Lista dei (nicknames)

 Belgio - Driekleur, Tricolore o Flanders: De Vlaamse Leeuw o Wallonia: Le Coq Hardi  Brasile: auriverde  Canada: o Maple Leaf o Unifolié (French) o Quebec: Fleurdelysé  Cina: Five Stars Red Flag o Older Chinese flag nicknames o pre-1912: Dragon Flag o National Flag 1912-1928: Five Coloured Flag o Army Flag 1912-1928: 18 Stars Flag o Tibet: Snow Mountain and Lions Flag  : tricolor o Colombian subdivisions o Cartagena: cuadrilonga o : cuadrilonga  Croazia: Trobojnica (tricolor), Crven-Bijeli-Plavi (red white blue), Barjak (flag); the chequy shield: S'ahovnica (chessboard)  Cuba: La Estrella Solitaria (the lonely star)  Danimarca: Dannebrog  Finlandia: Siniristilippu (flag with a blue cross)  Francia: Tricolore o Bretagne: Gwenn Ha Du (white and black)  Faroer Islands Merkið  Germania: Schwarz-Rot-  Giappone: Hinomaru (sun disc flag) o : Rising Sun Flag  Olanda: Princenvlag, Oranje-Blanje-Bleu (orange white blue) o States-General flag of the Republic of United Netherlands: Statenvlag, Generaliteitsvlag  Frisia del nord: Göljn-Rüuuml; Gold (black red gold) o Bavaria: Rautenflagge (Lozenges flag) o Bremen: Speckflagge o Third Reich: Hakenreuzflagge (swastika flag) o Weimar Republic: Schwarz-Rot-Mostrich (Black-Red-Mustard [derogatory nickname used by anti-democratic groups])  Germania dell’est - Spalterflagge (derogatory term)  Grecia: Galanolefki (the blue-and-white)

 Guyana: Golden Arrow  Indonesia: Sang Saka (Lofty Bicolor, off.), Merah Putih (red white)  Italia: Tricolore (tricolor)  Norwegia o Sweden and Norway (1844): Herring Salad (union of the flag)  Polonia: bialo-czerwona (white-red)  Pirati: Jolly Roger  Portogallo: Verde E Rubra, Verde-Rubra (green and red)  Porto Rico: La Monoestrellada (The Single Star Flag)  Russia: Andreevsky (St. Andrew's, Russian naval flag) Андреевский  South Africa o Transvaal: Vierkleur (four colors) o Voortrekkers: Kruisvlag ( flag) o 1928 flag: Oranje-Blanje-Blou  Sud Corea: Tae-Gheuk-Ghi (Tae= great, Gheuk = extreme, Ghi=flag)  Spagna: Rojigualda (red-golden) o Catalonia: Senyera (banner), Les Quatres Barres (the four bars) o Basque country: Ikurriña (Basque flag)  St. Vincente e Grenadine: The Gems  Svizzera: Federal Cross  Taiwan: Blue Sky, White Sun, All Field Red  Tailandia: Trairanga (tricolor)  Turchia: Ayyildiz (moon star) o al sancak (red banner)  United Kingdom: Union Jack o British Merchant Navy: Red Duster o British Royal Navy: White Duster o Wales: Ddraig Goch (red dragon)  USA: Old Glory, Stars and Stripes, Betsy Ross o California: Bear Flag o Confederate: Stainless Banner, Stars and Bars, Southern Cross, Flag of the South o Texas: Lone Star . 1836-1839: Bonnie Blue Flag o First US flag with Union Jack in : Continental Colors, Grand Union