a m i n ii ii ii iii is 11 ii rtwnTH ISLANDS. SATURDAY, VOL. XIII. NO. 2677. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN JANUARY 31, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 3&&mistniniis. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. THE DAILY JMrtisfmrnis. WhiU Commercial Advertiser this lino is among the youngest facile J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service THE ARLINGTON, of the product of California enterprise, it is emphatically a healthy youngeeter, 3Bi Commission Merchant. Hotel St., - - Honolulu, if NEW GOODS! and encouraged as in the past it will Office Cartwright Building, J. II . FIS1IEB, Pkop. always afford a display of the American Every. Morning Except Sundays, flag on the Pacific Ocean. Merchant Street, s Honolulu, U. I. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. terms: The company was chartered in Decem- 46 Merchant St. My last At No. J Received Board Lodging per week (accord- ber, 1831 . In 1883 two steamships, the steamsnlp and rfc. new and tin Al steel ing THURSTON, to location of room). .10 00 to $12 00 Alameda and Mariposa, each of 3,000 LORRIN A. Ex Bark EDWARD MAY, Transient, per day 2 00 J tons burden, were built for B0BSOKIPT1ON8 Table Board, per week 7 00 the line by a 99 Single Meals 60 the Cramps of Philadelphia, to trade be- W 00 - - And Daily P. 0. Advutuib, one yew... ATTORNEY AT LAW ALAMEDA other Late Arrivals, a very heavy tween San Francisco and Honolulu. The sis months - 8 UU STUCK of GOODS, including: i per month........ 60 Honolulu, H. I. aVi9itors will find this one of the vessels continued on that trade, running Hawaiiah Qazextb, one year ..... 6 00 Of tn Oceanic Steamship Company, wml be due most comfortable and convenient houses Vbkli foreign (In-eludi- ng at Hoaelulu from Sydney and Aucklaud a fortnightly service, up to 1835, when 49-t-y in the city, the rooms being large, light, po8t4e).. 0 Office over Bishop's Bank. oik or about and airy. the Pacific Mail Company withdrew Daily and Waix,one year in advance.... 10 00 laelf Hardware. from the Australian trade. Then the M. DAVIDSON, Oceanic Company took up the contract Invariably Adtanee. J. Hot and cold water bath a, for the Australian service, and bought Payable in 1891, 80-- Feb. 12, 1 y the steamers Zealandia and Australia, of and Counsellor-at-La- w. Attorney Mechanics' Tools 3,000 tons each, which bad been previ- All Transient Advertisement iaut t& ously operated by Pacific Mail Com ie Frepaid. Office Kaahumanu Street, And trill leave for tbe abeve port with mall and CAST and SPRING STEEL, BAR IRON, a fine assortment; the passengers on or about that date. NORWAY IRON, a fine assint; CARD MATCHES, EAGLE HOUSE pany in the Australian trade. The fleet For freight or passage, having BTJFKRIOB of Oceanic Company 1885, apdbkm: (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0 ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to CHARCOAL IRONS, GALV'D WATER PIPE. the thenjrom 53-i-y jKogers). NUUANU AVENUE. consisted of the Mariposa, the Alameda, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 00., ALSO, A FULL LINE OF the Zealandia and the Australia. Tbe 16 Mercnaut at., Win. G. Irwin & Co., new company entered into a contract WILLIAM C. PARKE, .... with the Australian and New Zealand Bex O. Honolulu. H. I. AOKNTS. Poatofflce -- CHANDLERY Governments, in connection with -- SHIP nil I Hotel (situate in the most pleas-ti- l the ATTORNEY AT LAW Of the most approved kind. I ant nart of ihft (Mtv rnntiniipa tr Union Steamship Company of New Zea- AND offer tbe comforts of a home to land, to run a four weekly mail service to take Acknowledgment. 500 COILS MANILA transients and others. between this port and Honolulu, Samoa, Agent For Sydney and Auckland. ROPE, ALL SIZES, Adjoining the Main Building are several Auckland and Sydney. The contract on Office No. 13 Kaahumanu 8tret, Hono-ti9-- y And Assorted SISAL ROPE. PAI7E ROPF. filvani,! wmw unpif New Cottages specially constructed for this service in 18S5 was for three years ; ' family use. Table unsurpassed. & COOKE, lulu, from the smallest "size up to 4 inch. ms and on its expiration an extension of one LEWERS U.I. AW-Ter- $2.00 per $12.00 day, weekly. Sub-eequen- fcXUUKllULM and UOAL TAK in large quantity. year was made by the colonies. tly Dickson) bpecial arrangements for monthly (Successors to Lowers ft CHARLES F. PETERSON, 4 PITCH, OAKUM, OARS of all sizes. boarders. T. KROUSE, Prop.. an extension of another year 123 1350--y was granted on the old terms of importers and Dealers In tuiuber new fin ateel steamship Honolulu, H. I. a The and Al A FULL ASSORTMENT OF subsidy equivalent to 37,000 to 40,- - And all Kinds of Building Materials. 000 annually. Tbe Oceanic Company Typewriter and Notary Public. " 99 83 FUBT STREET, Honolulu. 