New Mexico Musician

Volume 63 | Number 3 Article 1

3-1-2016 New Mexico Musician Vol 63 No 3 (Spring 2016)

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Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 63 No 3 (Spring 2016)." New Mexico Musician 63, 3 (2016). nm_musician/vol63/iss3/1

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NEW Yamaha Intermediate Flutes The Yamaha line of Intermediate flutes has been updated to surpass the evolving needs of student flutists Featuring an industry-leading pointed key arm design and a complete review and update to many aspects of the production process, the 300 and 400 series Intermediate flutes emphasize the Yamaha consistency and quality that keeps these flutes strong and singing for young flutists.

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®YAMAHA NMMEA OFFICERS rRI^.SIDENT THE Brinn USrlintt-1 hornJ \ P 1412 Avtcll NM 118101 Olli-e 575 9115-2277 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN 575-6^)2-0590 prcsidcn^ti, nmmca cun^ Official Publication of the \ICE-PRESIOEN r, BAM) New Me.xico Music Educators Association Be^mie Ch:" c,: Band VP 503 S Tin Demin^ NM 811030 Olfice;S75-546-2678 Volume LVIll N um ber 3 S p rin g 2016 Ho^t;: 575-636-3930 band, IS S N 0742-8278 \ ICE-r‘RESIDi;NT CHORAL NM M EA Website: www Dianna Amend. Choial VP 9512 San Gabnd Ro^d. NE Albuquerque. NM 87 III Office: 505-8;^3-2327,U 052 CONTENTS Page l l ^ c 505-298-2970 chomilvp(a nmmea-^orn DEPARTMENTS VICE-l‘RESll)tNT, ORCHESTR^A President 's R e p o rt...... Jcnaiffiui Amierding. Oiches^ira VP 2 1040I S^^tra Donila P!. NE O ffice N o te s ...... 6 Albuquc^uc, NM 87l l 1 Ollicc: 505-828 3351 Fro m the E d ito r's D e s k ...... 8 Ci^ll .505-250-2909 orchestra, [email protected] Vice Presidents’ Reports \ ICl>PRESlDENT, GEli. M1SI( B a n d ...... Jan Dclgailo. General VP 11 7512 Gladdcn^^^e NE O rch e stra ...... 22 Ai^buquerque. NM 88110 Offic-e' 505.11 11011249s 166 G en eral M u s ic ...... 24 Home. 505-275-3711.J gcn^^nlnusic prti nm,^ea.^om C h o ra l...... 25 \ IC'E PR^ESlDENT. COl.LECI ^TE G u ita r...... Kajla I’aulk. Collegiale VP 27 I500 South K. ^^uon It, C o lle g ia te ...... 29 Ponnles. f\ M 88l 30 Oflice. 57.5-562.257 I Home: 575-226-012^3 ^^illegiincvp(a nmmc^ com ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS )>ASl PRESIDENT Ndl SttarJIi. President M en tors/R etirees...... 3 I lM j7Ci!flana Cl LasCruces. NM 88007 N M Ja zz Educators A r t ic le ...... 36 Oflice: 575 5:!7-94l5 Ilomc H 5 619-4507 U n iversity N e w s...... 37 pasipr^:s^tdcnta nmmca com In M cm o rim n ...... 42 \ I( li PRILSIDE'-i; Gl'I FAR NM M EA Music lndust^^ Council Members...... 43 J,m Rivcr^, Ciuu^ar VT 2808 Rhode Islaid N1 A d v e rtise rs...... 44 Aj^buquerque. n M R7i lO Onitc: 5i}5 8% 5M0X5340S td l 505710^174 t>(a n^iunca com EXEUTI\ E DIRECHJR Don^lamo84fi H om e: 505-274-5149 ( N E W ) addressed to the editor, Cell: 505 690-7854 ilg


Oi^i^^ic^ I • Southwest Districi 4 • :\orth Cen^^Hl Disi^^ict 3 • Norlhwesi The Ne\^\ Mexico Mus^ic Educatoi,- AssociaJ^ion is a Sham.lin A^'\foiLsi^d. I ai^na ^hcrhan^i^, P^^sidcm Laura \rgo^si^ng^^ Prc^id^m Federated sta^e association oF Nauonal Association ('rcsid^t } \, omini> Dir I(ii I- r,"h!!hi Dr 114 4 1 Music Educal^ion and part of the Souihi^xcMcm Di, ii^ion il365 Lmdbel'll, ,\vc Sinto lc '-M S7507 F^.imiingtun, N\.I8740I Q3rn> Alamogordt.!^, N\.1 S83 I 0 Hfniiei 505-7 H^^0,4 7(i td l: l 70-94N i^g^cmsdiooh.ncl

The New Mexico Musician Spring. 20/6 I President’s Report Brian Uerling, President

INTENDED PURPOSES and AC- lion and conference. He has presen t CORDONG TO TllE ORIGINAL ed at several. and felt that New Mex­ TIME PLAN. I reminded them that ico was a top-notch act. Our keynote NMMEA is not under thejurisdiction speaker for the 2017 Conference \\ ill o f the PED. and that we are acting as be Dr. Richard Livingstone. He is a reporting agency as a service lo our an internationally renowned conduc­ members. We want to be SURE that tor and lecturer, and \\ ill pro\ ide an the data you work so very hard to excellent address to our organization. generate is actually attributed to you We will (keep your fingers crossed) and your students correctly, and that also have what I am going to call your teacher evaluation benelits from “Cofiiee With Norvil”. Norvil How­ the input of this data into the fomiu- ell is a legendary long-time teacher la. Many thanks to Neil Swapp fur in Ne\\ Mexico. as well as the for­ the hard work that he does with the mer NMMEA Executive Director. registration fonns and our website. I think it is important to understand He is a crucial component in our ef­ where we come fom if we want to Happy Spring to all o f my NMMEA fective input o f data lo the PED. know "here we're going. Norvil can colleagues, fiends and associates! I provide us with this insight. and you hope that you are having a success­ Many thanks to a “cast o f thousands" don't want to miss his stories! ful season o f testmg with your Music for a successful All-State Music Perfonnance Assessments and our Festival and In-Service Conference I was very excited about the confer­ upcoming End o f Course Exams. 2016. It takes many dedicated music ence app that we used this year on While the de\e[Opment o f all o f this teachers for an event o f this magni­ a triaI basis. Everyone that dow n- new data collection has been stress­ tude to be of such high quality and loaded it was very happy with what ful and at times confusing. we are effect. My very special thanks to it olfered, even in the limited (“fe e ") now entering the third year o f data. Don Gerhean. Kathy Espinosa. each version with which we expcnmem- This is significant, because Tl IIS is o f our VPs (Deanna Amend. Bernie ed We will continue oui" discussion the year when they will be tymg this Chavez, Jonathan Amerding, Jim Ri­ on the board regarding the use o f data directly to the stale teacher eval­ vera, Jan Delgado. Kayla Paulk), and this app. and hope to stay on top of uation process. With a new statisti­ all o f our top-notch clinicians. pre­ technology that can help us grow and cian in place. we were issued a ne\' senters. co-chairs, monitors and stu­ prosper. requirement (after the registration dents! Our Business Luncheon was forms were developed and already in also a huge success... many thanks Our National Assembly meeting will use. o f course!). You probably no­ to Neil Swapp and Don Gerheart for be June 22 through June 25. 2016 in ticed that someone at your site was their work on this event. and another Tyson's Comer. Virginia (a suburb looking up your licensure number to round o f congratulations to so many of Washington. D.C.). I will soon be submit with your data. There were fine award recipients. Our clinicians contacting our senators and represen­ several reasons for this, but the main lor the All-State ensembles were tatives on Capitol Ilill for our meet­ one is that not everyone's licensure consistent with their praise regarding ings with them on “ Hill Day" ...and name is the name that they use on the preparedness. attitude and cour­ we will have lots to discuss. with the their registration form. Lots o f varia­ tesy of our New Mexico high school passing o f the ESSA legislation. It tions o ccu r-T h e use o f a middle students. This is not unusual, by the is a very exciting time to be a mu­ name as a first name, or a new sur­ way, but always nice to hear! sic educator in the U.S. . and I expect name due to marriage, etc. the Assembly to be vei"y lively and I was able to observe partial clinics informative. Don Gerheart and our When they issued this new require­ and rehearsals in all areas. as well as President-Elect will attend this meet­ ment, I wrote a letter to the PED. Of attend some fill sessions. l was very ing as well as I. course. l understood the need for this impressed with our Keynote Speak­ change, BUT it was yet one more er. Dr. Richard Cangro. He was so I believe that our goals for NMMEA burden to put on the shoulders of pleased with the huge attendance at in the coming year should relate to our site chairs. I told them that we this event and the response and feed­ advocacy. Specifically, I am working would do this for them WfTH the back that he received. He had some with NAtME to obtain the infomia- caveat that they guarantee that the , cry nice observations about the tion that we would need to encour­ data would mdeed be used FOR ITS qii;ility and vitality o f our organiza- age every school music teacher in

The N ew ^ ^ ico M usician - Spring, 2016 President...

NM to become a member o f our or­ most favorabl). thanks to his hard long after the end." Igor Stravinsky ganization and lo attend our confer­ \\ork. ence. There is strength in numbers. " If stupidity got into this mess, and although we have the strongest And now a little humor to end my ar­ then why can‘t it get us out?” Will position regarding membership in the ticle. with some favorite quotes: Rogers NAfME Southwest Division. vvc a l \\ays have room for more o f our col­ “It's easy to play a musical instru­ Respectftilly submitted. Brian Uer- leagues to share in our successes and ment All you have to do is touch the ling, President. N M M EA. development as an organization. right key at the right time. and the in­ strument will play itself" J. S. Bach As always. many thanks to Edi­ tor Keith Jordan for the work that “Wagner's music is much better than he does compiling and printing the it sounds." Samuel Clemens (Mark “New Mexico Musician." I receive Twain) copies o f all o f the state issues fom around the country. We come o ff '“Too many pieces o f music finish too

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The New Mexico Alusicwn — Spring, 2016

L Office Notes Don Gerheart, Executive Director

we had the many rooms needed to year. A conference app was tried for hold our clinics and rehearsals. the first time and those that tried it were pleased. For those that attended One o f the highlights o f All-State is the Saturday concerts you noticed to be able to use Popejoy Hall for our that we began to brand NMMEA concerts. It is a great venue for our by having our logo on the podium students to be able to perform in and as well as having it projected on a for our audiences to enjoy those per­ screen on the back wall o f the Pope­ formances. To the staf of Popejoy joy Stage. We hope lo expand on all we thank you for the use ofyour hall. three o f these innovations in 2017.

As most o f you know in order to have Our Executive Committee has al­ All-State we use many other UNM ready started the preparation for our facilities over the four days we are on 2017 All-State Music Festival aid campus. Thanks go out to the sta^s ln-Serv ice Conference to be held of Rodey. Kiva. Woodward Hall, the on the campus o f the University o f Our 2016 All-State Music Festival Education Building, and the Student New Mexico on January 4-7, 2017. and InService was a very success­ Union Building for allowing us to The Executive Committee met on ful event thanks to many people who use their facilities. February 19 & 20, 20 16 to stan the worked hard to plan and implement planning process. Please take every the event and to a large number of On a personal note I would like to opportunity to thank your officers our members who volunteered their thank my wife Jane for her help with for all o f their lime and effort that time to help with the many jobs and All-State but most o f all for her sup­ they devote to their respective sec­ tasks that take place over our Ibur- port as I spend many months a year tions and in the preparation for your day event. devoting a great deal o f time iii the All-State. The NMMEA Execu­ office preparing for A ll State. No­ tive Committee will meet again on Our Executive Committee President vember and December is not as Monday, July 11, 2016 to continue Brian Uerling. Past President Neil much celebrating Thanksgiving and their preparations for All-State. That Swapp, Bemie Chavez, Band VP: Christmas as it is getting ready for meeting will begin at 3:00 PM in the Deanna Amend, Choir VP. Jonathan All-Stale. New Mexico Activiues Association Armerding. Orchestra VP: Jim Rive­ Conference Room in Albuquerque. ra, VP: Jan Delgado. General Last. but cenainly not least, I would Your Board o f Directors will r^ieet to Music VP; Kayla Paulk, Collegiate be remiss if l didn't thank all o f our take care ofNMMEA busmess at the VP: aid Keith Jordan, Editor New many music educators who volun­ same location on Tuesday, July 12, Mexico Musician spent hundreds of teered to do the many jobs assoc^ 2016 starting at 8:30 AM. hours planning and organizing this ated with our district events and All­ pastAll-State and did a very goodjob State events. This includes the many When you see Neil Swapp please getting everything ready togo. Kathy people who prepared and presented thank him for all o f his hard work Espinoza from Las Cruces completed clinics ftoT us to attend. Without your in maintaining our website and for her first year as our site coordinator time and effort we could not do what setting up our forms and the district and she did a marvelous job. This po­ we do for the thousands o f music stu­ forms we have on line and for keep­ sition is critical to the success o f our dents in New Mexico. We appreciate ing our website up lo date. You can All-State and Kathy came through your time and effort and thank you also thank him by sending him an with flying colors. for your service to NMMEA. email. If you have something to post on our website send that to pastpresi- We certainly need to thank all o f the There were several new innovations [email protected]. If it meets the University of New Mexico people at our 2016 All-State. Computer reg­ NMMEA guidelines he will get it who contributed to the success of istration was used for the first time posted. Keep Neil and I posted about ourAll-State starting with Dr Steven and from all indications worked quite jo b openings. It is best if a job open Block and the music department fac­ well and attendees moved through ing comes from your H R Department ulty for their help and for allowing us registration faster Now that we are or an administrator so the informa­ to use their offices for our auditions. familiar with this technology regis­ tion is complete and correct. There is and for the use o f their lacilities so tration should move even fast next an on line link on our homepage that

