'The Society, ~ 1960, has had ~ continuing program of designaliog histor;c site. lli the COUJJty wj!h di..tinctive b1= and silver marken. 'The"" markers "'" sponsored and paid for by llidi.vjduall, clubs, lli.tirutiona, bu";""'s. o [g~n ; ", _ tiOl1.'l and mullic;palitiea. It ;. the Society'. most visible progr.uu w;th over 160 signs lli Bergen County, Nl. 'They are de.;gned to educ~te the general public with a "mm;­ histOl}' le.son" for a particubr site or ""'~ and are also belpful lli generatint; llite"'.t in lillnoric preservation. n. B_ C_" "",,,.,,80_ . _,d,50 roX3)~" ,_ ~", .... _ w ~m...J..I i . l\oo' " _ ~ .",.;.tio . "," ... _ C~ ."',, ...... ,,,,...... , ~, "'" ,_~,., .... "",,,of" ~-.! ...... W. ~ "'" 0 .... " ~ ,"",, ~oocio"' . " "'"' o. "'" Bu ... C~ ." ~ • w """' ~ ~ .. ,.....,,, " "'" ,_ "d.,. 0... ~ ~ ~ '""'- ~ ,_ .,.. ~ «>t .., "' . , ....." .... ., Hm", N~ B '""" 1.0 ...... -'D.... ~ i.u.J. ""'''-1 ~ •.., ,,,,,,,,,,,, of i ",, ~ti~ D.d.Uo """,." """' __ ~ ~ ....,.. , ~ MlJ, ""'-, lli.." ~,., ~ ...... -t __• """'. w. ~ "'" "-, "...,. _ ., HNBL. W. ~ ~ , . "' _'~""-' -tkw _ """""" ..."" 0' ...... ,d>"'"-,,,,<, _"', 0.,... " ., ~,., ~ ... ->-....

W\\"". be-rg euconnty hi 5tcry. org 1 ,

2. SOUTH CHURCH. West Church SlIeellnd Pro~peCI A...enue, Beraenfleld. Open by appoint ment. Orpniud in 1123 as the Schrulcnbur&h Dutch Reformed Church. Fin! churdl ere<:lcd in 1128, I SO ftoel 10 the casl, the proent buildin& in 1199. 1lte True Reformed Dutch Church was founded here in 1822. The church be<.:amc P ",$byt~rian in 1913. John Henry Goetschius, minister from 1748 10 ] 774, the principal founder of Queens Colleae (Rul,,"), and many Revolutionary War soId;c,rs arc buried in the churchyard. 2 3 4. HUYLER'S LANDING ROAD. ~hrker at East Mad wn Avenue and County Road, Cresskill (nol illustrated).

In wlonw limes a crude: road kd from he~ 10 a Landinlallhe Hudson Rh"1' r. Accordin, to the repons and map' of~nerals Erski~ and W'Y"" this ro3d was used by Comwalils in auackinK Fon I...ce on November 20,1776. On May 10. ]179 it was used by Tories in I devas. 131ing mid on homes in Ihi5 valley. Around 1840 Gwrge Huyler improved the road. It became 3 m;ijor rou te for farm produce lOillll lO by way of Huyler's Llnding untilche coming of the l'3ilro..d in 1859. Spoo ... rtd by tho C,u",iI! Llo... Club.

5. BENJAM IN P. WESTE RVELT HO~ I ES I TE. Coun ly Road and Wo:ste1"«'lt Place, Cn:wdlL Priv:ne residence. The rnain win, of this house .... as buill in 1808 J. Mar1

6. IlERICK BANTA HOUSE. ]80 Wushington ".cnue. DUl110nl (Dixon Homestead Libr~ry). 7. OLD NORTH CHURCH. Washington and 111;' example or Dutch Colonial architecture Madison Avenues, Dumon ...... s buill tx.lw"",n 1780-1790 by Ikrick B3nla, soldier in 1he American Rcvolul ion. af1e. his Orpniled in 1723 as the Scluulcnburah Re­ birthpla~ ~re w;lS burned by Toril's. Owned formed Dutch Church. Fin! church was built by tIM: Quada-nbush family from 11<) ~. i1 was in 1128. In ]BOlllIe present Old North Reo sold 10 Isaac Dixon in 1862, whose son RoIM:'1 fornled Church was buiU, one mile north of was Dumont's fourth Mayor. tn 1929 Miss fil1l site, and continues as I Rdormed 00.... Sarah Dixon devised tIM: home:srud to th( ,"plion. Thissancluary is considered one of town for a public libr.lry. S"""",,,d ~r 1110 tile finest e~amples of early American Church Old s.: ..... ll So

9. JOHN G. DENSON HOUSE. 60 Grand Avenue, Englewood. Offke of Northern Valley chapler, American Red Oou. 8. ENGLISH NEIGHBORHOOD UNION SCHOOL Tenafly Road and Pleas:ml Aven"e, Built c. 1800 by John C. Benson, a farmer, and Englewood. Private Il'sidcncc:. from 1794 to 1797,. caplain in tile militia This house, an example of post-Revolutionary War This fonner school was originally buill in 1818 Dutch Colonial arc hil cct~ll', was buill on prop­ nUT thl: Liberty Pole Tavern. In 1850;t was erty oonfiscued by New J e~y from Ihe Reverend moved Ittll' and rebuil, w'tllthe originJI mat­ Garret Lyd~er, a Tory during the American erials. This part of Enslewood wIS then known Revo luliorL SpOfttOI'ed by Enclcwood En-.iro...... nlll 35 Highwood. The En,lewood School ""115 CO"'million 1974. adopted in 1891. It continued to be used as a school unlillbc dose of Ihe cc:nlUry. Spo_~ br Th. Co-.... por • .,. Club or £n". _ 1'.164. 8 9

11. FORT LEE FO RTIfiCATION SITE. Marlm al Muin Street and the Bluff, Fort Lee (not i!!u$1ratcd).

~cted in 177610 help close the lIud50n 10 all Orilish ships. Originally Fort Conslitution: laler renamed for ~n 'l Cltarles lo:>e. From "The Re­ doubt", Y.i mile north, it ~ached 10 a final bal­ lery, 200 yds. 50u th of this point. On Nov. 20, 1776, wamc:d of British landing 8 miks abo"", Wnhlnllon and G~ene safely evacualed the 2S() a.:orrison across llie Hackensack. Spoft .....J by For, L.. l\.r .... CoIlcclO1'J· Chb.

12. FRANKLIN A VENUE. Marker west of Pulis """nue al 777 lin "venue, Franklin Lakes (nol Illustrated). OriiPnaled as an Indian 1111il across land [he Redmcn called "Cunpj3w". 11 Wa5 surveyed during Ihe Rcvolu!ionary War by Robf,rt Erskine, GeorF Washington's mapmakcr, nnd con nected ..., Wemcnls in the Ramapo and Saddle River Valleys. Fra nklin Lakes was once part of Fnnk lin Township, named for New Jersey's lU i Royal Governor, William Franklin.

13. HOPPER FAMILY BURYING GROUND. 10. NAUGLE HOUSE. Dunkerhook Road mllhe Spol!iwood Road near Delmar Avenue, Gkn Saddle River, Fairlawn. Private ~';dena:. Rod (nol illustra ted). This ooloni.1 home was built in Ihe 181h cen­ Located on Ihe boundary belween IWO Happer lury by I Naugle. lie was said 10 I\lIve b«n a flmu, the cemetery wu s~red by both families paymaster in Lafayette's Li&hl Division. The and their rd l l i~s far almost one hund~d yean. house served us I Ilndmlri< on many Revalu­ 11le earliest known burial was in 1804. liona.ry War maps. It is believnllhal lIfa yelle visiled he~ in 1824. S__ od by Cotlc. Club of F.irI...... 10 "

IS. THE RED BRICK SCHOOLHOUSE. Rock. Road and Ackerman Avrn~, Gkn Rock. 14. HOPPER HOMESTEAD. 724 "<;kerman Ave­ Private residence. nue al comer of HiUrnlIn Avenur, Gkn Rod:. PriYate residence. This fonner one room Schoolhouse was Ihe original Ridgewood Grove School Number 44. North wing buDt 1180 by Hendrick H. Hop~r Built in 1846 it was used until 1894 by Ridge­ in arta then eallcd "Small Lots", Center se<:tion wood Township. In 1894 Ihe proposed closi"ll c~c l ed by son John, in urly 1800's. The rll1l1- of lhis school resulted in lhe incorporation of OOIlK was sold \0 the Hillmann fam ily in 1895, tile Borough orGlen Rock. II tervW lhis area cndinl four gene ... lion. and liS ynn of oon­ asa school until March 8, 1900. Sponsor Sohool in lhe TtrcenltnlrYy ••r 1964. " 13

