This list comprises the Master and Doctoral dissertations completed by the graduate students of the Institute of Islamic Studies and housed in the Islamic Studies Library at McGill University. The theses covered here date from 1952-2006.

Many of these theses are in electronic format and available from McGill Library’s escholarship program.

‘Abbas Hunzai, Ghulam: The concept of pleasure propounded by Nāṣir-i Khusraw. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1994/A233

Abbott, Kenrick: Contemporary Shi‘ism as political ideology: the views of Sharī‘atmadarī, Taliqanī, and Khumaynī. M.A., c1990. AS42/M3/1990/A234

‘Abd al-‘Aṭī, Ḥammūdah ‘Alī: The concept of freedom in Muḥammad ‘Abduh. M.A., 1957. MB1/.A13201

‘Abdel-Malek, Kamal: The Sira of the Muḥammad in the repertoire of the contemporary Egyptian Maddāḥīn. Ph.D., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/A24

‘Abdel-Malek, Kamal: A study of the vernacular poetry of ’s Ahmed Fu’ād Nigm. M.A., c1986. AS42/M3/1986/A135

‘Abdul, Musa Ọladipupo Ajilogba: Islām in Ijebu Ode. M.A., 1967. MLnrl/.A13933i

‘Abdul, Musa Ọladipupo Ajilogba: The Qur’ān: Ṭabarsī’s commentary, his approach to theological issues. Ph.D., 1970. C2E/.A13933q

‘Abdulkader, Musaed Salem: The role of ḥadīth in ikhtilāf among Muslim jurists. M.A., 1983. AS42/M3/1983/A136


‘Abdullahi, ‘Abdurahman: Tribalism, nationalism and . M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/A3256

‘Abdu-r-Rabb, Muḥammad: Al-Junayd’s doctrine of Tawḥīd: an analysis of his understanding of Islamic . M.A., 1967. C6/.A13732j

‘Abdu-r-Rabb, Muḥammad: Abū Yazīd al-Bisṭāmī: his life and doctrines. Ph.D., 1970. C7/.A13732

Abu Bakar, bin: Islamic modernism in Malaya as reflected in Hadi’s thought. Ph.D., c1992. AS42/M3/1993/A327

Abū Zayd, ‘Abd-r-Raḥmān: A critical and annotated translation of the chapters on Divine Attributes and their properties in al-Iqtiṣād fī-al-I‘tiqād of Imām al- Ghazālī. M.A., 1968. C6/.G41iq/.Y/.E

Adiseputra, Aloysius: The doctrine of the impeccability of the Prophet as elucidated by Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. M.A., 1981. AS42/M3/1984/A235

Afandi, Mochtar: The method of Muslim learning as illustrated in al-Zarnūjī’s Ta‘līm. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/A337

Affandi, B. : Shaykh Aḥmad al-Surkatī: his role in the al-Irshād Movement in Java in the early 20th century. M.A., 1976. MJal/.S961z/.A256s

Agha Tehrani, Morteza: Ḥaydar Āmulī. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1996/A343


Aḥmad, M. Aftab-u-Dīn: The origin of Shī‘ī Uṣūl al-Fiqh and its systemization up to the 5th century A.H. M.A., 1970. C821/.A283990

Ahmad, Riadh: Temporary marriage “mut‘a”. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/A3388

Ahmad, Riadh: Al-Ḥusayn ‘Alī: a study of his uprising and death based on classical sources. Ph.D., c2007. AS42/M3/2007/

Aḥmad, Shagufta: Dr. Isrār Aḥmad’s political thought and activities. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1994/A363

Ahmed, Gutbi: The Sokoto Constitution: a synthesis of Islamic constitutional theory and local political practices. M.A., 1984. AS42/M3/1984/A286

Ahmed, Musa: of Raḥmah: a study in the Qur’ānic concept of divine mercy. M.A., 1980. AS42/M3/1980/A2862

Ahsan, ‘Abdullah: Late nineteenth-century Muslim response to the Western civilization of Islam – analysis of Amīr ‘Alī’s life and works. M.A., 1981. MG1/.A28994L

Ahsan, Syed Aziz-al: Islamization of the state in a dualistic culture: the case of Bangladesh. Ph.D., c1990. AS42/M3/1991/A367

Ajhar, ‘Abdel Hakim: The metaphysics of the idea of God in Ibn Taymiyya’s thought. Ph.D., c2000. AS42/M3/2001/A397


Ajhar, ‘Abdel Hakim: The theory of the unity of God in al-Juwaynī’s al-Irshād. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/A4314

Al ‘Abdulla, Y.I. : A study of Qaṭarī-British relations, 1914-1945. M.A., 1981. AS42/M3/1982/A316

Al Homoudi, Fahad: On the Common Link Theory. Ph.D., c2006. AS42/M3/2006/

Alexandrin, Elizabeth R. : The “Sphere of Walāyah”: Ismāʽīlī Ta’wīl in practice according to al-Mu’ayyad. Ph.D., c2006. AS42/M3/2006/

‘Alī, ‘Abdul Mu‘ṭī: The Muḥammadijah movement: a biographical introduction. M.A., 1957. AB/.A39085

, Anjum Ashraf: Child marriage in Islamic law. M.A., c2000. AS42/M3/2001/A45

‘Alī, Muzaffar: A reference manual for Qur’ānic studies. MLS, 1961. AS42/M3/1961/A38

‘Alī, Rukhsana: The images of Fāṭimah in Muslim biographical literature. M.A., c1988. AS42/M3/1988/A446

‘Alibhai, Shams: The Shajarat al-Kawn attributed to Ibn ‘Arabī: an analytical study. M.A., c1991. AS42/M3/1991/A4533

4 Ameen, Mohammed: A study of Egyptian rule in Eastern Arabia (1814-1841). M.A., 1981. AS42/M3/1981/A498

Amīn, Muḥammad: A study of Bint al-Shāṭi’’s exegesis. M.A., 1992. AS42/M3/1992/A495

Amiruddin, Andi ‘Ali: Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī on tarjīḥ and ta‘dīl of ḥadīth transmitters: a study of his Tahdhīb al-Tahdhīb. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/A4886

Amiruddin, M. Hasbi: The response of the ‘Ulamā’ Dayah to the modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh. M.A., c1994. AS42/M3/1994/A474

Anderson, Margaret E. : The relationship of the Amīr al-Ḥakam I with the Mālikī Fuqahā’ in al-Andalus, 796–822. M.A., 1965. C912/.A548r

Anderson, Mark R.L. : A study of the Qur’ānic prophet ‘Īsā ibn . M.A., c1988. AS42/M3/1989/A64

Anṣārī, Ẓafar Isḥāq: The early development of Islamic Fiqh in Kūfah with special reference to the works of Abū Yūsuf and Shaybānī. Ph.D., 1966. 2v. C5/.A6177e

Anṣārī, Ẓafar Isḥāq: An inquiry into the interrelationship between Islām and nationalism in the writing of Egyptians, 1945-56. M.A., 1959. MBb1/.A6177i

Anshari, S. : The Jakarta Charter of June 1945: a history of the Gentlemen’s Agreement between the Islamic and the Secular Nationalists in modern Indonesia. M.A., 1976. MJa3/.A618j


Anshori, Ibnu: Mustafa Kemal and Sukarno. M.A., c1994. AS42/M3/1994/A574

Anwar, Etin: Ibn Sina and mysticism: a reconsideration. M.A., c1998. AS42/M3/1998/A593

Arfa, Faisar Ananda: The existence of Islamic law in the first century of the Hijra: a study in authenticity. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/A745

Arnel, Iskandar: The concept of the perfect man in the thought of Ibn ‘Arabī and Muhammad Iqbal: a comparative study. M.A., c1997. AS42/M3/1997/A765

Arokiasamy, Lourduraj: The essential elements of Taubah in the writings of al- Ghazālī. M.A., 1982. AS42/M3/1983/A769

Asari, Hasan: The educational thought of al-Ghazali. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/A753

Askren, Hana: You are what you speak: the secret language of an Iraqi girl. M.A., c2006 AS42/M3/2006/

Asyari, M. : The rise of the Masjumi Party in Indonesia and the role of the ‘Ulamā’ in its early development (1945–52). M.A., 1976. AS42/M3/1977/A861

Asy‘ari, Su‘aidi: The role of Muslim groups in contemporary Indonesian nationalism: a study of the Nahdatul Ulama under the new order, 1980s–1990s. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/A893


‘Attas, Sayyed Muḥammad Naguib: Rānīrī and the Wujūdiyyah of 17th–century Acheh. M.A., 1962. C7/.A8839r

Audet, Eric: The reforms of the Islamic legal system by the French in Morocco between 1912 and 1925. M.A., c1991. AS42/M3/1991/A9394

Auni, Luthfi: The decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh (1641–1699). M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/A9476

‘Awad, Siham Samir. The impact of the application of Sharia law on the rights of non- in the light of international principles: the case of Sudan. LL.M., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/A933. Institute of Comparative Law.

‘Awwad, Hanan: Arab causes in the fiction of Ghādah al-Sammān, 1961-1975. M.A., 1981. AS42/M3/1981/A967

‘Azizalam, Shaista: Sayyid Aḥmad Khān and the ‘Ulamā’: a study in socio-political context. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/A95

Babikian, N. Salem: Michel ‘Aflaq: a biographical study of his approach to Arabism. M.A., 1975. MB4p/.A2577z/B114m

Bakti, Andi M. Faisal: Islam and nation formation in Indonesia. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/B36

Barbezat, E.F.: The figure of in the Qur’ān. M.A., c1986. AS42/M3/1986/B23

7 Barry, Mike: The role of the city of brass: an introductory study. M.A., c1983. 2v. AS42/M3/1984/B27

Bashir, Sani: A study of Āl-Khalīfah’s rule in Bahrain, 1783–1820. M.A., 1979. AS42/M3/1979/B29

Batubara, Chuzaimah: Islam and mystical movements in post-independence Indonesia: Susila Budhi Dharma (subud) and its doctrines. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/B389

Bénard, Laure-Elina J. : Maryam, Khadīja and Fāṭima as spiritual female models in al-Ṭabarī’s presentation. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/2000/B465

Benbaruk, Leon: The Moroccan monarchy and the nationalist movement, 1930–1965. M.A., 1979. AS42/M3/1979/B43

Biazar, Karim: The Qur’ānic concept of covenant. M.A., 1980. AS42/M3/1980/B47

Birjandifar, Nazak: Royal women and politics in Safavid Iran. M.A., c2005. AS42/M3/2006/B547

Botros, S. : Abū al-‘Abbās al-Mursī: a study of some aspects of his mystical thought. M.A., 1976. AS42/M3/1977/B65

Böwering, Gerhard: A textual and analytic study of the Tafsīr of Sahl al-Tustarī (d. 283/896). Ph.D., 1974. C2E/.T965t/.Z/.B786t

8 Brodeur, Patrice C. : Contemporary Muslim approaches to the study of religion: a comparative analysis of three Egyptian authors. M.A., c1989. AS42/M3/1990/B764

Brown, Stuart E. : Tunisia and the Arab League (1956–66). M.A., 1969. MBat3/.B879t

Brown, Stuart E. : The ‘Young Tunisia’ Movement. Ph.D., 1976. MBat3/.B879y

Burke, Jeffrey Charles: The role of the ‘Ulamā’ during the French rule of Eygpt, 1798–1801. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/B873

