ULUSLAR ARASI İBN SÎNÂ SEMPOZYUMU Bildiriler 22-24 Mayıs 2008 İSTANBUL INTERNATIONAL IBN SINA SYMPOSIUM Papers May 22-24, 2008 İSTANBUL II Mart 2009 !STANBUL BÜYÜK"EH!R BELED!YES! KÜLTÜR A.". YAYINLARI Maltepe Mahallesi Topkapı Kültür Parkı Osmanlı Evleri Topkapı - Zeytinburnu / İstanbul Tel: 0212 467 07 00 Faks: 0212 467 07 99 www.kultursanat.org /
[email protected] ULUSLARARASI İBN SÎNÂ SEMPOZYUMU BİLDİRİLER INTERNATIONAL IBN SINA SYMPOSIUM PAPERS Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Nevzat Bayhan Genel Yayın Danışmanı Prof. Dr. İlhan Kutluer Yayın Koordinatörü Müjdat Uluçam Hasan Işık Editörler Mehmet Mazak Nevzat Özkaya Kapak Aydın Süleyman Yapım Mart / 2009 İstanbul Copyright © KÜLTÜR A.Ş. ISBN: Baskı ve Cilt .................. Avicenna’s Almahad in 17th Century England: Sandys, Pococke, Digby, Baron, Cudworth et alii… 17. Yüzyıl İngilteresi’nde İbn Sînâ’nın Almahad’ı: Sandys, Pococke, Digby, Baron, Cudworth ve Diğerleri Prof. Dr. Yahya Michot* Abstract Very little is known about the in# uence that Avicenna’s famous Epistle on the Ma‘âd for the Feast of the Sacri! ce, especially its prophetology and hermeneutics, had in pre-modern Europe after it was translated into Latin by Andrea Alpago of Belluno (c. 1450–1522) and published in Venice by his nephew Paolo under the title Libellus Avicennæ de Almahad (1546). It was most unexpected, but very pleasing, to discover that it is referred to and criticized by the Anglo-American traveller and poet George Sandys in the relation of his journey in Turkey (1610–1612), as well as by various other & gures actively involved in the intellectual, religious and cultural life of 17th century England.