Jack/ St. Malo Expanding Chevron’s Reach in the deepwater U.S.


® Contents 17 The Production Hub 21 The Export Pipelines 2 The Project 25 First Oil 3 The Co-owners 26 Continuing Operations 4 Exploring the Lower Tertiary 32 Operational Excellence 8 Building the Fields 35 The View from Here Jack/St. Malo

Expanding Chevron’s Reach in the Gulf of Mexico

“Jack/St. Malo is the result of the collaboration of hundreds of suppliers and contractors and many thousands of people across nine countries over a ten-year period. This project highlights our long- term commitment to safely developing the natural resources of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, where Chevron is one of the top leaseholders. For the life of the fields, operating and maintaining Jack/St. Malo will continue to contribute to the nation’s economy and support hundreds of local jobs.”

— Jeff Shellebarger, president, Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company The Project Two of the Gulf’s largest fields

he Jack/St. Malo development, both fields are around 7,000 feet (2,134 The Walker Ridge Regional host Twhich includes the Walker Ridge meters). The reservoirs lie some five miles production platform can handle as Regional host facility, in the deepwa- below the water surface. With today’s much as 170,000 barrels of oil and ter U.S. Gulf of Mexico is a key part technology about 500 million barrels of 42 million cubic feet (1.2 million cubic of Chevron’s plan to boost its global oil is recoverable, but that estimate may meters) of natural gas per day, and production. Along the way, the proj- increase as we continue to improve our there is room onboard for expansion. ect has safely extended the industry’s tools and learn more about the resource. The platform—built for an oper- deepwater capability well beyond Jack and St. Malo are being devel- ating life of more than 30 years—is what it was when the St. Malo field oped simultaneously with subsea the largest semi-submersible float- was discovered in 2003, and the Jack completions flowing back to a single ing production unit in the Gulf of field the following year. semi-submersible floating produc- Mexico. It also serves as the host The reservoirs are 25 miles apart, tion host platform located between production facility for the Julia field some 280 miles southwest of New the two fields. Electric seafloor pumps and has excess capacity for other Orleans, Louisiana. Water depths in boost the produced fluids to the host. nearby operators.

2 | JACK/ST. MALO The Co-owners Financial and technical strength

hevron, through its subsidiaries, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and CUnion Oil Company of California, owns 50 percent of Jack, 51 percent of St. Malo, and is the operator of both fields. Maersk Oil Gulf of Mexico Four LLC and Statoil Gulf of Mexico LLC are the co-owners in the Jack field, with 25 percent working inter- est each. The St. Malo field co-owners are America Inc. (25 percent), Statoil (21.5 percent), ExxonMobil Corporation (1.25 percent) and US LLC (1.25 percent). Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and Union Oil Company of California also own 40.6 percent of the host facility, with co-owners Statoil (27.9 percent), Petrobras (15 percent), ExxonMobil (10.75 per- cent), Maersk Oil (5 percent), and Eni (0.75 percent). The combined Jack/St. Malo investment, sanctioned in 2010, had an initial devel- opment budget of $7.5 billion. Exploring the Lower Tertiary Back-to-back successes at the edge of the deepwater frontier

ince the world’s first modern to as the Lower Tertiary. Still others Tertiary are relatively low permeability. Soffshore platforms began appear- call it the “final frontier” of deepwa- In other words, even though the great ing in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico in the ter drilling. depth means the reservoir pressures late 1940s, the and temperatures are high, the rock’s has delivered the energy equiva- Industry’s greatest challenge ability to flow fluids is much lower lent of more than 40 billion barrels Some analysts estimate that the Lower than the Miocene reservoirs. Without of oil from the continental shelf, and Tertiary in the Gulf of Mexico holds as additional assistance from improved another nine billion from the Gulf’s much as 40 billion barrels of oil equiv- completions, , and possi- deepwater basins. Analysts say pro- alent (boe). The challenge is that most bly gas or water injection, oil recovery duction from deepwater wells will of it lies some five miles deep, below as rates may be less than 10 percent. The likely eclipse the total production much as 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) of good news is that what industry is from shallow-water fields in the com- water and hidden from seismic sensors learning today about the Lower Ter- ing decades. One of the most prolific by thick layers of salt. tiary in the Gulf of Mexico applies to systems is what geologists call the Compared to Miocene plays, most other subsalt deepwater prospects, Paleogene—more often referred of the reservoirs found in the Lower including those off the coasts of Brazil

