^ i 'if ■% It' A N D i B i B e a lit l i i an d G a r d e n s , erminus Road, Eastbourne 180 ' es. ' I Tcl.M16l. O n e P B N N y NOTICES. 1 PRfiACHERS FOR T H E W e e k Q O ^ T H BTBEHT CHUBOH (Gpil,NTESli #K t ^ ■ P. I Ol^ HUMTiMGDON's). M l gXBOtnflhrEi g K a : L , . J bUNUAY'. JUDY 18, :\ : . |BUNt>iY BOBOOD ANNiVERBARF. 1 ^ rlaf: Preparaton ^ad'klnlAIng 01 lit) h Borvibeall and 6.30. Freaober-; ^ Biuo eh 4 F& ness ,Eoa(t* M ir. a. HUGH EDWARDie,! M.Pc ! ; Ijl I ■ AnenioohatJ. ^ggaod Flowers Btrviceo I ' TBUIPHoilE. 'TOflvi 5 Speaker: Uev. a*4 BYDNEY IUA8T, . l vC. H ile^la HOTHB 1^1 OjffeA'K Flowers and Eggs are reonesHd Ibr ttai T JOtBS, eSe. (Lm i-). late|-:<l 3 ' ^ Hospitals. 4' ' i ' 'i tlag' noUage, Ohel nham,- aiiUted by a y '' “ war" : Stas. /'I’tElllTRAld' WESLEYAN GSPBcfA V y S FBVniisBZ BOAD. KABISOUnHB.1 itiUtil sltnatM In Its own gronndiiz F A M I E T , B i t s lurt' > n d _Playln«j Cl(leJU"’; laz Boom tuft. long. ; sJ bDNDAY. JDLY 18. 1915. Prsaihbr I REV. DAVID ROaTr adrania||es to - Ilusio and Ifodir' t- [. 'i i At II. and.6.30. .' .., ■, , - r I ill ^iS:FEOTI(^?fEE. At| 8 I|m. Beri DAVID BOB trill give on addraN, ingi-and'SeteTi I on appUoatio . r-- . i '^Uerebant Jaek." • ] ,f Mr, p . W. Fpvargue In the obAlii J iN" HI A C H O iO li. A*. jgKDEBGASXito'f ] g A t x i S T f o r w a r d M iB a n m (|^;^£IX!SESa I, CHOOOLATB8 AHD SB ASIDE*. • ' ' ' lUBaiA.; B.A. d ^ diij .. I. i- SUNbAE.JDtVl«.atUapd-i^i.- ' ■PtoaxS&;- .V j )J.| f ^ t f n f - : trely packed an'd.^sted to' RBVk a. GHRiaTDtnfSR-pii :idM..3VE BBOWNjP ile,<HoBL— 1. ■ ' (Of-Wetlord).' - Tf cial lioeii » ; who nre ir,th» care OmONATtY eorceI ’&)gbiiqotDel Services. 'Sank „ Eastbourl je motfaer-of l tinoipals.i' ; ,_jW(oflpen’s ■■ Bible Olasd— ■ "Bapday ■ Afternoons At 3,1 iETs. ot the Cdimdian Exp Eoroe, i 1 e reoeieed In ■JlSinicliffe, I to M w a ENSKF BOAD CONGBGGAXIONA] rounKer daughter of ■ ■fi?' ngta u e :k) lA mn.d P*| CHURCH. 1 i JSB UABOAB I ^ e S ecke ' oDougall^^, ,ot . If Hies Bwmm aiuoc|f AMD Ha. W, 3ii:c^cm c()A e^ NDAY BOHOOD ANNlVERBAte< 1 «1 ^ dUNJ?AY NEXT, eUD/ . i onrne. ^ 1, i « ' Preacheie— ' -1 O E A T H i rO LD Bljim i OliA^BI. 1 BATH BOAD, NSxtl U;.—REV. J. G. HENbER$0|i. i -LL.—On the 12th Jn ly j a t St o u THoura di^lir 10—4 : and oii Tuesdays and TBIPS. I "bnie Ditue ones in Front.’* I , 1 j^ad, EastbouiJie,_._AnnM)iEo]^lij8< 1-Tnuradaye, f-f ■^^.46 p.m. - , •S.+MrrK. O. STRANGE.- I ; 1 -daaaee tor ;Ohltdren.- iclal arrangoniei :ta 'thi^dearly-lovi ‘ wifo.of■' '" Cl made with Schools. .it particulars ph. 6.30.4REVMil.; G. HENDERS< HSiOl, latea t eoJ____ Board_ - - of SPrade. al he fLcej Selaotion of H o t_________ t o n __ -1 Applioai Ida. [ "CarinB ipr the Ohildrtn.’