17. GARRET J. DUR IE IIOUSE. 311 Schraatenburgh Road, Haworth. Private residenl;C, 8uill c. 1811. An early 19th century example of Du tch Colonial architecture erecled by Garrd 1. Durie on part of the estate of his falher, John 16. HISTORIC FIRST REFORMED CHURCH. The Durie. Garrel J. Durie was a farmer whose 120 Green opposite the Courthouse, Hackensack. acre tract stretched eastward one mile \0 the Tenakill Brook. Located in what wlS once Earliest records of this pion~r Dut ch church, known a. Schraaknburgh, the house was oc­ dated [686, mark it as the second oldest in New cupied by Durie heirs- the WeSlerwlt and Mount Jeney. Old stones embedded in the eut wan famil~l- until 1946. show the: initials of foundina families and finl seUkrs. The old buryin, &round contains the p1I~ of General Enoch Poor •• Revolutionary offICe r. His funeral was attended by Generals 18.. OLD BURY ING YARD. Tapp,an Road n.ear W.shinlton and Lafayelle and a portion of Arcadia Court, Harrington Park (not iIIUi1lraled). the American army. SPOllSOJed by H.lon Domlrut In use for neatly two hundnd years, largely by 8 o~ Ind TIl ...... BickndJ z.btWtle. the Blau""tt family, the earliest known burial was in 1722. The cemetery contains the gra""s of members of othu early Bugen County fam­ ilies, veterans of the American Revolution and .Iaves. Some of the tombstones an inscribed in Dutch. Sporuored by the Wom, n·, Oub or Horrin, ton Park 1972. 15 14

19. BLANCH· HARING HOU SE. 341 l.fayene Rood, Harrington Pari<. Private !"Cud eRa-.

Home~te~d of iS3llC Blanch from about 1158 and sile of his grist mill, both inherited in 1767 20. WORTENDYKE H O~IES1TE. II Harnot AV('· from his falher, Richard Blanch,l native of nue at come. of lafayette Road, liarrington En&land. Isaac was a Patriot official and member P:ut:. Pri .... \c residena'. of Siale Assembly during the Revolutionary War. Frederick Wortendyke owned this land in 1723. He was taken prisoner by Tory raiders early in It was once pan of I large granl called tile Tappan 1777 andjalled at New York until exdlanged Palent. His son JJoob, who ow~d the homestead lale llul year. Property sold about 1788 \0 David during the Revolutionary War, was taken (:;Ip l i~ Haring wllose family owned it for the following in one of many British nids made in the area. century. taler Owners induded members of the Blauvelt, Demarest and Herring fami!ies. The house, re­ built over th~ years, is now a ~omblnal!on of eigh­ I«nlh and ninet«nth century art:hjtc~turc. ,. 17

22. MAHWAH'S FIRST STATION. Old Station Lane, Mahwah. Mahwah Historical Society Museum, open to public Sundays 2·4 P.M. 2 1. GARRFf DURIE HOUSE. 156 Ell Road, Built in 1871, the buildinl 5C:nred until 1902 and IilUsd3le. Private residence. was mo~d from oncinal lite when four \l'8cks Located in "Pncack" on land inherited from wen: laid and grade crossing closed. 8ou&ht by IUs b ther, Garret Durie built this house about AJ. Winter, it wu U$ed u. storehouse for fifty 1767. Duri"i the Revolutionary War, the house yurs. To preserve the landm&Ik, The Mahwah was plundered by both American and British HisloriC

lJ. RAMAPO VALLEY COUNTY RESERVATION. Ramapo Valley Road solltl1 of Dar/in'Ion Road, Mahwah. Purchased from the indians in 1700 and seukd by Samuel Laroe about 1120, pliTt of this Il'seT­ YlItion was once farmlamJ and the site of arist Dnd sawmills and laler, 3 bronze foundry, Owned 2S. LAROE· VAN HORN II OUSE. 398 RamDpo in 1762 by Jacob Cough who served in the Rev· V.lley Road, Mahwah. I'rivale residence. olutionary War; in the 1780's by John W. Hopper, a member of Ihe Board of Chosen Fn:cholders lo~.:ued in "Ramapough" near the sile of an Ind in 1812 by A.B. Darlin" whose country es­ Indian trading post, Ihis Dutch Colonial hou# talC! pve tilt. name Darlinglon to this ateL WIS buill .bout 1750 by Jacobus Laroe. The Sponaor

27. THE OCTAGON HOUSE. 13 W~$I Grand Avenue. Monlvalc. Businessoffice. An eumple of the "GraveL Wall and Qaagon Mode of Building" popuhri~ro by Orson S. Fowler in Ille 1850's, noled for its use of building male rial, plan of rooms and adapta­ bility to light and ventilation. Buill 185S-60 by John Blauvelt, Jr., an adherent of this styl e, ;1 was hi. home until 1882. Luler owners were Carrol Heri"ll, Jules SChwenker and G~orR e Huff, all of whom served as Mayors of Montvale. 26. LOZIER HOUSE. Gorne Road and l'leas.:r.n( Avenue, Midland hr!<.. Privile ~idence. nus old Dulch sandstone house, sllo",n on 28. NEW BRIDGE INN 1739·196-4. On site of Erskine's 1780 map, was buill by Cornelius modem restaurant. lOS Old New Bridge Road, Lozier bofore the Revolution. South of II was New Milford (not illustrated). (he pist mlll, known as Lotirr's Mill. lain, wilen the pro~rty pas5led to GarT"e1, 811ilt in 17J9·40 by Peter P.Ikman'St.In 1766 the area was called Lydcckcr'1 Mill. In 1826 he received a license from the Iocai C(lllrt to Abraham Van Ri~r, then Qwner, buill ,he ··ko:e p a Tavern Or Public House" here. The old Slone milL ~nlly st~ndi n , north of the inn witnessed many stirrinR events d llrin, the house. sponso~~ by BOIO

30. THE STONE POINT. WestwOOd Avenue at tile Hackensack Rivn bridge, Old Tapp~n (not illustr:lled). As urly as 1704 tlUs area of Ille Tappan Patent was called the "stcen" or "Stooc" point, later Stony Point. II was comrnQnly known by tll31 itaim for over ISO years. A lI'in mill was built Mre in 172S, fifty years before tile American Revolution. For over ~ century, il cround anin from the Old Tappan fumland. In 18S7 Nichol:.. and Oaudius CollilllOn esublished I larr;e chair factory on IlIiJ site. Their s~alty was the manu­ facl\Ill' of folding d\.lirs. SponJOred by L~' Tt.. «ntt ..ry Commlntc of Old Top,.. in ,be Ter«nLtll2f\l YurOrl!l6

31. LAFA VElTE ENCAMPMENT. Kinderltam~ck and Soldier Hill Roads, Oradell (nol illulilrated). On Sept. 4, ] 780 Ihe Conlinental Army moved into tM Hackensack VIlley and went into camp along the ridge just 10 the wes\. Lafaydte'll Division, indudinllutillery and Lighl Horse Harry Lee's Cav:alry, occupied the heightS al t!lis point. Wilen the Army moved oul on Sept. 19 the fOrmalion Siretched to wllal is now Roule 4 in 29. HARING·DEWOLF HOlJSE. 95 DeWolf Road, North Hackensack. SpO""".d by DGOk .nd Old Tappan. !'rivate residence. N ••ill. Oub of O.-.d.lI. This lIouse was buill about 1704 by Cosyn Haring. one of the sixteen Tappan patentees. It is an ex· ample of early DUlch Colonial architeclUre found 31. PARAMUS. Fairview A""nueal Petruska Park. in the Hackens:rck valley. Th;, house has ne""r Pal1lmus (not lI1ustT3ted). been deeded 10 anyone, having been in Ihe same family, in 1964, for 260 years. It was Ihe birth­ The Indian name &lven Ihis community by ils Dutch 5elllen means "fields of wild turlteys". place an d horne of John H. IkWolf, Ihe first A fer1ile farminSlrel, Paramus familiar mayor of Old Tappan. SporlOOled in ,ht T.,,,enlort­ was "1 V.. , of t 96. by I"" Tet«ftlen.ry Comm!\lec of around to both tile 8ritisll and Amrrkan Old T.p,.n. armies durinllhe Revolution. Formerly a part of Midland Township, Paramu:5 became an incorpOrated borouah in 1922. Sponsott

35. OLD SPR ING VALLEY BUR IAL GROUND. Rear of 224 SprinM Va ll ey Road, Paramus, The historic cemetery dil'll"ly in the rcar of the Ikhnke farm contu;ns the graves of de=ndants 34. STEPHEN T. ZABR ISKI E HOU SE. 375 Paramus of early settlers in this area including al least two Road. ParamllS. Priva te residence. local farmer-militiamen of the American Revolu­ Built on the farm of his gr1Indfalher, Christi.n tion, Jacobus Brouwer and I'lenry BanIa, as well J. bbriskie. who boua;ht the property in 1775 . as the grave of Cornelius DeffW'Cst, who served in Tradition place5 I hollSC: on the site in 1792 bUI the 22nd regiment of the Union Army during the the presentl10ne dwell ina was probably buiJ t Civil War. SpOnfOrod by ~ hn"'''' ROIl'l' Ou.b in the earl y 1800·s.nd occupied by Stephen T. "'oy 30. 196 •• Zabriskie. It was later owned by his !On. Thomas V. B.Zabriskie, who added the frame willi in the late 19th century. The house has been greatly altered over the years. 36. SLUCKUP. MarS:er on Spring Valley Road near Ealt Brook Junior H'gh School. Paramus (not illustrated). In Re¥'Olutionary days this area of ParamLII wlS known by the unusual name of Slu\:kup. The IUlme was derived from a 1Q<:a] iep;end. A Dutch fanner hung his shi.1 on a nearby fente while worle ing in his field. When he saw the shirl disappear inlo the mouth of a row, he descri bc:d the shirt 3' having been "sluck up" by the cow. SPOI\JO"~ by Ria .. Ih n'h 5"",.t Club or P... mu ..

