Congressional Record—Senate S6340
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S6340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was residing, tims of State Sponsored Terrorism Act (34 (3) recommends that health care providers ultimately leading to his demise; U.S.C. 20144) and the creation of the United deliver health services in a clear and com- Whereas Secretary of Defense Mark Esper States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism prehensive manner; and said of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Fund; and (4) encourages all interested parties to pro- ‘‘This is a devastating blow. This is not just Whereas, 40 years after its founding, the Is- mote the importance of health literacy. their leader, it’s their founder. He was an in- lamic Republic of Iran continues to promul- spirational leader in many ways. He formed gate a culture of fear, oppression, and vio- f ISIS in 2014, he led to establishing the phys- lence as one of the leading state sponsors of SENATE RESOLUTION 397—CELE- ical caliphate throughout the region, so this terrorism: Now, therefore, be it BRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER- is a major blow to them.’’; and Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas, although all members of the raid (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the SARY OF THE PASSAGE OF THE force were able to return to a safe location Iran Hostage Crisis; MIKE MANSFIELD FELLOWSHIP following the operation, two service mem- (2) honors the suffering of the Iran Hos- ACT CREATING THE MIKE MANS- bers suffered minor injuries and one military tages and their families during the Iran Hos- FIELD FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM tage Crisis, as well as the sacrifices made by working dog was also injured: Now, there- Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. fore, be it those who attempted to rescue the hostages; Resolved, That the Senate— and DAINES) submitted the following reso- (1) declares that the death of Abu Bakr al- (3) supports the designation of a national lution; which was referred to the Com- Baghdadi represents a measure of justice and day of remembrance on November 4, 2019, for mittee on Foreign Relations. relief for the innumerable victims of ISIS; the Iran Hostage Crisis. S. RES. 397 (2) commends the men and women and f Whereas the distinguished tenure of Mike military working dogs of the United States SENATE RESOLUTION 396—DESIG- Mansfield as Majority Leader of the Senate Armed Forces and the United States intel- spanned 16 years, making him the longest ligence community for their flawless plan NATING OCTOBER 2019 AS ‘‘NA- serving Majority Leader in the history of the and execution to capture or kill the ISIS TIONAL HEALTH LITERACY Senate; leader; MONTH’’ Whereas Mike Mansfield served as the (3) commends the President for ordering United States Ambassador to Japan from the successful operation to locate and elimi- Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. 1977 to 1988, the longest tenure of any United nate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; States ambassador anywhere in the world; (4) recognizes the support from our allies SCOTT of South Carolina) submitted the following resolution; which was re- Whereas, while serving as Ambassador, and partners, including the Syrian Kurds, for Mike Mansfield was fond of reminding the assisting with executing this daring raid; ferred to the Committee on the Judici- people of the United States and Japan that and ary. the ‘‘U.S.-Japan relationship is the most im- (5) reaffirms its commitment to disrupting, S. RES. 396 portant bilateral relationship in the world, dismantling, and defeating ISIS and affili- Whereas health literacy is the degree to bar none’’; ated radical Islamic terrorist organizations which individuals can obtain and understand Whereas, in 1994, through the Mike Mans- around the world that threaten United basic health information in order to make field Fellowship Act (Public Law 103–236; 108 States national security, eliminating safe informed health decisions; Stat. 428), Congress authorized the Mike havens for terrorists, and bringing terrorists Whereas, according to the latest national Mansfield Fellowship Program to build a to justice. assessment of health literacy, a majority of corps of Federal Government employees (in f adults have intermediate health literacy, this preamble referred to as ‘‘Mansfield Fel- SENATE RESOLUTION 395—RECOG- while more than 75,000,000 adults have basic lows’’) knowledgeable about the language, culture, economy, and politics of Japan, so NIZING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY or below basic health literacy; Whereas language and cultural differences as to enhance mutual cooperation and under- OF THE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS, can affect health literacy and thereby lower standing between the United States and AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES effective health communication between pro- Japan; Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. viders and patients; Whereas the Bureau of Educational and BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. LEAHY) sub- Whereas, according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Department