New Mexico Musician Volume 63 | Number 3 Article 1 3-1-2016 New Mexico Musician Vol 63 No 3 (Spring 2016) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 63 No 3 (Spring 2016)." New Mexico Musician 63, 3 (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_musician/vol63/iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW Yamaha Intermediate Flutes The Yamaha line of Intermediate flutes has been updated to surpass the evolving needs of student flutists Featuring an industry-leading pointed key arm design and a complete review and update to many aspects of the production process, the 300 and 400 series Intermediate flutes emphasize the Yamaha consistency and quality that keeps these flutes strong and singing for young flutists. • The keys of the new Intermediate flutes have been redesigned with the pointed key arm style which is vertically integrated from Professional and Handmade flutes • Mechanical redesigns and material changes result in increased resistance to corrosion and longer playing life tor the instrument • Pad cup structures now feature the same style and thickness as the Professional and Handmade line, for a more precise seal and increased durability • The 300 series flute body Is nickel silver with a sterling silver headjoint. while the 400 series is completely sterling silver Both styles help retain a clean polished look and a rich singing sound • All intermediate flutes now come with a French-style case and a durable, E-style case cover For more information please visit: 4wrd.iVintfNMM ®YAMAHA NMMEA OFFICERS rRI^.SIDENT THE Brinn USrlintt-1 hornJ \ P 1412 Avtcll NM 118101 Olli-e 575 9115-2277 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN 575-6^)2-0590 prcsidcn^ti, nmmca cun^ Official Publication of the \ICE-PRESIOEN r, BAM) New Me.xico Music Educators Association Be^mie Ch:" c,: Band VP 503 S Tin Demin^ NM 811030 Olfice;S75-546-2678 Volume LVIll N um ber 3 S p rin g 2016 Ho^t;: 575-636-3930 band, nmmca.com IS S N 0742-8278 \ ICE-r‘RESIDi;NT CHORAL NM M EA Website: www nmmea.com Dianna Amend. Choial VP 9512 San Gabnd Ro^d. NE Albuquerque. NM 87 III Office: 505-8;^3-2327,U 052 CONTENTS Page l l ^ c 505-298-2970 chomilvp(a nmmea-^orn DEPARTMENTS VICE-l‘RESll)tNT, ORCHESTR^A President 's R e p o rt............................................................................................................................................... Jcnaiffiui Amierding. Oiches^ira VP 2 1040I S^^tra Donila P!. NE O ffice N o te s ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Albuquc^uc, NM 87l l 1 Ollicc: 505-828 3351 Fro m the E d ito r's D e s k .....................................................................................................................................8 Ci^ll .505-250-2909 orchestra, [email protected] Vice Presidents’ Reports \ ICl>PRESlDENT, GEli. M1SI( B a n d ........................................................................................................................................................... Jan Dclgailo. General VP 11 7512 Gladdcn^^^e NE O rch e stra .......................................................................................................... .................................22 Ai^buquerque. NM 88110 Offic-e' 505.11 11011249s 166 G en eral M u s ic ................................................................... ...... .................... ................................. 24 Home. 505-275-3711.J gcn^^nlnusic prti nm,^ea.^om C h o ra l................................................................................................................. .................................25 \ IC'E PR^ESlDENT. COl.LECI ^TE G u ita r.................................................................................................................. ................................. Kajla I’aulk. Collegiale VP 27 I500 South K. ^^uon It, C o lle g ia te ........................................................................................................ ..................................29 Ponnles. f\ M 88l 30 Oflice. 57.5-562.257 I Home: 575-226-012^3 ^^illegiincvp(a nmmc^ com ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS )>ASl PRESIDENT Ndl SttarJIi. President M en tors/R etirees.............................................................................................................................................. 3 I lM j7Ci!flana Cl LasCruces. NM 88007 N M Ja zz Educators A r t ic le ......................................................................................................................... 