3S. JACO B J. ZABRISKIE HO USE. 617 Paramus 37. TERHUNE·GARDNER HOUSE Pardmusaoo Road. Panunus. Private residence. Century Roads, Paramus. Privale mideno:e. Buill c. 1826, IIIU ho~ o;ombines Ihe Federal f're.Revolulionary homtStead of Terhune style of archileclUre wilh Ihal of Ihe earlier ( 171 3·1792), weaver and p,atriot official who Dutch COlonial. Erected by Jacob J. bbriskie served as Freeholder from New Barbadoci Town· on the site of an urlle r home. Ihe fannhouse ship 1779 to 1785; and of h"50n, John D. remained in Ihe Zabrisltic family fo r 132 years. Terhune, a Freeholder in 1787. Farm raided by Brilish four times duringRevolulionary War. From 1807 the country utale of Thomat T. Gardner, Gentleman, of New York City. who erected large north wing about 180S. Owned by the Gardner bmily until 1907. 29 '" 40. ATKINS C LEN . Fremont Aven ue, Park. Ridge (nol iUumated). The Glen is a deep ravine CUI t hrough sand- stone rock by Bur Brook. Glen Road 10 Ihe $Oulh follows I n old Indian path up the hill called "Spook Bergh" (Ghost Hill) by Ihe early Dutch. Tradition $IIyt that I ClI"" in the sand­ Slone rock. now almOSI filled, was used as an Indian lIidins place and later by oul1aws. For many years, former owners h mes Leach and, lalcr, Daniel l!. AIkim, p r esc~ I hc Glen in ils nall.. r.ll s.. tc against Ihre.tened de'-clopmenl. The Park was liven 10 Ihe Boroughs of P3rk Ridge and Woodcliff lake in 1956 as a memom! to Daniel II. and Villinia l. Aikins.

39. ONE-ROOM SCIlOOl IIOUSE. Midland Avenue, Pal'llmus. Now a bl'1lncll library.

Built 1876. This 5t urdy old fram~ building is a landmark in Iht community, having served Panmus ~SidtnlS in various ways. Oriainally School No. 26 of Mid land Township. it WII oon­ verted inlo a borough hall when Pan.mllS Borough was fanned in 1922. In 1959;1 be· came Iht main quartcl'$ of the Paramus Frn 41. WORTENDYKE HOMESTEAD. 12 Pascack: Public l ibrary 83 yun afler il had been Road, Park Ridge. Privale residence. erected. Spa...... , by Wo ... n'.Club or ~ ...m"L Frederick WOrlcndyke, J r., buill Ihe ori&in.1 sandstone ~"ion of lhis farmhouse in Ihe 17S0's. l oaned al ··Pascack" on land purchased by his falher in 1735, Ihe InCI included Muly a lhird of presenl-d ay Park Rid&e. The homeslead was cnlUJCd lxfore 177S and wu furl her ex~ed and remodeled over Ihe yean. II remained in Ihe WOrlendyke family unlil 185 I. 30 31

43. OLD PARAMUS REFORMED CHURCH. Glen A~nue and Route 11, Ridgewood. Organized in 1 ns by pioneer Dutch senlcl"$, Ihe congregation of thiJ Chu rch has worshipped. he", ovcr 240 years. First church, buill 1735 on this land givcn by Peter Fauconier, a French Huguenot, w~s, headquarters of(;<,n George Washington in L118 and 1180. During the 42. MARKER AT MUSEUM. 19 RidB~ Avenue. American Revolulion it WJ$ LI$Cd as 3 b~lTlIck s, Park Ridlt. O~n to Public. hospi tal and pri~ln. ~senl structure, 3 model of Duteh Colonial archilccture. waS completed in 1800 usi n, stones from Ihe original church. I!tt"

• \ )0... \

44. SCHOOLHOUSE MUSEUM. 650 Glen Avenue nU r Paramus Church, Ridgewood. Open 10 public Wednesday 2:30 ·4:30 P.M. and Sund3Y 3-5 P.M.

Built in 1872. this school is believed to be the fifth one clllcled On Panlmus Reformed Church ground. From [730 \0 the 1870's education wu corried on by the church. Rented to Ridgewood Townsllip, il became District School No. 4S from 46. VAN OlEN HOUSE. 629 Grove Sireet, Rid&e­ the 1870's to 1905. Sina. April 23, 1955 ;1 has wood. Printe residence. housed the museum orllle I'Dnllnus Historical nd I'n:RfVllion SlxiCly. S_.d by r . .. m... Located on property pUKhased by Gnn:t Van Ih"ori

47. BAYLOR MASSACRE PARK. Rivervale and Red Oak. Roads, River V, le (not illustrated).

In memory of Americn J(ll d ~rs killed during the Revolutionary Wu in the "~yk:lr Massacre" on s.ptembe, 28, 1778. Lt. Col. Geol'JC DayJots lrd Reti=nI or Continental Dragoons took quarlns for the n;&I\' on scveral ncarby farms. Tories be trayed their pn:scna:: \0' Bri tish fon:.", who sU!T()u nded the O"'JOOns durin, the night. A number of Americans wen: kilkd Or wounded an~ r they had S\l~nde", d . 8<'1"0 County lii.. orbI Society 1912,

48. ROCKLEIGH ROAD. MarkeT on Rockldlh Road ncar Piermont Road, Rockleigh (not illustrated). A colonial road thnl led from Closter to Snedens Landing - the wcstun terminus of Dobbs Fern' on rhe Hudson. I'an of this road was built by New York in 1748 when that Province governed this arc a. Used by troops during the Revolution­ ary War. Sponwred by 80f

SO. ABRAHAM A. HARING HOUSE. Piermont Road nur Rock leigh Ro,ad, RockleigIL Pri· 49. PIERMONT ROAD. MaJker on Piermont ROild va te reJidence. ne~r New YoJk line, ROI:i.ldgh (not illustrated). Built c. ]158. Erected on a 200 3= farm by First nilmed Ca rt ercttc Road , this section, from Abraham A. Haring, a ClIptain in the Be'1l"n County Rockle igh Ro,ad to the ,,_Ie liM, was constructed Mili tia. Ourinl t he Revolutionary Wilr, Haring was in 1859 ilS an extenSion of the roul from Ooster. caplurcd by lhe Britillh Ind imprisor>cd in New For local farmers it 1011$ an euier wll\On Toute 10 York Ci ty where he died. In ] 805 his grandson. New York State and for carryin, pl'Odu\!le to the Abraham D. Harin" 50Id the house 10 Motes Tay loT, IInmbo:it landin p On the Hudson River. S,..... Jr.. who buil t the frame kilcho:n win, aboul 1812. _.d b)' 10'011,," or 1t 00kJcip t974. Taylor'. desccn(bnts owMd the 00'* until 1902. J6

51. JOHN A. IIARINC HOUSE. Pi ermont Road be­ low Rockleigh Road. Rockleigh. Private residcnu,

Bu ilt Co IBOS. An early 19th cent ury e~lmp l e of Dutch Coionilllln:hilect ult erected by John A. lI~rina. Small winl added c. 1808; n:u SlO~ $eel ion built by a liaring about the lime of the 52. ALBERT COOPER HOUSE. 43 Rocklrigh Road. RcvoJulionuy War. Inherited in 1854 by son Rockkilh. Private residence. Nichobs J. lIuin... the farmhouse remained in Buill about 1827 by Albert "Obb" Cooper. t he family until 1969, endinl four ecneralions Smull wing dded al a lalcr date but both sec­ and 164 yeus of continuous Harinl ownership. lions revullhe Dutch archil ..c!ura l ho:rila~ in roof slope.nd ovtrhana. Erected on land inher­ iled by lIis wife, Mary Ann ConaH!!. Cooper was • blacksmith and his shop once Slood north of the hol.lSe. The homestead WI$ owned by Cooper hei", ul1lil1946. ~ ~ 53. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ENCAMPMENT . 1780. M~tkeT al Teaneck Road and Cedar Lane, Teaneck (not illustra ted). Troops of the American army camped in U.[, vicinity from August 12 10 September 3, 1780, in order \0 forage for food and lIones. The encamp"",,,1 ntended to the north and of Teaneck Road fot about Iwo miles. S,tuated near Bri1i.h-held New VorS; City and mindful of (!>emf danger, Genenll George Wasllin,lon urged his men 10 display "llIat conduct, fortitude and bl"~vcry which ought to distinguish troops fight­ ing for their oountry". Spon,ored b~ nair Nom. tlos~;lll 19H.

