has right to say :o:- tion now and in '84 upholstery; had which was spoken of as joining the anything untrue, am satished the Friday, Jan. 30. Mechanics' Union. Was no attempt a partner in '84 for a short time; paper told the trutn. Mr. urowiey BEFORE JUDD, C. J. THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'D., To-da- y ends the January Term of of agreement made between Thur- he went into business in Honolulu in lost his character when hid those Solomon the Supreme Court. '83; ston and me. The $2,000 was for trimmings.he lost his character when Paakonia vs. Anehila. place on King street, three doors Divorce granted on grounds Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building, from Castle & Cooke; conducted work to be done for Reform Party he attempted to organize a troupe of of utter hokey-poke- y i9 . desertion. Rosa for plaintiff. No they are Removing Goods The man again on business alone at first, after pnrtner-ship- ; committee. hula girls. You heard the evidence their Stock of to the Cross-examinatio- n appearance of or for defendant. the streets summer is coming. firm known as Crowley & Co ; Witness said of Mr. Atherton; also of Mr.Crowley Maria de Vierra vs. Y on third visit to Thurston that the in to goods under bed ; J. Antonio took Hastie as partner, continued reference the Vierra. Divorce granted McHS-MRIST- The Royal Hawaiian Band played partnership six months in '84; firm matter of the $2,000 was to it remains for you to judge between on the BLOCK. off; he grounds of extreme cruelty and non-suppor- t. in front of the Palace nearly all yes- not involved ; soon after becoming ac- be considered because them. Crowley was upholsterer, WT. Ashford for plaintiff. During removal, in order to of terday forenoon. quainted with him found him dis- requested me to see O. Hastie was not; what could Hastie No jD" save expense handling, honorable, gambler; Hastie Smith; may not have used those do with the trimmings? That has appearance of or for defendant. kept to 3. F. Morgan, auctioneer, sells books, did outdoor work, collected words, but gave Thurston think certainly a great bearing upon the the ; y the matter to be off had no objection SPKCIAL. BUSINESS ITEMS. at 12 o'clock to-da- eight head of money not giving account for it; six question. Tucker's evidence showed Their Entire Stock is Offered at Reduced Rates! to what Thurston wanted me to do ; be- Crowley stated, "Oh! There . horses and mares. A chance for bar- or eight months of partnership that ln.Tr T - . ri : i o fore assignment was made; led. me had objection to being a political were some odds and ends sewed up." gains. for $1. with a hundred Tiatterns TO THE TRADE. to charge him with dishonesty; Has- agent; was no politician. All Thur- Mr. Atherton's evidence showed the GTfTJTJ to choose from at Sacus' Stobe tie was anxious to live cheaply; al- ston asked me to do was to ask concealed goods to be of great value; The Kinau was the first vessel to Smith. Objected in every way, shape 104 Fout Stbeht. Persons requiring anything in their line will find this a specially favoi-abl- e carry the sad news of Hawaii's lowed him to occupy part of my didn't think Crowley made assign- house; Hastie came home late; or form. Had no idea what kind of ment simply to get rid of Hastie. It opportunity. Monarch to the windward islands services were expected. Spoke twice If you are in search of a Silk or yesterday. charged him with not treating his was abundantly proved that Crowley Lieo for evening or (Hastie's) family right; resolved to at meetings at Fishmarket; was was liable; Crowley tries to escape asked by one or two to go down to being liable by throwing blame on street wear call at Sachs The 11 o'clock service at St. An- dissolve partnership, to get rid of Store, and you will find what you want. New Goods, New Goods man working for us offered speak; attended meetings of Mech- Hastie. He cannot escape entertain drew's Cathedral on Sunday will be