Burke, Jeffrey C. : The establishment of the American Presbyterian mission in Egypt, 1854–1940: an overview. Ph.D., c2000. AS42/M3/2000/B875

Buturovic, Amila: Love in the poetry of Ibn Quzmān. M.A., c1988. AS42/M3/1988/B88

Buturovic, Amila: Sociology of popular drama in medieval Egypt: Ibn Daniyai and his shadow plays. Ph.D., c1993. AS42/M3/1994/B888

Calvert, John: Discourses, community, and power: Sayyid Quṭb and the Islamic movement in Egypt. Ph.D., c1993. AS42/M3/1994/C358

Calvert, John: Ibn Khaldūn and the Orientalist historiography of the Maghrib. M.A., 1984. AS42/M3/1985/C13

Carson, Beatrice Margaret: The Mevlevi Tarikat considered as organised mysticism in

9 Turkish Islam. M.A., 1958. C7/.C321m

Çelik, Faika: Gypsies (Roma) in the orbit of Islam: the Ottoman experience. M.A., c2003. AS42/M3/2004/C455

Chande, Abdin Noor: Jihād in Gambia, 1861–1867: a case study. M.A., 1982. AS42/M3/1982/C364

Chande, Abdin Noor: Islam, Islamic leadership and community development in Tanga, Tanzania. Ph.D., c1991. AS42/M3/1992/C4729

Chang, Hajji Yusuf: A bibliographical study of the in China. M.A., 1960. ABMKc1/C456

Chang, Yung-Ho: The development of Chinese Islam during the T’ang and Song Dynasties (618–1276 A.D.). M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/C472

Chumaidy, A.F. : The Jam‘iyyah Nahḍatul ‘Ulamā’: its rise and early development (1926–45). M.A., 1976. Mja1/.C559j

Clarke, Lynda: Arabic elegy between the Jahiliyah and Islam: development in the ‘Marthiyah’ from the sixth to the seventh centuries A.D. M.A., c1987. AS42/M3/1988/C65

Clarke, Lynda: Early doctrine of the Shī‘ah, according to the Shī‘ī sources. Ph.D., c1994. AS42/M3/1995/C553

10 Crow, Douglas Sloan: The teaching of Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq with reference to his place in early Shī‘ism. M.A., 1980. AS42/M3/1980/C882

Crow, Douglas Sloan: The role of al-‘Aql in early Islamic wisdom with reference to Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq. Ph.D., c1996. AS42/M3/1996/C769

Daley, Martin W. : An Islamic response to colonial rule: collaboration in the Sudan, 1898–1919. M.A., 1974. MBh3/.D153i

Darling, Jennifer: The American press and the role of Islam in the Iranian revolution: a study of editorial perceptions in five daily newspapers. M.A., 1982. AS42/M3/1982/D24

Darwish, Linda: Revolutionary images of in Islam and : ‘Ali Shari‘ati and liberation . M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/D375

Dasuki, ‘Abdul Hafizh: The Pondok-Pesantren: an account of its development in independent Indonesia (1965–73). M.A., 1974. MJa2/.D231p

Derayeh, Minoo: High hopes and broken promises: Common and diverse concerns of Iranian Women for gender equality in education and employment. Ph.D.,c2002. Department of Education.

Derayeh, Minoo: Religion and nationalism in Iran, 1951–1953. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1996/D473

Devji, Ümit Yoksuloglu: Al-Ghazālī and Quantum Physics: A Comparative Analysis of the Seventeenth Discussion of Tahāfut al-Falāsifa and Quantum Theory. M.A., c2003. AS42/M3/2004/D487


Dhanidina, Adil S.: Experiencing Tawḥīd: Ibn ‘Arabī and the power of imagination. M.A., c2004. AS42/M3/2005/D493

Dirlik, André: ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd ibn Bādīs (1889–1940): ideologist of Islamic reformism and leader of Algerian nationalism. Ph.D., 1971. MBaa3/.D599

Dirlik, André: The meaning of Arab socialism. M.A., 1964. MBb4/.D599m

Djamal, Murni: Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah: his influence in the Islamic reform movement in Minangkabau in the early twentieth century. M.A., 1975. MJal/.A527z/.D623d

Doustdar Haghighi, Mohammad: The religious thought of Ahmad Kasravi Tabrizi. M.A., c1998. AS42/M3/1998/D687

D’Souza, A. : The concept of revelation in the writings of three modern Indian Muslims: a study of Aḥmad Khan, Abū al-Kalām Āzād and Abū al-A‘lā Mawdūdī. Ph.D., c1988. AS42/M3/1988/D78

D’Souza, A. : The origin of Islam as interpreted by W. Montgomery Watt and A. Kenneth Cragg: an analysis and evaluation. M.A., 1979. AS42/M3/1979/D84

Dubuisson, P. : A history of ‘Umān and Masqaṭ, 1750–1800. Ph.D., 1982. AS42/M3/1982/D852

Dubuisson, P. : Qāsimī piracy and the general treaty of peace (1820). M.A., 1975. MBct3/.D821q


Dussault, Louis: Islam and identity in Motinggo Busye’s fiction. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/D88

Dusūqī, ‘Alī al-Dīn Hilāl: The party as a mass political organization in Egypt, 1952– 1967. M.A., 1968. AS42/M3/1968/H53 Dept. of Economics and Political Science.

Dyck, Veronica Helen: Aḥmad Amīn, creating an Islamic identity. M.A., c1988. AS42/M3/1989/D95

Ede, : Mullā Ṣadrā and the problem of freedom and determination: a critical study of Risālah fī’l-Qaḍā’ wa’l-Qadar. Ph.D., 1978. C6/.M958q/.Z/.E22m

Ede, David: Some considerations on the freedom-determinism controversy in classical Islamic theology. M.A., 1967. C6/.E22s

Edmonds, William A. : The trend towards secularism in Turkey as exemplified by its educational development. M.A., 1954. MC2/.E24

Eickelman, Dale F. : Musaylimah: an anthropological appraisal. M.A., 1967. C905/.E34m

El-Ahmed, Nabila: The development of the Palestinian women’s movement: the impact of nationalism and Islamism. M.A., c2003. AS42/M3/2004/E441

Elkhalifa, ‘Abdelrahman I. : Development and future of English Law and Islamic Law in the Sudan. D.C.L., c1988. AS42/M3/1989/E53


El-Marraghi, Maha: Jamal al-Ghitani’s Kitāb al-Tajalliyāt (The Book of Theophanies). M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1993/E46

ElObaid, ElObaid Ahmed: Human rights and cultural diversity in Islamic Africa. M.A., c1996. AS42/M3/1997/E563

El-Tobgui, Carl Sharif: The epistemology of qiyās and ta‘līl between the Mu‘tazilite Abū l-ḥusayn al-Baṣrī and Ibn ḥazm al-Ẓāhirī. M.A., c2000. AS42/M3/2001/E47

Empey, Heather: The Shīʽī passion: Taʽzīyeh, tragedy and the sublime. M.A., c2003. AS42/M3/2004/E474

Enazy, A.H. : The Islamic Development Bank: its origins, purposes, functions and operations, 1975–1983. M.A., c1987. AS42/M3/1987/E53

Errais, Sophie: La Tunisie au seuil de la modernité. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1993/E77

Erwin, Courtney Paige: Islamic law and modernity: Abdullahi al-Na‘im’s proposal for reform. M.A., c2001. AS42/M3/2001/E795

Escovitz, J. : The office of Qāḍī al-Quḍāt in Cairo under the Baḥrī Mamlūks. Ph.D., 1978. AS42/M3/1978/E74

Escovitz, J. : A study of al-Durar al-Kāmina as a source for the history of the Mamlūk empire. M.A., 1974. C938/.I13333du/.Z/.E74s


Esteban, Damian: Religion and the state in Ibn Khaldūn’s Muqaddimah. M.A., c2004. AS42/M3/2004/E884

EzzelArab, ‘AbdelAziz: Nineteenth-century expressions of economic nationalism in Egypt. Ph.D., c2000. AS42/M3/2000/I99

Faizer, Rizwi: Ibn Isḥāq and al-Wāqidī revisited: a case study of Muḥammad and the in biographical literature. Ph.D., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/F35g

Fajri, Nurul: The role of religious symbols in the Iranian revolution of 1979. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1993/F352

Fanaei Nematsara, M. : Secondary intelligibles: an analytical and comparative study on first and second intentions in Islamic and Western philosophy. M.A., c1994. AS42/M3/1995/F363

Farḥat, Jihād: L’évolution politique du Shaykh ‘Abd al-ḥamīd Ibn Bādīs et l’affirmation de l’individualité Algérienne Musulmane. M.A., 1975. MBaal/.I13187z/.F223e

Fārūqī, Ziyā’-ul-Hasan: Deoband and the demand for Pakistan. M.A., 1959. MH1/.F247d

Fathimah, Siti: Modernism and the contextualization of Islamic doctrines: the reform of Indonesian Islam proposed by Nurcholish Madjid. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/1999/F384

Federspiel, Howard M. : Ḥājj Muḥammad Amīn al-Ḥusaynī as Grand Muftī of and President of the Supreme Muslim Council, 1921–1937. M.A., 1961. MBd3/.F293


Federspiel, Howard M. : The Persatuan Islam (Islamic Union). Ph.D., 1966. MJal/.F293p

Feroz, Muḥammad Rashīd: The law of marriage and divorce in Muslim countries. M.A., 1959. M4/.F367L

Fiegenbaum, J.W. : Prophethood from the perspective of the Qur’ān. Ph.D., 1973. C2E/.F452p

Fiegenbaum, J.W. : The Ta‘ziyah: a popular expression of Shī‘ī thought. M.A., 1965. MD7/.F452t

Fitzmaurice, Redmond G. : Al-Kindī on psychology. M.A., 1971. C6/.F557k

Fletcher, Charles D. Anti-Christian polemic in early Islam: A translation and analysis of Abū ‘Uthmān ‘Amr B. Baḥr al-Jāḥiẓ’s risāla: Radd ‘alā al-Naṣārā (A reply to the ). M.A., c2002. AS42/M3/2003/F582

Freeman, Melanie: Islamic militants in Sadat’s Egypt, 1970–1981. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/F744

Friedmann, Yohanan: Shaykh Aḥmad Sirhindī: an outline of his thought and a study of his image in the eyes of posterity. Ph.D., 1966. C7/.F911s

Fudge, Bruce G. : Islam and the fiction of Salman Rushdie. M.A., c1994.