55. THE CHRISTIE-PARSELS HOUSE. 195 Jefferson Avenue. Tenafly. Private residence. Slands on land purchased by William P. Christie for 500 pounds for 100 acrn. In 1804 he built his home. Following his sudden deJth. in order to be fair to l he many heirs.lhe heuS!: and land we", sold at auclion 10 Ihn:e buyers. In 1836 54. BRINKERHOFF· DEM AREST HOUSE. 493 Samuel P3n<'ls erected the Iarse wina: cast of the Tuned Rood, Teaneck. Private ~sidenee. Christie ho~.ln 1860 he sold his property 10 Charles Newcomb. This eumpk of an early split­ Thil old lIouse waS buill around 1735 by Hen­ level house is listed by the Historic American dritks Brin!tcrhoff on land owned by his &nnd· Buildin~ SUIVey. New Jersey. 470. SponlOl'~ by father since the 17th century, An excellent u­ ,lie Ten'Oy Moyound COllntil in 1%5. ample of early Dutch architecture, it has been in the possession of the Brinkerhoff and Demarest descendant!! since it was built. and is one of the oldest in Bergen County. Sp

50. ROElOF WESTERVELT HOUSE. We~tel'Yt'lI Avenue neu Tenafly Road, Tenafly. Private ~sidence. Thi$ house is I line example of DUldl Colonial archilecl UJ"e. The 5(lulh win, of the howe was built by Roelof Westervelt in 1745. The land had been purchased by lIis grandfather. in 1695, from t he Lord Proprielort:$ of uSI JCI"a'Y. The central section uf the house W35 completed around 1798, and the north win, was added in 1825. Ownership of the hOllse n:mained in Ihe WCSlervelt family 11111 111913. Lisled by llisioric American Building' Survey, New Jersey 9. sl""'" "",od by ,h. Mayor . nd Co~ncU or in 1%!.

57. TETERBORO AIRPORT. ~brlceron Industrial Avenut, Teterboro (not illustrated). S8. SADDLE RIVER REFORMED CHURCH AND Established 1no. The home ofGalu l-'yinl CEMETERY. En ! Saddle R i~r R~ d and Old Circus. Teterboro buil l Fokktr Iri-molors nown Slone Church Road, Upper Saddle River. by Richard E. Byrd over North Pole ( 1926); South Pole (1929); A! lan!ic (1927); and by Known as The Old Slone Church i! has been Amelia Earhart over A!I.n!ic ( 1928). Clarenoe minis!erin, to this area sin« 1784. The present Chamberlin. Ru!h Nichols. Floyd Be nne!!, ",rlKlure or na li ~ slone wu comple!ed in 1819. CharLeS A. Undberah, Bem! &althen and Bill Buried here Ire; The Rev. Stephen GoclSchius.. Odom new here. Firs! ail1TUil route flown !o minister 1819-1835; The Rev. Dr. I""c Van Bos!on (1926). Teterboro is no .... ( 1912) a Kampen. m in i ~t fr 1893-1935, and many Reml... general avi.!ion airport. SPOllOOmi by T ....boro I io nary and Civil war ~tcrans. Aolal"'" !!l1I of r ...... 42 43

59. SEV EN CIIIMNEY S. 25 Chimney Ridge Ko~d near intersection of Pascad: and Rid~wood 60. P""ER P. PO ST HOU SE. 259 Pascack Road, Ro~ds. Washington Township. Private residence. Wooddiff lake. Private residen"..,. Oldest hau$<: in Washington Township. buill by This s.a nduone and f""ne houS

Pn:<;o:ding siles thaI have been placed in the Slate and Nat;(}Ilal Register of Historic PI:w;cs

~, Site numbers 2. 5, 6, 7. 9,10.14,16,17.19. 21. 2S, 26, 29, 34, (Stale only). 37. 39. 41, 4), 44,46. SO. SI,S4. 55. S6. 58, 59,60. 61.

A liM space after the luI but bef~ Ihe Register informalion indicale5 thai the sileS Regisler mlus wu 1101 included on the sign


62. CLOSTER DOCK ROAD. Clmter Dock lind Old Dock Roads near Community Chureh. Aipilll' (not illustnued). Laid out in 1761 by New York over an earlier route wilen that province claimed jurisdiC1ion over this area. Used by troops during the Revolutionary War. the road led from Closter to Closter Dock on the Hudson where fann produce was shipped to New York City mar­ 61 . STAGG HOM ESTEAD, Sicomuc "vcnue near kets.ln 180S lind 1854 road improvemcnlllied Ccd~r Ilill Avenue, Wyckoff. Private residell

63. NAGEL (NAUGL E) UOUSE. 75 Harvard Street. Closter. Private residence. 64, RU·ORMED CHURC" OF CLOSTER. Built about 1745 on land pun:has«l in 1710 by Conw:r of High and West Stn:el$. Closter. Ban:m and Resolven Nagel. TIle frame wing was Built 1862. Established as the "ProtCS\.an1 added Imer. Owned by B:ln:m's S(Nl John by 1754 Refonned Dutch Olurch of Closter CilyH, il was and later by grandson David Naugle. a militiaman the first church c~ in ~ Borough of Closter. durin. ~ RevolutiOl\M)' WIH. In about 1784 Deditwcd OcIober 7. 1862. tradition says the Dayid built a gristmill and his S(Nl. John D., was tlwn:h was ~ headquanen of the " HaninglOO known as In ''honest miller". When sold in 1878. Riftcs.H a group of chun::hmen who drilled I>\:rc for John J. Naugle was the lasllo possess tl>\: house service in the Civil WIH. In 1868, lhe chun:h aF1cr five generations of family ownel1hip. housed ~ firsl schoolroom in present Closter. The s,on..-Ibjr Dr. IDIIMn.. AnlmrF. GoIdbtr& t9U building has been cn1arsed and remodeled over the y~. In National Register of Hislorie PI~. Sporuoood b)o Tho IW_ 0w.I

JotJn M. Foi ... 66. CA P'T JOHN HUYLER'S FA RM. 65. DANIEL DE CLARK HOUSE. SO Coumy Road, Cresskill. Private residence. 145 Piennon! Road. Closter. Private ",~idcncc. [n 1776. a ISO acre farm here was owned by Built about 17&6 by Daniel De Clark. Ihe fnunc Loyalist John Ackerson. It extended from the kitchen wing was added in (he carl~ 1800'1. Tcnakillto [he Hudson, bordered on the nonh by De Clark operated a large canle and dairy farm On !he road u.sed by British invaders Iliac ~'.::ar. Sci~ 170 IICI'eS of laod. In 1815 son William was Ihe as enemy property, il was boo",l in 1784 by Owner and he sold the hou"" 10 his grandson, Militia CaplBin John Huyler. The main wing of\his J:ocob D.C. Oulwalcr. in 1849. JlIOOb was a farmer hou", was buill in 1836 by his son. Pel ..... The who also built and ran a nearby sawmill. The Slone wo.t is exceptional. The oulblliJding of Slone f:lrTllhousc passed from lIIe fwnily in 1856. Lat .... i1 was probably a IUtchen wilh quancrs for slaycs. became pari of !he Palisade Stock Farm. ~ bI' o...tiII !..ioN Ooob.

In Nalional RegislCr of Hi'lOrie P1o.ccs. In NaLional RegiSLer of HisLoric P!accJ. so

68. FERRY80AT BINGHAMTON, 72S River Road on Hudson River. Edgewater. Rcslaur.m. 67. DEMAREST RAILROAD STA1'ION. Built for the Hoboken Ferry ComlWlY and Park SI=I, Demarest launelled in 1905, it plied the Hudson Riyer Senior Citizens Recreation Cemer. belw",," Hoboken and Manhalt:lrl (Bardar 51.) for Built 1872 at "~ts Stalion" on !he Nonhero 62 years. This doublc-alder 'lcamOOal was Railroad of New Jeney. Designed by noted an:hi­ designed 10 carry 986 pancngCfS and • number of Ittl 1. Ck:vcLand Cady. il W1'!I considered the vehicles.. II was in openu.ion until 1967 when all wlw>dsomest on !he line." The depot was buill of fcrry Krvice on the rivcr celUed. MOCJred Iw:re in Palisades Slone quarried on !he: fkmlln.'St farm. 1915. the Binghamton WIllI convened \0 a TeS18u_ The station was named fo r Stale ~nalOl Ralph S. rmll. The vessel was placed on the National Demarest, a director of the railmrad, and his family. Register of llislark Pla.ces in 1982. who owned the land. The Borough took the nam" when incorporated in 1903. spJIIIiOIOd by Dtma=t H4InricaI "'"",,11Ii

70. KINDERKAMACK. Mader at comer of Kindr:ltamack Road and Main SCJt:CI, Emerson (noc illu.wa l ~) . An an:1 which in colonial times included part of Emenon, Kindcrbmack CJuended soulllwBJd into pan of River Ed~. The name is found n:c:on.kd as early as 1686. This ponion became Elna in the late 19th .:emu,), and Emerson in 1909. 'IlIe road which bears the n:tll1C was surv.:yed during the Revolution and Ilsed by American and Brililh troops. Today the name rmIlIins only in the main route nonh from II..,komSllCt 10 Montvale. $pcnsotaI ""Iho I'mcncn B-.:.iaI C_ 1916.

71. LIBERTY I'OI.E. Palisade and Laf.yeuc AvcnuCli al tmffic eirde. Englewood (not illustrated).

69. VAN II Om'EN-III LLMAN HOUSE. Thi, are. nKllled for a Libert y 1>01" e=tcd here 89 1 River Drive. Elmwood Park. before tile Revolution. 1lIe slnllegic juno;tion was Private TCsidence. Ihe Icene of many American and British troop movcmcnll. inc luding lhe 1776 I't'Irl:at of the Built c. 1782 by Cornelius 1. Van Houten aJ; an Conlinor:nlal Anny from Fort Lee, and Briti sh ar;I;Y. addition to the earlier hou$(: of his fnther, John C. ity in 17761lncl 1778. The AmcriclUl encampment Van Houlen. located in "Slottordam." lhe {ann and HQ of General Washington in 1780: also pre­ strctched between the Passaic and Saddle Rivers sent were U. Col. Alexander Hamilton and and wu raided during the RevOlutionary War by Ocnernl . Site of the Libeny Pole the British in 1776. Later owned by the: Cadmus tavern . and Brooks families. it wu purchased in 1888 by ~bylbe~II~C.... :ilkcI976. Hennan Hillman. In 190] he rcmodeled the home­ stead wllich he and lIis descendMIS Iut~ owned for five gCr>entions.