him; a anics; took active part in frustrating G00 to buy him out; took Hastie in ing same opinion as Atherton aud The latest shades in Have lately been received and fresh invoices are on the WHy. with Bpecial reference to his late platform Thurston dreaded. Crowley's connec Henrietta Maiestv Kincr Kalakana. as a partner upon promises,got some others in regard to Cloth and new l'laids can be money, not all; most of property At 12 o'clock noon Court took a tions with hiding the goods, in re- ' recess till 2 p. m. found at Sachs' Stoke, 101 is reported that H. R. H. Prin- was mine; assignment was made gard to organizing troupes,he speaks Fort Street. It of own troupe or cess Kaiulani, H. H. Kawa-nanako- a purely voluntary; no judgment,, no in his letter his Prince company having hold of the right PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd., Kalani-anaol- e suit pending; no threats made RICH AND GUARANTEED and H. H. Prince AFTERNOON. high- - soon Eng- against Crowley & Co.; Atherton was material, getting some positively pure Ice Cream of will return from p. chosen by creditors meeting at my Court convened at 2 m. kicker and a shemale; was getting flavors only $2 per Fort Street, Honolulu. land. finest at 7!-- q office; creditora called by me Crowley's cross-examinatio- n was a troupe in operation; was on whole gallon at the Pioneer Steam Candy All warrants and other processes through letters sent to creditors; continued--Brodi- e was looking for the lookout for material for Brodie. Factory, Bakery and Ice Cream Parlors. troupe, min- To variety show of all the Courts of this Kingdom meeting about 18th of July, 1884; material for forming a state he was in the 2(jG-t- f F. Horn, Proprietor. spe- "Liliuoka-lani,- " were sold about two weeks af- strels, etc., from California; if I business is not a libel unless it St., must be in the name of goods Hotel bet. Fort and Nnuanu. 1 Queen of Hawaii, by order of ter, Mr. Ellis conducting sale; re- came across anything I was to let cially injures his standing. He JUST 1VED the Supreme Court. collect meeting Mr.Atherton at office him know, was not interested with had a right to organize troupes of ARE she-mal- es Kona Coffee and Fruit Company, L'd. after his being appointed assignee; him or for myself, quite sure was high kickers and if he you are in search of a black silk deed of assignment was exe- not in any way interested; "got hold choose. As to proof of attempting I 1! If after he was so dress, such aa black india, black cuted, I found Atherton at door; he of right material," had no reference this it was evident that VOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT surrah, black grosgrain or black told me, "Crowley, I thought you an to a company formed by him, but engaged. His temperance work was at a meeting of the subscribers of the in Pianos 1 ! brocade, call at Sachs' store 104 honest man; last night some one en- had reference to parties from Cali- creditable; when he commenced the above nxmed Company held Honolulu, 2 Westciiaycr v Wcstermayer Grand two girls in variety business, he acted on the Oahu, Hawaiian Inlands, on January 21. Fort street, where you will find a tered store and removed goods; am fornia; "I can train 1.S91, it was voted to accept the Charter of good assortment. going to have you sworn before song aud dance," referred to a com- Erinciple of not letting the right Incorporation granted by the Hawaiian in- through Lahaina; what the left did. He Government. Deputy Marshal asked for his pany passing THE BEST FOR THIS CLIMATE. