Please complete the fields below with information regarding your project.

Project Title Native Pollinator Habitat

Brief Description This joint initiative between Macdonald Campus and College will aim to showcase how best to support wild bees and other pollinators, so that our staff and students can be ambassadors .

Total Estimated Project Budget $2,876 Amount Requested from SPF $1,876

Campus(es) Impacted Downtown Macdonald Gault Nature Reserve Other


Project Leader This person must be a current McGill University student, administrative staff, or academic staff.

Name Dr. Frieda Beauregard Affiliation Academic Staff Phone (438) 392-4902 Faculty/Unit/Organization AES Email [email protected] Campus Macdonald

Project Team Members The SPF encourages you to be inclusive, collaborative (especially between staff and students), diverse, and interdisciplinary when possible. To list more members, please e-mail the list to SPF Staff to include with your application.

Name Lindsay Flood Affiliation Administrative Staff Email [email protected] Faculty/Unit/Organization AES

Name Shannon Coulter-Low Affiliation Administrative Staff Email [email protected] Faculty/Unit/Organization John Abbott College

Name Susan Marsh Affiliation Administrative Staff Email [email protected] Faculty/Unit/Organization John Abbott College

Name Dr. Gail MacInnis Affiliation Postgraduate Email [email protected] Faculty/Unit/Organization Concordia/AES

Name Krisztina Mosdoss Affiliation Postgraduate Email [email protected] Faculty/Unit/Organization AES


In line with the SPF Eligibility Criteria, our team certifies that this project takes place at McGill University, is sustainability focused, is requesting seed funding, and is action oriented. Yes No Our team has read the SPF Terms & Conditions and agrees to respect them. Yes No Our team understands that this application is not confidential and consents to have its contents shared with relevant stakeholders during the review process and, if approved, on the SPF website. Yes No Our team agrees to have their contact information included in the complete and shared application. Yes No

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf



Instructions: Please answer the questions as clearly and concisely as possible; then, submit your draft online. SPF Staff will respond with feedback on your application within 2 weeks. Once finalized, the application will be provided to the SPF Governance Council for their review and decision. As a reminder, all SPF applications are assessed using the SPF Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria:




Before starting, you may find it helpful to consult the SPF Sustainability Brief and Vision 2020 Climate & Sustainability Action Plan.

CONTEXT Criteria assessed in this section: SUSTAINABILITY FOCUSED, ANALYSIS

1. What specific sustainability-related need/issue have you identified at McGill and aim to address through your project? In your response, please describe clearly how the need/issue is related to sustainability and what research you have done on this issue, if any. Note: Please wait to detail your project idea in Question 2. Limit ~200 Words

Native pollinator populations are largely under pressure because of habitat loss, and home gardens and other greenspaces can be managed differently to provide habitat; for example, through pesticide-free green space management, which Macdonald campus adheres to. " “[O]f the 100 crop species that provide 90 per cent of the world’s food, over 70 are pollinated by bees”. To put it simply, we need bees if we are to continue to grow the food we eat. This quote from Mr. Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, […] is a good summary of why bee health should be important to all Canadians. " (Extract from: https://sencanada.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/412/agfo/rep/rep09may15-e.pdf). There are more than 500 species of native bees in Eastern Canada. Native bees (and other pollinators) provide an extremely important service in our ecosystem. Many of the foods and crops we rely on benefit from native bee pollination. Bees move large amounts of pollen between flowering plants, thus pollinating flowers, leading to great seed and fruit production. About half of the world’s plant species depend upon animals, like bees, for pollination. Some plants require a specific native bee for proper pollination. [E.g, tomatoes can only be effectively pollinated by Bumblebees]. "(Extract from: https://conservationhalton.ca/help-native-bees)


2. What is your project idea? Please describe the idea thoroughly and concisely. In your response, share how the project is new or how it complements, builds upon, or scales existing initiatives. Limit ~400 Words

McGill University’s Macdonald Campus is invested in teaching, studying and innovating in the field of environmental sustainability. John Abbott College teaches a full range of CEGEP level programs and is also invested in taking a leadership role in reducing its environmental impact. For example, they created a sustainability position (Shannon Coulter-Low fills this), and in 2010-2012 they build the LEED gold certified Anne-Marie Edward Building. This Pollinator Habitat project would be a new joint campus sustainability project; bringing these two campus communities together, we hope to foster other sustainability collaborations. We also aim to showcase how best to support wild bees and other pollinators, so that our staff and students can be ambassadors for their own communities. Native pollinator populations are largely under pressure because of habitat loss, and home gardens and other greenspaces can be managed differently to provide habitat; for example, through pesticide-free green space management, which Macdonald campus adheres to. Within several different initiatives outside this project, native species habitat is being created, for example through the planting of native nectaring trees and shrubs this past fall, a project that went ahead while following safety protocols for COVID. As part of this native pollinator project, permanent signage at John Abbott and Macdonald would educate visitors about how to care for bees and