6 The New Mexico Musician — Spring. 2016 Office Notes ...

is to be used for posting job open­ on either website. A login screen will NAfME National Assembly which ings. We will only consider accept- appear. Type in your email address takes place in Tysons Corner. VA ingjob postings that are submitted on and your user name. which is your ID June 25-27. 2016. that fomi. number, preceded by as many zeros Also the officers-e^ct will be asked All of the audition materials and in- necessary for a total o f 9 numbers. I f to attend our Executive Committee fomiation as v. ell as the All-State your ID # is 1111 then you log on by Meeting and our Board of Directors programs are posted on our respec­ entering 000001 Ill. Your informa­ Meetings. which will be held in July. tive links as o f April h t An updated tion screen should appear. Next click They will also be copied on all com­ copy o f the "NMMEA Handbook” is on any o f the an;as that you need to munications pertaming to our 2017 also posted. There are some changes update and make your changes. Click All-State and “shadow” our current to the “l-landbook". Please reference "Save" when you are done with your officers at our 2017 AllState. the *‘NMMEA Official I landbook' update(s). It is your responsibility to by going to our homepage and put update your contact infonnation. The Please che^l, our website and our ting your curser on the "About” link. groupthat we have the least infonna- various links on a regular basis so Scroll down to "Official Documents” tion about is the general music teach­ you can keep abreast o f what is tak­ and open the ‘“NMMEA I landbook". ers. In addition to updating your m- ing place. A H o f the changes are highlighted in formation with NAfME PLEASE let giay. me know when your contact mfor As always please feel free to contact mation changes. Time does not per me if you have any questions or con­ Since the fall issue o f the ‘‘New Mex­ mit me to go t hrough over 500 mem­ cerns ico Musician” comes out just before bers every month to sec i f any o f the the first round of auditions occur m NAfME database has hcen updated. Have a good rest o f this school year September I would like to share some and an enjoyable summer. concerns that I received and ha\.c ob­ For thos^ o f you who are not mem­ served fom last years auditions. bers o f NMME/NMMEA we in\ itc 1. Please enter all information c o r you to join our organizations. Go to Need information rectly. Specifically the student names our website and click on the "Jom about your NAfME and their voice classification and i n- Now” hnl. which is located on the stnunent. upper right side o f our homepage. membership? 2. Re, iev- the audition process \\ ith Enter the mfomoation that appears on all o f the students you have regis­ the screen and foliow the instructions tered. A fair number o f students en­ to complete. tered the audition process without having an idea o f w'hat to expect. Congratulations to our officers-elect 3. After you register students please v- ho will assume office on January 8, take tune to help them prepare their 2017 through our 2018 All-State audition. Several judges commented President-E^ect - Bernie Chavez how unprepared a number o f student Choir Vice President-Elect - Joanna were. Hart 4. There arc a fair number o f no Band Vice President-Elect - Laura Contact NAfME shows. We might be able to lower Eberhardt Member Services at this number b}' helping students pre­ Orchestra Vice President-Elect - 1-800-336-3768 pare for their audition and chcckmg Cherokee Randolph or on them pnor to their auditions. Guitar Vice President-Elect Paul MemberServices@ Nielsen We can't communicate with you if General Music Vice President-E^ect your email and contact information - Paul Hallsted isn' 1 correct. l ash you again to check Collegiate Vice President-Elect - to sec v^hat NAtME has on file for Robin Giebelhausen • your contact information. Here's what you do. Log on to NAlME's As a start in the transition process website Bernie Chavez will accompany Pres­ Music Education Orchestrating Success ^ogin or go to our homepage. Cl iclv on ident Brian Uerling and Executive the ‘ Renev.:’ link posted on the home Director Don Gerheart to the 2016

The New Mexico A/nsician Spring. 3O! 6 Editor’s Desk Keith Jordan 1 contains his first 17 marches. cover­ October at 2 p.m. . EDT. Programs will be ing the years 1873 to 1882. Volume I is posted on our on line calendar usually tu o available for fee download exclusively weeks before the performance: hnp:/ on the Marine Band website, along \\ith 'Calendar • f scrolling videos and PDFs of the fill aspx. scores that include historical and edito­ Three members of “The President's rial notes about each piece. Each march Own'' hail from New Mexico: French has been carefully edited and corrected horn players Gunnery Sgt. Douglas by Lt Col. Fettig and Music Production Quinzi ( Picture #3) is f om Las Cruces Chief Master Sgt. Donald Patterson using and Staff Sgt. Brigette Knox (Picture #2) some of the earliest known publications is from Albuquerque, and percussionist and incorporate perfirmance practices Staff Sgt. Gerald NovaJ..; (Picture # 1) is employed by the Marine Band that are from Alamogordo. modeled on those of “The March King” french horn player Gunnery Sergeant himsell. Download Volume I here: http:// Douglas Quiizi joined ""The President's bit ly/C ompleteMarchesSousa I. Volume Own” United States Manne Band m Oc­ 2 will be available on April 11, 2016 at tober 2004. Gunnery Sgt. Quinzi began and wwv.. his musical instruction at age 12. Upon U.S. Marine Band Offers Plethora of graduating in 1997 from Las Cruces High Educational Resources in DC and Na­ Sousa’s March Maria School, he attended New Mexico State tionwide When it comes. to the historical knowl­ University in Las Cruces, where in 2002 Master Sg1. Kristin duBois, Marine edge and performance of marches. es­ he earned a bachelor’s degree in music Band Public Affairs pecially for those Y.ritten by John Philip education. In 2004. he earned a master’s Sousa, the United States Marine Band is degree in French horn performance f om When the musicians of “The President's considered a prime resource. That 's why the University of Maryland. College Park Own" IJ.S. Maine Band aren’t hailing during the month of March, “The Presi­ (UMD). He presently is pursuing a doc­ the chief at the White ilouse. honor­ dent’s Own“ will be hosting “Sousa 's torate of musical arts at UMD His horn ing fallen he«»es at Arlington Natiimal March Mania.” a tournament pitting 32 instructors have included Nancy Joy of Cemetery, performmg conceits in the DC marches against each other for the Ma­ New Mexico Stak Universil). Cjregory metro area and across the country on tour, rine Band online community to Jeter Milkr of UMD. anJ Martin Hackleman. or in a practice room honing their crafi. mine which one tsthe favorite. Eadi day, fonnerly of the National Symphony Or they can be fiund in schoob. both lhc marches will compete head to head while chestra iii Washington. D.C' Prior lo and virtually. The fallow ing educational fans vote whicli ones advance in the tour­ joimng "The President’s 0 u nf' Gunnery resources are available for f ee from the nament Sgt. Quinzi performed w ith th.: Las Cru­ Marine Band: YouTube ces Symphony Orchestra. was a finalist Marine Band Concerto (ompetiuon lor Each #MusicMonday the Marine Band in the 2000 International Honr Society High School Students releases streammg and record­ Competition. and was a f eelance musi­ “1he President’s Own” U.S. Marine ings ofiive performances on its YouTube cian in the Washington. D.C.. area. Band. in conjunction with the Marine channel. as well as interviews with band French hom player Staff Sergeant Corps Heritage Foundation, hosts an members and historical vignettes. The Brigeue Knox joined ..The President's annual Concerto Competition for high online collection includes many out-of­ Own” United States Manne Band 111 De­ school studcnts. The winner will appear prim educational recordings. which have cember 2013. Staff Sgt. Knox began her as a guest soloist with the U.S. Marine previously only been available to schools musical training on piano at age 7 and Band and receive a $2,500 sdiolan.hip and libraries. Future releases include French horn at age 12. Ailer graduating fiom the Marine Corps Heritage Founda­ The Bicentennial Collection, a 10-disc 111 2003 f om Eldorado High School 111 tion. The runner up will receive a $500 set which traces the recorded history of Albuquerque. she attended the Cleve­ scholarship. The deadline for applica­ “The President's Own” fiom rare wax land Institute of Music (CIM) in Ohio tions is Nov. 15. 2016. Please visit http:// cylinders and early radio broadcasts to where she earned a bachelor’s degree in www.marineband.marines.mi I/About/ recent performances captured with the music performance in 2007. In 2009 she ConcertoCompctition.aspx fir more in- latest digital technology. None of the completed a mastcr’s degree in music fonnation. recordings on the set were previously perfonnance f om The Juilliard School Complete Marches of JPS released on compact disc and many arc in New York. She has pursued doctoral This year. ‘'The President's Own” United live recordings never previously released studies at the University of Cincinnati States Marine Band released its first vol­ in any form. Please visit College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) ume of “The Complete Marches of John USMBYouTube. in Ohio. She studied with Rick Solis of Philip Sousa.” This multi-year recording Live Stream Performances CIM, William Purvis of Juilliard, and project, initiated by Director Lt. Col. Ja­ The Marine Band live streams all per- Randy Gardner of CCM. Prior to joining son K. Fettig, is the Marine Band’s first fonnances from the Chamber Music “The President's Own.” Staff Sgt. Knox comprehensive collection of Sousa's Series at was the band and choir director for Cen­ marches since the 1970s. The collection and tral Catholic Junior-Senior High School is in chronological order. and Volume Upcoming dates include each Sunday in in Laiayette, Ind. She pcrfonned regu-

8 The New Mexico Musician — Spring. 2016 Editor... larly with the Santa re Concen Associa­ 1991 fom Alamogordo Ili gh School, he S) mphony Orchestra in England He has tion and was on the faculty at the Sandia eamed his bachelor's degree m music ed performed with the Singapore Symphony Music Festi%al in Albuquerque. both m ucalion from Baylor University in Waco, Orchestra in the Republic of Singapore: Ne\\ Mexico. She has also perfinned Texas, in 1996. He earned his master's the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra with the Lafayette S} mphon) Orchestra degree in orchestral percussion perfor­ in Poole. Dorset m England: the Haddon- m Indiana, Kentucky Symphony Orches­ mance m 19v98 f om Temple University field Symphony in New Jersey; Delaware tra 111 Newport, baisville Philharmonic m Philadelphia. His instructors mcluded Symphony Orchestra in Wilmington: and Orchestra in Indiana. and the Cincinnan Alan Abel of the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Waco Symphony Orchestra in Texas. Chamber Orchestra, and the Ne\\ Haven Lany Vanlandingham of Baylor Uimcr- He also toured with the American Wind Symphony Orchestra in Connecticut sily. and Erik Forrester of the Interlochen Symphony, based in Pittsburgh. attended Percussionist Staff Sergeant Gerald Arts Camp m Michigan Prior to joining the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado, Novak jomed "Uie President"s 0\*n" ‘ The Presideni’s Own,'' he w as principal and was a member of the National Or United States Marine Band in December percussion and a founding member of chestral Institute tn College Park, Md., 2006. Staff Sgt. Novak began his musi­ the Malavsian Philhamionic Orchestra and the Spolcto USA Festival Orchestra cal instruction on piano at age 4 and in Kuala Lumpur, and also seived as act in Charleston. S.( percussion at age 9. After graduatmg in mg prmcipal percussion vi ith the

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And we have a large stock of music for every need: • Vocal Solo • Band • Choral • Orchestra — • Piano • Handbells Finduson • Organ • All Instruments Face book

10 The New Mexico Musician - Spring. 2016 Band Section Bernie Chavez, Vice President

We also need lo keep advocating for continuous support ol NMMEA with music education across the Stale. their professional sen ices. We need to show a presence in our schools, and teach not just our ad­ •Keith Jordan for his hard work in ministrators on hov\ important music being our editor for our state maga education is, but our entire commu­ Line. nity. Also the longevity of a music educator is dependent on great men­ •2015 Audition Team: Susanna Self torship. l encourage the veteran mu­ - ENMU. Kevm Vigneau UNM, sic educators out there to reach out Ingrid Larragoity-NMSU, Eric Lau and helpsome of these younger edu­ - UNM. Poncho Romero - NMSU, cators so they can go the distance in Michael Walker - UNM. James the music education career Shearer - NMSU, and Neil Rutland - ENMU 2016All-State Bami Seclion I am so excited about aU the positive •Audition Site Coordinators: Brad Bernie Chavez, Vice President feedback 1 received about this past Dubbs and John Converse and Eldo­ year’s All-State Music Conference. rado High School. Shaw n Silva and Grectmgs!!!1 l hope everyone is hav­ Let’s remember that our New Mex­ NMSU Music Department, Dustin ing a great year. This lirst year as ico All-State Music Conference re­ Seifert and the ENMU Music De­ Band Vice President \\enl by so fast. lies on advice and recommendations partment but it was a year filled with excite­ Irom the association's membership. ment and learning. It has been a real so please don’ T be afraid to send •Band chairs, assistants and percus­ pleasure to get to know the directors me an e-mail on your thoughts on sion assistants: Small School Band from across the State. and I look for­ how to make the conference better. - Adam Bryant, Bill Lamb, and An­ ward 10 w'orking with all ot you to This years conference could only be thony Baca. Concert Band = Cait- make a positive impact on music ed­ successful due to the hard work and lynn Comacho. Damel Fear. Steve ucation 1ll the State ot New Mexico diligence o f all the distnct and state lliff, and Elsie Stott. Symphonic I would like to send out a special olficers, site coordinators, conduc­ Band —Jordan Sayre, Britta Wollard. thank you to the entire executive tors. sponsors, clinicians \olunkers. Valentino Leyba, and Pam Towery- board lor lheir hard work and s.up- students and the entire band division Chun:h. port. This team works very well to­ membership. gether. It is an honor to work with •Workshop Clinicians and Spon­ other music educators that have such Special Thanks Go To: sors: Tim Lautzenheiser (Attitude a strong sense of the importance of •Kathy Espinoza - Site coordinator. Concepts and Hal Leonard), Rich­ music education for our students. I Thank you for takmg over such an ard L. Saucedo (Selmer& Olivas would also like lo thank Don and important position. Great work for Music), Pancho Romero (NMMEA Jane Gerheart for their guidance and this being your lirst year. & NMSU). John Sanks and Dave friendship. Don. just know that all Kendrick (NMMEA). Jim Young your hard work and time does not go •Neil Rutland. Fred Bugbee, and and Dr. Bill Clark (NMMEA). Tony unnoticed. Scott Ney for their continuous con­ Montano (NMMEA). Dustin Seif­ tribution and support ofNMM EA by ert (NMMEA & ENMU). Yasmine President Brain Uerlmgbemg our university percussion fac­ Flores (NMMEA), Donna Schmidt( Past President Neil Swapp ulty, and sening in the capacity of NMMEA} Orchestra VP Jonathan Amierding multiple percussion etude compos­ General Music VP Jan Delgado ers, as well as their expertise in help­ •Honor Groups: Members o f the La Choral VP Deanna Amend ing out with our percussion sections Cueva Iligh School Jazz Band and Guitar VP Jimmy Rivera in any w ay possible during All-State. their Director John Converse. the Ar- Collegiate VP Kayla Paulk tesia High School Concert Band and •Everyone involved with APS and Director Lisa Ann Dillon. Congratu­ 1 would like the band membership lo UNM for helping provide percussion lations!!!!! take notice of all the changes for the equipment to all our perfonning en­ percussion auditions for the upcom­ sembles. •All Monitors, presider, stage crews, ing year, the changes will be noted linal audition teams and sectional in­ in this article as well as the web site. •Joe Keith and Music Mart for their structors. Thanks to all of you!

The New M exico Musicum Spring, 2016 I! Band...

