John Vontas - CURRICULUM VITAE -Professor Agr Pharmacology Agricultural University of Athens -Researcher IMBB-FORTH

Date/Place of Birth: 20 July 1968, Athens Nationality: Greek Marital status: Married, 2 sons Web site/contact details:

Orcid ID: Scopus Author ID: 6603094639 Google Scholar:

EDUCATION . Ph.D. (1993-1997) Insect genetics. Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) . DSPU/Master (1992-93) Mediterranean Agronomic Institute Chania (MAICh, CIHEAM). . B.Sc. (1987-92) Honours in Agronomy. Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2014 – today:  Professor & Director of Agr Pharmacology Lab, Agric. University of Athens  Researcher Molecular Entomology, Institute Molecular Biology & Biote- chnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH-IMBB) 2013 – 2014:  Innovative Vector Control Consortium, Liverpool UK/ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Development of Framework and Criteria for funding “New Paradigms for vector control”

2008 – 2013:  Associate Professor Biotechnology & Applied Biology, Dept Biology, University of Crete, Greece

2004 – 2008:  Lecture Pesticide Science, AUA, Greece 2002 – 2005:  Research Fellow, IMBB-FORTH, Crete, Greece 2001 – 2002:  Research Fellow, LSTM, Liverpool, UK 1998 – 2001:  Research Fellow, Cardiff University, UK 1997 - 1998:  Career interruption: mandatory service within the Greek Srmy Forces

FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS . E.U. Marie Curie Return (2003, IMBB-FORTH, Crete) . E.U. Marie Curie TMR (2000-02, Cardiff University, UK) . NATO postdoctoral fellowship (1999-2000, Cardiff) . State Scholarship's Foundation (IKY) fellowships (undergrad 1988,89,90,91; PhD 1993-1997)

RESEARCH INTEREST Biotechnology based approaches for the control of major human disease vectors and agricultural pests (resistance to chemical , discovery of novel targets).


Scientific Evaluator / counselling committees (panel member) . EUROPEAN UNION (EU) – several Panels since 2014 . ANR – France – panel member since 2015 (2015-2018 & 2020-today) . FCT - Portugal – panel member since 2018

Scientific Evaluator . MRC, BBSRC, Welcome Trust – UK (reviewer) . ISF, BARD – Israel . FWO – Belgium . NCSTE – Kazakhstan . Research Agency – Slovak Republic . IPE-Cyprus . NRF Singapore . Research Agent, Slovak Republic . CINEKA, Italy . Science Fund – Republic of Serbia . GSRI, HFRI, Onassis Foundation, State Scholarship Foundation etc - Greece

Other activities - memberships . Chairman of External Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC 4), Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC) . Advisory Committee, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) (2018- today) . Member of Scientific Advisory Committee - Sector Biosciences (General Secretary Research and Technology, Greece) (2018-2020) . Representative of IMBB- FORTH to the Regional of Crete for Innovation matters (2015 -) . Director of the Biotechnology & Applied Biology Section, Dept Biology, University of Crete (2012- 2014) . Member of the University Senate of the University of Crete, representative of Dept Biology (2011- 2012)

Editor . Associate Editor (Europe and UK) Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (ELSEVIER) . Associate Editor Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 2021-

Editorial Board . Editorial Board Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2008 - ) . Academic Editor PloS One (2011 - ) . Subject Editor Journal of Economic Entomology (2011 - 2014) . Subject Editor Bulletin of Entomological Research (2007 - 2015) . Editorial Board Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (2008 - ) . Editorial Board Acta Tropica (2015 -)

Reviewer – International Journals . Reviewer for >50 Peer Review Journals (incl. SCIENCE, NATURE, PNAS, Elife, .. etc)


International (selected) . EMBO conference Vector and Disease control, Kolymbari Chania, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 (Co-Organiser) . ICE2022, European Congress of Entomology (Scientific Committee), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 2022 . ICE2020, XXVI International Congress of Entomology, 19-24 July 2020, Helsinki, Finland (co-chair, Section Physiology and Developmental Biology- “Recent progress in the understanding of molecular mechanisms of xenobiotic resistance and detoxification”) . ECTMIH2019, 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, September 16-20 2019, Liverpool, UK (Vice-chair Scientific Committee – Prevention Track) . IUPAC 2019, 14th International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry, May 19-24 2019, Ghent (Theme co- organiser - Mode of Action and Resistance) . E-SOVE, European Society for Vector Ecology Conference, 22-26 October 2018, Palermo, Italy. Keynote Lecture: “Insecticide resistance and novel technologies for improving the efficiency and sustainability of mosquito control” . European Congress of Entomology, Napoli 2018 (Scientific Committee) . XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Congress, Rhodos island Greece, 6-10 July 2014 (Scientific – Organising Committee) . 19th E-SOVE Conference (“When epidemic becomes endemic: a global challenge towards vector control”), 13th – 17th October 2014, Thessaloniki (Greece) (Scientific Committee- Session Chair) . International Whitefly Workshop, Crete, Greece, 20-24 May, 2013, ( (Scientific – Organising Committee and Session Chair) . 6th International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science, Amsterdam, 2-5 Oct 2011; Organizer of workshop and Speaker: Molecular mechanism of insecticide resistance (Organiser)

TEACHING & MENTORING ACTIVITIES Undergraduate teaching Since 2003 full teaching, at least 1 class per semester: Biotechnology (University of Crete), Agr. Pharmacology (AUA), Medical and Molecular Entomology (UoC), Molecular Techniques (Demokritus University Thrace DUTH) etc Postgraduate teaching Since 2007 teaching in >10 postgraduate courses: (AUA – Plant Protection/Biotechnology, UoC: Molecular Biology and Biomedicine; Protein Biotechnology; Plant Biotechnology; DUTH – Translation Medicine / Molecular Biology and Genetics) Supervision of master students > 30 master students (completed master thesis) Supervision of PhD students >20 (7 in progress) Supervision of Postdoctoral associates >20 (including severtal individuals from endemic countries) External PhD evaluator >30 theses worldwide

MISCELLANEOUS Semiprofessional basketball player for >15 years (1982-1998, 5 teams)

INVITED SPEAKER >100 invited talks, including >10 opening in international conferences and symposia

Selected examples:

