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It' A N D i B i B e a lit l i i an d

G a r d e n s , erminus Road, Eastbourne 180 ' es. ' I Tcl.M16l. O n e P B N N y


Q O ^ T H BTBEHT CHUBOH (Gpil,NTESli #K t ^ ■ P. . I Ol^ HUMTiMGDON's). M l gXBOtnflhrEi g K a : L , . J bUNUAY'. JUDY 18, :\ : . |BUNt>iY BOBOOD ANNiVERBARF. 1 ^ rlaf: Preparaton ^ad'klnlAIng 01 lit) h Borvibeall and 6.30. Freaober-; ^ Biuo eh 4 F& ness ,Eoa(t* M ir. a. HUGH EDWARDie,! M.Pc ! ; Ijl I ■ AnenioohatJ. ^ggaod Flowers Btrviceo I ' TBUIPHoilE. 'TOflvi 5 Speaker: Uev. a*4 BYDNEY IUA8T, . l vC. H ile^la HOTHB 1^1 OjffeA'K Flowers and Eggs are reonesHd Ibr ttai T JOtBS, eSe. (Lm i-). late|-: n d _Playln«j Cl(leJU"’; laz Boom tuft. long. ; sJ bDNDAY. JDLY 18. 1915. Prsaihbr I REV. DAVID ROaTr adrania||es to - Ilusio and Ifodir' t- [. 'i i At II. and.6.30. .' .., ■, , - r I ill ^iS:FEOTI(^?fEE. At| 8 I|m. Beri DAVID BOB trill give on addraN, ingi-and'SeteTi I on appUoatio . r-- . i '^Uerebant Jaek." • ] ,f Mr, p . W. Fpvargue In the obAlii J iN" HI A C H O iO li. A*. jgKDEBGASXito'f ] g A t x i S T f o r w a r d M iB a n m (|^;^£IX!SESa I, CHOOOLATB8 AHD SB ASIDE*. • ' ' ' lUBaiA.; B.A. d ^ diij .. I. i- SUNbAE.JDtVl«.atUapd-i^i.- ' ■PtoaxS&;- .V j )J.| f ^ t f n f - : trely packed an'd.^sted to' RBVk a. GHRiaTDtnfSR-pii :idM..3VE BBOWNjP ile,jElESBFTKRIAN OHUBCH. •metery. No flowora, hy roquefft. , j I ielijidj Mg th e fo il 6' specials 'I \ RDjjoirited Motor P«bUU 4__ _ lANeROFT.k|.LESMERS, JUj ■ I'- _ .ROURNE.- . - j taSSIEE.—On the 8th inst.^ drowla* d whilst . thd H it. ' ;';1SPANOi|li|; RO A D H .- fioir.he.V leave . our ! 'BUNOa !^, JUDE 18, a t 11 and I6.3(;- ^^thing o« B ^hy Head;, Claude T ^»r, T ! v ’6 i l r | 2;f[inS|i, 7Jd. yard, w oitli i/o f. Istlcor M*D. (tond.)Jlof 18i Oak-road, Vrqolslon, orte. Bi0.i. Cr^~ (Late of 32..MB|anNU^. RSV.i8. SVUART STARRrrV. B.f A idr ihia S9th y ear and ^ i h l i e i t Grade OUB {SCHQbt tor th i DAHajECTEBS OF; Ofifjjpes daily for|Tj‘ips ■ r"touBwoU HiUj: T ^er. in' hdii 26th year, third and ON :j7 ins.,; 6Jd. y a rtw o rth 84df.i fourth daughter' and youngest shild of ,< iffi^--Als^Ailfl 4 .■'Ob : to rU parts of Sussex, All TAOAni seats are Itaa n va luinatili' btjtqrs'l Airthnr CSiarles and Hmgaret 1 li idd Te»i • 1 , time of service-- DWi o f ’8, Qranville-Toad, E u thoum e, UAN^f ESTG AND PORTMENT. “T ith ChrMti" (No flowersj* fffliTij ¥ o i l ; 4 P n is i, S^d. yard, wotth ’io|d, ‘ PZAK(^BTK I HAU a -BBBH ] ^ (bet at reasonable fares. ■:: EE , caUROU DROXaERHOO©. •Walter, 18. New Upperton-io ad, a fto 1 ■ IDHg^A, Tnniuuius ;gOA^^: < suffering-, passed peacefully airajy iTuly Spdoiall M iA A i , . 'W a v ■ .T ip A i n i i dLBx?lbl|); :S ( h O T H , .. ntlqns reVtte*- ' " U*ingnb9!eadiiBi>(abeI ito e ^ S ., iiBCNDAy. JULY 18.' '“^•63.' !' I TwcKXanufUjOzVMi its^sona not; eM 'ihet 4m irlL ■ ji W-, -ti. .BpeSker i—; -.. • 1: AakMOwi«dEn|[«ltt. , yj[ortb iji'6 O I i ^ B S p jibe 1U ^ B % CHAPMAN & SONS, "f I DAT, October 2,:at Ap.m.. ( Ml%’^ <1. WALKER. CH.—! Ffitch 1 and fauil j eieh to Tsto.264. -Omer Biojal V. I Ist. 1894. Sbhooli r attendeiT f . 'ifte Leseone glreh. VIOXOf ilA PUACE. EASTBOURNE. ■[- ' tfbloist—Mies Ferry, I their______hw rtfelt ____ thanks_____ -for the _greai a t iVor particulars addreee- liadlesJnvitod. > ' SipjiQIAI. ‘'Op If a R. UM, ' ' jWBSTWAY.-l Es t t e b b a c e , apathy shsho-own them in their----- said■* beiMve------I Eastbourne. nt in the h' m of their dear Har^lti: aleio lO K ; A N I f^Oi^TINQ'SVRQB, 4^' iflde, 1/tJJ yi^ .' Proprtetoritprtetor i RKbr^ OH& hi n TBusrnoini 1532... .SAMAXION ARMY CiTkDfift :Ul floral tributes. 1 - -Xiutraetor-Xiutraetior/KJ|r< /JKJ*‘ S i 1^1 yrorth » Beerytry braqchcot.Phy-----“ * " J] I O lM ianiont, BiiiabvaMa .-l^oiicl, IIjANUNKY ROAD.'•- “ tanghg h t rby exnerten&e 1 15ASSETT & C a, ^eenueeATouimodHee ..nnmuiiuvr r theu s -. IfEAD^ EAS^lBqiWE. BOOKINQ.OFFlbBr .^juNDAY, .JULY 18. |.9o;iiNipi PROaO^TIiX ikTXENDED'v) i! TO. :n. Ohoifil Bmr.L 1 [OOL..tor.-the ' dan of Oentlemen p i m PLAOE (Opposite Pier) »^Mp«lsrs »pp1j s. - 'Speofo];iS tooenmenffATby the GountMs hf At '7 lia.m „ 3 pnd 6.45 i -! Uie Bev.v _. ■ ' T ^ - lUlains, stjer of Eastbourne EjABTBOUBNE AND OOUNTRY * AljjjMtant and M rs. dose|>h, UPPER jAVBM.VBNliE. Ooflfigeh' iK ^ e th * '” ** ' Esq., U.p.. and FKANCIS 4 SONS. [EST. i m ] ill WtuadPcBblM I pr04ent . M OTOR C O A C H PaiHSUAUl'j^l^*, §•- iglish ahCPorelKn lUstrhsois' i'THE. : ' '41' I k / r ii - ' ■ ^ IVEBT Astebnoom at :2^. S unday at 2 1 a.; and' HONDAY I(Wth)' at' |ON, Priyato 8oIl< ..>n MiuiteTS. fSpe«Ialities,T-x!iaie p.m. IBTBOXJBNBI CEM ETERY gtonod ueie. No fdlliiree' in' the Oxfend ..m^.the follo^ng Special OiroolAr >Ap,EA89!BOX7l is. 5 S l3 ( attdf■ H.C1 ' ,, Boyal , Drawing- EjfSiaili ARCHIE CUR ’tONUMKNTAI. SCUl ftw caiannide) I I, Sym- sty Exifois,' ini 1907; > .highest' place In' between' S e and q s iMIlea finbwsnoiKB inn Brunzo ion for hougM In the fenloi jara In MIm a II di.fian ttord in 1908.' All TnnL end Orowborougb .„ In "m dhcal marvels.* 37.IHPPBBTON ROAD, munition. Tennis Bexbi. I. end Battle .... i ... irnojmBW.i BABTBqD sp, lial home care. Winobi Bre ...... ' ... 'Band ,4nd Bonssters assisting. AND STATIOK ROAD, QM. A idi SEN t OF PROPHlaTT. At.;0AORkK*A Tm.-:iti^B'ixAWJ -Principals. I . | Pealgnsjlna BstlniaXa'a nmfliitiTinil Pibui Inolndiug Wstohes.. Plate, ” ^ 3 ^ 3 ^ 3 1 3 tauBooks.dn,.: . : I - I BekbUI only,..: ... ' 5/ Btatn^asttA' otoi^hg, IM A N e The ftb.. i ran as All Dat Tsips, Yf'ASXRGURHB BAPTIST GOTRGH in .MiNl piga A D ^W TN 0 iMtIitiK ^ OlOoe' At 10.30. i!«Aaxaui« A il ■ J ., ,. CEYLON,PLA'CB. ' . .j • Sleffion-ibo’^'fiisiabLis.'j Abotat Q. . .F a w .;..7/6:' fold M 6 p ^ CTottr to Arandei CAst|e«.' f uacw. T ra p l^' ‘ ; ...'Fara lO/a 8US]DAY.NEXT. JULY. l8. vOoantryBanBveryiMprnip^ ‘ . .. S4r»loss 11 and 6.30.' BNi ....JNBBlA' .me . .ie ' .'4»4 I eby ... • ,1/S/.,-*' I'S nrMkt Cigwge 1 oyiiias.. ^ IV. . DAVlih -BARRON. 'ASBINO;: ■ f.- i,. kOONtO' tbs Bide Cars—No Bxtra MjlARRL llttM eokN . _ ) m i PAVENDISH-FLAOB (oppofUe thePlb). v\^ATEH & LIGHTING 3 Ti iniBTl ^peVetedesogiptiatk (ftom .a*t... ttay-nnd Betide thi:eo.:to otne persons, enii •V% ^ - f - week, oriiroBlIb. Twelve* V. .1 Pritt<^l-liil IS be hiipd forFicnioSs Pri- ?uly -14 to July, 20, 1 MR, : -Runford, I te ri^ for Drives for Con- HiUujWATBii. ! 'Lnmlniia. iBusietpSi: , JMC iw'-ii—kteldin Art Hester. Nttfltael KadaUiet. toh ______Totudmt Cats seatiM three or PgAtoMter ol T the^Kstbournp' v.ri; Aidni. .After. -.tTur . iXechlti'eiif lastiin te. Wedbssday.Li... o.lQ 0.3a. „ „ ^i< Uv ^h o o l of ArtTipTee liMffons in ! r (Day of'EUght HonirB^, 30A I 'Thii]mey..'..X.... -o.50' „....i i;K 81 LI­ m m iiia ignd Finm iio. frifley ...... J.30 ..... ■ -iao i ) * v a « 5 MBS Speddl Tennii fpr lrieltprs^ BatnMay 2; 7 ...... -*27. iL... Wo, . tiandey,.;.....i..;,. . c ...... _... ueethe r worg PErtip.nlaral" E astboIdi K A I ^ R O U R N R ssaistantto Him wdenswonTB),- 1the|PloD eer-ofqblldcm '8 Riaing Datb Son. Baim. MAXs i I ' Rohd). lume hoy OIiABBBBhi tbs Grand Hotel MUi. BB4T. OcTonmi 1 a.4S: JnvenilM, 11 In |I!kUbonni{e, .an d ,iB ' no Iw ay oon- : ', Jo^^r 141519Mi 4i5 1914 1915 19M ISIS 1914 19^ 1914 •peetns'. add • tnU: DeVonabire Perk.JWmiHBsnaT. Octor neetedl with any other flrmn, either a 'lO tt a’S 9'6 06 ' • W'6 ^ SZ'S E O ^ % Baby OlaM 11 o'Sock, Ftiyetii . ' i.dlxeotiy or indirectly,. ------UeU. Sima-.. - !' 