4 | JACK/ST. MALO JACK/ST. MALO | 5 Steve Thurston, vice president of Deepwater Exploration and Projects Business Unit. and West Africa. Through the end of to 8,000 feet (2,438 meters), and each 2015, Chevron had drilled more than well extends from 26,000 feet (7,925 30 percent of all the industry’s new meters) to as much as 36,000 feet wells in the Lower Tertiary. (10,973 meters),” Thurston says. “The “Our success rate for wildcat wells good news is the reservoir intervals has been great, resulting in many fields are typically more than 1,000 feet (305 with commercial potential,” says Steve meters) thick, which means there is a Thurston, Chevron’s vice president of tremendous amount of oil in place.” Deepwater Exploration and Projects The Jack-2 appraisal well reached Business Unit (DWEP). “These discov- a total depth of 28,175 feet (8,588 eries do not come easy. Overall, the meters) in the second quarter of Lower Tertiary trend requires some of 2006. A subsequent production test, the most challenging wells and devel- which delivered a sustained flow of opment technologies in the world.” more than 6,000 barrels of crude oil Chevron was one of the early pio- per day, was the deepest ever per- neers, Thurston notes. “We started formed in the Gulf of Mexico. It was buying leases in the late 1990s. By the also an industry milestone for under- time we discovered the Jack field, we standing the potential of the Lower knew we were on to something big.” Tertiary, where Chevron is the largest Two of Chevron’s biggest deepwa- leaseholder. ter discoveries, St. Malo and Jack, were “Since the mid-2000s, with made in 2003 and 2004 in the Lower Chevron’s installation of major devel- Tertiary Wilcox trend. At the time, the opments such as the Tahiti field in technology to develop them didn’t the Gulf of Mexico, key technologies exist, and there are still significant have enabled our deepwater devel- technical challenges. opments,” Thurston explains. “We are “Wells in the Lower Tertiary have also committed to project safety, and to be drilled in water depths down Jack/St. Malo is a prime example.”

6 | JACK/ST. MALO The Chevron Way Built on a philosophy developed in the 1990s, The Chevron Way gives every employee and contractor a concise definition of the company’s corporate vision, values and strategies. It establishes a common understanding for all of those who work for and interact with Chevron. It can be summed up in the phrase: Get results the right way. At the heart of The Chevron Way is the vision to be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance. This vision means that Chevron: • Safely provides energy products vital to sustainable economic progress and human development throughout the world • Is an organization with superior capabilities and commitment • Is the partner of choice • Earns the admiration of their stakeholders — their investors, customers, host governments, local communities and employees —not only for the goals achieved but how the company achieves them • Delivers world-class performance

JACK/ST. MALO | 7 T two each attwo Jack The and Malo. St. additional four wells: includes plan oil 2014. in December first its logged ing the production resumed hub after at Development Malo. St. drillfive nine production wells: four at Jack and 2011, in November in resulting started equivalent day per in March 2016. barrels ofoil reached 75,000 the fields Daily hydrocarbon production from in the Malo Jack/St. development. ration wells and nine production wells 8 trims cost per well technology Advanced Fields Building the


Phase 2ofthe JSMPhase development 1developmentPhase drilling Chevron had drilled seven explo hrough quarter of2016, the first JACK/ST. MALO JACK/ST. - - expected in 2017. in expected tinue into 2017. Stage First oil 2is from 2015that in October began will con drilling 2015. The September in pleted (FEED) activities for Stage 2were com front-end engineering and design ogies developed in coming developed ogies years technol production advanced and techniques completion and drilling million that, Beyond barrels. new 500 lent resources estimated to exceed oil-equiva recoverable with years, ing production life ofat 30 least have an fields estimatedThe remain levels production Expected - - - - -