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. Stockholders, of the Kahuku Plan- he would not give it; police- trained no portion of this company, has no particular right to ask for Notice is further given that the limit of formant; damages if he was engaged in said Charter is fiity vears, and the liability tation Company meet to-da- y at 10 man came; told Mr.Atherton he had could not explain this portion of this of the stockholders limited to the amount o'clock at the office of Jas. B. Castle; made foul charges against me; he letter; part of letter referring to work and the paper published it. In due and unpaid on the shares. SXT For Sale by also the shareholders of the Ewa reply. Cavanaugh had room "violin" had reference to company the face of testimony given by Mr. The following ollicers were elected for did not Crow- - the ensuing ye.ir: Plantation Co. meet at 3 p. m. at the over end of store; had no proprie at Wailuku, was musical director; Thurston and Crowley, when of startling colors referred ley's services were offered for $1,000 Chas. L. Hopkins President nosters Vice-Preside- office & nt of Castle Cooke. tory right . of rooms upstairs; steps m a a i I ,rr 1 T i rwkv l - T. K. R. Ainalu ED. HOFFS CHL & Co outside of building, no connection to minstrels from Australia, only or 5:5,uuu lor breaking up aiecnan- Henry Smith. Treasurer AEGER Business seemed at a standstill all inside; did not know of any goods men connected, d:J not attempt to ins Union, he cannot expect a ver W. C. Achi Secretary "9 1343--q Ktm? mi Bethel HtrM. was difficult to John F. Col burn Auditor ' any females; in reference to dict for plaintiff. It V- day yesterday. Nearly every busi- upstairs prior to assignment; Ather- get , - ness well found upstairs; negro capable of personating female understand Crowley's modesty. The And the following were elected as Direc- house, as as many private ton told me of goods Henrv Vaterhoue, S. M. em- character and the she male was article was written in justifiable cir- tors: Kaaukai ones, assuming the trimmings gave Atherton an itemized statement and T. K. R. Amain. W. C. ACHI, The Weekly Gazette blematic of the sympathy and sor- of all goods, every dollar's worth; working for Brodie, did not succeed cumstances. Secretary Kona Coffee and Fruit Company, and Daily Advertiser row felt by the nation for the loss of did not see goods upstairs; only in getting them, got no native girls; Mr. Davidson Read extract from Limited. its King. knew what Atherton said some one subject of obtaining native girls was Penal Code in reference to what Jan. 21, lM'Jl. 2077-l- w 13W-4- t AUK THE LEADING JOURNALS OK HONOLULU. 1 " uu

daily M61fiu -- tiBM&UrtU. AjjtERliSM, kiiYJl, atatrttjeaestt. The Home Xtro Atocrtteeiruittt. 3flufrtlsrafnts. Nothing's gained by worrying By hurrying, HAWAIIAN And scurrying, T GAZETTE Engine Wm. G. kwin & Company, With fretting and with flurrying Rep Vapor The temper's often lost : J. L. MEYER, And in pursuit of some 6inall prize J (LIMITKIi). W e rush ahead and are not wise, Tl . I. MIS Are adapted for Pum Dine. Electric And find the unwonted exercise Lighting, running Elevators. Har A feariul price has cost. Steam Book and Xol vesting and Thrashing Machines. Printing OFFER FOR SALE Tis belter far to join the thmng i Circu-cula- r, House and Decorative Presses, and Machinery, duty right along ; Practical Painter. Jig and Band Sawn, Hoidtiner. Mill, That do their and Mining Machinery. Coffee Mills and Reluctant they to make a lus, Roasters, Polishing and FannineMachines, Lime and Cement, Or make themselves ridiculous. Ventilating Apparatus, Emery Wheels, Calm and serene in heart and nerve, Ltc., in fact, everywhere power is needed. PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S Their strength is always in reserve, & CO. PEINTIKG OFFICE And nobly stands each test : And every day and all about, PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. By scenes within and scenes without, Compounds and Hoofing We can discern with ne er a doubt, No Boiler, No Fire. No Steam, That quiet ways are best. 46 Merchant Street. No Coal, No Ashes, New York Evangelist. No. 130 No Engineer, No Explosion. seed's fatest Fort St., Honolulu. VARIETY. NO DANGER 2651-- q Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. omytne, a young Is prepared to do all of 1 ifyw ? "Jlr. said kinds Commer- woman, a cial and Legal Work, correctly "l heard gentleman say vou had some of and with dispatch. FERTILIZERS : that the marked characteristics of a poet." IT. Wool Dust, "Ah, l m glad to know that my B. EHLER8 & Co. little efforts in verse are appre Bone Meal, ciated. Having Lately Received a Very Complete Fish Guano, "Yes, he seems to. His mind FOR THE HOLIDAYS: ALSO seems to run on poets. It was Stock of all the Finer Grades of only yesterday that he said he BUCK: &c OHLANDT'8 thought most of them were Toys, Dolls, Musical Boxes, Dressing Sets more or less wrong mentally."