1 ■ 'T ' sl;4 62'0 ;i3SS*5 647 ■ :i' Slab tela Wa MU for-..ihii si -underground'OOttoryh 5 ^ NO arj.. OOOMBB BOAD. QBOYDON. b ■ ’ • ' Wilta for terms or interyiWr :— ^'S 63'0 62*5 6^*6 «T . -P b l IME'S, XBIu T*, THJOT,- -. 4'062'S 66*1 MA] - S'- UPPBBTON ROAD, RASTBOUaNB. I Jt HB CHILDBBN'S BlIpiNG school i 'X V .'Antt At L,___ Softool Q irlt (iVepdtiuo^ dt Fin oaxiCiidi. ad..—1B9BBS ofw. Vlsltora. imay Join Olasses a »•! 65'0 62*5 71157 i - • 1 f-. _ OlaSMS dally B BI MideipMndaip erilayerDey Boardstofoi abort psiidds. DfiM, 5dk Cavendish-Avenne.| Eastbourne a# Is stotldediori Work I Bon Velephotiwl 1201. 6D'4 860 — ■ *2664*3 79Y57 9. 8811 j y i s v . ’’s r ■ cap U|BaN' JttpBTWm. aDBlNG ' THB bdaoifff ]- . ..aODIDA ■ ' 39'8 68 9 Q'40 0*54 sbaoM lAtJsnJlffla lo jrenigUI Saagaagea.- Mnilo gixfoiB Ksaattsj !rono|!s.Bwlinmlngi sts. '■ j-- 'I PiKiibiitbia.Fbpee^iotii.. j ITJQI IB, O B ^ I 2Ck ‘Rhone 4 p . The above is isuspended -at present, b y t If PA N I O R V i m iCII , Ejfitb )qn>ii I SPOffiTS OUTH Xel 2^x. I xequesti of the authbrities. :l Breiy sboel ah tea nt sender. of erUcle t a ils V sdTiaable a ao for linen to letbeOemsany _ ihJSSi£L5J&lemeetsee . ribia j .'I ;'.R.:-ltl-.'-O0i for any ' iibejaent lo the fAGaBsaa atitbe- andry. J A > f N g , i SOUTH. BTBEET. .5XBOUBNB t.to COICBI X02i XEBMINUS Gpurt M illiner I tn d .G utuitiiei ■T r , M ' I4U>. PEAJRSON'S. e q a i KASTBOOHlig.: 3 : _ , ^fagHcglgl: ttem e 0,^1891. ; ). 4d, Qr IoVB B)AI> Oriemt Ora I aollege;il893-4 5. .:’,;'.r':'iJI/AifBStA irOT.- CLTiAti ItapEost Spoiitg -M c a s x b o ABn e -J ORIC^BT, .KIAOKB7 QLN. t I -■ -jv V IH'THE. K in th e DletplQt. n n d ; I. -iBitlKrd'Tahie-: a W - ' .-C ^O R E l \ ' . THK ic t t o h r n e r r a r e t .y t e n n i s , CRICKET, CROQUET. G-OLF . A OtWQNttOI 37, 4 e OV - -. 'HJ4Q1Q0u.KSCLl!;At..IhG U JX. iJ ) RNR e s H t n . I ■ ■ iWitu ■Wltu a UtUe Coat* is makw* d bpion . ' ■' 1 - 't &b.' ■;•■ -. .- J EA8|(jBOU. Q-ODT PL4NTB-I Oread BdadUon.l I ' ] r a-ale. .j-ee;,; sa. ' sat ng oUHodern PrlnolpIaJ Geranianu|FaafaBtB,Mar- Dgllyarped 4/9 thr<3.4-liusiiel sacks I Tgrfg |Fpk,'thA-,,i^^ •♦-f *■ :« u it' 1 . .'Meeds 5/-for 3i 4rbnsbal'sacks. /. IS NO yORRY Staeks,- Aiiters,: ; dtirrhianm, l elo, 140 PER OHALDBON. SwMt Pea I Sii»ns. Fregh-ont '• '■-, ;i«f Meads do. to thi i Iwbo'are strong in mind'an'di bbdy.i -Wreotlu and ( ri^es. I This above Ptfees-ate sabieot to elieratlons ’ ' witbodt Dotioe. ^ ' True, |thhthe .rewi.reward of work is| ^ swe.et. and! P, CONTRACTORS. loM Head (lap at ] Read.) pfi^iOTb iqcjsntlveiiu^ntlTe; butout apart fromirom t&atthat Ufegsen- i'iJOt GAS COMPANY. tiial there is a zest in work w hiob'is kns-wii a L p h a e e t k I J t C E . ' - — ■-I : .r.' bnty to the .healthy,, and those -whO inisa i * ) N ; . M t I'i’ '|.ji.-']BEAL GO. fibla'k^ delight are. not really rea'pl^ the ] n s e . D e c o lla to r SHOUBgAND Fi -OAR^E- YOU* CAR full reward of thtdr labour-r-arO even mlE sing .-i ■- 'IMHBB AN9^ X I OK .NTS, ' hnfltir Idesk. oO qdltii^- Prldatb locknpe. a lino PUfthtlt. lAtt^tiioh th^efore sh inhl lAni. EHDB dF-Hoi ESXIMAXBB FI be dlreoiBd to ttah condition of. the geEelhi' H ’S S S S ' i flQTOSIAIinteRi^ iVTBRiDea' . w^np^omeWith.elMtrtollghtskadiatori, foftidisid) health,'tOrit'fceqhentI(y happelus that ia-enn- ty« ll«h iiiPkIAa M. RARK> " e ^ l^ritek or caU 'fo rter^. raafa;dxBiBBT„OLD-4? >w h . tSTDOUB NE. of thO systeih is niainly rps imi:- Fhone No. 938^ itOiQge lo AvdDijie.(farag^ Commetelall''Road; ^ o siry . Wheeibfrrows J . - 4**iili$xor Bomii H guuf f^tbout isying that tijyoiuSo ^ t , 1 ! i - i BeUngs dexefito attc well ypajeannot work with pleasure.;]; Now •-! li order. it is a weB-knjown| fabti that-W hatispeppl nly MQNEY . : i x L ^ term ed, ‘ph “ out of Sorts ” cOndijtioi.! jis U S T B f e E PLtTM BEitSJ .aMCrOBY. -r Jdue'tQ'kome deranjgemOnt o't the ^ - ^ D l i 0 7 SOAR REAS muji, t)o A ei 'A B lV ftI digesttvOBystem.. IrrUabUItyjiasEtiude' low Drabage s^a Bonitery Wozfcof oSpIritsi HeadaohO, bill0U8n^,< dyppht^a. I'flfi i haeted ant ''to'iih* otliender,. iexjonee;.ui8one • iflizpinAso|,are symptoms otj^ipinihih>h4 X ^epinnfo, M ISS A. I k a4;':.B)uir;i«Bs a oo;, Itver idisyrders; .aiiclJ'whilo - these ‘ipestsiet ■TtolfBqiD. S ( » ® ^ 17RNjs. . satlefaoM ^ it ixp^esf ble. in the kidiond Counties M mM a loetUidmoefor tbe I 1S e ^ & ' HStante tb the Inhsbl- JTHANjKS TO ___^ ______, and District. iVai^ s 1 1^Px AV a' F k\V B oP i^! NOiio b iBeecbam|s Pills such troubles nray 1^1 be re- t l R i , ****^ttTe o largrmene farmers, Indcsmen, and moved;— speedily.; Besoham>a- • • ------:^ 8^ , f sgei tiuraUy apopeiintfO pr^isaory note I t - abl< by.weeklr, inonthb'««r quarterly- an ex< |nt^“ ploh-me-np.!’ An oira^c :M iO N i tain ratsaimoderatointejisst. ' ' . .uose o r'in isiBl celebrateacoiebratoci medicinemedicine^ '? h e .pHO'RT.M,' _ „ . all (ransdsubds sfn'oUv venfidmuai .founainvaiaable for keeping a penon Pair'and idrs!diiaUlgV(i'HioUerlender8csnbaTutheir ■ ...... - i. ------— —jib'Oea ' ojffan liQOfqoaody W ove tho ACTUAL health an^ tn lit couaitiun lor*th^dutl^^l ‘ ..^d evnxApptlpatlon willMwoeivo ini- life.; I f deed everybody would be all ^ e ^ t- ---- ndpfNr«on4JnU«nUoh hy torrfor thfflntelllgent.;ond jndicblusTnba b i ' m ittftAfgnnatf, TBOSq OLUKDYe Beeohe qi% P ills, wblpb remove h n S e a lu y lavebdish Avenue 0>ff Bonme St,)- aoeomrlations, strenigthen.thO hrgmfojof iPEV El t^ivate House), -iwruAk'-.'' dJflestipn, pnri^the blood, and thprmy give i m i i t o tone tophd wholp t^sliem..' Wor]|>udtMsl>. JITBD.. T o .tBB.'OoO.^ •nessoopiejaUthe^iwi^r'to those yrfip'ltw p ‘x•tpf^^ ifi t^tmaa ihst. . tciuiqumnenBB hnslnsas Imnsacfoa by j’.tbjTEujlseu CdunUss.' tbey.bavs opanad a e i lbs uUifoifoiBUtirasdaddMH. Adfonceti I II A M 'S ifoaus; B^tAL,BATBK TO F A ^ rEADESMtol ON NOTE OF BAND. ■■■ int nmoVal and other seenrities. x C rOT BILLS; eondMnos), stsdna fou:i«qair8menta. ^jer,A.J. . I.;&UUiv7i9.iOotablll. HcUldaiy.lt.______Irswiob.1 IPrepared only by igij:-[Anj------goypl. tfowlob. — —Tefoihons ■' 691. tO » , XHo: q ^ A n7y..Ro. r-KMthsiiR; BEECEUM. St. Heiehs. I •-.It" 77'. ? ApyANi. »-’jdodBOtlottSi for M p N i . Y : ' e-vec]iwtaere;ip boxes,"' ; I; inkirsst. (?5 pills) dl 2/9 (168 D ili,)! ft- : |S>NN :H t«t!a«LAL' ' ABti. 'On aak 'b W of BsOasity, or on k o T B OF BAND n L OiMkS’a D41 Pint m ajf m m i . D fcwpjg;:-*', Toil v u Aog HorsBemedVs.meM i l S l A k D - ' S ONLY. . • .SbX,T< . _tiired or. Constitutional D k « ^ i --'1. ?ii«rPt»:L-|!6i»-i ;BHrvA(3i;;> ■ j. ,L 'Y'-'.-v, from~ Organs. OravelrFaiilsin thefia&L— .-SIiYMTOTS. ; !•" &C» iSWABD DEAStHO, ■ ^Years' gABY-FEEB; i 'j . 4 » C l a r i f e ^ iir^.Kiiaaoih'wtib'wbte'foa best iaaAbP oldmiahlisbsdT,wiaon, and

