Historic Site Markers
BERGEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Historic Site Markers 'The Society, ~ 1960, has had ~ continuing program of designaliog histor;c site. lli the COUJJty wj!h di..tinctive b1= and silver marken. 'The"" markers "'" sponsored and paid for by llidi.vjduall, clubs, lli.tirutiona, bu";""'s. o [g~n ; ", _ tiOl1.'l and mullic;palitiea. It ;. the Society'. most visible progr.uu w;th over 160 signs lli Bergen County, Nl. 'They are de.;gned to educ~te the general public with a "mm; histOl}' le.son" for a particubr site or ""'~ and are also belpful lli generatint; llite"'.t in lillnoric preservation. n. B_ C_" "",,,.,,80_ . _,d,50 roX3)~" ,_ ~", .... _ w ~m...J..I i . l\oo' " _ ~ .",.;.tio . "," ... _ C~ ."',, ......... ...,,,,... ..... , ~, "'" ,_~,., .... "",,,of" ~-.! ........ W. ~ "'" 0 .... " ~ ,"",, ~oocio"' . " "'"' o. "'" Bu ... C~ ." ~ • w """' ~ ~ .. ,.....,,, " "'" ,_ "d.,. 0... ~ ~ ~ '""'- ~ ,_ .,.. ~ «>t .., "' . , ....." .... ., Hm", N~ B '""" 1.0 ....... .-'D.... ~ i.u.J. ""'''-1 ~ •.., ,,,,,,,,,,,, of i ",, ~ti~ D.d.Uo """,." """' __ ~ ~ ....,.. , ~ MlJ, ""'-, lli.." ~,., ~ ....... -t __• """'. w. ~ "'" "-, "...,. _ ., HNBL. W. ~ ~ , . "' _'~""-' -tkw _ """""" ..."" 0' .......... ,d>"'"-,,,,<, _"', 0.,... " ., ~,., ~ ... ->-.... W\\"". be-rg euconnty hi 5tcry. org 1 , 2. SOUTH CHURCH. West Church SlIeellnd Pro~peCI A...enue, Beraenfleld. Open by appoint ment. Orpniud in 1123 as the Schrulcnbur&h Dutch Reformed Church. Fin! churdl ere<:lcd in 1128, I SO ftoel 10 the casl, the proent buildin& in 1199. 1lte True Reformed Dutch Church was founded here in 1822. The church be<.:amc P ",$byt~rian in 1913. John Henry Goetschius, minister from 1748 10 ] 774, the principal founder of Queens Colleae (Rul,,"), and many Revolutionary War soId;c,rs arc buried in the churchyard.
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