-Mercha- nt Flat Papers of every size, Hkh Grade Chemical Cane Manure. Traveller. rrea ion see, Albert, l gave FULL LINE OF WITH up my Sunday school class in order GRASS SEEDS: to take charge of a Bible class m BLACK , C. P. & D. P. CORSETS, Etc, Etc Fine White and Colored Cards. the prison. Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovera. Albert You must feel a little awkward among strangers, do you ArrivalofBlengfe And also having added to our former notr OFEIST EVENINGS! very large assortment, REFINED SUGARS, "Oh, I know several of them. about eighty fonts One of them used to be one of Started Instantly Without Even a father's most trusted clerks and ok the Match Falrbank Canning Co.'s Corned another was at one time an old ! 141 Days from Iivcrpooll Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. Sunday school teacher of mine." GOODS Boston Beacon. Finest Job Type and Ornaments' Always Ready to give out its Full Power. SALMON IN BARRELS, Mrs.Grogan (whose husband has My line of fine goods is more than complete this year, and comprises everything 131-- q fallen from a building): An' whin new and desirable in the line ot Cost to Run: did th' accidint occur, doctor? IxAJRGK CARGO OF From the most celebrated Foundries of Doctor: At five minutes past About One Cent per Horse-cow- er per the United StateB, and employing Baldwin Locomotives twelve, madam. JEWELRY and SILYERWARE Hoar. only experienced and tasty work- Mrs. Grotran: Sure, thin, Oi'm Especially handsome this year are the Diamond necklaces, either in solitaire or men, we are prepared to turn glad of it. lie had no business to handsomely mounted as pansies, daisies, forget -me-nots, chrysanthemums, etc., etc. CfcT-T- he above Engine cn be seen in mucn as were . : be wurrukin' overtoime, so he Gold Beads are worn as they last out at very short notice operation at any time at tne jueac juarxei A laree lot of all sizes on hand, and to arrive ou the 12th inst. oi Jos. Tinker, Nuuanu street hadn't. Hair ornaments in gold and silver; handsome Buckles, beautiful Diamond Lace- - Goods The undersigned having been appointed n,ar-nng- s, New pms, Kings, LocKets. Information in regard to the cont. Ladv: What made vou leave Letter Heads, cole Agents for the Hawaiian islands iJiaruonas ana precious stones in every conceivable style, . on applica-- 1 Bill Heads, running, etc. will be furnished j your last place, Nora? tion to .Nora: bhure, ther missis wuz Circulars, FOB THE CELEBRATED NOVELTIES! NOVELTIES! Note Heads, JOS. TINKER, Nuuanu St., afthur wanthin' me to coot aff me Statements. hair so she cud make a switch av In this line I have an especially fine lot of desirable goods. Bills of Lading, 102-- q Sole Agent Hawaiian Islands. BaldWUl LOCODlOtiVeS it ter match her own, ther owld Have also added a line of FINE GOODS. Contracts, As they are entirely new and of the Finest Leather only. I take pleasure in Chains, rid hidded thing!" ouenng tnem on tneir merits alone. Anchors, Mortgage Blanks, From the Works of A six feet seven They comprise Pocket Books, Purses, Pocket Books and Card Cases Combined, Cocoa Mats, Kettles, Leases, Bonds, City Meat Note Books, Bill Books, Calendar Tablets, Card Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Sauce Pans, Fry Fans, Shipping-- Contracts, Market inches tall has just taken to him etc., etc., etc. Calendars, Bumham, Pwry Williams & Co., self a who