Boethius's Music
/ OTHER PUBLlSHED VOlUMES IN THE MUSIC THEORY nANSLATION SElUES: Fundamentals of Musiy The Praetieal Harm oni st at the Harpsiehord, 1708. by Francesco Gas parini, translated by Frank S, Stillings. edited by David L. Burrows. The An 01Couruerpoint, Pan Three of Le tstinaioni harmoniche, 1558, by AN ICIUS MANLIUS SEVERINUS BOETHIUS G ioseffo Zar lino, translated by Guy A , Marco and Claude V. Palisca . Hucbaìd, Guido, and Iohn 0 11 Music, Three Medieval ìreatises, translated by Warren Babb, edited with Introductions by Claude V. Patisca, The An 01 Stria Musical Composition, 1771-1 779, by Johann Philipp Kim berger, translated by David Beach and Jurgen Thym. Translaced, wùh Introduai on and Notes by lntroductory Essay on Composùion , 1782-1793 . by Heinrich Ch risto ph Koch , translated by Nancy Kovaleff Baker, Calvin M. Bower Aristides Qllintilianus 0 11 Music, in Three Books, translated with lnt ro duet ion , Commemery, and A nnotations, by Thomas J, Mathiesen . On ,!le Modes, Part Four of Le lstitutìoni harmoniche, 1558, by Gioseffo Edired by Za rlìno, translated by Vered Co hen, edited with an Introduction by Oaude V. Patisca. Claude V. Patisca The Fiorentine Camerata: Documentary Studies and Tm nsk uions by Claude V. Patisca. 1989 Yale University Press New Haven & London xii CONTENTS Ptolemy adap ts ratios te the dlvision of the enharmonic genus 182 23. Ptolemy's division of the soft chromatic genus 182 Preface by Series Editor 24. Ptole my's division of the sharp chromarìc genus 182 25. Disposition of Ptclemy's compaci gene ra with numbe rs and ratics 183 26.
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