• * '-> 5

A?«nig« Daily Net Praaa Run The Weather ror Vhm WMk B iiM Forecut «t D. a. Weullier Buf eeu NevandMT 7 ,1M« 14^39 Fair, eool toid(ht, low in tees vertehle clondtoene, mild tomor­ M ra iM o< the Audit row, hlfh ebout ee. Bureua a t dronlatloB Manche*ter~^A CUyj6f Village Charm


Events High Tribunal Rejects L ce Criticism Goes On^ In State As Factor in Picking uries Romney Hits Nixon Bus Company, asked in the ap- WASHINGTON (AP) ■?>*>>« Vatts, drove her^ Orymllllon t The Supreme Court ap­ to a field near Lake Charles, paU : “ How can a constitutional Union Agree t « ., and left her in a ditch after j)|^ be formed in either a state WASHINGTON (AP) — He repeated in a WJR radlo^um on all personality clashes. peared today to take a new the attack. ir federal court if jury commis­ Interview in Detroit Sunday that His comments came as an position on conisideration 's Supreme Oou) sioners may not Intentionally Michigan Gov. George HARTFORD (AP)—Fi- he took his Goldwater stand AssoclAted Press survey showed of race in selection of upheld the conviction in F eb^- include members of \arious Romney has criticized because of “ basic principle that many influential leaders in nal settlement of a dispute races in the jury list from which juries. ary 1962, and the U. S. Supreme Richard M. Nixon for his differences" with the, Arizonan. the Republican party were look­ between 'the Connecticut Court upheld the convictm in the jurors, are to be drawn by criticism of New York Gov. He said he respected Goldwater ing to the former vice president It declined to review, and thus February 1962. and th ^ U . S, lot." Company and its union bus let stand, a lower court decision as an Individual. to take a leading role in rebuild­ Supreme court on Octy/t, 1962, The Supreme Court, however, Nelson A. Rockefeller. drivers and mechanics was in a Louisiana case thatuiBi pur­pur- As for Nixon, Romney .said: ing the GOP. refused to review the trial of refused to review the case. The And to fellow Republicans “ When you're trying to unify Romney, Rockefeller and poseful Inclusion of Negroesfro e s '^ a Collins. who have been criticizing de­ reached at 9 p.m. last' list from which grandid igrors tribunal announced its action in something, you don't begin to Pennsylvania Gov. William W. night, avoiding both a His counsel then began ha- a brief order, which gave no feated GOP presidential candi­ say things that will create Scranton were also frequently were drawn violated thitie-^nstl- date and call­ walkout and submission of tutional rights of a Negro later beas corpus ceeding^ in reasoning. The effect was to let greater feeling and division. mentioned as prospective lead­ lower federal lurts and won a the lower federal court decision ing for new party leadership, You undertake to include those ers of the comeback. Many of the issues to binding arbi­ .convicted of raping a white Romney had this to say as woman. ruling by the S. Circuit Court I remain standing, who are in a position to make a those questioned in the AP sur­ [ tration. in New Orleans that Collins had | in other principal actions barbs continued to richochet contribution." vey suggested that Goldwater The high court has held In the around the GOP: The settlement, in effect, past that deliberate exclusion of "been deni^ equal protection of today, the high court: The Ni.xon-Rockefeller ex­ give up control of the party giiarantees the union that tradi. Negroes from juries is' unconsti­ law becMse of purposeful inclu­ —Agreed to rule on constitu­ “ I think that Sen. Goldwater change had stirred things up in machinery after winning only tional handling of work assign­ tutional. sion o y Negroes on the grand tionality of the federal law bar­ has demon.strated in the past his the Republican camp last week. five Southern states and hia ments will be continued'at least While the action today came jury jfst. Seven white persons ring Communists fropi serving concern about the Republican Nixon ■ charged that Rockefeller home state of Arizona last Tues­ through the life of thS present in a brief order, without com­ ani^ive Negroes constituted the as officials of a labor union. The party as a whole and I think i f s was a “ divider," had not day. contract, which expires next ment, the court presumably saw g^iuid jury in the case. U.S. Circuit Court in San Fran­ premature to as.sume it's going backed Goldwater as Nixon had The man who scored the big Sept. 30. as correct the lower court's Atty. Gen. Jack P. F. Gremll- cisco held that the law violates io be necessary to find some and had gotten "his pound of win over Goldwater — Presi­ The company Saturday mor­ ruhng that deliberate Inclusioi^ ilon of Louisiana appealed to the the constitutional right" of free- way around Sen. Goldwater." flesh." Rockefeller fired back dent Johnson -- said today the ning had offered to submit seven of Negroes is also unconstiti highest tribunal to review and dom of association. The Justice Romney, who had declined to that Nixon was a poor lo.ser" Republicans have an Important issues to binding arbitration fol­ tional. reverse the Circuit Court deci- Department appealed. endorse Goldwater’s candidacy, and “ peevish" in his remarks. and vital role to play in the lowing a suggestion by the The case Involved Wooi Sion. The appeal said jury com-1 —Ruled 8-1 that an employer was a big winner last Tuesday A fellow New York Republi­ American system and in th* union. J. Collins, Negro ' tA ., I missioners had ' intentionally violates the National Labor in his bid for re-election as gov­ can — Sen. Jacob K. Javits — making of national policies. But -when the company pro­ who was sentenced :ution sought to list members of both Relations Act by firing an em Unseen Admirer ernor — a victory that has spoke up Sunday night on the Johnson said he was proud of posed specific language as to on conviction of rt ladys races “ so as to achieve a rea- ploye engaged in union activity stirred some speculation that he Nixon-Rockefeller clash. He told the work some top Republicans what the arbiter would consi­ E. Vatls of Texas ' c. 8onably representative cross- even if the employer believes in Raynella Melton, 8, is ihight be a future Republican newsmen “ I would hope that der, the union balked. Testimony was that section of the population of the ----- ^— presidential nominee possibility. there would be a full moratori- (See Page Four) Key to the solution last night Collins smashed t) iw of community." I (See Pa(,e Eight) an obvious admirer of was assurance by the company President Johnson. that it would not subcontract out The young lady elbow­ complex mechanical repairs, No Fires! Railroads such as transmission rebuilding, ed her way through a Many See Nixon to be done outside the union crowd at Fredericks­ shop. Only three items had ac­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — burg, Tex., yesterday Show Profit^ Ckinnecticut's state forest tually been contracted out, it to stand next to the Was understood, but the union fire warden announced today feared the practice might be that no further burning per­ chief executive who New GOP Leader Stock Raises expanded. mits will be issued imtll was attending a cor­ The company also agreed to there is a “ good soaking ner stone laying cere­ rain." NEW YORK (AP) ^ Things , designate tinion men as “ lead m ony at St. Barnabas’ WASHINGTON (A P )— Many influential Republi­ men," with a 10-cents-tm-hour The warden, W.F. Schree- cans across the country expect Richard M. Nixon to are hummin' on the railroad. pay differential, on jobs whei der, said the order, issued Episcopal Church. Heavily laden trains are to all fire wardens, became (AP Photofax.) 'play a leading role in rebuilding the GOP for what most only one or two men were A t of them think will be a strong 1966 comeback. carrying factory products, coal, work. The company had mrevi- effective immediately. Nixon, the 1960 presidential':* lumber, grain, ore and automo­ ously had a foreman — ^ o t a The order does not affect burning in trash containers nominee, and GOP governors Oklahoma State Chairman biles to mill, plant and market member of the bargainl/g unit George Romney of Michigan, which are properly covered Bandits Steal John W. Tyler, commented: “ I at a rate unmatched since the — supervise such jobsy^nd the I William W. Scranton of Penn- and contain no openings think we're going to see an aw­ imlon claimed it had ^Attempted ' sylvania and Nelson A. Rqcke- prosperoud mid-1950s. to have'him performyAome work. larger than one inch. j ful lot of Mr. Nixon real quick. I Wall Street has marked up Jeweled Book feller of New York were most think he's the only man who can The agreement recognizes that I frequently mentioned as pros- stock prices to match the recov­ it is uneconomicai to have full­ pull the party together." ery of rail earnings from the 16- LBJ Pushing ' pective leaders of this come­ State Chair­ time non-workii^supervision for back in an Associated Press year low qf 1961, and some such work, big puts the work- From Arnwry man J. Drake Edens Jr. said stocks sell at double their lows survey. Nixon “ is the man you-have to and-supervis^ combination in The .survey, reaching GOP of early in the year. the hands o f a union member. Budget Curb NEW YORK (AP) — ' Two watch in the party." Robert L. Still, pockets of financial mis­ officials in all sections of the Pierce, Wisconsin national com­ masked bandits invaded the nation, disclosed little enthusi­ ery persist, especially in the JOHNiON CITY, Tex. (AP) fortress-like Seventh Regiment mitteeman, observed that “ Nix­ East. The Erie-Lackawanna, W eather asm for another presidential on looks good," in party for­ WI^SOR LOCKS (AP) — — Prerident Johnson meets Armory on Park Avenue Sun­ race by defeated Sen. Barry Reading, Jersey Ontral and a today with Secretary of Defense day, overpowered the watch­ tunes at this point. Wisconsin few other railroads are mired in M oty^air dry weather is in Goldwater. There were many State Chairman Talbot Peterson Robert S. McNamara as he man, and fled with the bejew- the red. progpect with daily tempera- I suggestions that he yield control said he thinks the reins of na­ changing very little, the j pushes hia campaign to keep eled covers and marker of a of the party machinery as the These are mostly lines bur­ tional party control should be dened with short systems and f.S. Weather Bureau says. naxL y e t f------j tn Ciw P tl' r mUUUgei fBgi ui1 — “remeuibi aiiue- book- valued result of the shattering Impact at $75,000 handed to somebody like Nixon- money-losing passenger opera­ The only two areas of cloudi- der $100 bnllon. of President Jotutson'a lAnd- “ I heard more good things tions. Freight is a railroad's '' ness on. the weather map hold McNamara was invited to be The thieves broke into the slide. massive, turreted structure about Ntxon this time and there bread-and-butter. / no promise of rain. Cloudiness Johnson's guest at the 400-acre Nixon, who campaigned ac­ are some who will never be about 5 a.m. by spreading the Over-all railroad earnings are ' along the Middle Atlantic LBJ Ranch to discuss Pentagon tively for Goldwater, was men­ convinced that things wouldn't bars of a sidewalk grating. They expected by finsmeial analysts . . coast is all that is left of the budgeting that will be crucial to tioned by Republicans from all have been different if he had jumped the watchman. Je.sus and Railway Age, Industry j/ IdW pressure system which the over-all federal spending sections of the country as a man been the nominee again," Pet­ Lopez, as he was making his to be reckoned with in the next weekly, to top $700 million in over the weekend traveled from plan destined for delivery to erson said. Congress in January. rounds. They gagged and bound four years. 1964, hitting an eight-year high. the Valley across him hand and foot. Benjamin F. Dillingham, This estimate allows for add­ the Appalachians and coast­ Flying west from Washington Hawaii national committeeman, with McNamara was Deputy Then the bandits smashed a i ed payroll expense from pros­ line. glass display case to remove the said the party should regroup pective wage settlements with Another low pressure area Secretary of Defense Cyrus Varied Reasons around “ someone who will rep­ Vance. 100-page, 14-by-18-inch volume, union employes. * A charge now in Minnesota has begun to ripped the solid gold covers resent the true consensus of the against the current year of $100 form cloudiness. Its course in McNamara, coming to the For ‘Gas’ War conservatives." He named Nix­ Texas hill country without any from the Book of Remembrance million to $150 million could the next 36 to 48 hours will on and Scranton as possibilities. result. formal agenda for his talks with and escaped the way they en­ . V take it north of Connecticut, al­ HARTFORD (AP) — While Minnesota National Commit­ Gains through mergers, Johnson, was to arrive late tered. though it should bring some motorists filled their tanks to­ teeman George Etzell forecast stepped up sales, major equip­ today. He will be an overnight The front cover of the book — cloudiness tomorrow afternoon day with unu.sually low cost fuel, that Nixon will play a strong ment innovations, job elimina­ guest at the ranch where the honoring the regiment's dead of and night. five wars — contains coats-of- gasoline service station owners future party role. tion, automation, better freight Temperatures remain about President has been relaxing and distributors were at odds Next to Nixon, Romney, who car utilization and imin*oved since the Nov. S election. arms encrusted with diamonds, normal for the season. rubies, emeralds and sapphires over “ who" or “ what" started won re-election handily while maintenance have contributed McNamara will be joined here the latest price war. Johnson was carrying Michigan, to the brijg[htened picture. Tuesday by Secretary of State Hichway Deaths representing four countries: The Gasoline prices were report­ was most often mentioned as Underlying everything else is / BridgeVainting Ballet the future party leader. BROOKLYN (AP)—Thomas (See Page Eleven) (See Page Four) ed as low as 18.9 cents per gal­ swelling freight volume gener­ Snow, 24, of Willimantic, was Working from scaffolding mounted on a truck, lon in some service stations. Gov. John H. Chafee of Rhode ated by 45 consecutive months- killed early today State Police Most stations reported prices in Island, also re-elected against of an expanding economy. painters strike ballet-like poses as they put finish­ the Democratic trend, called said, when his car went out of the 19-22 cents range. . By the old timp yardstick ‘of ing touches on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Home Ec Classes ? Romney and Scranton “ fine control on Rt. 6. The president of the Connect­ carloadings, freight traffic has scheduled for opening Nov. 21. The bridge, across icut Service Station Owners As­ leaders" who should play a part climbed to a year high. But Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt of in rebuilding the party.