measures three In I carry a very large stock, from a plain case to an elaborate raised gold Bedsteads, Blank Checks, feet one inch. Love me little,love me and diamond inlaid, of the well-know- n makes ot Howard, Waltham, Elgin, Dueber, Fence Wire, Hampdon. btanuard and owiss. All sold on a guarantee. Metal, Philadelphia, Fenn,, long was the burden of their song. 1 also call your attention to my Sheathing Steel-plat- e Wedding Cards, Chicago Mail. Roofing Iron Stock Certificates, JOSEPH TINKER, Are now prepared to give estimates and Cane Knives, Cards, Business receive orders for these engines, of any SPOONS, Cutlerv Milk Checks, size and style. iNcia StfiDcrttsnncnts. HAWAHAN Heal Tickets, Practical Butcher, Pronounced by all to be the best article of Hawaiian manufacture to send abroad. Bank Checks, Likewise the Boar' Tusk Scent Bottle. Not only handsome, but useful as well. AND MAKKB OF THE The Baldwin Locomotive Works are Call and see them. You will like them. Sole Leather Trunks, now manufacturing style of Clocka, Plantation Orders, a Locomo In all other lines Silverware, etc. my stock is very complete. Red Lead, Receipts, . Notes, Celebrated Cambridge Fork Sausage tive particularly adopted White Lead, WING CRONG TAI, Boiled Linseed Oil, Certificates, Made by very best Machinery and Diplomas. the Castor Oil, Belting, cannot be equalled. His For Plantation Purposes, s . Catalogues, H. F. WICHMAN, s Fort Street. Coal Tar, Water Tanks, Blotting Pads. Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Pork 184-lr- a Fire Brick, Red Brick, Alum, Druggists' Lables, A number of which have recently been Red Ochre, Fire Clay, Islands, we will Envelopes, fall sizes; is of the finest quality. received at these and Bags, Twine, Shipping: Receipts, have pleasure in furnishing Plantation Carpenter and Painter Programmes, All orders entrusted to his care are de Agents and Managers with particulars of Filter.Cloth, livered with cleanness and dispatch within same. . Theatre Programmes, a radius ot three nmes ot tne city, my WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH The superiority of these Locomotives Contractor, Builder and Jobber, Corned Beef and Pickled Tongues Soap, Groceries, over ail other mates is not only Known Furniture and Cabinet Maker, etc. V And in fact everything which a First-- Are a Specialty and need no comment. here but is acknowledged throughout the and , My Celebrated united States. IPedirrrees of Perfumery, Flags, class Office can do, and Chinese Employment Office, all Horses Keut. CAMBRIDGE FORK SAUSAGES Rope Brushes, Croquet Sets, At Bed-roc-k Prices ! Are the BEST in the Islands. WM. G. IKWIN & CO., No. 39 King Street. Dressing Cases, 'Upwards of half a ton a week sold. Mirrors, Solb Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Mutual Telephone 670; Bell Tel. q Saddled 79-- m y Book Don't forget the address : Gazetto and Job BREEDING DEPARTMENT J SALE DEPARTMENT. Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs, CUT MEAT MARKET, NTJUANU STREET, THEBISDOK PIONEER LINE ! 46 Blankets, Sheeting, Merchant Street. (Opposite Queen Emma Hall.) Locomotive Iron and Works, The following Fine Animals will stand Dry Goods, Merinos. FOR SALE: ' -- for Service at the Ranch, Waialae : , Handkerchiefs, N. B. No connection with any Corner of Bsal and Howard Streets, tallions of "Various Breeds. FILTER PRESSES. other Market. WHITE'S EXPRESS Victoria Lawns, Well-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." Mares with or without Foul Han Francisco. California Horses Tor any Purpose. Mosquito Netting, , Norman Stallion Laces, Ribbons, , , FAATTHA0 PlllfTATIOir, 1 WE ARE NOW SHOWING W. H. TATLOB President HawAn. Marca , 1888. 