(35) 2nd AIM-COST Annual Conference, 12-13 February 2020, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon, Portugal. Lecture: “Analysis of insecticide mechanisms in Aedes invasive mosquitoes”. (34) ESA2019, Entomological Society of America Annual Conference, 17-20 November 2019, St. Louis, MO. Lecture: “Cytochrome P450 based metabolic resistance in and Aedes mosquito vectors”. (33) Salzburg Institut Pasteur Seminar, Global Health: Vector-borne diseases, 3-8 September 2019, Schloss Arenberg, Salzburg, Austria. Lecture: “Resistance to Insecticides” (32) 1st International Molecular Plant Protection Congress, 10-13 April 2019, Adana, Turkey. Lecture: “Investigating the contribution of cytochrome P450s and target site mutations in insecticide resistance of major agricultural pests” (31) E-SOVE, European Society for Vector Ecology Conference, 22-26 October 2018, Palermo, Italy. Keynote Lecture: “Insecticide resistance and novel technologies for improving the efficiency and sustainability of mosquito control” (30) 14th International Symposium on Cytochrome P450 Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 15-19 July 2018, York, Yorkshire, UK (29) ECE 2018, XI European Congress of Entomology, 2-6 July 2018, Naples, Italy (Keynote speaker: Ecology and Toxicology of Insecticides, Lecture: “Functional characterization of insecticide resistance and the value of molecular diagnostics for Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM)” (28) Chemical Biology of Disease, FORTH Sept 15-18, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (27) 8th EMCA (European Mosquito Control Association) Conference: “Mosquito Control in a changing Environment”, 12-16 March 2017, Bečići , Montenegro (26) 12th Annual meeting “Roll Back Malaria Vector Control Working Group (RBM VCWG-12)” “Evidence based IRM”, 8-10 February 2017, Geneva, Switzerland (25) International Workshop on “Insecticide resistance and emerging arboviruses: Challenge and prospects”, 5-8 December 2016, Windsor Marapendi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Industry Session Chair: Private-public partnership for the development of new tools for arbovirus vector control, Lectures: “Insecticide resistance in arbovirus vectors” (24) MediLabSecure Regional Meeting & Technical Workshop on Public Health, 15-16 November 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance: from mechanisms to applications” (23) 25th International Congress of Entomology, September 25-30 2016 Orlando, Florida USA. Lectures: “Evaluation of candidate insecticide resistance-associated genes and mutations via ectopic expression and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome modification in Drosophila” (22) 13th International Conference on Wearable, Micro & Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 29-31 May 2016, FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Lecture: “Automated Innovative Diagnostic, Data Management and Communication Tool, for Improving Malaria Vector Control in Endemic Settings” (21) The Worldwide Insecticide Resistance Network (WHO-TDR), 22 May 2016, Montpellier, France. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance in Aedes albopictus” (20) International Zika Summit, 25-26 April 2016, Institute Pasteur Paris, France. Lecture: “Molecular analysis of insecticide resistance in major mosquito vectors: from mechanisms to resistance management” (19) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / IVCC, Insecticide Resistance Convening “New Paradigms in Vector Control” 8-9 December 2015, London, UK

(18) Arthropod-borne infectious diseases and Arthropods as disease agents in human and animal health, Leopoldina, 1-3 October 2015, Berlin, Germany. Lecture: “Analysis of insecticide resistance in major vectors: from molecular mechanisms to management” (17) 7th International Meeting on , Resistance ’15, 14-16 September 2015, Rothamsted UK. Lecture: “Functional characterization of metabolic resistance in Tetranychus urticae: identification of detoxification enzymes capable to metabolize METIs» (16) 7th Meeting of the IOBC/wprs Working group “Integrated Protection of olive crops”, 11-14 May 2015, Kalamata Greece. Lecture: “Identification and molecular characterization of pyrerthroid resistance in the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae” (15) 3o Congresso Nacional de Medicina Tropical, 20-21 April 2015, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Lecture: “Monitoring and control of mosquito vectors in Portugal and the European region” (14) 6th Spider mite genome meeting, 6-10 October 2014, Ibiza, Spain. Lecture: “Functional and immunohistochemical approaches for understanding the role of cytochrome P450s in insecticide resistance of major disease vectors and agricultural pests» (13) IUPAC 2014, 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 10-15 August 2014, San Francisco, USA. Lecture: “Functional, immunohistochemical and targeted mutagenesis / ectopic expression approaches for understanding the role of individual genes and pathways in insecticide resistance” (12) 10th European Congress of Entomology, 3-8 August 2014, York, UK. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance mechanisms in major agricultural pests” (11) Entomology 2013 (Entomological Society of America-ESA Annual Meeting), 9-14 November 2013, Austin Texas, USA. Lectures: «A potential role for 4g family cytochrome P450s in conferring insecticide resistance in mosquitoes by altering cuticle structure», (10) International Workshop on Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, 21-22 March 2013, Pavia, Italy. Lecture: “Molecular analysis of insecticide resistance in Aedes vectors” (9) 2nd International Meeting TEAM (Tephritid Workers of Europe Africa and the Middle East), 3-6 July 2012, Kolymbari, Crete Greece. Lecture: “Genomic approaches for understanding xenobiotic detoxification mechanisms of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae and its adaptation to olives” (8) 6th Symposium on Molecular Insect Science, NH Grand Krasnapolsky 2-5 October 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Lecture: «Molecular and functional characterization of insecticide/acaricide resistance in Tetranychus urticae from Greece», (7) 7th MGPR International Symposium "Paolo Cabras", 9-11 November 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance and modern approaches for the development & management of novel insecticides” (6) 5th International Bemisia Conference, 9-12 November 2009, Guangzhou, China (IS/SC). Lecture: “P450-based neonicotinoid resistance in Bemisia tabaci from Crete, Greece” (5) 4th European Meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group “Integrated Protection of olive crops", 1-4 June 2009, Córdoba, Spain. Lecture: “Detection and Monitoring of insecticide resistance in Bactrocera oleae from Greece” (4) 5th African Network Vector Resistance (WHO), 14th of July 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: “MIRO – Insecticide Resistance Mosquito Database” (3) 15th Euro SOVE (Society for Vector Ecology), 10-14 April 2006, Serres, Greece. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance diagnostics in mosquitoes” (2) IUPAC 2006, 11th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 6-10 August 2006, Kobe, Japan. Lecture: “Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors” (1) 4th African Network Vector Resistance (WHO), Insecticide resistance management, 2006 Yaoundé, Cameroon


Total number of projects: >50 projects Total number of projects as Coordinator: >30 projects Total budget succeeded and managed as coordinator: > 15 M Total budget for Vontas lab: > 12 M

1. Current/Main Grant Support No Funding Title Time Role Budget (€) 54 CypTox Develop highly selective and safe 2021- Project Total: 1,2 M HORIZON insecticides 2025 Coordinator Vontas Lab: 2020-MSCA- 200,000 RISE-2020 53 SYNGENTA Fundamental insect p450 expression and 2020- Project Total: characterisation 2023 Coordinator 800,000 Vontas Lab: 800,000 52 Bayer Functional characterization of Bt 2020- Project Total: CropScience resistance 2023 Coordinator 150,000 AG Vontas Lab: 150,000 51 RIS3Crete Development of rapid testing methods to control 2020- Partner Total: safety, quality and identity 2022 130,000 of Cretan dairy products Vontas Lab: 40,000 50 RIS3Crete "Smart diagnostic tools and database to 2018- Partner Total: support precision plant protection in 2021 130,000 horticultural crops in Crete' (SmartPP) Vontas Lab: 40,000 49 Ministry of Biotechnology – based approaches for 2020- Coordinator Total: 68,000 Finance olive fruit fly control 2021 Vontas Lab: 68,000 48 Ministry Rural New Technologies for Dacus (NT4D) 2019- Partner Total: Development 2021 144,000 and Food Vontas Lab: 20,000 47 GSRT Diagnostics for phosphine resistance 2020- Subcontract Total 1M (Research and Innovation) 2022 Vontas lab 80,000 46 GSRT Emblematic actions (Roads of Bees) 2018- Partner - Total: 1M 2021 AUA Vontas Lab: 68,000 45 GSRT Emblematic actions (Roads of grapes and 2018- Partner - Total: 2M Agro4x4 - Crete) 2021 Session Vontas Lab: Coordinator 65,000 44 GSRT Emblematic actions - Roads of olive 2018- Partner; Total: 2M 2021 Coordinator AUA 800K AUA;session Vontas Lab: 65,000 43 SuperPests Innovations in plant protection 2019- Project Total: HORIZON Innovative tools for rational control of the 2023 Coordinator 3,000,000 (SFS-17-2017) most difficult-to-manage pests (“super Vontas Lab: pests”) and the diseases they transmit 550,000 42 Prefecture Crete Biotechnology based methods for olive 2020- Partner Total: fruit fly control in Crete 2021 120,000 Vontas Lab: 30,000