* Robert Brooklyn, who arrived at the the entrance to the New York harbor, connects sociation blamed the prices on carloadings tell only part of the Ohm’s Law Replaces distributors. Corber, Virginia state chair­ story. scene to see if she could admin­ Brooklyn and Staten Island. The $525 million man, predicted that “ someone ister aid, was injured when a “ It is Impossible," said Peter A carload averages 86 tons of structure will be the world’s longest suspension Morrone of Bristol, “ for 4,4(X) in the image of (3ov. Romney" freight as against about 60 tons car operated by FVank Sanelli ^^pan. (AP Photofax.)______will emerge on top. struck a felled pole, which in J operators to materially affect five years ago. This is because Pie-Baking Lessons the price structure, 'ihe dlstri: Rep. Stanley R. Tupper, R- turn struck her. , butors alone have the power to Maine, named Rockefeller, Three people died In weekend (See Page Nine) do that." Romney, Scranton, Chafee, highway accidents in the state .WASHINGTON (A P )— So, what’s new in home eco­ But a Shell Oil Company Henry Cabot Lodge and Nixon and a fourth state resident was Assembly Meets Tomorrow nomics classes these days?'?' spokesman said price wars start, as potential leaders. killed Saturday in a head-on Gov. Henry Bellmen of Okla- crash In North Kingston, R. T. Well, there's Archimedes' home economist might ftl.so at U)e retail level. The third death occurred To Study Reapportionment principle. Ohm's law and photo­ make a good stab at building a Bulletins (See Page Four) (See Page Two) early yesterday when a car metric analysis, among other space rocket in her spare time. Culled from AP Wires driven by Martin Blevins of HARTFORD, (AP) The t'its fourth tomorrow to hear ' lyings - or at least there ,should Connecticut General Assembly a brief address by Governor be, says Prof. Florence Ehren- (See Page Eight) will meet in special session — John N. Dempsey and then re­ kranz of the University of Minne­ sota's School of Home Econom­ THAILAND ALERT cess while legislative leaders BANGKOK, Thailand draft ground rules for court- ics. Prof. Ehrenkranz' concept of ' ( A P )— Interior MlnlatM* directed action on reapportion­ Gen. Praphas Charusathiea Progress at Allis-Chalmers ment. home economics 4s a far cry from the traditional preparation sold today an armed forces The opening day comes a and police alert hae been or­ week earlier than the dead­ in nutrition,~ baby-care and family budgets. dered to prevent both aggrea- line imposed by a three-judge slon against this country and panel for starting work on the' She believes home ec students Level Units "need a background in physics Infiltration- a n d agitation job. — not a lip service appreciation from within. The' Interior The early start grivess legis­ of the scientific method, but an' minister, who Is also com­ lators an extra week in which understanding of the principles mander In chief the royal to work. The court panel-has o t of jmysical science." Join Ford Talks given them until Jani 30 to Tlial army, told newsmen the come up with an acceptable This, she says, requires foun­ alert was called "to meet plan. dation work in college algebra with any emergency.” He de­ DETROIT *(AP)—NegotiationsMh Ford Motor Co. Looking over their shoulders and calculus, and “ a course in clined to say when the order* statistics would be advanta­ were issued and how long iha key plant strikes in three states switched from the local ' will be a special master to be geous. although not essential." alert would last. level to top-level bargaining today in an effort to speed He'’°s‘"to draft^a'''s*^^^^ I In a paper prepared for the annual meeting of the Associa­ agreement. I \ which the court would impose JUDGE ADMITS LYING Top management and United While Ford continued to have if the Assembly fails to keep tion of State Universities and KARSLRUHE, G e r iiuuiy ' Auto Workers representatives labor troubles. General Motors to the timetable, or to come up Land-Grant (Alleges, Prof. (AP)—A West German Su­ took over in negotiations at cleared the decks of the last of Ehrenkranz made tl^ese further preme Court Judge admitted Ford headquarters in Dearborn. its local strikes. * (See Page Eight) points; ^ tqday he Ued when he denied The three strikes — at stamp­ GM and the ,UAW canie to —A study of mechanics “in­ authorship of two controver­ ing plants in Buffalo, N.Y., and terms Sunday at »the Fisher troduces concepts of force, en­ sial articles in the Weet Ger­ Chicago Heights, 111., and an Body plant in Atlanta. Ga. ergy, power, and mechanical man news mai^sine Der aluminum factory at Sheffield, Atlanta is one of General Mo­ efficiency, all having signifi­ Spiegel. In a letter to the Ala., — were "among nine local tors' 130 production and^ manu­ News Tidbits^ cance for various, household Supreme Court' preeident. appliances and relating to phys­ level walkouts keeping 25,000 facturing points in the country from the AP Wires Judge Dr. Heinrieh Jaguseh employes idle. , employing 350.000 men. ical work in the home." said he wrote the two arit(- The string of'local strikes has Local strikes in GM had crip­ — Understanding of funda­ clee, critloal of tho ooort and cut into Ford passenger car pled the world's biggest auto­ mental particles, atomic struc­ the Bonn government "out of Comedienne Carol Burnett production by a company-esti­ maker for an extensive period ture and nuclear reactions is deep oonoem for the pobUe released from New York hos­ mated 16 per cent and truck after settlement with the union essential In such areas as weal.** The case ie owteln to pital as her Broadway show production by'34 per cent. Ford on a national contract. household equipment, nutrition etlr a hot national row. On* producers lose court action to has 160.000 houriy employes . at Ford strikes, also included and food preservation. article, headlined "D eal with halt her TV show, "The Enter­ 90 locations. assembly plantsT'in Dallas and —Some knowledge of the phy­ Traitors* had erittclied the tainers.''. .Author Ian Fleming " All nine strikes began Friday, Louisville and two at Wayne. sics of sound is'essential for the sudden releaee last August aeven weeks after Ford and the leaves Itequests of $1,400 to am Mich., and part plants in Ster­ home economist Interested in an East German eaplonag* union reached agreement Sept. four friends on condition they ling Township, Mich., and Ypsi- the potential use' of ultrasonics suspect who had been hi oue- 18 on national contract terms. spend it within 10 months on lanti, Mich. to clean clothes and dishes. , tody pending ehnrgee ler If Local . agreements supplement "some extravagance;" entire —The principles of heat and Top management has called months. The eeomril arttele die national understanding. estate, totaling $846,011 names thermometry relate to food the strikes "completely unne­ expreseed doubt about th* A threatened strike at Ford's his wife as prime beneficiary, refrigeration, cooking, and the cessary." The union has said Long Way to Go for a Baby-Sitter , l o ^ baale of the hrauaeu ftt. Louis assembly p l^ t wqs every unresolved local lasue at . . -Vatican sources say Pope .treatment o f textiles. oaae brou|^ hy the attoiuay Avoided when local-level agree­ the struck plants has been set­ Faiil VI w l| l gy to l^mbay. —Need for some understand­ Mrs. Eileen Conroy, center, got a cgll yesterday from her daughter, Mrs. John general agia^t the editon M ment was reached there Sunday tled at other plants. The issues Dec, 2 on longest papi^trip in ing of electricity is obvious Davies of Miami, mother of- a 10-day-old son. ‘‘Sfie sounded so panicky I t(k)k Der Spiegel In eeuneefth* Bight. UA'W Local 325, i^pre- in general have to do with work­ history. . .Grover Jones goes because of many electrical ap- the first plane out,” said Mrs. ConrojyAvho arrived only hours later,to baby-sit afotlng 1,700 workers, had set a with $w* ArtldB* ertttBliy a t ing conditions. . on trial In Tennessee in tilt and pllancee found in the home. .for the youngster, John Anthony Davies Jr. Mom, dad and John were on Jftnd ■trike deAdllne there o f 11 a.m. ■ t < run. auto death, oUmax of StO- Prof. Ehrenkranz didn't say tfe Weet GenneA todtar. . (See Page Two]^ year searoh by victim’s son. ■o, ^ it wlUi this background at to greet (Srandma at tlje airpoH. (AP*^Phot<|^ax,)

, ‘ t FA 0t a m M A N C H E S m KVEKINO RBEALD, UANCHESTEit. OONN^ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HISALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1964 PAGE THRBR ~»»^Miiii ■III the bif opening at the front of overcome With revarsibl* the stage). In the old days It panels. Sheinwold on BridjSfe was common to bulM a perma- For years there were concerts ment wooden selling over ll)e given in the hall with the profits Many See Nixon - - * ^ Mon tUteiH la M Ciaa. tiw 4 U m nowt hi MM iMNha, InlN, W ia im Wi Mt wnm t 8FORTINO OOMlvrtCNTS South ditlar stage, angled upward from oetenslbly for “ the construction North-South vutoarahlt back to front, to reflect this of a shell” biit nothing was ever MAKE YOU LOOK GOOD NORTH The Baby Has ^ H E W AY rising sound in the auditorium. accomplished until the Manches­ By ALFRED SHEINWOLD 4 64 SPECIALS FOR MON., TUES. & WED. After the disasterous Irlquois ter Civic installed this ceiUng. New GOP Leader Netieael Men’s TeMn Olisin|doii ? KJF75 Theater fire in Chicago, this The money raised must be PralM the opponents warmly b Q92 I HEARD IT” was no longer permitted. around somewhere, and the when they defeat you. Wheth^ar 4 105 4 Been Named... Symphony Hall in Boston, for question arises what should be (Ceatinoed from Pnge One) ^NaUonsl Ohmmltteeman James tb6 pndM li de«6rv6d or unde- WEST KAIT example, was built before the done with it. E. Murphy “ thht w*'U be hack served, you look like e fine 4 11005 4 Q*71 by John Gruber interdict, and is one of the great I offer the suggestion that it be home listed Oov. John A. Love in four years with our own land­ sportsman. What’s more, you 7 32 7 8 DOUBLE halls of the world from an acous­ utilized to surface the new ceil­ slide.” J. ‘Herman Saxon, North may dlvart your partner’s at­ 0 K1I6 OA753 tical standpoint; the wooden of Colorado. Mark 0. Hatfield of ing on the back side with a hard, Ctrollna Republican state tention from the fact that you ceiling makes most of the dif­ Oregon, Scranton and Nixon as ’niomM, Cerrie IJIaabetli, daughter of Alan D. and reflective surface. Then the ceil­ chairman, said “ unless some­ played the hand like a foot. « x n 4 ” ” ference; the very high prosceni­ ing may be hung in two different among those who should lead In 4 AK3 Carolyn M. Norria Thomas, 167 Green Manor Rd. She was STAMPS thing happens to President South dealer um makes most of the rest. But manners, for either music, or party rebuilding. Johnson, I wouldn’t think we North-South vulnerable 7 AQ1064 bom Oct. 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her nu- you can't build stages like that I'm goins to talk about a cou­ drama. If there's anything left The Republicans were almost have much of a chance at the Opening lead—Jack of Spades 0 104 temal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Leroy Norris, 62 was quite unfamiliar,, ” 0 Lord any more. Adelaide Rd. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. WEDNESDAY ple of local items of interest to­ God, "Unto Whom Vengeance Be- over, some reversible panels on unsmlmous in their belief that White House for eight years.” South won the first trick with 4 KQ9 'The need for a reflective cell­ the walls in the auditorium South WMt Nerf David O. Thomas, 46 Courtland S t She has two Sisters, In Hartford, Eaif Hartford, Watt day. Local stories are adways of longeth” by Robert Baker. This the GOP can recover from Its Colorado's Oov. Love said the Wng of spades, drew two Hartford, Middlofewn, Briifol, ing • still exists in every hall, might likewise be installed. massive defeat end • make a that “ any thought that the Re­ 1 7 Pais 2 7 Pa« Suaanne Marie, 5, and Jennifer Ann, 2%. Interest. In fact, The Brooklyn is an impressive work and the however. The Hartford Sym­ trumps and led a club from 4 7 All P m • • • • • Manehoitor, and Now Britain. E afle once ran on 'the motto; choir does it very well. It will be interesting to see just strong showing in 1966 and 1968. publican party is dead Is ridicu­ dummy to hlr own king. West phony, lor example, erects a what happens to that money GOP State Chairman Craig lous.” Sdtwebel, ’Psmson Ellen, daughter Atty. Abbot B. *'A dog fight In Brooklyn is big­ The nip side is not up to very high “ box set” of practical­ played the three of clubs as ger than a war in China.” And now, since it was liever used for Truax of Pennsylvania said the “ We will pick up governor­ though he had never heard of and Marilyn Schaefer Schwebel, 24 Onter St.^ Rockville. She the standards of Side 1. either ly conventional scenery to con­ the original purpose. Incidental­ booklet, “ A Pocket Oulda to was bom Oct. 30 at Manchester Memorial Hoepital'. Her ma­ they had a dandy circulation, in choice of music or in per­ coalition of Demhd Mail Orders: Please make checks payable to t real walnut dash. The whofe package. Lithe. Lean. Nimble. That other tiger? A puzzled cat. He checked out a "sporty" kind of car, learned It doesn't come with SAVE wasn’t helped iany by the A-.t fcnaa at that stripped-down price. You look around. You'll see. * ^ ...... — . _ Heating 24>Haur that Alfredo Slllpigni, aasisiant THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT and r ^ conductor and chorus master, h a m b u r g i ^ i i s s Quick WIde-Track TIgtrs Spocialists Customor fluffed a co.uple of entrances, mail to Mr. Michael Brotman, Mgr. ” Popttac LuMans & GTO BOLAND partially due to Miss Mall- ■ n THf NCW aONNiVIUZ. STAR CHier, MONO re ix, CATALINA, U MANS, e io AND TCMPEST AT Y(XJft AUTHOSIZZO PONTIAC DCAUR. Sbiet I f 35 Bumtr Sarvict ponte's. Idiosyncracies. Anton Jorgensen Auditorium, Storrs, Connecticut’ OIL COMPANY Guadagno, chief conductor, managed to remedy things nice­ Please enclose stamped, self-^dressed enyelope PAUL DODGE PONTIAC. Inc. U 9 CENTER ST. at Wost Cantor St. ly, however, and turned In a ' TEL 443-6320 tpiendid Job, m did t^e orches­ Home of {[)(( World'; GrOrilcif H imhtiKjcr For further information call Stores, 429-9321, E x t 441 878 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. tra. ' - ' : t l O U B MANCHESTEB EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1964 P A O l i x v a ttves of ths war dsad. “JRockvSle^yemon Bandits Steal It was.ktanhattsn’s second Mg ...... ■'— ■ GOP C riticism Continues^ theft <» days. The firom the Ametfesn Hii- of Natural Ostory, nstted Trinity Lutheran Celebrates Romney Hits Nixon Blasts Jeweled Book mora than $400,000 In prackma Kelley-Bowman Foster-Hall stonaa — Inolodlng tha famad 100th Anniversary Tuesday (Conthmad fN ni Pug* Onn) writ* a aaw platform which From Armory Star of India sappiilrt. Threa Ulbarman Chapel of Temple would Inchida a stand against men have k ew diarged with Beth lerael, Weet Hartford, It’s SO easy have dona In Ua administration. axtremism and list specific that crime but the loot haa not waa the eoeile o f the marriage ItBRiorrow mariaJlM 1000i,an<^ta, of all leafua gamas t6ia He added In a