BUTTER California
a m i n ii ii ii iii is 11 ii rtwnTH ISLANDS. SATURDAY, VOL. XIII. NO. 2677. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN JANUARY 31, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 3&&mistniniis. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. THE DAILY JMrtisfmrnis. WhiU Commercial Advertiser this lino is among the youngest facile J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service THE ARLINGTON, of the product of California enterprise, it is emphatically a healthy youngeeter, 3Bi Commission Merchant. Hotel St., - - Honolulu, if NEW GOODS! and encouraged as in the past it will Office Cartwright Building, J. II . FIS1IEB, Pkop. always afford a display of the American Every. Morning Except Sundays, flag on the Pacific Ocean. Merchant Street, s Honolulu, U. I. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. terms: The company was chartered in Decem- 46 Merchant St. My last At No. J Received Board Lodging per week (accord- ber, 1831 . In 1883 two steamships, the steamsnlp and rfc. new and tin Al steel ing THURSTON, to location of room). .10 00 to $12 00 Alameda and Mariposa, each of 3,000 LORRIN A. Ex Bark EDWARD MAY, Transient, per day 2 00 J tons burden, were built for B0BSOKIPT1ON8 Table Board, per week 7 00 the line by a 99 Single Meals 60 the Cramps of Philadelphia, to trade be- W 00 - - And Daily P. 0. Advutuib, one yew... ATTORNEY AT LAW ALAMEDA other Late Arrivals, a very heavy tween San Francisco and Honolulu. The sis months - 8 UU STUCK of GOODS, including: i per month........ 60 Honolulu, H. I. aVi9itors will find this one of the vessels continued on that trade, running Hawaiiah Qazextb, one year ....
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