BERGEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Historic Site Markers 'The Society, ~ 1960, has had ~ continuing program of designaliog histor;c site. lli the COUJJty wj!h di..tinctive b1= and silver marken. 'The"" markers "'" sponsored and paid for by llidi.vjduall, clubs, lli.tirutiona, bu";""'s. o [g~n ; ", _ tiOl1.'l and mullic;palitiea. It ;. the Society'. most visible progr.uu w;th over 160 signs lli Bergen County, Nl. 'They are de.;gned to educ~te the general public with a "mm;­ histOl}' le.son" for a particubr site or ""'~ and are also belpful lli generatint; llite"'.t in lillnoric preservation. n. B_ C_" "",,,.,,80_ . _,d,50 roX3)~" ,_ ~", .... _ w ~m...J..I i . l\oo' " _ ~ .",.;.tio . "," ... _ C~ ."',, ......... ...,,,,... ..... , ~, "'" ,_~,., .... "",,,of" ~-.! ........ W. ~ "'" 0 .... " ~ ,"",, ~oocio"' . " "'"' o. "'" Bu ... C~ ." ~ • w """' ~ ~ .. ,.....,,, " "'" ,_ "d.,. 0... ~ ~ ~ '""'- ~ ,_ .,.. ~ «>t .., "' . , ....." .... ., Hm", N~ B '""" 1.0 ....... .-'D.... ~ i.u.J. ""'''-1 ~ •.., ,,,,,,,,,,,, of i ",, ~ti~ D.d.Uo """,." """' __ ~ ~ ....,.. , ~ MlJ, ""'-, lli.." ~,., ~ ....... -t __• """'. w. ~ "'" "-, "...,. _ ., HNBL. W. ~ ~ , . "' _'~""-' -tkw _ """""" ..."" 0' .......... ,d>"'"-,,,,<, _"', 0.,... " ., ~,., ~ ... ->-.... W\\"". be-rg euconnty hi 5tcry. org 1 , 2. SOUTH CHURCH. West Church SlIeellnd Pro~peCI A...enue, Beraenfleld. Open by appoint ment. Orpniud in 1123 as the Schrulcnbur&h Dutch Reformed Church. Fin! churdl ere<:lcd in 1128, I SO ftoel 10 the casl, the proent buildin& in 1199. 1lte True Reformed Dutch Church was founded here in 1822. The church be<.:amc P ",$byt~rian in 1913. John Henry Goetschius, minister from 1748 10 ] 774, the principal founder of Queens Colleae (Rul,,"), and many Revolutionary War soId;c,rs arc buried in the churchyard. 2 3 4. HUYLER'S LANDING ROAD. ~hrker at East Mad wn Avenue and County Road, Cresskill (nol illustrated). In wlonw limes a crude: road kd from he~ 10 a Landinlallhe Hudson Rh"1' r. Accordin, to the repons and map' of~nerals Erski~ and W'Y"" this ro3d was used by Comwalils in auackinK Fon I...ce on November 20,1776. On May 10. ]179 it was used by Tories in I devas. 131ing mid on homes in Ihi5 valley. Around 1840 Gwrge Huyler improved the road. It became 3 m;ijor rou te for farm produce lOillll lO New York by way of Huyler's Llnding untilche coming of the l'3ilro..d in 1859. Spoo ... rtd by tho C,u",iI! Llo... Club. 5. BENJAM IN P. WESTE RVELT HO~ I ES I TE. Coun ly Road and Wo:ste1"«'lt Place, Cn:wdlL Priv:ne residence. The rnain win, of this house .... as buill in 1808 J. Mar1<cr at Achee. Col Ve terans PJrk on south­ by Benjlmin P. WesteJ'V<'l t who serv~(l in the _5t cor~r of River and West ForI lri: R03ds. local militia (lurins t he Revolution. The site of 80801a, notes I ~ localion of lhe $toond known this house has been continuously ownw by the colony in the oounly. Westervelt Family sin~e early colonial tim~s. General Erskine', maps show a Westervelt home on t hi s site in 1778. A flne example of the Dutch Colonial style, it served as a baeksmund in $C)me early mavins pict ures.. Sporuorcd by ,be C..w.1II Rot • .,. Club, , , 6. IlERICK BANTA HOUSE. ]80 Wushington ".cnue. DUl110nl (Dixon Homestead Libr~ry). 7. OLD NORTH CHURCH. Washington and 111;' example or Dutch Colonial architecture Madison Avenues, Dumon .. ....s buill tx.lw"",n 1780-1790 by Ikrick B3nla, soldier in 1he American Rcvolul ion. af1e. his Orpniled in 1723 as the Scluulcnburah Re­ birthpla~ ~re w;lS burned by Toril's. Owned formed Dutch Church. Fin! church was built by tIM: Quada-nbush family from 11<) ~. i1 was in 1128. In ]BOlllIe present Old North Reo sold 10 Isaac Dixon in 1862, whose son RoIM:'1 fornled Church was buiU, one mile north of was Dumont's fourth Mayor. tn 1929 Miss fil1l site, and continues as I Rdormed 00.... Sarah Dixon devised tIM: home:srud to th( ,"plion. Thissancluary is considered one of town for a public libr.lry. S"""",,,d ~r 1110 tile finest e~amples of early American Church Old s.: ..... l<nburJ/l 1I,,,ork>l So<io'Y I'U. architecture. Its chUrchyard is the rest ina place or many Revolutionary War Soldiers. Sponoored by Old Schrulenbu,,,, lH.toricoi SOCle.y. 6 7 9. JOHN G. DENSON HOUSE. 