■?.V- V>-. V I ' T ■' ti'

i . -I -.- - 't I. i A B X i J S O T P

y-ptlilfE Gar t!|at X pm4v(ction M a x w e l l "light” Car,!but hhefwith no excess weight to r Do not buy i any Gaf before you have compar Equipped ready for the road* with electrif sg. Ihorn, wind screeni. and allowed h e r a- doya of motoring; when, iB waa about f o ill-projielle^ was to £ 0 aboppii^, no long, odoi'ifeioual profanity-compelling tel alone, went Luiaanco, th e prohwm. of th ^ ex h au st h a s eu- Keady for the iRood. ,ad aalccd the aged tpo attentionJ of motor designer, ly k e y s ,. a s ho fochanieal ingonnityt eoon mastered tb# from a hae. abomination ot smell and, loterJ itaevil comr o a locksihith^, nauion, noise. B u t thc^so tw d iihprovem ente, _ nm lay a small' Whilo of-the first ijmpclrtonce at ridding the The II ho went to the motor oar of its unsavpury .replitatiom wera sd Open the,b

baUdisridt blab-grade C O N T E p T i these celebrated bicycles fiy tbe easiest of Eoeyi , ..■[pftbfo: i . a L Bo«r|nel iS S iS '' .®t®.*H?“bramd CatoIoguofcrl9l5m“b*l ,' . " ’"T POST PRBE, myeceibtof Pii$iea^ t o 1- those lopi months...... of 'winUr/durms (which iefich grouai of three discharge, th e RUD<^-W H&W ORTHh;LTB ykl»i?b t6 IJvaiou t&o" pr()9eed3 o. ijiunibers denoting the respective order of ex- 10.;J|-ERHTNgs ROAE|;> m u tr'se.f^sonj • . :• ^ ! plosion. i i 1- I Hm . S U s ...... id! ‘lie succees bf ycui Kiss Pairk^t, bp " itGrtaiuing'Iy se ICiBf Frfiot! down liei' -nCes, ' induce others tc . The only car In jingland ibssessing this Miso YqI.U . . emulate ievements 6 0 tlia t WQ novel form at exhaust is a 6ix;-pylinder Lex- Miqt S.iBaJley JoknBon irhaps I a fresh event in th^ neit £a€t fington, in whiohj I had Jihb fippurtuhity of ouriii gatta in ! the sRa o£ a , ' Ladies [testing the value of the defiicq in the'coarse jof a day’s run last week."' llhe engin'o is cast Counted otat. J « C 6 ohrg truly, . „ , j 1 ANplhEB O a b s w o m s s . |en bloc, Stin x 5in., nbminallV 28-30 B.A.G; [rating. A similar motpr had been subjected <-to an independebt bench test at a public Tho tea -wai supnlied by Mr, L . MoLaohlan r jtesting laboratory in llndiaiiapnlis, first vvith (Prov e-road and Cavendish-place),, ■whqsq EUSTACE ELLMAU *an ordinary sinSlo exhaust apd afterwards •catering give lgreat eatisfactipn. . {with a Moore mhltible. The [result-showed ‘"The Isle of Wight County Preset (New­ ItEat w ith the conventional single.' eXn'finst port) saysar-rlliMr.iWi W. DeuRom^,^rmeyl^ i.it waa impossiblelto get more than 43,8 hprse- Ipo'wer up to 1,4M pavolutionp- per minute, ni6H>CiLA89 BUTibitlEB^. i . , . [while above th a t sReed there was loss of 1 the -tion has hee] p o w e r.B u t wltll the Moore -Isysfem i t was J ^ a U ^ n id<)mi;'M3<3e iSaEsages Eastboujjpa tiaeelte," it is stated' that Mr. eiVed.that M r. Bni possibleIt, j to _ .pushjto , i 1,800,1 rejvqlutions and at 'Denham'fs a-towera -ti...... of. strength to tRa club, e i Ellmon (grah'i ’th e same .time obtain 58.3 h.p.,|or 83 per cent. A o w 'i■md ’ ’has pat ■ it t into a mostmostsatisfaotory satisfactory can-con­ son qf''' a fsrmci^.V'.viea] ■ sanoro power. dition. SCr. Jenhani stated: at the* meeting BeHviek' anr C 'a iry F e d F ^ r k . a prevK ....a stcretary... . . and . nriM donor, Mam , A. A. Martin "(formerly'formerly of Newport) -had- Lust ii[hat this an le toad was easify^ recently callled upquin him,'him. anda^ he announoed , . appreeiable during drive over the 9 & e i C f I'eij iHo,) 10. - 79jTi rn|i!nii8 Rjd T e j i N a l l f c hiB promotion in The B.^-M.C. and departura -■tame^l.,a wound in th| length o f, the ^Ien*o ,, 'htn it wag pojr 1 D alion Tlerrac^i' MeAds. Tel. No. 76. - 33t Sdasidie. for the Front; I , ,, [.'chCst dhrihg "the. ' sible to slDw-dot less than, two miles an t4^;N o.57x I" Dr. A; A; Matt)h, son pf the lat* Mr. "ceSti:enti: fightinjg ' a t , ; hour, oh -'s] .it I a mbmeht ' k; Gill-Malrtin, a former Mayor of NCiyport, .‘ .DaIrdaneUsff; ' aipl ,accelerato !to al vhOBo prpmotipn to.* lieutenont-cploiielcy in impjw.i! i n ' -■SfeepitaJ , |Daadidly l-.mua coi . ______h p R.A;NlQ; iraa rscently ,reported, is m dtai;..; >M?J-':E}Iiha! i '??f.WS*ad.. exhibitlio n ‘' p«untsp, of. this kind fommand ibf-Ithe fiSnd Pield AmbulancO, Ei th rf-ifqs, ■ wiicatj) ■ 'manyA time, I-h.javeuneyer seen anything to' Qivieion; dhiai belng-the flret line u n it of the Phholi the ’.perfoil)perfoiimaneei of this car in this Komo Counties iheljl Ambiance, His ect.-..''Simnarly;* pvet :l io. bniles - of- give- _ ' nemo itimh. I'-tMcd iqdd th'foualv.the^""^'"— ---- D'oida; arid 'i-tras was equally 'astohia lug from tiia 'Froiii, Eargebp-CqlOnel Martin ^rdniliSfstai ^ x in g to h to this •mdrE'et -u’ffdbr normal eon'i says; ‘ Th> ttoops Qufberp era simply m?s- _,, , clfif Eastbournh o)tiqn)l should make IsbinB pf the fffmons-siz- nincenL : a id i march out each morning fm) Gaxeftb '"’ at thh tint j cylinder chrs.' costing double the price, looto thMr spslliof duty fu the trenches with a gay wrnc. he [diecfded to ioin_thp to their laurela; T i . - IF Y O y - C A ewlng andi mevry faces. Every available man Lod.-Su:} • pi,LUA] public 'School aid beiiefuly to ]oin them,' talipn, ■ Hawke I ilj'Navqi yolnuteer Eeserve; THE NEW IDEA IN •Mfi)'TOE-CABg lindei'goif g| a. poursle of' training a t the Cryj : SAVES TYEEj ANi: S S fE N S E , alac he wap! order^-abroad) and in u W hilo war servioA-lby motorwats has occu- letter,] — ently printed ip this-paper h|i piea tho - xn£m, attention of motorists, u A WOOER IN KHAKI. desoripL some of his expenenoes in thh ventkble revol^tioz^ ixt motoring ha^ b e ^ neighqp-u hood of the Daff'danelles. going on. at home—a ‘lind permanerft- change in motoring ideals of [town cars and touring care, i The day if the ovfir-heavy W AMINp TO TflUSTrpii WOMEN. £ 0 , e p U A motor.i w ith its.vheavy tylrc-tsost aud ty^i- W S T M n U w ff.;----.•-■,■'' ■ • ,weary Jaj^d iU heavy of petrol i ne>v( ideal toil jnotor«-6ai'fl» oi |-.Wlih|:di{ e ito iia I p L tb o ilondoh Odanty which the Mq^wettl" H tbq highest ex­ [Esg|ij gBB "fi8}p5|og pjpaim,"! Westminatbraw Eaa.uuait Limited;have deolared s ample;-useless weighk IS Climmate- intetfih a yld* id pi nlpp liet OTOI* fQr thh hai 3UCO oflording J, «n„li— fh e only Optician; in m ne yeah endl Dg;ul tiiie 30. The'dividend;; fie. peif; petrol cxpeiiSe , vyith ■■Thli . Piftraordiunpy. case^ which Brighton has fur- shat e -(lei'aFimiamSsi tax), iwill bn. payphle oj f aafidsqma fi;ro-ri»Manber tofiring MaxweilT* , ecf - D|pb(li|ils|, Aished tbiff week to the As*,iaes...... W hat writer Aag|aat 4 I- ■ ' cMts only AXS^l ^ efir* . Bj W. Lovely A Co.;i , itipg bfpiild dare to tag the siedwUty pf f'M., Qnem s j Belsize,- (jlarage, CavendiAh-'V'- TTilth a ploc exactly tue same as the ■f' . -glace, I Eastbourne, kre '.dembnetrating ' tha' H..;:#.f<:hA0klNtis tpld-OQ oath in th.k Court? TJjiis I I CLERICAL, .[^AVAU MILITARY, And m ' 8«.,..'f8RM |M US;, BOAD, b |m !^

a t ^ v e r H O M F i I T I E S r ;f .A.^ , Pnoi^BNAT>E ,fOSTtatBA AND BIDINa 'mBTTS A ' 8 PB' ;ypUtjia,re,; th is [ ■ ■ -| ’ j ■’ - A tSU OABMUUTS IMAolp ’OK ig DAUwrieaf '4:wi4h )th*m as (#6is, blan c~ H p r^ ! torUffp -anprovefir. Itna: ige ,-«aihde 'fampilje. ,wjA, J fo’y 'r rone , *8 i tHWAebfhiild and-


I IM lVy.5 =JSS=fi!|-

;;l *

I Snsscii I'oomaury stationed'at Oanteibory, wUilb U. Aliorlon is a lieutenant: In itlo'Otb Buttoll: XlCHiment; a resclrvo w h , is F.F.Idutrcll IdutrcU.anh A. 01 Cerry

-Sefoadnut, itbo vras unaeistood drespea, nut in tuo case' 01 wau.uueu umu n-v- Ptlvato £. Ill Elliott are with the 2nh something aboiti; tlic 'a boots, wasistatea turned home o: (as has vin'Jortuuatcly hap­ Bnssox Pioneers, now nnder ordsi iceed ■ ' •• ■ a aepafatte|ix dUpwonce.! pened) men; wl> :o fe.cEs wo shall ace no more, on earth, I ;havi taken the lihc'.'ty to issue tp * to the Front ;'G. , who as ifl le an tTENANCB icASE. deseiTiuc men :bt i’eoeiving! ninilyi prosppts. Insidp left as the icara over htd; Id ^rviji^iv'lth