]n National RegistCf of lIiSlorK: Places. n. DE MOTT-WESTERVELT UOUSE. 285 Gnmd Avenue. Englewood (PruriOl Cenler). , Built about I 80S by Henry DeMOII.this sandslone Dutch Colonial house W3S (NKC IlLXhed 10 !he pre·Revolutionary homestead of Alben Lydccker. 73. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mllerial from lhe older house used in the present 150 East!Wlc A,·enuc. Englewood. frame wing built c. 1810 by Pcter Westervelt. The WeSterveil family owned the homcsteoo until 1936. Organi7.Cd in 1860 as "The Englewood Presbyterian Adjacenl Dutch Bam is an udnpMion of the Chul'I:h." Ihe first edifice was erecled on this sill' in European .. bouwhuy .... Or farmhou$C. where men the same year. It was the lirst church building in and Qllic lived under one roof. Englewood and the first Presbyterian eorIgregation Sponsofod by Tho ~ llioen1enn1l1 in Bergen County. Today'l l l~ure was buill in ConIoniate 1m 1870 in Victorian Gothic Slyle of architecture. Over the yean the church has been enlarged In National Register of Historic Places. and remod/:lcd. "

74. UR OOKSIDE CHAPEL Engle Streel .1 Brookside Cemetery. Englewood (opposite hospital). John M. F.... Buill in 1 8~ O on Palisade Avenue as "The Englewood Presbyterian Church," it was the first church cstablished in Ihe city. A new, laracr church 75. SAII\"J' PAUL'S EPISCOPAL. C HURCII. WI.5 built on the origirutl Si1e and [he oLd building ]]3 Engle Sltttl. Englewood. was laken down, slOOe by Slone:. and re-e=ted ill Organizd in 186S. the rongregalioJon lint met in Brookside Cemetery about Isn. The sandstone homes and in the annory on Van Brunt St. The chun;b, later blown as the "01apel," is in lhe original church was buill in 1866. The present English slyle of Golllic Revival arehitc:cture. "hapel was =ted in 1895 U I puish hili. Broobide Cel11C:lery was established in 1876. Today', Gothic church SIruc1un:, buil! in 1899. has SpoMorm l'l' """,, ~ Cb.ItdI. 1989. 10 """,m~.'"•• •• the rose limestone of the original building in it< Ihc 1I~ oldie ~0IurdI ( USA ~ foundation. The stained gh," windows arc frum th" Ti ff""),, La FlUgc. and l:>mb Studios. Sponsooed by !be ""lI"'gWcm in Ihc year'" Ihc d'IutdI'. 12'i

77. n.ANKLlN LAKE. Marker south of ~hopping cenler on Franklin Lake Road, Franklin Lakes (not illustraled). JoM M . Foivn: Known 10 the Indians as "Michanagrnpc," these waters were fomled by the melting glacier rome 71l A C K~: RMAN . UOYD HOUSE. 10.000 years ago. In 1700 the lake WIIS named 1095 Franklin Lake Road, Franklin Lakes. OlliSlian Pool when il was in~ l uokd in a land grant Privale residence. to Michael Ibwokn. Later c~lIed Great Pond, Big Built aboul 1793 by Jam.". A. Ac kennan on land Pond and Crystal Pool, it bcc~me Franklin Lake in owned by the family sillCe 1727. The farm was Ihe latc 19th century. The hmd around Ihe Jake WIIS !hen in the locality known as Ponds Neighborhood sellied in the 1700's by fanners of Duteh heritage. and within the old Towll5hip of Franklin. In 1841 The are~ was long known as the Ponds the house was plm:hased by Adam Boyd who Nci~;hI)orhood. farmed the lllnd lind WIIS also a noted lobbyist al Spor-.d try u_ r-...... t'/84. Trenton. The farmhouse was owned by Boyd heirs unlil 1901 and has bc:en rcmodc:lcd OVer the yean. Sponsoood b)- John om t.oiI IbmiI. t9l7. In NlLlional Regisler of Historic Plac."., " "

80. J OHN I. 1I 0 PP~: R !lOUSE. 79. HOPPER HOUSE. 231 PoJiHy Road, Hackellsack. Reslaur.lnl. 470 Prospect Sireet, Glen Rock. Buih in 1818 by John L Hol'P'" in oM "Poliny," Private residcm:c. this Federal slyle house stands OIl land purchll500 Localed in "SmaU Lo15," H",,'Y O. HoPJIC' began in 1694 by his greal-grandfather Hendrick. The tile constroction of lIlis house about 1788 on a 1:W farm rema.ined in !he Hopper family for seven gen­ acre farm. Son Gam:! ("reeled !he Dutch-style main emions. Slaves: lived in \he kitchen wing on the house in the early 1800's. The nonl! frame wing north and in (be south wing which was added bter. was buill in the 1850's for his son Tholl\all who The [IIrEC frame lCCtion was COOlpkted in 1983. inherited the horrw:~tcad in 1872. Hi. son, Garret The Hopper farmhouse has been a restaUr.1lI T., was a Glen Rock founder and councilman. l ie since ]937. sold the house in 1897 aller more than a cenJUry of Sp>nooord by S/twly llilll,.,. 198J. family ownership. On National Regisier of Hisloric Places.

In National Register of Historic Places Note: 1983 addition no! in photo. " "

Joi'in M. Foi"",

82. VAR ICK MEMORIAL AFRICAN 81. HANK IIOUSE. METIlODlS1' ~; I ' I SCOl'A L ZION CIIURCH. 14 Washington Place (on (he Oreen), Hackensack. 120 Ailantic Streel, Ilackcnsack. Office. First African American Churd in Hackensack. Erected about 1831 by lhe Wa.hinglon Banking Organized in 18.64 llli "Olive Branch Colored Company. The first bank in preStnl Bergen County, Mi ssion Number Thret: of liacken... ck." First it opened in lhe nearby Mansion House in )825· church was an old lime shed moved here in 1867. 26. Afler the bank failed in 1833. itl!oused the In 1917 CUITCnt name was adopted in honor of the offices of prominent lawyers and judge.!. later the first Bishop of the A.M.E. Zion Church., JaJt1C.1 home of the "New·Jenc:y Citizen," a newspaper Vanek. The present sancluary buill in 1919. published in the 1870's. The original Fcden!l $lyle ~by 1 2SItI~a..a.Commi_. 19119. buildi", was cnl:uged by additions 10 the ,ide and rear in 1909. ~ by Mic:tladJ. B~ lin. l r. &q. 1111 1. "

... SITE Of' THE MYERS- BOGERT GRIST MILL. Harriol Avenue aI Hac:kensxk River bridge, liarringlOll Park (nol ;lIu5I11u..:I). Abnham Mym Qlablished. grist mill aI this site on ihc: H&c:kcnsaclt River prior 10 1765. Inherited by son John who operated the mill until his death in 1829. il was rontinlled by his son-in·law James Bogen. Long known as "Soren's MiU.~ it remained in \hoe family for thn::e generations un1i] 1922. The building was

8S. SCHRAALENBURGH IWAD_II AWORTH'S IIISTORI C ",GnWAY. 113. AHM.A IIAM 1>. IILA UVELT IIOMESTEAD. Park on Schrualtnburgh R(lad lICar Dumonlline. 622 LaflYCUC Avenue, Harrington Parle Haworth (not illustrnted). Private residence. Beginning !IS an lndion trail. il became a Colon ial The house IIlld kitchen wing were buill aboul 1801 road Ihrough lIIe villagc of Schrulenbulllh. linking by Abraham D. Blnuvell who farmed the land. It Teaneck willi Tappan. N.Y. SurvcyW and came inlo possession of his niece. Catherine improved in 1775. ilappcan:d on maps mlldc duro Blauvelt, wife (If Richard J. Blauvch, and i0t1lhe Revolutionary WIlr by Americons. F~ncl1 remained in the rumil)' until 1891. In 1904 Herman and Brilish. "The: road was used by lroops of b01h Steinhoff. a Intcr owner. established !he Rosewood sides. includint1 Tory raiding patlies. This section Nursery which was cOrllinucd by Frddrich and slill retains the Schr:t:lknburgh rutme. Karl Weiss when they P\l",hllSCd the premi= in Sponsored..,. 11_ 1116-1976 B~ Commi...... 1943. The Federal Period house: was mnodeled ova the yelU'$. Sp>ooIoDft