41 Prefecture Crete Scientific support for the mosquito control 2018- Project Total: program in Peloponnesus Greece 2022 coordinator 180,000 Vontas Lab: 180,000 40 Bayer Discovery of Novel Insecticide Targets 2017- Project Total: CropScience 2021 Coordinator 2,300,000 AG Vontas Lab: 2,300,000 39 EU HORIZON Automated diagnostic platform, data 2016- Project Total: 2020 management system and innovative 2020 coordinator 3,150,000 (GA-688207) communication tool, for improving the Vontas Lab: impact of malaria vector control 480,000 interventions (DMC MALVEC) 38 EU HORIZON Research capacity for the Implementation 2016- Project Total: 2020 of Genetic Control of Mosquitoes 2021 partner 10,000,000 (GA731060) (INFRAVEC2) (Vernick) Vontas Lab: 650,000 37 SYNGENTA Functional expression and 2017- Project Total: 45,000 Characterization of detoxification 2018 coordinator Vontas Lab: enzymes 45,000

Completed Grant Support

No Funding Title Time Role Budget (€) 36 Peloponnisos Scientific support for the mosquito control 2016- Project Vontas Lab: program in Peloponnesus Greece 2020 coordinator 70,000 (Bioefarmoges) 35 WHO Worldwide Insecticide Resistance 2016- Project Total: Network WHO 2017 partner 200,000 (Corbel) Vontas Lab: 10,000 34 WESTHAM Role of ATSB on resistance management 2016- Project Vontas Lab: (Anopheles gambiae, Mali) 2018 coordinator 15,000 33 Dupont – France Biochemical and Molecular 2016- Project Vontas Lab: characterization of insecticide resistance 2017 coordinator 17,000 in Tuta absoluta and Lobesia botrana 32 Bayer Genetic and Functional Characterization 2015- Project Vontas Lab: CropScience of insecticide resistance mechanisms 2018 coordinator 107,000 AG (coordinator, 107,000 euro) 31 HSR Genomic approaches for understanding 2013- Project Total: Technology xenobiotic detoxification of the olive fruit 2015 coordinator 180,000 (Aristeia) fly and its adaptation to olives, and Vontas Lab: biological genetic sexing for improving 180,000 SIT 30 HSR New Enzyme targets for the development 2013- Project Total: Technology of novel Pesticides 2015 partner 550,000 (Synergasia) (Bouriotis) Vontas Lab: 145,000 29 Company An integrated approach to establish the 2013- Project Vontas Lab: «Syngenta» role of Syngenta products in the 2015 coordinator 21,800 resistance management of Helicoverpa armigera 28 Company An integrated approach to establish the 2013- Project Vontas Lab: «DOW» role of spinetoram in the resistance 2015 coordinator 20,000 management of Helicoverpa armigera; An integrated approach to establish the

role of sulfoxaflor in the resistance management of whiteflies 27 HSR Genomic and functional approaches for 2012- Project Total: Technology understanding insecticide resistance 2015 coordinator 600,000 (Thales) mechanisms in major agricultural pests Vontas Lab: 200,000 26 HSR Development of IT and molecular 2012- Project Total: Technology diagnostic tools, for improving the 2015 partner 600,000 (Thales) sustainability of pesticide based (Louis) Vontas Lab: approaches to control agricultural pests of 200,000 major economic importance in Greece 25 FP7 – EU HEALTH.2010.2.3.2-4 Controlling 2010- Project Total: malaria by hitting the vector: New or 2016 partner 12,000,000 improved – Vector Control Tools. Title: WP2 Vontas Lab: African Vector Control: New tools (Ranson) 400,000 (AVECNET) 24 HSR Molecular and functional approach for 2012- Total: Technology understanding cytochrome P450-based 2015 150,000 detoxification mechanisms in Vontas Lab: Tetranychus urticae 150,000 23 Company An intergrated approach to study 2012- Project Vontas Lab: «Alpha» insecticide resistance in H. armigera from 2014 coordinator 22,800 Greece 22 HSR Development of the best methods 2012- Project Vontas Lab: Technology compating the Asian Tiger Mosquito Ae 2012 coordinator 7,000 albopictus 21 HSR Insecticide resistance diagnostics (Culex 2012- Project Vontas Lab: Technology pipiens) to insecticides 2012 coordinator 7,000 20 FP7 – EU Research capacity For the 2009- Project Total: Implementation of Genetic Control of 2013 partner 8,000,000 Mosquitoes (INFRAVEC) (Crisanti) Vontas Lab: (WP7 Aedes albopictus) 120,000 19 Company Genetic and Functional Characterization 2009- Project Total: «Bayer» of P450 – based resistance mechanisms 2015 coordinator 150,000 for improving the sustainability of Vontas Lab: chemical control in agricultural pests 105,000 18 Royal Society, Developing new tools to control 2009- Project Total: 18,000 UK insecticide resistance 2012 partner Vontas Lab: (Paine) 9,000 17 Ministry of Ilias Aris «Investigation of the role of 2009- Project Vontas Lab: Education oxidases in insecticide resistance of B. 2013 coordinator 45,000 (Heraklitos ΙΙ) tabaci and T urticae » 16 Ministry of Antonis Chrysargiris “Investigation of the 2009- Project Vontas Lab: Education role of Bactrocera detoxification enzymes 2013 coordinator 45,000 (Heraklitos ΙΙ) to metabolism of insecticides and phytotoxins” 15 HSR Molecular analysis of the population and 2010- Project Vontas Lab: Technology insecticide resistance in Aedes mosquitos 2012 coordinator 20,000 from Greece and France 14 HSR Molecular characterization of insecticide 2011- Project Vontas Lab: Technology resistance of Helicoverpa armigera to 2013 coordinator 15,000 (Greece-Turkey) pyrethroid insecticides 13 HSR Bioaleurioi 2011- Project Total: Technology 2013 partner 700,000 (Kalantidis) Vontas Lab: 120,000 12 Company Studing bioecology of mosquitoes and 2011- Project Vontas Lab: Bioefarmoges insecticide resistance (Lamia monitoring 2013 coordinator 3,000 program)