Com­ iTwiafWTA IS SHOE IN oflhialscm in njsehoo'l for tUe blind. Defen-, pany Hdgiueere. ’’Y Wish .all tbeie pltyiers a dant, a JWi»r,‘Mid not apptbri and a letter ■j FEO THE FEQNT. safe return to Kastbburno after tb 9 w ai, when Blaijli; SUk W hite f ‘iq|a« TTas lend fronatnia leife, whoEproimted to Mr. T. $txdud. ellingjy. tbeir trusted Irlcnd and snpportc r (M r O. E. '•'le ertears iby Ithe end of A ugust.' ■; i West) will be ono of tbeilrat to wploani|< tbem 12/9 afid io/lll Dear Sir)-—A \rd to th a p k \o u fop Tlie ^ase irnapdjoarned nntil Auguit 27. most w^lcoine ' tobacep and cigi baoli, OTHER SljVLES IN tr^iiW fqL EkPLOYMENT OF A BpI; ' WlllMia iSdwnrd Down, giw er, of Viatotie. i: li te C^B' rhi, B liek PoiiUji • id dHt-e, was saininoned for nnwwfulljr e nptoy* ■ J ibg Upgiitald %ank Chapldfii, a bo; niMer tha'^£g{e o M l dBara. 'I - ’■ ; 0 5 l i f f c llii [|6 /l^,']'7 /l^ 1 The Woprii ClferltvJrbo pr<*ecuted| e aid! Be Q. inikhtiBave (laid another information i gainst 'efehdant fbr employing the boy Orel' eight opis> As the] boy was under: U del>iildsiif l' ■ U _iad._n|» right M employ hm at all. fTba R ! 0 N O A N D c o u n t r y . S a c V Hpdical Omcerlcalled atteiitmu to these cases a & t ^ m l e y sum tbp iClUldren ettgered in h eaitl. I efendan^lj cannot' get anyK..,,. boys. . ,_L.l J Mb, ilernimus Road W o!'M pg| Clerk.xi That do !S 1 % fy you ^ employing h'1 Under ll.li {He F r o : i n a {ftppo»itt\ B ailw ay Station) it get anyiegeroise eicfeL______In th e work he do& fLlor yo^. Jyoa take.uplthe whole |his lolBttrp-tlfiikeT tchoal. e X s t S o u r n e : i AldermanlKiay remarked ithat the jusit cos bl.. !&, cohkiditftedtheieBBaA very |iad ’ one. Ueteh- •Phon|6 461.i dent tjroald" '1, 1.1 bejfiied inalOS.- :xiKxxN^naEEKxxxidQ|(xk I q u a i^ l a t s : itS ID E l I t s h ecau ^ e M a ry u seb P O W D E R M p Y \ m i [arty; BnopEshaw, of Cl4rsnce-rbad, ras ah implied |o r Idisorderiy conduct at beai de. G p o k i n g J t e n s i l s m Li^'I Thamasl (Hayo M Tdotbos) deiepi ed. o swfeet and clea! so olipeicdniitanle^yilUBm tlopuing piwed case. At.tafiS.mm. on Jtpe i!u he.leai d a i^e^lect h e r : o w n b Iht of Shonting an Spiingfield {road. He' fhJ k t face, ; Powder M W'is- lelendant in thb noddle o; * a large erps I'-C. rbokiliaUr yha abwsing;a wc liuin and i ioWng ijioui allegations t^ainst her. At 10.13 yit- c l e a n s e t * ii j r t d p o l i ^ h e r i It’s splendid a l i b f d sccul iie« found defendant abusing the ’roman aigainJ ; ‘ ■ ' ‘ ' c U y* th (j 'j&eg { Cross-ekamined by , ,Mr|: 1 Thoma Gnr XV. TllOog liTT Gi r J. r jo c k u r PlO .3. MOCKE'-I’ A-.n.-e...... ^■ OG'dWd^k',: F l o o i s Tabled, Dres s e r s woman's.husband is set^iug at the F.:on P.yl Field Art) lltry. Byl Ficld Ar, Ueiy. 3rd Ityl.Buasex Egt. > iRjN'.y.Ui PoliceAergeant Fred North gave cortebpra- (Ellled in Action). : dClUcd Ip Aipllcjj), ojbti^i^al^lQ .' tivie'efiden^.j /■' .|f, . ^ ‘ I '- I. Ddfendoiit^I was spcal^g to a "1 roman V - Bo, Mtbnhey is the W4U»^6wn -prepeitSt{m^^ npmedl CpokL She said, " 'Jnere is the seput. •: H It I would pay 'him' better 1^ look aft sr the rrife aind ch tld t^ he stai-ven.” [ in io fn u -F^Y ijcritid d f Ohatles H u m , Fairlightlroa'd, gave evi. dence for the defence. r ' i- hcmiiiet fkdfi Mitnki ijt MfHhd^bdtJk sbbfiU he'in ev^ni!' fphiejf Inajoeetor:]fOr TaylorToylor prevpdpfpvpd titweli e pre- ■-X' T- ■ "T rious connStipns, and defendant-* wai fined i GBStfiicri^lljDN IN M iEOCE-EOAD. FOWDEl 0 R CAlfi£g IGH W ILL YOU ; Walter (Hrmner. Langn ^ ad, wra nAUm-;_in. mpned for {leaving a horse ___nd j U l i ^ attended'in Matlock-road on June 29{ U it'., AHeuraefended.AHenldefended. T ' ■•t 'dlibe.oonstahle Coombs gave evidc• ice ■ 8/- 'm oni|hty,| Support Of tJiB|hhaige. USE !rom-ezamiiijcd by M r. lAlItn-oDef in ^ n t H A M B L I ^ it^als in- 'chfittjte of a btead van. I did.notjoij^ M)&NSEt jys thq brake-was |on and {tbit] {the P(^DER^M<» rang the hell at 2nd Byl West ' . Vmy Ordnanco Cprps. ‘ Ficlijl Ajti (Igry I ' ittNKL y j' ? ' defendant's Ususd dud ret Sited ho answer. .Egt, ■ Sfeesrs Won fbldtLofibe UeBars 1)^lUer,WontiB« liJ.1 At: 3.15 he called again aqd saw-defendant, Bene, aeb and Bleed lcy*i 'Wf*rrA and ^ who said, “ Cm, well. I went to bed nhd for­ (•kipK....;.. 17 Dy|i^ jBWpr.i.;;;;...... , i f SOM got all abonfi tbe tnifig,” I 1 There->whre:no GAZ TTE’i ROLL .-SOME EASTBOU.INE •e,gtmane vihol smijal .lights on tholcar- | ' t" 1 lesars ixviler. Fish. Moari^a H. BurtobeVan* btead Allinson Bread, Defendant mentioned thap he had driven in FiGli I R«EN, . , u ( &d Prior. ninplon.DangateikQd ddicii lie bread,{is made .Cahodai .-whe^ therd was njbsimilar I4 (flkipj.i... ..31 Ra5d)|lH:iI ‘ ' flour e wheat grain—JOJ' £iikX3. h i noun nehcial to health pi MONDAY.—EBefore ArthUt Mayhewe, Esq. M’O’iBrs Cri ike* Rds- ilessts Goddard,Elvoy, and] ■son Bread is a real -(in the alAir). B1 Hem 7 ElliS, Esq-,’A. laud. Knd<|tBky And FdMKatii tttididbpe* shly, be.eaten at Uvenr Chester Hillman, .Esq., and CoUnoillor J. Woodfield{(&kip)v....itK la i^ i^ p ) .....I...... ] £ • rn bread can possibl, . _ 73 j I place,lace. 'tEvtiy genuine .Allinson l ^ f -is- a National Tp-dfiy fbdiiesday) the BM oubt ClnB will i I i.t is.w ri'apped in:paper band bearine •; ' E t STOP. the ' est Hill Club in tlie second round of t on r: bw . Btif: eCOHbi|iy in the! food^ ! in’s portrait and signature thUAbergi v'euny Cup dootesl,o|i the riuk.boma | . 80K tIhBAD ig htthed by 'Williain J,!t inbridge, BeVinsey Baly, wa and away, ind on Satm' 'West Marina I idigaiffriieftt for wi^ddiBl ]• 7 9 T « ii i ] la ] snmnioned fc driving a h- irse attachM to i. team will ippear at 6t. Mr. DJ GU-BEkT 51 Seiuida Ro4d| cart without] light, in Seaside, on July.,2; . 7 6 . jiaisiil ej T®|. P'ife; XCrarO Raad I Mr. E. t i VENNER, 2 Bvidenee- given h y P ilke-constable !W. Sfek'ct b illy food that is pure, ixt6. nourishing-; ;; tV u n l W aU u d ^ ; Meun. d. THOM|AS Coppiite; whi said . th a t B idshridge was 'fgs JBDOUBT V; Vi M o BB; SONf Wmmiockg Pol^al lugsted to e( ip three tim is in Seaside dnd Bnd s u itd iA ./ « ; ^ ‘Saihsbury 4 quality’ ioooi lid not do so) He was drii mg at a fdkt pacs. Thu match Wits pUygd Wednesday and Defendant fined 7s.