Upcoming Events through your District President. com. Your ideas and anything that can make the A II-State conference 2016 NMAA State Band Contest 2016-2017 All-State Auditions bener are always welcome. I hope This year the NMAA Band State you have a great end o f the year, and Concert Band Contest will be held al Audition Sites and Chairs remember to always look at our web­ Cleveland High School in Rio Ran­ November I • 2016 - Las Cruces. site for any updates that may occur, cho. The Contest will be held on NMSU. Shawn Silva www' Friday April 22, and Saturday April November 2-3. 2016 -Albuquerque, 23, 2016. All registration infonna- (To Be Determined) Elsie Stott 2017 All-State Conductors and Pro­ tion can be found al the NMAA web November 4. 2016 - Portales, grams (Subject to Change) page. www'.nmact.otg. ENMU, Dustin Seifert Robert W. SmiUi - John M. Long School ofMusic 2017 Honor Band Applications: The Audition Material can be found in A Jubilant Overture — Alfred Recd 20 l 7 Honor Band will be selected this edition. Please encourage your arr. Conaway ( Birch Island Music) from the field o f entries submitted students to participate and make all­ Waves Bnan Balmages (FJH Music by band directors. The selection state auditions a prioriiy All tempos Company) process is outlined on the NMMEA o f the etudes are included in the au­ Inchon - Robert W. Smith (Alfred web site. I encourage all bands that dition list, some o f which are differ­ Publishing) received superior ratmgs at their D is ent than printed in the etude books. Semper Fidelis - Sousa/Bourgeois trict Large Group Festivals or the Please take care that all students (Wingert-Jones Publications) NMAA State Concert Band Contest are aware o f tempo changes. Small to apply. This year’s preference will school excerpts are included in the Stephen Pratt - Professor o f Music, be given to high schools bands with audition list. Please note that as ap­ Indiana University Jacob:,, SchMI of student enrollment o f 120I or higher, proved at the band section meeting Music however all schools arc encouraged this last year, there has been a change Fanfare - Il«iyabusa - Satoshi Yagi- to apply regardless o f classification. to the percussion audition. sawa (De I laske) I'eel free to call me m 575-636-3930, Pageanl — Vincent Persichetti (Carl or contact me via email if you have Registration is done electronically Fischer) any questions. online \\ith students required io sign Sheltering Sky John Macke) (Osti a commitmenl f0mi. Directors \^ill Music) All materials must he postmarked by need to make sure that they have col­ Conga del Fuego Nuevo - Arturo June I.2 0 I6 and mailed to: lected the signed commitment fonns Marquez (Peenmusc) Bernie Chavez when they register their students. Sound Oft' March - John Philip Sou­ NMMEA Band VP Please collect valid signed commit­ sa/Bourgeois (Wingert Jones) 503 South Tin ment fomis from your students. this Deming, NM 88030 is your responsibility!!! Directors Symphonic Band - Robert Ponto will not tum in forms to the state but (Assistant Dean School of Music and 2017 NMMEA Individual Achieve­ will keep them for their own files. Dance, University ofOregon ment Awards Ecstatic Fanfare - Steven Bryant Please attend your spring district 2 0 i7 All-State Volunteers Needed Movement for Rosa - MMk Camp- meeting prepared with a nominee house (Neil A. Kjos) for every award. New Mexico is The success o f our All-State conven­ Symphonic Dance No. 2 *‘The Mask­ very fortunate to have so many ex­ tion is contingent upon the partici­ ers" - Clifton Williams (Sam Fox cellent active and retired educators. pation o f educators across the state. Inc.) We also arc very privileged to work Participation can come in many Bayou Breakdown - Bram Karrick with amazing music supportive ad­ fonns, whether as a monitor, present­ (Alfred Music Publishing) ministrators and businesses. so let's er. band chair. percussion assistant, recognize these outstanding people stage crew, final chair placement ad­ Band Section Meeting Minutes that do so many great things for mu­ judicator. guest conductor driver, or 4:30p.m. January 7. 2016 sic. Guidelines for Submission of other small, but very important jobs. University o f New Mexico. CFA Achievemenl Awards can be found I am m the process of putting this 2018 on the website. together which includes workshops, Meeting called to order at 4:33 PM All documents will be submitted so if you are interested in helping or onJanuary 7. 2016. electronically to the Immediate Past have an idea for a workshop feel free Introductions o f all new educators, as President of NMMEA via email to contact me at bandvp(fi nmmea. w ell as all new appointments present.

The New Mexico Musicicm Spring. 20!6 Band...

Army Baid Presentation before the board for further consider­ rev ie"' and possibly amend etude A. Options for musicians under ation. length for next year. If you would the age o f35 to participate within the D. Rutland discussion o f audi­ like to be in the committee, contact band, as well as benefits for mem­ tion process for percussion. Bemic Chavez. bers. 1. Brmging iii personal hand A. Motion: Bill Griner Announcements from the Executive instruments will change to having a B. Second: Dustin Seifert Board set o f high quality hand instruments New Business A. Weather concerns. What to on site. Will help in consistency of Ilonor Band-Larger schools prefer­ do if there is a v\eather delay. auditions. ence. 120 I and higher. Due June Ist. B. Constructive criticism for 2. Sight-reading-proposal for Submit to Bernie. improvement o f the conference, but students to choose to either audition A. Please make sure that ev­ must have ideas for improvement. for snare or mallets, or to perhaps erything is as it is required to be, i.e. notjust criticism. make the points earned for each more no names on materials. etc. Follow Motion to accept minutes from last proportional. directions to the letter. meeung. 3. Proposal to have the same B. If you are considered a A. Motion: Chandra Blackslon rudiments fom year to year, rather smaller school, and you are interest B . Second: Daniel Fear than randomly choosing different ri- ed, please submit. Reminders for Presiders and Mon^ diments each year. State Concert Band at Cleveland tors for clinics. please return sign-up 4. The timpani audition etudes High School. April 22nd, 23rd. sheets. m the past have been so difficult that A. Thank you to all the direc­ Set up Crews, make sure you are it is hard to really focus on good tim- tors and stafi’ who helped for our there early. paiii tcchni quc. Proposal to look into State Concert Band. Reminders to see conductors and new etudes for the timpani audition. Next Years Conductors their rehearsals. 5. Proposal to make the pomt A. Small School: Robert W. We need your help on the sun ey, system for the timpani snare, and Smith advocate for what \\e need a:. music mallet. 20 points. the multi percus­ 8 . Concert Band: Steven educators. sion. lO points. and then sight rcad- Wayne Pratt A. Correct email and phone mg. scales and rudiments, 5 points C. Symphonic Band' Robert number for each Ponto Recognition o f Honor groups. O. Consistency of the sd up Please check thal your contact infor- NM"\A Concert Band Results: Con- for each site. Pubhshed set-up chart. mauon on our website is correct so gratulauons. 7. Uniform scale pattern, that w e may contact you. Please attend and sho\^ your support eighth notes up and down. so that au­ Thank you to all w ho helped with au­ of our Recipients and Honorees at ditions arc more consistent ditions. as well as those who helped the Awards/Business I uncheon. a Motion to accept the chang­ throughout the conference. Please check website for an, chang­ es by Pam Towry-Church National Band and es. b. I was unable to identify who nominate your program for the Blue All-State the gentleman was that seconded the Ribbon Award. It provides many op­ A. Please pay attention to de­ motion. portunities for advocating your pro­ tail when you submit for all-state. to Pam Tow ry-Church discussed the gram. avoid errors in those auditioning. needs of being a percussionist for all­ Albuquerque Jazz Festival is Feb­ B. Audition dates this year for state. There are letters sent out to the ruary 19. and 20 at El Dorado High All-State. directors so that all the students who School. C Adding an audition site for are attending allstate as a percus­ Young or beginning Band Direc­ the Northwest District. sionist come prepared with the nec­ tors. please find some o f the more I. Directors ftom the North­ essary equipment. seasoned band directors for help. if west District. as well as other direc­ Discussion of\\ hy there is a shorter necessary. tors discussed the Pros o f ha, mg an audition piece for the small-school Motion to adjourn: Chrrs Argot audition site in the Northwest area. in comparison io the other audition Singer Discussion o f hov, the re­ pieces. and is there any way for all Second: Phil Meda cordings were done for All-State, students to simply play the shorter Meeting Adjourned at 5:34 and hm\ consistency is of the utmost audition piece? Some pros and cons importance, as well as setting up an to ha, mg a full length etude audition Respectfully Submitted, audition system that can continue to were presented. Virginia Chavez and Bennie Chavez be used rn the future. Motion to keep the etude length the 3. All concernsw ill be brought same. and create a committee to The New M exico \ fiisidai> — Spring 2O !6 !3 AU - State Wind and Percussion (SSB m I through m. 40) •"Selected Studies for ''. Titles 2016 - 2017 Voxman (pub. Rubank) Alto/Bass/Contra Bass Clarinet o Page 16, F minor Allegretto. Note: All winds must know all 12 -■'Advanced Studies" from the works eighth note = 144 complete (SSB major scales and will be required o f Julius Weissenborn for Alto and Beginning through Ist measure of to perfomi fomt memory. one Ma­ Bass Clarinets. adapted by William line 6) jor flat and one Major sharp scale Rhoads. ( pub. Southern Music Co.) • “Melodiom, Etudes for Trombone, in addition to their chromatic scale. ^ page 2 I. #27: Allegro Grazioso Book I". Bordogni/Rochut (pub. Please refer LO the specific scale quarter note = 108. Beginning io Carl Fischer) and range requirement instruction Fennata (SSB Beginning-m. 16) o Page 2. #2 Andantino. quarter listed. All Scales will be required to • page 18. #23: Andante Sostenuio note= 90 Complete (SSB Beginning be played in straight eighth notes at quarter note - 72, complete (SSB to end on measure 4 o f line five) quarter note = 92 Beginning - m . J 6 Fennata) Note: All auditions will include Bass Trombone- ( 2 books - Bordo­ sight reading. All Saxophones - ''48 Famous Stud­ gni and Uber) ies for Oboe and Saxophone". Fer­ - ‘‘30 Etudes”. Uber (Knaub ed.) Flute / Piccolo - "Selected Studies ling (pub. Southern Music Co.) (pub. Southern Music Co.) for Flute", Voxman (pub. Rubank) ■ page 6, #11 in D minor; eighth o Page 4. #4 Andante con moto. ' page 50,Allegro Heinze: dotted note = 72 (Larghetto): complete dotted quarter - 72 complete (SSB quarter = 69-72 complete (SSB m. (SSB m. I through m. 8) beginning to end o f 4th measure of N24) • page 9. # 18 in Bb Major; dotted line 3) • page 51, F# Major Ferling; dotted quarter note ~ 72-84 (Vivace): com­ • “43 Bel Canto Studies", Bordogni quarter = 50-54 complete (SSB m. plete (SSB m. I and play through m. (pub. Alphonse Leduc) l-first note ofm . 19) 16) o Page 6, #3 Con moto. quarter note = 88 Complete (SSB play first Oboe / English Hom - "48 Famous French Hom -"335 Selected Melodi­ 4 lines) Studies for Oboe and Saxophone", ous Progressive & Techmcal Studies Ferling (pub. Southern Music Co.) for French Horn". Pottag/Andraud Tuba ■ I 2 books - Bordogni and •page 7 # 13 dotted quarter 48-54 (pub. Southern Music Co.) Blazhevich) complete (SSB: m I dounbeat of • page 35; “Adagio"(Kopprasch), » "70 Studies for BBb Tuba, Vol­ measure 14) eighth note 64-72 Complete (SSB ume ir, Blazhevich (Please note • Page 2 #4 quarter note= I0 8 -II6 Do not Play) Vol. II) (pub. King Music) complete (SSB : m I through m. 8) - pages 19: #8; Allegro ' Page 18. #53 Allegretto eighth energico(Gilson): Dotted quarter note = 112-124 Play first seven Bassoon - "Practical Method for the note- I08 (SSB Beginmng to down­ lines. (SSB play first four lines) Bassoon', Weissenborn/Ambrosio beat of 24th full measure g- eighlh • "43 Bel Canto Studies". Bordogni (pub. Carl Fischer)(50 Advanced note ) (pub. Alphonse Leduc) Studies) - Page 6. #3 Con moto, quarter • page 8 8 8 9 . # 15: Lento and first Tmmpet ***N ew Etude note - 88 Complete (SSB be­ Andante Only: Lento - quarter note Book***'Selected Studies for ginning to first beat o f m. 40 = 52-56. Andante - quarter note = 72 Comet/", Ybxman (pub. (SSB Andante only) Kubank)\ Percussion • page 84 , #8; quarter note = 80-88 • Page 2, C Major "Adagio canta- Mallets: Morris Goldenberg Modem complete no repeats. (SSB m. 1-8) bile" . quarter note = 72 Beginning School for Xylophone to m. 40 no repeats (SSB same) • Etude # V Allegro; Measure I to Eb/Bb Soprano Clarinet - “Artistic Page 22, b minor “Allegretto 31 Studies- Book I", Rose ( ed. Hite) grazioso" quarter note = 92 com­ (pub. Southern Music Co.) Rose 32 plete only do repeats in m. 21 -22 no Snare drum: Anthony Cirone Por Etudes other repeats (SSB m. I- m. 42 re­ traits in Rhythm ^ page 27. #25 A Major Allegro: peat 2 1-22 only) ■ Etude # 4. Measures I to the quarter note = 88-108 complete downbeat o f measure 26 Andante (SSB m. I through m. 17) Tenor Trombone and Euphonium - ( Grandioso dotted quarter = 58 ■ page 53, #7 e minor Allegretto; 2 books- Vox^ian and Bordogni) dotted quarter note = 60 complete

/4 The New Mexico Musician Spring 2016 Timpani: ***NeiA Book • * * Studies 8. Drag or Mallets n)t b)th. in Copper: 15 Orchestral Eludes for 9. Single Ratamacue Timpani By Alex Orfily ( C. Alan 10. Triple Ralamacue Notes: Percussionists are expected Publications) 11. Paradiddlc to bring their o\\ n mallets/sticks for Etude l O Measure 1 to do\\ nbeal 12. Double Paradiddlc snare drum, marimba (no hard plastic of measure 24 or brass!), and timpani and a tunmg • The adjudicaWr will ask the student fork or pitch pipe for timpani tun­ Multiple Percussion Etude to perform several of the required ru­ ing. No one will be allowed to audi­ Tambourine. crash cymbals. triangle. diments. tion with mallets that ma> potentially Music and tempo marking infomia- • The rudiments shall be performed harm the instruments. All percussion tion available al Slou-Fast-Slow (Begin at a slow instruments \v ill be provided at site. tempo, accelerando to a faster tempo, Students \\ ill not be allowed to use Additional Material and ritardando back to the origmal their personal instruments with the • Rudiments will be ask from the fol­ tempo) exception of a tambourine IF the in­ lowing • Scales - Percussionists will be re­ strument is of a professional quality 1. Single Stoke Roll sponsible for know ing all 12 Major with a good head. While only a por­ 2. Multiple Bounce Roll (pp to ff to Scales by memory, TWO OCTAVES tion of the audition material will actu­ pp) in Straight 8th notes at quarter note ally be heard at the audition. all per­ 3. Double-Stroke Open Roll = 92. The adjudicator \\ ill ask the cussionists are expected to learn the 4. Five-Stroke Roll student to perfonn several scales on material as specified above. 5. Flam marimba. 6. ! lam Tap • Sight Reading Percussionists will 7. Flam Accent choose either to sight-read on Snare

Schools that hivc music programs have signdkantly hiyher graduation rates than those* without musie' pruqr ains (90.2 percent compared to 72.9 percent)

On average, students m music performance scored 57 pomts higher oii tin: verbal and 41 |ioinh higher oii the m.ilti section of the SAT thfin did students with no niusic participation.

Here arc some simple, time-effective ways parents can assist their child's school music educators:

Ai;ctss the Status Ouo: • Study the ways that music education develops creativ­ ity enhances cooperative learning, instills disciplined work habits and statistically correlates with gams in standardized test scores. • Speak with your local school board about your desire to have a strong music education for your child.

Commumcalc Effntiveiy • Be in touch with local music teachers on a regular Parents wield extraordinary influence over basis Offer to help out. local principals, school boards, and other • Ask yourself why your children need high quality music education. Be able to articulate the answers decision makers. Encourage them to to teachers administrators. and other parents. become involved in the advocacy process and • Take part in your school's music booster organization. make a signiflcant difference in the quality Visit www for National Association of their child's music education program. more Parent Resources. jmMusic Education

The iVcu M exico Mustc/W/t Spring. 2016 15 Band...

Required Range and Scale Requirements for Wind and Percussion Instructions: I. The chromatic scale and all twelve major scales are required Irom memory. Students should be familiar with enhannonic spelling. (For example: C#major = Db major) 2. Scales will be asked by starting tone. No transposition is required. 3. Students must play scales in as many oc^ves possible within the required range indications, however. stodents are encouraged to exceed minimum requirements. Percussionists will play all scales two octaves. 4. The main judging criteria will be tone, accuracy. aid speed. 5. The following range indications are minimum: 6. Scales will be played in Straight 8th notes at quarter note = 92.