11 IPE Cyprus Integrated approach for compacting acari 2009- Project Total: 35,000 TETRANYCHIDAE 2010 partner Vontas Lab: (Tsagkarak 11,000 ou) 10 Aneth Study of insecticide resistance of 2008- Project Vontas Lab: mosquitos of Thessaloniki area in 2010 coordinator 20,000 pyrethroid insecticides 9 Minister of Monitoring and diagnistics of insecticide 2008- Project Vontas Lab: Rural resistance of Bactrocera oleae, in 2016 coordinator 90,000 development chemical insecticides and Food 8 ΝΚΚΠΠΣ Study of insecticide resistance of 2008- Project Vontas Lab: mosquitoes in Serres 2009 coordinator 23,800 7 IVCC – Bill & Pyrethroid Quantification Kit 2006- Project Total: Melinda Gates 2012 coordinator 1,800,000 Foundation Vontas Lab: 400,000 6 IVCC – Bill & Vector Population Monitoring Tool 2006- Project Total: Melinda Gates 2010 partner 5,000,000 Foundation (Heming- Vontas Lab: way) 250,000 5 Bioefarmoges Study of Bioecology of mosquitoes in 2006- Project Total: 24,000 Kavala and Evros for effective 2007 partner Vontas Lab: monitoring programs (Skavdis) 12,000 4 Bayer An integrated approach to establish the 2006- Project Vontas Lab: role of spiromecifen and spirodiclofen in 2008 coordinator 44,000 the resistance management of B. tabaci & T. urticae in Crete 3 HSR Monitoring and functional analysis of 2006- Project Vontas Lab: Technology insecticide resistance mutations in 2008 coordinator 62,000 (Greece- Bactrocera Taiwan) 2 YPEPTH, Genes and plant drugs 2004- Project PYTHAGORAS 2007 partner , EPEAEK ΙΙ (Ziogas) 1 Welcome Trust Genomic approaches to regulators of 2002- Project Vontas Lab: (UK-GR) insecticide resistance gene function 2005 coordinator 27,000

PATENTS 1. Xavier Fernandez Busquets, , Grandfils Sevrin, Chantal Diana, González Gironès, Inga Sident Kiamos and John Vontas (2021) "Polyamphiphilic complexes for the delivery of a hydrophobic agent" European patent application: EP21386032.3 2. Inga Siden Kiamos, Mary Kefi, Kostas Mavridis and John Vontas (2016). Malaria Biomarkers. UK. Patent Application P534198GB 3. John Vontas and Janet Hemingway (2008) Method and Kit (in detail: recombinant glutathione S-transferase-based assayS for potentiometric and optometric (visual) Measurement of xenobiotics. Patent Application: PCT/GB2009/000465


Scopus Google Scholar

Total number of citations >8300 >12300

h- index 46 53

M-index 2,3 2,6

Total number (international peer review journals): >200 First author 30; Last author ~90, corresponding/co-corresponding ~100 Top journals: 2 Science, 1 Nature, 1 Science Advances, 10 PNAS Selected – Recent publications 1. Vlogiannitis S, Mavridis K, Dermauw W, Snoeck S, Katsavou E, Morou E, Harizanis P, Swevers L, Hemingway J, Feyereisen R, Van Leeuwen T, Vontas J. (2021) Reduced proinsecticide activation by cytochrome P450 confers coumaphos resistance in the major bee parasite Varroa destructor. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 118(6):e2020380118. 2. Ingham VA, Anthousi A, Douris V, Harding NJ, Lycett G, Morris M, Vontas J, Ranson H. (2020) A sensory appendage protein protects malaria vectors from pyrethroids. Nature. 577(7790):376-380. 3. Balabanidou V, Kefi M, Aivaliotis M, Koidou V, Girotti JR, Mijailovsky SJ, Juárez MP, Papadogiorgaki E, Chalepakis G, Kampouraki A, Nikolaou C, Ranson H, Vontas J. (2019) Mosquitoes cloak their legs to resist insecticides. Proc R Soc B. 286:20191091. 4. Singh KS, Troczka BJ, Duarte A, Balabanidou V, Trissi N, Carabajal Paladino LZ, Nguyen P, Zimmer CT, Papapostolou KM, Randall E, Lueke B, Marec F, Mazzoni E, Williamson MS, Hayward A, Nauen R, Vontas J, Bass C. (2020) The genetic architecture of a host shift: An adaptive walk protected an aphid and its endosymbiont from plant chemical defenses. Sci. Adv. 6(19): eaba1070. 5. Vontas J, Grigoraki L, Morgan J, Tsakireli D, Fuseini G, Segura L, Niemczura de Carvahlo J, Nguema R, Weetman D, Slotman MA, Hemingway J. (2018) Rapid selection of a pyrethroid metabolic enzyme CYP9K1 by operational malaria control activities. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA PNAS. 115(18):4619-4624. 6. Douris V., Steinbach D., Panteleri R., Livadaras I., Pickett J.A., Van Leeuwen T., Nauen R., Vontas J. (2016) Resistance mutation conserved between insects and mites unravels the benzoylurea insecticide mode of action on chitin biosynthesis Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 113 14692–14697 7. Balabanidou V, Kampouraki A, MacLean M, Blomquist GJ, Tittiger C, Juarez MP, Mijailovsky SJ, Chalepakis G, Anthousi A., Hemingway J, Ranson H, Lycett GJ, Vontas J (2016) Cytochrome P450 associated with insecticide resistance catalyzes cuticular hydrocarbon production in Anopheles gambiae Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 113, 9268-9273 8. Neafsey D., Robert M. Waterhouse R., ...,Vontas J.,...,., Besansky N (2015) Highly evolvable malaria

vectors: The genomes of 16 Anopheles mosquitoes Science (IF2015 34.6) 347, 6217 9. Hemingway J., Vontas J., Poupardin R., Raman J., Lines J., Schwabe C., Matias A., Kleinschmidt I. (2013) Country-level operational implementation of the Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 110 9397-9402. 10. Dermauw W., Wybouw N., Rombauts S., Vontas J., Grbic M., Clark R.M., Feyereisen R., Van Leeuwen T. (2013) A link between host plant adaptation and pesticide resistance in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 110, 113-122.

