• * '-> 5 A?«nig« Daily Net Praaa Run The Weather ror Vhm WMk B iiM Forecut «t D. a. Weullier Buf eeu NevandMT 7 ,1M« 14^39 Fair, eool toid(ht, low in tees vertehle clondtoene, mild tomor­ M ra iM o< the Audit row, hlfh ebout ee. Bureua a t dronlatloB Manche*ter~^A CUyj6f Village Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 84 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, )AY, NOVEMBER 9, 1964 (CUundfied Adverttetag on Page 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Events High Tribunal Rejects L ce Criticism Goes On^ In State As Factor in Picking uries Romney Hits Nixon Bus Company, asked in the ap- WASHINGTON (AP) ■?>*>>« Vatts, drove her^ Orymllllon t The Supreme Court ap­ to a field near Lake Charles, paU : “ How can a constitutional Union Agree t « ., and left her in a ditch after j)|^ be formed in either a state WASHINGTON (AP) — He repeated in a WJR radlo^um on all personality clashes. peared today to take a new the attack. ir federal court if jury commis­ Interview in Detroit Sunday that His comments came as an position on conisideration Louisiana's Supreme Oou) sioners may not Intentionally Michigan Gov. George HARTFORD (AP)—Fi- he took his Goldwater stand AssoclAted Press survey showed of race in selection of upheld the conviction in F eb^- include members of \arious Romney has criticized because of “ basic principle that many influential leaders in nal settlement of a dispute races in the jury list from which juries. ary 1962, and the U. S. Supreme Richard M. Nixon for his differences" with the, Arizonan. the Republican party were look­ between 'the Connecticut Court upheld the convictm in the jurors, are to be drawn by criticism of New York Gov. He said he respected Goldwater ing to the former vice president It declined to review, and thus February 1962. and th ^ U . S, lot." Company and its union bus let stand, a lower court decision as an Individual. to take a leading role in rebuild­ Supreme court on Octy/t, 1962, The Supreme Court, however, Nelson A. Rockefeller. drivers and mechanics was in a Louisiana case thatuiBi pur-pur­ As for Nixon, Romney .said: ing the GOP. refused to review the trial of refused to review the case. The And to fellow Republicans “ When you're trying to unify Romney, Rockefeller and poseful Inclusion of Negroesfro e s' ^ a Collins. who have been criticizing de­ reached at 9 p.m. last' list from which grandid igrors tribunal announced its action in something, you don't begin to Pennsylvania Gov. William W. night, avoiding both a His counsel then began ha- a brief order, which gave no feated GOP presidential candi­ say things that will create Scranton were also frequently were drawn violated thitie-^nstl- date Barry Goldwater and call­ walkout and submission of tutional rights of a Negro later beas corpus ceeding^ in reasoning. The effect was to let greater feeling and division. mentioned as prospective lead­ lower federal lurts and won a the lower federal court decision ing for new party leadership, You undertake to include those ers of the comeback. Many of the issues to binding arbi­ .convicted of raping a white Romney had this to say as woman. ruling by the S. Circuit Court I remain standing, who are in a position to make a those questioned in the AP sur­ [ tration. in New Orleans that Collins had | in other principal actions barbs continued to richochet contribution." vey suggested that Goldwater The high court has held In the around the GOP: The settlement, in effect, past that deliberate exclusion of "been deni^ equal protection of today, the high court: The Ni.xon-Rockefeller ex­ give up control of the party giiarantees the union that tradi. Negroes from juries is' unconsti­ law becMse of purposeful inclu­ —Agreed to rule on constitu­ “ I think that Sen. Goldwater change had stirred things up in machinery after winning only tional handling of work assign­ tutional. sion o y Negroes on the grand tionality of the federal law bar­ has demon.strated in the past his the Republican camp last week. five Southern states and hia ments will be continued'at least While the action today came jury jfst. Seven white persons ring Communists fropi serving concern about the Republican Nixon ■ charged that Rockefeller home state of Arizona last Tues­ through the life of thS present in a brief order, without com­ ani^ive Negroes constituted the as officials of a labor union. The party as a whole and I think i f s was a “ divider," had not day. contract, which expires next ment, the court presumably saw g^iuid jury in the case. U.S. Circuit Court in San Fran­ premature to as.sume it's going backed Goldwater as Nixon had The man who scored the big Sept. 30. as