116. ZA BRISKIE-CHRISTIE HOUSE. 87. VREELAND HOUSE. 317 M=chuscll$ Avenue, Uawonh. 125 Lakeview Drive. l=nia. !>rivQle residence. Pri"a1" residence. Localed in old Engli.h Neighbomood on land pur­ Buill 18]8 by O~l II. Zabriskie on land 11;$ chased by Oirek Vreeland before the RevoiuliQll, father HenlY pun:hased in the 1811\ ceOlury. the homestead stretched b\:""",," !be lIudson River GlIm:~1"$ (ann consiSlro 0(219 acres. II bc:gan on and . The Slone wing of ihi5 ~ S<.:hraalQloorgh Road and ran westward for 001: was built about 1786 and lmc, was remodeled. Son mile. LaICr owned by son John G. ZabrW.ic who Mid",,:] D. Vrttland added !he main Dutch style sold II 10 lI;s grandwn Jolm II. Quist;" in 1894. house about ISIS which is ooted for ils Fedcnol Christie. one of Haworth's first councilmen. en~d deconuivc delail. It remained in Ihe Vreeland and remodeled the house:. II was ..,ld in 1936 after family unlil 1928. lIB years of Zabriskie-Otri~lic ownership. Sponooted by wol,.,. ond 1<.., Cronan 19M. In Nalional Reg;'!'" of lIi.loric PlaccJ . In Nal;onl] Rcgisl'" of Hi.lOrie Places. " "

88. RIVER ROA!) SC II OOL. Riverside lind Fem AvenllCS. LyndhUD\. MU$Cu m. 89. ECKERSON HOUS E. 280 C!u:J;tnu l Ridg" Road, MllnlYalc. The firsl schoolhouse "'lIS buill on this s;le in Private rcsideno;c. 18Q..I. Located in whal was then called New Bubadoes Neck, the! was dooDled by Jacob Buil! in the 1790', by Jacob E.ckcl'$On near an ear­ Van Winkl\: "for the $Ole puf1>O$t: of "recling D lier home where he hlld settled about I no. The Schooillou..,." In 1849 it w .... replaced by a 1wII' fumstead then o;on$islcd of 119 acres. The house !lory buiLd'n,. 1lIc ~scnl Khool, with was inherited by his son John J. Eckerson in ISID Quem Anne style cupola, was buil! in 1893. II who owned il until 1810 when pul'l:hased by J:unes cominlll,d 10 be used as a Lyndhurst school until Ledwith. 1lIe frame second SlOry wu added in the 1978. 1890",. John FoxJee OOughllhe house and fann in ~ br"'l~ IIiIIoricaI Soci

88. RIVER ROA!) SC II OOL. Riverside IlIld F~m AvcnuC$, Lyndhurst. M u~cu,". 81}. ECKERSON HOUS E. The first schoolhouse "'lIS buill on this SilC in 280 C!u:J;tnut Ridg" Road. Mon1Yalc. 1804. Located in whal wlIS then called New Private residcno;c. Harbadoes Neck. the land wllS donated by Jacob Buil! in the 1790', by Jacob E.ckcl'$On near an ear­ Von Winkle "for the $Ole putpOSt: of erecting a lier home where he hlld settled about I no. The &:hooillou:oe." In 11141} it was replaced by a Iwo­ fumstead then o;on$isted of 119 acres. The house Story building. The present ooc-room school. wilh was inherited by his son John J. Eckerson in 18ID Queen Anne Style cupola, was buih in 1893. II who owned il until 1810 whcn pul'l:hased by J:unes continued 1(1 be: U$Cd as a Lyndhul'lU school until Ledwith. 1lIe frame second SlOry wu added in the 1978. 1890',. John Foxlee OOughllhe house and fann in Sponoooed by .... l,.-.. IIlIooric:oI Soci

!JO. JACOBUS DEMAREST HOMESTEAD. 9 1. DEMAREST.BLooMER HOUSE. 618 River Road. New Milford. 147 River Edge Road (near bridge). New Milford. Privale rt'Sidence. Private l1!Sidence.

'The tarliest pan of thi~ boule. one of lhe oldest in Built about 1840 in tile Greek Revival Style of the county. was buill on land purchased in 1677 by architecture by Jolm C. Dcmare£L lie was a fumer David Demarest. Sr.. Founder of the Huguenot wilh an in!Crest in river trade: when schoene... plied colony in Btllttn County. His snnd50n Ja<;Obus. the Hackl:JlS.lCk River. n..: house was pun;hascd in born 1681 . lived hen: until his dealh in 1763. 1864 by George Bloomer•• dealer in coal and Jacobus' son John completed the bou$<: in 1765. [t lumber. and his family owned it until 1928. This """"';ned in the family until 1850. An ut'hitectural locality ~ lmown at different times as fealure sur;iving from its early day. is its unbro­ Dema=t's Unding. Bloomer's Landing and Old Bridge. • ken gambrel roof. Splr-..I by F. Brucz ..... Han. Splr-..I by New Milfurd Woman', Club. 1976.. Dons t916- In National Regis!Cr or Historic Places. In National Regi5lCr of Historic PI:ac:eJ. John M. Fol"", 93. CAMPBELL-BLA NC II IIOUSE. ~2 . PETER A. BLAUVELT HOUSE. 130 Tappan Road. Norwood. Restaurant. 234 Tappan Road, Norwood. Private residence. The earliest pan of thi. house was built about I n I Buill about 1890 in the High Victorian styk: of by Christian Campbell, a blacksmith. h was raided architedure when Norwood was pan of old by the British during the Revolution and was • lav· Harringtoo Township. Blauvelt was an undertaker cm in 178$. Captain Thomas Blanch. a OOIed vet­ and erected the building B$ a residence. In 1922 it eran of !he war. pun:hased the bous,e in 1789 for beclll\le the home ofChark5 S. Gray who served his Jon Richard and built the lallc Seclioo. It was B$ Mayor of Norwood for two lenns. Pun:hased in lalCT owned by great-grandson Richard A. Blanch. 1946 by Walter H. and Alice H. Jooes who n.e house has been • restauranl .in« 1924. restored the house and grounds. Mr. Jone~ was a s.--by$o

_M. FIivn!

94. I-I ENDR ICK VAN ALLEN II OUSE. 95. JACOBUS S. DEM AREST nOUSE. Comer of Ramapo Val ley Road (Route W2) and 3 Dogwood Drive ~I romer of Ramapo Valley Fr:m klin Avenue, Oakland. MUiCum. Road (Route 202). Oakland. Private residence.

This Dutch Colonial flU1Tlhou~ was built by Buill about 1789 by J.:trobus S. DelTW'eSt. The .Icndrick Van Allen before the Rcyo]utiorwy WM frame wing w.u addc:d laze!". Demarest served in on a farm mat COII5is.1ed of over two-hul\dn:d !he Revolutionary Wu. Over the yean his (arm atfCS. Gencntl George WlUhingloo used this house grew to ]80 ac~. [n 18J~ his son, Daniell. as his HcadquaJ1crs on July 14-15. 1717, w~n he: Dl:mareSI. inherited Ihe fllllTlhousc. [n [863 it moved his troops Over "clttI'Cmc:ly deep and miry passed to his daughter, leur Ann. and in 1894 to rwds" from Morristown. New 1ersey 10 Smith', her son Daniell, rOO lt . Daughter Irene Fox Clove. New York. MURzing"r WII.'I lhe lU51 of the Demarest line 10 SpCorical So<;ny ['TIS. occupy the house: after 194 years in the family. b)' NftII.. ond.loon p, ADltito; """"" ond Ewl1" In Nltional Register of Hisloric PJ:w:c... AndriIo, l_ In Nalion.a.l Regisler of HUlonc Places. " "

%. TEUNIS HARING HOUS1:. 70 Old Thppan Road. Old Tappan. John M. Flivro ?rival/! l'C$idencc. 'n. JOHN IIAIUNG, JR., HOUSE. 392 Old Tappan Road. Old Tapp:>n. Em::loo aboo! 1810 on ll1c: sile of an ~arlier house. Private residence. !he brick and sandstone «lila section is Dutch Colonial slyle:. with wings added c. ]820-1875. II Buill about 1826 by John Haring, Jr.• the house i.. was the hornoWead of Teunif Haring. I flll'TTlCr .... d an c:u.mplo: of Qm,k Revival al't'hiteclurc and Cboscn Frttoolder of &rgcn County. Ullcr owned retains many original features. Haring's hOmeSlCad by son John T. Halinl! ••Iso B Freeholder. it was was on 14 1/2 1ICn:!I, but he olso owned IIdjaccnt occupied by the family for 100 yean. SilcnL lands which he flUTT1cd for dct:ade5. Daughter mOlion pictures wcn: produced here about the lime Sarah Elizabeth. wife of Jacob O. Demarest, a of World War I; lnlcr ;1 was !he "300 I [<.>USC" lavern. merchant. inherited the I""misc5.1n 1908 it came into poucssion of Nellie and Walter Fred and in In National Resister of Histone Places. 1959 it was pun:hascd by !he Williams family. Sponsored by NrPy L ond Elnora I. WiIUN. l\J!lO. " "