copyright and {dans to meet the pMple’s (Contlmwd t r a n P n g * O m ) been raoovared. of Uiae N i^ Ruth Hall of Blvataai^ of the Trinity Luth ■eaaon. PracUca will ba on Mon- excluaiva Interview In U.8. needs. Manofaeoter to Earl Maetera laran CSiurch, Proapact St. In days from 6:80 to 8:80 p.m. News A World Report: If such a eonventlon is not Unittd States, Britain, Franca Foeter of Newtoii Center, to shop nookvUle. It l8 the oMaat Luth- The other leagua being organ­ "I anticipate that some of held “ to get ready for 1968," and Belgium, i allies of World Maea., on Sunday, Sept. 20. aran chtnrch in the athite. ized, the Rockville Senior Baa- those Republicans who sup­ Brooke said, “ then we wlU come War I. In the center is Bm 8ev* Hie bride ie a daughter of rather perilously close to losing Ttia Rev. Dr. David P. Icaer, ketM I League, le open to thoae ported ua during the cam p al^ enth Regiment’s diamond-stud­ Mra. BetW S. Hall, 46 Monie the vital two-party syetem- In ded cross of honor. ttie paator of the churoh, la com- over 18 who desire a competitive will resume an active role in Rd. The m degroom U a son government” The fun regimental cost-of- plettag a comprehensive history type of activity. leading the Republican party on o f Mr. and Mrs. John J. Foe­ of the church, and In his re- . Plans for the third league, a constructive course to main­ arms is centered on the back ter, Newton Center, Maea. cover, bedded In gold. Also search has uncovered a colorful open to boys between 8 and 18, tain the bipartisanship In gov- Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman enunent which is so essential to Lutheran Pastor stolen was the 34-lnch gold book background. will be announced next week. DOUBLE of Temple Beth Istael per­ Johannes Otto Hanser, who America’s success In all fields.” marker studded with Jade. formed the double ring cere­ The commiseion eald that en­ On the heels of Johnson’s Lopez, 85, eald on# robber founded the church, epent the try into the program was open Addresses Guild WORLD GREEN mony. Robert Brawley was the early days of his life as a sailor landslide victory, several Re­ oarried a pistol and the other a organist. Bouquets o f white' to residents of Rockville, Ver­ publicans have suggested that knife. He deacribed the pair as and soldier, traveling through­ non, iniington,'and Tolland. Ac­ The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pas- gladioli and chrysanthemuma out the world. In his b iog ra i^ , Dean Burch be replaced as tw of Concordia Lutheran about 28 to 80, of avarsga were on the altar. tual league play Is set to begin Republican national chairman. height, wearing black sweaters entitled “ Irrfahrtan und Heim- around Dec. 1. Cited at College Church, will speak tomorrow at The bride, given in marriage fahrten". which Dr. Scaer trans­ Gov. Robert E. Smylle of Idaho, 8;30 p.m. at a meeting of the and trouaers. PoUce said the by her uncle, Milton Lubln Store Break Investigated head of the National Republican two apparently knew their way lates, "Ehring Ways and the Vernon police are today Mi- Guild of Our Lady at St. Bar- STAMPS West Hartford, w^re a full- Governors Association, was about the SS-year-dd armory, Ways to Home," Hanser writes veetigating a break by two men Miss Jennifer L. (^ven, tholomew’a School library. His length gown of white nylon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph asked about the suggestion Sun­ between 66th and 67th streets. that he received such a rationa­ Into the Nutmeg Pharmacy at tc^ic will be “ How a Lutheran tulle over taffeta, designed listic education from his pastor- E. Caven of 31 Jensen St., to­ day on the CBS radio-television Looks at the Bible." This is the Lopez was found by a reUef with basque bodice, wide vee Vernon Circle late last night morrow night will receive the program "F ace the Nation.” watchman, who called police. r father that he was brought up to Shortly before midnight an second in a eeries of talks pre­ neckline, cap sleeves with believe that a religious person Certificate of Merit of the Uni­ He said Biurch would have to sented to the Guild by members The velhim-paged book con­ Chantilly lace motifs and sim­ anonymous phone call advising versity of Maine Chapter of Phi be replaced "If we are to move tains 840 namea of the regi­ J J J l t T ★ MANCHI was a fanatic. them that someone was break­ of different falthe. ilar motifs appliqued on the His biography. Dr. Scaer said, Kappa Phi Honor Society. into the center of the stream" In ment’s dead of the Qv41 War, EVERY Standing committees of the bouffant skirt and chapel train. ing into the drug store sen! The award, which will be the hope of winning elections in Spanish-American War, World “ seems to suggest a compari­ Constable John Marshall speed Guild will meet at 8 before the Her fing;ertip will was attached made ab' a reception at the 1966 and 1968. W an I and and the Korean son between himself (Hanser) ing to the scene. program. Mrs. ’Thomas Brown, n, to a erdwn of net, lace and and the Prodigal Son". school, is given annually to the In a later CBS radio inter­ progrram chairman, is in charge War. It went on display In 1960. pearls. She carried a Bible with Another He came upon two men and 20 highest sophomores, for out­ view, ^Smylie was asked if he Col. John J. BeUew, com­ Hanser, at the age of ao. en­ pursued them to a large field of arrangements. WED. an orchid and stephanotis ar­ rolled in the CJoncordla Seminary standing academic perform­ would accept the party chair­ ’The program is open to mem­ manding officer of the 2nd Bri­ ranged on It. in St. Louis, quit two years later in the rear of the store. One ances during their freshman manship if It Is offered to him. gade of the 42nd Infantry Divi­ ran north to Pitkin St.; Con­ bers of the Guild and friends. Miss Maigery Sklar of Hart­ to sell tobacco, and then re- year. He said he would take it on a Refreshments will be served. sion, successor to the old Sev­ ford, an aunt of the bride, was . turned to sailing. stable Marshall chased the Miss C!aven is a 1963 graduate part-time basis if it did not In­ enth, said most of the Jewels . A OPEN other south across Vernon Cir­ the maid of honor. She wore In 1858 he returned to the sem­ of Manchester High School, terfere with his governorship had been contributed by rela- NV WED., a (Trees of pink organza with cle and onto Rt. 84 before he inary and finished his training. where she was an honor stu­ duties. Then, he added, he Varied Reasons matching hat and carried a lost him. . A search party was dent, finishing among the top 10 would take it qn a full-time ' ' THURSh Ikia Five years later. Pastor Hanser bouquet of assorted pink flow­ accepted a call to Zion Church formed but could find neither of her graduating class. She was basis after his term as governor For ‘Gas’ War FRI. & SAT. ers. in Boston, now known as the man the recipient of a 8250 scholar­ expires in two years. TILL Mine Unda R. Lubin of West First Lutheran Church, and thus After returning to the phar­ ship, awarded by the Manches­ A prediction that Burch will RANGE Hartford was the Junior brides­ oo l became the first restdent pastor macy, police found the front ter Rotary Club. resign came Sunday from Rep. (Continued from Page One) 9 P.M. L I V. \M> maid. She wore a blue chiffon o f the Missouri Synod (one of door smashed. Owner George During her freshman year at John V. Lindsay, R-N.Y., a big dress, designed wiUr French two divisions of the Liitheran Savage later reported that a the University of Maine, .she re­ winner last week. In calling for ’These factors became evident pleated bodice and a matching new Republican leadership "to over the weekend: FUEL OIL ^ Church) in New England. quantity of drugs and about ceived several scholastic awards headband. She carried a colonial Fallot photo put the party back on the track —Some oil companies with a Members of, the congrega­ 8100 in cash had been stolen, and accepted an invitation to GASOLINE bouquet of assorted pink flow­ MRS. EARL MASTERS FOSTER tion of the Boston church. Dr. Lt. Edwin R. Carlson and join a historical discussion so­ where it belongs,” Lindsay ■surplus pf summer weight fuel in their tanks have "dumped” ers. , Scaer reports, "were against Constable Marehall have been ciety, composed ol outstanding predicted the chairman will be A reception for 100 was held^an M.6.A. degree from Boston this g;a.s on Hartford area sta­ Burton M. Foster of Newton having a Missouri Synod pas­ Assigned to continue the inves­ students. The honor was bS- replaced by "a progressive University. He is presently a Republican in the tradition of tions to clear the tanks for win­ Center, Mass., served as his St the Mansion Club, New Brit­ tor because they had the re­ tigation. stowed on the 11 highest rank­ BANTLY OIL brother's best man. Ushers doctoral candidate at New York ing women at the school. Lincolnian philosophy." ter weight fuel. ain. For a motor trip to New putation of being too Luther­ Saturday morning, Donald Q. COMPANY. INC. were David S. Hall of Manches­ University in business adminis­ an!” Daigle, 18, of New Britain, was Lindsay expressed his views —Some oil companies have re- TUESDAY and York Chty, Mrs. Foster wore a during a radio-television inter­ Inslituted the "voluntary allow­ ter, brother of the bride, and tration. He is a member of Apparently the union of pas­ taken into custody by Vernon Liza Zowada, Ellington; Mrs. i.Ti AIAiN siRi;i;i David Shelnkopf of Boston. green wool suit with black liz­ Alpha Epsilon Phi Fraternity. tor and church were not satis­ police as he left the Hartford view on the NBC “ Meet the ance" to service station opera- WEDNESDAY Mage, photo Marion Grover, Ellington; Tim­ Press" program interviewed tors, allowing them to reduce .Mltciull Mrs. Hall wore a hot pink ard accessories. The couple Is Mrs. Foster is on the staff of factory', because Dr. Scaer State Jail. He was returned to othy Duel], Tolland; Mrs. CJelia MRS. ORAN A. KELLEY JR. crepe dress with matching ac­ living at Bast 12th St., New the New York Unive'rslty Medl points out, "Pastor Hanser Vernon and served a warrailt on the same program was an­ their prices as much as 7.7 cents Ward, 35 Grove St.; Clarence other big winner for the Repub­ per gallon, the difference to be ivi.i-kvillc TK cessories and a white orchid York City. cal Center and is attending does not speak well of the (3er- issued by Circuit Court 12 Watters, Ellington. SPECIALS The marriage ol Miss Bonnie<^tem and bodice of cranberry Mr. Foster graduated from classes at the university for a mans in Boston. The following licans, Massachusetts Atty. credited to the next delivery in­ corsage. The bridegroom’s charging him with violation of Discharged Sunday: Anita Wil­ velveteen. She wore a headbow B.S. degree in nursing. She is year. Pastor Hanser traveled Gen. Edward W. Brooke. voice. The voluntary allowance Ann Bowman of Coventry to mother wore a pink chiffon Rivers Country Day School and probation. He was incarcerated lis, Crystal Lake; Miss Jean of cranberry velveteen with a dress with matching accessories received a B.A. deg;ree from a graduate of Beth Israel Hos­ from Boston to Rockville- to at Tolland State Jail In heu of Brooke, a Negro, said the was at or near zero during the Oran A. Kelley Jr. of Worces­ Nagy, 87 South St.; Mrs. Linda veil and carried a cascade bou­ and a white orchid corsage. Tufts University, Boston, and pital in Boston. establish the first Lutheran bond and will appear In Man Republicans should hold a na­ summer but has climbed steadi­ ter, Mass., was solemnized Sat­ Dzen, Barber Hill Rd.; David tional convention next year to ly for the last three weeks. 725 Middle Turnpike East quet of bronze Fuji chrysanthe­ congregation in the state. He Chester court Thursday. Reutter, 78 Talcott Ave.; Mrs. mums, wheat, artificial grapes also e.stablished congreg^atktns urday, Sept. 26, at St. Mary's HomKal Notes Grace Duim, 28 Union St.; Mrs. IN MANCHESTER in Norwich and Meriden, Church, (ioventiy. and Ivy. AdmlUed Frtday: Mrs. Louise The bridesmaids were dressed Provldenoe, R. I., and Roxbury, Theresa Brooks and daughter. The bride Is a daughter of Ferrands, 86 Center St.; Ridph 181 Vernon Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bow­ In gowns styled to match the Maas. Crickmore-Arner Pastor Hanser served in Dert, Bolton Rd.; Thomas Far- man, Rt. 44A. The bridegroom honor attendant's but with gold Rockville untU Dec. 1«, 1866. quhar, 20 Maxwell Dr.; James Vernon news Is handled by is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oran bodices and headbows, and they Batty, Tolland; Mrs. Claire Ber­ The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, A. Kelley Sr. of Worcester. canted similar bouquets. South Methodist Church wasf^ He was succeeded by Carl the scene Saturday of the mar­ Graeber. ry, 98 Village St. 6 W. Main St., telephone 875- O u h . The Rev. Robert B. Lynch per­ Richard Benoit of New York Admitted Saturday: Mra 8136 or 643-2711. formed the double ring cere­ City served as the best man. riage o f Miss Judith Ann Am er Bom in Bavaria, Pastor Han­ Ruby Schindler, 99 Davis Ave.; mony. ,Bouquets of white chry­ Ushers were Thomas Law and of Mofichester to Robert Gerald ser bore the burden o f a num­ C^iarles HUl, 87 Union St. PORK CHOPS santhemums were on the altar. Richard Brown, both of Mystic. Crickmore of (Coventry. ber of pcrsonsdly tragic events. Admitted Sunday: Margaret The brjde, given in marriage Mrs. Bowman wore a mbss The bride is the daughter of He outlived the first two of his Lederman, Tolland; Mrs. MoUle by her father, wore a floor- green lace sheath with match­ Mr. and Mrs. George N. Amer, three wive.s, and buried six of OPEN MONDAYS Ansel, Tolland; Mrs. (3arol Neff, FRESH length gown of Chantilly lace, ing hat and a white orchid cor­ 66 Cushman Dr. The bride­ his twelve children. He died South Rd.; Mrs. Theresa Joy­ sage. The bridegpwm’s motheh groom Is the son of Mr. and Jan. 10, 1910, Just 12 days be­ designed with sweetheart neck­ ner, WlndaorvlUe; Robert wore a seagreen raw silk sheath Mrs. Frank Tabor, Lakeview fore his anniversary of 50 years Adrian’s CENTER line, long tapered sleeves and Brown, 68 George Dr.; Thomas lb full skirt. Her elbow- with matcifing hat and a white Ter. In the ministry. MatUson, BitxAlyn St. Cor. of Main and Park Sts. The Rev. J. Manley Shaw Pastor Oraber was called to keeps costs low, CUT length veil of illusion was at­ orchid eorsage. Births Friday; A daughter to tached to a crown of crystals A reception was held at Na­ performed the double ring cere­ Meriden in 1869. Tel. 643-6266 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bahler, dignity high, and- pearls. She carried a cas­ than Hale Community (Center, mony. Jack Grove was organ­ Dr. Scaer Writes; "The .years ist and Robert Gordon was so­ RFD 2. Walk-In or Phone-In cade bouquet of white Fuji chry­ Coventry. The couple went to 1870 to 1871 are shrouded in a Births Sunday: A son to Mr. Bermuda for their honeymoon loist. Bouquets o f white gladi­ mystlfj’lng darkness so far as and 'SNOW USE santhemums and ivy. and Mrs. Lawrence Gagne, 90 Ser\dce Miss Donna Bowman of (Coven­ and ore now living at 59 Wa- oli were on the altar. our present research has gone. Talcott Ave.; a son to Mr. and The bride, given in marriage . . . The only significant refers your satisfaction Putting Off Winter try, sister of the bride, was chusett 8t., Worcester. Mrs. Paul Rldzon, West Willing- Mon.