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16 The New ^Mexico Musician Spring, 2016 Band...

20l6 New Mexico \JI-State MuJb-Peicu^iion Erudc

Tnagk • t o pqi Ae tnitgic dtn^ il nob Imbmiar I pby bn oasR } ffaf 1 AAi lofi acxat 4 pin 1 ikidb nil

The Nell’ Mexico Musicum Spring. 1016 17 How to Succeed as a Freshman Music Major

“How to Succeed as a labus that will tell you the exact title priorities: classes. homework, prac­ Freshman Music Major — and edition of your required te x t ticing, rehearsals, part time employ­ book as well as any other required or ment, and socializing. Remember Hints for the College Music recommended materials. You may that you arc now a young adult and Student” by Dr. Tracy Carr be able to find your textbooks on­ must consider your priorities and line, but do make note o f the ISBN consequences carefully and mature­ Congratulations! You have been ac­ numbers and correct edition so that ly. Consider your immediate, shon cepted to your college or university you are assured o f purchasing the tenn, and long temi goals and what o f choice and will soon begin your correct and most current materials is most important now and later. first semester o f higher education! for your courses. Many university You will now be surrounded by peers bookstores will not accept opened If you are living in a dormitory and and faculty who share your same shrink-\\ rapped book and CD sets this is your first experience living love and pass^n for music. The first for returns so be sure you have the away fo m home, be responsible re­ year is often the most exciting, but correct books/editions and supplies garding your new-found feedom. If it can also be the most challenging for your courses. you have a roommate or suitemates. especially ifyou have decided to live be polite, neat, and understanding away fom your family in your col­ 3. Get organized o f any habits that may be different lege or university dormitory. During the first fOw works o f school from yours. Compromise and flex­ you may have to adjust your class ibility go a long way. You arc a col­ 1. Get Acquainted schedule - add or drop classes be­ lege student first and foremost and Music majors often return to cam­ fore finalizing your schedule. Ifyou your education must be your prior­ pus a week before classes begin for do not officially withdraw from a ity. During the weekdays, maintain either band or choir camp. If this class and simply no longer attend, consistent times for going to bed and occurs at your institution, use this you will most likely receive an “F’' getting up. choose healthy dining op­ opportunity to meet fellow incom- f^m the course. Be aware o f your tions at the dining hall. and social­ mg feshman music majors as well college or university’s deadlines for ize in moderation. If you do choose as upperclass music majors. You adding, dropping, and withdrawing to socialize on the weekends, again, may also meet faculty members tn from classes. be responsible with your new-found cluding your private instructor ^ feedom. Do your best to maintain a well as your academic professors. If If your class syllabi include time­ high academic standing in all ofyour you have created your class sched­ lines or assignment schedules for classes as well as in your studio in- ule already. consider emailing each the entire semester, consider putting struct^n at all times. o f your professors a short note intro­ all o f your assignment due dates, as ducing yourself. well quiz and exams dates in your 4. Be Responsible, Prompt, and Ma­ calendar planner, date book. and/or ture 2. Get Ready lor Classes Smartphone. As a college student. The phrase, "you only get one Most college freshmen create their your professors may not continually chance to make a first impress^n” class schedule the previous spring remind you o f your assignments; it will most certainly apply to your col­ during feshman orientation with a is your responsibility not to lose the lege career. Present yourself to your college advising staff member. If syllabus and to be timely with all of peers and professors as you want to you did not create a class schedule, your class work and exams. Most be perceived and maintain that high or if you must change some classes, faculty will either lower your grade level of professionalism. Consider it is best to do this as soon as pos­ or refuse to accept a late assignment, these four years in undergraduate sible - if not during band or choir so I recommend that you also add educat^n as a practice for the "real camp, definitely during the first few to your calendars an entry reminder world". While most o f your profes­ days o f class. about each assignment one ful! week sors will be supportive and f iendly before each assignment. quiz. or with their students, remember that Textbooks and other supplies can be exam is scheduled so that you can they are professionals that deserve purchased at your college or univer­ plan accordingly and be prepared. your respect. They have earned their sity bookstore or online through a Procrastinat^n and cramming never doctorates, so address them as "doc­ variety o f vendors. I would recom­ yield success. tor” or “professor” unless they tell mend you purchase your textbooks you otherwise. Do not be offended after the first meeting o f each class First semester freshman can often if they do not accept your invitation where you will receive a class syl­ become overwhelmed with so many to be friends on Facebook or other

!8 The New ^Mexico Musician - Spring, 20l6 How to Succeed as a Freshman Music Major types o f social networking. Many weekly private lessons, remember presented by your studio peers. recit­ professors maintain a policy o f not that the faster you learn and master als outside o f your applied area. fac­ “friending" students. Also, always your studio etudes and literature. the ulty recitals. and ensemble concerts. use proper English. spelling. gram­ faster you \.-iil progress. College and While you are required music classes mar. and tone when communicating university applied professors have will keep you very busy, do take a with any o f your professors. “H ey... specific expectations lor each level course outside o f music on a topic ." for example. is not a proper greet­ of major and stud} (music education. you enjoy. Art, poetry, actmg, intra­ ing to a protessional. Shon-hand music performance, freshman, soph­ murals, and other subjects can assist abbreviations like LOL also are not omore, junior. senior). Falling short in expanding your scope, knowledge. appropriate. of these expectations may cause you and experience. Most schools will to lose your scholarship. put you on require that you take a broad range of 5. Classroom probation. or at worst, be advised to liberal arts courses to round out your Arrive to classes live minutes belore change your major. You are train­ education. Attend sporting and other the scheduled start o f classes so that ing to be a music professional and if social activities that are planned by you will be ready once the class be- your work ethic, progress, and innate your college or university. These can gms. E?.pect to take some fomi of ability are not up to par. it is during include football games. other sport­ notes either on your computer. if al­ these early years in your professional ing events. feshman mixers. bar- lowed. or in a notebook. Be polile career that you should improve these beques. and movie nights. and respectful during your course skills. There is, ho'Aever. no shame lectures which mean no non-class re­ m admitting that music is not tie Also, consider making your own op­ lated discussions. no texting. no w eb profession for you. lt is better to portunities. Start a new chamber surfing. no Facebookmg. or consis­ learn this sooner rather than later so ensemble, volunteer to perfom, at tent tardiness. While you may think that you w ill have time to complete local elementary schools and nurs­ your professor and peers do not no­ your coursework lor your new major. ing homes anytlung that may as­ tice these distractmg behav iors, they Many non-music majors contribute sist and enhance your education Be do. and this may adversely afled to music programs by enrolling in creative! Your campus will be your any recommendations your profes­ private lessons and by participating “home” for the next fcv. years and sors may v. rite lor you. Revieu your in both large and smaU ensembles. you do want to enjoy the entire col­ notes fo^ i all o f your courses each legiate experience — enjo) ! night to assist with retention and seek 7, Ensemble rehearsals out your professor or class tutor for Amvc at your ensemble rehearsals at assistance if you do not understand least five to ten minutes early so that the material. Most professors hold you arc ready to go \\ lien ihe conduc­ weekly office hours \\ ith the hopes tor steps on the podium. Maintain that students will drop b) their of­ professional ism and respect by not fice to discuss the course work and talking. texting, or socializing during other issues that are important to you. rehearsals. Arrive at rehearsal \\ ith Hou ever, should you encounter any all o f your music, instrument. reeds, non-academic challenges, it is best to tools, mouthpieces. mutes, and any seek help and assistance fo m those other instrument-specific equipment. professionally trained to best deal Know all of your music for each with the specific situation. rehearsal and bring your ensemble music to your private lesson should 6. Studio lessons you need assistance with your parts. Schedule daily practice time for Abide by ensemble etiquette and do your applied studio lesson and keep not “step on the toes” o f your section a notebook o f each lesson and as­ leaders or principal players. signment. At the college level. a minimum o f two to three hours of 8. Take and Make Opportunities practice per day is often expected. Take advantage o f all opportunities Warm up prior to your private studio aforded to you. especially musical lesson so that you are prepared to and other cultural events. Attend as play or sing once your lesson begins. many recitals as your schedule v\ ill If this is your lirst experience ^ith allow. These can include recitals

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The New M exico Mcistcitiii Spring. 2 0 /6 21 Orchestra Section Jonathan Armerding, Vice President on than I can believe. Our president, municate with the conductors and Brian Uerling, moved smoothly into students. (Ofcourse, I think Nicolle this bigjob this year and made things and Dougjust had a really good time so clear in all he did - challenging us with Kathy!) Then. a huge thanks to and encouraging us all along the way. everyone who judged seating audi­ tions. helped monitor rehearsals and Our audition team did a greal job. workshops, and helped in so many and I \\ ant 10 thank Daniel Vega- other ways as well. It really is a team Albela. Jorge Martinez-Rios. Art eft'ort in every way, and we couldn’t Sheinberg. and Mark Tatum for their do it otherwise! careful work listening to our students to place them iii the orchestras. The The Centennial High School Sym­ recorded auditions seem io be work­ phony Orchestra gave a stirring per- ing well. though we are conlmually fonnance at the Honor Concert on working to make that process better Friday affemoon, and we certainly Helk) again orchestra teachers! The audition site chairs did a great congratulate them in every way pos­ trust you are doing well with your jo b again this year, scheduling the sible! Daniel Rivera and Joseph classes, and looking forward to the auditions as well as making ihe ao Flores have worked together to build end o f the year - hard to believe it ditions mn smoothly and be a good an amazing program in just a few is coming so soon! I know that there experience for our students. I want years at Centennial. and I'm so glad are great memories being made day to thank Jennifer Rogers, DeeAnn they were able to share with us all after day in our classes, as well as Cason, and Ruth Siriegel for their al that concert. Another great part those th^t have come fom concerts. faithfulness over several years - they o f A IIState is the variety o f clinics festivals, and events like All-State. are old hands at it now! Once again, to attend, and I want to thank Robh Music Mart did a greatjob acquiring Janov, Art Sheinberg, Emily Awes, I w'ant to remmd you all. and espe­ and preparing the music, and I espe­ and Barbara Barber. our local ex­ cially any new teachers out then:. cially appreciate their help with the perts who presented such great ma that you can contact me at thb email Shostakovich. since it was a rental! terial. I was also very glad to meet orchestravpfil All of Joe Keith and Charles Brandebuiy Adnanna Marshall and Karen Koger you really should be gelling emails did their usual good job. and also \\ ho brought some great ideas from f om me somewhat regularly. and if supplied music for our ne"' mm,ic outside of NM. Let me take this you are not, I would greatly appreci­ readmg session as they have for so moment to ask you to let me know ate you sending me a message at that long. if you have any ideas for clinics that address with your name and where you would enjoy for next year — or you teach, so that I can have a more This year w e had a new site chair would like to present! I also have to complete and accurate list. I want us for the entire festival. Kathy Espi­ say that I particularly enjoy getting to all to be getting the same infonna- noza, and she did an incredible job see so many of you at AII-State that I tion, and I'm so glad that I can pass o f stepping into this huge job with see only at this time ofyear. and that on this address list to the next VP! professionalism, grace, and unend­ will always remain one o f r^ny favor ing patience. She had more things ite parts o f the festival. As we look back at the 2016 All­ to deal with than I can even imagine, State Music Festival. I want to ac­ but every time l car^ne to her with a The orchestra conductors for this knowledge the help of many people request she just smiled and made it year’s festival were wonderful as who made it work so smoothly. I’ll possible! The section leaders for well - it was great to have Larry be able to mention several names our winds. brass, and percussion on Livingston back with the Sympho­ here. but I know there are many more Wednesday evening.V alerie Pot­ ny Orchestra after 11 years, and of that made it work. and I thank all of ter, John Marchiando, Neil Rutland, course it was an incredible jo y to you for that! Laroy Borchert, Chris Buckholz. have one of our own - Kathy Hill - and Fred Bugbee, were so helpful as direct the Concert Orchestra. I was We can never forget the hugejob that well. 1 also want to thank our orches­ so impressed by the way the students Don Gerheart, our executive director, tra co-chairs: Emily Awes and Drew flocked around them after the con­ does every year - and all the time! - Austin for Symphony Orchestra, certs, so anxious to thank them for to make NMMEA function the way and Nicolle Maniaci and Doug Poff the inspiration, challenge and fin it does. He is tireless, persistent, and for Concert Orchestra, who took on they had for those 3 days. remembers more about what is going such a big job to care for and com­

22 The New Mexico Musician - Spring, 2016 Orchestra... So. as we stan looking ahead, as with variation 9 lo end (Peters ed. or ing for our students. Our Symphony usual I want to encourage all o f you Revised Suzuki Violin Vol.6 ms. 105 Orchestra conductor will be Kayoko to consider applying for your orches­ to end) Dan. who is the music director of tra to be the Honor Orchestra for Level 2 - Concerto No. 23 (Isi the Chattanooga Symphony. 1 ler next year's All-State. When I think Mvml) by VioUi (Solos for Young program will be the w ry exciting about the great experience the stu­ Violinist Vol 5 . B. Barber) Capriccio Espanolc by Rimsky- dents ftom Centennial had this year. Level 3 - Fugue fom Sonata Op. Korsakov. and the Outdoor Overture I know that the hard \\ ork they put in I. No.3 by Tartint (Solos for Young by Copland. A young and dynaiwic v. as totally woith 11. It can also be Violinist Vol 5.. B. Barber) conductor fom California. Sey Ahn. a unifying thing even to go through will direct the Concert Orchestra. the process o f applymg, because of VIOLA Her program includes music fo m the the energy it brings to the end of Scales: Eb Major and c melodic mi­ Cannen Suites by Bizet. the “March the school year. The details o f hov, nor to the Scaffold" fom Symphony to apply are m the NMMEA I land- Level 1 =Giguc by Vcracini (Revised Fantastique by Berlioz. arranged by book - available on the website: Suzuki Viola Vol. 5. Alfred Pub. Carter. and the always popular ..)n wv^vw, and the deadline #02495S) p.14. all; no repeat qp112 the llall of the Mountain King" fom for submission (you’ II send all to the Level 2 - Fantasia X Presto & Al­ the Peer Gym Suite ofG neg. materials to me) is June 1.2016. legro by Telemann. arr. Louise Rood ( 12 Fantasias for Viola, Unaccom­ We want to have c , ery student pos­ O f course. another important thing panied: Bk 2. No. 7-12. Publisher: sible to have the opportunity to expe­ looking forward is that All-State au­ McGmnis & Marx) p. 8-9. all with rience aiid enjoy All-State. so I hope ditions will again be held i>i October! repeats. half = 120; dotted q 112 you will be talkmg about il now w ith The dates will be October 19 in Las Level 3 Sonata m C. Op.2. No. 4 your students, helping them to pick Cruces. and Octobei 20 and 21 iii (Mvmt. 2. Allegro) by U andel. trans. solos, and begmnmg to \\ork on the Albuquerque. Again this year each Jensen (InternaUonal #635) e.xcerpts \v hen they are posted l,y instrument will have three solos to Apnl i sl. choose from. the # 1 solo will result CELLO in a score multiplied by 8; #2 mul­ Scales: D major and e melodic mmor 1 most o f all want to thank all o f you tiplied by 9. and #3 multiplied by i. Level 1 Sonata in (' Major. l\,^vmt 2 for the work you do with our stu­ 1 v^vant to thank Emily Awes VERY by Handd (Solos for Young Cellists dents every day. We all knm, about much lor workmg together with a Vol 4, arr. by Cheney. Alfred) the up:. and downs o f teachmg, but commuiee lo come up with a 4-year Level 2 Concerto iii D major. Op.3, as 1 have had contact with more of rotating list o f solos. changing each No.9 Mvmt 1 Allegro by Vivaldi (Su- you because o f this position, 1 am in­ year between Baroque, Classical. mki Vol 6 Rev iscd. Alfred) spired and encouraged to sec all that Romantic. and Contemporary styles Level 3 Toccata for Cello by is happening here in New Mexico. I (this fall it will he Baroque)' Your Frescobaldi. ed Cassado (Universal do hope you will always feel fe e to students should choose a solo that Edilion) contact mev\ ith ideas and comments they can play successfilly with con­ about what is happening, and keep fidence the multiplier willnot work BASS me posted about what you are doing! in their favor if they are over lheir Scales: G major and c melodic mmor 1 was talking with a colleague recent­ head with the piece. Please do help Level 1 - Chorus from Judas Mac- ly who does feel isolated at times. your students make wise choices in cabaeus by Handel. arr. Vance ( Pro­ and 1 know that the things we share this area! Below are the scales and gressive Repertoire Vol. 11. pub. Carl with each other mean a lot to those in solos for this year. The e:-.:cerpts, as Fischer) outlying areas m particular. But all well as a few other details such as Level 2 - La Cmquantame by Ga­ o f us can get stuck in our own small solo metronome markings for some briel-Marie. arr. Vance (Progressive world ifw e aren’t careful. and we re­ instruments, will be posted by April Repertoire Vol. 1ll. pub. Carl Fischer) ally do need each other! Thanks for 1st on the NMMEA website. Level 3 - Sonata in G Major, Mvmts being there for me in so many ways 1 & 11 by Marcello. ed. Zimmerman this year. VIOLIN (1ntemationa l #1159) No Repeats Scales: Bb Major and g melodic mi­ Respectfully. nor We look forward to the conductors Jonathan Armerding Level 1 - Violin Sonata in d minor. for the 2017 All-State Music Festival Op. 5 “La Folia" by Corelli, starting again being wonderful and inspir­