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf


other insects. In particular, we would like to inform people how they can do more by choosing low-cost and more effective solutions to support native bees than the store-bought bee homes that often don’t provide ideal conditions and can lead to greater bee mortality, as well as promote the planting of native plant species. Ground nesting and cavity nesting habitat would be created with logs/created snags with drilled holes and through small bare-ground sections of well drained soil for ground nesting species. We would also engage students on the two campuses by hosting monitoring and habitat cleaning and maintenance sessions in the spring and fall, that could either be run with a general call for volunteers (this is the plan for 2021) or associated with particular classes (courses with possible overlap: AEBI 210, ENVB 210, ENTO 340, ENTO 440, PLNT 460, WILD 401). This would also be an opportunity for McGill students to gain practice leading more junior students, since CEGEP students are at the grade 12-13 and freshmen level. Long-term documentation of this project would come from the McGill University Herbarium. The monitoring protocol and habitat designs have oversight from Dr. Gail MacInnis, a pollination biologist.

3. Is your project related to the University’s Vision 2020 Sustainability Strategy? Yes No Not sure If yes, how does it relate? Please refer to the strategy category or related action from the 2017-2020 Climate & Sustainability Action Plan in your response. Limit ~100 Words

RESEARCH: Enhance the visibility of sustainability research at McGill; Create a hub of expertise and centre of excellence in sustainability systems. EDUCATION: Increase access to extra-curricular opportunities in sustainability for undergraduate students; Assess students’ knowledge of sustainabilit; Improve sustainability content in McGill orientation events. CONNECTIVITY: Engage and connect McGill staff members through sustainability-related programs and activities. GOVERNANCE: Encourage employees to adopt and promote sustainable behaviours.


Criteria assessed in this section: ACTION ORIENTED, FEASIBILITY, IMPACT

4. List the key activities for your project and indicate the timing for these on the right. Please be specific and realistic when formulating your activities, ensuring that they are achievable within the indicated timeframe.

Key Project Activities Start Date End Date (MM-DD-YY) (MM-DD-YY) Obtain necessary approvals from Campus Planning, Master Plan Committee, Etc. 01-01-21 01-31-21 Design, obtain approvals, and order signage 02-01-21 03-31-21 Purchase supplies 04-01-21 05-02-21 Instillation of habitants/signage (Workshop) 05-03-21 05-03-21 First monitoring and maintenance of habitat 09-13-21 10-15-21

5. Please describe what will happen to your project after the SPF funding ends. Additionally, please share if anything will be produced or installed (e.g. a workshop guide, equipment, a toolkit, a network, website, etc) and indicate how this will be maintained. Limit ~200 Words

Each Spring and Fall semester the arthropod pollinators present at Macdonald Campus gardens/re-wilded locations will be monitored. During the Fall observations, students will also perform maintenance on the nests to reduce infestations of mites and fungal diseases that can cause morbidity or mortality of the pollinators. This is done by cleaning or replacing the paper tubes that line the cavity nests, ensuring that any pathogens or pests are not transferred to subsequent populations. Data produced will be shared via iNaturalist and be maintained by the Herbarium. Currently five John Abbott College instructors plan to bring their classes to the habitats (approximately seven classes with ~30 students). A higher level of involvement will be from the two student clubs which will host Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf


these pollinator habitats; the JAC Harvest club (12 students currently) and the McGill based Permaculture Club (5 executive members). Volunteer student leadership posibilities for leading the JAC classes would be advertised for McGill students through the OSAS by Ingrid Chiraz and other platforms as needed. Educational signs will be installed. Pollinator id guides will be printed with the intention that they will be used over several years.

TRANSFORMING CAMPUS Criteria assessed in this section: AT MCGILL, IMPACT

6. In the table below, describe the project’s 1-3 main impacts on the McGill community or its main goals to accomplish. Please check the McGill stakeholders that will be impacted. Finally, please list at least one key success indicator for each impact (e.g. # people engaged, % waste diverted, # buildings certified, etc.)