Photo courtesy of McDermott International, Inc. feet (2,195 meters). feet 7,200 as deep as waters and power umbilicals in kilometers) of control (105 65 miles some transported and installed vessel construction 102 Ocean McDermott’s

fast-transit North North JACK/ST. MALO | 9 have the potential to substantially images up to a level where you feel seismic sensors on the ocean floor increase incremental recovery from like you understand the field. We rather than towing them behind a these fields. had to acquire multiple generations boat. That costs more initially, but of seismic. Fortunately, the technol- the system is safer, more versatile, and Picking the right target, first time ogy was advancing rapidly during it yields better results. With the enormous cost of drilling this time, which ultimately worked to With ocean bottom node (OBN) and completing wells in ultra-deep our benefit.” technology, remotely operated vehi- water, operators demand a high cles deploy a grid of 100-pound degree of certainty before they com- Sensors on the seabed receivers (nodes) directly on the sea- mit. One of the toughest challenges In conventional offshore seismic bed. Each autonomous suitcase-sized is creating seismic images that are surveys, ships pull long streamers of device—which contains a battery, sharp and accurate enough to make acoustical sensors that record the clock, geophone and other gear—can good decisions. digital echoes of sound waves as remain on the bottom for as long as “At these depths, nearly 30,000 they penetrate subsea layers. The 120 days, allowing for survey acquisi- feet, the seismic image is quite lim- deeper the water, the harder this tion over large areas. There are several ited,” says Matt Richards, subsurface process becomes, since seawater advantages. First, placing sensors geoscience team leader for Jack/ itself muffles the signal. To improve on the seabed eliminates any sig- St. Malo. “That’s not abnormal, but chances of producing high quality nal degradation caused by the water it takes a lot of work to bring those seismic models at JSM, the team put column above.

10 | JACK/ST. MALO Equally important, these stable bottom line is that OBN data gives deployed in congested waters and ocean bottom nodes catch reflected Chevron a clearer structural image fields where there is already a lot of waves in an orderly grid, enabling without the noise of conventional equipment on the sea floor. In areas the gathering of clean, high-fidelity data. It helps Chevron see past bar- where complex geological features data without gaps in coverage. They riers of complex geology to better such as salt or volcanic layers hide oil also improve the repeatability of 4-D estimate a reservoir’s potential. and gas deposits, the source boat may seismic, which compares surveys “The Wilcox Reservoir is very thick sweep outside the boundaries of the made years apart to see how reser- here,” Richards adds. “It’s up to 1,400 field to collect wide and full azimuth voir fluids have moved over time, feet thick in some places with a lot seismic data. OBN technology allows during development. Over the life of of oil in place, suggesting very long them to safely pass closer to the field’s the field, this information helps us field lives.” existing facilities than a conventional decide where to place new wells and Yet another advantage of OBN streamer vessel could with its wide how to optimize our facilities. The technology is that it can be carefully swath of receivers in tow.