T he Ne^> M exico M usician - Spring, 2016 2 3 General Music Section Jan Delgado, Vice President

Bell, Robin Giebelhausen, Kim Le- State 1s yet lo be decided, but be as­ tellier. Rick Wild. Christine Strick­ sured she always has fun and exci^^ land. Mike Anaya, Paul Palmer, and ing things to do. Gina Rasinski. And thank you to all the people who brought drums! Our General Music section meeting was Information about Honor Ensemble small but lively. Many ideas were and Awards: generated for next year's clinics. You ' If you have a group or en­ will hear more about them this sum­ semble you would like submit for mer. NMMEA General Music Honor En­ semble, the application and guide­ lines are at nmmeacom > About Notes from the All-State presenters > Official Documents > NMMEA can be found at > Gen At this time, we look back on our Handbook, page 8. This goes to me Music.Also under Resources. you accomplishments and start planning and the deadline is June I. will find information about EoC's. for next year's conference. Thank- Standards, and Advocacy. Links ■ For the Dr. John M. Batch- you to everyone who participated 111 takes you to the websites o f musi­ eller Award for Excellence in Teach­ the 2016 NMMEA All-State Music cal groups around the state — many ing General Music at the Elemen­ Festival and In-Service Conference. o f them for elementary students. Fi­ tary School Level, nominations go It was a huge success! Over I 00 nally, don’t forget about our mother through your District President. The General Music Teachers were in at­ organization. Go to > My deadline is July I. Also through your tendance. Classroom where you will find les­ District President are other awards son plans and links to journals such such as Educator o f the Year. Hall of as General Music Today. which is Fame. and Administrator o f the Year. Our Guest Clinictan. Brian Burnett. amazed us i*ith his workshops on chock full o f infomiation. assessment, movement. and impro Please e-mail me at gcneralmu- visation. The General Music Honor So. on to planning for next year .. sicvp(f, if you have Ensemble. “Tucumcari Elementary our 2017 General Music Guest Clini­ thoughts and concerns^ You can find O r f Ensemble" under the direction cian will be Chris Judah-Lauder She my and the other officers' contact in­ o f Andrew Kesten and Paul Gibson. is a high!} respected Orfi' presenter formation at > About. l was very well received. Thank-you and currently the chair for the 2 0I7 look forward to hearing from you. to ali the monitors and presiders, and AOSA National Conference in Fort thank you to the following people for Worth. Chris’s topic for 2 0 I7 All- presenting: Rebecca Ortega. Clois TEACHING GUITAR WORKSHOPS GET GUITAR IN YOUR SCHOOL!

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^-r The New Mexico Musician Spring. 2016

J Choral Section Deanna Amend, Vice President Following are the main points cov­ each director for verification o f co r ered in our January Choral Section rect spelling to avoid name mix-ups. Meeting: Directors must respond with changes 1. The 2016 NMAA State Choir in a timely manner to avoid a long Contest will be held at V. Sue Cleve­ delay in posting All-State Choir Ros­ land High School onApnl 15 and l 6. ters. This y ear"' ill see a return to the orig­ Many thanks to Ryan Hatch for re­ inal score sheet on ^hich ensembles cording the minutes of our January try to score the fewest points possible meeting! If you didn't attend our m each category. Please visit nmact. Choral Section Meetmg. please e org for information about the event. mail me at choralvp(«tnmnK^.co^o 2. Congratulations to the Eisenhower to let me know how you would like Middle School Concert Choir under to help with 2017 All-State. It ^kes the direction of Nicholas Prior for an a lot of volunteers to keep the event impressive Honor Choir Concert. "ticking." 3. A suggestion was made to pur­ chase flash drives for use with com­ As I continue to plan for 'MI-S^te puters at the January Memory Audi­ 2017. I would appreciate your help. It fle\\. by. but All-S^te 2016 was a tions to avoid h^v ing to prepare cds If you h^ve h^d any changes in your successful event for all mvolvcd. We lor me^oory audition adjudicators. teaching assignment. name, phone had several no-shows due to grade 4. Brian Uerling outlined the plan in number. e-mail address. etc., please ineligibility and a few excused for case o f weather delays on A ll-S^te send these changes to Don Gerheart severe illn ess. That s^id, the vast Concert Day. so that we can keep our directory up- maJority o f Ali-St^te singers arrived 5. Don Gerheart commented that to-date and accurate. prepared and the thanks go to all of the new conference registration pro­ Please thmk about submitting an ap­ you choral educators who helped our cess was nm \\ ithoui difficulties. If plication and CD for consideration 400 singers honor their commit­ you have suggestions or comments as the 2017 All-State Honor Choir. ments. Both Emily Ellswonh and on streamlining the process, please This is a ‘‘large school” preference Dr. Elizabeth Schauer \\ ere very share them wilh Don. year, but all choirs are encouraged complimentary ttnd commcnteil th^t 6. Under Ne\, Business, Deanna to submit applications. Plem>e submit ihey wished every All-Stak Choir Amend clarified that funm: cliiiicians by .lune I. 2016 to: Deanna Amend. the) ’d encountered h^d been as dis­ \\ ill he asked to choose repertoire 9512 San Gabriel Ro^d NE. Albu­ ciplined. responsiw and musical as \\ hich only includes solos which can querque. N M 87III (505-298-2970.) the 2016 New Mexico Treble and be auditioned from within the All- You ll find guidelines for this pro- Mixed Choirs. Statc Choir memba.ship. utidure - as well as answers to any I especially want to thank all of you 7. As suggested by several, the in­ questions you might h^ve regarding who heard memory auditions, mom- terval “ti-do” or ''l-\ ■■ viill be added NMMEA policies and procedures - tored rehearsals and clinics. moved to the sc^le and arpeggio played hy at w risers or presented a clinic. Th^nk the accompanist and sung by the you. thank you. thank you!!! Special student before perfOnning the All- AIf-State Choral Audition Sites and thanks to Stephenie Wilkerson. Kath­ S^te Sight-Reading example The Information: erine Green. Jason Rutledge. Sean new procedure \\ ill be posted m the Monday October 17. 2016 Por- Galloway and Ricardo Monreal who NMMEA Handbook. ^les. ENMU gave extra time and efo rt to serve as 8. In the future. the NMMEA Choral Tuesday. October 18, 2016 - Albu­ Co-Chairs. Your hospitality was out­ VP\\ ill preview the All-State Prepa­ querque, UNM standing! Also, special thinks to our ration cds prepared by EERC before Wednesday. October 19. 2016 - Al­ two superbly ^lented accompanists. they are offered for sale on the EERC buquerque. UNM Amy Woolley and Dr. Kayla Paulk, website. The Choral VP will also Thursday, October 20. 2016 - Albu­ for their artistry Thanks would not preview the list of students selected querque, UNM be complete without kudos to Brian for NM All-State Choirs before it ts Friday. October 21, 2016 - Las Ciu- Uerling, Don Gerheart. Neil Swapp posted on the website to ensure that ces. NMSU and Kathy Espinoza for their count­ the list matches the one compiled at less hours ofeffort to make 2016 All- the close o f auditions. The Choral Please familiarize yourself with all S^te a great experience. VP will then send a list o f students to aspects of the All-S^te Vocal Au-

TheNew Mexico Musician - Spring, 2016 25 Choral. ..

dition Procedure oullined in the stances beyond control, the reper­ •Nuit d'etoiles. Debussy. arr. Raines^ NMMEA Handbook. Adjudicators toire list for Mixed Chorus is not yet SSA and piano, Walton Music arc required to tollow the standard­ available and with that. the 2017 au­ H L0850I622 ized script including the order of dition piece is not available tor pub­ •Bright Morning Stars. arr. Shaw n each portion o f the audition and lime lication. Please consult Kirchner. SSAA and piano. Santa limits for each elcmem. New and ex­ in l ate March for inlOnnation. Barbara sbmp l077 perienced directors should read all of Dr. Brocker has submitted the fOl- •Ergen Deda, Peter Lyondev. SSA and the NMMEA Handbook in order to Jou ing proposed list o f repertoire dumbek, Colla Voce 20-96750SiIi- best assist their students in preparing (consult m late March liza tor All-State Auditions. for the finalized list): •Sililiza. J im Papoulis, SSAA and •Spirit o f Life. Christopher Aspaas. percussion, Boos^y and Hawkes IIL You and your students will enjoy SSAA and piano, Aspen Hill Music 48021226 our clinicians for All-State 2017 Dr. •Gloria Kajonicnsis. First movement Angela Broeker of University of ONLY - Gloria in E.xcelsis Deo. Respectfully submitted, Deanna St. Thomas (Treble Choir) and Dr. Gyongyosi Levente SSA, piano, 2 Amend/NMMEA Choral Vice-Pres­ Lynne Gackle o f Baylor University violins. bongos. tambourine. Kontra- ident (Mixed Chorus.) Due to circum­ punkt Music Ltd. K-0058

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26 The New Mexico Musicum .spring 2016 Guitar Section Jim Rivera, Vice President we continue io have healthy numbers G Phrygian box scale (only 2 oc­ for fiture auditions. taves)

There were 26 noshows which is up Etiide: from last year resulting in a higher Etude #IO from Eludes Simples (Es- percentage (23%) of noshosvs over tudios Scncillos) by Leo Brouwer all. Excerpl will be taken from “Veinte Anos” by Olga Amelkina-Vera Then? were 24 schools up repre­ Sight Reading sented (up from last year). Several o f which were ne\\ from outside o f Albuquerque! We hope to see even 2017ALLSTATE; more schools from across the state We are very excited that Olga Amel- Another exciting year has passed and represented. kina-Vera has agreed to be our 2016 the All-State guitar ensemble contm- All State Guitar Ensemble Conduc­ ues to perform at a higher lev el each 2016 ALL-STATE GUITAR EN­ tor. She is a consummate performer/ year. Guitar students across the state SEMBLE: educator/composer/arranger that I are very fortunate to hav e this oppor­ From the first rehearsal to the last h^d the pleasure of v^orkmg with at tunity to work with other great musi­ the guitar ensemble proved to be an the Ne\\ Mexico Classical Gunar cians and become better musicians enthusiastic and hard workmg group. Festival. l ler energy and enthusiasm themselves! Guitar directors I'm Joe Williams was able to beginv< ork- is infectious and I believe will bring sure will agree that with each passing ing on musical expression and inter­ out the best iri the All-State ensem­ year the students are more confident pretation immediately with less focus ble. and comfortable pcrfomimg at this on just learning notes. As with last kvel! year the ensemble brought a high BIO: level o f preparation and performance Guitarist and composer Olga Amel­ skills to the rehearsals. Joe Williams kina Vera grew* up in Belarus and 2015 Guitar AudUiom. brought humor. patience and focus moved to the United States in 1997. Auditions for the 2016 A 11 State gui­ along with great lcadcn,hip to each She earned her Bachelor ofA n s de­ tar ensemble look place at Cibola rehearsal By the final rehearsal gree Summa Cum Laude from the High School on October 22 and 23. the music proved to be dynamic. University o! St. Thomas m I louston. 2016. Once agam. Eduardo Trujillo expressive and thoughtful. The pcr- and her Master o f Music and Doctor was our site coordinator. He has fomiance on Saturday was delightful o f Musical Arts degrees in guitar done this for several years nov\. and I and entertaining for all whom at­ perfomiance from the University of would like to give a special thanks to tended! North Texas. An active perfonnei him and his hard-working students. and award-winning composer o f The auditions were well organized There are many thanks to many works with guitar. she has received and on time which made the whole people that were involved with this commissions for solo guitar and gui­ process flo\,, smoothly. year'sAll-State. Guitar directors that tar ensemble music, as well as for lead the sectional rehearsals. work­ compositions for guitar with other shop leaders. etc. Jeremy Mayne instruments and voice. In 2013. she AUDH'OS FOR 20^BA who proved to be indispensable as won first prize in the Japan Guitar co chair Micke} Jones. Liza Gatica. Ensemble Composition Competition 2015 GUITAR AUDITIONS: Patrick Cox and Justin McMurdo for her guitar quartet Cattywampus There were 24 schools represented who did a fantastic jo b leading the Rompus (Texas Tarantella) and was 129 students registered for the audi­ sectional rehearsal. Justin Crews, interviewed in Gendai Guitar during tions Omar Villa-Nueva, Paul Niesen. her trip to Tokyo. She was the first I 03 students auditioned Lin Gatica. and Mike Cristiansen prize winner o f the Austin Classical 26 no shows/cancellations for their excellent workshops! Guitar Society Composition Compe­ tition in 2009 and 2012 for her guitar Although our numbers were doun Audition Materials: quartets Ninochka and Nebulae. Her from last year. we still had a good A melodic minor scale (three oc­ compositions arc published by Pro­ showing for this year's auditions. taves) by Andres Segov^. Columbia ductions dO z. including t\\ o works Guitar directors have been working Music Co .. Theodore Presscr selected for the Frank Koonce Series. diligently every year to insure th^t G Ionian (only 2 octaves) Olga’s works have been recorded by

The Ne^v Mexico Musician — Spring, 2016 27 Guitar...