Full list of publications


(207) Nauen R., Bass C., Feyereisen R., Vontas J. (2021) The Role of Cytochrome P450s in Insect Toxicology and Resistance. Annual Review Entomology (in press) (206) Piameu M, Nwane P, Toussile W, Mavridis K, Wipf NC, Kouadio PF, Mbakop LR, Mandeng S, Ekoko WE, Toto JC, Ngaffo KL, Ngo Etounde PK, Ngantchou AT, Chouaibou M, Müller P, Awono-Ambene P, Vontas J, Etang J. (2021) Pyrethroid and Etofenprox Resistance in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii from Vegetable Farms in Yaoundé, Cameroon: Dynamics, Intensity and Molecular Basis. Molecules. 26(18):5543. DOI:10.3390/molecules26185543 (205) Papadimitriou F, Folia M, Ilias A , Papapetrou P, Roditakis E, Bass C, Vontas J, Margaritopou- los JT. Flupyradifurone resistance in Myzus persicae populations from peach and tobacco in Greece. Pest Manag Sci. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6637. PMID: 34498376 (in press) (204) Mavridis Κ, Papapostolou ΚΜ, Riga Μ, Ilias Α, Michaelidou Κ, Bass C, Van Leeuwen T, Tsagkarakou A, Vontas J. (2021) Multiple TaqMan qPCR and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) diagnostics for pesticide resistance monitoring and management, in the major agricultural pest Tetranychus urticae. Pest Manag Sci. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6632. PMID: 34480408 (in press) (203) Mastrantonio V, Porretta D, Lucchesi V, Güz N, Çagatay NS, Bellini R, Vontas J, Urbanelli S. (2021) Evolution of Adaptive Variation in the Mosquito Culex pipiens: Multiple Independent Origins of Insecticide Resistance Mutations. Insects. 12:676. DOI:10.3390/insects12080676. PMID: 34442242 (202) Balaska S, Fotakis EA, Chaskopoulou A, Vontas J. (2021) Chemical control and insecticide resistance status of sand fly vectors worldwide. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 15(8):e0009586. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009586 (201) Mavridis K, Michaelidou K, Vontas J. (2021) Highly sensitive droplet digital PCR-based diagnostics for the surveillance of malaria vector populations in low transmission and incipient resistance settings. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 1-10. PMID: 34328051. DOI: 10.1080/14737159.2021.1963234. (200) Singh KS, Cordeiro EMG, Troczka BJ, Pym A, Mackisack J, Mathers TC, Duarte A, Legeai F, Robin S, Bielza P, Burrack HJ, Charaabi K, Denholm I, Figueroa CC, Ffrench-Constant RH, Jander G, Margaritopoulos JT, Mazzoni E, Nauen R, Ramírez CC, Ren G, Stepanyan I, Umina PA, Voronova NV, Vontas J, Williamson MS, Wilson ACC, Xi-Wu G, Youn YN, Zimmer CT, Simon JC, Hayward A, Bass C. (2021) Global patterns in genomic diversity underpinning the evolution of insecticide resistance in the aphid crop pest Myzus persicae. Commun Biol. 4(1):847. PMID: 34234279. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-02373-x. (199) Fotoukkiaii SM, Wybouw N, Kurlovs A, Tsakireli D, Pergantis SA, Clark RM, Vontas J, Van Leeuwen T (2021) High-resolution genetic mapping reveals cis-regulatory and copy number variation in loci associated with cytochrome P450-mediated detoxification in a generalist arthropod pest. Plos Genet. 17(6): e1009422. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009422. PMID: 34153029 (in press) (198) İnak E, Özdemir E, Atış AE, Randa Zelyüt F, İnak A, Demir Ü, Roditakis E, Vontas J. (2021) Population structure and insecticide resistance status of Tuta absoluta populations from Turkey Pest Manag Sci. 77:4741-4748. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6516. PMID: 34151488 (197) Djiappi-Tchamen B, Nana-Ndjangwo MS, Mavridis K, Talipouo A, Nchoutpouen E, Makoudjou I, Bamou R, Paul Mayi AM, Awono-Ambene P, Tchuinkam T, Vontas J, Antonio- Nkondjio C. (2021) Analyses of Insecticide Resistance Genes in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Mosquito Populations from Cameroon. Genes (Basel). 12(6):828. DOI: 10.3390/genes12060828. PMID: 34071214 (196) Sene NM, Mavridis K, Ndiaye EH, Diagne CT, Gaye A, Ngom EHM, Ba Y, Diallo DJ, Vontas J, Dia I, Diallo M. (2021) Insecticide resistance status and mechanisms in Aedes aegypti populations from Senegal. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 15(5):e0009393. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.000939. PMID: 33970904

(195) Diarra RA, Traore MM, Junnila A, Traore SF, Doumbia S, Revay EE, Kravchenko VD, Schlein Y, Arheart KL, Gergely P, Hausmann A, Beck R, Xue RD, Prozorov AM, Kone AS, Majambere S, Vontas J, Beier JC, Müller GC. (2021) Testing confgurations of attractive toxic sugar bait (ATSB) stations in Mali, West Africa, for improving the control of malaria parasite transmission by vector mosquitoes and minimizing their effect on non-target insects. Malar J. 20:184. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03704-3. PMID: 33853632 (194) Talipouo A, Mavridis K, Nchoutpouen E, Djiappi-Tchamen B, Fotakis EA, Kopya E, Bamou R, Kekeunou S, Awono-Ambene P, Balabanidou V, Balaska S, Wondji CS, Vontas J, Antonio- Nkondjio C. (2021) High insecticide resistance mediated by different mechanisms in Culex quinquefasciatus populations from the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Sci. Reports. 11:7322. DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-86850-7. PMID: 33795804 (193) Livadaras I, Koidou V, Pitsili E, Moustaka J, Vontas J, Siden-Kiamos I. (2021) Stably inherited transfer of the bacterial symbiont Candidatus Erwinia dacicola from wild olive fruit flies Bactrocera oleae to a laboratory strain. Bull Entomol Res. 5:1–6. DOI:10.1017/S0007485321000031. PMID: 33541447. (192) Vlogiannitis S, Mavridis K, Dermauw W, Snoeck S, Katsavou E, Morou E, Harizanis P, Swev- ers L, Hemingway J, Feyereisen R, Van Leeuwen T, Vontas J. (2021) Reduced proinsecticide activation by cytochrome P450 confers coumaphos resistance in the major bee parasite Varroa destructor. PNAS. 118(6):e2020380118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020380118. PMID:33547243 (191) Sakka MK, Riga M, Ioannidis P, Baliota GV, Tselika M, Jagadeesan R, Nayak MK, Vontas J, Athanassiou CJ. (2021) Transcriptomic analysis of s-methoprene resistance in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica, and evaluation of piperonyl butoxide as a resistance breaker. BMC Genomics. 22(1):65. DOI:10.1186/s12864-020-07354-8. PMID:33472593 (190) Nauen R, Zimmer C, Vontas J. (2021) Heterologous expression of insect P450 enzymes that metabolize xenobiotics. Curr Opin Insect Sci. 43:78-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2020.10.011. PMID: 33186746 (189) Vorgia E, Lamprousi M, Denecke S, Vogelsang K, Geibel S, Vontas J, Douris V. (2021) Functional characterization and transcriptomic profiling of a spheroid-forming midgut cell line from Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 128:103510. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2020.103510. PMID: 33276037 (188) Swevers L, Denecke S, Vogelsang K, Geibel S, Vontas J. (2021) Can the mammalian organoid technology be applied to the insect gut? Pest Manag Sci. 77:55-63. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6067. PMID:32865304 (187) Papapostolou KM, Riga M, Charamis J, Skoufa E, Souchlas V, Ilias A, Dermauw W, Ioannidis P, Van Leeuwen T, Vontas J. (2021) Identification and characterization of striking multiple- insecticide resistance in a Tetranychus urticae field population from Greece. Pest Manag Sci. 77(2):666-676. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6136. PMID: 33051974 2020 (186) Hin S, Baumgartner D, Specht M, Lüddecke J, Arjmand EM, Johannsen B, Schiedel L, Rombach M, Paust N, von Stetten F, Zengerle R, Wipf N, Müller P, Mavridis K, Vontas J, Mitsakakis K. (2020) VectorDisk: A microfluidic platform integrating diagnostic markers for evidence-based mosquito control. Processes. 8(12):1-16. DOI:10.3390/pr8121677. (185) Xue W, Mermans C, Papapostolou KM, Lamprousi M, Christou IK, Inak E, Douris V, Vontas J, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T. (2020) Untangling a Gordian knot: the role of a GluCl3 I321T mutation in abamectin resistance in Tetranychus urticae. Pest Manag Sci. DOI: 10.1002/ps.6215. PMID: 33283957 (184) Riga M, Ilias A, Vontas J, Douris V. (2020) Co-expression of a homologous cytochrome P450 reductase is required for in vivo validation of the Tetranychus urticae CYP392A16-based abamectin resistance in Drosophila. Insects. 11(12):1-12. DOI:10.3390/insects11120829. PMID: 33255521 (183) Vontas J, Katsavou E, Mavridis K. (2020) Cytochrome P450-based metabolic insecticide resistance in Anopheles and Aedes mosquito vectors: Muddying the waters. Pest Biochem Phys. 170:104666. DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104666. PMID: 32980073