^r wbn by tbeiKddoabt bv8 ifpli The Vliitgrs 1**1' :• lisA a gbicid te ito Inpinr ' ■ In tbousaPdsnfwell-ihaiiagdd homes SaiyBatjr’s-'CfeKJa* ' ■ ■-. li INCAPAfilE. nlgmhhrji' ttfjvt iM |rgaftSe'is pikee o(''biidv.; Equal in'laste, m m bam. Th |kl t6 some Of — Eecles, Cfllonm du-kardens,...... _ th eir haW' ih'toiberirwh6hiii>< Ifoot qfiliM e^i&l |in •wholesbmeheiss, and also ia .nutriiaYy-power, i^Grelos* . charged withii befng drunk and Incapable in tothfitasg^fyitfitiifig. JS' ''--nne-patadjb on July 11. 1 iM v ^ ih e shc|ws.y6a a saving of 81. to lod. pes lb. ■ • ' Bjl.n|)gW).' .[■WraixoM,'.,./’ m ;i vidence wps given by 3 olice-collstt • ,../ . , Rrit* 1. r ' ^ M Oi f n r m, and defendant was , ined 5s. e a : Meesrs.H. Baker. Cerr •; Maisi * Walker, W;X - • -AII»SS1 S-’ r C t/H G A D E P N E ?1N- CBAtSOE,' .’jV,. V. i' %■■ ■ rinstaarai. h&tlglBSd Sm: bi F^on iWd.. oad Fish (fklp) 18 Jai ^ft1(8klp> Is If 1= 1 M ! _ dw ard Pblti i Alhion-rond. was Brak.2. charged with in I chargi Me^n. Jb Ku, eSntb MSis|i.! Wolkef. W. horse and cai ■ittge^^at Sfenpide, on Jtfly Levy, 0 dstio and . CO Police-serga ler statec Brnnh’, Cdl^rbok . Potter was e W .... 15. andjuitote tskiip)....22 Ir, Adams . Bmx 3, ’ nfc.!)' . ■.■■f 1ST„ Ctfed]|lGE’S ebj -MOyHTED SECTIOR. a l u e efendafit Was filled lOsI ) ^ e r , ' U e i& ^ Kttau,IfiMail, X>> th e m atter only O itic LO TH IN G a I j ENGliAI XheOaVi wUrdif bhva b aan pracjHiealte may he meailpnad witb toterastihat with the Ib raiM ibie I iMo: pbwd-smHiuB jdd hi part af- Mr*; Wfllikih C h illi^ jbat| o n 'tb e.' r ■ •ns, was sunuudne...... -T. mateoY v>hw Vgiddttpt .Hyteei.wl la rgely eaabled to get tagetbar liUiYeot to a Wto for to* fwiendishiplah by auaUbii.. ,• t .i , troop M tlio o f tbb Buor Wtt*. j^ p ifS S i ^ s t a r y ’s Yotiniwisli ,i^SK.Eibhajdea^ . n .was ;n Ih J Army iii;' Um--F ^riri-aiir iTi ---- -' -L) 4L 3^au,itlesii IweUtyx-yeara and-.ishe nderhtood he hod ' jpaynaki (BI Jroti’d tried it r^iitered SeE Ho hiad . ton killed. !. ■ Which t jtoeive dj tc^ay. Needless'to' Su, i i r / 6 ' S G M l Q u a lity ! ioiigagol I f ^ . / JMttotiyo4*ig|^ ilM, ,C!iiTtis s ^ thai: was. .very {(ilBasB I indeed with it,-aS-of ojiu “ Ehg)«nd we are {Unable i :q purchase alny EnglisT • . Twb Asfe^tx;r;''./| , ■ i 15 ’ >|M>hto,S»*toiU«*so '12 ! ' uh.d W feh .ybars in: Easi bpdme. sh e had arettas I heto. •Itjls gifts like yours w: X»i i-Batfl CoUIfiS, .91} Giorge-rdad, ] last* ehid thSt shh was natUr ilisedi but J t wasl aume: Hiss Uatov. Saetbojurne] ' an tos.l ftoM y nfandfd makh Us realize toat “ the. pebble at hot ■!(>} S > { d - i i e n i s a t i g / i e d i foqhd that that was not sO. Mrs.-Xiefaald ,'! / . . TWO SaKU^st •! wag jindfr t| have ti*)t forgbti m Us. Thanking you agx gbr. ifib Sm is! fie. mmessio u ihait her’sbn . I ’’am: yours si: liereiy. Sapper -H.' Day.I HiSi Bevto Egsttoiirnh; -Mrs. SpkrrdW, 1 Art- 0 j4 t » O n l y a t Y’9 SHOPS., fiia^ dji'-i- •her! naturalix I in 18W: ^ ler ron H.C. M . Cbmjiqi^, E.Ea ^ahee. field-rOad. Eastbonrnej Ji,,Binxgma We t .!am, ■ BntoA.' ' iii_' the: name,of' I QBoiLift th9 1 BZ 'sfi ' near Fovens^'; Hfss OheaU,.’EBuiliboarnc kies I'!:- jcillhd tH Aug H e wac ins%he Army! twifceg niaotpn„Baiitfioii5nei- . } . * t] bi i Ornmii, iCHiBn WOBKfiQO havinu. first Of BmsQn azid > tbe Y M-tsUM;.. 27’ (ddb)4. Messrs. Booii^f and .Oskorne, Hnshiakt ', Sly*--.'. ‘ I THE TR00|»$ seednd time ker. .^3} feen, Svissexj . ^ [, .P 5 •I The Beiii Mrs. Torre, Eattbdhrne; Mrs. J. . Beih' "Vye aktiluB most onxione to do b ii toe i]oUm the bass till Dear Sirs,*-*-*] u inks very mlucii for the Sllg? ford-riad; FJastbourne; Mr. W, I i iifl, ^lAKS IK E a iP T . r I u to -f> h to-ihor,th' antoms.jBiinthdtuhei.Mrs; F; has ifd tm;E0IT0B.l ■• I' i di^tciiLd to T rdcip' we a1fl*tSank y id very ■ muoB ■fiurs ct{ place.^Hastbonrne; Hiss., D., RasU.___ puttBaxtop. j 30DETA:-; 7916, Gi Haster, 1 at. Battalion Bugs. B . I ^ I xat; hastbonrne J Nurse Hagnarc '^Ig{kkgtiiiLi'"toadeto of tliFi.'^East-' /; i pan;, 'Expedilic naryi Force;' Dourne. ..j.„ , . ' ;fp fri e b|iz< .T^emd-'m, hativek of .nf4 toitn . , .shoq^^’ _ j r - v y . , muou.) ■ [ ' i Sursk^ • de^to df Rkptor CouoIuiUui. His.ifho tdt or to iN aval MONDAY.-^fBefafd Arthuri'Ma^ewe,A ij lUri'Mayhewi, Esq. " K c o ' i a.tu rfiil. wtefesied' in all thgY'ttfeB (in .the clmii), and A ‘ Chester'-Hillmgn, Atlss' It. Fdottt, Edensot-toadi__ lecjalied niitoy pleiziahl ifetodle^aba Mrs. Irens, hdensorrtoad, haitboui tfiftei'p.'. I ' •' i.‘ ., •■. Eto.'I 'J" ■■ '-I'- ■" , ■ ' ]' ; -■ :)...... i';^ 1&BSCfekBB% Crouch, .FSastbonrnei Mrs.. Dindv e whenlpriydte smijbh e ^ e d iritlil'i tojitw e tttkt at; toe present nmto.out 77* Mre. CmbnU Garages. K e wse ' on the, H ill $ e^ Thei follhviin^ idftter .Was accblilitdjiied!; mad. haslboariiej .Miss I}., hindi -SMr'tl **■*''***“is' ojiii -^^jnUeentaHves of Easthbnrhfi --.E FO R A xi SHMfeNT A filD trit!: odd. hastooiirne; Miss O. Ikndt ,'atid.hls emgin'g and iokfis 'Mil. 1., and sptake 16 r'-itself:^ ' d, fpiitbqdrner Miss '-to Siitdi_ . . W h c 'iin f ' ; "toe Uoloure -with A;S.C.' ed J>y his conlrodes of tlicse'd..,-, EiGlenlieiitPd By . ( , 12),' . g oveiTOgd, aiid Fdtet Treatoter.) Tdhi e So feU d. , i^ tW etotone; -Mxs.iJim Jrt^,- , ■ j Ih your papwtovety gaccess for tod iBaker (10). Denhis-iread, were D6a? SiP.-^ffi h iWitH f dabjirte YoU 3g., !Ar«i [to^lboUrnef Mrii- Huas, ad, weto 1summoned for ■ inme: Mrs.,,, hastoonr have htott ^eii'e two nfimthfi nndi .hope to M omongsti odr friemis e 1 .. , bh i:t* N ietl stealing' a oMr^-ol snoes_ ioei| value value la.'8fd.. the •te coplpei* cblltoi ' ■ :e 'sotfe . |Jroars twily, ■ ■ ■ {9gge- i- i '' . ■ '’a ix ^6ne»l. ^ ‘ kh0i' OMA -to;th«i«1ililpws: YdUrsi-trnlyi .iar. , - Wo. have seen toe ill ' & q m er .andi,Naison.'S F y:'-*.hhy*. - It.-Rak boatnei Hhia Adanu.-Eastbpnme.; Postal A d ^ - " cnblio ini alleged thagd?bUey stbli like bobiw ghd gkvo' ' . vat.iy'-i-'j.asimtoiusfeiada'. t o f i . D ^ At tbo a thebu toH akV ;.they welertaken fiomia roek |;’ : |A ^ f ■ - m/B oam*,.'. , . u m p irli (vRbV£ ROAD, & onfSide lU^ipier's shor . . .< -...30 to J t t o i o . pietod; zlbtdo tb atob o f >'^i&i8e^on';' btoh birohed for Waight T ^ .B eU jH o teli t^oicfliild, and the *11 ettieiniP-' SEASIDE RdAD, thei^i; B|d3r9' M e IfQ strokes; Bi WMi bSand ovr * .•hersoi)'* gc SadiakiiL M i q.Pef'-thi'itief.iil, P. Jaoksen, iThe'. PanoiidL EA^tfidUliNlEL Pelegato (eoUeat s: hy ste-girlato.Foiiegate)' 111! ;i ■■■{:■'•■/II ■Wi'ilV flil totbiFttm t N G 0 d l have wW tt eib foe idi ■ " '3 ^ H e Fiitfee,. 8 'iuiitlr«ii*i«terto^' t lem. i CARS. m m

