Kodakery; Vol. 6, No. 9; March 4, 1948
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KODAK COMPANY Vol. l, No. 9- Copyright 1948 by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N . Y. March 4, 1948 Kodak Folks Get Opportunity H-E Gets To Help EK Friends Abroad Top Trophy With Kodak families in England and parts of Europe badly in need of clothing and food due to continuing postwar shortages, the Company's recreation clubs in R ochester have volunteered to For Safety serve as r eceiving centers to col- .--------------- lect clean, used clothing and the short supply, prices are ex State Contest Brings money !or food to be sent to Ko- tremely high. This has worked a dak friends abroad. great hardship on many people 9 Other Awards to EK The great need among Com- who were unable to buy clothing pany folks in Europe h as been during the war because factories Top trophy in the statewide stressed in recent months by Ko- were concentra ting all efforts to safety contest was presented to dak's European representatives turn out war supplies. Availability H awk-Eye W orks Tuesd ay night w ho have com e to Rochester on of m any items of clothing has n ot when 1000 safety m en and other business. improved greatly since the war, officials of industries gathered in Clothing, they report, is still because of the great demand, lack the Chamber of Commerce. very scarce. In some countries it of m aterials and the fact that nu Fra nk Redmond, secreta ry of is strictly rationed, each family's merous m anufacturing facilities the Associated I ndustries of New rations falling far short of the were destroyed in the war. · S f t R d Drivers who have compiled some of Un•que a e y ecor - the best safety records in the history York Sta te, sponsors of the 13- need. In other countries, due to All kinds of used, clean cloth- week safety campaign , presented ing for people of all ages is needed of Kodak Park are introduced by E. L. Cook, third from left, to C. H. Brown, left, general superintendent of KP's Service Depts., who pre the grand a ward. It was received -outer garments, winter a nd sum by Willlam T . Roach, ma nager of mer goods, rain wear , shoes, un sented safe-driving cards and pins. Drivers in the picture, from left, are George Appleton, William Kingston, Fred Musclow, Paul Dutton, Ha wk-Eye Works, in behalf of the British Honor derwear, stockings, suits and plant personnel. dresses. Otto Neubieser and Harry Marshall, each of whom has operated Kodak Park vehicles for 22 years wilhout an accident. The runner-up to the grand P ersons desiring to have ~oth award winner was the Cine Proc EK Adviser ing clea ned before donatin g it will essing Dept. of Kodak P ark which find that special dry cleaning r ates received the second highest award For War Aid are available for cloth ing to be 5 Million Miles in Safety in the sta te contest. I. N. Hultman, sen t abroad. EK vice-preside nt a nd assistant Repair Materials Needed general m anager of KP, received the plaque for the depa rtment. The clothing should be in rea Wins High Praise for Drivers sonable state of repair, a nd in this " I cannot recall a record esta blish ed b y any group an ywh ere 350 from EK connection, too, the recreation equal to the one for w hich you m en are b eing honored ." More than 350 representatives of clubs a re asking for items for re That is the introduction of a m essage from T . J . H a rgrave, K odak units in Rochester , which pairing clothing such as needles, Company president, to 150 Kodak participated in the 23rd a nnua l thread a nd pieces of m ater ials. P ark drivers and m echanics at a cellent servicing of the trucks has accident prevention drive, a ttend Con tributions of food cannot be dinner meeting recently in the KP prevented dangerous m echanical ed the dinner program . Officials accepted because of restrictions, service dining room. failures. of the Company, besides Roach but dona tions of m oney will be The dinner program , attended " I'm sure that m any other Ko a nd Hultm an , who took part in the accepted at the recreation club of by the men a nd their wives a nd a t dak people share your pride in ceremonies Tuesday night were: fices with which CARE packages which EK and city officials were this notable safety record. I want Don McMaster, EK vice-president of food w ill be purchased to be sent gu ests, was in special tribute to to express