(182) McLeman Α, Troczka BJ, Rafael A Homem 3, Duarte A, Zimmer C, Garrood WT, Pym A, Beadle K, Reid RJ, Douris V, Vontas J, Davies TGE, Constant RE, Nauen R, Bass C. (2020) Fly-Tox: A panel of transgenic flies expressing pest and pollinator cytochrome P450s. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 169:104674. DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104674. PMID: 32828379 (181) Denecke SM, Driva O, Luong HNB, Ioannidis P, Linka M, Nauen R, Geibel S, Vontas J. (2020) The identification and evolutionary trends of the solute carrier superfamily in Arthro-pods. Genome Biol Evol. 12(8):1429-1439. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evaa153. PMID: 32681801 180) Balaska S, Fotakis EA, Kioulos I, Grigoraki L, Mpellou S, Chaskopoulou A, Vontas J. (2020) Bioassay and molecular monitoring of insecticide resistance status in Aedes albopictus popula- tions from Greece, to support evidence-based vector control. Parasit Vectors. 13(1):328. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-020-04204-0. PMID: 3260045 (179) Douris V, Denecke S, Van Leeuwen T, Bass C, Nauen R, Vontas J. (2020) Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome modification to understand the genetic basis of insecticide resistance: Drosophila and beyond. Pest Biochem Phys. 167:104595. DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104595. PMID: 32527434 (178) Samantsidis GR, Panteleri R, Denecke S, Kounadi S, Christou I, Nauen R, Douris V, Vontas J. (2020) 'What I cannot create, I do not understand': Functionally validated synergism of metabolic and target site insecticide resistance. Proc Biol Sci. 287(1927):20200838. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0838. PMID:32453986

(177) Singh KS, Troczka BJ, Duarte A, Balabanidou V, Trissi N, Carabajal Paladino LZ, Nguyen P, Zimmer CT, Papapostolou KM, Randall E, Lueke B, Marec F, Mazzoni E, Williamson MS, Hayward A, Nauen R, Vontas J, Bass C. (2020) The genetic architecture of a host shift: An adaptive walk protected an aphid and its endosymbiont from plant chemical defenses. Sci. Adv. 6(19): eaba1070. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba1070. PMID:32494720 (176) Van Leeuwen T, Dermauw W, Mavridis K, Vontas J. (2020) Significance and interpretation of molecular diagnostics for insecticide resistance management of agricultural pests. Curr Opin Insect Sci. 39:69-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2020.03.006. PMID: 32361620 (175) Fotakis EA, Mastrantonio V, Grigoraki L, Porretta D, Puggioli A, Chaskopoulou A, Osório H, Weill M, Bellini R, Urbanelli S, Vontas J. (2020) Identification and detection of a novel point mutation in the Chitin Synthase gene of Culex pipiens associated with diflubenzuron resistance. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 14(5):e0008284. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008284. PMID: 32357192 (in press) (174) Lueke B, Douris V, Hopkinson JE, Maiwald F, Hertlein G, Papapostolou KM, Bielza P, Tsagkarakou A, Van Leeuwen T, Bass C, Vontas J, Nauen R. (2020) Identification and functional characterization of a novel acetylCoA carboxylase mutation associated with ketoenol resistance in Bemisia tabaci. Pest Biochem Phys. 166:104583. DOI:10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104583. PMID: 32448413 (173) Fotakis EA, Giantsis IA, Castells Sierra J, Tanti F, Balaska S, Mavridis K, Kourtidis S, Vontas J, Chaskopoulou A. (2020) Population dynamics, pathogen detection and insecticide resistance of mosquito and sand fly in refugee camps, Greece. Infect Dis. Poverty. 9(1):30. DOI: 10.1186/s40249-020-0635-4. PMID:32183909 (172) Silva R, Mavridis K, Vontas J, Rodrigues A, Osorio H. (2020) Monitoring and molecular profiling of contemporary insecticide resistance status of malaria vectors in Guinea-Bissau. Acta Trop. 206:105440. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105440. PMID:32156617 (171) Lynd A, Balabanidou V, Grosman R, Maas J, Lian LY, Vontas J, Lycett GJ (2020) Development of a functional genetic tool for Anopheles gambiae oenocyte characterisation: application to cuticular hydrocarbon synthesis. DOI:10.1101/742619 (in press) (170) Koidou V, Denecke S, Ioannidis P, Vlatakis I, Livadaras I, Vontas J. (2020) Efficient genome editing in the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae. Insect Mol Biol. 29(4):363-372. DOI: 10.1111/imb.12640. PMID: 32141659 (169) Wei P, Demaeght P, De Schutter K, Grigoraki L, Labropoulou V, Riga M, Vontas J, Nauen R, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T. (2020) Overexpression of an alternative allele of carboxyl/choline esterase 4 (CCE04) of Tetranychus urticae is associated with high levels of

