Bill Harkleroad,Billy James | 128 pages | 09 Jun 2013 | Gonzo Distributions Ltd | 9781908728340 | English | London, United Kingdom – Opher's World

There's over ten years of content here so dig in! Subscribe in a reader. It was great fun and I emphasize the word FUN. His voice is also nearly gone due to an undisclosed long term illness rumoured to be Multiple Sclerosis and so even basic speech is slow and painful judging from the film which dates back to He was the first name on my list of favourite players for a piece I wrote for Diskant in August 02 and I Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience a lot of people who feel the same. For someone whose involvement was so central in a music that has often been talked about and analyzed, it seems to me that the opportunity to talk about his view of the time he spent in has not really presented itself to Bill, even when it Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience should have done so. The BBC documentary The Artist Formerly Known As Captain Beefheart featured many Magic Band members but again Bill was notable only by his lack of involvement and the same could be said for Mark Boston, whereas whose involvement was miniscule in comparison seemed to get a starring role Black played percussion for a brief while in the s after Bill had left the band. As an aside, it seems like the BBC is making a second part to the film as they filmed the reunion shows. When I first started doing a fanzine in about I tried to get an interview with Bill to fill a hole in my own fascination with the Magic Band. I was politely turned down. I tried again in the event of all this Magic Band activity and this time he said yes. I caught up with him via email earlier this year while he was in his studio at home working on music in between teaching guitar and improving his golf handicap. Sorry if it becomes confusing but the actual email was very long and I wanted to put some kind of chronological order on this, hence the dropping in and out of interview mode and the addition of after thoughts on my part. First of all, I wanted to know the reasons for the gaping Zoot shaped hole in the BBC documentary that led me to this interview in the first place. It was strange for me also that Jimmy Carl Black was so prominent, although he did say nice things. This kind of shoulder-shrugging relaxed answer is something Bill seems to specialize in. Take the recent reunion as a prime example. Why else would the current Magic Band reunion be taking place? The idea of a Beefheart-less reunion seems to have some very appealing by-products for those involved. One of the main problems for Magic Band members over the years has been the lack of credit given out for their own roles in writing the songs. A reunion would bring attention to the players and increase their own personal ownership of the music they worked so hard on, so it seemed odd to me that Bill apparently chose not to be involved. I was involved, and it took a lot of time and energy to learn the material and go through Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience business stuff. Rock journalists have offered more complex assessments of the Magic Band and the way the music was made but no one has managed to convey the frustrations and overwhelming bizarreness of the time quite as directly as Bill. Even someone who is unaware of the history of the band can see something huge brewing through Lunar Notes. In the BBC documentary mentioned above, Beefheart delivers this quote from a radio interview. From this it was always my assumption that no one in the Magic Band ever received a percentage share of the publishing writing money from the songs and Bill confirms this. Fahey and Blackwood paid at least the original players. No way to answer that…way too many reasons…but in short: being ripped off, abused, constantly lied to…and on and on. A well adjusted person would have left in ten minutes. Did you know the direction the music was going to go in before you joined? It was over a long period that that record would evolve. It was only after we played live that it became obvious that screaming groupies were out of the question. As far as the direction, we were going to record so I was playing that material which was strong and reasonably accessible. Beefheart was unhappy with the initial Strictly Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience and when Bill joined the intention was to re-record the Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience with new songs included. However, the ended up coming out in its original form, apparently without the bands knowledge. The songs mentioned by Bill above were shelved they later came out as part of Trout Mask. The band moved into the now famous group house in Woodland Hills to write and practice Trout Mask. For months on end. I find it hard to believe you were in that house 24 hours a day rehearsing though at the same time when I listen to that album it seems completely believable. All of us went through extreme depravation and at different individual points wanted and did leave the band. The music suddenly changed direction too. Bill told me a little about the music that made him want to learn to play the guitar. Then very quickly it became the blues players and of course the Beatles etc. Don Vliet had quite a pocket full of creative things he was fond of. In most cases if this occurs then the musicians will over ride the request and pretty much play what they want. Part of the weirdness of Trout Mask can also be attributed Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience the sound of the record. It was Zappa who was in charge of recording the album and originally did so using mobile recording gear in the house in Woodland Hills. Some of the recordings made it onto the album Hair Pie Bake 1 for example where you can hear kids interrupt