16 AS42/M3/1994/F834

Fugère, Charles: Muslims, national security and the state in Uzbekistan. M.A., c2005. AS42/M3/2006/F844

Gagnon, Jean-François: Gnose et philosophie. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/G347

Gallagher, Amelia: The fallible master of perfection: Shah Ismail in the Alevi- Bektashi tradition. Ph.D., c2004. AS42/M3/2004/G358

Geyikdagi, Mehmet: Islam and political parties in Turkey: 1950-75. M.A., 1981. AS42/M3/1981/G332

Ghassemi Zavieh, S. Mohammad H. : Authenticity of Nahj al-Balāgha. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/G463

Goddard, Cedrik Christopher: The question of the Islamic city. M.A., c1999. AS42/M3/2000/G635

Gowlett, Gerald Darren: Perceptions of Islam in Canadian English print media. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/G695

Guenther, Alan M.: The hadith in Christian-Muslim discourse in British , 1857–1888. M.A., c1997. AS42/M3/1998/G847

Guenther, Alan. M.: Syed Mahmood and the transformation of Muslim law in British India. Ph.D., c2004. AS42/M3/2005/G847


Guraya, Muḥammad Yusuf: The concept of Sunna in the Muwaṭṭa’ of Mālik b. Anas. M.A., 1969. C5/.G978c

Hadi, Amirul: Islam and state in seventeenth-century Aceh. Ph.D., c1999. AS42/M3/2000/H335

Hadi, Amirul: Aceh and the Portuguese: a study of the struggle of Islam in Southeast Asia, 1500–1579. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/H338

Haghani Khaveh, Aboulhassan: Struggle against soul. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/H345

Hahn, Ernest Norman: Mawlānā Abū-l-Kalām Āzād’s concept of religions according to his Tarjumānu-l-Qur’ān: a critique. M.A., 1965. AS42/M3/1965/H12

Haider, Hind A. : Nationalism, archaeology and ideology in from 1921 to the present. M.A., c2001. AS42/M3/2001/H354

Ḥā’irī, ‘Abdul Hādī: Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī: his supposed political role in the Mongol invasion of Baghdād. M.A., 1968. C946/.H153n

Ḥā’irī, ‘Abdul Hādī: Shī‘ism and Constitutionalism: a study of the life and views of Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥusayn Nā’īnī, a Shī‘ī mujtahid of Iran. Ph.D., 1973. 2v. MD3/.H153s

Haji, Suhaila: The status and rights of religious minorities in contemporary Islamists’ discourse. M.A., c2002. AS42/M3/2003/S843

18 Hakim, Ahmad: Muḥammad Ibn Idrīs al-Shāfi‘ī and his role in the development of Islamic legal theory. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/H353

Hakim, Sudarnoto Abdul: The Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1993/H35

Halabi, ‘Awad Eddie: The responses of the local elite and the peasants of Ottoman- to state centralization and economic changes, 1856–1908. M.A., c1993. AS42/M3/1994/H353

Hamim, Thoha: The British and the French responses to Muḥammad ‘Alī’s politics. M.A., c1992. AS42/M3/1992/H365

Hamim, Thoha: Moenawar Chalil’s reformist thought. Ph.D., c1996. AS42/M3/1996/H363

Ḥanafī, La’īq: Pakistan: pre-partition theories on her political form, a study of the pre-partition ideas of Muslim nationalist leaders concerning the Islamic basis of Pakistan’s policy. M.A., 1972. MH3/H233p

Hann, Nicholas M. : Sokoto-Emirate relations, 1804–1903: an analysis. M.A., 1973. MLnr3/.H243s.

Hannah, Kathryn Jayne: Theodicy and the death of God in Awlad ḥaratina, by Najīb Maḥfūẓ. M.A., c1995. AS42/M3/1995/H366

Haram, Nissreen: Four scholars on the authoritativeness of Sunni juridicial Qiyās. M.A., c1988. AS42/M3/1989/H37


Hasanali, Parveen: Ibn Tufayl’s “Hayy Ibn Yaqzan”: an analytic study. M.A., c1987. AS42/M3/1987/H3727

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‘Abd Allāh ibn Fodio’s contribution to the Fulani Jihad in 19th–century Hausaland. See Zahradeen, Sani MLnr3/.Z196

Abū al-‘Abbās al-Mursī: a study of some aspects of his mystical thought. See Botros, S. C7/.B987

Abū Ḥanīfah’s concept of Qiyās (analogy). See Yūsuf, Riḍwān Arẹmu AS42/M3/1982/Y93


Abū Isḥāq al-Shāṭibī’s reformulation of the concept of bid‘a: a study of his al-I‘tiṣām. See Jahar, Asep Saepudin AS42/M3/1999/J349

Abū Ja‘far Ṭabarī and his sources: an introduction to early ‘Irāqī historiography. See Waines, David C942/.W141

Abul A‘la Mawdudi’s and Mohammed Natsir’s views on statehood: a comparative study. See Ma’mur, Ilzamudin AS42/M3/1995/M364

Abū Yazīd al-Bisṭāmī: his life and doctrines. See ‘Abdu-r-Rabb, M. C7/.A13732

Aceh and the Portuguese: a study of the struggle of Islam in Southeast Asia, 1500–1579. See Hadi, Amirul AS42/M3/1992/H338

Aḥmad Amīn, creating an Islamic identity. See Dyck, Veronica Helen AS42/M3/1989/D95


Ahmad Hassan and Islamic legal reform in Indonesia. See Minhaji, Akh AS42/M3/1997/M564

Aḥmad ibn Zaynī Daḥlān: an English translation of part of Khulāṣat al-Kalām with commentary. See Tawfīq, Muḥammad MBcs3/.D131k/.Y/.E

The Aḥmadīyah movement: its nature and its role in nineteenth- and early twentieth- century India. See Lavan, Spencer MG15/.L395a

‘Alī Shariati and the mystical tradition of Islam. See Vakily, ‘Abdollah AS42/M3/1992/V36

The American press and the role of Islam in the Iranian revolution: a study of editorial perceptions of five daily newspapers. See Darling, Jennifer AS42/M3/1982/D24

Une analyse de l’idéologie de Moḥammad Reẓā Shāh Pahlavī. See Tremblay, Jane AS42/M3/1992/T74


Une analyse structuraliste du thème faqr (pauvreté) en ṣūfusime classique. See Milot, Jean-René C7/.M661

An analysis of the annalistic sources of the early Mamluk Circassian period. See Massoud, Sami AS42/M3/2005/M293

An analysis of the supernatural archetype of the prophet Muḥammad as found in the sīra/tā’rīkh and tafsīr works of al-Ṭabarī and Ibn Kathīr. See Williams, Rebecca AS42/M3/2007

Anti-Christian polemic in early Islam: A translation and analysis of Abū ‘Uthmān ‘Amr B. Baḥr al-Jāḥiẓ’s risāla: Radd ‘alā al-Naṣārā (A reply to the Christians). See Fletcher, Charles D. AS42/M3/2003/F582

Anxiety and amnesia: Muslim women’s equality in postcolonial India. See Narain, Vrinda AS42/M3/2006/N373

Arab causes in the fiction of Ghādah al-Sammān, 1961–1975. See ‘Awwad, Hanan AS42/M3/1981/A967


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Arguments against Sunni legal methodology: Ibn Ḥazm and his rejection of Qiyās. See Talbot, Karmen AS42/M3/1987/T34

Armenians in the Ottoman legal system: sixteenth-eighteenth centuries. See Setrakian, Aida Alice AS42/M3/2006/

Ashanti responses to Islamization, 1750–1874: a case study of the relationship between trade and Islamization in a forest state of West Africa. See Owusu-Ansah, D. MLgh3/.O97

Authenticity of Nahj al-Balāgha. See Ghassemi Zavieh, S. Mohammad H. AS42/M3/1995/G463

Avicenna and the resurrection of the body. See Jaffer, Tariq AS42/M3/1998/J345

59 The basis of leadership. See Mavani, Hamid AS42/M3/1993/M393

A bibliographical introduction to modern Islamic development in India and Pakistan. See Mu‘īnuddin, Aḥmad Khān AB/.M953

A bibliographical study of the history of Islam in China. See Chang, Hajji Yusuf ABMKc1/C456

Brahma Prakâsh: a translation and analysis. See Jamani, Hasina M. AS42/M3/1985/J22

The British and the French responses to Muḥammad ‘Alī’s politics. See Hamim, Thoha AS42/M3/1992/H365

Caliph and amir: a study of the socio-economic background of medieval political power. See Waines, David C942/.W1414c

60 Causality and its relation to the unity of existence according to Mullā Ṣadrā’s view. See Namazi Esfahani, Mahmoud AS42/M3/1995/N363

Child marriage in Islamic law. See ‘Ali, Anjum Ashraf AS42/M3/2001/A45

Christian missionary attitudes towards Islam in India: Catholic missionaries, 1580–1700; Protestant missionaries, 1790–1850. See Skaff, Joseph A. C97/.S626c

Cités sacrées du Sénégal : essai de géographie spirituelle. See Ross, Eric BP64/S4/R67/1989a

Communication models in the Holy Qur’an. See Ibrahim, Mohammed Zakyi AS42/M3/1997/I274

A comparative study of two modern Muslim biographies of the Prophet. See Rahnamaei, Seyed Ahmad AS42/M3/1996/R347

61 A comparison of the issue of free will as seen in al-Ash‘arī and Luther. See Khan, Abrahim C6/.K45139c

The concept of authority in pre-Islamic Arabia (its legitimacy and origin). See Ruiz, Manual C903/.R934c

The concept of freedom in Muḥammad ‘Abduh. See ‘Abd al-‘Aṭī, Ḥammūdah ‘Alī MB1/.A13201

The concept of human nature in Ḥujjat Allāh al-Balīghah and its relation to Shāh Walīullāh’s doctrine of Fiqh. See Kamali, Sabih Ahmad C6/.K1551c

The concept of Ijmā‘ in the modern age, with particular reference to Muḥammad ‘Abduh. See Nasution, Khoiruddin AS42/M3/1995/N379

The concept of love in Yunus Emre’s thought. See Sezer, A. Rusen C7/.S522c


The concept of Mīthāq in al-Junayd’s theology. See Jones, Margaret C7/.J952z/J78c

The concept of pleasure propounded by Nāṣir-i Khusraw. See ‘Abbas Hunzai, Ghulam AS42/M3/1994/A233

The concept of revelation in the writings of three modern Indian Muslims: a study of Aḥmad Khān, Abū al-Kalām Āzād and Abū al-A‘lā Mawdūdī. See D’Souza, A. AS42/M3/1988/D78

The concept of Sunna in the Muwaṭṭa’ of Mālik b. Anas. See Guraya, Muḥammad Yusuf C5/.G978c

The concept of Taʻlīm and Tarbiyah in Mutahharī’s thought. See Zolghadr, Khadijeh AS42/M3/2004/Z654

The concept of Tawḥīd in the thought of Ḥāmid al-Dīn al Kirmānī (d. after 411/1021). See Hunzai, F.M. AS42/M3/1986/H92

63 The concept of the imamate in the works of al-Mawardi. See Nafis, Muhammad AS42/M3/1993/N343

The concept of the perfect man in the thought of Ibn ‘Arabī and Muhammad Iqbal: a comparative study. See Arnel, Iskandar AS42/M3/1997/A765

The concept of Wilāya in the early works of Dārā Shukōh (1024/1615 – 1069/1659). See Hayat, Perwaiz AS42/M3/1987/H385

Concepts of social morality in post-Īlkhānī and pre-Ṣafawī Iran. See Taylor, John Bernard C6/.T243c

The conflict between Muḥammad and the Jewish tribes of Medina. See Watters, John F. C3/.W346c

Constructions of Muslim identity: women and the education reform movement in Colonial India. See Madhani, Taslim AS42/M3/2005

64 Constructions of the Islamic peril in English-language Canadian print media: discourses on power and violence. See Karim, Karim Haiderali AS42/M3/1997/K376

Contemporary Muslim approaches to the study of religion: a comparative analysis of three Egyptian authors. See Brodeur, Patrice C. AS42/M3/1990/B764

Contemporary Shi‘ism as political ideology: the views of Sharī‘atmadarī, Taliqanī, and Khumaynī. See Abbott, Kenrick AS42/M3/1990/A234

