Copyright © Montgomery Bar Association 2014 8/14/2014 MONTGOMERY COUNTY LAW REPORTER Vol
8/14/2014 MONTGOMERY COUNTY LAW REPORTER Vol. 151, No. 33 SHERIFF’S SALES By virtue of various writs issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pa. to me directed will be sold at public sale on August 27, 2014 at 1:00 o’clock P.M. prevailing time, in Court Room “A”, Court House, Swede and Airy Streets, in the Borough of Norristown, said County, the following described Real Estate. To all parties in interest and claimants: Notice is hereby given the schedules of distribution by the Sheriff on September 24, 2014 and distribution will be made in accordance with the schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. All properties to be sold by RUSSELL J. BONO, SHERIFF. Third and Final Publication 07-07248 ALL THOSE THREE CERTAIN lots or pieces of ground, situate in Lower Providence Township, County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described in accordance with a plan of Collegeville Park (sometimes called “Norristown Park’’) made by James Cresson, Civil Engineers Norristown, Pennsylvania on 10/18/1919 and recorded in the Office for the Recording of Deeds in and for the said County of Montgomery at Norristown, Pennsylvania in Deed Book 810, Page 598, as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Main Street at the distance of two hundred feet measured Northwestwardly along said Southwesterly side of Main Street from its intersection with the Northwesterly side of Caswell Avenue (forty feet wide). CONTAINING in front or breadth on said Southwesterly side of Main Street sixty feet (each lot being twenty feet wide) and extending of that width in length or depth Southwesterly between parallel lines at right angles to said Main Street one hundred twenty-five feet.
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