the recording at the end but Van Vliet wanted to re-record in a proper studio. Bill speculates in his book that Van Vliet may have felt Zappa was shortchanging him and trying to record on the cheap. The peculiar sonic feel comes from the band employing quirks in the studio that came from the house such as covering the cymbals in cardboard to deaden the sound a necessity in Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience house because of complaints from neighbours. I mentioned these things to Bill. The cardboard was on the drums for a while before the studio, Frank stayed pretty much out of the picture a nice thing on his part and as far as the vocals…. One of the strangest and hardest things about playing music is that, personally, I find it really hard to talk about the music I make. Did you play them the music you made and what was their reaction? For me I was much further into Decals because I did so much of the deciphering. I was very close to all the parts on that album. One of the key differences between Lick My Decals Off and its predecessor was the absence of but with no one to replace him on guitar. For the first time, Bill was the lone guitarist in the Magic Band. The parts on Trout Mask seem to be note based and I remember seeing talk about making that record and him assigning parts to each player. Were the later records more of a band effort in this case? A big chunk of was based on guitar things I was playing and then expanded into the tunes by Don. On Decals I was the only guitar except for overdubs. Later as aka Orejon was playing bass Mark Boston aka Rockette Morton played guitar so my parts might have been put into a stronger position. Bill is a mysterious exception. But written music or tablature is at a minimum, probably because of the sheer difficulty of working it out. Ditto for pictures or info from the time showing the gear Bill used to get these amazing sounds. I guess I am excusing myself for asking the next question which is geeky to the extreme. I know you had that cool Fender Telecaster with all the modifications what were they? The Gibson was an ES shown in the larger live photos in this piece; you can see the sound holes are taped up to stop it feeding backbefore that on Decals I used a Gibson ES Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience in the Decals era photo with the band in tuxedos. Acoustic six tens, a custom amp named Godzilla or something. To me this is the weakest part of that time, little Fenders would have been soooo much better. How did you manage that? At least a couple hours a day. Following C lear Spotwhich seems to have been a high point for all concerned, Van Vliet got involved in some complicated business deals which clouded the making of the follow up and seemed to weaken the enthusiasm of everyone Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience by the time the recording Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience came round. Unconditionally Guaranteed proved to be the last album made with members of the Trout Mask era band — except John French who would play a huge part in the first unreleased record and the later . After Unconditionally Guaranteed the band simply walked out on Van Vliet who promptly replaced them with a pick up band dubbed The Tragic Band by many Beefheart fans for an upcoming tour. Bluejeans And Moonbeams followed with a similarly half strength band and Beefheart retreated from music until something of a resurgence in his creativity with the 3 Shiny Beast Bat Chain Puller the bracketed section referring to the previously mentioned first version of this album which remains unreleased except in bootleg formDoc At The Radar Station and in the late 70s through to the early 80s. Bill talks in his book about recording jams and rehearsal ideas throughout the Magic Band. Kaiser had the enviable task of trawling the tapes of these rough ideas in the Warner Brothers vaults on behalf of Van Vliet to look for material for the later Magic Band to use. Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience core of the Magic Band as it was at the time of Unconditonally Guaranteed decided to continue on as a unit and after discovering Van Vliet not only owned the rights to the name The Magic Band but also to their individual pseudonyms Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience decided to regroup under the name Mallard. John French was responsible for a lot of the first Mallard LP according to Bills book though he and St Claire had left before it was recorded. Too bad, but musically I was getting different and need to grow on my own. Being 28 years ago that the Mallard thing happened, my life has been in quite a few directions. I think if I had spent that much time playing those songs I would want to change my style drastically and not really play that way again. Do you feel the same way? I am a very different player but not out of needing to get away from anything. It is just an evolution as a person and player. I guess if I was to be proud of something it would be that after all of this time 41 years of playing I have been in constant motion. I believe I have a voice, certainly not with the players of great facility, but a voice. As far as what to expect…. Bozo was a collection of Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience sonic movies of important people in my life, some of which are gone. People have called it jazz but I would never call it that, I still think of myself as a blues player with A. Attention Deficit Disorder. But mostly modern classical. Not a lot of different stuff, Bartok etc. Yes because of being so close you know the dirty little secrets that bring down your feeling for things you are a part of. Chris lives for the rock and can often be seen stumbling drunkenly Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience and off stages far and wide. Other hobbies include wearing jumpers, arsing about with Photoshop and trying to beat the world record for the number of offensive comments made in any 24 hour period. He has been married twice but his heart really belongs to his . Lunar Notes: Zoot Horn Rollo's Captain Beefheart Experience by Bill Harkleroad

