NASA Facts National and Administration Lyndon B. FS-2004-07-002-JSC July 2004 Benefits from : Giant Leaps in

The , a luminous object in the night sky that once inspired limitless speculation, afforded the inspiration for scientific discoveries in space and on – thanks to the . The world was captivated on ,1969, when hundreds of millions watched through the lens of a compact camera built specifically for space as man planted his first step onto the lunar surface. recorded details of the momentous occasion with special pens that allowed ink to flow freely in low . Other like breathing apparatuses, fabric structures, communications and protective coatings that made man’s step on the Moon To the Moon, through the roof possible soon led to giant leaps in technology on Earth. ’s Reliant Stadium features the first retractable roof NASA’s Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization of its kind, made possible by NASA technology. NASA’s licenses space-age technologies and connects with the private spacesuit fabric has fostered many new innovations, including sector through business-to-business partnerships for the a permanent structure fabric developed for the Apollo Program creation of products that improve here on Earth. Below and produced by New York-based Birdair, Inc. Pound for are a few of the many viable commercial products America pound, the material is stronger than steel and weighs less than enjoys today with roots that reach as far as the Moon. five ounces per square foot. Its translucency value, which ranges from four to 18 percent, reduces lighting needs and helps maintain the natural grass playing field. Its reflectivity Playing with the Pros lowers cooling costs, and the Teflon coating reduces maintenance costs by increasing the fabric’s resistance to Sports and recreation manufacturers looked to NASA upon moisture, temperature extremes and deterioration. These landing on the Moon in pursuit of improving their game. factors combine to lower initial costs and speed construction. Walk, jog or run like an There are two applications for Birdair’s fabric; tension “Moon Boot” material has revolu- structures that are supported by a network of cables and tionized athletic footwear, improving pylons (used in the Reliant Stadium), or temporary air- shock absorption and providing supported structures that consist of an outer membrane and superior stability and an inner liner. On average, the use of fabric covering, which control. Al Gross, a NASA Apollo can last up to 20 years, can help reduce building costs by as Program engineer, used his space much as 30 percent. Spinoff 1978 and 1990 expertise to improve athletic shoes. He substituted DuPont’s Hytrel Rearranging furniture in a stadium plastic for foam materials in the Together, NASA and General Motors developed a way to shoe’s mid-sole to eliminate cushioning loss caused by body move heavy loads more easily by lifting them onto a thin air weight. An external pressurized shell and stress-free “blow cushion. Rolair Systems, Inc. was formed by former General molding” process adapted from NASA spacesuit technology Motors’ engineers and has found commercial uses for the was also used. The resulting compression chamber mid-sole innovation. ’s uses this technology to allowed the popular , AVIA Inc., to reconfigure re-arrange the stadium seating by moving an entire 7,000-seat designs for specific sports and provide a “first step” toward a section on a cushion of air. A single operator can reposition durable, foamless, non-fatiguing mid-sole. Spinoff 1991 this huge section in just half an hour. Spinoff 1978 Safeguarding You and . The array surface area currently on is 9,600 square feet, nearly half (40%) the size of a football the Environment field (24,480 square feet). The skyscraper-sized solar arrays Technologies guarding astronauts on the Moon now protect harness energy from the to power the Space Station. you and the environment on Earth. Spinoff 1981