resistance to the keto-enol acaricide pirodiclofen. Pest Manag Sci. 76(3):1142-1153. DOI: 10.1002/ps.5627. PMID: 31583806 (168) Traore MM, Junnila A, Traore SF, Doumbia S, Revay EE, Kravchenko VD, Schlein Y, Arheart KL, Gergely P, Xue RD, Hausmann A, Beck R, Prozorov A, Diarra RA, Kone AS, Majambere S, Bradley J, Vontas J, Beier JC, Müller GC. (2020) Large-scale field trial of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) for the control of malaria vector mosquitoes in Mali, West Africa. Malar J. 19(1):72. DOI:10.1186/s12936-020-3132-0. PMID: 32028881 (167) Denecke S, Ioannidis P, Buer I, Ilias A, Douris V, Topalis P, Nauen R, Geibel S, Vontas J. (2020) A transcriptomic and proteomic atlas of expression in the Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) midgut suggests the compartmentalization of xenobiotic metabolism and nutrient digestion. BMC Genomics. 21(1):129. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-020-6459-6. PMID:32028881 (166) Alavijeh ES, Khajehali J, Snoeck S, Panteleri R, Ghadamyari M, Jonckheere W, Bajda S, Saalwaechter C, Geibel S, Douris V, Vontas J, Van Leeuwen T, Dermauw W. (2020) Molecular and genetic analysis of resistance to METI-I acaricides in Iranian populations of the citrus red mite Panonychus citri. Pest Biochem Physiol. 164:73-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.12.009. PMID:32284140 (165) Blow F, Gioti A, Goodhead IB, Kalyva M, Kampouraki A, Vontas J, Darby AC. (2020) Functional genomics of a symbiotic community: shared traits in the olive fruit fly gut microbiota. Genome Biol Evol. 12(2):3778-3791. DOI:10.1101/590489. PMID: 31830246 (164) Katsavou Ε, Vlogiannitis S, Karp-Tatham E, Blake DP, Ilias A, Strube C, Kioulos I, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T, Vontas J. (2020) Identification and geographical distribution of pyrethroid resistance mutations in the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Pest Manag Sci. 76(1):125- 133. DOI:10.1002/ps.5582. PMID:31400055 (163) Riga M, Denecke S, Livadaras I, Geibel S, Nauen R, Vontas J. (2020) Development of efficient RNAi in Nezara viridula for use in insecticide target discovery. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 103(3):e21650. DOI: 10.1002/arch.21650. PMID: 31833096 (162) Ingham VA, Anthousi A, Douris V, Harding NJ, Lycett G, Morris M, Vontas J, Ranson H. (2020) A sensory appendage protein protects malaria vectors from pyrethroids. Nature. 577(7790):376- 380. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1864-1. PMID: 31875852 (161) Dermauw W, Jonckheere W, Riga M, Livadaras I, Vontas J, Van Leeuwen T. (2020) Targeted mutagenesis using CRISPR-Cas9 in the chelicerate herbivore Tetranychus urticae. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 120:103347. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2020.103347. PMID: 32114158 2019 (160) Guz N, Cagatay NS, Fotakis EA, Durmusoglu E, Vontas J. (2019) Detection of diflubenzuron and pyrethroid resistance mutations in Culex pipiens from Muğla, Turkey. Acta Trop. 10:105294. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.105294. PMID: 31836282 (159) Dusfour I, Vontas J, David JP, Weetman D, Fonseca DM, Corbel V, Raghavendra K, Coulibaly MB, Martins AJ, Kasai S, Chandre F. (2019) Management of insecticide resistance in the major Aedes vectors of arboviruses: Advances and challenges. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 13(10): e0007615. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007615. PMID:31600206 (158) Bamou R, Sonhafouo-Chiana N, Mavridis K, Tchuinkam T, Wondji CS, Vontas J, Antonio- Nkondjio C. (2019) Status of insecticide resistance and its mechanisms in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii populations from forest settings in South Cameroon. Genes. 10(10):741. DOI:10.3390/genes10100741. PMID:31554225 (157) Vontas J, Mavridis K. (2019) Vector population monitoring tools for insecticide resistance management: Myth or fact? Pest Biochem Physiol. 161:54-60. DOI:10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.08.005. PMID: 31685197 (156) Wybouw N, Kurlovs AH, Greenhalgh R, Bryon A, Kosterlitz O, Manabe Y, Osakabe M, Vontas J, Clark RM, Van Leeuwen T. (2019) Convergent evolution of cytochrome P450s underlies independent origins of keto-carotenoid pigmentation in animals. Proc R Soc B. 286(1907):20191039. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.1039. PMID:31311468 (155) Balabanidou V, Kefi M, Aivaliotis M, Koidou V, Girotti JR, Mijailovsky SJ, Juárez MP, Papadogiorgaki E, Chalepakis G, Kampouraki A, Nikolaou C, Ranson H, Vontas J. (2019) Mosquitoes cloak their legs to resist insecticides. Proc R Soc B. 286(1907):20191091. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.1091. PMID: 31311476

(154) Corbel V, Durot C, Achee NL, Chandre F, Coulibaly MB, David JP, Devine GJ, Dusfour I, Fonseca DM, Griego J, Juntarajumnong W, Lenhart A, Kasai S, Martins AJ, Moyes Ng CC, Pinto J, Pompon JF, Muller P, Raghavendra K, Roiz D, Vatandoost H, Vontas J, Weetman D. (2019) Second WIN International Conference on “Integrated approaches and innovative tools for combating insecticide resistance in vectors of arboviruses”. Parasit Vector. 12(1)331. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-019-3591-8. PMID:31269996 (153) Tossou E, Tepa-Yotto G, Kpindou OKD, Sandeu R, Datinon B, Zeukeng F, Akoton R, Tchigossou GM, Djègbè I, Vontas J, Martin T, Wondji C, Tamò M, Bokonon-Ganta AH, Djouaka R. (2019) Susceptibility Profiles of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to deltamethrin reveal a contrast between the northern and the southern Benin. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 16(11): E1882. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16111882. PMID: 31142024 (152) Kefi M, Balabanidou V, Douris V, Lycett G, Feyereisen R, Vontas J. (2019) Two functionally distinct CYP4G genes of Anopheles gambiae contribute to cuticular hydrocarbon biosynthesis. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 110:52-59. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2019.04.018. PMID: 31051237 (151) Tsakireli D, Riga M, Kounadi S, Douris V, Vontas J. (2019) Functional characterization of CYP6A51, a cytochrome P450 associated with pyrethroid resistance in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. Pest Biochem Physiol. 157:196-203. DOI:10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.03.022. PMID:31153469 (150) Snoeck S, Pavlidi N, Pipini D, Vontas J, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T. (2019) Substrate specificity and promiscuity of horizontally transferred UDP-glucosyltransferases in the generalist herbivore Tetranychus urticae. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 109:116-127. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2019.04.010. PMID:30978500 (149) Porretta D, Fotakis EA, Mastrantonio V, Chaskopoulou A, Michaelakis A, Kioulos I, Weill M, Urbanelli S, Vontas J, Bellini R. Focal distribution of diflubenzuron resistance mutations in Culex pipiens mosquitoes from Northern Italy. Acta Trop. 193:106-112. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.02.024. PMID:30825446 (148) Grant C, Jacobson R, Ilias A, Berger M, Bielza P, Zimmer CT, Williamson MS, Ffrench-Constant RH, Vontas J, Roditakis E, Bass C. (2019) The evolution of multiple-insecticide resistance in UK populations of tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta. Pest Manag Sci. 5(8): 2079-2085. DOI: 10.1002/ps.5381. PMID: 30785238 (147) Pichler V, Malandruccolo C, Paola S, Bellini R, Severini F, Toma L, Di Luca M, Montarsi F, Ballardini M, Manica M, Petrarca V, Vontas J, Kasai S, Della Torre A, Caputo B. (2019) Phenotypic and genotypic pyrethroid resistance of Aedes albopictus, with focus on the 2017 chikungunya outbreak in Italy. Pest Manag Sci. 75(10): 2642-2651. DOI: 10.1002/ps.5369. PMID: 30729706 (146) Guedes RNC, Roditakis E, Campos MR Haddi K, Bielza P, H. Siqueira HAA, Tsagkarakou A, Vontas J, Nauen R. (2019) Insecticide resistance in the tomato pinworm Tuta absoluta: patterns, spread, mechanisms, management and outlook. J Pest Sci. 92:1329-1342. DOI: 10.1007/s10340-019-01086-9 (145) Fotakis EA, Giantsis IA, Avgerinou A, Kourtidis S, Agathaggelidou E, Kapoula C, Dadakou G, Vontas J, Chaskopoulou A. (2019) Identification of Leishmania species in naturally infected sand flies from refugee camps, Greece. Emerg Infect Dis. 25(2):361-364. DOI: PMID: 30346269 (144) Mavridis Κ, Wipf Ν, Medves S, Erquiaga I, Müller P, Vontas J. (2019) Rapid multiplex gene expression assays for monitoring metabolic resistance in the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Parasit Vector. 12(1):9 DOI:10.1186/s13071-018-3253-2. PMID: 30612581 (143) Achee NL, Grieco JP, Vatandoost H, Seixas G, Pinto J, Ching-NG L, Martins AJ, Juntarajumnong W, Corbel V, Gouagna C, David JP, Logan JG, Orsborne J, Marois E, Devine GJ, Vontas J. (2019) Alternative strategies for mosquito-borne arbovirus control. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 13(1): e0006822. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0006822. PMID:30605475 (correction: DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007275. PMID:30913223) (142) Samantsidis G, O'Reilly AO, Douris V, Vontas J. (2019) Functional validation of target-site resistance mutations against sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs) via molecular modeling and genome engineering in Drosophila. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 104:73-081. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2018.12.008. PMID:30572019 (141) Simma EA, Dermauw W, Balabanidou V, Snoeck S, Bryon A, Clark RM, Yewhalaw D, Vontas J, Duchateau L, Van Leeuwen T. (2018) Genome-wide gene expression profiling reveals that cuticle alterations and P450 detoxification are associated with pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles arabiensis populations from Ethiopia. Pest Manag. Sci. 75(5): 1808-1818. DOI: 10.1101/451336. PMID: 30740870 2018 (140) Walsh TK, Jouβen N, Tian KT, McGaughran A, Anderson CJ, Qiu X, Ahn SJ, Bird L, Pavlidi N, Vontas J, Ryu J, Rasool A, Barony Macedo I, Tay WT, Zhang YJ, Whitehouse M, Sylvie P, Downes S, Nemec L, Heckel DH (2018). Multiple recombination events between two cytochrome P450 loci contribute to