Kithara Duo. Presti, Valerie Hartzell, rewarding experience for our All­ Workshops: and Matt Palmer As a performer, State Guitar Ensemble. We have some exciting and engaging she maintains a busy touring sched workshops that will provide useful ule with Kithara Duo. her guitar duo Veinte Anos (by Maria Theresa Vera, information and creative lesson plan with Fernand Vera. Olga has record­ pcrfonned by Buena Vista Social opportunities for everyone! ed three CDs, two with Kithara Duo Club), arranged by Femand Vera and one with Presti guitar trio. The Red Queen Hypothesis by Lane "Using Rubrics lor Assessment"' Harder Eduardo Trujillo ALL-STATE GUITAR ENSEMBLE Ninochka by Olga-Amelkina Vera “Reading Music on I-Pad" PROGRAM 2017: Doberman-Yppan DZ 1770 Patrick Cox Cattywampus Rompus (Texas Taran­ ‘Teaching Blues in the Guitar Class" Ms. Amelkina-Vera has submitted tella) by Olga Amelkina-Vera (d’Oz Liza Gatica/Eduardo Trujillo the following selections. The origi­ productions) “High School Reading Session" nal works are award winning compo­ Paul Nielson sitions by Ms. Amelkina-Vera. Each one will provide a challenging and

Schools that have music programs have significantly higher graduation rates than those without music programs (90.2 percent compared to 72 9 percent).

On average, students In music performance scored 57 points higher on the verbal and 41 points higher on the math section of the SAT than did studenU with no music participation.

Here are some simple, time-effective ways parents can assist their child's school music educators;

Access the Status Quo: • Study the ways that music education develops creativ­ ity, enhances cooperative learning, instills disciplined Tips to Share with work habits, and statistically correlates with gains m standardized test scores. • Speak with your local school board about your desire Pareni to have a strong music education for your child.

Communicate Effectively • Be in touch with local music teachers on a regular Parents wield extraordinary influence over basis. Offer to help out. • Ask yourself why your children need high quality local principals, school boards, and other music education. Be able to articulate the answers decision makers. Encourage them to to teachers, administrators, and other parents. become involved in the advocacy process and • Take part in your schools music booster organization, make a significant difference in the quality Visit for National Assotialion Music Education of their child's music education program. more Parent Resources. m

28 The New Mexico ,Musiciaii 8^pring, 2016 Collegiate Section Kayla Paulk, Vice President

have our first planning meeting for Professor o f Music Education at The the next year. Our Executive Board Ohio State University. as our confer­ is a hard-working. dedicated and se^^ ence headliner. Ilis three sessions vice-oriented group o f people, and. - "The Importance ofTeachm g OfT when next you see or communicate the Podium." ‘Bringing Out the Best with them. please be sure to thank in Today's Adolescents.” and ‘Hmv them for their service. I thorough!) a Strong Philosophy Can Shape a enjoy working with each one o f them Strong Career” - were greeted by an and consider them dear friends. I oversowing room o f attendees (both applaud our leaders. Brian Uerhng. collegiate and other). and w ith great President. and Don Gerheart, Ex­ enthusiasm. Dr Gerber was inspi­ ecutive Director. for their manage­ rational. enthusiastic and creative ment o f our resources and people, iii his presentation. Each session and for their vision for the future o f included audio/visual presentation, NMMEA. I also wish to take this op- extemporaneous speech and a hand­ ponunity to thank our District Presi­ out for later reference. Thank you. dents and the many people who gave Dr. Gerber. for giving o f yourself so so freely o f their time to preside. freely. monitor or serve in some other way Most o f you know the song. '“Music in our sessions and rehearsals at this In addition to Dr. Gerber’s sessions, Alone Shall Live,” either as the first year’s conference. None of what we Ms. Ingrid Larragoity presented a round you sang in elementary school achieved — and w e achieved so very high-energy. interactive session enti­ or as our closing song at the annual much - would ha\e been possible tled. "NAfME Collegiate: Exploring Business and Awards Luncheon of without each o f you Thank you! the Power ofNew Mexico Collegiate our NMMEA Music Festival and In­ Music Educators.” In this session, Service Conference. There is great The second analogy I see is how full Ms Larragoity focused on discov­ truth m the simple text o f this song. o f profound meaning the work of ering and hamcssmg the strengths Mw>ic has always been. continues io NMMEA is. Lives are changed in within the 3 state universities and he and will always be a pan of this every moment o f our annual confer­ their collegiate music educanon pro­ earth. It is found not only m our ence. and that's huge. folks. Many grams towards creating a stronger music-making, but iii the wind that o f you observed at least one o f the presence in the state ofNew Mexico. blows through the trees and the rain­ honor ensembles in rehearsal and/or This was a fantastic opportunity for drops that fall to the ground. All one performance. To watch our students’ students from each of our state uni­ has to do is listen to the symphony eyes light up in an “aha!'' moment or versities to pailicipate in a dialogue surrounding us which we call lifo. hear a student respond to a question about how we can strengthen our col­ and one recognizes that this song - from a conductor with deep wisdom legiate miisic education presence in life ■ is nc\er-endmg and loll o f pro­ warms a heart and bnngs a tear to an our great state. Some ideas that stu­ found meaning. eye rather quickly. The older I be­ dents discussed in the meeting were come, l think the continuum o f pro­ creating a collegiate NAtME Face Where am I going with this train of found moments to welling eyes in­ book page for Ne\\ Mexico (done!). thought? As I reflect on the enor­ creases with age - especially where and planiiing/orgamzing a student- mously successful NMMEA Music our students are involved. Though led session for next year's NMMEA Festival and In-Service Conference we become so fatigued as we ap­ Conference (in progress). Well done. we experienced this past January, I proach the end o f a semester, a big Ms. Larragoity! realize two analogies can be drawn concen, tour - you fill in the blank - from the text o f this song to the work we must remember why we do "hat The Collegiate Roundtable an an­ o f NMMEA. For the NMMEA Ex­ we do: for the student whose very nual event at NMMEA for the past ecutive Board. the process o f prepar­ life is changed in the music-making. three years - was a rousing success. ing for this conference at times feels I cannot think o f much more pro­ All eight honor ensemble conductor/ neverending! We begin planning found meaning than that. clinicians part^ipated. as well as Dr. for each conference immediately fol­ Rich Cangro (keynote speaker). Dr. lowing the previous conference. As In the collegiate area. it was our true Tim Gerber (collegiate headliner). a matter o f fact. the previous confer joy to welcome Dr Timothy Gerber. Brian Burnett (general music head- ence has not even ended before we

The Ne^^> M exico M usician Spring. 2016 2 9 Collegiate... liner) and Dr. Adrianna Marshall spirational headliner (the big reveal - love hearing from you! (presenter). With a panel o f twelve piiik or blue. as well as a name - \\ ill esteemed speakers. our students r e occur in the nex.l issue o f Ne\.\ M exi­ Continued best wishes for a success- ceived fantastic and varied feedback co Musician), our annual roundtable, fil year o f music making. to their questions. Several panelists a panel d^cussion with first- and sec­ remained well past the one-hour s e s ond-year teachers. and a session by a Kayla Paulk sion to continue fielding questions veteran New Mexico teacher (if s/he Collegiate Vice President from our students. Thank you, pan­ says “yes" to my request). elists. As always, please contact me with ln addition to our student-led session any great ideas or burning questions at our 2017 conference, you can look you may have. I likely won't have fomard to another dynamic and in­ ansu ers lo your questions. but I do so

30 The New Mexico Musician !^ring, 2016 The New Mexico Musician Spring. 2016 3 ! Music Education Workshops a t the University of New Mexico Summer, 2016

The UNM summer music education workshop series provides varied and relevant topics taught by nationally and internationally recognized clinicians.

Ukupalooza: Ukulele playing & Orff Schulwerk Level 1 & 2 pedagogy Certification Robin Giebelhausen PauJ Hallsted, Karen Benson, Joshua June 1-3 Block, Luis Delgado, Robin Giebelhausen

AU participants must register for university credit June 6-17 or pay the workshop lee. For further information Participants not desiring university credit pay a contact Robin Giebelhausen at (505) 277-1959 or workshop fee only: rgiebes

For firther information go to: education/summerorkshops

To pay workshop fees go to: l 597_ ustores/web/

To register for university credit use LoboWeb.

The University of New M exico

3.? The New \fexico \/usiciwi Spring, 2016 Retirees/Mentoring News Ron Lipka, Chair

School band camp which I have done In my case I would just as soon for­ for several years. Only now the Los get tbe pay for doing a clinic and just Lunas School System requires that volunteer to do it...... but wait(!) for those working unsupervised \v ith stu­ that m need to fill out a volunteer ap^ dents must have a background check. plication, have a background check, As I had a background check with be fingerprinted and pay a foe renew­ the Albuquerque Public Schools just able every 1\a, o years!! As I w nte this four or five years ago it should have in February of 2016 when current been simple to just get a notarized music educators traditionally seek statemenl of that to submit to Los Lu­ the expertise o f retired colleagues as nas but. to my dismay\\ hen checking they prepare for Music Performance with APS. I discovered that they only Assessment I have spoken to numer­ retain the records for a badground ous fiends who have assisted in the check for TWO YEARS! This is past. Unanimously they have no de­ true 1ll Rio Rancho and Las Cruces sire or intention to leap the stumbling as well. Despite herculean effort blocks. Perhaps schools systems by Austell. I and several other clini­ might fomiulate a list of approved THE BACKGROUND CHECK cians had to travel to Los Lunas for mentor/clinicians/retired profession­ DILEMMA hackground check application and als (backgrounds checked) to provide fingerprinting. By the way. be a\\ are teachers with this resource Successful mentoring, clmic work by that this paiticular band camp is oO- experienced professionals and volun­ campus meaning that students m oth­ Friends. I have nosolution to propose teer lime by parents as wdl as reiir- er popular music camp sites should for thi:. dilemma. My mam concern is ees depends on ease o f availability to only be in unsupervised contact with that those o f us willing and able to students and teachers. The wave o f clinicians who have had background continue sen ing the music educa­ terrorism m the classroom! brought on checks fo^i the school system Iro^i tion community in Neo^i Mexico may by a demented few has caused school \\hich the students come. No matter become less able and less v illmg to systems, not only 111 Neu Mexico fom whence comes the paycheck. participate. but nationwide to defend themselves through draconian measures con­ There is no denymg that the safety New Mexico Music Educators cerning background checks for aiy- o f students must be o f primary con­ Association one coming in contact with public- cern 111 our schools. However. also Mentoring Program school students. No one could dis­ veiy important is the role that pro­ Ron Lipka. Director agree that parents deserve assurance fessional chmcians. mentors and 5408 Chapd Dr. NW that their children are protected from parent volunteers play in expandmg Albuquerque, NM 87114 exposure to dangerous individuals. the opportunities for these same stu­ Phone (505) 890 0618. e-mail: But what kind o f chill is this impos­ dents. Obstacles in the \\ ay ofw cll- hpkar^t ing on those same students’ availabil­ meamng individuals can only lessen ity to the help o f well-meaning vol­ their willingness and availability unteers and the expertise of so many Concomitant with this is the increas­ willing retired professionals in music ing difficulty of hirmg clinicians and as well as many other fields? Just adjudicators due to the requirement recently one of our highly esteemed o f school systems that such hires colleagues was removed fo^i a band may be paid only if they are certified room where he was voluntarily con- vendors to that school system. In ductmg by the school security guard some cases clmicians may become for not having a visitors pennit fom temporary employees also requiring the school office. the backgrounclckck. This is largely due to the el^hJI!:.itiofr front" ilfany The dilemma was brought home to schools o f parent organizations ihat me having been invited once again have 111 the past cowred the cost of by Bill Austell to teach sectional clinic services. The application for a sessions during the Valencia Middle vendor license is tedious and costly.

The Nc^- Mexico Musician !spring. 2016 33 New Mexico Hicur ands University MUSIC TECHNOLOGY AT NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY

We understand your passi on.

If you love music and want to be a part of the audio production industry New Mexico Highlands' bachelor’s degree in music technology is the place to start. Our well-equipped computer lab and multichannel recording studios with the latest versions of Pro loois - the industry standard in professional recording studios - will provide you with the hands- on knowledge you need to launch an exciting career. For more information, contact

Dr Edward Harrington Music Education and Technology 505.454.3569 eharrington@nmhuedu

34 The New Mexico Musician Spnng, 2016 N e w M e x i c o H i g h l a n d s U n i v e r s i t y ' MUSIC AT NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY

Jnfe understand ^ your passion.

Degree Options Associate ofArls In Music (AA) (Iwo veor degree) Concenunnon m GenNal Music • Concenrrauon m Musical Ihrasc Conceiilrmion "i Mi^wc Pioduction Bachelor ofAris lo Music (B^) Contenlrotion mMt^mc TechnologyondComposivonCon-entratmi Univeizal MusiC •Concentration nM us c Educot on Bachelor ^FmeArts m MuSic(8FA) :ncen>,otioii m Vcx:al Music Perlormana Concentiono^t m Music Productioii Ensembles Concert Chatr. Modrtgol Chotr, HU Smgerz, Jo u Emembie. Wtnd Ensemble, Cvnor Emembie, Ma,iachl For more information, contact Dr Andre Garcia Nuthmann Voice and Music Coordinator 5054543573 agarcianuthman^nmhuedu Dr Edward Harrington | MuSic Education and Technology 505.454.3569 eharrlngtonce,nmhuedu