Astronaut flight suits Chlorine-free pools fighting on Earth NASA’s silver ion technology has been used to create an hazards are much automatic pool purifier. Caribbean Clear Inc. system offers greater in atmospheres an alternative to chemicals, such as chlorine and bromine. containing a high percentage Purifiers use silver of under . ions, as used in After the 1967 Apollo fire, Apollo Purification NASA needed to find new Systems, to kill ways to protect astronauts bacteria, copper ions and their vessels. The and algae. They Monsanto Company produce spa or pool developed a chemically that exceeds treated fabric called EPA Standards Durette that does not burn. for drinking water. Spinoff 1994 A National Bureau of Standards/NASA Apollo innovation shakes up seismology resulted in a lightweight breathing system including Through a contract with NASA, Wyle-3S built an facemask, frame, harness and air bottle marketed by enormously forceful shock and vibration system to simulate . Aluminum composite material was used to reduce liftoff stresses on the . In addition to earthquake the weight of the overall apparatus, and the frame and testing, the company has adapted its shaking technology to harness were designed to be much easier to put on and take evaluate railway cars, rail- or road-transported cargo, truck off. Today nearly every major manufacturer of breathing refrigeration units and highway pavements without apparatus incorporates NASA technology in some form, destroying or harming its surroundings. Spinoff 1979 helping to reduce the incidence of inhalation-related injuries. Spinoff 1982 Medical Marvels from the Moon Safety in security systems Apollo-based technologies launched major medical Technology developed by NASA led to an intruder detector breakthroughs on Earth. that helps prevent burglaries. Before prowlers can break in, vibration-sensing detectors pick up movements of anyone Shocking heart within range and relay warnings to portable radio receivers monitors that alert guards or residents. Encased in a stainless steel NASA’s Apollo tube, the detectors are implanted in the ground outside the technology was used facility being protected - home, bank, industrial complex or by Medrad to develop other facility. Spinoff 1978 the AID implantable automatic pulse Solar Panels: more generator, which power, less pollution monitors the heart Innovations developed continuously, with technology from recognizes the onset NASA’s Apollo lunar of a heart attack and module program has delivers a corrective created a renewable electrical shock. The energy resource used on pulse generator is, in effect, a miniaturized version of Earth and in space. Solar the defibrillator used by emergency squads and hospitals panels collect electricity to restore rhythmic heartbeat after fibrillation. Once by absorbing light when it implanted, it needs no specially trained personnel or strikes the surface and additional equipment and consists of a microcomputer, transfers it to a . These solar panels are used a power source and two electrodes that sense heart on calculators, street lights, houses and on the International activity. Spinoff 1980 Apollo sets the pace At Home with Apollo St. Jude Medical’s Cardiac Many everyday home and consumer products today Rhythm Management their roots to technologies during Apollo missions. Division used Apollo technology to develop a No cords attached programmable pacemaker Utilizing NASA’s system. A physician can cordless innovations, communicate with a & Decker created patient’s pacemaker by cordless, lightweight means of wireless signals transmitted through the battery-powered precision communicating head held over the patient’s chest. Where instruments designed to earlier pacemakers delivered a fixed type of stimulus once give surgeons optimum implanted, this system enables “fine tuning” of the device to freedom and versatility in best suit the patient’s changing needs. Spinoff 1980 the operating room. It also led to today’s electric Easier treatments for dialysis patients screwdrivers, drills and other portable and chargeable Technology originally developed under NASA contract by devices. Cordless power tools are also used to help build the Marquardt Corporation, a chemical process was developed to International Space Station on orbit. Spinoff 1981 remove toxic waste from used dialysis fluid. This discovery led to the development of a kidney dialysis machine using Clocks with rocks “sorbent” dialysis, a method of removing urea from human To keep missions on time, General blood by treating a dialysate solution. The process saves Time Corp. developed electrically electricity and gives the patient greater freedom of stimulated quartz crystals. Quartz movement during treatment. Spinoff 1992 provides a stable time base, giving clocks an accuracy of one Cool ideas from Apollo minute a year. By vibrating up to NASA’s Cool Suit technology — originally designed to 4,194,304 times a second, these keep astronauts cool during launch using a water circulation clocks keep millions of people on system — is now used by hazardous materials workers, time around the globe. Spinoff 1976 armored crews, firefighters and NASCAR drivers. Multiple sclerosis patients and children born without sweat Busting the dust glands and a disorder that causes extreme sun sensitivity Apollo astronauts needed a portable self-contained drill wear built-in water circulation vests that provide them cool capable of extracting core samples from 10 feet below the comfort. A surgical personal cooling system has also been lunar surface. Black & Decker used a specially developed developed for medical personnel working in hot operating program to optimize the drill’s motor and room environments. And, horse saddle pads made with this minimize power consumption. Refinement of the technology technology can lower the horse’s temperature by 4 to 6 eventually led to the cordless vacuum cleaner called the degrees. Another innovation includes a liquid-cooled bra that Dustbuster. It has no hose, no cord, is 14 inches long, and aids in the detection of cancer using infrared thermography. also comes with a storage bracket that also serves as a By increasing the temperature difference between normal recharger. Spinoff 1981 and cancerous tissue through cooling, differentiation becomes more apparent on thermograph. Spinoff 1979, 1982 and 1989