79 has, therefore, run on the contract with So. ZEALANDIA Hall's Plows and Breakers California the colonies and has performed the mail Ot theOoeanlo Steamship Uompany, will be HALL'S CANE KNIVES, the best in the market, and Agricultural service between San Francisco and Syd- JOHN T. WATERH0USE, 133-- q due at Honolulu from SanFranouco Office with L. A. Thurston. or or about Tools of all kinds; Lawn Mowers, RUBBER GARDEN HOSE. ney for five years. It entered into a new arrangement with the New Zealand Importer and Dealer in FEED CO., W. F. FREAR, Government for another year's service, ELECTKICAL GOODS in great variety. New Wales Austra- Feb. 12, 1891. KING'S but the South and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STABLES, - LELEO, lian Governments have refused to con- ELECTRlb LIGHT and TELEPHONE GOODS. -ttorne tribute anything, owing to tbe neglect of -A- v"at-H-i - 25-- O, & L. Co. No. 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 79 aw nd will have prompt dlspatcn with maU an (Near R. 'a Depot), the United States Government to con- assengers for the above porta. A Fine ''Assortment of For freight or passage, having SCPERIOB AC tribute a fair proportion of the cost. O. ACHI, Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- g COMMODATIONS, apply to & Have on Hand and For Sale, Three of tbe company's steamers have WILLIAM Reed Barton's Celebrated SilveipJated Ware! been employed in the Australian trade, Attorney and counsellor at law, And GORHAM SILVER Ex Recent Arrivals: and one tbe Australia in the local MISS D. LAMB, Win. G. Irwin & Co., WARE, suitable for Christmas and trade between San Francisco and Hono- Notary and Ileal Kstate Wedding Presents. Wheat Hay, Oat Hay, lulu. The company also has several fnbllo 79-- q AOKNTF. COARSE SALT, always on in Broker. and Type-write- r, hand quantities to suit. Also, Sperm Alfalfa Hay, Oats, employed Ha- Stenographer Oil, Lard Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder sailing vessels in the and all other Lubricating Oils. Barley, Rolled Barley, waiian trade. Said one of the chief offi- Orrica 36 Merchant Street. 79 Ola a Sprocket Wm. Q. Irwin. PALE BOILED and Raw Paint Oil. Bran, All Corn, cials of the company to an Alt reporter: Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, kinds of PAINTS, dry and ground in oil ; Varnishes, Shellac, Alcohol ; Cracked Corn, Wheat, " If it had not been for the enterprise of H. HACKFELD & CO., near ihe Postoiiice. 103-- q BRUSHES of all kinds, etc., etc. CLACS SPRECKELS . & CO., i Middlings, O. C. Meal, of this company and the Spreckels, the X7"ALL FOR SALE BY 1 Cut Hay in Bags, Rico Straw, direct mail service between Australia - - - Agents Carriage Co. and San Francisco would have been General Commission Honolulu AT REDUCED PRICES ! abandoned in 1885, and tbe very profit- BANKEK8, able trade since developed between the Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu. 79 &d Colonies and the Pacific Coast would not HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLAND) E. O. HALL SON, 9Goods delivered to any part of the have existed. The present arrangement. IF YOU WANT A HACK city promptly. under which the service is run, is not W. E. ROWELL, ring up 335, both telephones. 139 1353-l- m All Hawaiian drivers. First Cor. FOHT and KING STS. profitable. Tbe New Zealand Govern- Carriages. Draw Exchange en tbe principal parts o the ment simolv oavs according to tbe weight class Horses and Warehouse Mutual Telephone No. 121. Engineer and Surveyor Stand Fort and Merchant St. world. of mail matter despatched, and unless - - ' Office At 0. T. Gulick's, No. 38 Mer- 79-- q chant street. Congress passed the Shipping bill, en- Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Will receive deposit oa open account, loake Office Telephones Mutual No. 139; Bell abling the United States Postmaster-Gener- al 95-- q subsidy, 82-- y collection and conduct a general banking and No. 348. 1345 to pay a liberal there exchange business. can be no doubt whatever that ultimate-- y will be replaced by SALOON, NOTT, the American line BEAVER JOHN CALL FOR a subsidized Bitish line from. Vancou Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. Company's Street, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, Ings Department subject to published rule and ver. All the Oceanic ves Be. fort HORN sels manned by American citizens, NOLTE, PBOPBIETOB. XTmTr regulatloua. DIAMOND CEEAMEKY are H. J, miff and the company is in one way an ex- c'lrst-ela- ss Lunches 8erved with Tea, Coffee, ception to all the American companies. Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Mil. W 1800 mn fcvery share ot its stock is ownea oy ui;en from 3 a.m. till 10 p.m. LOVE'S BAKERY American citizens aud in the State of tar Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. 79 Ho. 7S Nauanu Street. BUTTER California. All the steamers fly th) to American flag except tbe Zealandia, In lib., 21b., 31b.
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