John M. Filine

98. RICHAKI) T. COOl'ER HOUSE. 99. VAN DUSKIRK·OAKl.EY HOUSE. 234 Killlk:rkamack Road. Oradell. 461 Kinderkarnxk Road (opposite Milll...ane), Office and residerK'c. Or.odc:ll . 0ffica. Built about 1825 by Richard Tellni. Cooper, II Small wing buill by Abraham J. Van Buskirk .bout chairmakcr. on land owned by the family ,ince 1820 from earlier c. 1789 house. Fedenol .tyle 1716. Thi, Federal , [ylc house. once on a 22 acn: main wing buill c. 1832·34 (If Fanning T. Oakley (arm. is in \he Ondeillocalily formerly known as and wife Helly Van Buskirk. Later o""llCd by "'" New Milford. Son John R. Cooper, 3. mastcr black· Abraham V. B. Oakley and wife Eliu Voomis; !lmilh. sold the homestead in 1866 and entered the their daughter MarsllrC:tla HOyl acquired the house ministry. latcr OWIlCfS have made additions and in 1900. Ii remained in the family IInl,11978. 1llc remodeled the interior of \he house. 211 acre farm in "Kindcrkwnack" once: stretched Sponsor

In N'lional Rcgi$lcr of Uis10ric Places. 80 "

101. ACKERSON HOMESTEAD. 142 Pascack Road. Park Ridge. Privruc re~idcnce. Built about 1800 by John Ackerson and son Gafl'CCI, this ~tone house SlandS on land purchased in 1159. The pro~ny WQ developed during a cen­ tury of family ownership. A general "ore was buill 100. MARKER al opposite Ihe house lite in 1777 and slICCCUivc 109 Pamnus Road. Paramus. Private residence. gencralion.s buill a dislillery and woolen mill beside the Pascact Brook. In 18571he homestead was sold 10 Levi Gurnee who .Iso ~lcd the gcnenol st~ for forty years. [n New JclSCy RegisHn of Hisloric Places. ~ and...... ,.... by R..... II K. lind w..... ~ SnIt .... 1l1li1.

tn Nalion.) Register of Hisloric Plac:cs. " "

10), WORTEND't'KE OUTC II BARN. Paseaek Road llI'arly opposite Glen Road. Park Ridge. Museum. This Prt:-RevoluliofW)' Dutch bam waS buill by 102. PASCACK RE}'ORMED CHURCH. the Woncndykc family. Once common in the Pascad. Road, ('uk Ridge. Hudson River area, the bam is one of the few ~ed in 1813 on fmnland purch~ from the remaining in lhi$ rounly. Broader than deep,the Campbell and Wonendykl' families. thc church had 5IrUCIUrc is entirely JUpporIed by four H-frarn.,s thiny-six original mo;:mbcn. Dalkatcd in the fall lied wilh mllSlivc anchor beams. Front and rear of 1Iu.! y«r by Dominie Stephen Gocuchius, the wagon doors pcnnillhrough access!O the ~sh­ first pastor. who called il a "bo:autiful and well ·pro­ ing floor. which ;s lIanked by side aisles for ani­ ponioneo;l"lIoosc of God. Built of local sanoislOne mals. and timber. the labor Wl.$ pc:tformed by members SpcJu.u:I II)' die I'>acck Hioo:rio.Is..a..,. 1976. from Pascack and Saddle River. where a joim pas­ IOntc .:tisted unlil I~. "

104. DAVID VAN GELDER fl OUSE. 37 W. Crescent Avenue (near Wyckoff Av~nue), Ramsey. Private residence. l OS. ENGLISH l"j'E IGHBORUOOD REFORMED Built by David Van Gelder after hi$lI'IllITiage in CIIURC H. 1794. Loeated in the ""'" once eaJled '· BRbam.~ the land was purehased twice· c. 1737 and 1745 - Edgewater Avenue W. and Church AvenU\:, Ridgefield. by grandfather Abraham to i",ure valid title from the Proprietors of East New Jersey. It included Orsanized in 1170 as a IlInch Refonned Chun:h, most ofnearby Van Gelder's Pond. Inherited by the fiJ'$l building, erttted in 1768, was localcd in David', son Abraham B. in 1845. he willed it to Leonia. Arter the Revolution, it was decided 10 his sister Pcmdphe. a farmer, in 1816. The house "Erect a New One in. more Proper PI"",e.~ In remained in the Van Odder flUTlily n.1nC' until 1193 the present chul"I:h was built on the famt of 1884. Cornelius Vreelandt in the locality once known as the ··Point." Stone from the first building was used In National Register of Historic Pla~s. in the OOfIstruetion of this chul"I:h which has sur· vived without major alteration. sp

Jolin M. Faiv", 107. ARCHIBALD. VROOM 1I0USF'_ 106. PA ULlSON·CHRISTIE HOUS E. 162 E, Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood. Offices 8 Uomc,lcad Place, Ridgefield Park. and stores. Private =idence. Built about 1789 by John M. Archib.:lld on 26 acn: Built about 177S by John Paulison who owmd 150 farm. Lalcr owned by Peter J. Hopper who .laned acn:s in wlw was then known as "Old a l mall $lOre in the 1830's, the first on the avenue. M The fann was raided by the British Victorian improvemenu wen: made in the ISSO" •. during the Revolutionary War. In 1826 the house William L Vroom,. nOled pbysic:ian. pun::t.ucd Was inhcriled by his son Paul raulison. Pun:hasro the bouse;n 1892 and established Ridgcwood's in 1844 by David Quistie for hi, son Alben lim hospital in the adjacent frame wing. The old Brinkerhoff Quist;e. The farmhowe ranair>ed in fannhouse has been e~p.1nded and remodeled oYer the Christie (amily for 140 yean and h.;u Kcn the yean. additions and alteratiom Over the yean. sp l.\ioenIenniaJ Comm'n"., 1976.

John M. Fai.",

108. BL AU VELT· SEAMAN HOUSE. 725 Rivervale Road, River Vale. Private =idence. lIO. VAl~ WIC KEL-MOORE 1I0USE. Buill.bout 1828 by David C. Blauvelt on land lie Rockleigh Road ncar !he Slale line, Rockleigh. purehascd in ISOI. The 37 acre fann WIIS si!llllled !>rivale residence. in the locality once mown as Overkill NdghboOI1>d by K. M;lIe,.. J. f'

111. JOSEPH DUBOIS HOUSE. 112. JACOB CONCKLIN 1I0USE. 31 Rockleigh Road, Rockleigh. 21 Rockleigh Road. Rockleigh. Private residence. Private residence. Buill 1835. Erected by Joseph Dubois in lhe \oo;aJi­ Buill about 1796 by Jacob Coneklin. JT.. a "whttl­ I)' once known as Rockland Neighborhood. South wright." the house: is an example of Dutch wing buill 1835, with macrial from 18th century Colonial architecture. Erec1ed on !he ';Ie of an ear­ house of John Gesner. Cenler seaion bIIilt soon litf Concklin homesIead. il sLands on I 166 ]/2 after with Vtctorian JIOrCh and oonh wing added al acre fann purdlased in 1748 by J&Q)b Concklin, a lalcr dale. Bam c=ted 1836. Dubois was I Sr. Lair, O"'Tlers. all o:Icsttndants of Concklin. Hudson River "boa\man~ and 0"'110. of a sloop "''Cre!he Samuel Sncden family and Samuel operating from ncarby Sncderu Landing. Ikaslcy wOO lived here until 1902. The house has since been cnl"'Bed and remodeled.

In Nuliona! Register of Hisloric PIKes. " "

.. ..." " . "." .. ,' . . -- . ' John M. FIIi"", , .... M. Fol"", 1\4. ACKERMAN.PELL HOUSE. 11 3. ABRAHAM P. ACKERMAN HOUS"-:' 139 W. Saddle Ri ver Road. Saddle River. 136 Chestnut Ridge Road. Saddle River. Private residence. Private residence. Buil! about 1835 in the Greek Rcvival5tylc, il Built circa 1802 by Abnlham P. Ackerman who il>Corpor.lles pan. of a laIC 18th c. home. John D. added stone kitchen wing soon afler. LaIc., son Ackerman was a miller ond his son, David I.. was William buill frame unit. His 100 Abraham W.o a blacksmith who buill a trip hammer forge on !he owner in 1875, remodeled OOu.5C and lidded Saddle River opposite the house. His grandwn, rtWlsard roofs. The fannhouse remained in the [).avid Add by Edward..! Marim DoIIrm.I. 11"111 . SponsM:d bylhe _ F.. Uy, 19U. In National Register of Hislaric Places. In National Regi~ler of Historic Ploccs. 95

JohnMF...... 115. EVERElT·DUNN HOUSE. 20 Foresl Road, Tenafly. Pri~ate residence. Buill about 1861 for the Charles 1. Evereu family. this house was designed by famous archilecl RichllJ'd Morris 11unl in lhe Swi," o,alct style. Evcn:u wru; noted II.! an inventor. In 1919 it became the home of Barvey OIlnn. a prominent ani.t who~ studio wn.s ncarby. Both Evcrcu and Dunn were aclive in Tenafly civic affairs. The house has been enlarged Md remodeled ove.- the 11 7. H OP P ~R · GOETSC III US IIOUSE. yean. Lake Sll'l:ct and E. Saddle Ri~ cr Road. Upper Saddle River. Museum. 1I1i. SLAVE CEM""TEKY. Abraham Hopper buih a "!lew slOne housc" hen: Knights Coun off of E. Saddle River RDlld. Upper (the west wing) in 1739, according 10 surveyor Saddle River {IIOI illuSlrllOO). Cbarles CJinlon. 1lIe resl iJ late 18th comuf)'. Known by Ih;5 name for generations, il once was About 1813 it was boughl by the Rcv. Stephen part orthc Hopper family farm. Believed to have Ooouc:hiuJ (1752·1837). pa510r of Old SIOI'IC been a burial ground for slaves ond freed blacl Totowa. S~ by "'" Boruush of W.... "'

120. BRINKERHOfF HOU S ~:. 231 Ha~ k cnsack SUUI. Wood·Ridge.library. located in old "PoliAy," George Brinkerhoff buill 119. WORTENDYKE HOMESTI':AO. this house about 1792 on a 200 acre: farm he pur­ 168 Pascack Road. Woodcliff Lake. chased in 17&4. Ow ...d in 1806 by son Henry G. Privale residence. and in 1849 by his son, Enoch, 8. NJ. .sKmbly­ Frederick Wonendyke IV buill lhis house belWU'n man. In thc 1870's, greal-pld$on IIcruy E. 1812-1825 to replace an older !Jorne ncar-by. It rcmock:led the: howe. He IIllC1" became 8. founding Itands on land pun:1La$ed in l77S by 1Ii$ grlII'df.· couocilman of the the Borough of Wood.Ridge. thcr FrMenck Jr.• of Park Ridge. The family oper­ Purchased in 1905 by Leopold Bl'lIn. 1971. In New Jersey Stale Register of Historic Pla«s.