Contrasts in the two earliest manuals of ‘Ulūm al-Ḥadīth: the beginnings of the genre. See Librande, Leonard C4/.L697c

Conversion to Islam as reflected in Kisve Bahasi petitions: an aspect of Ottoman social life in the Balkans, 1670–1730. See Minkov, Anton AS42/M3/2000/M566

The crisis of the intellectuals in the United Arab Republic, especially as reflected in Muḥammad Ḥasanayn Haykal’s Azmat al-Muthaqqafīn. See Koning, Karen Lee

65 MBb4/.K82c

A critical and annotated translation of the chapters on Divine Attributes and their properties in al-Iqtiṣād fī al-I‘tiqād of Imam al-Ghazālī. See Abū Zayd, ‘Abd-r-Raḥmān C6/.G4liq/.Y/.E

A critical annotated translation of Zubdat al-Ḥaqā’iq of ‘Ayn al-Quḍāt al-Hamadānī. See Jah, Omar C7/.M685z

A critical examination of the ethics and methodology of Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi’s Islamic economics. See Mapara, Shahina H. AS42/M3/2000/M3714

The crucifixion of Jesus in the Qur’ān and Qur’ānic commentary: an historical survey. See Lawson, Benjamin T. C2E/.L425c

Culture, education and the identity of Indian Muslims: an Indian approach to cultural unity – Humayun Kabir. See Runions, Ted MG1/.R942c

De l’Islam populaire à l’islamisme : les défis de l’identité politique de l’Algérie contemporaine. See Morrissette, Laurence AS42/M3/2004/M679


The debate about prophecy in “Kitāb a‘lām al-nubūwah”: an analytic study. See Shamsuddin, Abdulaziz AS42/M3/1988/S53

The decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh (1641–1699). See Auni, Luthfi AS42/M3/1993/A9476

Deoband and the demand for Pakistan. See Fārūqī, Ziyā’-ul-Hasan MH1/.F247d

Derivation in uṣūl al-fiqh. See Oraibi, ‘Ali AS42/M3/1988/O66

Development and future of English Law and Islamic Law in the Sudan. See Elkhalifa, ‘Abdelrahman I. AS42/M3/1989/E53

Development of an archetype: studies in the Shurayḥ traditions. See Mohammed, Khaleelul Iqbal AS42/M3/2001/M647

The development of Chinese Islam during the T’ang and Song Dynasties

67 (618–1276 A.D.). See Chang, Yung-Ho AS42/M3/1999/C472

The development of Islamic theological discourse in Indonesia: a critical survey of Muslim reformist attempts to sustain orthodoxy in the 20th century. See Saleh, Fauzan AS42/M3/2001/S254

The development of the doctrine of Vilāyat-i Faqīh: the role of Mullā Aḥmad Narāqī (1185/1770 – 1245/1830). See Kazemi-Moussavi, Ahmad AS42/M3/1983/K18

The development of the Palestinian women’s movement: The impact of nationalism and Islamism. See El-Ahmed, Nabila AS42/M3/2004/E441

Discourse on women’s education in Egypt during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: a convergence of proto-feminist, nationalist and Islamic reformist thought. See Piquado, Laura AS42/M3/2000/P758

Discourses, community and power: Sayyid Quṭb and the Islamic movement in Egypt. See Calvert, John

68 AS42/M3/1994/C358

Doctrine of the imamate in Twelver Shi’ism: traditional, theological, philosophical and mystical perspectives. See Mavani, Hamid AS42/M3/2005/M296

The doctrine of the impeccability of the Prophet as elucidated by Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. See Adiseputra, Aloysius AS42/M3/1984/A235

Dr. H. Abdul Karim Amrullah: his influence in the Islamic reform movement in Minangkabau in the early twentieth century. See Djamal, Murni MJal/.A527z/.D623d

Dr. Isrār Aḥmad’s political thought and activities. See Aḥmad, Shagufta AS42/M3/1994/A363

The dynamics of the Arab unity movement, 1945–1963. See Sharara-Hobbs, Norma MB3/.S5308d

Early ‘Abbasid religious policies and the proto-Sunni ‘ulamā’. See Zaman, Muḥammad Qasim AS42/M3/1994/Z363


The early development of Islamic Fiqh in Kūfah with special reference to the works of Abū Yūsuf and Shaybānī. See Anṣārī, Ẓafar Isḥāq C5/.A6177e

Early doctrine of the Shī‘ah, according to the Shī‘ī sources. See Clarke, Lynda AS42/M3/1995/C553

Early Ismā‘īlī thought on prophecy according to the Kitāb al-Iṣlāḥ by Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī (d. ca. 322 / 934-5). See Nomoto, Shin AS42/M3/2000/N666

An early Sufi concept of qalb: Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī’s map of the heart. See Pavlis, Natalie A. AS42/M3/2001/P387

Early years of the Young Turk Revolution (1908–1912) as reflected in the life and works of Halide Edib. See Nisanyan, Rehan AS42/M3/1991/N5793

The Educational role of the Ṭarīqa Qādiriyya Naqshabandiyya with special reference to Suryalaya. See Mulyati, Sri


The educational thought of al-Ghazālī. See Asari, Hasan AS42/M3/1993/A753

Education and training under the Mamlūks. See Manjikian, Sevak Joseph AS42/M3/1998/M366

Edward Said’s Orientalism : discourse of power. See Nechamkin, Judith AS42/M3/1994/N434

Egyptian drama and social change. See Rudnicka-Kassem, Dorota AS42/M3/1992/R838

The embassy of Sir Thomas Roe. See Mitchell, C.P. (Colin P.) AS42/M3/1995/M583

The Emperor Akbar as a religious man: six interpretations. See Pound, Omar S. C977/.P876e

71 The epistemology of qiyās and ta‘līl between the Mu‘tazilite Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī and Ibn Ḥazm al-Ẓāhirī. See El-Tobgui, Carl Sharif AS42/M3/2001/E47

Eschatology in the Qur’ān in the light of recent Biblical criticism. See McDonough, Sheila C2E/.M136e

Essai sur la pensée philosophique et théologique de Shahrastānī (548/1153). See Steigerwald, Diane AS42/M3/1994/S743

Essential elements of Taubah in the writings of al-Ghazālī. See Arokiasamy, Lourduraj AS42/M3/1983/A769

The establishment of the American Presbyterian mission in Egypt, 1854–1940: an overview. See Burke, Jeffrey C. AS42/M3/2000/B875

Ethico-religious ideas of ‘Umar II. See Murād, Ḥasan Qāsim C907/.M972e

72 Ethics of war in Muslim countries: a critical and comparative perspective. See Mahallati, Mohammad Jafar AS42/M3/2006

The evolution of the rule of law: the origins and function of legal theory. See Ibrahim, Bilal AS42/M3/2006/I273

L’évolution politique du Shaykh ‘Abd al-ḥamīd Ibn Bādīs et l’affirmation de l’individualité Algérienne Musulmane. See Farḥat, Jihād MBaal/.I13187z/.F223e

The existence of Islamic law in the first century of the Hijra: a study in authenticity. See Arfa, Faisar Ananda AS42/M3/1995/A745

Experiencing Tawḥīd: Ibn ‘Arabī and the power of imagination. See Dhanidina, Adil S. AS42/M3/2005/D493

Factors of the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979. See Staudinger, Daniel AS42/M3/1991/S738


Faith in words: liberalism, Islam and the philosophy of ethics in the Satanic Verses affair. See Lynch, Brian AS42/M3/1995/L963

The fallible master of perfection: Shah Ismail in the Alevi-Bektashi tradition. See Gallagher, Amelia AS42/M3/2004/G358

Al-Fārābī’s philosophy of education. See Nanji, Shamas Malik AS42/M3/1989/N32

Al-Fayḍ al-Kāshānī. See Saghaye-Biria, M.N. (Mohammed Nasser) AS42/M3/1997/S244

Fazlur Rahman’s Islamic philosophy. See Husein, Fatimah AS42/M3/1997/H8784

The figure of Moses in the Qur’ān. See Barbezat, E.F. AS42/M3/1986/B23

Female genital cutting in the context of Islamic bioethics.

74 See Rehel, Erin Marie AS42/M3/2005/R454

The formation of the Muhammadiyah’s ideology, 1912–1942. See Jainuri, Achmad AS42/M3/1997/J356

Four Christian Arab nationalists. See Lavan, Spencer MBe3/.L395f

Four scholars on the authoritativeness of Sunni juridical Qiyās. See , Nissreen AS42/M3/1989/H37

Freedom of speech and literary expression. See Tahqiq, Nanang AS42/M3/1995/T347

French influence on a 20th century ‘ālim: ‘Allal al-Fāsī and his ideas toward legal reform in Morocco. See Mogilski, Sara AS42/M3/2006/M645


From the Supreme Islamic Shi‘i Council to AMAL: Shi‘i politics in Lebanon from 1969–1984. See Herbert, Lise Jean AS42/M3/2000/H474

Al-Ghazālī and Quantum Physics: A Comparative Analysis of The Seventeenth Discussion of Tahāfut al-Falāsifa and Quantum Theory. See Devji, Ümit Yoksuloglu AS42/M3/2004/D487

Ghazālī’s Tahāfut al-Falāsifah (Destruction of the Philosophers). See Kamali, Sabih Ahmad C6/.G41191t/.E2

Al-Ghazālī’s theory of Munāsaba in the context of the adaptability of Islamic Law. See Qomariyah, Siti AS42/M3/1994/Q65

Al-Ghazali’s works and their influence on Islam in Indonesia. See Said, Nurman AS42/M3/1993/S25

Ghulām Jīlānī Barq: a study in Muslim “Rationalism”. See Majīd, Rāja F.M. MH15/M233g


Gnose et philosophie. See Gagnon, Jean-François AS42/M3/1995/G347

God of Raḥmah: a study in the Qur’ānic concept of divine mercy. See Ahmed, Musa C2E/.A28917g

Gypsies (Roma) in the orbit of Islam: the Ottoman experience. See Çelik, Faika AS42/M3/2004/C455

Habib Bourguiba: a study of Islam and legitimacy in the Arab world. See Salem, Norma AS42/M3/1983/S163

The hadith in Christian-Muslim discourse in British India, 1857–1888. See Guenther, Alan M. AS42/M3/1998/G847

Haji Agus Salim: his role in nationalist movements in Indonesia during the early twentieth century. See Kahfi, Erni Haryanti AS42/M3/1996/K3456


Ḥājj Muḥammad Amīn al-Ḥusaynī as Grand Muftī of Jerusalem and President of the Supreme Muslim Council, 1921–1937. See Federspiel, Howard M. MBd3/.F293

Hamka’s method of interpreting the legal verses of the Qur’an. See Yusuf, Milhan AS42/M3/1995/Y878

Hasbi’s theory of ijtihād in the context of Indonesian fiqh. See Wahyudi, Yudian AS42/M3/1993/W346

The Hāzaras of Afghanistan: a study of ethnic relations. See Hussain, Mohammad AS42/M3/2004/H886

The hermeneutical theory of Nasr Abu Zayd: an analytical study of his method of interpreting the Qur’an. See Rahman, Yusuf

High hopes and broken promises: Common and diverse concerns of Iranian Women for gender equality in education and employment. See Derayeh, Minoo