1 B. 8. MOOBK Superintendent "CAPTAIN GROWL." Velvets, Embroidered Dresses. Blsdon Inn and Locomotion Work. Ran Fran- - BREAKING DEPARTMENT eiaoo. AT OUR Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT." Qsntlemen We have used two of roar so. A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINER chambered Filter Presses thlsseaaon. The Builders of Steam Machinery Two Native Stallions are convenient, easily handled and are working is employed on the Ranch. Flannel, entirely to our satisfaction. I nan recommend MUSIC DEPARTMENT All Aboard for Waialua and PILIAOAO" and " FRANK." no improvement on tnem. In all Us branches. Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breaking Basket Trunks, Very respectfully yours. Way Stations 1 A "Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK. and Training Horses. - Hampers, (signed) - A. Moobi, Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines & Boilers, Manager Paaunau Plantation. High Pressure or Compound. Rugs, Mats, Carpete, STEAM VE88EL8 of all kinds built complete, , Tweeds, Buu, Sept. 38, 1889. with bulls ot wood, Iron or composite. LEAVING HONOLULU K. 1SENBEEG. PAUL 62-l- TRAINS 1314-l- y y Ginghams, Ha. Job Dm, Agent Blsdon Iron Works Six (New Styles) FISCHER and SCHURBERT OBDINABY ENGINE8 compounded when ad- station at i:4o p. si. on Honolulu. visable. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRI Hosiery, Dbab SIB: Please stun us one of your 80 8TEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- DAYS will carry Passengers, Mail and Scarfs. Compartment Filter Presses. 240 square feet structed with reference to the trade in wblcb Small Packages for Waialua. surface, same as tbe one supplied ns last season, (New York Make) they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and which I am pleased to say has given ns entire draft of water guaranteed. Transfer will be made at City to sausiaonon. xourc trmy, 9UOAB M1LL8 and Sugar Making Machinery White's Pi neer Express, which will coni Suitings in latest styles, GEO. B. EWART, made after the most approved plans. Also, all mence to run Monday morning, uec. EJUi. GEO. W. LINCOLN, Manager Heela Agricultural Oo. Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. Underwear, Braces, ! WATEB PIPE, of Boiler 4heet Iron, any Single tickets from Honolulu to Sofa Pillows. oi of 9" HPliE WKLL-OUW- fl BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE AS A CON- - These Presses are made extra heavy for PIANOS size, made In suitable lengths for connecting Waialua can be bought at Honolulu Rail FIELD Gloves, Flouncing, together, or punched X tractor, and is now better prepared do any high pressures, occupies a floor space of lis Sheets rolled, and packed way station lor $3; round trip tickets fa. to and all kinds of work V 4 ft., and presents a altering surface of 240 Just received direct from the Factory. for shipment, ready to be riveted on the appertaining to contracting or any other class of work helontrfni? to hi irA in Embroidery. Curtains, square root, a limited number In stock In ground. The Pioneer Express will leave Waialua same good and workmanlike Honolulu and are sold at very low to connect passenger the manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shop Table Napkins, prices. HTDBAUL10 RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water in time with the train expenses and still retain plenty of room to Blsdon Iron A Loco. Works. Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by leaving Pearl Citv for Honolulu at 4:15 do any and all kinds of work appertain- Table Cloths, hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of p. m., on TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do Ran Francisco. Water-proo- f , particulars work belntr far superior to band work. SATURDAYS, arriving at Honolulu Sta the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time Por onanlre of WORE, Ship and Steam p. JOHN DYEB Honolulu We will sell them at Prices that defy com SHIP Capstans, Steam tion at 4:55 m. oearing in mina inai wnat is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Artificial Flowers. no. s petition, ou Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made Room sprockets' Block: after the