-* i . rricoTice at St.S t.lin e’s Church. a11. lursday, and jnterprent at :T |f>jElESBFTKRIAN OHUBCH. •metery. No flowora, hy roquefft. , j I ielijidj Mg th e fo il 6' specials 'I \ RDjjoirited Motor P«bUU 4__ _ lANeROFT.k|.LESMERS, JUj ■ I'- _ .ROURNE.- . - j taSSIEE.—On the 8th inst.^ drowla* d whilst . thd H it. ' ;';1SPANOi|li|; RO A D H .- fioir.he.V leave . our ! 'BUNOa !^, JUDE 18, a t 11 and I6.3(;- ^^thing o« B ^hy Head;, Claude T ^»r, T ! v ’6 i l r | 2;f[inS|i, 7Jd. yard, w oitli i/o f. Istlcor M*D. (tond.)Jlof 18i Oak-road, Vrqolslon, orte. Bi0.i. Cr^~ (Late of 32..MB|anNU^. RSV.i8. SVUART STARRrrV. B.f A idr ihia S9th y ear and ^ i h l i e i t Grade OUB {SCHQbt tor th i DAHajECTEBS OF; Ofifjjpes daily for|Tj‘ips ■ r"touBwoU HiUj: T ^er. in' hdii 26th year, third and ON :j7 ins.,; 6Jd. y a rtw o rth 84df.i fourth daughter' and youngest shild of ,< iffi^--Als^Ailfl 4 .■'Ob : to rU parts of Sussex, All TAOAni seats are Itaa n va luinatili' btjtqrs'l Airthnr CSiarles and Hmgaret 1 li idd Te»i • 1 , time of service-- DWi o f ’8, Qranville-Toad, E u thoum e, UAN^f ESTG AND PORTMENT. “T ith ChrMti" (No flowersj* fffliTij ¥ o i l ; 4 P n is i, S^d. yard, wotth ’io|d, ‘ PZAK(^BTK I HAU a -BBBH ] ^ (bet at reasonable fares. ■:: EE , caUROU DROXaERHOO©. •Walter, 18. New Upperton-io ad, a fto 1 ■ IDHg^A, Tnniuuius ;gOA^^: < suffering-, passed peacefully airajy iTuly Spdoiall M iA A i , . 'W a v ■ .T ip A i n i i dLBx?lbl|); :S ( h O T H , .. ntlqns reVtte*- ' " U*ingnb9!eadiiBi>(abeI ito e ^ S ., iiBCNDAy. JULY 18.' '“^•63.' !' I TwcKXanufUjOzVMi its^sona not; eM 'ihet 4m irlL ■ ji W-, -ti. .BpeSker i—; -.. • 1: AakMOwi«dEn|[«ltt. , yj[ortb iji'6 O I i ^ B S p jibe 1U ^ B % CHAPMAN & SONS, "f I DAT, October 2,:at Ap.m.. ( Ml%’^ <1. WALKER. CH.—! Ffitch 1 and fauil j eieh to Tsto.264. -Omer Biojal V. I Ist. 1894. Sbhooli r attendeiT f . 'ifte Leseone glreh. VIOXOf ilA PUACE. EASTBOURNE. ■[- ' tfbloist—Mies Ferry, I their__________ hw rtfelt ____ thanks_____ -for the _greai a t iVor particulars addreee- liadlesJnvitod. > ' SipjiQIAI. ‘'Op If a R. UM, ' ' jWBSTWAY.-l Es t t e b b a c e , apathy shsho-own them in their----- said■* beiMve-------- I Eastbourne. nt in the h' m of their dear Har^lti: aleio lO K ; A N I f^Oi^TINQ'SVRQB, 4^' iflde, 1/tJJ yi^ .' Proprtetoritprtetor i RKbr^ OH& hi n TBusrnoini 1532... .SAMAXION ARMY CiTkDfift :Ul floral tributes. 1 - -Xiutraetor-Xiutraetior/KJ|r< /JKJ*‘ S i 1^1 yrorth » Beerytry braqchcot.Phy-----“ * " J] I O lM ianiont, BiiiabvaMa .-l^oiicl, IIjANUNKY ROAD.'•- “ tanghg h t rby exnerten&e 1 15ASSETT & C a, ^eenueeATouimodHee ..nnm uiiuvr r theu s -. IfEAD^ EAS^lBqiWE. BOOKINQ.OFFlbBr .^juNDAY, .JULY 18. |.9o;iiNipi PROaO^TIiX ikTXENDED'v) i! TO. :n. Ohoifil Bmr.L 1 [OOL..tor.