(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0287641 A1 Steiner, III (43) Pub
US 20140287641A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0287641 A1 Steiner, III (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 25, 2014 (54) LAYERED AEROGEL COMPOSITES, USPC ..... 442/223; 428/319.1; 428/319.3: 442/221; RELATED AEROGEL MATERIALS, AND 442/224; 442/320: 442/370; 442/373; 442/326; METHODS OF MANUFACTURE 428/314.2: 428/316.6: 442/372: 442/324; 428/317.1; 428/309.9; 428/221 (71) Applicant: Aerogel Technologies, LLC, Glendale, WI (US) (57) ABSTRACT (72) Inventor: Stephen A. Steiner, III, Cambridge, MA (US) Composites comprising aerogel materials are generally described. Layered aerogel composites may be of great utility (73) Assignee: Aerogel Technologies, LLC, Glendale, for a wide variety of applications including lightweight struc WI (US) tures, ballistic panels, multilayer thermal and acoustic insu lation, spacecraft reentry shielding, Supercapacitors, batter (21) Appl. No.: 14/214,887 ies, acoustic insulation, and flexible garments. Layered aerogel composites may be prepared by combing layers of (22) Filed: Mar 15, 2014 fiber-containing sheets and multisheet plies with aerogel materials. Composites comprising mechanically strong aero Related U.S. Application Data gels and reticulated aerogel structures are described. Various (60) Provisional application No. 61/799,460, filed on Mar. nanocomposite aerogel materials may be prepared to facili 15, 2013. tate production of composites with desirable functions and properties. Layered aerogel composites and related aerogel Publication Classification materials described in the present disclosure have not been previously possible due to a lack of viable aerogel formula (51) Int. C. tions, a lack of methods for adhering and joining aerogel B32B5/24 (2006.01) materials to each other and other materials, and a lack of B32B 9/00 (2006.01) methods that enable combining offibrous materials and aero B32B5/26 (2006.01) gels into layered structures in the same material envelope.
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