McGill Stakeholders Impacted Main Impacts/Goals Key Success Indicator(s) (check all that apply)

Increase the population of native pollinator Undergraduate Academic Staff # of pre/post bee 1 populations at Macdonald Campus Postgraduate Admin. Staff population. Success of Alumni nearby gardens. REQUIRED Teaching and research opportunities Undergraduate Academic Staff # of courses. 2 Postgraduate Admin. Staff # of research projects. Alumni Community outreach (McGill-Macdonald Campus and Undergraduate Academic Staff # of volunteers. OPTIONAL 3 John Abbott collaboration, open to larger community) Postgraduate Admin. Staff # of JAC and Mac students. Alumni



7. Please list 3-5 key stakeholders involved in your project, indicating their role and support. If the stakeholder has provided a support letter, please indicate so here and attach it as an appendix document. Note: Projects involving modifying a space on campus, making a permanent installation, hiring a full-time staff, or adding/modifying a garden, etc., must seek permission from the appropriate stakeholder(s) (e.g. building director, Campus Planning and Development office, staff supervisor, etc.). SPF Staff can help you assess if any key stakeholders need to be added to your list.

Stakeholder’s Name(s) Title Role in the Project Support/Permission Support Letter Facilities / Campus Care Franco Nardi Approver Confirmed support Attached CPDO J. Adam Dudeck Approver Confirmed Yes Mac Farm Paul Meldrum Approver Confirmed Yes Design Services Jen Tomkinsonn Approver (Signage) Confirmed Yes Choose one. Choose one.

8. How will you communicate about your project and share its impacts with the McGill community? Please describe your key tactics (e.g. social media, workshops, tabling, etc.). Limit ~200 Words

This project will be promoted at different stages via established Macdonald Campus venues, and will be included as part of a McGill Earthday virtual event (April 25th, 2021) coordinated by the , which will showcase the University's gardens. For the instillation of habitats and signs, a call will be made for voluneteers via the Mac Mouthpeice and the Macdonald facebook page, and through the McGill Purmiculture Club’s social media accounts. This club has many members on the downtown campus as well as at Macdonald. This strategy may be modified depending on COVID restrictions in place at the time, and instillation of the habitats could be made by the applicants of this grant (if permitted) as an alternitive to student volunteers. The project will be featured on the Agricultural and Environemntal Science sustainability website, and via the Mac Connections publication. As this project is planned to include a long term monitoring aspect, other venues for promotion may be used in the future as well.

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf


9. If applicable, are there any training, volunteer opportunities, jobs, or complementary applied student research integrated in your project? Please describe. Limit ~100 Words

One of the goals is to establish a standardized data collection of pollinator populations on the Macdonald Campus. By doing so, we will create a dataset that will become more and more valuable as time goes by for student projects, for example, for AES honours research projects. To maintain consistancy with the data collection, the coordination of the collection will be through the McGill Natural Collections (jointly the McGill Herbrium, which has a long standing engagement of student volunteers and the Lyman Entomological Museum, which has great expertise in entomology) volunteers will be trained and supervised by the MNHC.

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf



Criteria assessed in this section: FEASIBILITY


Indicate any funding you will receive or may receive to complete your project, including funds from McGill Departments and Units. Funding Source(s) Amount Requested Request Status

Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) $1,876.50 Requested

Go Wild Grant (WWF) $1,000.00 Confirmed

$0.00 Choose one.

$0.00 Choose one.

REVENUES GRAND TOTAL (must match Expenses Grand Total)) $2,876.50

Expenses Indicate your project expenses below. In the Funding Sources column, use the reference number from the first column of the Revenues section, above. You may list more than one source if applicable (e.g. 1,3).

Expense Item Description Unit Cost # of Units Total Cost paid by SPF? 2x4s to mark 8 ground nestings $60.00 1 $ 60.00 No Sand to mix with soil $560.00 1 $ 560.00 No Aluminum printed signs 8x3" $30.00 12 $ 360.00 No Educational signs 24x26x1/2" $1,746.50 1 $1,746.50 Yes, partially Pollinator ID guides $30.00 5 $ 150.00 No $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. $0.00 $ 0.00 Choose one. Expenses Subtotal $2,876.50

Salaries & Wages If applicable, please indicate any paid positions needed for your project. Please note: if you complete this Salaries & Wages section, you must also complete the Staff Position Information Appendix.

~# Hours ~# Hourly + 20% Funding Position Title Subtotal Total Cost per Week Weeks Wage Benefits Sources $0.00 $ 0.00 1.2 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 1.2 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 1.2 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 1.2 $ 0.00 Salaries & Wages Subtotal $ 0.00

EXPENSES GRAND TOTAL (must match Revenues Grand Total) $2,876.50

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf



Relevant Support Documents List any appendix documents in order in the table, below. Please keep the total number of pages as low as possible (recommended maximum is 5). Please include any relevant support letters.