-Tiies.-Wed.-Thnrs. Mr. Kelley Is a graduate of by her father, wore a full- ence to this man does not even maid of honor. Bridesmaids ton. were Miss Carol Bowman of Darrow Prep School and Leices­ length gown of pearl and se­ mention his name.” Discharged Friday: Deborah complete. Coventry, another sister of the ter Junior College and attended quin trimmed Chantilly lace, Through research. Dr. Scaer Nicholas, Broad Brook; (Charles HAIR SHAPING PROTECTION BEEF LIVER bride, and Mrs. James Morlarty the University of Hartford. He designed with sabrina neckline, d iscov ert that the pastor was Moore, Wapplng Wood R d.; Paul long tapered sleeves and tiered Don't wait until the little wom­ of Manchester. is now employed by Kelley Chan­ A. Simon. "But what happened Mlffitt, Ellington; Mrs. Mavts $1.50 dler in Worcester. Mrs. Kelley Is skirt terminating into a cathe­ an gets you up at midnight The maid of honor wore a during these years 187(11871 O oye, 97 Hany La.; Mrs. Irene (Staff Only) floor-length gown, designed with a graduate of Manchester High dral ti-ain. Her fingertip veil of still remains an historic se­ Gleason, 9 Burke R d.; David to close out those cold winter controlled skirt of homespun School and Becker Junior Col­ Illusion was attached to a cret.” Dr. Scaer said. Paul, Tolland; Miss Hattie Rein- PERMANENT WAVE drafts. Fix yourself some low- printed In an autumn leaf pat- lege, Worcester. crown of pearls' arid rhine­ According to Dr. Scaer, the muth. 38 Hammond St. cost storm windows out of FRESHLY stones. She carried a cascade ^ u rch continued smoothly un­ Discharged Saturday: Donald $7.50 W«rp’« FLEX-O-CLASS. Ifs bouquet of white chrysanthe- til a split arose in 1882 over MacRae, 27 Spring St.; Mrs. W a t k i n s 'W e s t easy! Just cut with shears . . . SLICED i mums. membership In lodges, notably Louise Ferrands, 36 Center St.; tack over screens or frames. Hickey-Haase I Miss Louise Am er of 66 . the Free Masons and Odd Fel­ You’ll be snug and warm all , Cushman Dr., sister of the : V ' -Y,' lows. ORMANDI.WEST • DIRECTOR winter long and save up to 40% bride, was the maid of honor. In May, 1882. the united Lu­ Bridesmaids were Mra. Tliomas on fuel costs. Warp’s genuine, theran cxDngregatlon, held its MMdM.tw’. oWm - wM I , hoNE mi 9-7196 Davis of Hampton and Mrs. final service. The church divid­ aw n«ia rtflww 11 crystal-clear FLEX-O-CLASS Gail Manley of Hartford. lasts for years at a fraction tha ed then and m 1883 the present MEDICINES AND DRIVING WUUM J. IWNON, Uc A w d w . II W -S h eet Perking The maid of honor wore a church on Prospect SL was cost of glass. Only 904 a square full-length gown of yellow taf­ / built. Formerly, the church was R 142 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER yard at your local hardware or feta, d esired with high scoop­ located on E. Main St. DON'T ALWAYS MIX SLICED BACON ed neckline, three - quarters- lumber dealer. Dr. Soaer noted that despite length sleeves, cummerbund the unfortunate incident. ‘Trin­ Consult yoiu* physician about the side effects and A-line skirt. She wore a ity has always been recognized of any medicine prescribed for you. They may GOOD matching rose headpiece suid by the Missouri Synod as being affect your driving ability. ENen certain com­ veil trimmed with pearls, and the legitimate successors of the monly used drugs like antihistamines, cold tab­ QUALITY carried a cascade bouquet of works of Pastor Hanser." lets sedatives may dull your reflexes or gold chrysanthemums. The Basketball Program Listed lessen co-ordinatlcm. lb bridesmaids wore light green gowns and headpieces styled The Rockville RecreaticR Avoid alcoholic drinks while taking medication. Commission today announced its to match the honor attendant's Loring photo The double Impact may dangerously affect driv­ and carried cascade bouquets of MRS. ROBERT GERALD CRICKMORE Adult Basketball Program for ing skill. Do not ever take sleeping pills the the coming winter season. green chrysanthemums. night before a trip. Their effect may handicap Thomas Davis of Hampton Among the three leagues you the next morning. planned, the commission has In­ served as the best man. 'Ush­ itiated one designed to meet the ers w'ere Alan Crickmore of Engaged Coventry, brother of the bride­ needs of those who desire a mod­ TOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you W atch for groom; and John Stoutner of ified type of physical activity. need a medicine. Pick up w u r prescription if The engeigement of Miss Lu­ It will be called the Stooe A ^ EHLER COFFEE Manchester. * cille Rae Murray of Eaust Hart­ shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly Mrs. Arner wore a willow or Slow Break League. without extra charge A great many people en­ ford, to Capt. Stephen Chapman It is one of the two scheduled green peau de soie sheath with Callahan of Michigan ha.s been trust us ylth their prescriptions. May we com­ white accessories and a cor­ to begin practice tonight at the pound yours? 1-LB. announced. Rockt'Ule High School gym, the sage of yellow roses. The Miss Murray is the daughter bridegroom's mother wore an of the late Mr. and Mrs. William V A C C A N off white br(x:ade and gold Caldwell Murray of Greenville, The Grand Opening jacket dress with black ac­ Maine, Her 'fiance Is the son of (SAVE 17c) cessories and a corsage of red the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael George N. sweetheart roses. Eugene Callahan of Detroit. (Ihtdcm i A reception for 150 was held Miss Murray Is employed as a Converse at Village Lantern Bam. For stenographer by Technical Pub­ Prescription Pharmaev a motor trip to the Pocomo lications, Pratt and Whitney, Dl- PAINTING AND 901 Main Street— 643-5321 Mountains. Mrs. • Crickmone vlsl(?n of United Aircraft 'Corp. Copyright 1964 (WlO-2-64) wore a brown tweed knit suit DECORATING with dark brown accessories. PHONE 643-2804 Mr. Callahan, a graduate of Annoucement of The couple will 1 i v e at 34 Wayne State University, De­ Call Evenlnga — 6 to • AJAX CLEANSER Woodbrldge St. after Nov. 15. troit,, is a-missile combat crew Fabulous “Fiberfiir Bras Mr. Olckmore, a 1963 grad­ commander at McConnell Air uate of Coventry High School, Force Base, Wichita, Kan. is employed at Zollo's Super­ Mr. (Callahan* is a nephew by Peter Pan Reg. 14 oi. Con C market, Inc. Mrs. Crickmore, of Mr. and Mrs. George Sidell, a 1963 graduate of Manchester 142 W. Cienter St., and a cousin,^ (Fallot photo) High School, Is employed at It'i soft (SAVE 6c) of Mrs. Nadine Habrow and Mrs Travelers Insurance Oo., Hart­ Roger Hall, both of this town. mSCOUNT FBH? It's airy and light A "SAYINGS and LOAN CONVENIENCE ford. A spring wedding is planned on It*8 shape-keeping UNSCHEDULED DROP-IN DALLAS, Tex. (AP)- — A If a little lemon juice Is WEDDING lt'$ white - stay! white KRAUSE FLORIST SEEDLESS parachute carrying an Air squeezed Into hot water before INVITATIONS OPEN TILL 5 P. M. Force instrument paejiage, placing greasy dishes In it, the It's machine washable and dryable 6RAPEFRUIT Lb. Bgg 5 9 c believed to weigh more than 1,-' job of washing the dishes will 643-1442 S i *21 HARTFORD ROAD 000 pounds, dropped Into the be easier. MONDAY-TUESDAY-FRIDAY (Approx. 8 to bog) front yard of the John Dale A. Padded Hidden Treasure—Confidential con- residence Sunday. tourer that adds curves with' the softest, sub­ THiaSDAY CALIFORNIA Air Force spokesmen in New tlest touch ever, drip dry. White only, 82 to 3.95 Mexico said the parachute waa MUNICIPAL BUILDING iNAABifC Photo 36 A, B. 11 hours of oninterrupted service;—9 AJiL FRESH BROCCOLI 25c MRS. THOMAS ALBERT HICKEY dropped from a 1.6-million cubic straight through to 8 PJf. Bnnch foot helium balloon during a teat B. Plunge Hidden Treasure— A new plunge bra FANCY BAKING The marriage of Mias PriB-«rice LaChance of Warehouse flight. IN SATURDAY'S HERALD Point. waa matron of honor, The balloon was launched that lends flattery under deep, dramatic neck- Q cilia Irena Haaaa of Easl Hart Friday. The instrumenta were lines, drip dry. White only, 32 to 86 A, B. * -ft 'C t Charles Wilcox of Manchester, POTATOES 5 Lbs. 49c iijord and ThomM Albert Hickey a br(Jther-in-law of the bride­ designed to record pressure, CLOSED of Manchester was solemnized groom, served as beat man. humidity, temperature and C. Soft Treaeure— Delicately embroidered upper v S A V I M G S FLORIDA SWEET Saturday morning at St. Chrls- A reception for about 40 \vas other meteorolo^cal informa- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMDER 11, 1964 section of cup. No-curl fiberfill insert under \ ill toifiter’s Church, East Hart­ held at the home of tha bride- tiom______I______cups, white only, 82 to 86 A, B. * u } i ( { I v O A I V JUICY ORANGES Doi. 49c ford. groom’a parents. After return­ \SsOi I \ IIOS "Mancheater'a The bride U a daughter of ing from a wedding trip to Nia­ VETERANS DAY Oldest Flaanclal Opening Day Sunday, Nov. 15 •M r. and Mra. Fredarick J. gara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Hickey CANDID ‘ v t A t m s institutloB" Haaae of Saco, Majpe. Tha will live In Rockville. WEDDINGS OPEN DAM 9:30 to 5:30 uTts's etazeT naawciai lW6TlTi^Tlea bridegroom la tha aon o f Mr. Mra. Hickey ia a graduate of Engagement Photoe EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS REDEEM POPULAR'S and Mra. Raymond P. Pred- Gorham (Maine) State Teach­ TUESDAY and THURSDAY till 9 PJ«. Ourreat Annual a V .. Dividend On erickseh of 179 Main St., Man­ er’s College, and ia on the Kenneth C. Burkamp Highw ay...... 649-5070 VALUABLE COUPONS chester. teaching staff of Orchard Hill Photographer BRANCH O F n C E . ROUTE 81. O O V R l^ T Insured Savlnga The Rev. Henry J. Murphy Siibool, South Windsor. Mr. MAILED TO YOUJl HOME o f the Bleaaed Sacram ent Hickey is a naduate of JMan' E^origoga 649-7937 Church, Beat Hartford, per­ cheater High M hool and served 643-1442 formed the ceremony. • three years in the Armv Signal Ask About FREE Semitory Saw«r and Wathr ...... 649-9697 The bride waa given In mar­ Corps. He is a salesman at Engagement Photo riage by her father. Mrs. Mau- Naasiff Arms Co^, Manchester. M^CHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN^ MO^AY, NOVEMBER 9> 1964 PAOB

* ; :• ■■§*'* . 4 / • oontlnuously during the even­ Boucher, hospltelity; Mrs. to register will have bus trans­ South Windsor ing, Hoeteases will be Mrs. Frances Mackey, publicity, and portation. District Taxes have probably bean'ssrpiiaad to laam Stella Melnick, Mrs. Frank Lo- Mrs. Rae D on^ly, ways and Mors transportation will be . that cna c t hia poUdea, now I>abg over- renso, Mrs. Edward Hsie, Mrs. means. ■provided if there are sufficient Reach $84,202 lafpstjEtoi CfeiraMi thrown, was for a graatar ocneontra- Philip. .Chase, M ft. Frank The Pleasant Valley PTA Subecrlbets to warrant it. ‘*8Bii6lb8Bt''^S6Mr8to Chaperonee will be provided. tloB of Bnaaian agiteulturo into the Membership Session Aheam and Mrs. Allan Istp- will sponsor a Monte ^ Carlo Tax collections in the Eighth whist Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Flyers aril being sent home with District, as of the Nov. 2 dead­ I hands and control c( the state. palA ' ohildren in O M ea $ through 7. Tha presidents, Mr. and Mrs. school. Tickets will be available line, totaled 180,202.20 or 94.5 Breslin But the now regime'is, aa one of the Howsvsr, parsnts and children Rowhod EraiM Jr. and Robert D. Norak Charles Lgrons, remind members from committee chairmen and per cent of the grand list of first and moot striking innovations, re^ will be sold at the ’door. of all agM are welcome tB at­ 184,871.99. Set Tonight by LW y of the executive board meeting tend the conceits. (Continued from Page 8) movhig or hberaliaing. past rostrletibns followiiig the open house. Proceeds from the first PTA District Tax Collector Mrs. social function will go toward Evergreen Lodge of Maeona Mary Laraia provided the fig­ on the amount of lahd a Itusoiaii hiay Members of the Orchard Hill win hold Ladiss’ night tonight church,” Fat Thomas screamed. WAbUNCRON — B o h la d CMdwmUr bad aVoaiW The league of Women Vot-^Bt, to allow a sign larger than the cultural event, to be pre­ ures today. till {ffivately for hlniaelf, and on the era will hold a membership permitted , and construction of a School PTA ei^ressed their ap­ beglmdng with a spaghetti sup­ U m . Barry Ooldwater’s deeickm “C ^ 6 e ” and vetoed I t preciation to .Kelsey-Ferguson sented for the children at the Anyone mailing a-check now He was too late. Within min­ i l ^ amount of livestock he may raise in Whits nearly quit oa the mseting tonight at 8 at the colonial type gaS station on tha end of the school yecur. per at 6:80, Ool. Warren J. Ken­ for delinquent taxes should in­ to ,koM "Choice” off network home of Mrs. James Arnold, Brick Co., Mr. L. L. LeMay of nedy will apeak on "60,000 Head­ utes, the joint was a desert. the same classification. And.this is a televlMon wae a deep epUt In- spot south east corner of Oakland Rd Building Permits clude a one per cent Intei^eat Harrltoii’t 72 Beelzebub Rd. and Felt Rd, Manchester and UAR Housing aches” and describe incidents in Tom - O’Malley of the Les Wde hie high command. . ■ Goldwater’a dsclalon aUobad Corp., Manchester,' who spon­ The Building Department an­ fee, the tax collector said. * Yow _"?s8BTri«ar_ restoration of comparative freedom to the etfset of canoellng another The.committee on fair repro- SheU Oil Co., .66 Gilbert St., a prisoner of war camp in BU' Crane Show walked over to Fat Ruseian people in their relationship to We saw ’’Choice,” a 80-mln- ■entatlon in the General As- sored the Halloween party at nounced that building permits rope. Thomaa. “There’s nobody out *••••••••••••••••• ute movia depicting moral de­ TV shocker planned by the elt- to allow a sign larger thjui per­ for the month of October total­ PAY TV HALTED DOWNTOWN laene group. Entitled “BaDot aembly includes Mrs. Arnold, mitted at 26 Oakland Rd. the school. PrenBotlooI children there to laugh at you. You !■ •••••••••••••••• ^ 2 the land. cay in America, at a private and Grades 1 through 6. were ed $647,300. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sub­ can’t get up in an empty place. StotloMrs •••••»••••••••••«• 1*1 Box 18,” this movie was to ohairman, Mrs. Thomas Close, Larry Duprey, 785 R t 6, to al­ Manchester Evenlag Herald scription Tele'vlsion, Inc. will Once again, then, the curious race ■bowing the other night. Nar­ M m . Craig Carter, Mrs. Rus­ entertained from 7 to 8 p.m. Nine dwellings were valued Sooth Windsor correspondent. I ’m sorry, 1 hope you’ll under­ apoUlght alleged irregularities low a sign larger than permitted at $158,000. Also included were halt transmission of programs toward agricultural freedom, under two rated by Raymond Maaaey, it in President Jtrtmeoii'a BT-vote sell Itomeyn and Mrs. James at the same address. with a grand march, prizes and Brownie Jo s e | 4 i, tetephono 644- stand and we’ll do it for sure U a profenlonal film many cuts refreshments. Grades 7 apd 8 two garages at $4,700; one to its subscribers in Los Angeles M U ttar ways of life has resumed. Hie . Russian Senate victory in 1948. Its Devlin. Propahe Gas Co., Rt. 6, to al­ 6148. and San Francisco next ’I'ues the first chance we get.” OPEN •u m w di*- abo've. the average. AlUMughcnigh opening scene. The actual The committee recently at­ low a sign larger than permitted danced to the music of the Ci­ manufacturing plant $400,000; Then, slowly, and with great or M m x iwi— er«dit> farmers are, by this news, currently ertiy one storage building, $60,000; day, according to Sylvester L. Mon. thru Sat. jpwwr •M OM iMMl MWS Nb- aeltiiw aalacloue nor overtly gravestone of a man 'Rho died tended a League of Women at 240 Chaper Rd. tations from 8:30 to 10 p.m. grace, F at ThomM faded away, taking a small step toward freedom. raoUt, It ta strong medicine of five additions and alterations, Weaver, president of the firm. Tharst. 9 P.M. in 1946 but cast a vote ter L B J Voters conference In New Ha­ Woman’s Club New Members The Wapping School PTA Bailey, Scader Weaver said that subscribers his dramatic coach hanging on­ tin ct npunnou tom «( The reason they are being allowed to a kind not usually shown over ven, presided over by Mrs. will sponsor a Book Fair and $10,200; ond store, $11,000; to his big arm, into the night k H«-«lae MtiiTia. in 1948. When "Choice” was South Windsor Woman’s Club gas tanks. $1,200; two tool will be able to see its remaining take this step is the hope of the Rus­ telsvislon. killed. White shut down prod­ Nelsdh J. Miller, of the State held its Installation of new mem­ open TOUse at tomorrow night’s Take Oath Today programs without charge. air. H«mM FrlH n Ooatpmt. lae.. ••■ In short, Goldwaterts wisdom Board Council on Legislative meeting. There will be three pe­ sheds, $200; one swimming e SUde Rules ■ 0 fln«»nl«i rM poM nO ^ toe tjrpe- sian leadership that a f m Russian ag­ uction on "Ballot Box 18.” bers last Monday at the South He announced Friday that Eddie Lowery, the porter at In barring 0>e film because of • • • Reapportionment- . Windsor Bank and 'Trust Co. riods to ■visit classrooms and the pools, $1,500, and one sign, - ^ypMrtor ■ “ •- riculture will outproduce a state-man­ racist overtones Is debatable. $500. The Maneliester Board of subscription television would Pep McGuire’s, took care of • Drafting Supplies matur An untold story reveals the Many leagues in the state The new members are Mrs. Book Fair. The schedule is as shut down because of passage Fat Thomas before he started aged agriculture. Hie Russian step And that decision might never participated in an exchange of follows: Period 1, 7:30 to 8:06 Building permits issued last Education will seat two new e Wedding shock of disbelief in the Presi­ Rbjsert C. Barr, Mrs. B d i^ d October totaled $641,807. Twenty- members tonight when It last Tuesday of Froposltlon 15, cleaning up yesterday after­ t : : at M. toward freedom will be judged a suc­ have been made had It not been ideas on this controversial sub­ Bartula, Mrs. Richard M. Bkr- classroom, 8:06 to 8:20 Book Stationery for facttenalism ln s| d e the Gold- dential family when word of ject. Members and friends are nine dwellings last year were meets at 7 :30 in the board room which outlaws pay-television in noon. And tonight. F at Thom­ Bap uUoa cess if farm production does increase. Walter Jenkln’a arrest was rio, Mrs. Morland Berkihan, Fair; Period 2, 8:20 to 8:55 California. as, with his usual class, will liattaw* Spaeiaf Agmej - Na« Tai« CW- water camp. urged to attend this important classroom, 8;56 to 9:10 Book valued at $478,000. Revenue re­ at Beiutet Junior High School. Pitroit Botton. Here, in this country, we Indulge our­ telephoned to the President knd Mrs. Robert Couchon, Mrs. Her­ The Iwo, Atty, Thomas Bai­ He added, however, that the watch the whole Les Crane The split began when F. Clif- meeting directed toward a bet­ bert Cummings, Mrs. Edward Fair, and Period 3, 9:10 to 9:46 ceived by the Building Depart­ AOTorr Bunmao o» cncouA* selves in Um/diope that, in principle, we Mrs. Johnson on that late after­ ment was $3,229. ley, Rep., and Lronard Seader, company expects to win its Show on television. t

HOW I . L . «

M ' '

\ i Jc VOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, B1ANCHE3TER, CONN,, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, liANCHKSTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1964 P A G E F n m a N Garden—F-aitti—Dairy RoomsWithont Board 59 Apartmento— FUt«— Apartmentto—Flats— Roofing—Sidihf 16 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALT and SHORTEN Tenements 63 BoaiiMss Locations Housoa For Sale 72 Hoiunb tFor Sale 72 Hoiuas For Sale 72 Wanted— ^R«al Eatato 77 Prodocta 50 Ttna THOMPSON BoIm>. Oot Tenemaata 63 For Rent 64 MON OONSTRUCnON-Roof- tage StTMl, eentnllY loMted, SIX ROOM Cape, targe kttehen DBLMONT STREET—New on IN BETTER housekeeping con­ SPOT CASH paid for homes, People In OLAfiTONBURY—6 rooms and THltEE BEDROOM single living room with fireplace, Im- log, aiding, alterationa, call- mcki e r t ie g u sse t p q o m SPECIAL —StrliUy fresh eggi laiM pleasutlY ftatnUhM BEAUTIFULLY paneled air market. 6 room older home in dition — ranch with 6 targe farms and acreage, 24-hour W G eirtREO So IMHA'HOPPEH EXACTLY 1VM WEEUS LATillf bath, 8 miles from .Aircraft, home,' baths, and gorago, medUkte occupancy, $16,900. excellent condition, 1 ^ hatha CLASSIFIED i n n gutters and aluminum I 4 dozen for |1.00; alao, em^j rooms, paridng, O al 149-3808 on bus line, adults or small condlUonsd space, over 1400 rooms built 1959. Quiet dead­ service. Hayes Agency, 643- SHOW BIZ/THEY THREW HER A KhRE- immediate occupancy, central­ PhUhrick Agency, 649-8464. carpeting throughout, modem 4803. wbldows. 64S-4863. 64S-0886. pigs for sale, also big one. 122 for overnight and pemaneiBt family preferred. 688-2397. sq. ft., will subdivide, profes­ end street, 3 generous bed- WELL FEED THAT COST A FORTUNE*** Newmarker Road, Vemon-So. ly located on bus tins. Call sional oras parking. Mun and kitchen,- enclosed porch, new roonu, family size kitchen, The News BIDWBLL HOME Improvement guest rateo.______' Windsor line, . off Dart Hill VIDRNON weekdays 9-5, 649-4681, Bve. Haynss fltrset, reasonable 649- heating system, single ga­ aluminum storms and screens, Company—Roofing, siding, al- -* AS A tOUVEHiR OF * ^ R S O B !" Road. Natalsky Farm, Inc. MIDDLE AOB widow baa room and weekends 649-1421. 2811, rage. Sensibly priced at $17,- 100x196 lot. 816,900. Wolver­ REP. POWELL ADVERTISING taraUons, additions and ra> 900. Immedlata occupancy. T. -W YEARS BEFORE THE FOOT- XU NEVIR 644-0804. Open 7 days a week for rent In private home next ton Agency, Realtor, 640-2813. Andover BAN FRANCIS(X> (AP) — modeling of all types. Excel­ ROCKVILLE— 4 rooms, first FOR UIA8E—BMoOent toes- RANCH J. Qrockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D> LlflHTS.WI PRESBHTYOO FORarr 7-7. to bath with You Can Afford floor, heat and electricity In­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS lent workmanship. 649-6496. tiem tor doetor*B effios or MANCHESTER—Spacious cus­ N.Y., says he has heard a rii- WITH THIS WAMOHD NIGHTJ Ing room, cluded. 876-0577 between 4-8 MjbfCiaBSTm--8pacloua tree 8 AJa. to 5 P JL .THIS gentleman _ ----- ^ . beauty porlw. 4U Main ttrset tom built home in excellent mor that he might be offered TIARAf p.m. Completely L-shaped 6-room Ranch, ahoded 6 room Colonial In one Honsehold <$00^ but will conzlder others. 649- OotnpieUly raDovated and am- com er lot, in Wapplng, on residential area, ultra modern Ticket Sale appointment' as secretary of Roofing and ClunineTS 16* A Luxury Living! j^ p ir to n g . J. O. Realty, 648- o f Mancheeteria finest sreos. kitchen. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths 6813. ' •______ROCKVILLE—8 rooms, newly hill with 40-mlle view. Includes breezeway and 2-cor labor. COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSUIED ADVT. EVEKVTHma In aterUzed re­ plus 2 lavatories, covered The S6-year-oId congressman ROOPINa — Specialising re­ Blsfoat new 4 room spiutmenta redecorated, heat, stove, pork- Large living room with fire­ garage, 8 very large bedrooms, MONDAS IHni nU O A f UdM AJM.—AATIJBDAS t AJM. conditioned used furniture and iriRNISHED light housekeep­ Ing. on bus line 876-1859. place, dining room, large patio, Florida room, complete­ For Matinees told reporters Sunday night hs pairing roofs of all Unda. new appliances, high quality- -low in lovely, suburban neighbor­ IDBIAL OFFICE location for baths, formal dining room, roofs, gutter work, chimneys ing room with cooking fa­ kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 ly air-conditioned, minimum had heard the report "from a prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 cilities, also electric refrig­ hood within walking distance at any buSlnees, 458 Main Street, fsimily siza kitchen, 24* living cleaned, repaired Aluminum t h r e e R(X)M apartment, W-6829, 8-5. baths, 2-car garage, foil room with fireplace. Owner maintenance inside and out. perfect stranger in New York PLEASE READ YOUR AD South Street, Rockville. 878- erator furnished. Ladles only. htob school, bus, H u ^ iiu and first floor, heat, hot water. Call the R F. Dimock Co., Is Planned siding. SO years’ experience. minutes from Pariewsy Equip- basement, recreation area moving out of town wontz faat just before leaving’’ for San rm---- ^ “WMlt AAT •!« tekca OVM tto phOUM • Free estimates. Call Howlev, 2174. Open 9-8. 643-6388. kitchen range and refrigerator with picture window and 649-6245. Francisco. oonvntUcnoe. Tthe •dvertiaer ahoiild M d tak ad the FIBST with OB refrigerator, sala Wolverton Agency, Real­ 64S-S881, 644-888S. RUGS, never used, 9x12 beige, furnished. Ideal for working Houses For Rent 65 door to outside. Owner tor. 649-2813. A limited number of series Powell said such an offer DAY ra AFPEAB8 Uid RKPOKT BBROBS la time for the iibuSBKEEPINO room, lady ^t-in OB oven, range couple. Centrally located. 830; 9x15 gold oriental, 835: or gentleman, all utilities, am-, garbage di^XMer. Rent Includes moving. Call 644-1719. tickets for the Youth Matinee from President Johnson would aext taweiHoa. Tlie Herald to reeiMiuibie for o a lj ONB taioor* Avatiable Decemj^r 1st. Cali COMPLETELY furnished 4 MANCHESTER — Convenient­ series, ipponsored by Regional require "an agonizing deci­ root or omitted tnaertkw for aajr adverttoemeat aad lliea only 12x15 ruby Maharajah. 289- pie parking, 272 Main S t heat and hot water, tree park­ Kadlo-T\’ Repair ing, outdoor picnic and recrea­ room house, automatic heat, ly located 6 room dwelling, BUSINESS TWO ZOJ^E 8 PTA CJouncil, will be on sale sion.” The job Is held by W. M Um exteat of a **make good” toeertlca. Brron whldi do not 6955. odulta only. 649-1794. Services IS tion ares. MANCHBSTER-e^ room over- large family kitchen. Hying at the elementary school at 3 Willard Wirtz, an appointee of Irtirr tbe value of the adverttoemeat will aot be eorrected by 1962 KENMORE deluxe gas FIVE R 6bM 8.^6 Charter Oak room, 2 bedrooms and bath on Apartments—Flat*— Street, adults, gas stove pro­ atsed brick Cape; tinisbed p.m. tomorrow. the late President John F. Ken­ "make good” CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv range, broiler, top griddle, TWIN HOMES now being built first floor, 2 bedrooms and 430-432 BROAD ST. nedy. Tenements 63 vided, gas heat. Immediate basement, patio, garage. Well ice, available all hours. Satis- timer. Call 649-1830. Only $125! in Hebron, Columbia and Mans­ lavatory on second fioor, The series will Include a Powell is in California to in­ occupancy. 643-7111. field. Rare opportunity to rent landscaped. Minimum main­ stage company presentation of factlan guaranteed. 'Call 649- tenance. For appointment coll steam heat, one ciu’ garage. vestigate plans to provide farm Y ors COOPERATION WHX ffklAI 9 7 1 1 G.E. REFRIGERATOR, Dixie EAST SIDE — Five rooms, or purchase. Rental 8125 and the Wizard of Oz on Saturday, BE APPRECIATED VIML I I 1816. second floor of two-family, one t h r e e EXTRA larg4 heaM 649-1088. Principals only. Let me show you toistde to 78 Feet Frontage labor when the Mexican bracero Y E P -T H A T WAS electric range, both white, ex up, including heat, 'hot water, Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. in the Rham child. 643-8893. Samuel M. rooms downstairs, oil appli­ appreciate. Alice Clompet, program ends Dec. 31. He ia LONG AGO,AND SHE'S cellent condition. 649-6335 stove and refrigeratdrj 3 and 4 Realtor, 649-4543. high school auditorium. The ances, at 10 W „ Middle 1*1)110. TWO FAMILY—One year old, 8-Rooitf .Dwelling chairman of the House Educa­ Millinery, Dressmaking 19 days, 643-5053 eve. THREE ROOM heated apart­ bedrooms. For further infor­ 4 and 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms, second production will be BEEN "RETHEING"AT Lavitt Agency Phone 643-4151. mation coll Carol Laking, tion and Labor (Committee. LEAST ONCE A YEAR ment 456 Main Street Call family room one apartment, Folktales from Around the EXPERT ALTERATIONS of BEDS, mattresses, boxsprlngs Realtor, 228-3368. modem kitchen, excellent con­ Priced to sell. Trouble Reaebfng Our AdvsrtiMr? 649-6229, 9-5. 643-2158 Realtors 87S-6297 THREE R(!)OM aporfinent, TOP NOTCH BUY World” to be presented by the MRS. TED KENNEDY ladies’ and gentlemen’s gar­ u. I- rx o*. EVER SINCE-; //-3 —clearance prices. Hurry for heat, hot water, gas stove. dition. Philbrick Agency, 649- F—*n iyaditaH, I—. ^ best buys. Howard’s Sleep Vernon Circle, Pkwy Exit M SEJVEN ROOM Split Level In Pickwick Puppet Theater on BOSTON (AP) — Mrs. Ed­ ments. All work done promptly BOL/rON CENTER Apartments, Call 643-6910. 6464. start packing on this one. Saturday, April 17 at 2 p.m. at and reasonably. Also, dry Center, 639 Main, 649-6335. Open 7 Days A Week Manchester, modem kitchen ward M. Kennedy, wife of the Comer Brandy St. and Bouton with bullt-lns, 1% baths, fam­ A six room cape with a Rham. M-Hour Answering Senriee cleaning and laundry. Center Center Rd., new 8 rooms, heat, FOUR ROOMS, first fioor, DARTMOUTH HEIGHTS— ARTHUR . A. KNOFLA democratic senator from Mas­ LADY KENMORE portable ily room, garage, etc. $200 per breezeway and on over­ Tailor Shop, 32 Oak Street. hot water, stove, refrigerator, steam heat, good central loca­ Large 7 room Colonial, 2H Transportation of children to sachusetts, has flown to Ireland dishwasher. Bengal gas range, FOUR ROOM apartment and month. Phtibrick Agency, 649- sized garage. Just off the Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wantesitlon. High Conn. State Employment Ser­ EIXCELLENT care for children seen. Call 649-6529 after 3:30. posal, heat, hot water, pri­ ets, full ceramic bathroom. ed only one dwelling. Estelle TYPEWRITERS Standard Manchester, 649-4817, 643-1388. vate patio, private base­ giarage, 818i000- Carlton W. Agency, 643-4803. Wallace’s novel "The Man” Is to “Bootsie.” 