-the ' dan of Oentlemen p i m PLAOE (Opposite Pier) »^Mp«lsrs »pp1j s. - 'Speofo];iS tooenmenffATby the GountMs hf At '7 lia.m „ 3 pnd 6.45 i -<T]toEFBOns 42^, T rusp^ b b 4 i4 . Oarnarron , Higbelere Castle. Mrs. _Wrous.hto{ ABE BONWWO '' R<!iR6Ro4lO{.iH V a lley ■ ..>! Uie Bev.v _. ■ ' T ^ - lUlains, stjer of Eastbourne EjABTBOUBNE AND OOUNTRY * AljjjMtant and M rs. dose|>h, UPPER jAVBM.VBNliE. Ooflfigeh' iK ^ e th * '” ** ' Esq., U.p.. and FKANCIS 4 SONS. [EST. i m ] ill WtuadPcBblM I pr04ent Parents. M OTOR C O A C H PaiHSUAUl'j^l^*, §•- iglish ahCPorelKn lUstrhsois' i'THE. : ' '41' I k / r ii - ' ■ ^ IVEBT Astebnoom at :2^. S unday at 2 1 a.; and' HONDAY I(Wth)' at' |ON, Priyato 8oIl< ..>n MiuiteTS. fSpe«Ialities,T-x!iaie p.m. IBTBOXJBNBI CEM ETERY gtonod ueie. No fdlliiree' in' the Oxfend ..m^.the follo^ng Special OiroolAr >Ap,EA89!BOX7l is. 5 S l3 ( attdf■ H.C1 ' ,, Boyal , Drawing- EjfSiaili ARCHIE CUR ’tONUMKNTAI. SCUl ftw caiannide) I I, Sym- sty Exifois,' ini 1907; > .highest' place In' between' S e and q s iMIlea finbwsnoiKB inn Brunzo ion for hougM In the fenloi jara In MIm a II di.fian ttord in 1908.' All TnnL end Orowborougb .„ In "m dhcal marvels.* 37.IHPPBBTON ROAD, munition. Tennis Bexbi. I. end Battle .... i ... irnojmBW.i BABTBqD sp, lial home care. Winobi Bre ... ...' ... 'Band ,4nd Bonssters assisting. AND STATIOK ROAD, QM. A idi SEN t OF PROPHlaTT. At.;0AORkK*A Tm.-:iti^B'ixAWJ -Principals. I . | Pealgnsjlna BstlniaXa'a nmfliitiTinil Pibui Inolndiug Wstohes.. Plate, ” ^ 3 ^ 3 ^ 3 1 3 tauBooks.dn,.: . : I - I BekbUI only,..: ... ' 5/ Btatn^asttA' otoi^hg, IM A N e The ftb.. i ran as All Dat Tsips, Yf'ASXRGURHB BAPTIST GOTRGH in .MiNl piga A D ^W TN 0 iMtIitiK ^ OlOoe' At 10.30. i!«Aaxaui« A il ■ J ., ,. CEYLON,PLA'CB. ' . .j • Sleffion-ibo’^'fiisiabLis.'j Abotat Q. .F a w .;..7/6:' fold M 6 p ^ CTottr to Arandei CAst|e«.' f uacw. T ra p l^' ‘ ; ...'Fara lO/a 8US]DAY.NEXT. JULY. l8. vOoantryBanBveryiMprnip^ ‘ . .. S4r»loss 11 and 6.30.' BNi ....JNBBlA' .me . .ie ' .'4»4 I eby ... • ,1/S/.,-*' I'S nrMkt Cigwge 1 oyiiias.. ^ IV. DAVlih -BARRON. 'ASBINO;: ■ f.- i,. kOONtO' tbs Bide Cars—No Bxtra MjlARRL llttM eokN . _ ) m i PAVENDISH-FLAOB (oppofUe thePlb). v\^ATEH & LIGHTING 3 Ti iniBTl ^peVetedesogiptiatk (ftom .a*t... ttay-nnd Betide thi:eo.:to otne persons, enii •V% ^ - f - week, oriiroBlIb. Twelve* V. .1 Pritt<^l-liil IS be hiipd forFicnioSs Pri- ?uly -14 to July, 20, 1 MR, : -Runford, I te ri^ for Drives for Con- HiUujWATBii. ! 'Lnmlniia. iBusietpSi: , JMC iw'-ii—kteldin Art Hester. Nttfltael KadaUiet. toh __ __________ Totudmt Cats seatiM three or PgAtoMter ol T the^Kstbournp' v.ri; Aidni. .After. -.tTur . iXechlti'eiif lastiin te. Wedbssday.Li... o.lQ 0.3a. „ „ ^i< Uv ^h o o l of ArtTipTee liMffons in ! r (Day of'EUght HonirB^, 30A I 'Thii]mey..'..X...
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