Precise prescription doses Under one of the earliest contracts awarded during the Apollo lunar landing program, Corporation developed and produced equipment for controlling the flow of propellants into the mammoth engines of the Moonbooster. Today, Parker is supplying the huge valves that control propellant flow from the ’s external fuel tank to the engines of the Shuttle as well as the “ valve,” named for its small size. In 1977, NASA and Parker created the Programmable Implantable Medication System (PIMS) for continuous, computer-directed delivery of precisely metered medication — insulin, for example — within a patient’s body. Spinoff 1988 Crossing Boundaries Fueling alternative energy Many technologies that began their journey to the Moon Liquid is becoming an energy alternative to have crossed boundaries here on Earth, reaching vast expensive oil as a power source for automotive . commercial markets for a kaleidoscope of uses. Methane, which is the principal component of natural gas, costs less than half as much as gasoline, and its emissions Digital are a lot cleaner than those from gasoline or diesel engines. enhancements During the Apollo program, Beech Corporation’s Boulder Division developed expertise in producing fuel Estee Lauder storage tanks for liquid methane, a “cryogenic” fuel that uses digital must be supercooled to remain liquid. The company has analyzers and since designed a system to convert cars and trucks to liquid software based methane operation. Liquid methane must be stored at a on NASA lunar temperature of 260 degrees below zero . An research to evaluate optional twin-fuel system allows operators to use either cosmetic products. liquid methane or gasoline fuel. Spinoff 1982 processing brings out subtleties otherwise undetectable and allows better determination of product’s effectiveness. This process allows Estee Lauder to quantify changes in skin surface form and structure caused by application of cosmetic preparations. NASA’s digital imaging technology has also been used for CAT scans, MRIs, radiography, microscopy in medicine as well as various industrial and manufacturing uses. Spinoff 1986, 1988 and 1990

Metallic mania Insulation barrier made of aluminum foil laid over a core of mylar protected astronauts and their ’s delicate instruments from radiation as they ventured to the Moon So you need a sow nearly four decades ago. Today, the metallic material has In swine farming, 15 to 25 percent of piglets die before found its way into numerous commercial products on Earth. weaning, posing a serious economic problem for hog Its reflective properties offer insulation and protection for producers. Sometimes a sow will accidentally crush her cars, trucks, homes and piglets or she will reject or abuse a piglet. Frequently a even food. Woven into a litter is oversized and the sow cannot accommodate all metallic blanket, a her piglets for nursing or is just unable to lactate due to shimmery shield now physical disorders. Farmatic Inc’s Robotic Sow releases protects all walks of a prescribed amount of formula from a refrigerated from outdoor adventurers compartment into a warming chamber, where milk is exposed to extreme heated to the desired temperature. At feeding time a heat conditions to lamp simulating a sow’s body warmth is automatically emergency medical turned on and the machine emits rhythmic grunts like a patients who experience mother pig summoning her piglets. As piglets scamper to sudden body-temperature their mechanical mother, a panel across the front opens to drops. The same barriers expose the row of nipples. The automated sow incorporates that block heat and NASA technology derived from miniature electronic heat have also been used to pumps and heating/cooling systems originally designed muffle engine and exhaust for Apollo spacecraft. The mechanical mother comes in . Spinoff 1995 two models: 8 or 16 artificial nipples. Spinoff 1987

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