643-5373. School commercial course vice, 806 Main Street, Man­ in my home - hour, day or Heat, hot water, parking, Land For Sale 71 J. WILLARD REALTY Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Schulz sold two parcels of land and electric. Repaired, over­ chester. week. Manchester Green area. ment, all for 8145 a month. the story of a Negro who be­ hauled, rented. Adding ma­ or business school grad­ basement, storsige and laun­ 649-5132. RCXJKVTLLE — $12,000. 5>4, with buildings on Lake Rd. to uate. type accurately and 649-2149. Musical Instruments 53 BOLTON—7.7 acres, 8 clear. Franklin D. Reed, et al; George comes president of the United chines rented and repaired. Floor Finishing: 24 PART-TIME, tool and die NOTICE dry. Children welcome. On bus 649-2349— 649-1175 two-family flat, 2-car gari^e, States. Annonneements 2 rapidly, experienced in gen­ Available December 1st, line. Rent reasonablle. Tel. af­ Appointment to inspect call MANCHESTER — 2-famtiy du- amesite drive, city watei^ and U. Parks sold land on the An- Pickup and delivery service. maker, first class; also ma­ TRUMPET, Conn, purchased ADMISSION one 3-bedroom apartment, ^ The award was presented to Yale Typewriter Service. 649- BTjOOR SANDING and refinlsh- eral office procedures. Ex­ from local dealer 8150, A-1 ter 4 p.m., 649-3566, owner. 649-0389 or 627-0969. plex 5-5, 8 years old, excellent sewers, reasonable o ff m ap dover-Coventry town lines to ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ ing (specializing in older chinist, first class. Fritsch Dogfs— Birds— Pets 41 range, refrigerator, di.«s- Wallace Sunday during a cen­ 4986. cellent fringe benefits. In­ condition, used 6 months. Sell­ OF ELECTORS RANCH, 4 rooms, 2 bedroomo, condition. Interior newly dec­ predated. Lawrence F. BTano (Jlarence Hazen; Lawrence R. ice, bonded representative. Al­ floors) Waxlpg floors. Paint­ Machine. Co., 87 Thomas St, Notice is hereby given that posEti, heat, hot water, pri­ tennial celebration of the birth terviews and testing on East Hartford. FOR SALE — Brittany spaniel, ing 8100. 644-8657. kitchen, living room, w o^ed orated, many extras. Must be Realtor. 643-2766, Charles Gordon sold to Frank E. Mc- fred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., ing. Ceilings. PaperHanglng. the Board of Admission of Elec­ vate patio, private ba.se- Houses For » l e 72 of Carver, famed Negro scien­ LAWN M ''WERS— Sharpened Tuesday, November 10, at 2-year-old male, some training, FumishM Apartmentfi 63-A lot, h&ndy to bus, shopping, seen. 21 Ashworth Street. Call Nicholson, 742-6364. Keen lot 12 in the development Manche.ster, 644-8141. No Job too small. John Ver- 3 p.m. ment, all for $160. tist. and repaired, winter storage. SHBE3T METAL Inspector, ex­ excellent hunter. 878. Phone SILVERTONE electronic organ, tors of the Town of Coventry, etc. Excellent condition. 812,. anytime 649-7094. on Gilead Rd., and Anna Mc- faille. 64^780. ______excellent condition, bench and will be in session in the New OONOORO fU> - Beoutifal CLARK ROAD 4n Wapping. WOOLEN STRIPS for hooked Sales and service — Arlens, perienced, full-time, for air­ 742-8111 after 5:30. R(X:KVILLE CEH^TEB—Mod­ ranch, large living room, form­ 900. Philbrick Agency, 649- L&ughllln sold lot 82 at Andov­ Snowbirds, also rental equip­ music, 8175. 643-1226. Town Hall, Voters Registration Avatiable December 1st, em 4 rooms, heated, furnished, Homes to fit your taste Chistom built 6 room Ranch. and braided rugs. Large var­ craft quality. In process and one - bedroom apartment, al dlaiiig room, cabinet kltotaen, 8464. er Lake to Victor and Murray ment. L & M Equipment Corp., Room downstairs, on Satur­ all utilities, adults; also, three A real nice hbme. Three bed­ Dttoaldo. iety at all times. To pur- Bonds— Stocks— ROGERS CORPORATION final. FrlUch Machine Co., 87 heat, hot water, range, I bodrooms, reereotioo room, Priced to fit your budgfet Money Stolen Route 83, Vernon, 875-7609. Thomas St., East Hartford. Articles For Sale 45 day, November 14, 1964 from room, adults. 875-9121. MANCHESTEJR—Luxurious rooms, cofipeting, fireplace Briefs cha.sers of wool, advice and Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 refrigerator, disposal, all landscaped yard. Marlon B. and flnlzhod recreation room, Manchester Exchange— Enter­ ______Mortgages 27 Manchester Conn. 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon for the bedroom ranch, 2 full baths, $13,990 6-room bungalow. Needs The Republican Town (Com­ suggestions on rug making SNOWBLOWERS. new ^ for $110 a month. NEWLY DECORATED 6-room Robertson, Ranitor. sa-6668 water softener, half acre lot. From Machines given on Tuesday and Friday prise 1945. PROGRAMMER, clothes de­ purpose of admitting all per­ maintenance free redwood ex­ some work. mittee will meet tomorrow SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- signer, tool planner, dental used, Ariens, Snoblrd, Toro, BLACK cloth winter coat, gray half duplex, fully furnished, T. J. (Jfockett, Realtor, 643- mornings from ’ 10-12 a.m. llmited huds available for sec­ (Equal opportunity employer) Persian trim, size 18; muskrat sons who are found to be quali­ MANCHESTER — New 8 room terior, family room with fire­ $14,900 Roomy ranch with coun­ night at 8; 15 p.m. at the home, YOU ARE A-1! Truck is A-1! technician, csise worker, en­ Wheelhorse, and Moto Mqwer. new furnace, oil heat, 2 full 1577. Vending machines were pried Harry M. Fraser Company, ond mortgages, pajrments to cape; 2 blue formal gowns, fied to be Electors of the Town Call 649-4436—649-6544 Garrison Colonial, 12x24 living place, scenic acre lot, A Must try setting. of Benjamin Foreman on School Cellars, attics, trash, small gineer. draftsman, stock clerk, Service and parts. Capitol of Coventry. baths, washer, TV, )>arking. room, family romn, built-in See for the quality conscious. $15,500 Excitable Ranch. L*rge 192 Hartford Road, Manches­ trucking done A-1 right! Call suit your budget. Expedient size 18, one lace, one lace and BOytON — 7 room ranch on Rd. open in weekend breaks into shipping clerk, insurance Equipment, 38 Main Street, The Qualifications are as fol­ On bus line. Apply 27 New St. kitchen, master bedroom with Hayes Agency, 643-4803. treed lot. ter, Conn. 643-2928, Tremano Trucking service, J, D. Realty. 643-5129. Msuichester. Open dally 7-5, marquisette: 2 pairs black four acres. Three cor garage, The ways and means com­ two Manchester restaurants salesman,' auto parts man, lows: Applicant must be 21 dressing room. low twenties. $15,990 Convenient Colonial. Service. ATTENTION—LIVE WIRE Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. shoes, size 9B. 643-4698. ATTRACTTVE 3-room heated dutbuUdings. Ideal for horses, mittee of the Ladies Aux­ with on imdetermlned amount SECOND MORTGAGES — No warehouseman, kitchen mana­ years of age, must be a resident FIVE ROOM flat, second floor, Hayes Agency, 648-4803. MANCHESTER — First offer­ Ideal location. etc. Vacant. Owner very anx­ PERSONS oil furnace, garage. Call 643-' apartment, furnished. Large ing. Seven room home with iliary of the Fire Department, Personals 3 HAVE SMALL pickup truck— appraisal or finder’s fees, pay ger, linotype operator, TV of the State of Connecticut for $16,300 Brick front ranch. Ex­ ious. T. J. Crockett, Rsoltor, of change token, polled sold to­ MEN AND WOMEN man, counter man, material DARK, RICH stone-free loam! 8507. j closets. Private entrances. MANCHESTER — New 7 room 2-car garage, oil heat, city Marjorie Solomonson, chairman, Attics and cellars cleaned. interest only. E. C. Solimene. Also, fill, sand, gravel, and Wanted— To Buy 58 one year and a resident of the Parking. No pets. Adults. 643- ceptional buy. 643-1577. and members Doris Hutchinson, day. STATE LICENSED rest home WHO CAN TALK AND SELL! handler, stock boy, grocery raised ranch, 2-car garage, utilities, good condition Rubbish removed. Reasonable. Broker, 367 Oakland St., 643- stone. 643-9504. Town of Coventry for six FOUR ROOM second floor 4860. 816,500 6-room Cape with tWef Elinor Moberg, and Lucille Ku- A tire iron was used to force centrally located, reasonable Cali 649-1043. 2214. EARN 8600 OR MORE clerk. Apply Conn. State Em­ WANTED TO BUY—Antiques months. bmlt-lns, 1% baths, % acre lot, throughout, priced at only acres. ’ ROUTE 6 BOLTON — Two ployment Service, 806 Main apartment. Grown children ac­ tremendous value. Hayes Agen­ 816,3(K). Charles Lesperance, kucka wish to thank all the a rear door at the Parkway Res­ rates, friendly atmosphere. ’’NEVER USED anything like and good used furniture. Vil­ Any applicant who is a natu­ $17,500 Family room Ranch. acres of wooded land plus a 5 Tel. 875-1011. SHARPENING Service — Saws, A BETTER ARRANGEMENT Between Thanksgiving and Street, Manchester. lage Peddler Auction House, cepted. No pets. Call 643- cy, 643-4808. 649-7620. room stone house with a three ladies who gave the tea and taurant at 937 Center St. where it,” say users of Blue Lustre ralized citizen of the United 5838. Close to bus and shop­ card parties in the last several the management this morning knives, axes, shears, skates, of your finances will make Christmas demonstrating fast for cleaning carpet. Rent elec­ Route 88. Ellington. 875-8711, Business Locations ping. car garage, all for $14,000. Lo- more of your income available States shall present the certifi­ PORTER STREET Area — 6 SEVEN ROOM older home, weeks. The' final party of the reported a cigarette vending rotary blades. Quick service. selling Toy item in leading store. tric shampooer 81. The Sher­ Bob Flucklger, and Son. cate of hia naturalization or a For Rent 64 $17,800 New 6-room Colonial. 1- I cated above Munson’s Candy Automobiles For Sale 4 Capltc Equipment Co., 38 lor personal use. Lump debc Estab. Co. Write experience to room Cape, fireplace, 2-car bedrooms. 2 baths, lot TtelSl. Shop. House needs a com ­ series is to be held tomorrow mimhine and pinball machine EXPERIENCED win-Williams Co. copy thereof issued by the Unit­ garage, large tree shaded lot, Marion B. Robertocn, Realtor car garage Main St., Manchester Hours Into one monthly payment of EMBREE, Box 678, Elizabeth) CASH IMMEDIATELY — We MODERN, CENTRAL, Ah> plete redecorating, but has night at 8 p.m. in the townliall had been pried open and the NEED CAR? Your credit turn­ $22.26 lor each thousand dollars buy, anything from a pin to ed States Immig:ration and Nicely Tailored 817,900. S h r i e k Agency, W 696I. $18,200 60-foot Ranch with and is open to the public. coin boxes taken. dally 7-8. Thursday 7-9 Satur­ New Jersey. ID GRINDER OPERATOR SMALL apartment size refrig­ Conditioned Offices for rent. breezeway and garage. new well, septic, etc. T. J. ed down? Short on down pay­ day 7-4. 643-7968. including repayment .over five erators. newly painted, good battleship. Used furniture and Naturalization Service. 649-8464. > Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. A second break, reported to ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ Off Street parking. Inquire at 813.900 - ATTRACTIVE 8 bed­ $18,900 Executive Ranch. 2-car years. Prank Burke, 246-8897, for recreation rooms, guar- appliances. Ask for Mr. Reed, Dated at Coventry, Connecti­ 164 East Center St. or phone Manchester Evening Herald police last night, occurred at sion? Don’t despair! See Hon­ WANTED — Lady to take care 55-hour week. room ranch, fireplace, alumin­ garage. Vacant. REPAIRS on all makes of re­ Connecticut M ortgage Ex­ teed, 824.95. Apartment size 649-8254, 249-4794. cut. this 5th day of November 649-5!!61. BOLTON LAKE — Four room Andover correspondent, Law­ the Acadia Restaurant at 103 est Douglas Inquire^about low­ frigerators, washers, ranges, of child in her own home days. 1964. um storms, encioeed carport, $19,400 8-room multi-level. Per- change, 18 Lewis St., Hartford. stoves, good for Industrial MANCHESTER basement, large lot. nice view. year ’round home, generous rence Moe, telephone 742-6796. Tolland Tpke. where someone est down, smallest payments and dryers. All oil burners Conn. Call 649-0014. WE BUY, SELL or trade an­ Richard M. Galinat, l^ect condition. room sizes, 2 bedrooms, BUCKLAND work, originally 8260, sacrifice Carlton W. Hutchins Agency, broke through a bathroom win­ anywhere. No small loan or fi­ cleaned and serviced All work 835. Large assortment of used tique and used furniture, china, Donald S. Davis, AND VICINITY $19,400 Prestige Ranch. Treed 75x150 lot, pays for itself, nance company plan. Douglas TWO HOURS WEEKLY is all MANUFACTURING, INC. glass, sliver, picture frames Realtors, 649-5132. lot. $1,700 assumes dow, pried open a Juke box and giuaranteed. Cosma Appliance restaurant, store and tavern Lionel G. Jean, Filet Kitten! $10,900. Wolverton Agency, took some change. An unlocked Motors, 333 Main. Service, 806 Center. 649-0058 Business Opportunity 28 it takes to run shopping club 131 Adams St. Buckland and old coins, old dolls and mortgage. Realtor. 649-2813. for a few friends. You get 825 equipment. Fontaine’s Used Elmore Turkington, SPLIT LEVEL—7 rooms. 1% safe was also found ransacked guns, hobby collections, attic Board of Admissions Manchester— 4 room home, $20,000 5 and 5 two family. Live 1954 NASH Ambassjador, low STEPS. SIDEWALKS^ stone MANCHESTER—Drive-in res­ in name brands free in 10 Restaurant Equipment, 473 baths, modem kitchen with and a bottle or two of liquor Windsor St.. Hartford, 527^ contents or whole estates. Fur­ centrally located. Ideal for bullt-lns, dining room, fam­ rent free. LAKEFRONT — $9,600. Year mileage, good tlrfe-s, winterized, walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ taurant, on busy thorough­ weeks. Send for catalog and niture Repair Service Talcott- business couple, amesite $21,900 Exquisite 6-room CJolo- ’round 4 room home, fireplace, may be missing, it wais report­ $120. Call 649-8825. fare, ample parking. Bel Air TRAINEES AND helpers for 6771. ily room, full basement. 1- ed. There was no money in the races, hatchways, dry wells. details. Alice Williams, Pop­ carpenters, printer, boring mill vllle. Conn. Tel. 643-7449. drive, full basement, cen­ nlal. Large treed lot. central oil heat, cellar, storm Quotations Furnished by All concrete repairs. Reason­ Real Estate, 643-9332. car garage. 822.900. Phil- safe, police said. ular Club Plan, Department machine operator, auto me­ FREE WHEELS — Buy two tral heat. Asking price, $22,900 4 family duplbx. Im­ windows, privacy. Cjirlton W. Dempsey-Tegeler Co., Inc. 1958 CHEVROLET 4-door 6 able. 643-0851. K810, Lynbrook, New York. brick Agency, 649-8464. cylinder, automatic, excellent chanic, pipe fitter, tobacco snow tires at regular prices ••88.500. maculate condition. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, Members a t New York and get two new wheels free. Rooms ^ tn o a t Board 59 649-5132. condition, no rust, winterized, EXPERT TREE and brush re­ Help Wanted— Female 35 CASE WORKER, Clothes d T - warehouse worker, factory MANCHESTER—Uke new 5% $25,900 Beautiful 4 bedroom Stock Exchange Cole’s Discount Station. 643- LOAM Amston Lake—Beautiful 5 room ranch, 20 foot living snow tires, radio, heater. 