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(43) Poupardin R, Riaz MA, Vontas J, David JP, Reynaud S. (2010) Transcription profiling of eleven cytochrome P450s potentially involved in xenobiotic metabolism in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Insect Mol Biol. 19(2):185-193. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2583.2009.00967.x. PMID:20041961 (42) Van Leeuwen T, Vontas J, Tsagkarakou A, Dermauw W, Tirry L. (2010) Acaricide resistance mechanisms in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and other important Acari: A review. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 40(8):563-572. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2010.05.008. PMID:20685616 (41) Vontas J, Ranson H, Alphey L. (2010) Transcriptomics and disease vector control. BMC Biol. 8:52. DOI:10.1186/1741-7007-8-52. PMID:20525113 2009 (40) Dialynas E, Topalis P, Vontas J, Louis C. (2009) MIRO and IRbase: IT Tools for the epidemiological monitoring of insecticide resistance in mosquito disease vectors. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 3(6):e465. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000465. PMID:19547750 (39) Dowd AJ, Steven A, Morou E, Hemingway J, Vontas J, Paine MJI. (2009) A simple glutathione transferase-based colorimetric endpoint assay for insecticide detection. Enzyme Microb Tech. 45(2):164-168. DOI:10.1016/j.enzmictec.2009.05.008. (38) Karunker I, Morou E, Nikou D, Nauen R, Sertchook R, Stevenson BJ, Paine MJI, Morin S, Vontas J. (2009) Structural model and functional characterization of the Bemisia tabaci CYP6CM1vQ, a cytochrome P450 associated with high levels of imidacloprid resistance. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 39(10):697-706. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2009.08.006. PMID:19716416 (37) Kazanidou A, Nikou D, Grigoriou M, Vontas J, Skavdis G. (2009) Short report: A multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous genotyping of kdr and ace-1 Loci in Anopheles gambiae. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 80(2):236-238. PMID:19190219 (36) Nikou D, Malandrakis A, Konstantakaki M, Vontas J, Markoglou A, Ziogas B. (2009) Molecular characterization and detection of overexpressed C-14 alpha-demethylase-based DMI resistance in Cercospora beticola field isolates. Pestic Biochem Phys. 95(1):18-27. DOI:10.1016/j.pestbp.2009.04.014 (35) Roditakis E, Grispou M, Morou E, Kristoffersen JB, Roditakis N, Nauen R, Vontas J, Tsagkarakou A. (2009) Current status of insecticide resistance in Q biotype Bemisia tabaci populations from Crete. Pest Manag Sci. 65(3):313-322. DOI:10.1002/ps.1690. PMID:19115232 (34) Tsagkarakou A, Nikou D, Roditakis E, Sharvit M, Morin S, Vontas J. (2009) Molecular diagnostics for detecting pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance mutations in the Q biotype of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Pestic Biochem Phys. 94(2-3):49-54. DOI:10.1016/j.pestbp.2009.03.002 (33) Tsagkarakou A, Van Leeuwen T, Khajehali J, Ilias A, Grispou M, Williamson MS, Tirry L, Vontas J. (2009) Identification of pyrethroid resistance associated mutations in the para sodium channel of the two- spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae). Insect Mol Biol. 18(5):583-593. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2583.2009.00900.x. PMID:19754737 (32) Ziogas BN, Nikou D, Markoglou AN, Malandrakis AA, Vontas J. (2009) Identification of a novel point mutation in the β-tubulin gene of Botrytis cinerea and detection of benzimidazole resistance by a diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay. Eur J Plant Path. 125(1):97-107. DOI:10.1007/s10658-009-9462-y 2008 (31) Bass C, Nikou D, Blagborough AM, Vontas J, Sinden RE, Williamson MS, Field LM. (2008) PCR-based detection of Plasmodium in Anopheles mosquitoes: a comparison of a new high-throughput assay with existing methods. Malaria J. 7:177. DOI:10.1186/1475-2875-7-177. PMID:18793416 (30) Kapoli P, Axarli IA, Platis D, Fragoulaki M, Paine M, Hemingway J, Vontas J, Labrou NE. (2008) Engineering sensitive glutathione transferase for the detection of xenobiotics. Biosens Bioelectron. 24(3):498-503. DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2008.06.037. PMID:18691867 (29) Karunker I, Benting J, Lueke B, Ponge T, Nauen R, Roditakis E, Vontas J, Gorman K, Denholm I, Morin S. (2008) Over-expression of cytochrome P450 CYP6CM1 is associated with high resistance to imidacloprid in the B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae). Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 38(6):634-644. DOI:10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.03.008. PMID:18510975 (28) Margaritopoulos JT, Skavdis G, Kalogiannis N, Nikou D, Morou E, Skouras PJ, Tsitsipis JA, Vontas J. (2008) Efficacy of the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin against Bactrocera oleae populations from Greece, and improved diagnostic for an iAChE mutation. Pest Manag Sci. 64(9):900-908. DOI:10.1002/ps.1580. PMID:18381673 (27) McLaughlin LA, Niazi U, Bibby J, David JP, Vontas J, Hemingway J, Ranson H, Sutcliffe MJ, Paine M.J.I. (2008) Characterization of inhibitors and substrates of Anopheles gambiae CYP6Z2. Insect Mol Biol. 17(2):125-135. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2583.2007.00788.x. PMID:18353102

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