78 The historical past as a tool for nation-building in new order Indonesia. See Wood, Michael John AS42/M3/2004/W673

Historiography and nationalism: a study regarding the proceedings of the First Turkish History Congress. See Menguc, Murat Cem AS42/M3/2003/M464

A historiographical study of four works of al-Ḥājj ‘Umar Ibn Abī Bakr of Kate-Krachi. See Mustapha, Talatu MLgh7/.M9916h

A history of the Balqa‘ region. See Wood, Michael AS42/M3/1995/W663

A history of the reign of the Mamlūk Sultan al-Manṣūr al-Qalāwūn (678–689 A.H. / 1279–1290 A.D.). See Northrup, Linda AS42/M3/1983/N81

A history of ‘Umān and Masqaṭ, 1750–1800. See Dubuisson, P. AS42/M3/1982/D852


ḤRM and associated and synonymous terms in the Qur’ān: an analysis of their use and meaning. See Rippin, Andrew C2E/.R593h

Human cognitive development in the transcendental philosophy of Ṣadr al-Dîn Shîrâzî and the genetic epistemology of Jean Piaget. See Mesbah, Alī AS42/M3/1995/M474

Human rights and cultural diversity in Islamic Africa. See ElObaid, ElObaid Ahmed AS42/M3/1997/E563

Al-Ḥusayn ‘Alī: a study of his uprising and death based on classical Arabic sources. See Ahmad, Riadh AS42/M3/2007/

Ibn Bājja’s book Tadbīr al-Mutawaḥḥid: an edition, translation and commentary. See Ziyadah, Ma‘an C6/.I13192t/1968

Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī on tarjīḥ and ta‘dīl of ḥadīth transmitters: a study of his Tahdhīb al-Tahdhīb. See Amiruddin, Andi Muhammad ‘Ali AS42/M3/1999/A4886


Ibn Ḥazm’s concept of Ijmā‘. See Samad, M.A.A. C88z/.I13369z/.A135i

Ibn Ḥazm’s controversy with Christians: a study of a section of his al-Fiṣāl. See Whyte, George Willard AS42/M3/1985/W62

Ibn Isḥāq and al-Wāqidī revisited: a case study of Muḥammad and the Jews in biographical literature. See Faizer, Rizwi AS42/M3/1995/F35g

Ibn Jama‘ah’s educational thought. See Husin, Muhammad Said AS42/M3/1995/H875

Ibn Khaldūn and the Orientalist historiography of the Maghrib. See Calvert, John AS42/M3/1985/C13

Ibn Miskawayh’s concept of the intellect (‘Aql). See Marcotte, Roxanne D. AS42/M3/1993/M3733

81 Ibn Qayyim’s reformulation of the Fatwa. See Nurbain, Nawir Yuslem AS42/M3/1995/N873

Ibn Qutayba’s understanding of Qur’ānic brevity. See Mackay, Floyd W. AS42/M3/1991/M337

Ibn Sina and mysticism: a reconsideration. See Anwar, Etin AS42/M3/1998/A593

Ibn Sina’s thought on the ‘Perfect Man’: the role of the faculties of the soul. See Yusuf, Arba‘iyah AS42/M3/1994/Y87

Ibn Taymiyya’s concept of istiḥsān. See Shaleh, Ahmad Syukri AS42/M3/1995/S535

Ibn Taymiyya’s theory of knowledge. See Lamotte, Virginie AS42/M3/1995/L366

Ibn Ṭufayl’s “Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān”: an analytic study. See

82 Hasanali, Parveen AS42/M3/1987/H3727

An ideology for Pakistan: a study of the works of Ghulām Aḥmad Parwēz. See McDonough, Sheila MH1/.M136id

The Ikhwān of Saudi Arabia past and present. See Zamiska, Donna L. AS42/M3/1994/Z365

The image of Anwar al-Sādāt as the Pious President (al-Ra’īs al-Mu’min): a study of the political use of Islam and its symbols in Egypt, 1970–1981. See Karim, Karim Haiderali AS42/M3/1985/K142

The image of the West in Iqbāl. See Shiddiqi, Mazheruddin MH1/.S56

The images of Fāṭimah in Muslim biographical literature. See ‘Alī, Rukhsana AS42/M3/1988/A446

The Imām as interpreter of the Qur’ān according to al-Qāḍī al-Nu‘mān. See Shah, Bulbul AS42/M3/1984/S525


L’Imâmologie dans la doctrine ismaélienne nizarienne. See Steigerwald, Diane AS42/M3/1987/S73

The impact of colonial experience on religious and social thought of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Hassan. See Yahya, Agusni AS42/M3/1994/Y349

The impact of the application of Sharia law on the rights of non-Muslims in the light of international principles: the case of Sudan. See ‘Awad, Siham Samir AS42/M3/1995/A933

L’impact socio-politique du discours islamiste en Tunisie. See Lozowy, Dominique AS42/M3/1994/L698

Indian Muslims’ attitude to the British in the early nineteenth century: a case study of Shāh ‘Abdul ‘Azīz. See Mushīru-l-Ḥaqq MG3/.M987i

Individualism and social conformity in the poetry of Furūgh Farrukhzād. See Kassam, Sabrina AS42/ M3/1986/K147


The Indonesian army and political Islam: a political encounter (1966–1977). See Muluk, Safrul AS42/M3/2000/M859

The influence of Islam on the political, economic and social thought of ‘Allāl al-Fāsī. See Shaw, Ian AS42/M3/1984/S534

The initial destination of the Fāṭimid Caliph ‘Abd Allāh al-Mahdī’s Dār al-Hijrah: Yaman or Maghrib. The politico-military activities of the Da‘wah in Yaman and the Maghrib. See Jiwa, Shainool AS42/M3/1984/J568

An inquiry into the interrelationship between Islām and nationalism in the writing of Egyptians, 1945–56. See Anṣārī, Ẓafar Isḥāq MBb1/.A6177i

Integrating Islam. See Kelly, Patricia AS42/M3/1997/K45

Intellectual modernism of Shiblī Nu‘mānī: an exposition of his religious and political ideas. See Murād, Mehr Afroz MG1/.S5551z/.M3972


Intellectual responses to the establishment of Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI), 1990–1995. See Mardatillah, Fuadi AS42/M3/1997/M3733

Islam and identity in Motinggo Busye’s fiction. See Dussault, Louis. AS42/M3/1995/D88

Islam and Javanese acculturation: textual and contextual analysis of the slametan ritual. See Hilmy, Masdar AS42/M3/1999/H557

Islam and mystical movements in post-independence Indonesia: Susila Budhi Dharma (subud) and its doctrines. See Batubara, Chuzaimah AS42/M3/1999/B389

Islam and nationalism in the Arab world: a selected and annotated bibliography. See Nashshābah, Hishām ABMB3/.N253i

Islam and nation formation in Indonesia. See Bakti, Andi M. Faisal AS42/M3/1993/B36


Islam and political parties in Turkey: 1950–75. See Geyikdagi, Mehmet MC3/.G397i

Islam and politics under the ‘new order’ government in Indonesia. See Truna, Dody S. AS42/M3/1993/T735

Islam and state in seventeenth-century Aceh. See Hadi, Amirul AS42/M3/2000/H335

Islam and the fiction of Salman Rushdie. See Fudge, Bruce G. AS42/M3/1994/F834

Islam, democracy and religious modernism in Iran. See Jahanbakhsh, Forough AS42/M3/1998/J348

The Islamic Development Bank: its origins, purposes, functions and operations. See Enazy, A.H. AS42/M3/1987/E53

The Islamic doctrine of Ribā prohibition: a modular hermeneutical examination.

87 See Subhani, Azeemuddin AS42/M3/2002/S835

Islamic feminist community organization for combating violence against women: a case study of Rifka Annisa, Women Crisis Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. See Setiawan, Dorita AS42/M3/2005/S484

Islamic law and modernity: Abdullahi an-Na‘im’s proposal for reform. See Erwin, Courtney Paige AS42/M3/2001/E795

Islamic legal reform in twentieth-century Indonesia: a study of Hazairin’s thought. See Sugiono, Sukiati AS42/M3/2000/S845

Islamic marriage law in Indonesia. See Jaylani, Tadjaningsih MJa4/.J42i

Islamic militants in Sadat’s Egypt, 1970–1981. See Freeman, Melanie AS42/M3/1992/F744

88 Islamic modernism in Malaya as reflected in Hadi’s thought. See Abu Bakar, Ibrahim bin AS42/M3/1993/A327

An Islamic response to colonial rule: collaboration in the Sudan, 1898–1919. See Daley, Martin W. MBh3/.D153i

The Islamic state in Indonesia: the rise of the ideology, the movement for its creation and the theory of Masjumi. See Nasution, Harun MJa4/.N269i

Islām in Ijebu Ode. See ‘Abdul, Musa Ọladipupo Ajilogba MLnr1/.A13933i

Islam, Islamic leadership and community development in Tanga, Tanzania. See Chande, Abdin Noor. AS42/M3/1992/C4729

Islamization and the Khoja Ismā‘īlī community in Pakistan. See Rattansi, Diamond AS42/M3/1987/R38

89 The Islamization of the Philippines. See Winslow, Frances Boylston MJc3/.W778i

Islamization of the state in a dualistic culture: the case of Bangladesh. See Ahsan, Syed Aziz-al AS42/M3/1991/A367

Islam, politics and ideology in Indonesia. See Ismail, Faisal AS42/M3/1996/I863

Ismā‘īl Rusūhī Ankaravī and Īz\āḥu’ l-ḥikem. See Kuspinar, Bilal AS42/M3/1995/K883

Ittihad-i Islam, or Ottoman Pan-Islamism, 1839–1908. See Kheir, Elrashid H. AS42/M3/1996/K4595

The Jakarta Charter of June 1945: a history of the Gentlemen’s Agreement between the Islamic and the Secular Nationalists in modern Indonesia. See Anshari, S. MJa3/.A618j


Jamal al-Ghitani’s Kitāb al-tajalliyāt (The Book of Theophanies). See El-Marraghi, Maha AS42/M3/1993/E46

The Jam‘iyyah Nahḍatul ‘Ulamā’: its rise and early development (1926–45). See Chumaidy, A.F. MJa1/.C559j

Jesus in the Qur’ān and the ḥadīth literature: his roles in the eschatology of early Islam. See McLean, William Paul C2E/.M163 j

Jihād in Gambia, 1861–1867: a case study. See Chande, Abdin Noor AS42/M3/1982/C364

Jong Islamieten Bond: a study of a Muslim youth movement in Indonesia during the Dutch Colonial era, 1924–1942. See Husni, Dardiri AS42/M3/1999/H876

The Jordan River Basin: culture in resource management and conflict. See Ritzler, Jacob AS42/M3/2005/R589

91 Joseph Shacht’s contribution to the study of Islamic Law. See Minhaji, Akh AS42/M3/1992/M564

Al-Junayd’s doctrine of Tawḥīd: an analysis of his understanding of Islamic monotheism. See ‘Abdu-r-Rabb, Muḥammad C6/.A13732j

Just war, peace and human rights under Islamic and international law. See Zawati, Hilmi AS42/M3/1997/Z39

Al-Khāḍir: origins and interpretations: A phenomenological study. See Jervis, James Paul AS42/M3/1993/J476

The Khilāfah al-Rāshidah period as presented by some recent Egyptian authors. See Kenny, Lorne M. MBb2/.K36k

Khulʻ: between past and present. See Zantout, Mida AS42/M3/2007

Al-Kindī on psychology. See Fitzmaurice, Redmond G.

