Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Journal of Pragmatics Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: JP-2280 Title: Is a speaker-based pragmatics possible? Or how can a hearer infer a speaker's commitment? Article Type: SI: Focus on the Speaker Keywords: entailment; presupposition; explicature; implicature; speaker's commitment Corresponding Author: M. Jacques Moeschler, Corresponding Author's Institution: University of Geneva First Author: Jacques Moeschler Order of Authors: Jacques Moeschler Abstract: Abstract In this paper, the speaker's issue is tackled from an original point of view, that is, the semantic and pragmatic inferences utterances convey. It is claimed that two features allow drawing conclusions on the degree of the speaker's commitment: the strength of the inferences drawn from her utterance, and the accessibility to them. To insure a precise definition of the strength and the accessibility of inferences, truth-values are given for entailment, presupposition, explicature and implicature. Cover Letter Cover letter *Title Page Is a speaker-based pragmatics possible? Or how can a hearer infer a speaker’s commitment? Jacques Moeschler* *
[email protected] Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland *Abstract Abstract In this paper, the speaker’s issue is tackled from an original point of view, that is, the semantic and pragmatic inferences utterances convey. It is claimed that two features allow drawing conclusions on the degree of the speaker’s commitment: the strength of the inferences drawn from her utterance, and the accessibility to them. To insure a precise definition of the strength and the accessibility of inferences, truth-values are given for entailment, presupposition, explicature and implicature.