Ancient Wisdom in the Age of the New Science: Histories of Philosophy in England, C
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10588-1 - Ancient Wisdom in the Age of the New Science: Histories of Philosophy in England, c. 1640–1700 Dmitri Levitin Index More information Index Note: all names are ordered by the first element of the name that bears a capital letter. For subjects that are discussed throughout the book, such as ‘philosophy’, references are given only to specific issues raised about the concept or individual debates about it. Titles of primary sources appear only when they are discussed in the body of the text, not the notes. Names of modern historians appear only when they are mentioned in the body of the text. Greek and Hebrew terms with no direct English equivalent are listed at the end. Aaron 522 Alciphron: Epistles 343 Abaris 225, 228 Aleppo 221 Abendana, Isaac 155, 171 Alexander, bishop of Alexandria 450, 458 Abenephius: an untraceable source cited by Alexander of Aphrodisias 249–50, Athanasius Kircher 64 423, 431 Abraham 38, 57, 58, 65, 98, 99, 124, 148, 149, Alexander the Great 61, 225, 312 153, 191, 204, 213–14 Alexandria 117, 217, 220, 234, 309, 492–3, Abū ’l-Fidā: History 98, 99 497, 501, 539 Abū ’l-Faraj 105, 108n, 111, 165n, 213 Allatius, Leo 40 Abū Moḥammed Mustapha 105 Allix, Pierre 222n, 526n; on Platonism Academics (philosophical sect) 302, 334, and early Christianity 530–1; The 392, 431 judgement of the ancient Jewish church accommodation, theory of divine 56–7, 108, 530–1 113–229 passim, 516–17; see also van Almeloveen, Thodoor Jansson 344n ‘Augustine’, ‘Maimonides’, ‘Moses’, Alpino, Prospero: De
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