correct the lower court's Atty. Gen. Jack P. F. Gremll- cisco held that the law violates io be necessary to find some and had gotten "his pound of win over Goldwater — Presi­ The company Saturday mor­ ruhng that deliberate Inclusioi^ ilon of Louisiana appealed to the the constitutional right" of free- way around Sen. Goldwater." flesh." Rockefeller fired back dent Johnson -- said today the ning had offered to submit seven of Negroes is also unconstiti highest tribunal to review and dom of association. The Justice Romney, who had declined to that Nixon was a poor lo.ser" Republicans have an Important issues to binding arbitration fol­ tional. reverse the Circuit Court deci- Department appealed. endorse Goldwater’s candidacy, and “ peevish" in his remarks. and vital role to play in the lowing a suggestion by the The case Involved Wooi Sion. The appeal said jury com-1 —Ruled 8-1 that an employer was a big winner last Tuesday A fellow New York Republi­ American system and in th* union. J. Collins, Negro ' tA ., I missioners had ' intentionally violates the National Labor in his bid for re-election as gov­ can — Sen. Jacob K. Javits — making of national policies. But -when the company pro­ who was sentenced :ution sought to list members of both Relations Act by firing an em Unseen Admirer ernor — a victory that has spoke up Sunday night on the Johnson said he was proud of posed specific language as to on conviction of rt ladys races “ so as to achieve a rea- ploye engaged in union activity stirred some speculation that he Nixon-Rockefeller clash. He told the work some top Republicans what the arbiter would consi­ E. Vatls of Texas ' c. 8onably representative cross- even if the employer believes in Raynella Melton, 8, is ihight be a future Republican newsmen “ I would hope that der, the union balked. Testimony was that section of the population of the ----- ^— presidential nominee possibility. there would be a full moratori- (See Page Four) Key to the solution last night Collins smashed t) iw of community." I (See Pa(,e Eight) an obvious admirer of was assurance by the company President Johnson. that it would not subcontract out The young lady elbow­ complex mechanical repairs, No Fires! Railroads such as transmission rebuilding, ed her way through a Many See Nixon to be done outside the union crowd at Fredericks­ shop. Only three items had ac­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — burg, Tex., yesterday Show Profit^ Ckinnecticut's state forest tually been contracted out, it to stand next to the Was understood, but the union fire warden announced today feared the practice might be that no further burning per­ chief executive who New GOP Leader Stock Raises expanded. mits will be issued imtll was attending a cor­ The company also agreed to there is a “ good soaking ner stone laying cere­ rain." NEW YORK (AP) ^ Things , designate tinion men as “ lead m ony at St. Barnabas’ WASHINGTON (A P )— Many influential Republi­ men," with a 10-cents-tm-hour The warden, W.F. Schree- cans across the country expect Richard M. Nixon to are hummin' on the railroad. pay differential, on jobs whei der, said the order, issued Episcopal Church. Heavily laden trains are to all fire wardens, became (AP Photofax.) 'play a leading role in rebuilding the GOP for what most only one or two men were A t of them think will be a strong 1966 comeback. carrying factory products, coal, work. The company had mrevi- effective immediately. Nixon, the 1960 presidential':* lumber, grain, ore and automo­ ously had a foreman — ^ o t a The order does not affect burning in trash containers nominee, and GOP governors Oklahoma State Chairman biles to mill, plant and market member of the bargainl/g unit George Romney of Michigan, which are properly covered Bandits Steal John W. Tyler, commented: “ I at a rate unmatched since the — supervise such jobsy^nd the I William W. Scranton of Penn- and contain no openings think we're going to see an aw­ imlon claimed it had ^Attempted ' sylvania and Nelson A. Rqcke- prosperoud mid-1950s. larger than one inch. ful lot of Mr. Nixon real quick. I to have'him performyAome work. j feller of New York were most Wall Street has marked up The agreement recognizes that Jeweled Book think he's the only man who can stock prices to match the recov­ I frequently mentioned as pros- pull the party together." it is uneconomicai to have full­ ' pective leaders of this come­ ery of rail earnings from the 16- LBJ Pushing South Carolina State Chair­ time non-workii^supervision for back in an Associated Press year low qf 1961, and some such work, big puts the work- From Arnwry man J.
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