26th March 2021 Please forward contributions for Parsnips to Andrea Bridge at
[email protected] Parish Office: 3870 8887 www.anglican-stlucia.org UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS SSuunnddaayyss 77aamm && 99aamm--- wwiiittthh TThhee LLuucciiiaann SSiiinnggeerrss You can watch previously recorded 9am services at anytime via our website www.anglican-stlucia.org/recordings/ Palm Sunday (28th March) - 7am & 9am Blessing of Palms & Eucharist Maundy Thursday (1st April) - 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy Good Friday (2nd April) 8am - Solemn Liturgy and distribution of the Reserved Sacrament. 9.30am – Children’s Stations of the Cross 1.30pm – Good Friday Devotion (Stations of the Cross) – Lucian Singers Easter Day (4th April) 6 am - Dawn service with the lighting of the new fire and the renewal of Baptismal vows. 9 am - Sung Eucharist of Easter with the renewal of Baptismal vows. 1 Attendance at services of worship & church based events MUST be “booked” in advance – by either emailing
[email protected] or phoning 3870 8887. If the office is unattended please leave a message. We require a full name, contact phone number and email address or residential address for contact tracing purposes. A registration confirmation email will be sent out to attendees prior to the service. You must not attend a gathering if you are : 1. Unwell. 2. Have been in close contact with a known active case of COVID-19. 3. Have COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath). 4. Have travelled overseas in the previous 14 days. 5. Have been to a declared COVID-19 hotspot in the previous 14 days.