...... " ^

’4' " • ' -.-?■•-I*. 1 -ir -.'-ilTT L< M- A|- ' i'- 'l I': [ r -' r - I I I | - . ' , '■'■i ji, L ?; . , i; '

' s i I l l ..V j i s

t j A T t o m - 't!f- SDAY- J c

C t l O f i : M E N T & E T C . wg*>iMa7W^%s 1* BATHlr TIIGE]) B R & THE ptbRi THEATRE. H i E I 1 O N E ] Sifts, KUMgar IBODBNa. !AND! ESTA TE A( Every wise Bs^nsew ii Div Tessie • and iVBTOlW AND \J LDHB8. l u i ^ r . i I by aIWi y« bsyjli ! i« PijUA’OIPil ,, l2»BOI*a BTXES ftildAB Aiaan BKew: 1 'EV ERY f t t o c i T E t S : A T 7 . 4 5 . one No. 9. 0,outTibu|jiop D i’c wnefl. ' Oandwated in. I'o i« anil Ooi ntnr.c >' -HATIHI l-DAY(WBONBSDAY) and -MAYPOLE’IA SAfilNE lor Mort COSO,- l>wli ito. Ab'. tlXtmSOAY at A4S. Mott(aKe»AM*«»<»a, T he o n * F o o d : 11 o t ll^AHoocH'.ln ' f '"{T ‘ .11 - --- JPM KHOOtl ^ T a a PBD18SIBB, CjPMPANY, Aobbrding to the ofBcipilk'statement issued pwlriO) sndi iB rltl8 is |-' rttodo from • ■ "• -■ arbountieub- i G O U m E L I lOEX BEIA EERS' AT THF, OEMA^RT,57,TI UMINOJ ROAD He TO lfU i*;''" . oboloest N*f4i« enA1 M tIN . hundred and ' MAHTDOOHNl. Undsit ireetion of Dati‘ET|iBaBD. D E t O N f e " ~ ;PARE the- basis SENlf^KCIii: FALL m SANDS One QnaUty O n ly : ' l y o u i ^ B DAY. r BADD T(i -IIOBBO OBiqiNAt AND iBUBIiBBQO E, of” population, EastbourneJ'would have, con­ lnelndb|lg 1‘ F A O B S O F The Very Begt j : tributed some ATOO.OUO toivtirda thafgigantio lo S x coato n oi.K n . if, A . o | ( i | s ' SvISlljiBnPii total, and although j no exict flgilres ure ob­ :BA. 0;i seconda INQUEST I ■ ■ D ooeaoad,-■ ' r i k s F O ! iOBij^VAB t’kHB DOUAMOB Vnueh means tainable,-'there IS every renton to-believe that a c c o a n c tni cajii* h-...., EASTBOlJ RNE:' 71GLUS BOAD, ] ABTBOJ O F K R S V E l XOiSBi*” andj tbaiair; oalabrated a-very handsome sum wastpi'OVlded hyrlocal A s s iz o s i whjipU a OiiK rr wr.rt sqiiUjiced O W N E R & U |tO M . • ■ D ' QDB <^F A XDfilO ftAIdj." I Tbd only perrootiilul -tjn’iffiltUPl.and iinvestors. The town bas ffnAny .banks,; and to p.ienall, serSi ude AC ii\e 3 ct|rd foi* rurtLiiig N l ) B § ^ * " ! m 1 E G O N B . We hear' it -stated that ■ t}irodgh one ■ bank ito toll bv Pab lo iuotlc- B«aU 3/-'tO 6d; AU: isade atSStilllStiti Bdop LonifgiL two young wo ■ iiicl at Uton auive thcjjscrio AS at .me idlnlw Qh«li L O hlldF n 't byl^^'m tte Bams a'Ud D. W, ils|ric|nCdL,:a teo| r^ay.oad Soadpr driver. of the authoritic k.nd fihjfmld .cad fior walndtdTium BTot^ on J»r COUNTY BORCtilGI O F {E A S T - viding two hunda-ed millions lOt the i i per Pnsoher is ' "i*— to. bi a Dane bjy'es,, _ cent, loan now being raised- ■ erectio n o t a ■war I iiotic^ to b'j tlier^ lilant walnot atai NOTE. u rtll b e ai> 0m d n t e d t d b O ilR N I tractioi^. lie cciucatcd a t Hi'igh-iOii and in v estig atio n , \vl was* ciondut latiogauyEUuraai NOTICE ie BASniBC ^ BHD_,OBOSS The amount of. work wh4h ^volved on the (accoi'dmg tc) acce ut t) be became ted Obibiiendalo-Bti’lo dra in AD BQDIPHB^ BOOI2" B S C Y . ■ . V«0 Parti ai|,.ftjo: unda: 'lyeping OoDoerti staff at.th? Head Post Offite, tJpperton-i-oad,. - iEast^ busaex^.C or • (Br. fir. V ie t easy and «ooa«oaal.cbi„ ivinlalA ' Dppor^on Bonaoi. , cotamecjoaiaMdSi connected wrt x the f c Atriciil:hrofes.sioii and of Lew es) had rc acc, (,0 iae d( aith c Mil LOCAL BDUOAllON AUXBOBPFV. was very great, and], fixxjeared on th e V lureala linolaann tendara, PL E A StfE B C ftlilsrN ft AND ------V t 1 to Saturday amounted to ten4'of thousanas [prisoner | th^a. tended^-s a iricii' ha beteav e(. ooloura, Japanai ftnA o i _ itoma- AT 3 . AND 7. I 10-DA? (tVEDNlEIBftAT). made displ iy of •heirtsd generjosviy. Vt', Gre jcd (Ocklyn, dale -mirror, oli IVTOT z o b ' i s . b b r e e r a t y a if h . u . in > of pounds. Alost of the applicants, we^bklieve, Professing great ryyjnpntliy,ly. loi the men;, ha o u t g lM i . ^ t a d ll>l«lay in tbo B undstitm l. XN Aiiaoiov.of SubodU w illilM ld on ibAtarday, tiie did npt> apply for tjie mimmulm amount or Dhospn foreman < e jury,! and die ] d u id tfti lallnan. Tne^li'enjcFli ordered’ ’ then ' to 0 0 sjipylijcdi suppl] with dinner, ! ing s ijegan. sho .rtlv I ftcr 2 jpmi. ■ rvioe, ' A T h e aib as. o n jtb e S o uth C o ast o BnglUndBng] to o u a l E e t ot jQl». 1915. 9.30 .^ i but for sums varying Jroin a82-5 to; <6100. remark ng thi,t tbiev ncjededl« > i ' toys’ UehbQi)*. _d Eii*£OEAIi. i On the whole there is iire&son to believe scmethiugliuore ty ow^ajloiHttolu w hiohitns.tolow ine ordarg apply are ______laffl Vil, Mbjebje its foil J^oyi than refreshi entj !i This nqttion coiQ'm^uded MADE NO :cj:N :O F: b e i S'C intflt EmMroHitylU JD d y 19. Six N 15btB at 7.45. they- baVBi that Eastbourne people may have acquired the man to tlie young i WG'niani, and iio <*on^ Milner) oa stand, Area A.-i-Bi alosed byi a line 1 rom Beaoby- d caire Oerfelflcbtes that an interest m the War Loau ta the extent of m i l l ICX'LTEFS'.' leanerg. nsefuiouih ’OliA liiioi Qt7 FRENCH I SteDddxd. 80 as to exiaT them to l^AVO &6hobl tor tinued fiis at entions to her. ; lie eveni iveut H ehl to it wera Iiigbt Vaasa! td; BOUlttar |i{ VTataea^ay and batu (day eg 2.4S [ impinyiae&ta, . . ; (h half-a-milhon o^r. more, aha tips fact sHouid The Coroner, ii lining the Eactfl . ouUnary MtensUi B an k ' bu’e }, thenoo;' N.W.' ( hbb) fo- i>Bkvi* to. stay thp ;prit|dtG ^ot^ ."i’-liere ehj^ was »n reel.Andf PortamouthHetenee Afen. ild-li^4bl^ ’ Iiangbl^r-ttiaksr-’! laauffi. h ate an ^coiiiraging. an ^ letiSulatuigi effect lodgingl and thhi h^ wakbeaV ([ We have.to tiixiUi louay ihco 5aa i Area B.—Bl olosed by . a line trom .Ouiybr * Town Cl^h auc tavy'to the ' even on Uiosdlwliofnllowjth^selves to be on lobtery. rchfe death • oy d r jv.ii..ig^ a anoo at Twalvo o'lloak, CUO to a point S OulOs aait (true) ot KdaosiUoi 1 Obmmltlwe. depressed and also tolerate^Keiinjury done to ’K achieeu, Grac-o Tt&sitr—jvlu to be had of ihd^Auotlau. -V EducaUoD ] Clifton tor xhatei^'b*-’ lU may be) was Culrer CliU, thehoe within tlie'iAwue FBOM BBf; (d ; I'vraBAB T C!Oi i b ; ..(TBItiBSBAT), Ti boorm. : their business interests by? the! vaticinations arrestet, .at I ourn^oiitli4*1, tJ'aMi. v result,'-z-£.-.i1-4- I 1*.it is '^.havti ju st viev/ed- L|?d year::', ST, xerminas'iroadl Baatboan libut' to a| point S.-mtlea aoi th {(true) of of what. Colonel Maude dallstt'^The lAU kir. jA.. C. T^i?ier, lU,, urue Wca vutu iier hr rfi.'^Bnolosed by-a line fo ninF-Chtist- iSai^ S/-'. .to!6di 'AT'8. The exact ambunti cQ.nmbubL_, . 4^stic©viusti ottend'i*s-■ftf'r.o tOur ijh^coa?t. biack- .youiiger bister td H>iLthe ati Cov • o b n oh UaiadjtoiSt. Alban's Dai^. S e a ts a t il-, ' ijiM'inny reserr,^ ^ ndtU ^ o e .' inaircCTly,;. b y ; Easaiourpfe cfalpitalie.ts i wi,aI haired: cjean-sjibven, h'ei b a liabdsouie where aboiit mid-d; on 'iiiui'id .Mft.!OE>R(^i,' .THIE iKlU |ila y ViO Lij .never be aeceritaihed; ‘laitMt known-thAt and foiscitiatihj 5’mnn{, alnd li^lpoked rbinark- . and [ber proyher y iiitu liio w rm 'Crhtt' as naod. Ken in Inelndos certain resideiits, ■ who ”;livfe veky undsteiita- vounger aisi-'cr rt lied (-,11 1., to be |on! shore or back, in tb lir harbour 'SYdipi he Adel lAt' Tbaatrdi^ndon, TO ALL. PAliaS" long term of years. 1 Aldei-yndn UT. .C. Tdwnex IIEU 'KUW ' decca.scd and her ■other n|i*5d_ halt an hour after anbaeti ' ■Bdataaii, , and la: iSd, mSy now be booked. ST|NDlL3 ■ a ;H''?'b i .: fDLY- iS, AT disposed.of this poiht in fl? few|.^brds ^ the ■ nobody t«aw ihcy • trojhble 5. No lorjift I are to.*pnt'to sea dutlnie tog dr BastboUrn© Town CounciU -Any holding.in ; fW'hin the yo.ii:, deter jvent to io COMPI.KX13 HQ J332 EUBN^ SH E R ? ■ a 4J per cent, investment ijean-b© realized ai :'the3h,they were i IBODBNEi thiok iweatber... and any oaugn ,-at: aOa by S ] ? ] S G l A J i fC ER T The kinh hsldlaa’inveLtiture ht Buckingham 1 o be sc»en. fogj eto., are so ratiun to shore d r barbour P i R O T ; Q O N G B R T S . 111 r.thi PAJoc© a trii. ib o’dlockfon ’ - ; deceased wa |cr, largo auantltr-of unolenm,l|oo oufi 7. Flablnk la permitted iby ail bdi^dde fldlier-i from. Ss. to £5 will also . _ , of no occupation JULY i^ n fin d st^ ,) Tpt.|-MaidirMo&ONNBtiIjt various banks, ’nie arl-ans^eiit with regard For iiiost lions] cory at Span, diiiij ac 1^1, men in satiing oraft iprorided bey are lb Week c^fjinienoltig MONDAY,, V3. broeli Mblehjon wben in com- I GranviiIe-r!'ud,-> tpio hrsd wit .&S, a poeeea|don of a permit wbl ih i oan be k in d pa ^i^ssl >n b< bOolonal ilOBidc]| tA, applica{tioiis! for stock.ifroirt- £5- to,.£200 obtained froiia toeiiji district. Sal eryioiaeers. 'jA_MOVBLT^1 -will oontiaue for a weefepf twb, but the sale mandofiaei _ iirtyofsix'rana : j ■ iusiver.to llie Cc liG identiil in lapplylng.tdr.ttbetie pmnni», mer MO Bpeoial Bngageixiebt of, ^ of scrip rducHers w ill jfb op foil the wnpleibf and f ie; Rounde l eavJy in th« ; os that, .of Iiis da Lr!ivatjileei . tale toe port from wiilob tb ly intend to action, be , palriyin&iy the enetny’i \Vhea did jou 6ce hejr E & th e t ' of ipfaioi eather thb Coiioei thisi year and probabw -' moiling; of tiic d: Ohk and,tb» will be eitterod.di -tnFperitifc. 3 ntakd'i___ Oed__ ii - ibe -y Dfut.tisynsa's. DtbembBr.-'- . trenches at |l>aok theiirremforcemeuti cr. for nearly i J ho,u jhtil tht evacuation”0) Mi l Was ohe in per cct health ■is. -i S, AU.iasliing orart mentioned in., naragrapb' m ild on Ga..isiiBA5BIBB AVAIIiaSl I ' The committee,'of the Eastliourife-Swim- Did you s^o Ik - must-carry 4tuer tbdir permit nmmbto or: ^ tc W o m itn . [.ill! iorthcoiiiU\fl. !ivcn(r ac'vevii.ed.' vy our Club have ittvcBted th ?ir funds iu the oaptjirea|tren edeyed; ' ; 1 I g() but- hi-r . TWO- their registered! number; paint id *Riii;'eaoh. men^iouei ' heni gratuituualy, ■Ladies'! section. ®ndi sisceri’—Just rd, at all pnts-.^ ftd g h t, !2l6 in o iies I ' W e i t couimus w ill he Lieutenant Marl is staying witl Do yoii know b a i.t; wha bow in ngurea not lefs than ' besTin In a u y other cr. SU- B B O B PT lblis iBVBBY iiiilK N IN a.' HfftHf ptsaie^item t tickeU : 6an|ds, anN wlie-rc loi g there in s T lSqO Ii,,„4Jro B V B N IN Q ., . . < reprciontutive to i^«S)li 1M ‘J" Frequently ?