Doc # Appendix Document Title # of Pages 1 WWF Award Letter 2 2 Map of bee habitat locations 1 3 PDG Quote for signage 1 4 Letters of support 5 5 Staff Position Information Appendix, if applicable

Copyright © 2018 McGill University Sustainability Projects Fund · 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1200, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2R7 · www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/spf

From: Kathy Nguyen To: Lindsay Flood, Ms. Subject: Your Go Wild School Grants award: McGill University & the Macdonald Campus Native Pollinator Habitat Date: Friday, December 4, 2020 2:56:26 PM Attachments: image002.jpg image004.jpg image006.jpg image008.jpg image010.jpg

Dear Lindsay,

Congratulations! Your Go Wild School Grants project proposal has been selected for funding by WWF-Canada! We are excited to support you in bringing your project to life. We will be announcing all of the recipients on January 18, 2021, so please do keep this exciting news confidential until then. We will also contact you about the public release so you can be on the lookout

In the meantime, please do share this news in confidence with your project team: Dr. Frieda, Shannon, Susan, Dr MacInnis, and Krisztina!

What’s next? As soon as possible: Lindsay, please reply to this email to confirm you’d like to proceed with your grant award and implement your project this school year. Early next week: We will send you the Go Wild School Grants agreement for review and signature by an authorized signing authority. You will also receive a direct deposit form to complete and a request to attach a voided cheque so we can process your funding Within the next two weeks: You’ll receive your Recipient Package, including: Social media toolkit: You will receive a social media toolkit with sample posts you and your campus can use and adapt to celebrate this great news Go Wild School Grants badge/logo: You will be able to use these logos on all communications materials Brand guidelines: For reviewing content mentioning WWF-Canada and/or Go Wild School Grants, or use of the Go Wild School Grants logo Final Report: We will provide you a link to the online final report you will complete at the end of the project period. We’ll ask you to review the online report requirements before you get started in January, so you can coordinate the pieces you’ll need to report back on. January 4, 2021: You can begin your project according to the implementation plan you January 18, 2021: WWF-Canada public announcement of Go Wild School Grant recipients You will be able to make the news about your Go Wild award and project fully public August 31, 2021: The deadline to complete your project and submit your final report Looking forward to hearing from you!

Warmly, Kathy

Kathy Nguyen Specialist, Community Action | WWF-Canada phone: 647-264-7050 | WWF.ca phaneufdesigngraphique

1er décembre 2020

Cegep John Abbott Susan Marsh


Affiches format 24 x 26 x 1/2 imprimées sur panneau Armolite fini satin, arêtes adoucies, chants et dos noirs

1 panneau ayant 4 inserts filetés dans le dos pour lutrin 2 panneaux avec positionnement des inserts à confirmer 12 Boulons 1/4 anti-vandalisme 20 x 1/2 Douille de sécurité

Lutrin avec plaque 12 x 12 x 1/4 avec angle de 30° sur tube 3 x x 36 plaque de base 6 x 6 x 1/2, le tout peint en noir

Accessoires pour installation sur Sono-Tube Total 3 affiches 1461,50 $

Design graphique et préparation des fichiers 285,00 $

Le transport et les taxes sont en supplément.

Approuvé ______

1 Kent, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Québec H9X 2C4 Tél. 514 457-3452 [email protected] Location # 1: Permaculture Showcase Garden

Locations that will have ground-nesting and constructed snag habitat and educational signs. Locations that will have ground-nesting habitat and advisory signs ; one additional location may or may not be added at the farm in consultation with Paul Meldrum.

# 2: Pollinator # 3: JAC Harvest Club Garden Garden/Community Garden

From: Paul Meldrum, Mr. To: Lindsay Flood, Ms.; Franco Nardi Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr; Benoît Côté, Prof. Subject: RE: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College Date: January 14, 2021 3:49:54 PM

Hi Lindsay,

Just want to make sure I am interpreting the legend for the location of signs correctly. My understanding is that the yellow dot indicates an actual bee colony site, and the brown dot indicates a sign only. This is important because if a brown dot indicates a site of a bee colony, then the one at the end of the Farm road is not sustainable.

I have no issues with the location of the signs on the Farm as long as the brown one is near the corner of the field (closer to the 3-way stop) so it does not impede our ability to access the field from the Farm road.