my personal apprecia a nd assistant general ma nager ; N. to the Kodak people. The CARE the drivers' unique safety record. tion for the outstanding job you B. Green, ma nager of Camera packages can be bought more Mr. Hargrave's message, which have done. Your record is a real Works, and R. S. Scott, superin econom ically and they offer a well was read by P . C. Wolz, assistant credit to Kodak." tendent of the Cine-Kodak P roc balanced diet. superintendent of KP's Industrial Brown Presents P ins essing Dept. at Kodak Pa rk. Each plant recreation club has Relations Dept. and who acted as The group was addressed by J . designated collection s t a t i o n s master of cerem onies, states: One of the high spots of the eve L . Rosen stein, Ph.D., pr ofessor of where Kodak folks may bring their "Twenty-five of you , I under ning's program was the presenta applied psychology at Loyola Uni don ations of clothing or where stand, have driven 20 years or tion of Safety Council awards by versity, Chicago. they may leave their m oney with m ore without an accident. Alto C. H. Brown, general superinten A special citation was given to w hich food will b e purchased. gether, 115 of you h ave driven a dent of the Park's Service Depts. Ca mera Works for recording 1,- These are listed below: total of 1244 years without a n ac T hese awards were safe-driving 640,411 man-hours of exposure be KP-Old Bldg. 28. cident. It has been estimated tha t pins and cards which recognize the fore a lost-time accident was re Dr. Hans T . Clarke CWRC Office. you h ave driven a pproxim ately effor ts of the drivers to reduce ported. Green received the award H-E - Clothin g a t Gate Houses, 5,000,000 miles in establishing this traffic accidents. for CW. One of 10 American scientists Main spea ker was Roy Duffus, Hawk-Eye captured the grand who received the Ribbon of the money at HEAA Office. record. KORC service counter. "Such a record speaks volumes R ochester Safety Council head . award for compillng 1,797,396 King's Medal in New York City Others participating in the pro m an-hours of exposure without a recently was Dr. Ha ns T. Clarke, NOD-Recreation Club Office. both for you who drive Kodak The recreation clubs will collect Park's trucks and for the 33 of gram were: G. T . Lane, assistant single lost-time accident. It was a forme rly of the Kodak Research m an ager of KP, who greeted the repeat performance for H-E, since Laboratories. and sort the clothing a nd forward you who keep those trucks in top it to Kodak Office, where the Traf condition. It is clear that you have group of drivers; R. W. Waldron, it had won the highest a ward also The British awards, made to fic Dept. has offered its services been courteous as well as careful KP superintendent of industrial in 1945 with almost two million American mHHary a nd naval of in packing and shipping. in your driving, and that your ex- relations; Capt. George Heisel, di ma n-hours of exposure. ficers and scientists in recogni rector of the City Traffic Depart tion of their war work, were pre ment; AI Monro, chairman of the Fine Record sented on British "soil"- aboard Commercial Vehicle Section of the The Cine P rocessing Dept. of the Cunard White Star llner Queen Safety Council; A. L . Cobb, KP Koda k P ark achieved the runner Eliza beth. safety director. up place with 1,174,094 exposure The son of Thatcher Clarke, w ho hours without a reportable accide nt. served as Mr. Eastman's represent Four 100 per cent certificates ative in Europe, Dr. Clarke was PSA Sessions Open were earned by Kodak units for born and educated in England. completing the 13-week campaign Coming to this country, he was in without a lost-time accident. They the Kodak Research Laboratories In City Tomorrow are not eligible for the grand rrom 1914 to 1928. Many of the area's leading pho award, since an entry must have During the first World War he tographers will arrive in the city more than a million man-hours ot organized the Synthetic Chemis tomorrow, Mar. 5, for opening of exposure to be considered. try Dept. as a result of Mr. East the PSA Regional Convention The tour units with their r epre man's desire to make available to which runs through Sunday. s e n t a t i v e s who accepted the American industry the many spe Opening of the sessions will take awards are: Main Office Factory, cialized a nd rare organic chemicals place at 7 p.m .