8595. moval. All work fully In.sured signer, programmer, cafeteria worker, plumber, service sta­ FURNISHED room, light room summer cottage, multi-level. Family SUBURBAN COU3NIAL — 4 Bank Stocks. I NURSE'S AIDE. 7-3 shift, full 5332. room, 1% baths, beautifully ■ 643-5121, 643-9278. and guaranteed. Free esti­ manager, dental technician, re­ tion attendant. Apply Conn. housekeeping. private en­ The Best Stone-Free completed less than 3 years room. bedrooms, 2-car garage, fire­ Bid Asked Cheic* PrepfitiRS mates. Call General Spray and part-time. Laurel Manor, ceptionist, stenographer, pay­ State Employment Service, trance. Lady only. One rriln- finished family room, large 1960 CORVAIR, white, 4-door 649-4519. THE AMAZING Blue Lustre . ago, automatic gas hot wa- - wooded lot. Hayes Agency, These are just a few of the place, large lot, $18,900. J. D. Conn. Bank and In and Around Manchester Service, 649-0060. roll clerk, typi.st, IBM opera­ 806 Main Street, Manchester. ute from Main St. Tel. 649- Loading All Day Realty. 643-5129, 643-8779. sedan, automatic transmission, will leave your upholstery ter, situated on 100x100 lot. 643-4803. homes listed exclusively with us. Trust Co...... 71% 74% tor, billing clerk, cashier, 7959 after 5. priced for quick sale at radio, heater, excellent condi­ beautifully soft and clean. Saturdays We have many more to offer Hartford National *$87,500 COUNTRY Ei^ JEWELRY & HATS sales clerk, laundry counter Rent electric shampooer 81- 86.000. MANCHESTER—6 room ranch, BOLTON - Split level, 3 bed­ Bank Co...... 66 69 STATE Stroom Salt Box tion, rea.sonable. 643-4971. Household Services LARGE ROOM for gentleman, you, so call now and inquire. rooms. modem kitchen with girl, nur.se aide, practical Olcott Variety Store. private entrance, nice home Your Truck or Delivered dining rooni, large living room, Vernon National (circa 1770), studio bam 1960 MGA Convertible, good Offered 13-A BY MARION nur.se, kitchen manager, hair­ Coventry ■— Beautiful 5 3 bedrooms, screened porch, built-ins, 2-acre lot with trees, Bank ...... 75 with . fireplace, 17 acres- dresser, waitress, counter girl TRAINING , near center, references. 21 room^home on lot,almost BARROWS & WALLACE only tl years old.. For qyalifled mechanical condition, 8925. HAVE what may be rare coin Church St., 649-4966. Corner School St. and 1-car garage, near bus and Fire Insurance Oonipanlee large pond. REWEAVINO of BURNS, moth tailor, .sewing machine opera —1962 D penny (figure 2 one acre, beautifully land­ COMPANY buyer conventional mortgage Call 643-4241. Demonstrate our New Fall shopping, 816,500. Philbrick Hartford Fire . . . 76% 78% holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ tor, ward maid, tobacco ware double stamped to look like scaped, artesian well, over- or VA with no down payment. * 32,500 ROYAL BARRY Hats and Jewelry. No In­ CLEAN, comfortably furnished, Route 5, East Hartford Agency, 649-8464. Manchester Parkade National Fire .^..128 134- dow shades made to measure, house worker. Apply Conn PROGRAMS 7). Call 247-2274 after 9 p.m. s iz ^ garage and carport Selling for $18,900. Call the R. WILLS designed - rambling vestment — Highest Com- all .utilities, nice neighborhood, Tel. 649-4356, 528-4581 649-5306—875-6611 Phoenlx Fire ....128% 133% cape - 4 bedrooms, 2%baths, 1955 CHEVROLET Station all sizes Venetian blinds Keys missloms. Gall or write State Emplqyment Service parking. 649-1352, p.m. and many extras. Priced WEST SIDE—$17,900. 135x145 F. Dlmock, Co., 649-5245. Wagon. Call 643-4610. made while you wait. Tape *«- 806 Main Street, Manchester FOUR, EACH 14” , Chevrolet 813,500. lot, trees. 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, MANCHESTER — Immaculate life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. 2*/]' acres, fine Bolton area. MARION KIBBE FASH­ AVAILABLE Aetna Casualty . .125% 132V corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 IONS, Ayon, Conn. Area tires on rims; one pair, size built 1958. Spotless condition. 6-room Cape on a quiet street, HEBRON — sparkling 6 room /a * 26,000 1778 EARLY 1958 HILLMAN Sedan, light Main., 649-5221. 10^, ski boots; 21” G.E. TV, Andover—rBeauUful 3 bed­ Don’t wait. Carlton Hutchins, close to schools, bus and shop­ Cape Cod home, 8, miles from Aetna Life ...... 168% 173% AMERICAN CAPE, 6 love­ green. Universal radio, heater, code 203, telephone 673- room home on over one 178% 3455, or evenings 673-9829. IMMEDIATELY UHF-VHF.' Call 643-9044. INVITATION Agency, Realtors, 649-5132. ping, 3 bedrooms, new For­ Manchester, full shed dormer, ' Conn. General ,...173% ly large rooms, front to good second car, 8125. Call acoe lot, beautifully land­ mica counter and stainless fireplace in living room, full Hfd. Steam Boiler 164 170 back living room, remodeled Rockville 875-6770. Building— Contracting 14 SCREW MACHINE set-up op SNOWBLOWER for sale, al­ scaped with finished rec­ ONE BLOCK from Main, two basement. % acre. An excel- Security Ins...... 77 81 kitchen, parkllke setting. FOR most new, used a few times, Fine China steel sink, aluminum storms GIRL FOR Counter and grill, erator. experienced with air TO BID reation room in basement family, 4-4 duplex, permanent and screens, $15,500. Wolver­ lent buy at $14,800. Call Carol Travelers ...... 41 43% 1958 ENGLISH Ford Consul QUALITY CARPENTRY- 850. 109 Prospect Street. first floor Includes for­ * 23,500 Desirable ROCK- five day week, 6:30 a.m. - 2 craft parts, all benefits. Ap Sealed bids will be received WE Pattern, Cot siding, two recent heating sys­ ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Laking, Realtor, 228-3358 or PubUo UtiUties Sedan, good condition. 8150. Rooms, dormers. porches, p.m. Apply in per.son. Jack's mal dining room, moderate LEDOE, 7-room capo, 4 ply Dean Machine Products, at the office of the General J, tems, garages, clean. Hayes Mary Jean Smith, 228-8370. Ctonn. Light Power 37% 38% bedrooms, 2 baths, owner 844-0101. basements refinlsh.ed, cab­ Coffee Shop. 59 E. Center St. 165 Adams St.. Manchester. PIPEnTTERS FOR SALE— R /C plane and and Colored size kitchen sind living inets, built-ins, formica, tile. radio control equipment Call Manager, 41 Center St, Man­ BUY Agency, 643-4803. Hfd. Elec. Light . 51% 53 anxious. , chester, Conn., until Nov. 16, room. Asking price, 8lC BOLTON — Lake privileges. 1958 PLYMOUTH road wor­ No Job tpo small. William PART-TIME openings for truck 649-6390. ______Glassware THREE BEDROOM ranch In Hartford Gas Co. 42% 46% * 22,760 PORTER S T . thy, 8185; 1955 Mercury, road REQUIREMENTS: 1964, at 11 a.m., for one (1) 800. $11,5(K>. Attractive deluxe 4 Robbins carpentry service. driver, meat cutter, counter fine Manchester location, $14,900 room Ranch, fireplace, almost Southern New England SCHOOL, immaculate 8- worthy. 8125. Both cans look KEEP YOUR carpets beautiful truck body for the highway de­ 649-3446. man, stock boy, porter, rug U. S. Citizenship. Mechan­ No. Coventry-Bolton line. needs a little redecorating but completely furnished. Recent Telephone Co. . 55 57 bedroom colonial, pine good. Many new repains add­ EXPERIENCED despite constant footsteps of partment ANTIQUES ^cleaner helper, and many oth­ ically inclined. H. S, grads Beautiful 2-bedroom home, can be bought right. J. D. 6-room expandable Cape on heating unit and aluminum kitchen with built-ins, pine ed. 649-0.558 after 4 p.m. CARPENTRY—32 years’ ex­ ers for morning, afternoon or a busy family. Get Blue Lus­ Bid forms and specifications VICTORIAN MARBLE stone fireplace, \ acre lot, perience. Ceilings and floor SEWING MACHINE tre. Rent electric shampooer Realty, 643-5129, 643-8779. a large wooded lot being of­ Allied .Thermal .. 54 67 paneled rec room, 1% bitihs, evening. Apply immediately preferred but not essential. are avadlable at the Contrctiler’s rOP STANDS, PEWTER, beautifully landscaped, full Arrow, Hart, Heg. 57% vacant. 1962 PON'HAC 'Tempest, 8225 tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ 81. Paul's Paint A Wallpaper OLD JEWELRY, ElARLY fered at FHA evaluation. 60 V* Conn. State Employment Ser­ office, 66 Center St., Manches­ ceramic bath, asking price, MANCHESTER — 6-room (Co­ available. Lawrence F. Flano, Barden ...... 13 14% , and take over 843 a month rages. additions, attics fin­ OPERATORS ■ Al^ply in Person Supply. ter, Conn. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. Features include aluminum * 21,800 STONE * RED­ vice. 806 Main Street, Man­ 812,000. lonial with 3 bedrooms. 24-foot Realtor, 643-2766, Charles Bristol Brass .... 7% 9%l payments. Excellent condition. ished, remodeling, concrete Town of Manchester, Conn. R. M. REID and Son The way juniors like ca.sual siding, windows and trim, WOOD CONTEMPORARY. 643-1927. chester. 8:30 A.M.-4 P.M. living room with fireplace, Nicholson. 742-6364. Coleco ...... 8% 8% 7 rooms, 2 flreplaoes, 1% work. No job too small. Im­ Part-time, "■ day shift con­ Diamonds— TVatches— Richard Martin, 649-7770 clothes. A youthful two piece large kitchen and formal din­ dormer, fireplace. A cleaner mediate estimates. 643-2629. Monday through Friday than clean home— priced to Colonial Board 1 baths, beautifully Um £- sidered. Also excellent op­ EXCELLENT opportunity for Jewelry 48 General Manager . outfit with slim, slim skirt and F. M. OAAL AGENCY ing room, oil hot water heat, COVENTRY — 2 bedrooms, llv- I960 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. "sell. C om m on '...... 5% 6% i soaped 8 aoree. V-8, power steering, excellent portunity for equalifled assistant super service sta­ Conn^ State Emplo3Tnent gently fitted yoked top. Ideal (or aluminum storms and screens, c a r p e n t r y —Aluminum win­ 648-2682 643-0281 Dunham-Bush . . . 4% 5% * 20,000 FINE'REPRQDUC- ' mechanical condition. Asking dows, doors, ceilings, hatch­ trainees for full-time. Ap­ tion manager. Ideal working Service WATCH A?ID JEWELRY re­ year 'round wear. Protect your favorite chair lifetime siding. Immediate oc­ pairing. Praimpt service. Up to Kaman Aircraft 8% 11 nON Salt Box charm, 7 ♦ 8600. Call 875-5238 after 6 p.m. ways, concrete steps, floors, ply . . . conditions, top salary, Incen­ 806 Main St., Manchester^ No. 8348 with Patt-O-Rama is with this handsome kitten design A. L. Rose 649-7377 cupancy, $16,900. Wolverton WESLEY R. SMITH sonably priced. 742-7056. 820 on your old wa'tch In trade. N. B. Machine . .. 28% 31% rooms - living room, diwtiig r rec roonjs, attics finished, ga- tive bonus plan, paid vaca­ In sizes 9, 11, 12, 13. 14. 16, 18. worked in ea.sy filet crochet. Terrell Rice Jr. 6^3-2601 Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. -3.963 FAIXiON, 4-door sedan, Closed Mondays. P. E. Bray, Bust 30% to 38. Size 11, 31% AGENCY rOLLAND — 6%-room raneh, North and Judd .. 18% 20% room . (paneling, beaqnad \ rage doors. No Job too small. tions, hospl^llzatlon plan and Pattern No. 5741-N has com­ 34 -43% low mileage, like new. 644- 787 Main Street, State Theater bust, top, l^i yards of 36 or 39- plete directions; (ijet graph and 2 years old, built-in range, pro­ Peter Paul ...... ceiilngs) i^totureique lot. 649-8880. MANCHESTER MODES, many further advancement op­ GENERAL FRED C. STURTEVANT MANCHESTER — Investment 15 1 1497. Building. Inch; skirt, 1'% yards. stitch illustrations. property for bargain hunters, fessionally built rec room, Plastic Wire Cable 13% portunities. Apply in person TWO FAMILY—On Oakland 41 43% HEBRON* 100-acre farm • INC. only to manager between 10 INTERIOR PAINTING and PAPERHANGING To .order, send 60c in coins to; To order, Seffd 35c in coins to: 3 family, 4-5-6, folly occupied, 643-1667 $14,000, $450 down. Paaek Standard Screw ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, St,, ^ large 6 * 6 fia t Big 23% 24% 50 acres of fine < ^ n Sekto, 1916 HUDSON 7>passenger cement, floors, garages, bath­ a.m.-3 p.m., Cities Service DYNAMICS Fuetand Feed 49-A INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL Sue Burnett. The Manchester Anne Cabot, The Manchester good Income, good location, Realty, 280-7476, 742-8243. Stanley Works .. large brook aad pood, 8- Super 6 touring car. Good con­ Pine St. Manchester yaid (16(hcl60) trees, house Veeder-Root ...... 58 61 rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof­ Center, 555 W. Middle Tpke., , CHOOSE w a l l p a p e r IN YOUR OWN Evening Herald. 1150 AVE. OF Evening Herald, 1180 AVE. OF has aluminum siding, garage. $14,900. Wolverton Agency, Jamily Federal Celoalal, dition. New top. 26,000 miles. ing. Call 649-4291. comer of Adams, Manchester. AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. Realtor, 640-2813. The above quotations ore not choice ; Needk new ringfl. 81.550. Tel. Electric Boat DRY HARDWOOD HOME AT DISCOUNT PRICES SenaiDlly priced at IlS^MO. ’T. IN TOWN — a rSaJ fine 5-room for sale. 10036. loose. J. Crockett Realtor, 648-1577. Wanted—Real Estate 77 to be construed oq actual mar­ 643-1126. CABINET MAKErT baker, An Equal Opportunity Employer Coll 742-8059. For lat-class mailing add 10c For Ist-clasa mailing add 10c INVESTMENT opportunity— ranch in convenient and quiet kets. For appointment to tommel RooDng— Siding 16 CLERK typist, diversified work plumber, camenter, auto me­ /' EXTERIOR AIRLESS SPRAY SYSTEM for each pattern. Print Nome, Two family 4-4, plus brick location. 8 bedrooms, 2- bed­ BUYERS WAITINO — 3 bed­ phono Mro..Slwrta, 648-WSI TWO COAT JOB WITH A loir'each pattern. Print Name- THREE FAMILT—Owner says in busy sales office of fast chanic, roofer, ship fitter, Garden—Farm—Dairy ONE COAT PROCESS Address with ^ n e , Style No. Address with Zone and Pattern to sell. Vacant 6 room unit store, convenient neighbor-- rooms and dining room if you room home $20,000 ma)clmum 688-8114. - 'rrnelu—Tractora 5 A. A. m oN . m e . __ _ growing electronics manufac­ When you crock a favorite weavef, loon\ fixer, 'tailor, oil and Size. Number. pltu two three roomers on hood. Gross income $207 per prefer. Large living room, ranch, $20,000 minimum mul- Aiding, painUngt Carpentry. A. turer. Apply to- Mr. R. H. Products 50 dish or plate, put It In a pan J. W ATSON IIA C H 1962 CHEVROLET, ton panel, burner sendee man, sheet me­ TEMPORARY Christmas help TEL. 649-4645—649-2979649-4645—64^ Send another 60c today „for New—’64 Fall-Wlilter Album I 1st floor. Approx. $8,600. in.- month. 810,900 for Immediate ■ CTeat hlg Mtchen wlto bullt- tipla dwellings, all .jirice terations and addlUofis. Ceil­ Hlnkley, Gerber 'Scientific In­ tal man, printer. Apply Conn. I for stock room, . days. Apply sale. B. J. Carpenter, Realtor, lns. Two fireplaces. Be your ' rongM. For Immediate action of milk oAd boll i6 t 48 min­ food rubber, |185 or best of­ ings. Workmanshto guaran­ APPLBS—Moca and Cortlondo, o Jh B o r THE OLDEST PAINT FAMIUBfi your copy of the new fall A >^lcles; Custom Collection; ooma annually. .C en t^ heat l> CO. strument Co., 1506 Route 6, So. State Employment Service, Manager, W. T. Ooant, M u - No. 1 and No. 2. Bunco Forin, r e ^ a r features; Items to Good condition. T. J. Crookatt 640-6051, 640-0871, evenings own landlord! Medellne Smith, ooU J. Correntt Agency, utes. Most of tha time the crock fer. 2% Broad St., 643-5170. teed. 299 Autumn St. 648-4860. Windsor, Conn. IN CONN^JCncUT wintsf ’64 tosue of pur pattern 806 Main S tm t, Manchester. chMter Shopping JPorkade. 620 W. Center S t book Bgolo Fashion. make! Only 60e a eo|>y. 648-1677. 640-8804. Realtor, 648-K164a. * 66I-886S; dtoapptara.

