Sadhan¯ a¯ Vol. 38, Part 5, October 2013, pp. 859–895. c Indian Academy of Sciences Material development for India’s nuclear power programme AKSURI Materials Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, India e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. The area of materials research has registered a phenomenal growth in the recent years, assiduously accepting and assimilating ideas, concepts and analyti- cal as well as experimental methodologies and techniques form almost all scientific disciplines, thereby demonstrating its remarkably multidisciplinary and interdiscipli- nary character. The focus of the materials programme of this centre is to provide materials, processes and processing solutions to the emerging needs of evolving indigenous nuclear energy systems by proactive research and development on a con- tinuing basis. The initial stage of our activities was formulated around three stage Indian nuclear power programme. In stage I, material issues related to in-core mate- rials with emphasis on development of fabrication routes of zirconium alloys for structural application were addressed. Subsequently the thrust areas were develop- ment and characterization of mixed oxide fuel, advanced zirconium alloys, structural steels, superalloys, neutron absorber materials based on boron carbides and borides, and shape memory alloys. The research was useful for in-service performance evalu- ation, safety assessment, residual life estimation and life extension of nuclear reactors built during stage I i.e., PHWRs and BWRs. It also included developments which would permit rapid expansion of nuclear power initially through fast breeder reactor based on mixed oxide fuel and later based on metallic fuels. For the 3rd stage, multi- layer coatings, graphite coolant tube, BeO, refractory metals and alloys, heat-treated zirconium alloys are being developed for CHTR, ADSS and AHWR.