92 C6/.F557k

Kiyai H. Aḥmad Daḥlān: his life and thought. See , Muḥammady MJa1/.D131z / I212k

Knowledge by presence (al-‘ilm al-ḥuḍūrī). See Hejazi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza AS42/M3/1995/H453

The Lanase movement of Nigeria. See Oyelade, Emmanuel Oguntoya MLnr15L/.098L

Land revenue and market reforms of ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Khaljī, 696–715 / 1296–1315. See Shaffī, Nafiz C973/.S5252L

The language of Islamism. See Kassam, Shelina AS42/M3/1993/K3765

Late nineteenth-century Muslim response to the Western civilization of Islam – analysis of Amīr ‘Alī’s life and works. See Ahsan, ‘Abdullah MG1/.A28994L

93 The law of marriage and divorce in Muslim countries. See Feroz, Muḥammad Rashīd M4/.F367L

The life and thought of Yusuf Akçura (1876–1935). See Thomas, David S. MC3/.A313z/.T455L

Love in the poetry of Ibn Quzmān. See Buturovic, Amila AS42/M3/1988/B88

Al-Madrasah al-Mustanṣirīyah in Baghdād: a study of Muslim educational institutions. See Nashshābah, Hishām C1/.N253m

The Majlisul Islamil A‘la Indonesia (MIAI): its socio-religious and political activities (1937–1943). See Sya‘roni, Mizan AS42/M3/1999/S927

The Mālikī doctrine of Maṣlaḥa Mursalah. See Leghari, Noor-ul-Amin AS42/M3/1984/L521

94 Mamlūk-Armenian relations during the Baḥrī period to the fall of Sīs (1250–1375). See Scott, Richard C938/.S428m

The Manāqib al-‘Ārifīn as a source for political history. See Trépanier, Nicolas AS42/M3/2001/T746

Maqāmāt (stations) and aḥwāl (states) according to Qushayrī and al-Hujwīrī. See Muhaya, ‘Abdul AS42/M3/1993/M813

Maryam, Khadīja and Fāṭima as spiritual female models in al-Ṭabarī’s presentation. See Bénard, Laure-Elina J. AS42/M3/2000/B465

Mawdūdī’s political thought from 1933–1947 and its critics. See Hashemi, ‘Abdul H. AS42/M3/1982/H27

Mawlānā Abū-l-Kalām Āzād’s concept of religions according to his Tarjumānu-l- Qur’ān: a critique. See Hahn, Ernest Norman MG1/.H148m

95 The meaning of Arab socialism. See Dirlik, André MBb4/.D599m

The memoirs of Aḥmad ‘Urābī as an historical source for the ‘Urābī movement. See Ruedig, David MBb3/.U72k/Z/R918m

The metaphysics of the idea of God in Ibn Taymiyya’s thought. See Ajhar, ‘Abdel Hakim AS42/M3/2001/A397

The method of Muslim learning as illustrated in al-Zarnūjī’s Ta‘līm. See Afandi, Mochtar AS42/M3/1993/A337

The Mevlevi Tarikat considered as organised mysticism in Turkish Islam. See Carson, Beatrice Margaret C7/.C321m

Michel ‘Aflaq: a biographical study of his approach to Arabism. See Babikian, N. Salem MB4p/.A2577z/B114m

Miḥan of Ibn Taymīya: a narrative account based on a comparative

96 analysis of sources. See Murād, Ḥasan Qāsim C6/.M972m

The Minangkabau traditionalists’ response to the modernist movement. See Rais, Za‘im AS42/M3/1994/R353

The miraculous nature of Muslim scripture. See Rahman, Yusuf AS42/M3/1995/R348

Modernism and the contextualization of Islamic doctrines: the reform of Indonesian Islam proposed by Nurcholish Madjid. See Fathimah, Siti AS42/M3/1999/F384

The modernization of the pesantren’s educational system to meet the needs of Indonesian communities. See Suprayetno, Wagiman AS42/M3/1997/W345

A modern reformist movement among the Sunni ‘ulamā’ in East Africa. See Salim, Swalha AS42/M3/1986/S165


Moenawar Chalil’s reformist thought. See Hamim, Thoha AS42/M3/1996/H363

Mohamad Roem’s political activities and Islamic political vision (1908–1983). See Juhannis, Hamdan AS42/M3/1999/J843

The Moroccan monarchy and the nationalist movement, 1930–1965. See Benbaruk, Leon MBam3/.B456m

“Mother and I, we are Muslim Women”: Islam and postcolonialism in Mariama Ndoye’s Comme le bon pain and Ken Bugul’s Cendres et braises. See Traoré, Fatoumata Diahara AS42/M3/2006/T736

Muḥammad ‘Abduh and al-Waqā’i‘ al-Miṣrīyah. See Ṣāwī, Aḥmad ḥusayn MBb75/.S27

Muḥammad ‘Abduh and the reformation of Islamic Law. See Taizir, Aswita AS42/M3/1994/T35

98 Muḥammad ‘Alī and the Khilāfat movement. See Watson, William John MG1/.W343

Muḥammad Ibn Idrīs al-Shāfi‘ī and his role in the development of Islamic legal theory. See Hakim, Ahmad AS42/M3/1992/H353

The Muḥammadijah movement: a biographical introduction. See ‘Alī, ‘Abdul Mu‘ṭī AB/.A39085

The Muḥammadiyah movement in twentieth-century Indonesia: a socio-religious study. See Jainuri, Achmad AS42/M3/1992/J356

Muḥammad’s call revisited: a critical approach to Muslim tradition. See Park, Hyondo AS42/M3/1996/P3745

Mullā Ṣadrā and the problem of freedom and determination: a critical study of Risālah fī’l-Qaḍā’ wa’l-Qadar. See Ede, David C6/.M958q/.Z/.E22m


Musaylimah: an anthropological appraisal. See Eickelman, Dale F. C905/.E34m

Muslim-Christian relations during the reign of the Mamlūk Sultan al-Malik al-Manṣūr Qalā’ūn (678/1279 – 689/1290). See Northrup, Linda C93/.N877m

Muslim family life in the Middle East as depicted by Victorian women residents. See Murphy, Lynne AS42/M3/1986/M95

Muslim responses to Christianity in modern Indonesia. See Ropi, Ismatu AS42/M3/1999/R675

Muslim women in Indonesia’s politics. See Rifai, Nurlena AS42/M3/1993/R546

Muslims, national security and the state in Uzbekistan. See Fugère, Charles AS42/M3/2006/F844

100 Mustafa Kemal and Sukarno. See Anshori, Ibnu AS42/M3/1994/A574

The mystical element in Mikha’il Nu‘aymah’s literary works and its affinity to Islamic mysticism. See Yuningsih, Yeni Ratna AS42/M3/1999/Y865

The mystical thought of Muḥammad Nafīs al-Banjārī. See Muthalib, Abdul AS42/M3/1995/M884

The Nahḍatul-‘Ulamā’ Party (1952–1955): an enquiry into the origin of its electoral success. See Naim, Mochtar MJa4/.N157n

La naissance du mythe nationaliste dans les principautés roumaines pendant la domination ottomane, comme décrit dans la Troisième Lettre de Mihai Eminescu : l’importance de l’église orthodoxe et le refus de l’Islâm. See Radulescu, Miruna Catalina AS42/M3/2002/R342

Naṣīr al-Dīn ṭūsī: his supposed political role in the Mongol invasion of Baghdād. See Ḥā’irī, ‘Abdul Hādī C946/.H153n


Nationalism, archaeology and ideology in Iraq from 1921 to the present. See Haider, Hind A. AS42/M3/2001/H354

Nineteenth-century expressions of economic nationalism in Egypt. See EzzelArab, ‘AbdelAziz AS42/M3/2000/I99

Niẓām al-Mulk: an analytical study of his career and contribution to the development of political and religious institutions under the Great Saljuqs. See Naqib, M.H. C944/.N7382z/.N217n

The Nizārī Ismā‘īlīs of Pakistan: Ismā‘īlism, Islam and Westernism viewed through the Firmāns, 1936–1980. See Rattansi, Diamond AS42/M3/1982/R18

The Nizārī Ismā‘īlī tradition in Hind and Sind. See Nanji, Azim C822/.N182nt

A novel reading: literature and pedagogy in modern Middle East history courses in Canada and the United States. See Leeke, Jane AS42/M3/2006/L445


The office of Qāḍī al-Quḍāt in Cairo under the Baḥrī Mamlūks. See Escovitz, J. AS42/M3/1978/E74

On the Common Link Theory. See Al Homoudi, Fahad AS42/M3/2006/

One of the last Ottoman şeyhülislâms, Mustafa Sabri Effendi (1869-1954): his life, works and intellectual contributions. See Karabela, Mehmet Kadri AS42/M3/2003/K372

An ontological inquiry in early Qur’ān commentaries. See Meral, Arzu AS42/M3/2005/M472

The origin and development of the mosque in pre-colonial West Africa. See Mala, Samuel Babs C6/.M2360

The origin of Islam as interpreted by W. Montgomery Watt and A. Kenneth Cragg: an analysis and evaluation. See D’Souza, A. C1/.D811o


The origin of Shī‘ī Uṣūl al-Fiqh and its systematization up to the 5th century A.H. See Aḥmad, M. Aftab-u-Dīn C821/.A28399o

The Ottoman-Egyptian conflict, 1831–1841: its origin and evolution. See Mishane, M. MBb3/.M6780

Pakistan: pre-partition theories on her political form, a study of the pre-partition ideas of Muslim nationalist leaders concerning the Islamic basis of Pakistan’s policy. See Ḥanafī, La’īq MH3/.H233p

Parcours de la mémoire: l’Islam et ses traces dans l’imaginaire d’Abdel Wahab Meddeb. See Kazi, Ania AS42/M3/1994/K395

The Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. See Hakim, Sudarnoto ‘Abdul AS42/M3/1993/H35

The party as a mass political organization in Egypt, 1952–1967. See Dusūqī, ‘Alī al-Dīn Hilāl MBb3/.D974p

104 The path of Subud: a study of 20th–century Javanese mysticism founded by Muḥammad Subud Sumohadiwidjoja. See Kafrawi, Drs. M15s/.K11p

Perceptions of Islam in Canadian English print media. See Gowlett, Gerald Darren AS42/M3/1995/G695

The Persatuan Islam (Islamic Union). See Federspiel, Howard M. MJa1/.F293p

Persatuan Ulama Seluruh Aceh (PUSA). See Latif, Hamdiah A. AS42/M3/1993/L382

“Le Personnalisme Musulman” d’après les essais de Muḥammad ‘Azīz Laḥbābī, 1922. See Karam, Jean MBam1/.K1845p

Philosophical and mystical dimensions in the thought and writings of Mîr Findiriskî with special reference to his Qaṣîdah Ḥikmîyah. See Namazi Esfahani, Mahmoud AS42/M3/2004/N363

105 The place of reason in ‘Abduh’s theology: its impact on his theological system and views. See Nasution, Harun MBb1/.N269p

The political and military career of Mu’nis al-Muẓaffar at the ‘Abbāsī court (296–321 / 908–933). See Naqib, M.H. C942/.N217p