Of course The Magic Band and all the great musicians I was in contact with. The actual highlights all seem to be in hindsight. To be able to play and create as long as possible. A long list of Jazz players and classical composers. Not much really but it is all classical at the moment 8. Plainsong by Kent Haruf 9. Golf and beer The production actually matters more to me after that the ease of use. Things seem to be good for the people that want exposure but getting paid Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience altogether a different matter. Please wake up in the morning. Track List: Got a Buzz On Miniature Mojo Cowboy Coffee Tempoaray Tattoo Solo Below Still Living With Mom Detective Charlo Church of the Mowed Lawn Nice Patina Elvis Beans. All music composed by Zoot Horn Rollo. Biography: Born in Hawthorne, , Harkleroad was trained as an accordionist as a child but switched to guitar in his teens. In nearby Lancaster, California, he became involved in local bands. He joined the Magic Band in after the departure of Alex St. After recording Trout Mask Replica and several further albums, he left inwith several other band members, to form Mallard. His book Lunar Notes describes some of the tensions that contributed to the split between Captain Beefheart and the other band members. After the disbanding of Mallard, he had a limited involvement with the music community as a performer. He continued his involvement in another capacity, however, as a record store manager and guitar instructor in Eugene, Oregon. In John French a. Drumbo released an album City of Refuge in which Harkleroad was featured playing guitar on all twelve tracks. Through the vision of Don Van Vliet Captain Beefheart they created a new form of music, which many at the time considered atonal and difficult, but which over the years has continued to exert a powerful influence. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience. These cookies do not store any personal information and they are stored in your browser, without your consent. You can delete them manually in your browser's settings. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Beefheart re-christened Harkleroad as Zoot Horn Rollo and they embarked on recording one of the classic rock albums of all time — Trout Mask Replica — a work of unequalled daring and inventiveness. Harkleroad reviews the often uncomfortable and difficult workings of the band, giving a unparalleled insight of the way the Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience was put together. At last we find out what it was like to record, play and live with an eccentric genius such as Beefheart. Start typing and press enter to search Search …. We respect your privacy This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please click on "Accept" button if you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish, by clicking on cookie settings. Accept Read More. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We also use third-party cookies, categorized as non-necessary cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Necessary Necessary. Non-necessary Non-necessary. Lunar Notes Zoot Horn Rollo’s Captain Beefheart Experience

Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. He originally played bass, but switched to rhythm guitar after former Little Feat bassist Roy Estrada joined the band. Following the band's demise, Morton continued performing in various groups as guitarist and bassist. Morton released a solo album, Love Spaceinabout which he wrote: "If you enjoy listening to this music even half as much as I enjoyed recording it, I did my job. He was 52 years old at the time and was living in a mobile home, decorated with alien and rocket ship models. In Morton and other former members of the Magic Band regrouped and embarked on a world tour, performing Captain Beefheart's music. They have continued to tour regularly as the Magic Band since then. Listen to this article Thanks for reporting this video! For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Rockette Morton. Our magic isn't perfect You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. The cover is visually disturbing. The cover is not a good choice. Rich Minimal Serif. Justify Text. Note: preferences and Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience are saved separately in https mode. American Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience. This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Further reading. Harkleroad, Bill Interlink Publishing. Retrieved CD Baby. Retrieved 15 October External links. Scott Kolden. Captain Lunar Notes - Zoot Horn Rollos Captain Beefheart Experience. Grow Fins: Rarities — Authority control. Authority control MusicBrainz : 0bde-9bfcc8-aebeae6c. Categories : births Living people People from Salem, Illinois American rock bass guitarists American male bass guitarists The Magic Band members American rock guitarists Rhythm guitarists 20th-century American guitarists. Credit: see original file. Rockette Morton. Suggest as cover photo Would you like to suggest this photo as the cover photo for this article? Yes, this would make a good choice No, never mind. Thank you for helping! Thanks for reporting this video! Oh no, there's been an error Please help us solve this error by emailing us at support wikiwand. Thank you! Rockette Morton on stage at the Zanzibar Club in Liverpool. September 29, Rockalternative rock. Bassguitarkeyboardsbacking vocals. Captain Beefheart Mallard . Articles Scott Kolden. MusicBrainz : 0bde-9bfcc8-aebeae6c.