of State mitted the following resolution; which Healthcare Research and Quality, low health provides financial support to make possible was referred to the Committee on For- literacy is associated with higher rates of the deployment of Mansfield Fellows and their families to Japan, and the Government eign Relations. emergency care use, increased hospitaliza- tions, and, among seniors, higher mortality; of Japan provides generous in-kind support, S. RES. 395 Whereas the Agency for Healthcare Re- including a 2-month home-stay and language Whereas, on November 4, 1979, 66 United search and Quality also found that low training; States diplomats, military personnel, and ci- health literacy can be associated with a lack Whereas the first cohort of Mansfield Fel- vilians were taken hostage from the United of medication adherence; lows, recruited from across the Federal Gov- States Embassy in Tehran by the Govern- Whereas experts estimate that the annual ernment, began their service in Japan on ment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in what cost of low health literacy to the United September 1, 1996; became known as the Iran Hostage Crisis; States economy is between $106,000,000,000 Whereas the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Whereas 13 of the 66 American hostages and $238,000,000,000; Program has created a robust network of of- were released by November 20, 1979; Whereas mental health literacy may lead ficials from the Governments of the United Whereas 8 members of the United States to better outcomes for individuals with men- States and Japan with deep understanding of Armed Forces died in an attempt to rescue tal disorders, particularly individuals with the economic, political, and strategic dimen- the hostages on April 25, 1980; suicidal ideation, either by facilitating early sions of the United States-Japan relation- Whereas another American hostage was re- help-seeking by those individuals or helping ship who work together to advance the mu- leased on July 11, 1980, after 250 days in cap- others identify early signs of mental dis- tual interests of the United States and tivity; orders and seek help on behalf of those indi- Japan; Whereas, after 444 days in captivity, the re- viduals; Whereas Mansfield Fellows have served in maining 52 hostages were released on Janu- Whereas health literacy can assist in pre- 52 ministries and agencies of the Govern- ary 20, 1981, with the signing of the Algiers venting disease and illness, increasing life ment of Japan, dozens of Diet offices, and Accords; expectancy, improving patient care and out- more than a dozen private sector companies Whereas the Iran Hostages were subjected comes, and reducing health care costs; and nongovernmental organizations in to mock executions and other forms of phys- Whereas, in 2010, the Department of Health Japan; ical and emotional torture at the hands of and Human Services issued a National Ac- Whereas alumni of the Mike Mansfield Fel- the Government of the Islamic Republic of tion Plan to Improve Health Literacy that lowship Program are currently employed Iran; establishes 7 goals; and throughout the Federal Government, includ- Whereas the Iran Hostages and their fami- Whereas advocacy organizations have rec- ing the House of Representatives and the lies still suffer from the events of the Iran ognized the month of October as ‘‘National Senate, the Departments of State, Com- Hostage Crisis; Health Literacy Month’’ to increase aware- merce, Defense, Energy, Transportation, and Whereas the Algiers Accords prevented the ness about the importance of making health the Treasury, the Office of the United States Iran Hostages from taking legal action to information easy to understand: Now, there- Trade Representative, the Federal Aviation pursue compensation from the Islamic Re- fore, be it Administration, and the Federal Bureau of public of Iran for their time in captivity; Resolved, That the Senate— Investigation, as well as serving in the Whereas many of the Iran Hostages and (1) designates October 2019 as ‘‘National Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps; their families finally became eligible to re- Health Literacy Month’’; Whereas, every day, Mansfield Fellows are ceive compensation through the enactment (2) encourages individuals to assess and im- drawing on their experience to enhance in 2015 of the Justice for United States Vic- prove their health knowledge and literacy; United States-Japan bilateral relations and VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.044 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6341 to strengthen United States-Japan coopera- Whereas, in the early 1900s, demand for Mr. THUNE, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BRAUN, tion around the world to tackle common peanuts grew due to advances in harvesting Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. INHOFE, Mrs. HYDE- global challenges; and production methods that made peanuts SMITH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Ms. Whereas, on April 29, 2015, the Prime Min- and peanut products more easily available; SMITH) submitted the following resolu- ister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, declared before a Whereas Dr.