Ijegisijative Council
No, 17. • MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE I JEGISIJATI VE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 17 AUGUS1', 1910. 1. The House me~ pUl'i;Uant to adjournment. The P resident took the Chair. Mernbe1's p,'esent:- The Honorable Sir Francis Bathurst Suttor, Rt., President. The H onorable James Ashton, The Honorable William Fergus Hurley, The Honorable Reginald J ame.i Black, 'rile Honorable Hem'V Edward Kater. The Honorable Colonel James Burns, The Honorable A l ex ~nder Kethe.l, . The Honorable Nicholas James Buzacott, The Honorable Colonel James Alexa.nder Kenneth The Honorable Sir Joseph Hector Carruthers, Mackay, C.B., K.C.M.G., LL.D., The Honorable Chades Kinnaird Mackella.r, M.B., The Honorable J obn Mildl'ed Creed, M.R.C.S., C.M., The H onorable William Thomas Dick, 'rhe Honorable Sir Henry N ormand MacLauri n, The H Oll Ol'able George F rederick Earp, Kt., M.D., LL.D., The Honorable John Gibson Farleigh, The H onorable H enry Moses, 'rhe Honorable R ober t George Dnndas FitzGerald, Tbe H onorable J ohn Brady Nash, M.D., The Honorable Frederick Flowers, The H onorable Broughton Barnabas Q'Conor, The Honorable Edmund Walcott Fostery, C.M.G., The l I onorable Ch arles Edward P ilcher, K.C., The Honorable James Conley Gannon, K .o., The H onorable Ch arles James Roberts, C.M.G., The Honorable John Garland, R .C., 1'he H onorable William Robson, The Honorable H enry GuUett, 'rhe Honorable Alexander Ross, 'rhe Honorable J oh n Hepher, The Honorable Fergus J ago Smith, The Honorll.ble Louis Francis Heydon, The Honorable John Travers.
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