--( .6 ion ally' occa ..' dark in the ar AkdetiUled BPttBI B U p k lN G r »lly; in ycariii p..; ;ol 1 Ji i> fc! Iu<( are liable to be I red upon. :0 Bl>EiR. ‘. { I M t E S aERDOWN .OAK &17ip AH9; ■rr WedniBad ay, dubf 7 4 . : jnydelf. yPe tail The Point, M’(> )iA M P. 'th e'sam e p.lac . broad .ll. No! craft are to I proceed to ai ^ Fiih any riarai ales.' ih.'Fiaabarj ■ '*!■■: "■ h of ijfoanSiisasalbt petroly motor oH,t heavy oil, et on board east of the lightin oil the with the lexcelption th at :-r DBVQNSiaiRB, PARK t .oaftldgis, et!., a,( Hardwiek W ere they, gooc ids indliulblnbs, [-toa(t,.at '1.30 by Ubas. b). Urns’, SEVKUE PAINS ANBi PENALTIES, lannci' y (Ir.i: lookarse' plataa. Iraders pnd tali{other oraf{ i was! a fair ewi •bn I- |\y ther . nobin6i Mtobeti: ir.Tp6tj[otrmotor’ apli5t,”i|e ^ ^huS[ HKATREo „ ot To pS rCDITOE. I ! kly son was r.c O’ij tSW r : a Luuiifeiirox g iu t, ._ * .. ... -injpmmii A ^oreeb.^rsl'di / T K u r a d c y , .4'U t i |- 7 8 .' mer, buv not s.M sn ^ tb aY ' lcib> larrels, on as seprea for tb i.. BbleLesiMi Maiis^^ra MDBBAViilHdAOiASX THE OFFENCE j OF TBEKTING." SiR,---V7pn a ikindly inaptt an aoknom ?r by >v navigation of the vessel. .irovidbf. U El. AtiUS vainable ieWe llery at»V 7;la CprnQeld-roaO,WyiUUCiU'AU .l6dgQ36nt . mean-s.'. and miseaUana-' bat the 1 goods a re : prOi -Thfe hew; order as L> Ucifesed premises has In the 1 n ex; issue ol tbg ntdred and] that olearonor mta^Md evHerbekt Fla tt, pt 11 u.iu;> 3 p.m., Iand “ Gazett illowing donations lo ihe Wevie they . to )iejij|it tifb' iU o b 'W “'l' from the Oustomd oEclali Is. aoockd- land dwdiijg; tblfiweekw been issui^ by Lieufc.-Ueifcrai C. ,L. JYooll- Drives 1'and idaiib'hter'ii' ueart ' not strou. uce wltbi the lOnstoms ' ur Powers & p e4 f 'ihoasetaold- In: -nliiili■0 ai 13, SontfafleUlB-SonthOel cdihbs, (commanding 2nd Awy,'Qfntral Icmnv 'th a t she Ir y heart ill Aetl«*' 191Slo.fc paragraphs 1 NlgiiYlyA;] ■ 'p .p . Ld;/'at 12 o’eiock, by Me^sie. Towner- & Porce)v{ I . T . . f w ! u • was' by no mean: ung heart, iA w r,irtus.'' tn ST Ab' iCiiuer'the order whichi'conii, i» into force- 1915.--July An( cym 3ub. UBSDAYJintb Ju(r;,19i5..,lyt ;(b) Sailing Vessels ipay not I i;jis'board Hipypimoaaa ]?nosucT^g; 1 a T r^ Iropy.ey. it])6ui;nc jViyi> ■a • quantity] of petrol,; to-day, all; licensed dremis 13 iij'ii to be! closed -A ' DA-YGCRO" B A T IiixG PiiAC or . spirit rAX^'-^Snodnsa, : M oltid d : fi ,<1. Aly|'. '{l e. in ifispfeot to members of ;H‘ S Jiiijesfy's Forces - day prior and irning ot ttlo . benrineJ paialHn.petrale' o r similar n.l witii i Ijbeot*- A juror, who distlni dy iBard, ,y be obtained tha Auojtonoers* eubstanpes, pxoe%dujtJiq losA";;' laie otj'Fq illiiire al 119, Cornfleld-road, pt 2 foi- the purpose of, the shl({ and coushmptioni • iisbea. 3i-d: ^na>. AS ' U^UAL^ T h f r i of intoxicating 'liquor. hetw*""veep th e TioUrs oi . , iU ..... 2 w hether there ..j.... •ai; ‘ the .ifield*)mi&4t B aat' roes ra-elcWK, Uepbrs. l'erry(e, F.A.I. mentioned to sik| : b tilers ^idwii Ooi23tai<|n, S .W , •IS. .O w ners of: m in o r o ratt, p leasn i, om tk and I .’ • ',i '. n ' 9 a^m; and 12 noon and be ivePh the hours of —'yonrs faftpipliji, d m all c ra ft ofi a ll d esarlp tio n s al floAupply !aS^i^elndoir':r*^'-'V‘ n dkd lupjici a y , . i s s . T he Corciv'i*— ther_ any , ^ till ing-ik to th e O o astjU uara lUmciisr of II District I 2 p.m.' aDd^(i~]i,in. ! ’ I. P;«iNE nature of the grc. mere that you^yo^r liste d aU . theiP; boats and T ijs which T„ HAKBY PlDDOCK. and' Sale of itorei by ttessxe. LloydSi a t Soath ■phe order oes0rvei' th^fattention .of both OrgauisjlDg. Secretary bave noticed that :ht accokint ;fer it ? I they m air p laed aflo at, jaud- . jb,'THObnB.;.-:-i! - ' D A I L Y tiijt 10.. . j boum ;i >, Vidtotls,^plMi{i;]i«Stboaiae. publicans and the j)ubh£. - ItI t shoulde^ould be •ob tain,fro m n lm l'perm lta'lor.tba -I aaplaxed py him at the 0 . L-' li “ Drives.’' M r. Tessier—r ” *. _ Not-in the g: lOjNNERS. ,vYAi6ftER&. AM u [Vftnout pointed out thnt the lorderjis mgdo under the Convalesoemt 'Hospital) itself. I should ier it a HBDaB {ROADj ijASTBOUBNs’I' o n .either - bow Is B gures: n o tjd ,tbai 11 k R iflg n dp^.CijlMil OeadlHieiie. Sale of School FftHlit ire oild eSeots a t Darleyr - JdlyiKl, 1915. Ill: • The Coroner"IOn w lat grp.ind Inehes is heighk BeablyCboms. ' I 33, The AVfmiic, p( 2 o*6look,.by Messrs. U. liabU, if tried by. Qourt l^attia]^ to . penal A£r. Tessier—I hay( .vbatued. th k ’e 'iny ( low 1 Facing p a Bailwajt Station). ,! Ad m isAic n ■servitude, 1 and "if tried-by'a Court of- Sum­ -13. Motor oraft. - Upfoe A-OUaxtreS. ' ‘ii ; Two years ago, _ ren ember; I bathed iged and Bents (idlieoted Weeldyi ilegsnre o raft, asi im ftU c ra ft mary 3 uri4diction to a ujfie bfi e£l00 lor six ot aUdesoripi loss a ia s o t to pri., 3Cd ontildc HIY - STOdUlt. Thui>iKl4vj4M a{i're­ -TiTH lHH|r*! cJjrOJV HOLVJJ JOISS with my sou u; lo has gone, j We nad irlyj^j^^^^^^^2222j^*t?®menta. dt their pwti , ereeks o r riv ers define the lesal Vooaltsi. S |A monthd' impnsonmcnjt, 6r both-i v ^u lty ,-b u t hcttlii-„„ €€ -iousV I bonrs' of ofliol..-1 .4ap -,osless.*is...... , M(|Sr grocer, civi- AVAA.Mr. Tessie:-' AVODllT-— ?V J g( ; out ^ t h IS. tlUT^BlA PDAOB, BA^BOD^Ib Ouaiomslatoi oBloli - • • o n personal ap; kttona ,«r^ Uab; acquaihtanc^, or any wbman, i either The .uevj. :|Canoxi iJBond, viogi of .Pev&nsevt -/I- easeL»vI^Hbl‘d’*-y^ y'ri (in plaoca wlrero.i nthexw here, Ula-h ’^o o C€nai ni I'Ofllota} ! i - SatuM id'y, duly 3Y« selling, giving, or berviiigiiiiq^Or to soldiers wbo is-eeventyil&ixhy^atjs of 'ac e, was the f e frojfi tbe Coafl - - i. currents 'are '^t Lo're.'^ If QnbJrd Oflloer oY dlitriote Llleboat Satneday. . ■■-(■ i or treating them to i re,; ij. equally -liable to memberl to lentbl ip the Ppve &ey Volunieei venture an opi should to Sell by Publto Auction on t1 severe penalties ' The public ki’e warned that Ttaining Oorps.i above 4 i t h u b ^ ay.- Stay m 14. T h e ajrsai in! which pleainrj ) | | o m t w i t h BJNtnPALlHflPEBTdJlSf 4 ‘ '^ 6 N d |A : ' ba,T ,O ^ A 3 .; dangerous batli in f-plrce. kneaiaely. the r ierauts may Ixnote durinv. _-.^_^fhh dayj arA as W iiiditesd; ly, i^uSuat 'A l. under no circumstances sh-onld Wounded, : rvrSAB] lY: ilS w h ou seh oldi f u r n it u b b : a Jo l l b w i g a i ■ ” ...... are fotbidd ' enr <0-1 more i n C ;F jB « ' b S^p of Freehold Pro]WPly kiiomn at ” H orseye,. valid, and couvalcsqeiit bc.iofiered MISS EILEEN ' rFSi;i7AtPs]'sT.jila'Eiil3; tXY ]$F:!ftCT8,compiriaiog'wal«itlamedpakj!nd,' iW W er-e^!^ r ■ by.iMessrei ^ .Bm^tensbowi& Son, at 3.30 ^ntdXMating liquor, unless Iby doctors’ orders, M R . F . [/■. iT o t.S tA N * S FFAIRS. I MONDAY, Jtzi.T{ 19tb, 1915, fbV Six Nights at 8.' HOT SEIA a O' I^IVATE ftAYH; Miss Eileen Tcssici-, -daughter if the I . atu l lr ih.Ftancb bedateim, weoroail m ^ N$r*tHAVlEN.~rWlthIn one mile etiOeoslt- neithb'r should soldier patients^be encouraged TeBtenday i(TajB8day), I at tab Eastbourne imattreaw 4 f tbDior bolsters aadipillow B; htankets •ngLign-. at entranoe. i i . MaUneS ■ ‘Wednesday and Saturday at 2.-3a or induced to ent^r licensed premises,! which Witness, .said—I li it hmie a little aftei- 11 ljud oepi tar] anea, fumed okk. biroh, and Watno* Bankrpi^ Court,I Mr Erederuok James .Tot Thursday nioiuii ^-ith b •other a iliedroom' lo l as,:, comprising wingedi: add vhangina BBIiIUkON Ia lUOVK-Within lo ndimlle'ot IS contrary to military and a serious man, a(aotiopeer r - “ - { and; estate agent, of >. lAsb 'Fined LigHt on. Western Pier. . , ikonday hf i GRa.I!lD|CO breach of discipline o il their xiart. . sifitex'. •-XlTe 'WGau-aionjitiio sea-fic hL - ri j maidiobe n w Ith plate s4aa dopira,Jhicbeaae.aiia NE>C:eUDBBRAft.—Within. ch s ruiie of bouene, iHooebiun Koaci,i Maybeld, and Wad- cliff past ihe'canp iloyultAniy A giedectal - X » Sing' tab]lea, marbin-Um waabstande. 'fA B MIKkDO.” FjRIDAY JULY 23 .* 2-^, EW BOUENH LICENSED I HOUSES.^ otebta of -drawers, empblnetion dres>. . High Oeonlting Light. J -'i fl^nesdar at hurst, ttftended and I! swore tO: bis signature oi Corpsjmnd dotvn Cow Cap T.*~Inside tbe liiii ’yj-edaeiday IA p—, , , ' i ' 'v; j fclaturday. i- . I I- -t was ..CIO veiw .xix^v sua;low , of 0 0 0 1*6 0 ?•-■‘Yes. Ipalnttngs, #a i^r-oQ] ^Culver-OMB and Bnnnose Head. panr.iinr.l om th»agAiPigl^ THUATBB. A libtioi while ono,;wCi,iwb ordoti tdldit i { l d . tbe Halsez W ere they holding 'iiind.s', ok* clcse togelt iiontdrawlngslknda quantity lof ?*TBE MIKADO.” ; and ib tOd oiu^' ’tni ft. HiDra'wlng room^pointmentfc COB- VEOTNOBs-^Withln; one mile I I I asked L iavounte^uruahst vvbac he ihcughi o--- r--- w —Iere - tlr;y ■'*»v J wewi:|) .min j?—I Ijiink they < “ it .ofTset toe t.i eaajeasy add . ocoBBiobal chairs covered (Thnnday at in if* 4voi^ilMif« Park Orohestriiil^; about Italy, and iiangbofer answered, f You] ns 60011 aS; vile . tutoslTa wlclur and c&ne chsirs; a nest ot- CHRIBTCHliltClHe^'^Inslde ^ e Majestyi iti is best lor Anstriaieud forms U wu :er was deep en< ugh. •ChnstehniDh rHurbour. < • I '■-:” TB B YEOldBN OP TBBifllDABn-” ' AFl'ER FOUE MONTHS. Did' theji'^es'9J7 neaij eachlothrr or tnr mftlK iai i tables,; inahooanuihdinlaid writing' f lifnd^oerpt, fro m : ■ ■ i- > - WDDNISsIdAY.. JULY-114, : 1915.-- make italyialoleUn house/ To this the Haisei ■ apart?—I did lf»lv F\f4-a . 4-l.x.i- iftstod, ] ^ Agony end oak tahieSs ovormastef fn CHBISTCHHBQK HEAD TO 1 Friday at ‘ 1-I : ’ " ^ li b saldL” You rare ;r]igbt, ^anghpfer.’^ So th] not see much afte: • they , . i^QBani to me. clocks, and ornMneiltal Item s.A ^W ithin 400. yards of I jow “ IFATIBNOE. “LA BbBBMB’r«Fno.ifit)t "BUSOLEXTO* got ini I «av, bt tiled -at this ph c biiu POOLE BARBpV^Within (Ve«aUuf4FAUST't(aoi^