The political thought of al-Ṭahṭāwī. See Ziyadah, Jean MBb3/.T128z/.Z827p

The Pondok-Pesantren: an account of its development in independent Indonesia (1965–73). See Dasuki, ‘Abdul Hafizh MJa2/.D231p

Pre-Islamic Turkish elements in the art of the Seljuqid period (1040–1194). See Pocock, V.A. AS42/M3/2000/P635

The principles of Ibn Taymiyya’s Qur’ānic interpretation. See Syafruddin, Didin AS42/M3/1994/S93


The problem of evil in Islamic theology. See Saleh, Fauzan AS42/M3/1992/S264

The problem of knowledge in Nāṣir-i Khusraw: an Ismā‘īlī thinker of the 5th/11th century. See Kassam, Zainool AS42/M3/1985/K15

Prophecy of women in the Holy Qur'ān with a special focus on Ibn Ḥazm's theory. See Ibrahim, Mohammed Zakyi AS42/M3/2002/I239

Prophethood from the perspective of the Qur’ān. See Fiegenbaum, J.W. C2E/.F452p

Qāsimī piracy and the general treaty of peace (1820). See Dubuisson, P. MBct3/.D821q

The question of foreign influence on early Islamic law. See Syukur, Iskandar AS42/M3/1995/S98

The question of the Islamic city. See

107 Goddard, Cedrik Christopher AS42/M3/2000/G635

The Qur’ān commentary of Sayyid ‘Alī Muḥammad Shīrāzī, the Bab. See Lawson, Benjamin T. AS42/M3/1987/L387

The Qur’ānic asbāb al-nuzūl material: an analysis of its use and development in exegesis. See Rippin, Andrew C2E/.R5939

The Qur’ānic concept of covenant. See Biazar, Karim C2E/.B579q

The Qur’ānic doctrine of Zakāh. See Taylor, John Bernard C2E/.T243q

The Qur’ān: Ṭabarsī’s commentary, his approach to theological issues. See ‘Abdul, Musa Ọladipupo C2E/.A13933q

Rānīrī and the Wujūdiyyah of 17th–century Acheh. See ‘Attas, Sayyed Muḥammad Naguib C7/.A8839r

108 Reason and finality in Ibn Zakarīyā al-Rāzī’s philosophical works. See Shaker, Asaad AS42/M3/1991/S535

Re-examining the role of Islam and South Asian culture in the public discourse of forced marriage in the UK. See Hosain, Sheema AS42/M3/2006/H676

A reference manual for Qur’ānic studies. See ‘Alī, Muzaffar AS42/M3/1961/A38

The reforms of the Islamic legal system by the French in Morocco between 1912 and 1925. See Audet, Eric AS42/M3/1991/A9394

The reign of the caliph al-Wāthiq (842–847 A.D.) according to al-Ṭabarī’s history: an annotated translation. See Rashid, Zāmil Muḥammad C942/.T1123t/.E

The relationship of poetry and ideology in Turkey: the influence of Ziya Gökalp on the poetry of the Bes Hececiler. See Murray, Mary Catherine

109 AS42/M3/1983/M96

The relationship of the Amīr al-Ḥakam I with the Mālikī Fuqahā’ in al-Andalus. See Anderson, Margaret E. C912/.A548r

Religion and nationalism in Iran, 1951–1953. See Derayeh, Minoo AS42/M3/1996/D473

Religion and philosophy in the thought of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī: the problem of God’s existence. See Sharqāwī, ‘Effat Muḥammad C6/.S5321r

Religion and politics in Muslim India (1857–1947): a study of the political ideas of Indian nationalist ‘ulamā’ with special reference to Mawlānā ‘Abdul Kalām Āzād, the famous Indian nationalist Muslim. See Mushīru-l-Ḥaqq MG3/.M987r

Religion and revolution in Egypt. See Munro, Marc Andrew AS42/M3/1998/M868

Religion and society in Arab Sind. See MacLean, Derryl AS42/M3/1985/M222

110 Religion and the state in Ibn Khaldūn’s Muqaddimah. See Esteban, Damian AS42/M3/2004/E884

The religious policy of al-Mutawakkil ‘alā Allāh al-‘Abbāsī (232–247 / 847–861). See Tikriti, Bahjat Kamil C942/.T568r

Religious tensions in the Sind at the time of the Arab conquest. See MacLean, Derryl C97/.M163r

The religious thought of Ahmad Kasravi Tabrizi. See Doustdar Haghighi, Mohammad AS42/M3/1998/D687

The religious thought of Moulvi Chirāgh ‘Alī. See Wahidur-Rahman, A. N. M. AS42/M3/1982/W12

The religious thought of Shāh Ismā‘īl Dihlawī. See Khan, Abdullah AS42/M3/1984/K522

Re-reading al-Ghazali.

111 See Mitha, Farouk AS42/M3/1993/M573

The representation of Muslim women in American print media: a case study of The New York Times, September 11, 2000-September 11, 2002. See McCafferty, Heather AS42/M3/2006/M396

The response of the ‘ulamā’ Dayah to the modernization of Islamic Law in Aceh. See Amiruddin, M. Hasbi AS42/M3/1994/A474

The responses of the local elite and the peasants of Ottoman-Palestine to state centralization and economic changes, 1856–1908. See Halabi, ‘Awad Eddie AS42/M3/1994/H353

Revelation and reason in the thought of Ṭabāṭabā’ī. See Sajedi Bidgoli, Aboul Fazl AS42/M3/1995/S252

Revolutionary images of Abraham in Islam and Christianity: ‘Ali Shari‘ati and liberation theology. See Darwish, Linda AS42/M3/1999/D375


The rise of the Masjumi Party in Indonesia and the role of the ‘Ulamā’ in its early development (1945–52). See Asyari, M. MJa3/.A86k

Le rôle d’Abraham dans le Coran et l’Islam: une religion universelle. See Malka, Jacques C2F/.M2518r

The role of al-‘Aql in early Islamic wisdom with reference to Imam Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq. See Crow, Douglas Sloan AS42/M3/1996/C769

The role of ḥadīth in ikhtilāf among Muslim jurists. See ‘Abdulkader, Musaed Salem AS42/M3/1983/A136

The role of Muslim groups in contemporary Indonesian nationalism: a study of the Nahdatul Ulama under the new order, 1980s–1990s. See Asy‘ari, Su‘aidi AS42/M3/1999/A893

The role of Raḥmah bin Jābir bin ‘Adhbī in the history of eastern Arabia (1783–1826). See Misbahuddin, Khaja AS42/M3/1984/M68

113 The role of religion in Iraqi nationalism, 1918–1932. See Lockwood-Drummond, V.O. (Violet Olga) AS42/M3/1997/L637

The role of religious symbols in the Iranian revolution of 1979. See Fajri, Nurul AS42/M3/1993/F352

The role of Shī‘ism and Shī‘īs in the downfall of the Umawīs. See Mansurnoor, Iik A. AS42/M3/1983/M313

The role of the city of brass: an introductory study. See Barry, Mike AS42/M3/1984/B27

The role of the ‘Ulamā’ during the French rule of Egypt, 1798–1801. See Burke, Jeffrey Charles AS42/M3/1992/B873

The role of the ‘Ulamā’ during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia (1942–45). See Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman MJa3/.S555r

The role of witnesses in the procedural law of Ḥudūd. See Jonas, Nina

114 AS42/M3/1988/J65

Royal women and politics in Safavid Iran. See Birjandifar, Nazak AS42/M3/2006/B547

Said Halim Pasha: an Ottoman statesman and an Islamist thinker (1865–1921). See Seyhun, Ahmet

Saint Paul, the Ismāʻīlīs, and the end of the world: new visions of the religious law. See Velji, Jamel A. AS42/M3/2005/V455

Santri and Abangan in Java. See Zaini, Muchtarom MJa1/.Z21s

The Sarekat Islam movement: its contribution to Indonesian nationalism. See Jaylani, Timur MJa4/.J421

Sayyid Aḥmad: a study of the religious reform movement of Sayyid Aḥmad of Rā’ē Barelī. See Hidāyat Ullah, M. MG1/.H632s

115 Sayyid Aḥmad Khān and the ‘Ulamā’: a study in socio-political context. See ‘Azizalam, Shaista AS42/M3/1992/A95

Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī. See Agha Tehrani, Morteza AS42/M3/1996/A343

Sayyid al-Hussaynī Gīsūdirāz: on Sufism. See Hussayni, S.S.K. C7/.G535z/.H96917s

Sayyid Ḥasan Mudarris (1870–1938). See Jahanbakhsh, Forough AS42/M3/1990/J345

Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī: his role in the nineteenth-century Muslim awakening. See Mujāhid, Sharīf M3/.M95

Secondary intelligibles: an analytical and comparative study on first and second intentions in Islamic and Western philosophy. See Fanaei Nematsara, M. AS42/M3/1995/F363


The Second Vatican Council and Islam: change in the Catholic attitude. See Pallathupurayidam, J. B1CC/.P164s

The security of women in the Ottoman Empire. See Sancar, Selin H. AS42/M3/1999/S266

Sensory and imaginal perception according to Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī (Mullā Ṣadrā). See Zarean, Mohammad Javad AS42/M3/1995/Z374

Seyhūlislam and the Tanzimat. See Salch, Karon Dianne MC3/.S1619s

The Shadhiliyya in Tunis. See McGregor, Richard J.A. AS42/M3/1994/M395

Shāh Walī Allāh’s attempt to reconcile the schools of Fiqh. See Muḥammad, Mi‘rāj C5/.M9522s

The Shajarat al-Kawn attributed to Ibn ‘Arabī: an analytical study. See

117 ‘Alibhai, Shams AS42/M3/1991/A4533

Shāṭibī’s philosophy of Islamic Law. See Mas‘ūd, Muḥammad Khālid C5M/.S5331/Z/m

Shaykh Aḥmad al-Surkatī: his role in the al-Irshād Movement in Java in the early 20th century. See Affandi, B. MJa1/.S961z/.A256s

Shaykh Aḥmad Sirhindī: an outline of his thought and a study of his image in the eyes of posterity. See Friedmann, Yohanan C7/.F911s

The Shī‘ī Matawila of Lebanon: a study of their political development in historical perspective. See Nucho, Emile Na‘mi MBeL3/.N968s

The Shīʽī passion: Taʽzīyeh, tragedy and the sublime. See Empey, Heather AS42/M3/2004/E474

Shī‘ī renaissance. See Oraibi, ‘Ali MS42/M3/1993/O73


Shī‘ism and Constitutionalism: a study of the life and views of Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥusayn Nā’īnī, a Shī‘ī mujtahid of Iran. See Ḥā’irī, ‘Abdul Hādī MD3/.H153s

The Sira of the Prophet Muḥammad in the repertoire of the contemporary Egyptian Maddāḥīn. See ‘Abdel-Malek, Kamal AS42/M3/1992/A24

Slavery and the concept of man in the Qur’ān. See Odoom, Kobina Osan C2E/.O26s

The slogan “Back to the Qur’ān and the Sunna”: a comparative study of the responses of Ḥasan Ḥanafī, Muḥammad ‘Ābid al-Jābirī and Nurcholish Madjid. See Wahyudi, Yudian

Social change in Egypt as reflected in Najīb Maḥfūẓ’s novels of 1945–50. See Tahir, Aḥmad MBb7/.M2149z/.Z:t

The social writings of Shaykh ‘Uthmān b. Fūdī: a critical and analytical study. See Tahir, Aḥmad AS42/M3/1989/T344


