Hackensack, N.J
THE BERGEN COUNTY DEMOCRAT'S HISTORY OF HACKENSACK, N.J. ITS OLDEN :STORY, PRESENT ANNALS, PROSPECTIVE GROWTH ALL TOLD BY THE HISTORIAN'S PEN AND THE ARTIST'S PENCIL ENRICHED BY MANY ILLUSTRATIONS MADE E)<PRESSL Y FOR THIS WORK PUBLISHED BY THE BERGEN COUNTY DEMOCRAT EDITED BY D. D. READ 1898 Cop)·rfgllt :F. T. SlllLEY &, CO,, :S. Y. 1~18. Engrnvfngs hy HOPKINS & IILA rT, New York. Pre111 uf H. D. WINTON PRl:STISll ESTAJH.ISH~IJ<::ST Photogl'llphk work hy Hacken@M'k, N, J, C. W. VAN WAG:SEU, H11ekenRack, N. J, PREFACE. O~[E'l'J-IING is already known to readers of this volume concerning- the past history and present status of Hackensack. :\lore or less extended accounts of the first settlers, and their achievements and their successes, have been recorded in the valuable " Historical 3 Discourse," by Rev. Theodore B. Romeyn, Pastor of The First Reformed Church, :\lay 2, 1S69; in the "Annals of the Classis of Bergen, and of the Ancient Township of Bergen," by Benjamin C. Taylor, D. D., 185 7; in the " History of Bergen and Passaic Counties," by ,v. \Yooclford Clayton, 1882; and in "Hackensack Illustrated," by the Exempt Firemen's Association, 1896; and also in other books, of all of which our citizens may hayc knowledge. Since the appearance of those volumes it has been judged expedient to publish a work that should more adequately represent the important features of our local history, and the various agencies and enterprises that are contributing to the growth of our beautiful town.
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