PI i / 'M rartf of' th e. I lno»:..’Ct]ie iFtUiii^niSKiids)' f ■ .-Jkee it d^ngeroui in t the best of-.times o' StoTO W ^iM P. G E j ) y . to ‘the 'exigtsuce '< f- twa::ridfed| ol rock AG-DiY ,'WjiIl ALLf^pENTS; HGHT” PENALTIESs..S0.CIAL.A PERSOm'i sKbuld it woafd-' b» botte^tp bathe ;o) f I i i : : ' . M ■ m f S S P flood tp le'tfiab aiij ebb: tide. - Thle.se a jo tt tot ’FSiijikt :l:' get^o- «ool :s and cushe > » pM ■ wL' ' ' ' i ' ' ‘ '"'i sand, hdye-'..... bee i...... i-downi. th er I T he I'Miases Duke, -who h av e resilded in m . iIfr \ fejl^ •' '.P esiib iva^ P I ‘» t e r have: t oen___^ k en o ( )xiyi/eet flevei;al[xi tiznce., j ' o r W c xienVrH 6spitals m The tia p ita l itp s l^astbojirn^'B i O r E in d Increased Fines Fore? T h e ^CoMner-^W& Had v4iti 'ii{CQid6&t i| tlppeiton - gardens for some yearh^ ’baVe reinoved.to.8', Enys-ioad, Eastbourne,' , i. © r o w n ^ d . year? F r a k je iA n d . S e r b ia , M l. ill hiijmOTS-rjLoist •August 'a-.vjisiior ‘li ■ ' Exam U e ! i ' ahadowed. If gtioked p ]Ust ofi the ssnnnde. -:R-T ■■- i -■ :‘ l l| i i CGNOERT AT TfiSiSEpBEATlO N C aptain L. C.'. W oodman, Basse xi Yeo*' | The f .'iT0i(er4d]u yon tfaink- ...i^.ibifbuJtiht.an; m to be manry, has 'been appointed an Assistant! aten p a b |i O p s lO ^ T AT 'p r iE Mr. . iHanore-teesky.. -Peopih.jslrplin Ihe The promot: irs,-of thp- i Plag Pfty-Trfor [To TBS E: lyoB.] I EFENCE OF THE REALM AC!f. Frovojt Marshal. I .'t habit flgoing theie jbo.bh^e. ’They flttTight Women's Ho^i tafs m Frdboe and Sei-biaifor tSiRii^Tbe other dfly' SENTE F ALLING SANDS. under :Ke cuns: - ' 'hey bi-ing:a .sfludt tont-sor the Wounded’of the Alliesr—which .was held in 'jvas invited by .'Hr. Oonnulllor Crlor .to- g p . Avivpr the 1 uid knpvfn [ i l i - i M i l - shade h nd J iindr set theiitserves. J . 1: ihy. iiv d Eastbourne Iss! | -Saturday,. were fortunate! in loddUyiiee the.W ar AiloiiaeJetits.. SI is land wpa I 'A.iC, G etley, pnpll of Boborongh AotaocI, . warnecWUi'AiC^ {the:iti... ..1. dost '- - ija of-tim ee.i-'Pii of "* tbeee' having fine v(«i ither for theloeonsion.- 1A iconcert.of unYdiue- lUtei-B.stl.ASps. fliyefl. on 'prlgtotoiy laid-out forbi I) . . . . LIA BLE TO A F IN E OF fliOO; Eastbourner was a saccessfnl candidate at l |i J ■ i UH'f- days dimi if the 111 ilUlnfl pn 'poses, and i clifi will ebiOBvSb ftd p dt : The enthuSui am of. li|e • helpers, and j the Satdrdey,' dfternouii,, when .the WUv alssbeiit is noWilflivided into ten i id plots f< v the ontti- the examination held recently by the iCii^ . O n : Qur Diid i :p!ag^i i . DEST AT EASTBOimSE them . '' Camp .CtoiEdy vpllwnBy'H>P**l^'®n. well- vatlpn fpf' vegetable prof ntw, Th irb are In 'Service Commissioners for Assistant Clerlte aq((:olint tj^e cn«a The RT IVhs. -there any chda goodwill a n d ' ( Pod humour)! of the puhUo> sia^ in dh U'bqigaki V undtrupted stage pm tbe.' Ito reb tto pl6ts, alt Qt'wUloh'have been take a np. The (Accoipitaiit Branch) in theBoyal Ilavy./ I f m gettini ji.Bdftt-bfitl ,',,'.--1 l.-i'-.i combined!'to.~ifn< ke tlie da;f'ai!eaccese. ; Abbut Jenepdei- with lihei object iof nJfPitdto I 't bolder^! are to baveitberi lor twelve months In the! course of the hearing at the Bast, X)enal, E s Jude I.km'::«: M r. ~hitihoreT- , There was a boas there. thinme'lit tb .the" Wives, mothers affd phildren 0 young^' aieu-rWuo 27,500 floge'.frc re eold.i and otor; ,£105 woe frejei bra s long as .the .wan epntinnei, and If not fapui-ne Police Court of the cases in which •ceojldinj toi tho observation of iiiniexpin- told th >|» tOjston. t or thcre would nayo been token in coppe r, J l9 was received yn gold required for bnlldtogpnr] qset the p ots may be \ei*iat ^ )burnb.i enocd Oihcer of: i Coaatea: ird (M.i. three o ij toaf o)itbers drowned. | :|- .1 . 1 1 iidents wore summoned for showing an Becoihd-Lieutenant Wollaston' dhArilie bnvi! ibtn> and uobeei and the,yemainderi in-silver. iJi. retetoM at a nomtoarran a], i.Bbou d the land [J\\ring, " p i IkjujRmmr'Wnttmore, of: the h«ii:hj Bead ndomi table icheeriu: bej reqalred for bnlldln I ipnrposes oompen- mess of light, the chairman (Alderman Btombead Humble - Crofts I12th [itoyal ' ... t d cicsqiiio< Stoaoiitl the'kraakers which rollec m .ttpon hfOHE m ik s s a w a k e o p t e It IB gratifyiig''to:aU those who took phrt Sussex begiment),. son of the Bevl Canon ic|tc j ichm ii our 1’flghti-ng meni- ovien .v en i they are re- satiODU willIVfllfl beUe gflVtUJeigiven.-’ l e W. Keay)-said; " It should be known that ij'.^ feuV ■ die eenule .on /JFhureday were lOft.f iiiyh; hut The oronhr .'0> Idressing Mr. ilerh— Df in the cAoi't‘-twinbW'^h«t;RS'a'feeuit'of their oovsi'iiig. from wounds, nb ik>‘an4 il -health. 11 asiprepared' to find " tPU" gronndlrongh and ws can ^ne up -lo ^100.". The other magis- at iiu fi'o a 4 BOii& isahy diStiminei'sS consideis-fwKtngiyi it would work,I e t least: t in beds will be. equipped and The Homo. Countlek' ■ Koy^L’ Eugine' sirs‘bad i ■ vui-o (ileU'’ 1 edu. you th: ■fc yonr so 1 and dfughteri r re awi jra nly PUpartially onltivated, butitomy aarprlsel tiatos present were Colonel A-Bowes Mem iteabt.^tot there; IS littlejor'nb l anger in of the] diliicfiltie I of this place a , rough maintained toa- -ix m&iithe, cneuring the best erected the stige; 'montioftttf'fiiSuvi!. Mr, ad toe - -r '’ onlfivaWd ! tb s (ffiJJU ivepturibK into;.the sea a^ Ibw. tiile.i' -/The medical ;atten<|.on, . y aiftai i :,nniwiiigk anrs^ 'The day, .wishes to t lanfc. moot.sincerely, all :thoss Ai very . luige.‘ahui8n’ce>i asaem>iued and a wishnedlOs. , ctifpn.. ; h hyasns eulicitlediCUHC! t Ed! atiat, IStrigihtf'-'ig jhtatt.aiu • imFestiglition, which- was-' condubtei I iby the T,in»«. Helwos a .oarefhl'.ewin.; lerj . 'My; AIlotmnDtSi.l'iPund’orop r-quite eqaal to the Mr. Walter H. Burt'stated that Major belongs to H.M.S. “ Our..>.aids.” This wpA a little .venturoeo; IS, j I :itm' :who cpntribuijec to the succass a t the efiOrt, strong ppogrammei was presented,' 'j'ho per- yield ofitbeold ailotmepl i.| -- - >1 battleship is )»;uiim»nded by captaln| A. P. coVdinsi IjO Jus 'CVI'lll < ocouitt' h«ilheconti ilaet Suisaex .Cowner (Ur.':U. Vere Benson, iinoluding the Fudiss who pi-esidcd a t the foimatice begun: pnnetuanjE at three Oi'elock, Elgers lully intended to-appear, but unior- conucqted || 'ithi tnc ;theqtpeal'j»)rafoomia a jtu qf hcwcij liaq netcrence vo Hue death of Alias' afraid.-- I t tfS 'm3 -profound Im ^ lo u a tid And now perhaps I biaf better exblain moto ti natelyilie: was unable ■ to. ootaiii leave. He Davidson, B.k., sbU of Major-Genleial A. eonviotn in- trait 11 ly son gave liis Itfblte 1 tahlcBi with their lielpete,thnprm oipals nrho When 'th e 'band,: under the able:iooi.ductor- a m rira rd a - intju...... '•![l n-r KnlnlcBiiHi-racai'i'essier. I • . ■ s allowed flags to be sold in th eir Sohuuls, and sliiip'.ot. Trumpet-M ajor McOoiinell; pi ^ e d an 'il? ...... ' " was awaly from Eastboui-ne and had tele­ H I Davidsonv: H.A., who bas residlsdl for lin o tl>e m'.o a art-W: IjBWola hi ihspeitor H. Bratt and-Sergeant ”!i Tribe sisteit. :ihe got if to troools and h^ i\|ent|to: phoned to.as)c witness to aiipeai- for him-not , m any y ears m. E astbourne. H ere -w^'fiave save Jiei. ”5 the fiGouda -whodisplayed posters. 'll 'lure (‘^'Itoe Sliver CroeS''3.''and a :mar .6 imet dn i t n: iittb' i i iIWi tepi-eseiited, thet-polioe,- and tite; itdv.t.[■■Oy U. P, .i iThaiiks are ah o due to. MissiThornley. Miss * " ...... ' ''■'■----- ven :■^-E _ vegetal e produce, and itb s land to jte used tor la* a soliSitor but as a next-door neighbour. 1 anotoer of tbo inkny instances wherejsei- _.,#lled h) iRcvanoosji ''|ro|;Voi ll.aibc'itiiKerry Hyionr of JSoly Tri lyify) at- ioijjiA L {WITNESS' .cAai;ton. Esther Croucbei - end M r,'H arold Turner ifor . . . ___ foi -Eixie Tho Magistrates’ Clerk (jocularly)—As vice in! to e lighting forces desceng^ firam I'd -. the elcohc iu|d Ij teamed ns a triChd of tho befeaved fa p iiiy ' ■ Ibnlldii lUrposesBUnatel eiweenSdnthbonrne aiw ?4 > ^ ‘ i* Iiieften an t {Ke: inOth Playfair,, shr kindly .plncing h eir - motortoato a t. the - dis­ Lahd;t''four of th n ;*■ E>to*4*'. \|totoce-i okporal and Wi ^ KfMa be{D>gt.Dg’to,tbeI>aka ' 1 prisoner’s tnend. • generation to generation,. for ; Caplsiu — - d: ili V e£ io||>s; ii hearti terouiis ; Ui iW; tii-ecnv.-ood (Ootlyugeyi ooa’j was posal of the odm nfitteoi.-tp'Mr. -F.: Alton, who TUotoas,:, Frivatea.i. EcUtscty>. Eumhi r t . and. essinglgi'iit fijmbatliy. ;n f]ojrcinan|of thet juryJ and'tlie pl-oceed-- eei'viug im thje' II oyal .Aj-myi Mo|d|ic il :jC«i)S Poyoto Ire not oelug t|SQ jibied atjqreseiiit, bis ■ SECOND OFFENCES. Daivlddon’s son is; also in toe Navy, sbiVing gavo .evitiefu CK -- [£e said Iniat'Fat U Icijit hFto allb'dcd’tbtobdlxto'to'beFddbdeitSd'lmUhibffilie, YdrSisyi ,\sohgjL"- A seldfiA^siS^iiE"-. Kiivale , agent, -Hr KuW id. Bntkd, was aj as ja’totdstoptoan jin to e 'R oyal Na'Val tii^ to ItOpvlt)! Pel he^tyti shortty oftcr'4! p'.in. . . . . ‘ I j ^ n d ! veikyi well dope-T-w and .to'*'"'" ■ J . to ,; Knight-'Oftbi^l) Sussftc- B eg ito i t) j- oojr, d to asuertain' i t b s {Brace wonld grau. Mr; Cl arks ■ Henry ! Taylor; Royal-parade, ■ th at; thev-jBc HieCfio- vihcihl _____ .. ___. ______net 'Polo, 'Hanosman. Atkitfsohjf cbm o spng, P.' aiid, H ie Willionjeon Wei-e each ordered to seryn.f some-where in tberNorto Sea ' tiitreion eut.|]Thii ao«<|(: llill)E-'-2scl jsies. -<^F BEIKG . .6 pm'iis He ri .aihsdl totfie-u,. •M m jot: ttrikJand free os bprtibultnrai pab on 8 p m.; the j%- lying 'be i n g;^. jfiM'i4?fhe.,atdto pf SouThtF ‘fWs’bcBainB ' .Hiin tlnK Y iL an^ itll tbe'i.olosa' of tUe war. Alter due pay J21, laying been! previously fined. litia tpit! j( yoifhjt < diij»r l>4^1‘T<3tniTjES; tog theinPaes;'' I i ;U: Vpe’nl' duSt, ■ “ AwakeSfS'EB acetdOr- to o p t.:, pirn oonsidsiratiototiie Edh A. VJGrLANT '''SPEClAI,.” .1 . London, bf-i Normal i-onci;, .if oaviinin^ the footjs:. said— -Ths.inatoss of b b holders o f tables aind b e loraii! SiaSrVa'ndi’l ’i'l^ tb -’EtiPHjH bfe and tloR,- B ^ : tbw tbanksx------.0 ciioidik'dlOf'&ayiqu.iSi-e *- "■— .iuvo:a~M^ ------^ d -&qc:d(iUt T .^.'| .(XBONEE'S- :Sl7hIM-II'--j - t; ^ ___llastern______Bands_ ..id (Mr% MMki)...... 4 2 lift iband; .Kumoirohi ■duel:, ■■TPict ipilly.' ip.Hur oh Jutt© 30.1ie was inforihed by a ] gross yhlho of £7.^137 on W ' »h: i 16, ik ru jn v ili^ to u rt jfaltimiiig ■one, iui there .had nequ a'cei-ti Vlotrocia iti^laoeul iVoale ftna iM'ra. Labcs-corpofal.ThtoBStohdHriV Me'k atdley LWOt) le Ipndliaa he|Bn) tamped cat and this teilrita. , Past- |\i-nnl h i,,Icanphn pr yebtUrfeomeii a a on' the special con.^tabie on* duty at the Milt trafj j •witih personalty £4,544 38* gd| _ ___ ^ix