I would like to help ABM support the following projects:

Good Friday Gift - Holy Land Institute for the Deaf Easter Gift - Coming of the Light – Mission and Ministry in the Torres Strait

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Donate online at www.abmission.org/Good-Friday-Easter-21 Please accept my donation of: $20 $50 $100 $500 Coming of the Light $1,000 $2,500 My gift of $ I enclose my cheque/money order made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia OR please debit my:  Visa MasterCard Amex Card No.

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During the worst of the COVID-19 epidemic, to Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is marked the school, like all schools in Jordan, was forced as a public holiday within the region and there to close. However, the teachers had prepared is much joy around its anniversary. It is also an stimulating distance learning modules for their important anniversary for the national Anglican students, and the school was able to provide . laptops for those who could not afford them at The Coming of the Light invites us to reflect on home. This allowed the students and teachers our national history, on the good and the bad. to stay in contact and enabled vital learning to It invites us to celebrate mission and ministry, continue. particularly within the Torres Strait, and it Good Friday Gift With your help, children’s lives can be turned invites us to listen to the church in the Torres Holy Land Institute for the Deaf around. Your donation can enable more children Strait, which is made up of vibrant communities currently facing such multiple disadvantages of hope. Would you like to make a gift of education to receive a free, quality education. They will to children who have hearing and vision In late 2020 members of the Melanesian learn new skills, mix with other children, be Brotherhood began a new household in the impairments, and who also come from low- able to participate more fully in their family and income families? Torres Strait. The community life, and go on to join their peers is the world’s largest Anglican Your gift this Good Friday to the Holy Land in contributing to their communities upon and is headquartered in the . Institute for the Deaf will help children with graduation. The Brothers live and minister at the Cathedral sensory disabilities, especially those from poor Please consider giving generously this Good on Thursday Island, nurturing community and and unemployed families, to receive scholarships Friday. Give the gift of hope. supporting and lay ministers across which provide access to quality education. The the islands of the Torres Strait. They will also scholarships also enable the children to access conduct outreach visits to Yarrabah and the vocational training so that they may live full and communities of the Cape York Peninsula. productive lives. The Anglican Church of Australia faces many The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and the challenges, and in the words of the Rev’d Canon Middle East, which owns and operates the Victor Joseph, it is time for the church to be Institute, seeks funds to provide scholarships so “missioned to” by Aboriginal and Torres Strait that more children from poor families can access Islander Christian leaders. The church in the these enriched and tailored education programs. Torres Strait has much to teach the church The Holy Land Institute for the Deaf is located around Australia, much salt and light to bear. in the city of Salt, in the north of Jordan. It The Coming of the Light is not simply an historic serves the needs of children with hearing event, it is an invitation for all of us to be impairment, and those who are both hearing and Easter Gift changed by the work of God in the Torres Strait. vision impaired. It provides holistically for the Coming of the Light – Mission and ABM invites you to celebrate and support the education and medical needs of 120 children. Ministry in the Torres Strait vibrant ministry and mission of the Torres Strait This is vital work in a part of the world where 2021 marks the 150th anniversary of the Islander Anglican Church. Funds donated to this money is scarce, and children with disabilities are Coming of the Light to the Torres Strait Islands. project will be used to support the establishment often miss out. The London Missionary Society, with Pacific of the Melanesian Brothers’ ministry in the As the economic and political situation in Islander evangelists, landed on the shores of Torres Strait and resource missionaries from the Middle East worsens, exacerbated by the Darnley Island and introduced the Bible to the the Torres Strait and from North Queensland impacts of COVID-19, these children need your people who lived there. This event, the Coming Aboriginal Communities to carry out missions to support more than ever. of the Light, is an integral part of cultural identity schools and parishes in mainland Australia.