In National Regisler of Hi.tone Places. 98 "

122. VAN VOOM.H~: ";S·QUACKEN8USII­ ZABRISKn; HOUSE. 421 Franklin AVenue, I.VJTIeT of Maple, Wyckoff. Museum. Buill in 1824 by Alben Van Voomo=u.lhis Federal Ill. WYCKOFF REFORMED CHUR CH. Ilome rcpJaced his eanier house. The land. owned Wyckoff Avenue. Wyckoff. by father William sin«: 1720. was called Buill ]806. Once known as the Reformed Dutch ·'WikclwJff. ~ Alben. a VCIrnln of the Revolution Church of Wyckoff. \hi! WII! the fin! church 11,1 be and a Juslice, da:dc:d the new home lO grand50n erected in the T(lwn~ip. It was established by Alben J. VIll Voomccs. ln ]867 il was purchased membc: .. of Ponds Church at Oakland who lived in by Urinh Quackenbush who willed i1 10 his grand· this area. They conslrucl~ the building of l!X'al daughter, Grace Quackenbush Zabriskie. She Slone and limber on one-half acre of ],md pur­ beqUCalMd the home to the Town of Wyckoff in clwed in 180~ . Pcler DeWitt was the lint paslor. 1973. Early settlers ~ buried in !he churchyard. Sp:asa..,j by MooSrU _ Ftmd. 1l1li1 . In National Relister of H~toric Places. '''' .:ARLY '"' BERGEN COUNTY IIISTORICAL SOCIETY MARKERS

123. SITE RiverL IJT II :'~'~A: :Ni!C~H~~U~'~C~'~;'(A"'O"" , Teaneck.

127. ZABR1SKIE-STEUBEN HOUSE 1209 Maw Street, RJ\'eI Ed8e.

Bwlt 1752. NJ. Sl~e HlsIoric SlIe, ownM and suffed 124. FR ENCH (HUGUENOT) by D1vwon of PaJks & Foresti)'. CIIVRe li SITE AND CEMETERY. PresenUy DOt open 4ue 10 Api12007 f1ooc1 RiveT Road It Borough Hail, Nc:w Milford. In National Register of Historic PlOICf's. Part of New Bridge Landin& Park.

Other structures on tlIlS site are:

125. REVOLUTIONARY WAR CEM ETERY. (not il!~tated) (True Reformed Ducch Church Cemetery). No tombstones and mo»t burial. n:movcd. HIKbon Street. Hackc~k .

126. BERGEN COUNTY COURT HOUSE. CAMPBELL·CIIRISTIE HOUSE. (no! il1l1statedj Built c. 1774. Moved hen: from New Milford ill c. 1732, burnc:d by Brilish in 1780. SIO!IC maner 1917. Headquarter) of the BERGEN COUr-rrY on Hackcnsadt Green 001 far from actual sileo HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 6uiIdio& _ bot lIc1J"Io:u.y. Imd",."... by BCHS. I:>"DEX '" WESTERVELT-TIIOMAS (by Lown) '"' BARN. TOWN PAm: Bui lt \89 1 with timbers from Alp ...... " ...... , an old brew.:"._ IIefJCI' l\eld . __ ...... _ .... _ ...... 1 Soa<>ta _•.•....•... _._ ...... _ ... 2 Agricultural museum. CIotI ...I •.••••••• ,••••••••• _ •••••••••• •• 6B 1888-89 iron .wing bridge M .... """••••••••••••• ,•.••••..•.. _...... 17.18, 19 on site of 1745 crossing of M04Un. " ..••..•• "...... 21.69 N.... Milrord ... " .••••••• ,•• 21. 7ll, 71. 100 of old landing IlR! in foreground. Now a foo tbridge. Norwood ...... 72. 73 O'kl ..d ."" ...... " ...... "" ...... 74. " Old Tappan ..•• " ••••• ,." .. Omioll •• "., ...... ", •.••.••• ,••.•••.• . " .. 21. 78, 79 p....", .... ", •••••• ", •.•••••• ,•..•••.. .•, .•. 23. 24, :!..'l.U;. 27. 28. 80 Part Rldg ...... 29. 30, 81. 82. 83 Rom ..y ...... 84 Rida

T_... _.____ . ~ Upper Saddlo Riwr _ ..... _ ..A I, 9-1. 9S ""aohin.I ..... T...... ,mp .• _ A' Grounds open umil 5 PI>I. For house openings phone W..,wood .. __.. ___.... __% (201) 343-9492 or 487-1139, or write to: """"""Iiff Lab .._ .. _._ .. __.. .Al, !16 BERGEN COUNTY HI STORICAL SOCIETY. WoocI.RIdl" __.• __.. __._ 91 P.O. S OK 55. River Edge. NJ. 0166 1. w)'d pa&CO. "" '"' MAP NO.1 MAP No.2 Sites 62 - 127 Sites I - 61

), / ., / / I / / I I I I I I / I

0 t u t 0- 0 < -< • • •< •< '" ADDENDUM CAPT. JOHN H. BANTA 1l0MESTEAD. '" 21l Pnl=k Road, tlillsdaJe. PriVlU: residence:. The following 1m' marken, uniLlustralcd,lhal WC~ inSl.11ed aI\er Lhe book II.,! boen prepared for publialion. Buil! about ] 796 by John H. Banta on I lract bou&hl in 1755 whom: he hod an carlier hou~ . STORMS· FOX n oUSE. B:mta was a CatpelllU and farmer who cnl.arge:d his 699 Ramapo Valley Road. Oakland. Ilon'JQlead \0 395 acres. AI the lime: of the fn:nch Private residence. and Indian War he Krved • captain in the BerBen Militi•. Hi. son Jacob, B farmcr. inherited \he Frederick SIOfmI buill the house about 1785 on the house which n=runcd in thc Banta family wull foundalion of IIIl earlier structure. perhaps I bam. 1860. John I. Mabie. I farmer. was !he oWller from Built into I hill, il i5 called a "bank" house. The 186 1 !O 1910. The house was rc:no~nlcd in tile (ann was in "Yaupough", an Indian locality in pre­ year.' between 191 0-15. sent Oakland. Jacob D. Fo~ was the owner in 1828 $pDnIomI by ~ticbo

Buill in 1812 when George Huyler donnted the Buill by Jacobus RUllm. a farmer. OIl 32 IK:TWi of land and I Ihild of the COSI. Residcll1$ and the land about 1194·95. In 1800 his widow and.on Nonllem Railroad of New Jersey shared !:

AFRICAN AMERICAN BAPTIST C II URCII WILLIAM nOLDRUM, JR. nousE. CEMETERY. 634 Midvale Coon. River Vale:. Private =idence. Cedar Sum. Ikrgmficld. Built about 1784 by William Holdrum. Jr.. a Frmte:is JadI:kson. lived nearby. The cemetery the west :u'OUnd lBOO. The house remained in the had 72 burial pluts which may have included for­ Holdrum family until 1842. passing m many later mer slaves. Tomb.!mnes no loner exisl bul some ownen and tenants. The original Mabie house was families who rest hen: are Jackson, Pomplin. lkll, 10m down about 1865. Latcr additions include: a Sisco. Brown, Chase, Blenus, Nnpson and James. poll'h and roof donnen. A Bergenfield Hisloric Sile, 1!J96. Dedicated 10 the Memory of C13ire K. Tholl, 1996. CLAUDIUS O. COLLIGNON IIOUSE. In Nut;unal Register of Historic Places. 1019 Westwood Avenue. Old Tappan. Privale l"C.!iden(:C. Built about 1864 by Claudius with a kitchen wing. it has clements of Greek Revival and Italimate styles uf ardlitccture. He pureha$cd. half ;nterest in !he fann and mill wort.s owned by his brother Nicholas. Their firm was known as the Collignon Brolhen. noted for chair manufacture. including the p;llented (olding tk<:k ehlin (or ocean lil>CTS. The house, with later addilions and remodeling. remained in the: family unlill895. The mill burned down in 1904. ~ ..,. Fnnz .... _ eot..dI. t99f>. .,...,.,. of .... _ ..... t9S1.