4 ■ ♦ . ■ A ^V- f ■".*■: j- ■ r' • -'' ■ ■' •

B m n X T E S f MONDAY, NOVEMBER •, 1964 ;^nrlfipatrr lEopttfhs Hi^roUi Avmc* Dally Net Rim Tht Weathgr Bowers School Ifcrary work­ Members of the American Le­ forecMt af D. B. Wasthar ers will conduct k llbraiy work­ gion Auxilfary planning to par- Father McLean PTA Talk Slated W eretater 7, 1 N 4 About Town shop tomorrow motoing at 9 at Ucipate In the Veteran’a Day COSMETIOS parade are reminded to meet WE OAKBT AU. Oioady, a little cooler teolglrt. the school. Banquet Guest On Decorations THE TOP LINES VsnchMtor Council of Unitod ----- * Wednesday at 9:43 a.m. In the lotr in SOa; fair and plaaiaat 9a- Church Women will have an ex> Manchester Ministerial i^sso- resu: parking lot of Manchester morrow, high near 66. High School. The Rev. REdward J. McLean Mrs. Bobbi Santlni o f Vernon ARTHUR DRUI r ai She An«H ectulve meetlnr tomorrow at ciation will meet Wednesday at of the Catholic Library and In- will be the guest speskek- at to­ a( 9;S0 a-m. at S t Mary'* Episco­ 11 a.m. at Bolton Congregatiohc foimation Center of Hartford morrow night’s meeting of the Mmehe*tei^—A City of Village Charm pal Church. The m e e ^ g Is open ’Temple Chapter, Order of al Church. Richard Conant of will be gtiegt speaker at the an­ Bentley School P T A . Mrs. San- to key women o f the council. the Capitol Region Mental Eastern Star, will have a busi­ nual banquet of the Combined Uni will speak tin "The Art of (OlaaattM AdvartMng oa Page 10) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Health Planning Commission ness meeting Wednesday at 8 Christmas Decorations.’’ (EI6STEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1964 The senior Ufe-savlnf classes, p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Mothers Circles of Manchester. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 8S will speak on aspects of mentgl The banquet w ill be Tuesday, The Bentley Book Fair will sponsored by the town rec de- health In relation to the work Refreshments will be served MATERNITY Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Flano’a be open before and after the 8 partmoit will start tonight at of a clergyman. Luncheon will after the meeting. Restaurant,. Bolton. p.m. meeting, to allow parents FALL DRESSES 6:30 aU'the Manchester Hi^h be served at noon. Reservations to purchase the books selected Father McLean attended the SchooT^Pool. All participants may be made by calling the The executive board of Bent­ earlier by their children. third session o f the Vatican Uniforms. Jiimpon, Events will be required to possess a rec Rev. Stanton Conover, pastor of ley School P T A will have a spe­ Coffee and refreshments will department membership, which the host church. cial meeting tomorrow at 7:30 Council In September 1964 as be served In the cafeteria af­ Topf, tleusos. Skirts, ‘Do Job Ourselves’ may purchased at the high an official repre8cntatl\iB of thei p.m. in the school library, be­ ter the meeting. school Just prior to the stsul of fore a regular meeting of the Archdiocese. His topic will be John Lautner, former mem­ Stroteh Papts, Iras. In State the class. P T A in the school auditorium. "Vatican n . Understanding the ber of the Communist Party, Issues;’’ GIrdlos • will speak tonight at 8!l5 at a Robert Wright, Robert Han­ ’The Arm y-Navy Club Auxili­ Anyone interested in attend­ sen, George Hamilton, John meeting of the Ladies of St. James at St. James’ School ary will sponsor a card party ing may contact Mrs. Joseph J*'arm Bureau Gov. Dempsey Says Anagnos and Reginald Scrib­ Glazier's Hall. The program is open to tonight at 8 at the clubhouse. Halloran, 42 Boltpn St., or Mrs. LECLERC ner, all of this area, will at­ R oger Ruei, 30 Bolton St,, on op Corset and Dniform Shop tend the fall seminar for Je­ husbands of members. Begins Plan r Ap\ _<8>only to asRure the orderly con-^portlonment plan concurrently Radio Rescue Service is before Wedineaday, Nov. 11. FUNERAL HOME 681 Main St.— ^Msnehester HARTFORD hovah’s Witnesses of eastern with the legislature. sponsoring its annual Tt)y duct of our state government,’’ Connecticut and southe;-n Mas­ Gov. John N. Dempsey Dempsey said, “but to keep Ruth Circle of_EniMuel Lu­ Drive for Mansfield State Of Marketing The special master has not sachusetts Nov. 13 through 16 FUNERAL urged the Connecticut Gen­ faith with that noble heritage theran Church Will meetvtonight Hospital. New and used toys yet beep appointed by the court a t the State Armory, New Lon­ which has been garnered for at 8 at the home of Mrs. Walter and clothing are needed. eral Assembly today to however. don. The theme of the assem­ HARTFORD (AP) — more than 300 years of effec­ Fuss, 82 Brent Rd., instead of Drop off points are Hose Com­ SERVICE make good on its “last Dempsey, in a relatively brief bly is “ Speak the Word of God The Connecticut Farm Bu­ tive self government. at the church as previously an­ panies 1 and 3 of the Town INSULATION W A LTE R N. chance” to apportion the address to a joint session of th* - »w lth Boldness.’’ nounced. Pastor C. Henry An­ reau today for the first “ I f we fall, our human judg­ Fire Department, Manchester, LSX7LBRC state legislature as re­ two houses, said that the leg­ derson will speak. Mrs. Norman and Vernon Fire House No. 1. Director ’:ime had committed itself ment will be supplanted by the islators now have “our final op­ NOW quired by a federal court mechanized leveling techniques Gerhart will lead devotions. For pickup service call Radio W. H. ENOLAND IS THE TIME TO ;o marketing farm prod­ portunity to demonstrate to th* Rescue Service Inc., Vernon 23 Main* Street, Manchester edict. of the computers o f the elec­ nation and the world that we in ucts as a service to mem­ tronic age.” Connecticut are, of ourselves St. Bridget’s Rosary Society Circle. Deadline is Dec. 15. LUMBER C O . Call 649-5869 “ W e must do it ourselves or WANTED bers. it will be done for us,” the g o v ­ The governor’s reference was and by ourselves, capable of will meet tonight at the church. LEASE Warren J. Foley o f Canaan, ernor said in a speech prepared to a court recommendation that keeping our government effec­ GLEAN LATE MODEL ’There will be recitation of the Members of the Junior Cen­ “ A t the Green" 649-6201 THIS president; skid at the annual for the opening of the second computer techniques be used if tive efficient and truly repre­ Rosary and Benediction at 7:30. tury Club will meet tonight at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. John Read Herald Ads. meeting thi.s morning the new special session this year on re­ nece.ssary by a court-appointed sentative of all the people.^’ USED CARS A film from the American Can­ venture will be confined at first apportionment issues. special master, who will be cer Society will be shown in the Tierney, 11 Academy St., to fold TOP PRICES PAID bulletins for Lutz Junior Mu- 1965 to the marketing of fowls pro­ "W e must do it ourselves, not working out a standby reap- (See Page Eight) church hall after a brief busi­ Car of Tour Choice duced by members who are ness meeting. poultry farmers. FOR ALL MAKES tyyyeeex. Wunnie Chapter of the Que.st- Fowls are older hens that Manchester Assembly, Order era will meet tomorrow at 8 MORIARTY have completed their egg-laying Garter Chevrolet of Rainbow for Girls, will have p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wal­ cycle. The immediate goal is to LBJ Reviews a business meeting tonight at lace Shearer, Cider Mill Rd., BROTHERS have 700,000 native fowls un­ COi, Inc. 7:30 at the Ma.sonic Temple. Bolton. Mrs. Robert Visny will 801 Center St. der marketing contract by Jan. 1, Foley .said. 1329 Main 8 t —649-5238 Officers are reminded to wear speak on “ Colonial Curtains." Manchester Arms Costs, whit# street-length dresses. 643-5185 Delegates at the convention The executive board of the MONDAY hoped that the program as laid Newcomer’s Club of the Man­ down at present will be broad­ Seeks Saving chester YWCA will meet tonight Monroes Mark 25fh Wedding TUESDAY 'V -S - ened to eventually include the at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mr.s. Lawrence Monroe of French Rd. Bolton, cele­ marketing of poultry products JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) James O’Connor, 380 Porter St. brated their 2.5th wedding anniversary yesterday at a sur­ WEDNESDAY other than fowls, and all of the — Pre.sldent Johnson Is review­ prise party given by about 40 friends and neighbors at their Blue Forget-Me-Nots Will Show You Haven’t Forgotten , other basic farm conimodlty Members are reminded that ing U.S. military commitments, TRY A SAMPLE FIRST tickets are available for a dance home. They were married Nov. 4, 1939, in Hartford, and have \ Manchester Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, veterans and their families. Connecticut, in all, has lines in Connecticut including Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. lived in Bolton 17 years. They have a daughter, Mrs. Jack KNOWLEDGE over 42,000 disabled veterans. Commander Bernard dairy products, fruits, vegeta­ looking for possible savings to assisted by the Ladies Auxiliary, will conduct its bles, tobacco and potatoes. help finance other administra-. at W illie’s Steak House. Those Holmelund of Altadena, Calif.; a .son, Leonard Monroe at J. Van Hone of the local chapter says “ the little wishing information may contact home, and a granddaughter. Monroe Is a foreman at Pratt OF INSURANCE annual Forget-Me-Not Drive tomorrow and Thurs­ A new organization has been tion programs. blue forget-me-not you wear will show you have formed to hold direct control of Mrs. George Feisthamel, 446 W. and Whitney, Division of United Aircraft Corp., Southington. day. Generous response by area residents will in­ To help in the hunt. Secretary the program, the Connecticut Middle Tpke. (Herald photo by Pinto). sure financial aid and assistance to local disabled not forgot^n.” (Herald photo by Ofiara.) ______of Defense Robert S. McNama­ VEAL is one thing, but intelli­ Agricultural Cooperative As­ ra and Secretary of State Dean sociation, an affiliate of the Rusk meet with Johnson today Farm Buerau. gent application is equal­ at his ranch home for a top- Plaza Tree BAG Rejects Foley said that in order to level conference. ly important. W e employ Implement the program on an The President wants them to Autumn Drought effective scale, the (Connecticut STEAKS NEW YORK (AP)—The pinpoint ways to economize Super-lOght Quality - j i t r both! nation’s meet famous Chinese B id group is jointing with the Farm particularly in the defense Christmas tree, that ndiich Bureaus of Massachusetts and budget — so funds can be freed adorns Bookefeller Center, LONDON (AP) — The makers New Hampshire in a tri-state for other legislative proposals CUBED marketing) program. Sample one (or both) of these win come from New York Plagues Country of a famed British airliner, Johnson will send to Congress in sparkling new stainless pat­ GALLON Tender Milk Fed m striving ■ for more American Appointed overall manager is January. Btate this year. It ’s a 60- Edward Craig of Waltham, C.O.D. sales, have rejected a tentative These proposals — including terns by Oneida. Try a Cold foot Norway spruce on the Mass., where the headquarters Meat Fork and a Pierced property of Mr. and Mrs. CHICAGO (A P )— An autumn drought described in Red Chinese bid to buy their broadscale efforts to aid educa' U.S. Gov't Inspected Breasts Legs long-range jet airplanes. are located. Foley said the set­ Serving Spoon. Both useful Vito D’Auria at Lake Of 174 Institutions robbed in Her hu.sband, Wllliaml 49, September. 'Holidays in your own H om e. "A ll it takes Is a good down­ special task forces working Ip pleaded. The judge fined them ingi 1963 . 41 had no protective meas­ singer Frank Sinatra’s pccom- (See Page Eight) the press. pour on open ground, where the such areas as education, trans­ $500 each. protect .uemselves against hold­ ures in effect. And 22 of the 41 panist, tried to. save his wife from their crumbling home, and native brush has been burned portation, health and federal- Dudley P. Felt, 60, a consult­ (Bee Page Eleven) up men? About 40 per cent don't said they still have no plans for ing engineer, and his wife. Mar­ protective measures. was also swept away. Firemen aw ay," said the weatherman. state relations. even try to, a member of the guerite, CO - hosts with the De Lalttre stressed two meas­ rescued him as he clung to a The forecast for today was for McNamara was accompanied Fedend Home Loan Bank Hughes, pleaded no contest and ures which he ^ d had been car In the swirling flood. scattered showers In th# moun­ to the ranch by Dejputy Secre­ Bosud reported today. tary of Defense Cyrus Vance. were fined $250 each. Kremlin Seeks effective in thwarting holdup Their daughter, Meredith, 17, tains and fdotjiills. with heavy Bulletins Those that do take security Arriving with Rusk was Mc- Henry K. (Jlem, 44, of Nor­ men; decoy currency and the climbed uphill to safety as the showers expected In ■ scattered steps use a variety of means: George Bundy, Johnson’s spe­ walk, who worked as a barten­ Culled from AP iWiitM Summit Talk push-button cameras. fam ily’s canyon home twisted areas in the afternoon. decoy ourrency, cameras ac­ and cracked under the on Monday’s raihs were^accom- cial assistant for national secu­ der at the party, also pleaded no tivated by push buttons — and slaught of mud. rity affairs. contest. After (Jlem’s attorney With Peking (See Page Two) RAINMAKERS WAITINO SE£ S.B. pistol-packing vice presidents, The Miller home was de (See Page Seventeen) FOR said board member John dc FITC H B U RG , Moss.,' (A F ) MOSCXIW (A P ) — A new call Lalttre. —Rainmakers had th ^ ogM came from the Kremlin today De Lalttre was reporting in a 150 Teachers on the clouds today as for a world Communist confer statement issued here and at awaited an apportaalty to a^ ence on the Moacow-Peklng rift the U.S. Savings and Loan tempt to give this area soma but there was no indication League convention in Miami Quit Posts nmch-needed ralntolL Bat Chinese Prem ier Chou En-lal’s Beach on quesUonnaires sent to even they admitted eloiid4 talks with the new Soviet lead­ the associations. seeding would not end thn ers have brought the two camps He said 2,016, or 40 per cent of In Kentucky drought which has been des­ closer together. the federally regulated Institu- cribed as one of the w «n | $ dry spells in New England la A Moscow dispatch to L ’Uni' Uons, told the board they had LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) — ta, the Italian Communist news­ taken no security measures. 100 years. Cloud-seemng w i| l Approximately 150 teachers MORTGAGE MONEY paper, said Chou and his Peking One association, De Lalttre authorized last night by Uto delegation, which came to Mos­ related, said It was "ashamed boycotted the Louisville, Ky., Massachusetts W e a 9 k a i cow for last week’s celebration to say" that "the only thing y/t school system again today and Amendment IBonrd. ! All Types of Mortgage Loans af Low Bank Rates e Past Service of the 47th annivereary of the do is lock the doors when we got some — Ignoring a restraining AGREEMENT NEAR Bolshevik revolution, apparent­ out in the evening." order — continued picketing. DETROIT (AP)— TeoA^ ly were extending their visit for The association added: "P.S. The strikers, who are de­ ttve agreement oa a near further talks. Don’t let any burglars see this, manding higher pay and other mm* An editorial today in Pravda, they would think we were sitting improvements, contended they tract between DedratPf the Soviet party paper,, said a ducks.” were acUng as individuals and strikebound dally aemmm world Communist conference The pisttd-packers were re­ not as members of any union. pern and )oae o f ^ o -s tr lia n g "Is clearly overdue.’’ ported by another association The court order against pick­ croirt untoas was aa> Red (3iina had vigorously which merely commented: eting was obtained Monday by nounoed today by federal and unk CURRINT ' ' opposed such a conference when "TTie executive vice president state mediators. Details et , SawiHfis B th e. Board of EducaUon and ANNUAL form er Prem ier Nikita Khru' and assistant vice president directed, the Louisville Federa- the settlement with Local I f % U i V t O t N U ahehev called, it to muster sup­ carry guns.” of the Plate and Popw 4 tiem of Teachers and its mem­ port against the Chinese. The Another associaUon didn’ t bers to halt their strike-activity. Haodlem, Uaiou w o n n sf , Kremlln’fi new leaders, party think the questionnaire was a Asst. Sup. Robert Sanders mselosed,^ Pfskltng rgttllBn fro m aecretaiy Leonid I. ’’Brezhnev good idea and wrote: " I do not said a number of teachers failed tton by the union ' OF M anchester and Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, care to divulge this infot^atlon to report at nine high, schools ship. There stm ww IDAY Of DEPOSIT! are expected to put the emphi^- to anyone, as I feel this lessens ■and junior high schools but that oatkm et settlement M 4 AHr OFnCK MAST eUAMCM WKBT MAAMCH ala at such a meeting on unity the security value. Information elemeixtary st^hools were t^era- pabUshers ot t n NtahiSt t6 9 Eaat'Cantar S b Manehaatar iNwIcafie Paid Quarterly Emd not schism. in the past has leaked out of tlng normally. D ettott rwm rm msoA r Cor. Lanox St. WoatNNddlaTUmpIke Brezhnev raised a toast to govemnient agencies to the Oilldren who found they had '• l a # e o T M m a 'n c m u s o m w m nars la a pm Commtinlst unity Monday at a advantage of dishonest per­ no teachers were swit 1)b the farewell dinnenfor foreign dele­ sons." * auditoriums to spend the day in gations leaving after the- week- Another said: "Tellers are studyi*' V asked, in esse of a holdup,, to I ' and celebrations. ,There was no This Burbank, Calif, home was one of ei|(ht de- wall of mud racied along hillsides denuded of foliage Joe Oascalla. a repreaentatM g I ttw d whathar iCalou rss^ n d sd . scream and fall' on^the floor by last spring’s many brush fires. (AP P h ^ a x ,) behind countsra. Empgiyss with .stooyed ysete^ay as mud m d water from heavy (8w nought) guM will tslM ^ front Hmtu.” rains washed down uppn tllem. The fast-moying