The N ew M exico M usician Spring 2016 New Mexico Jazz Educators Richard A. Schwartz, Chair January 20. 2017 through Sunday, 2016 academic year. No late entncs January 22. 2017 on the campus of will be accepted. Please be sure to New Mexico State University in Las include with your recordings: ( I ) Cruces, New Mexico. Our tentative your name, (2 ) the name o f your high guest conductors include: Alan Bay- school. (3) your mailing address. lock (jazz ensemble I), Bruce Dalby phone numbers and e-mail address. (.iazz ensemble 2), Kevin Moreman (4) the date and location that the re­ (jazz ensemble 3) and John Sanks cording took place and (5) the names (middle school jazz ensemble). o f the three songs in your submiued The deadline to register for auditions recording. My contact infomiation is Wednesday, October 5. 2016 and may be found below. all registrations must be postmarked Our jaz_z masterclasses tentatively on or before this date. The cost of scheduled for the Nev. Mexico All­ each audition is S20.00 per student State Conference in Albuquerque per audition For example. ifone stu­ will include: ( I ) a round table forum Dear Friends. dent auditions on both alto and tenor on a variety of prommentjazz topics. It is an honor to serve you and your saxophone, the total cost for that stu­ (2) “ Introduction lo Improvisation” students as president o f the Ne\\ dent will be S40.00. by Kent Erickson, and (3) a collabo­ Mexico Jazz Educators. NMJE is The late registration deadline is ration with the string area entilled pleased to announce that we are add­ Tuesday, October 11, 2016. There “Mo\\ to Swing Strings" by Sam ing a middle school All-Slate Jazz is an additional S I 0.00 per audjtion Nesbitt et al. Our masterclass for the Ensemble and our focus this year per student for late registration. For All-State Jazz Conference is titled for Honor Jazz Ensemble is on the example, if one student auditions on ‘ Piano Voicings” and will be hosted middle school Jazz ensemble. Please both alto and tenor saxophone and by Chris bhce. allow me to share our upcoming registered late, the total cost for that In 1916, one ofthe most famous early middle and high school All-State student will be S60.00. Please note ja 2tz ensembles formed under a nc\\ J a u Ensemble audition mlormation Tuesday. October 11, 2016 is a hard name. Led by corneust Dommick w 1th you deadline and no registrauons will be James “Nici,,” LaRocca. the Original Middle school j a a ensemble audi­ accepted after this date. Again. NO Dixieland Jass Band (ODJB) record­ tion material v.ill be released by entries will be accepted after Tues­ ed the first jazz single ever issued June of 20l 6 and Kevin Moreman day. October 11,2016. entitled ‘‘Livery Stabel Blues" a year o f Onate High School o f will be or­ Please see our website for more infor­ later m I9 !7 . We have come a long ganizing this event. Please contact mation including audition dates and way in jazz lechnique and technolo­ him for more information (morem- times Log on to w" gy since then but if you get a chance, ankev(u, hover over “ AlfState,” and click on listen to some ODJB and I hope you “Set " ill be used for the high “Jazz All-State Infomiation.” appreciate the foundation they have school All-State Jazz auditions in This year NMJE is offering a pref­ laid down for us. the 2016-2017 academic year. Each erence to the middle school jazz Again, I am honored to serve you and audition will include ( I ) a chromatic ensemble for Honor Jazz Band. If your students as president oflhe New scale without metronome as defined the middle school jazz ensemble Mexico Jazz Educators and I look in the New Mexico All-State Band applicants are judged not to be rep- forward to seemg everyone at the guidelines, (2 ) the three selections resentalive of a good performance New Mexico Jazz Educators conven­ f om “Set 2” with metronome at level or if there are no middle school tion in January 2017! specified metronome marking. (3) applications, the judges will move Sincerely, sight-reading without metronome forward and select a high school jazz and (4) optional improvisation. The ensemble. To apply for H onor Jazz Dr. Richard A. Schwartz, president improvisation portion o f the audition Band (if you would like your school Ne-.-. Mexico Jazz Educators will use Blues in the Key o f F Con­ jazz ensemble to be considered to Assistant Professor of Music • Saxo­ cert by Jamey Aebersold as found on perform at the All-Stale Jazz confer­ phone and Jazz Studies track 8 in the accompanying compact ence): ( I ) recordings must be sent to College o f Fine Arts • Department of disc to Aebersolds '‘Volume I - me via postal mail or e-mail by July Music Ho\\ to Play and Improvise." ISBN: I. 2016. (2) the recording(s) must ENMU Station 16, 1500 S. A\e. K 978-1-56224-122-3. consist o f three compositions and (3) Portales. NM 88130 The Ne\\ Mexico Jazz Educators the recordings must be from a live re- conference \\ ill held on Friday. cordmg o, er the course of the 2015-

36 The New Me\ico \fmidciii Sf>rine,, 2016 University News Eastern NM University, NM State University, and the University of NM

University N^s, Easton ebration on Febrnary 20. featuring World Symphony, Texas Tech Uni­ Mexico University guest artist. Todd Waldecker, Middle versity and West Texas A&M Uni­ Submitted b) Jennifer Laubenthal Tennessee State Uni versily. This versity. For more infonnalion. please event rlrew twenty-five high school visit: https://abqflute.wordpress. Greetings firom the FNMU Ocpaii- clarinetists Irom across the state of com/flute-fiesta-2016/ mcnl of Music! Buchanan Hall New M e, ico and western Texas and has been filled with exceptional per­ featured a masterclass. clinic and University ofNeov Mexico News formances by guest aitiste, ENMU recital. The Eastern Plains I lonor Submitted by Colleen Sheinberg faculty and siudems this semester. Clarinet Choir performed Snnple Pkase jom us for these events. most Gifts and America the Beautiful Dr Patrice Repar. founder and direc­ are f ee and open to the public on the evening program. On Janu­ tor o f the Ans-in-Medicine program ary 28, Dr. Laubenthal performed a al UNM, has expanded her research For more mfoimation, please vjsit solo recital, which featured works to Malawi. She has facilitated work­ our website at www.enmu edu/music by Tomasi, Penderecki, Krenek and shops for M ala" ian women, includ­ Matthews. She looks forward to per- ing holistic and creative care lor Ensemble News fOmiing Six Ne\\ Works for Ctannet pregnant women and for caregivers and Flute with flutist, Kathy Melago, o f orphaned and vulnerable children. Tlie ENMU Choirs are enjoying an on the campuses o f fhe University of Dr Repar is teachmg her first course exciting semester of leammg and Northern Iowa and The Pennsylvania in Malawi this coming summer. Ti­ State University during Uie sprmg se­ performing The Chamber Singers tled Arts and Ilealth m Sub-Saharan and S\\anee Singers will be touring mester. A fica, it will fullill the requirement lo Farmington. Durango. and Colo- for a dedicated community-engaged Springs for performances in Dr. Jason Paulk and Mrs. Kayla learning course in the new College several churches. schools. and the Paulk \\ ill be presenting mlerest ses­ of Fme Arts llcalmg Arts certificate. US Air Force Acaclemy Chapel fom sions at the Southwest ACDA con­ The course will operate partly in the Feb. 28-March 2. Other spring pc.:r- ference m Kansas City, MO, March classroom and partly m the midst o f iOmiances mclude an exciting col­ 7-10. Handel's Messiah: Warm-ups rnral anddisenlranchised urban com- laboration with Mr Brian Ucrlmg for Successful Perfomiance - also munilies in Malawi and the Eleganza string quartet in the same title of the book being pub- HaycJn\ Missa Brc, is St. Joanni1s de Itl.hed by Hal Leonard this spnng CK Bariow reports ihat the ne,"' Arts Deo (Little Organ Mass) on Satur­ will focus on bite-sized diunks ot day. April 16 al 7 p.m. in Buchanan musical material condensed inuo Entreprcneurslup course, \\ hich wa:. Hall Other tcaiurcd repertoire \\ ill ^ami-ups lo assist choirs o f every launched in the Spnng20I5sem ester include Ola Gjeillo's Dark Nighi o f level accomplish the monumental and cross-listed between Music and the Soul. Erik Esenvakls’ Stars ancJ composition. Messiah. Dr. Paulk\\ ill Arts Management. was rccognized much. much. more. Please join u!> if be serving the Florida State Vocal by UNM's iiew hmovatioii Academy you're anywhere near Portaks. Association State Choral Contest in program and is now included in that April as a featured clinician. program The course is also one o f Faculty News live potenlial recipients o f UNM‘s Susanna Self. mstnictor o f flute at new Online Course Best Practices Dr. Bmce Keeling has been active ENMU am:l Principal flutist with the Certification. wilh re, i^^^o results teachmg all region. all state and solo Peninsula Music Festival, will be the e.xpected in January. Tlie course in­ and ensemble clinics m the South guest artist at the Albuquerque Flute cludes a major project called ‘‘Pay Plains area. In addition he served Association’s Flute Fiesta at Eldo­ It Forward:’ which uses community as the ATSSB Region 16 (Texas) rado High School in Albuquerque. service as a constructive way to ease All Region Jazz band clinician and NM on March 12. 2016. This will students mto networking. Fine Ans judged the New Mexico High School be a day full o f various types oftlute students are helping everywhere— Trombone All State jazz tryouts. I le classes for beginners through college fom Casa Esperanza. Albuquerque cominues an active perfomiance students and professionals, as well Healthcare for the Homeless and career, playing with the Lubbock, as a guest artist recital. Dr Self has Animal Humane. to afte^school arts Roswell, Big Spring and Midland played as Principal Flutist with the programs for a^risk youth. Symphonies, big band. jazz combos, Charlotte Symphony, Second flute dixieland and church jobs. with the Baltimore Symphony. and Amjad Ali Khan, sarod virtuoso and Acting Assistant Principal flute with composer. hasjoined the UN M facul­ Dr. Jennifer Laubenthal. Associate the Saint Louis Symphony. She has ty this spring to teach Indiai classical Professor o f Clarinet, hosted the 5th also taught classes and lessons for chamber music. Mr. Khan’s awards Annual Eastern Plains Clarinet Cel­ various institutions such as New The New Mexico Musician — Spring. 2016 37 University News... include a Grammy nomination and ticipation by the UNM Children's Ne",s f r ^ New Mexioo Sui? Uni­ the Crystal Award by the World Eco­ Chorus in the City o f Albuquerque's versity nomic Forum. He has performed Twinkle Light Parade and a holiday at venues the world over. including performance at the Bernalillo County Winds and Percussion Carnegie Hall. the Kennedy Center, Mountain Vie\\ Community Center The NMSU Wind Symphony, led by the Smithsonian and the Royal Albert in the south valley. Dr. Chris I lughes, Director of Instru­ Hall. mental Studies, was honored to travel Susan Kempter, Director o f the String to Washington. D.C. on April 1-4 to Assistant Professor of Trombone Pedagogy program at UNM. reports perform! at the Kennedy Center. The Chris Buckholz has released his third that Muni Kulasinghe o f Le Chat Wind Symphony was selected from solo CD. Versatility, a double Lunatique gave a recital in coijunc- recorded auditions by ensembles o f classical and jazz It includes a tion \\.ith the UNM Lab School on around the country. and represented recording o f Richard Peaslee’s Ar­ November 11 in Keller Hall. Muni the southwest region at this presti­ rows of Time with the University of is the most recent addition to the fac­ gious venue. New Mexico Wind Symphony, j a u ulty o f the UNM Lab School. where originals and standards, classical he teaches a class titled “Elements of With a new emphasis on high level works for tenor and alto trombone. Improvisation: Free. Folk. Jazz" to experiences for high school stu­ a new edition o f Frederick lnnes's advanced high schoolers and UNM dents and international connections, 1880 composition The Sea-Shells students on Wednesday evenings^ NMSU's Soutlivvest Honor Band Waltz. and classical improvisations. festival has expanded to become Prof. Buckholz's previous recordings Under the direction o f Dr. Jose-Luis the Southwest International Honor include an album o f jazz originals. Hurtado, UNM 's “Music from the Band and Orchestra. \\hich this year Muse, and the 20 lO classical album Americas" Concert Series is con­ hosted students from New Mexico. A la Albemz on Albany Records. tinuing this year with some sterling Texas, Arizona, and Mexico For performances. On September I6, the first time this year. the festival The UNM Music Prep School is no\\ Uruguayan pianist Edison Quintana hosted a guest composer. rising star in its 22nd year. Each semester the collaborated ith UNM\ Fred Stunn Carter Pann. Pano has had ,, orks school serves about 400 students, in “Masterworks ol Mexican Nation­ performed by the London and Seal! le ages bitih through high school, in alism," a program o f transcriptions Symphonies. a commissioned quar­ a variety o f Wednesday/Friday and for two pianos. They were assisted tet for the Takacs Quartet, and has Saturday dasses. Classes include hy UNM Percussion Ensemble mem­ been awarded a ( harles Ives Fellow­ parent-child early childhood classes, bers Gabriela Garza-Canales. Graig ship and five Morion Gould ASCAP group piano, guitar, marimba and Stasicky. John Rodriguez and Sean awards. The groups performed two world percussion and a non-audi- Umstead. Mr. Quintana also gave works by Pann. with the Symphonic tioned children's chorus program for a concert o f solo piano music titled Band performing “Hold This Boy preschool through high school sing­ ■Latin American Piano Ge^is" the and Listen" and the Wind Symphony ers. The 20J 5 season has included following day at the National His­ performing “Slalom", a fast-paced several community outreach col­ panic Cultural Center. In Novem­ work depicting a race down the laborations. One was the first ever ber. Mexican pianist Mauricio Nader slopes o f Colorado. Other clinicians Lobo Arts Access Camp, a two-week perforated virtuoso piano music by included Tom Lee, emeriliis Director summer art and music camp iliat was American and Mexican composers; of Bands at UCLA: Dr. Ed Canneva. the result of a collaboration between he presented a concert in Keller Hall former band director at Arapahoe ihe Music Prep School and the UNM and gave a lecture-recital at the Na­ High School in Littleton. Colorado: Art Museum. Under the direction of tional Hispanic Cultural Center in and NMSU Music Dept. alumnus Prep School Director Julia Church Albuquerque. For the next Concert Andy Moran (featured as an NMSU Hoffman aiid Traci Quinn. Education Series event. UNM will welcome College o f Arts and Sciences “star" Curator o f the UNM At1 Museum. one o f Mexico's most prominent in February), conductor o f the Albu­ tlie camp served fifty children from composers^ Federico Ibarra Groth. querque Youth Symphony, Resident throughout the Albuquerque area. for a short residency. His visit will Conductor o f the El Paso Symphony Thanks to generous donors. Ms. Judy include rao concerts devoted to Mr. Orchestra and the Music Director and Mr Michael Muldawer. eleven Ibarra’s chamber works^ spanning his and General Manager o f the El Paso o f these children were able to par­ entire career from I965 to the pres­ Symphony Youth Orchestras. ticipate in the camp with full schol­ ent. The concerts. organized by local arships. Other Music Prep School pianist Fred Sturm, will take place in The Wind Symphony and Symphon­ 2 0 I5 collaborations included par­ Keller Hall on March 4 and 5. ic Band, led by Dr. Chris Hughes and