most approved plans. This new line will start for the first time Dust , 79 1343--q W. O. IRWIN A Co.. Agents. Thanking the public for past favors, SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific from Waialua on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1890. Pajama Suits, Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. I remain respectfully yours, Easy Monthly Installments! B. F. DILLINGHAM, 65 GEO. W. LINCOLN. Fine Hosiery Silk, Lisle, Cotton, SUN NAM SING, POMPS Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation or 153-l- m General-Manag- er O. L. A R. Co. city works' purposes, built with the celebrated 4 109 - - Davy Valve Motion, superior to any Nuuana Street, Honolulu. "Call early and get first choice. Also pump. ottei a new lme or Dinner Sets, Employment Agent, JOHN DIKE Honolulu Bedward & Howell, Tea Sets, H. K. & Bro. Desert Plush Piano Scarfs and Piano Stools. 13m Boom No. 8. upstairs. 8preckela Block Mclntvre Sets, 42CtFirst-clas- s Cooks and family help a Fancy specialty. ns-3m-y Crockery, SUN NAM SING, m rMPORTEBB AND PKA.LKRM IK Common Crockery, - rrinn a , HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. Wedgewood Wars-- No. 109 Nuuanu Street; Contractors & Builders Vases, 79-- q Begs to call the attention of the public to Groceries, Provisions and Feed -. Brick, Stone and Wooden Building In ad Ter- f their large and well selected Stock of Rising Estimates Given. PIERCE S l KA8T CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs, Patent ANDERSON & LUNDY, Jobbing Promptly Attended to. 'MAGNETIC v Hammocks, Tables, Baskets. a. a E LA I Goods, k irTi a ir n a II. Japanese 76 irom me Kssiera Hutes ana Europe TRUSS, 2 KING STREET. T k pci fresh California Stands, i Vassurance Dentists. y.uuuucuj "kr.iun . aij tiruero muuouj aiienaea to, Ana uooas delivered to an v Dart of tha the is . "-- ...... -- givtn that we are f Suitable for this market, which will be Bell Telephone No. 9 O. Box 13S r i C niKunii iiimnniwfl. roatomc Box No. V4 Decanters, offering P. - - ri1e the Vi 49-l-y 115-3m- y - Traaala (lieWorld.V. ARTIFICIAL TEETH sold at lowest prices. Salad Bowls, Thia Celebrated Appli-- from one to an V A 1 entire set in Big 3 has Riven univer- Mush Sets, w. m r fnr VMra rn.nct hmm serted on gold, silver, allum- - ei traiiv Carw la sal satisfaction in the Flower Pots, Baxllemll.r Ctirrd I hone-- mam ana rubber bases. TO DATS. ndi mf Rapture! This is an bridge i cure of Gonorrhoea and ofean Crown and work a specialty. To laruM at tile 1. 1 prescribe it Filters, Klectrle Trnaa (the only successrul one' persons wearing plates i Slrietan. and The Weekly (iazette and Daily P. C. tver iaTeoted); has no Iron Hoopa or Steel rubber which are a feel safe in recommend- New Model Lunch Rooms! Advertiser SDriDfS about it. and beinBelsatle.can be worn oonstant source of irritation to the MrSaaljbytbe Etc.. Etc., Etc. with eaee and comfort Nlajht and Davy. It's a per we ing it to all sufferers. Fpetretaloer I Bfafeor farther particalars o mouth and throat, would recommend fraii aond 4c. in stamps for PamphltMe.l an our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper DCI1CMDCD tfaat Dr.Piurce's Grnnine Klectri. ations performed in accordance with the Ohio. Jt BETHEL STREET, ARK THE LEADING 11 L ll I L ITiU L II Trasses ooaUin our PrtTte Hi latest improvements in dental science. r u iiuv.r.,si.uu. (Next door to Postoffice), IAIHlR8 OF THE KINGDOM Satai exactly like that shown at sop tbii ri 1 Sold by DroSCirista the kelTertlaeMaens. Beware of inferior imitatioesof Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Tr"iiufiiw Address; rmrous uxme uas. HOLLI8TER & Co., Wholesale Agents. ! Theo. . MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY. Hotel street, Treeloan prem Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents Open AAl H. Davies & Co 131-- q Niht Give it a trial. 85-3- ni AND HAVE THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. 4 1343179 q