Simonsehayek Education
SimonSehayek education 2015– Ph.D. Physics McGill University, Montreal present Supervisor: Paul Wiseman 2013–2015 M.Sc. Physics McGill University, Montreal Thesis: Refinements and extensions of correlation techniques applied to fluorescence microscopy (thesis link) Supervisor: Paul Wiseman 2010–2013 B.Sc. Joint Hons. Mathematics and Physics McGill University, Montreal Graduated with First Class Honours 2008–2010 D.E.C. Science John Abbott College, Montreal research experience 2013– McGill University Montreal, Canada present Research Assistantship My main focus of research is developing ensemble autocorrelation approaches for rapidly extracting biologically relevant parameters from fluorescence image series. Summer Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel 2012 Undergraduate Summer Research Project Research in complex fluid dynamics as a summer student. publications 1. Sehayek, S.; Gidi, Y.; Glembockyte, V.; Brandão, H. B.; François, P.; Cosa, G.; Wiseman, P. W. A High-Throughput Image Correlation Method for Rapid Analysis of Fluorophore Photoblinking and Photobleaching Rates. ACS Nano Article ASAP. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b06033 2. Mikolajewicz, N.; Sehayek, S.; Wiseman, P. W.; Komarova, S. V. Transmission of Me- chanical Information by Purinergic Signaling. Biophys. J. 2019, 116, 2009-2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2019.04.012 posters 2019 BPS Poster Baltimore, MD Beating Nyquist Limits for the Measurement of Fluorophore Blinking Rates using Image Correlation and Camera Detection Abstract DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.3057 2016 McGill Physics Outreach Montreal, Canada teaching & tutoring 2013–2018 McGill University Montreal, Canada Teaching Assistant Tasks included: lab demonstrations, grading, office hours, tutorials. From 2015–2018, I was a TA for biophysics course PHYS/BIOL 319 and had to create assignments, class notes, worksheets, exam questions and solutions.
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