38 The Ne^v Mexico Musician - Spring, 2016 University News...

Ms. Ingnd Larragoily-Martin, Assoc. Las Vegas, Nevada for workshops composer Gyorgy Orban’s Mass No. Director o f Bands, held its spring and perfOmrances with the students. 6. TIie University Singers tv ill then concert on April 20th. which featured Performances in South America in­ perform Arvo Part's Berliner Messe works by Schwantncr, including "In cluded the Universad de la Frontera with string orchestra. The evening Evening Stillness". Hindemith's m Temuco. Chile, and a residency will conclude with all choral forces Symphony f'or Band. as well as the with the Youth Orchestra in Chon- Joining together,, ilh full orchestra to stirring final movement o f Mahler's chi, Chile, as well as concerts in San perform the monumental Mozart Re­ orchestral cycle Riickert Lieder, “Um Salvador and Bogota, Colombia. In quiem, with voice faculty members Mittemachl," which featured Coor late May, they will collaborate with Dr. Sarah Daughtrey and Dr. John dinator o f Voc^l Studies Dr. Sarah the Chamber Orchestra o f San Anto­ Carlo Pierce featured as soloists. Daughtrey as mezzo-soprano soloist. nio, Texas. and then will spend part o f July al the Festival Nuevo Mundo The Dofia Ana Lyric Opera. edu­ The New Mexico State University on the island ofArnba. cational opera program o f NMSU, Jazz Ensembles hosted the 47lh An­ presented a 90-minute verson of nual Jazz Festival March 9-10th . Choral and Opera Handel's Xerxes in April. The cast 2016. This year's festival featured included current NMSU students. Clay Jenkins, International Ja n The NMSU Choral program. led by alumni, and community singers. Trumpet artbt Mr. Jenkins has Dr. John Flanery. had an e.xciting and Graduate student Lizandro Garcia played ^ith such notables as the active spring. filled with performanc­ conducted a string ensemble led by Count Basic Orchestra. Stan Kenton es near and far The year began with the members o f the La Catrma String Orchestra. Woody Hennan Orchestra a perf'onnance in January at the New Quartet. Dr John Carlo Pierce di­ and is a charter member o f the Clay- Mexico ACDA luncheon in Las Cru­ rected the production, ^hich is set ton'Hamillon Orchestra. Jenkms is ces. An mtemational e.xchange oc­ ill the gangland underworld o f the currently the Jazz Trumpet Professor curred in early March and May ixith 1920s. DALO was also featured at the Eastman School o f Music. the Universidad Autonoma de Ciu­ prommcntly on the Contemporary dad Juarez Choral Department from Arts Festival concerts, perfomiing The third annual Double Reed Day Ciudad Juarez. Me.xico. The NMSU again Danid Pinkliam’s The Cask took place on the NMSU campus on choirs will perform a joint concert of Amontillado in a concert v ersion. February 27th. and hosted middle, 111 Juarez. and then their groups uill with Ingrid Larragoity-Martin direct-- high school anc.l college students come to NMSU for v^orkshops and ing a student ensemble, and featur- 111 seiisions including pracucc tech­ rehears als 111 May. riig graduate student Jjerson Balabas niques. chamber music and middle and Dr. Pierce in the central riles. eastern oboe sounds. The guest art- Late March featured the “Countdown The opera had prev^usly been pre­ isu, were Dr. Scott Pool, bassoon to Camegie” concert on Tuesday. sented m a double bill in December and Dr. Andrea Shaheen, oboe. The March 22 in Atkinson Recital Hail. 2015 with the premiere of Lon Chai:. fourth annual Double Reed Day is The evening preview ed the Univcr fin’s The Verloren Opera at the Rio being planned for next spring. Please sily Singers in preparat^n for a con­ Grande theater in Las Cruces. visit the website for information on cert performance at New York Cny's past and future events: www.nmsu- Carnegie Hall. The Concert Choir Faculty News and Campus Perfor­ women also performed. as well as mances the new NMSU men s ensemble. The Strings and Orchesira Statesmen. The University Sing­ Dr. Allan Kaplan. professor o f low ers traveled to New York on Easler brass. who is celebrating his 20th La Calrina String Quarrel enjoyed weekend to perform at Carnegie Hall year in Las Cruces, was the featured a busy spring ^ith a South Ameri­ where they were featured in a forty- Artist o f the Week for the Las Cni- can tour and several recordings. as minute solo concert, and also per ces Sun-News in mid-January, 2015. well as other regional perfomoances. formed at the Cathedral o f St. John The article featured Dr Kaplan's in­ Upcoming CD's include a tuba and the Div ine while in the city. spirations. musical upbringing and string quartet project with Dr. James his current projects and teaching. Shearer, and a Ihird album o f string The year will conclude with “Mo­ quartet repertoire. In February and zart and More" concerts on April The Clar^n Duo featuring Lisa Vaii early March. the quartet traveled 29 and 30 in Atkinson Recital Hall. Winkle. flute and Escquiel Meza, to Chile, El Salvador, and Colom­ The Concert Choir. led by graduate piano, has enjoyed an active fall and bia, with a trip back to the US to student Christa Frederickson and Dr. spring season perfoniring at seve^l the Nevada School for the Arts in Flanery. will be singing Roman^n venues in Texas and New Mexico in-

The New Mexico Musician — Spring, 2016 39 University News... eluding the Sounds of Grace Series. Department Chair and Vocal Stud­ and oversees the El Paso Symphony Sundays at St. Paul’s and a faculty ies Coordinator at Georgetown Col­ Youth Orchestras as Music Director recital on the NMSU campus. The lege in Kentucky. and the founder o f and General Manager Since arriv­ duo has also petfom1ed several out­ Georgetown's Lyne Theater group. ing in El Paso in 2009, the EPSYO reach concerts for area retirement She has presented her \\ ork on MPA has gro\\ n to serve over 300 young communities. internationally. from Bangkok to musicians throughout the greater Pans. for the College Music Society. Soulhvv est region. Moran 's respon- Dr. Chris Hughes has been busy NATS and the Voice Foundation. sibiIi ties with the El Paso Symphony guest around the United include creatmg and implement­ States and abroad. He appeared as For the 6th annual Warner Hutchison ing all o f the organization’s educa­ guest conductor of the wind ensem­ Contemporary Arts Festi\'al. held on tion and outreach programs. Along ble at the University o f Nebraska iii February 24- 25, NMSU alum Brack with his Music degree from NMSU. December as part of a conduclmg Morrow and his work ‘EA Rl' were Moran studied conductmg at Indi­ residency in \\ hich he worked with featured. Morro\" holds a BFA in ana University and holds a master’s the conducting studio and bands In Sculpture from NMSU and received degree in Orchestral Conductmg March he \\ill venture to Chicago to his MFA in Interdisciplinary Art al and Horn Performance from South­ sene iii a similar capacity at Nonh­ Massachusetts College of Art and ern Methodist University. Morau 's em Illinois University and is excited Design in Boston. Morro\\ s work principal conducting teachers were to appear as conductor m residence intersects an, science, and music. David Efl'ron, Arthur Fagen, and for the v. md ensemble at Sul Ross Through his study o f neuroscience, Dr. Paul C. Phillips. He has partici­ State University in Texas in May. ecology. and music he interlaces the pated in masterclasses with Leonard Hughes will also travel to England disciplines o f sculpture, photogra­ Slatkin, Herbert Blomstedt. Mann this summer lo begin to develop a phy. video. anc.J sound installation. Alsop, Michael Morgan, and Victor European presence alkr spending a The “E A R I" project (Earth Aural Yampolsky. great amount o f time conducting and Rm er) deploys sculptural objects teaching throughout Asia in recent built from musical instnunents to NMSU alumnus Charks Saenz. As­ years. resemble machmes of science. and sociate Professor of Trumpet and roams bndscapes m search o f sound, Coordinator o f Brass and Percussion Ms. Ingrid Larragoity-Martm. As­ makmg recordings. taking photos, at Bowlmg Green Stale Umversily. sociate Director o f Bands, recently shootmgvi deo, and performing com­ released a ncv CD entitled . .' Elo- served as a guest conductor for the positions in a collaboration between queniiaf' Umver::,ity o f Georgia’s "JanFest”. a artists, scientists. musicians and na­ While a junior at NMSU. Saenz high school band festival held each ture alike. Morrow gave a lecture on played the Charles Chaynes* Con­ January on the Athens, GA campus the project on February 24th wilh a certo forTrumpet 111 the Intemational showing on the concen that evening. Trumpet Guild Solo Competition. Dr. Sarah Daughtrey and Dr. Laura Both concerts featured faculty per and won first prize. Now. years later, Spitzer presented a faculty recital on formances of music by John Cage. he has recorded the concerto as the March 30th featuring vocal. piano Daniel Pinkham, Ian Clarke, and centerpiece for this recording. and chamber works centered around the Department's own Lon Chaffin the theme o f exoticism in Paris. and Rhonda Taylor. with Fred Bug- Several NMSU music students were Joining them ,, ere fellow music fac­ bee, Lisa Van Winkle, John Carlo winners at competiUons this sprmg. ulty members Lisa Van Winkle, flute. Pierce. Sarah Daughtrey. Michael Two students were winners at the and Jorge Espinoza. cello, for the Armendariz and Katie Brennan per­ l 6 UTEP Piano Competition held song cycle Chansons madecasses by forming. on January 31. Joseph Seth Zamora Ravel. Also featured were works by won first prize. and Christopher Chopin. Berlioz. Bowles. and Kurt Student and Alumni News James Andrews won third prize. Weill. Performers in the final round per­ On February 13 alumnus Andres formed a 20-minule public recital ai This spring. the Music Department Moran was recognized at the NMSU UTEP s Fox Fine Arts Recital Hall. hosted Dr. Heather Winter, who Arts & Sciences “Stairy Night' which included a work by featured presented her work on Music Per­ awards program as the '‘Star’' from composer Wynn-Anne Rossi. Mr. formance Anxiety in two sessions. the NMSU Department o f Music. Zamora perfomied Beethoven's So­ one for singers and one for a!l mu­ Andy is the Resident Conductor of nata in A Major, Op. 2. No. 2, first sic students. Dr. Winter is a former the El Paso Symphony Orchestra movement: Aeolian Harp Etude by

40 The .Vew Mexico .Musician Spring. 2016 University News...

Chopin.Prelude. Op. 2. No. 1 by musicians in the community to grow providing service, leadership oppor­ Chesnokov.Jeux d'eau by Ravel; in skill and excellence. Two differ­ tunities. and social programming lOr and Sonata in M1xed Meter!> by ent projects have been spearheaded band members. Rossi. Mr Andrews played Chopin’s by the students this spring: Project Revolutionary Etude; Rhapsody tn G M.A.E.S.T.R.O.. w hich involves Upcoming Camps and Workshops minor. Op. 79, No. 2 by Brahms; So­ choral. strmg and hand organiza­ nata in Mixed Meters by Rossi: and tions. has NAIME members donat­ Upcoming this summer, the Hum­ the third movement o f Beethoven's ing two hours per week to middle and mingbird Music Camp will he the Moonlight Sonata. The U fEP l'iano high school music programs, offering site for the 2nd Annual Trumpet Boot Competition’s first pnze is a $1000 tutonng. mstrument repair. rehearsal Camp on June 22-26th. Students cash award, and third pii:te is $500. tune. sectionals, etc. So far. students (over 14 years o f age) and adults are Mr. Zamora and Mr. Andrews. both have traveled to Silver City. Cami- invited to participate in this event. sophomore piano majo^ at NMSU, no Real. and several other regional lntennediate and advanced trum­ are students of Dr. Laura Spitzer schools. The second project. MSWE pet ensembles, solos, and All-State (Middle School Wind Ensembles) prep will be tie focus o f the camp Domimc Lowhar. flute. and Tanner taking place this spring. will brmg hosted by trumpet professor Dr. Pan- Dosse). percussion, were co-w inner:, young musicians to the NMSU cam- cho Romero. For further informa­ ot the New Iloruon Symphony 's pm, for 1,.,0-hour sessions, with both tion contact Dr Romero at pancho(a Young Artist competition in January, sectionals and full rehearsab. in a and " ill be leatured sokiists for the jumi ensemble project. The MSWE May 15th concert m Atktnson Recit­ sessions will bii led hy both NMSU In the fall, Jazz Jump Start will al Hall. Lowhar w illb e playmg the Music Education faculty and area be hosted November 10-11 by the third movemenl of Mozatt's Flute directors, and will culnunate with an NMSU J a u Ensembles. T iis yearly Concerto in G. and Dossey ill play end o f semester concert. The mem­ event invites middle school and high t,,.o mmemcnts from Tashiro Ma- bers of th(p NMSU NAiME chapter school jazz ensembles in a "jump yuzumi's Concenino for Xylophone have brought iii 3 clinicians. and start” for the jazz season. Each par- and Orchestra. Low har is a music ed­ lune 2 more' commg this spring. to ticipatiiig ensemble will have a one ucation major. studying with Dr. Lisa help members grm, in their teaching hour dm k on music lhat ihcy arc Van Wmlde, and Dossey is a student and learning. preparing or new music \\ill be pm o) Dr. Fred Bugb<:;e ' ided to help choose a program for The Cjamma Eta chapter o f Kappa ihe jazz ct»ni:ert season. This is Exciting things are happening with Kappa Psi \\ as established this past pedect time to come out ol march­ the student groups in the Music November at NMSU. with Ms. In­ ing season m1o the conccrl season for Department The NMSU NAfME grid Larragoity-Martin sening as its most programs. The event will also chapter is making great strides m faculty advisor Kappa Kappa Psi. mdude. improv isation sessions, sec­ reachmg out to the community to founded in Oklahoma in 1919. is a tion playing session and reading ses­ help both our students and young national honorary band fratemny sion o f new musk.

The N ew M exico M usician - Spring. 2016 4 ! In Memoriam ...

Diane \\as born in Leechburg, PA She \vas an intellectually cunom, per­ in 1964 and grew up in Butler. PA. son seefiing out hobbies such as gar­ She earned a BS degree in Electri­ dening. hiking. musical instmment cal Engineering from Pennsylvania repair, and so many others. Her fa­ State University and moved to Mary­ vorite pastime was being with family land to work for the National Secu­ and friends. Recently. she received rity Agency. After marrying. she left her certification to become a middle NSA to become a fulltime morn and school science teacher and taught at enjoyed other occupations such as G rait Middle School. freelance writing. She is survived by her hushand. Brad; Diane and her family moved to Al­ and by her two children, Sarah and buquerque, NM where she dedicated Jack. She is also survived by her par countless hours volunteering at her ents; Jack and Carole Fruehstorfer of children's schools and working with Butler, PA; brother; David Fruehstor- Diane E. Otts. age 5I , passed away kids on everything from learning a fer ofButler. P^A. She isalso survived on March 30. 2016 in Albuquerque. musical instrument to juggling. An by her unofficial brothers and sisters NM. avid musician, she was known to o f the Coffee Group. l OOO's o f high schoolers and music She was a loving wife. mother. educators for her work with Allstate and special triend Io anyone lucky band competitions. enough to know her.

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4 1 T he N ew M exico \lll.\ician — S'ipring, 2O 16 NMMEA Music Industry Council Members 2016 Music Industry Council membership is available to all corporations, businesses, and educational in­ stitutions who wish to support the activities of the New Mexico Music Educators Association. These members are an important part of our organization and desene your support.

American College of Musicians Jimmy Oli\as Unifomis 505-521^677 Pat McCabe-Lcche Jimmy Olivas whitesmusicboxfit PO Box 1807 600 Cinnamun Teal Circle AuMiii, TX 78767 El Paso. TX 79932 Yamaha Corporation 512-478-5775 915-877-5617 Adria Lewis. Convention Coordina­ jolivas 1 f'ittip.rr com tor Baum's Music Company 6600 Orangcthorpe Ave. William Knim. Jr. The Music Man. Inc. Buena Park. CA 90920 2908 Eubank Blvd.^ NE Joe Keith 714-522-9490 Albuquerque. NM 87112 3301 Carlisle Blvd. NE alewis(ti Y 8003720707 Albuquerque. NM 87110 800-545-6204 Zia Graphics Business Printing Sci"\icc infodt Jim Edgeington Danny Baca, President 2730 Carlisle NE 4316 Siher Ave. SE Olivas Music Co. Albuquerque. NM 87110 Albuquerque. NM 87108 Jimmy Olivas 800-994-7274 800-253-6159 1320 N. Zaragosa Suite 115 printmg/Zi bpsabqcom ElPaso, TX 79936 915-858-6700 Eastern New Mexico University Eastman Music Company colivasmusic((i Dustin Seifert Bob Syburg Depanment of Music 2158 Pomona Blvd. The Paper Tiger 1500 S.Ave. K. Station 16 Pamona. CA 9 1768 John King Ponales. NM 88130 bsyburgca 1248 San Felipe Aw. 575-562-4480 Santa Ft:, NM87505 dustin.seifertfa enmu.cdu Fruhauf Uniforms 505-983-310I Darrell Blanchard paul^ New Mexico I lighlands University 800 East Gilbert Ed\\ ar

The New’ M exico Musician — Spring 2016 43 ADVERTISERS LIST Business Printing Service, Inc...... 44 Eastern New Mexico University...... 31 Eastern New Mexico University Men's Choir Camp...... 3 Fred J Miller Unifonns...... 20 Greater Southwest Music Festival...... 32 UNM Summer Offerings...... 22 New Mexico Highlands University...... 34 & 35 New Mexico State University...... 4 Robertson & Sons Violin Shop...... BC The Music Mart, Inc...... 10 University ofNew Mexico...... 5 University of Texas El Paso...... 21 Yamaha Band...... IFC


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