Sociology of popular drama in medieval Egypt: Ibn Daniyai and his shadow plays. See Buturovic, Amila AS42/M3/1994/B888

Socio-political background of the enactment of Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia. See Mawardi, Ahmad Imam AS42/M3/1998/M393

The Sokoto Constitution: a synthesis of Islamic constitutional theory and local political practices. See Ahmed, Gutbi AS42/M3/1984/A286

Sokoto-Emirate relations, 1804–1903: an analysis. See Hann, Nicholas M. MLnr3/.H243s

Some aspects of Islam in modern Iran, with special reference to the works of Sangalajī and Rāshid. See Haydari, ‘Amir Abbas MD1/.H41

Some aspects of the meaning of Abraham in the life and works of Louis Massignon. See Landrian, Simone


Some considerations on the freedom-determinism controversy in classical Islamic theology. See Ede, David C6/.E22s

Some Qur’ānic legal texts in the context of Fazlur Rahman’s hermeneutical method. See Rasyid, Amhar AS42/M3/1994/R379

The soul-body problem. See Shameli, Abbas AS42/M3/1995/S536

Soviet anti-religious policies and Muslims of Central Asia, 1917–1938. See Rofi‘i, Imam AS42/M3/1994/R643

The “Sphere of Walāyah”: Ismāʽīlī Ta’wīl in practice according to al-Mu’ayyad. See Alexandrin, Elizabeth R. AS42/M3/2006/

The spread of Islām in Bengal in the pre-Mughal period (1204–1538 A.D.): context and trends. See Milot, Jean-René C97/.M661s


The spread of the Satpanth Ismā‘īlī Da‘wa in India (to the fifteenth century). See Nanji, Azim C8227/.N182s

The state, the community and the individual: local custom and the construction of orthodoxy in the Sijils of Ottoman-Cairo, 1559-1646. See Meshal, Reem A. AS42/M3/2007

The status and rights of religious minorities in contemporary Islamists’ discourse. See Haji, Suhaila AS42/M3/2003/S843

Stoning and hand-amputation: the pre-Islamic origins of the ḥadd penalties for zinā and sariqa. See Young, Walter AS42/M3/2006/Y688

Struggle against soul. See Haghani Khaveh, Aboulhassan AS42/M3/1995/H345

The struggle for authority in the nineteenth-century Shī‘ite community: the emergence of the institution of Marja‘-i Taqlīd. See Kazemi-Moussavi, Ahmad AS42/M3/1992/K394


A study of ‘Aisyiyah: an Indonesian women’s organization (1917–1998). See Ro’fah AS42/M3/2000/R643

A study of al-Durar al-Kāmina as a source for the history of the Mamlūk empire. See Escovitz, J. C938/.I13333du/.Z/.E74s

A study of Āl-Khalīfah’s rule in Bahrain, 1783–1820. See Bashir, Sani MBcb3/.B299s

A study of al-Quds (Jerusalem) during the late fourteenth century based primarily on the ḥaram estate inventories and related documents. See Lutfi, Huda A. AS42/M3/1983/L974

A study of al-Risālah al-Bāhirah. See Hirji, Boustan AS42/M3/1995/H575

A study of Bint al-Shāṭi’’s exegesis. See Amīn Muḥammad AS42/M3/1992/A495


A study of Egyptian rule in Eastern Arabia (1814–1841). See Ameen, Mohammed AS42/M3/1981/A498

A study of Qaṭarī-British relations, 1914–1945. See Al ‘Abdulla, Y.I. AS42/M3/1982/A316

A study of sainthood in medieval Islamic Egypt: Muḥammad and ‘Alī Wafā’. See McGregor, Richard J.A. AS42/M3/2001/M398

A study of Su‘ūdī [sic] relations with Eastern Arabia and ‘Umān (1800–1871). See Rashid, Zāmil Muḥammad AS42/M3/1980/R18

A study of the Companions of the Prophet: geographical distribution and political alignments. See Jabali, Fu’ad AS42/M3/1999/J334

A study of the Qur’ānic prophet ‘Īsā ibn Maryam. See Anderson, Mark R.L. AS42/M3/1989/A64

124 A study of the vernacular poetry of Egypt’s Ahmed Fu’ād Nigm. See ‘Abdel-Malek, Kamal AS42/M3/1986/A135

A study on pre-Islamic survivals in a Turkish-Islamic text: the Vilayâyet Nâme. See Karamustafa, Ahmet C821b/.K1855s

Submission and subversion: patriarchy and women’s resistance in twentieth-century Egypt. See Hassan, Salah Dean A. AS42/M3/1989/H378

Substantive motion according to Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī. See Mesbah Moosavi, S.M. Kazem AS42/M3/1994/M483

Sufism and nineteenth-century Jihād movements in West Africa: a case study of al-Ḥājj ‘Umar al-Fūtī’s philosophy of Jihād and its Ṣūfī bases. See Jah, Omar MLw3/.J25s

Sufism in Indonesia. See Mulyati, Sri AS42/M3/1993/M838


Sufis, Sufi ṭuruq and the question of conversion to Islam in India: an assessment. See Massoud, Sami AS42/M3/1997/M385

[Suhrawardī al-Maqtūl] An analytical study of the Persian Treatise on Gnosis of God (Yazdān-Shinākht). See Nazemi, Reza C7/.S9485y/.E

Suhrawardī (d. 1191) and his interpretation of Avicenna’s (d. 1037) philosophical anthropology. See Marcotte, Roxanne D. AS42/M3/2000/M3746

Syed Mahmood and the transformation of Muslim law in British India. See Guenther, Alan. M. AS42/M3/2005/G847

Ṭāhā Ḥusayn: a study of his books with historical content on Islam. See Mohammed, Baba Gidado AS42/M3/1987/M647

Taleghani (Ṭāliqānī): his life-long struggle during the Pahlavi regime, his interpretation of jihād in Islām, and his leading role in the 1979 revolution of Iran. See Naraghi, Aktar AS42/M3/1984/N16


The Ta‘ziyah: a popular expression of Shī‘ī thought. See Fiegenbaum, J.W. MD7/.F452t

The teaching of Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq with reference to his place in early Shī‘ism. See Crow, Douglas Sloan C82/.C953t

Technical language and experience in the mystical philosophy of Ṣadr al-Dīn Qunavī. See Shaker, Asaad AS42/M3/1997/S535

Temporary marriage “mut‘a”. See Ahmad, Riadh AS42/M3/1995/A3388

Texts, translators, transmissions: “Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān”. See Hasanali, Parveen AS42/M3/1995/H383

A textual and analytic study of the tafsīr of Sahl al-Tustarī. See Böwering, Gerhard C2E/.T965t/.Z/.B786t

Theodicy and the death of God in Awlad ḥaratina, by Najīb Maḥfūẓ.

127 See Hannah, Kathy AS42/M3/1995/H366

The theory of Istiḥsān (Juristic Preference) in Islamic Law. See Yūsuf, Riḍwān Arẹmu AS42/M3/1992/Y876

The theory of motion in Ibn Bājjah’s philosophy. See Ziyadah, Ma‘an C6/.I13192s/Z

The theory of the unity of God in al-Juwaynī’s al-Irshād. See Ajhar, ‘Abdel Hakim AS42/M3/1995/A4314

Three historians of the Delhi Sultanate. See Kidwai, Saleem C973/.K46t

Three Western scholars and Islamic tradition: opinion on its early development. See Librande, Leonard C4/.L697t

The Tijāniyya order in Tamale, Ghana: its foundation, organization and rule.

128 See Saani Ibrahim, Mohammad AS42/M3/2002/I239

Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. See Mokhtari, Ali AS42/M3/2005/M654

Trade, diplomacy and state formation in the early modern Mediterranean: Fakhr al-Dīn II, the sublime porte and the court of Tuscany. See Olsaretti, Alessandro AS42/M3/2006/

The transformation of Syrian Arab nationalism, 1908–1920. See Thomas, David S. MBe3/.T455t

A translation and descriptive analysis of the chapter on theology in the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldūn. See Nettler, Ronald L. C6/.I13478m

Trends in the interpretation of Islamic Law as reflected in the Fatāwā literature of the Deoband school. See Mas‘ūd, Muḥammad Khālid MG1/.M4245t


The trend towards secularism in Turkey as exemplified by its educational development. See Edmonds, William A. MC2/.E24

Tribalism, nationalism and Islam. See ‘Abdullahi, ‘Abdurahman AS42/M3/1993/A3256

Ṭûbâ: an African eschatology in Islam. See Ross, Eric AS42/M3/1996/R684

Al-Ṭūfī’s concept of Maṣlaḥah: a study in Islamic legal theory. See Lubis, Nazly Hanum AS42/M3/1996/L836

Tunisia and the Arab League (1956–66). See Brown, Stuart E. MBat3/.B879t

La Tunisie au seuil de la modernité. See Errais, Sophie AS42/M3/1993/E77

Turkish language reform: a step in the modernization of Islam in Turkey. See

130 Korterpeter, Carl Max MC7/.K85

The Turkish transformation of Celal Bayar. See Özoral, Başak AS42/M3/2005/O967

Types and uses of argument in anti-Ismā‘īlī polemics. See Merchant, Alnoor Jehangir AS42/M3/1992/M473

‘Ulamā’, villagers and change: Islam in central Madura. See Mansurnoor, Iik A. AS42/M3/1987/M27

The use of Islam as propaganda in the Iran-Iraq war. See Lemon, Michèle AS42/M3/1986/L545

Vāhidī’s Menāḳib-i ḥvoca-i Cihān ve Netīce-i Cān: critical edition and historical analysis. See Karamustafa, Ahmet AS42/M3/1987/K373

The voice of truth: life and works of Sayyid Nūr Muḥammad Shāh, a 15th/16th–century Ismā‘īlī mystic. See Virani, Shafique AS42/M3/1995/V573


War diplomacy and the Turkish Republic: a study in neutrality, 1939–45. See Romeril, P.E.A. MC3/.R763w

Water use and ownership according to the texts of Ḥanbalī Fiqh. See Norvelle, Michael C5H/.N891w

“Westoxication” and “intellectualism”. See Moulavi Pour, Hussain AS42/M3/1993/M688

When coins turned into drops of dew and bankers became robbers of shadows: the boundaries of Ottoman economic imagination at the end of the sixteenth century. See Kafadar, Cemal AS42/M3/1987/K33

Wilfred Cantwell Smith’s conceptions of truth. See Shawver, David J. AS42/M3/1974/S5x

Wilfred Cantwell Smith’s contribution to the study of Islam. See Rokhsefat, Seyed Mostafa AS42/M3/1994/R654

132 The world-view of al-Jāḥiẓ in Kitāb al-Ḥayawān. See Manṣūr, Sa‘īd Ḥusayn C13/.M289w

The Yeniçeri-Esnaf relations: solidarity and conflict. See Kafadar, Cemal C95/.K11y

You are what you speak: the secret language of an Iraqi girl. See Askren, Hana AS42/M3/2006/

The “Young Tunisia” Movement. See Brown, Stuart E. MBat3/.B879y

Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī and the “Islamic Awakening” of the late 20th century. See Wardeh, Nadia AS42/M3/2001/W375

Zahāwī’s innovations as a thinker and poet. See Qaysi, ‘Abdul-Wahhāb ‘Abbās MB7/.Q38