36 Oflice: 575 5:!7-94l5 Ilomc H 5 619-4507 U n iversity N e w s................................................................................................................................................37 pasipr^:s^tdcnta nmmca com In M cm o rim n .....................................................................................................................................................42 \ I( li PRILSIDE'-i; Gl'I FAR NM M EA Music lndust^^ Council Members....................................................................................43 J,m Rivcr^, Ciuu^ar VT 2808 Rhode Islaid N1 A d v e rtise rs.........................................................................................................................................................44 Aj^buquerque. n M R7i lO Onitc: 5i}5 8% 5M0X5340S td l 505710^174 t>(a n^iunca com EXEUTI\ E DIRECHJR Don<icrhcan^. |.,ccuii\c l^)mrcior 93 Mnn^^ Dr\c Keith Jordan, Editor All correspondence should be Los />^lamo<s, NM 8754,4 Office: 505-672‘>84fi H om e: 505-274-5149 ( N E W ) addressed to the editor, Cell: 505 690-7854 ilg<crhc«^^li^ nmmi:a ^^m O ffice: 505-831-8529 1636 So p io S E editor(r nmmea.com Albuquerque, NM 87123 NMMEA DISIRICT PRESIDEN ri, Oi^i^^ic^ I • Southwest Districi 4 • :\orth Cen^^Hl Disi^^ict 3 • Norlhwesi The Ne\^\ Mexico Mus^ic Educatoi,- AssociaJ^ion is a Sham.lin A^'\foiLsi^d. I ai^na ^hcrhan^i^, P^^sidcm Laura \rgo^si^ng^^ Prc^id^m Federated sta^e association oF Nauonal Association ('rcsid^t } \, omini> Dir I(ii I- r,"h!!hi Dr 114 4 1 Music Educal^ion and part of the Souihi^xcMcm Di, ii^ion il365 Lmdbel'll, ,\vc Sinto lc '-M S7507 F^.imiingtun, N\.I8740I Q3rn> Alamogordt.!^, N\.1 S83 I 0 Hfniiei 505-7 H^^0,4 7(i td l: l 70-94<t-6l26 ofN A M !:. 8021 Work. 505-467 -4585 Wo^k. 505-32,4-^^8,40 ,r,277 \\ Phone: 5^5 8! 2 5597 t^bcnuhi^ra g_m^iI .com sch’^^^ia Cfnlia^lschoo^^ org TJIE NEW M EX IC O M USICIAN is published three s\\,'dic:inciF^re:,.l^L’nt u umdii^, limes perycar^: Pr^inling by Business Pr^in^ing Senice Inc. , oitin 43l 6 Silver A\c. SE, Albuquerque. NM 87 I08. Deadlines for l^he Fall. Winter and Spr^mg issues are August t, District 2 • 'iouthca-t District 6 • Crn^^»l 7 - \lbuqurn)ur Octob^ I. and Mar^ch I. Ad^i 8,; am. P^^sideni Ku^^ SdJmidi. Pmsidon I) Ikr !\o^h, Pre^idcm 71" \\ lmn I 60S 3lrd, SE 7137 1 tc1.^ndl.!rt.,g,) 13E SubscnptKOn r^ie to non-members is S9-00 per yea^; single llobbs, 'M SX24U Rm Rc^nditt, NM 8"I24 '\lbuqucrqiic. NM h 7109 copy " Change oF addn:ss should n:ported i^o Onicc: Hornet: (, MXI I lomc - - . 575-9392239 50589 505269811(^1 F xecum e Director Don Cjcrheart^. llomc. 575-1W-8I90 Work- 505-'J12,.<14;i4 Wnrk. s(i5-294 1511x3021 mdarnb)y.m^j" k^^hmidi u n'f^s.rici (mmhra hn(^j^jil-voin U>N i^g^cmsdiooh.ncl The New Mexico Musician Spring. 20/6 I President’s Report Brian Uerling, President INTENDED PURPOSES and AC- lion and conference. He has presen t CORDONG TO TllE ORIGINAL ed at several. and felt that New Mex­ TIME PLAN. I reminded them that ico was a top-notch act. Our keynote NMMEA is not under thejurisdiction speaker for the 2017 Conference \\ ill o f the PED. and that we are acting as be Dr. Richard Livingstone. He is a reporting agency as a service lo our an internationally renowned conduc­ members. We want to be SURE that tor and lecturer, and \\ ill pro\ ide an the data you work so very hard to excellent address to our organization. generate is actually attributed to you We will (keep your fingers crossed) and your students correctly, and that also have what I am going to call your teacher evaluation benelits from “Cofiiee With Norvil”. Norvil How­ the input of this data into the fomiu- ell is a legendary long-time teacher la. Many thanks to Neil Swapp fur in Ne\\ Mexico. as well as the for­ the hard work that he does with the mer NMMEA Executive Director. registration fonns and our website. I think it is important to understand He is a crucial component in our ef­ where we come fom if we want to Happy Spring to all o f my NMMEA fective input o f data lo the PED. know "here we're going. Norvil can colleagues, fiends and associates! I provide us with this insight. and you hope that you are having a success­ Many thanks to a “cast o f thousands" don't want to miss his stories! ful season o f testmg with your Music for a successful All-State Music Perfonnance Assessments and our Festival and In-Service Conference I was very excited about the confer­ upcoming End o f Course Exams. 2016. It takes many dedicated music ence app that we used this year on While the de\e[Opment o f all o f this teachers for an event o f this magni­ a triaI basis. Everyone that dow n- new data collection has been stress­ tude to be of such high quality and loaded it was very happy with what ful and at times confusing. we are effect. My very special thanks to it olfered, even in the limited (“fe e ") now entering the third year o f data. Don Gerhean. Kathy Espinosa. each version with which we expcnmem- This is significant, because Tl IIS is o f our VPs (Deanna Amend. Bernie ed We will continue oui" discussion the year when they will be tymg this Chavez, Jonathan Amerding, Jim Ri­ on the board regarding the use o f data directly to the stale teacher eval­ vera, Jan Delgado. Kayla Paulk), and this app. and hope to stay on top of uation process.
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