60 Grand Avenue, Englewood. Offke of Northern Valley chapler, American Red Oou. 8. ENGLISH NEIGHBORHOOD UNION SCHOOL Tenafly Road and Pleas:ml Aven"e, Built c. 1800 by John C. Benson, a farmer, and Englewood. Private Il'sidcncc:. from 1794 to 1797,. caplain in tile militia This house, an example of post-Revolutionary War This fonner school was originally buill in 1818 Dutch Colonial arc hil cct~ll', was buill on prop­ nUT thl: Liberty Pole Tavern. In 1850;t was erty oonfiscued by New J e~y from Ihe Reverend moved Ittll' and rebuil, w'tllthe originJI mat­ Garret Lyd~er, a Tory during the American erials. This part of Enslewood wIS then known Revo luliorL SpOfttOI'ed by Enclcwood En-.iro...... nlll 35 Highwood. The En,lewood School ""115 CO"'million 1974. adopted in 1891. It continued to be used as a school unlillbc dose of Ihe cc:nlUry. Spo_~ br Th. Co-.... por • .,. Club or £n". _ 1'.164. 8 9 11. FORT LEE FO RTIfiCATION SITE. Marlm al Muin Street and the Bluff, Fort Lee (not i!!u$1ratcd). ~cted in 177610 help close the lIud50n 10 all Orilish ships. Originally Fort Conslitution: laler renamed for ~n 'l Cltarles lo:>e. From "The Re­ doubt", Y.i mile north, it ~ached 10 a final bal­ lery, 200 yds. 50u th of this point. On Nov. 20, 1776, wamc:d of British landing 8 miks abo"", Wnhlnllon and G~ene safely evacualed the 2S()O.man a.:orrison across llie Hackensack. Spoft .....J by For, L.. l\.r .... CoIlcclO1'J· Chb. 12. FRANKLIN A VENUE. Marker west of Pulis """nue al 777 Fr.mk lin "venue, Franklin Lakes (nol Illustrated). OriiPnaled as an Indian 1111il across land [he Redmcn called "Cunpj3w". 11 Wa5 surveyed during Ihe Rcvolu!ionary War by Robf,rt Erskine, GeorF Washington's mapmakcr, nnd con nected ..., Wemcnls in the Ramapo and Saddle River Valleys. Fra nklin Lakes was once part of Fnnk lin Township, named for New Jersey's lU i Royal Governor, William Franklin. 13. HOPPER FAMILY BURYING GROUND. 10. NAUGLE HOUSE. Dunkerhook Road mllhe Spol!iwood Road near Delmar Avenue, Gkn Saddle River, Fairlawn. Private ~';dena:. Rod (nol illustra ted). This ooloni.1 home was built in Ihe 181h cen­ Located on Ihe boundary belween IWO Happer lury by I Naugle. lie was said 10 I\lIve b«n a flmu, the cemetery wu s~red by both families paymaster in Lafayette's Li&hl Division. The and their rd l l i~s far almost one hund~d yean. house served us I Ilndmlri< on many Revalu­ 11le earliest known burial was in 1804. liona.ry War maps. It is believnllhal lIfa yelle visiled he~ in 1824. S__ od by Cotlc. Club of F.irI...... 10 " IS. THE RED BRICK SCHOOLHOUSE. Rock. Road and Ackerman Avrn~, Gkn Rock. 14. HOPPER HOMESTEAD. 724 "<;kerman Ave­ Private residence. nue al comer of HiUrnlIn Avenur, Gkn Rod:. PriYate residence. This fonner one room Schoolhouse was Ihe original Ridgewood Grove School Number 44. North wing buDt 1180 by Hendrick H. Hop~r Built in 1846 it was used until 1894 by Ridge­ in arta then eallcd "Small Lots", Center se<:tion wood Township. In 1894 Ihe proposed closi"ll c~c l ed by son John, in urly 1800's. The rll1l1- of lhis school resulted in lhe incorporation of OOIlK was sold \0 the Hillmann fam ily in 1895, tile Borough orGlen Rock. II tervW lhis area cndinl four gene ... lion. and liS ynn of oon­ asa school until March 8, 1900. Sponsor<d bl' lintlOus Hopper ownenhip. Studen" of Glen Rook lunior 11111> Sohool in lhe TtrcenltnlrYy ••r 1964. " 13 17. GARRET J. DUR IE IIOUSE. 311 Schraatenburgh Road, Haworth. Private residenl;C, 8uill c. 1811. An early 19th century example of Du tch Colonial architecture erecled by Garrd 1. Durie on part of the estate of his falher, John 16. HISTORIC FIRST REFORMED CHURCH. The Durie. Garrel J. Durie was a farmer whose 120 Green opposite the Courthouse, Hackensack. acre tract stretched eastward one mile \0 the Tenakill Brook. Located in what wlS once Earliest records of this pion~r Dut ch church, known a. Schraaknburgh, the house was oc­ dated [686, mark it as the second oldest in New cupied by Durie heirs- the WeSlerwlt and Mount Jeney. Old stones embedded in the eut wan famil~l- until 1946. show the: initials of foundina families and finl seUkrs. The old buryin, &round contains the p1I~ of General Enoch Poor •• Revolutionary offICe r. His funeral was attended by Generals 18.. OLD BURY ING YARD. Tapp,an Road n.ear W.shinlton and Lafayelle and a portion of Arcadia Court, Harrington Park (not iIIUi1lraled). the American army. SPOllSOJed by H.lon Domlrut In use for neatly two hundnd years, largely by 8 o~ Ind TIl ...... BickndJ z.btWtle. the Blau""tt family, the earliest known burial was in 1722. The cemetery contains the gra""s of members of othu early Bugen County fam­ ilies, veterans of the American Revolution and .Iaves. Some of the tombstones an inscribed in Dutch. Sporuored by the Wom, n·, Oub or Horrin, ton Park 1972. 15 14 19. BLANCH· HARING HOU SE.
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