Paul Meldrum General Manager Macdonald Campus Farm McGill University 21,111 Lakeshore Road Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9

Cell: 514-714-7989 Tel: 514-398-8663 Fax: 514-398-8134 [email protected]

From: Lindsay Flood, Ms. Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 10:19 AM To: Franco Nardi ; Paul Meldrum, Mr. Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr ; Benoît Côté, Prof. Subject: FW: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College

Hi Franco and Paul, I hope all is well. Benoit Cote has suggested that we seek your approval for our habitat and signage locations for our Native Pollinator Habitat Project. Details can be found in my e-mail below and in the attached documentation. The 4th attachment is a map of proposed locations for your approval. Many thanks! Lindsay

From: Benoît Côté, Prof. Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 10:05 AM To: Lindsay Flood, Ms. ; Biagio D'Onofrio, Mr. ; Kathy MacLean, Mrs. Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr ; Krisztina Mosdossy Subject: Re: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College

Hi Lindsay,

This project is rather small and we may not need to bring it up for discussion at the sub- Committee on Physical Facilities. Based on the description of the project, the pollinator habitats will be by the Community Garden on the main Campus and on the Farm. If it is indeed the case, I suggest that you get in touch with Franco Nardi and Paul Meldrum for their feedback. Once I receive their info, I will then decide if it has to be brought up to the Committee.



Benoît Côté Associate Professor Director, Morgan Arboretum Chair, Macdonald sub-Committee on Physical Facilities

From: Lindsay Flood, Ms. Sent: January 7, 2021 10:01 AM To: Benoît Côté, Prof. ; Biagio D'Onofrio, Mr. ; Kathy MacLean, Mrs. From: J. Adam Dudeck, Mr To: Lindsay Flood, Ms.; Franco Nardi Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr Subject: Re: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College Date: January 11, 2021 7:36:58 AM

Hi Lindsay,

Good to hear from you. These spots look good and there are no significant changes proposed in any of these locations in the near future.

Thank you,

Adam Dudeck OUQ MCIP │ Senior Campus Planner │ Planificateur principal des campus│ Campus Planning and Development Office│ Bureau Bureau du développement et de la planification des campus | Université McGill University │1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 1200 │ 1010, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, bureau 1200 │ Montréal (Québec) H3A 2R7 │ Tel: (514) 398-3481 │ Fax: (514) 398-7358 │ [email protected]

From: Lindsay Flood, Ms. Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 3:21 PM To: J. Adam Dudeck, Mr ; Franco Nardi Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr Subject: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College

Hi Adam and Franco,

I hope this finds you well.

Dr. Frieda Beauregard and a team at both Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College are seeking to install some Native Pollinator Habitats on campus in the coming year.

We have received a grant of $1000 from the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and are seeking additional funding from the McGill Sustainability Project Fund (application submitted and under review). Details of the project application are attached for your reference.

We would like to ask for the approval of CPDO and the Mac Campus Care Team in terms of the habitat and signage sites, which can be seen in detail on the 4th attachment to this e-mail. The locations for the ground nesting spots and logs (ORANGE) are suggested and could easily be adjusted, whereas the three main locations would be more ‘fixed’ (YELLOW).

We would be happy to schedule a meeting to discuss if need be. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the proposed locations for the habitats and signage.

From: Franco Nardi To: Lindsay Flood, Ms.; Paul Meldrum, Mr. Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr; Benoît Côté, Prof. Subject: RE: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College Date: January 11, 2021 12:24:23 PM Attachments: image001.png

Hi Lindsay, Congrats with this project. Pollinators are very much welcome to any location on the main lower campus other than some limitations with regards to the placement of signage which can be reviewed before installation. As for the farm, Paul’s approval and comment are most definitely required.

Kind regards Franco

Franco E. Nardi | Grounds, Vehicle Maintenance, Events support and Stores Supervisorǀ Facilities Management and Ancillary Services ǀ Superviseur de L’entretiens des Terrains, Vehicules, Événements spéciaux et Magasins ǀGestion des Installations et Services Auxiliaires McGill University | Campus Macdonald Campus | 21,300 Lakeshore Rd | Sainte-Anne-de- Bellevue, Quebec, Canada, H9X 3V9 Mac office:(514) 398-7720 Downtown Campus Centre-ville| Tel: (514) 398-4603 Facilities Service Call Centre: (514)-398-4555 [email protected] www.mcgill.ca https://www.instagram.com/mcgillfacilities/


From: Lindsay Flood, Ms. Sent: January 11, 2021 10:19 AM To: Franco Nardi ; Paul Meldrum, Mr. Cc: Frieda Beauregard, Dr ; Benoît Côté, Prof. Subject: FW: Request for Approval: Native Pollinator Habitat Project - Macdonald Campus and John Abbott College

Hi Franco and Paul, I hope all is well. Benoit Cote has suggested that we seek your approval for our habitat and signage locations for our