JACK/ST. MALO | 11 12 | JACK/ST. MALO Ocean bottom node technology the risk. Part of the expense was the At one well in the Jack field, Chev- is one of several enabling tools that time it took—as much as five days to ron stimulated a record-breaking six did not exist when the St. Malo and treat one zone. The risk came from zones and pumped more than 2 mil- Jack fields were discovered in 2003 running miles of pipe in and out of lion pounds of proppant (sand) in just and 2004. To help delineate Jack/ the hole over and over again. One a few days instead of several weeks. St. Malo, 1,100 nodes were placed well, for example, had five zones to The first of the three wells tested at on the seabed in each field in 2013. complete. With the technology that more than 13,000 barrels of oil per day. The back-to-back surveys lasted 10 was available when Jack and St. Malo Chevron also successfully tested months, involving 100 people and were first discovered, the job would the technology that calls two ships. The surveys broke several have required 14 trips in and out of the Extended Single-Trip Multizone industry records, including the num- the well to plug, perforate and frac- (ESTMZ TM) Frac-Pack system. ber of nodes, the longest acquisition ture. The cost was prohibitive. “ESTMZ TM allows more reservoirs schedule, the deepest water, and the Chevron and Halliburton engi- to be stimulated in a shorter amount largest source area. Besides their use neers joined forces in 2007 to develop of time,” says Ron Shuman, senior at Jack/St. Malo, Chevron has com- a new single-trip, multi-zone system vice president of Halliburton’s South- pleted similar ocean bottom node that could stimulate multiple zones ern and GOM regions. “This system surveys in the North Sea, and off in one operation. Their goals were allows us to deliver a very aggressive the coasts of West Africa, Brazil and to increase the maximum pump stimulation with rates up to 45 bar- Northwest Australia. rate and pressure differential, and to rels per minute and volumes greater boost the volume of proppant. They than 400,000 pounds of high-strength Single-trip, multi-zone got it right. Instead of four or five proppant. We deliver this with 10,000 completions days, it now takes as little as 18 hours horsepower per interval for up to five With low-permeability reservoirs like to stimulate each zone. One result intervals, providing a total cumula- Jack and St. Malo, engineers typi- is a much safer work environment, tive proppant volume of more than cally pump a high-pressure slurry of since crews now spend less time run- 2 million pounds per well with one sand, water and treating chemicals ning pipe in and out of the well. The service tool.” into isolated zones to create fractures other benefit is a tremendous reduc- The multizone system was devel- in the reservoir rock. Pressure drives tion in cost. oped for use in the Gulf of Mexico, the sand deep into the newly formed “This technology is really going to but has since been deployed in Indo- cracks, and the sand grains (or similar help the development of deepwater nesia, Brunei and elsewhere. manmade material) prop the cracks Gulf of Mexico,” says Aaron Conte, open once the pressure is released. senior drilling superintendent. “With Subsea boosting This process, called frac-packing, spread rates well over $1 million per The naturally high reservoir pres- historically represented as much as day, every hour saved is significant. It sures driving Jack and St. Malo during one-third the total cost of a deepwa- has delivered more than $200 million the early stages of development will ter production well, and a good bit of in savings across the Gulf of Mexico.” decrease over time as the fields are

JACK/ST. MALO | 13 Photo courtesy of McDermott International, Inc. part ofthe production subsea part and As boosting subsea systems. vious improvementa significant over pre each—represent 3megawatts some depths and power consumption— square per working inch.pounds The withstand pressures up to 13,000 pumpto Each can the host platform. the wells from fluids to boost seabed pumps subsea on thethree powerful company) install to (a on OneSubsea called Cameron and tain production Chevron levels, To main and compensate produced. - - of their with experience subsea lenges for the Because facilities team. chal one ofthe biggest Malo was St. Jack/ for system ture and boosting the Gulf ofMexico. gest and highest-pressure tieback in in 2011, lon it included the deepest, At done thelines. time the work was manifolds flow and their associated the production controls, fourtrees, psi subsea a dozen 15,000 also installed OneSubsea fields, bined processing systems for the com Developing the infrastruc subsea - - - - - project. Some addressed the challenge addressed Some project. for thiswere specifically developed likeelse this in the industry.” there’spower ofthe pumps, nothing depth, the pressure rating and the in Malo, Jack/St. terms ofthe water facilities engineer Chris Hey, on “but MaloJack/St. team. to thein seconded both fields—were Statoil—Chevron’sfrom co-owners continental shelf, experts technical boosting systems on the Norwegian Many ofthe technical advances boosting is not new,”“Subsea says of working in water more than a mile An extra level of safety 15,000 pounds per square inch. deep. Others supported the building As the largest leaseholder in the U.S. With the assistance of experts of JSM’s complex infrastructure and Gulf of Mexico, Chevron is a principal from Chevron and other major improved the recovery of its oil and sponsor of the Marine Well Con- energy producers, MWCC upgraded natural gas. tainment Company LLC (MWCC), a its interim containment system in McDermott International installed company which was established in 2015 to provide increased capacity the jumpers, flying leads, subsea 2011 to respond to deepwater well and compatibility with a wider range pumps and umbilicals. Much of the containment emergencies. Available of well designs, flow rates and envi- heavy equipment, including three to all deepwater operators, MWCC ronmental conditions. The company pump stations weighing 209 tons each, maintains a system that can stop or maintains two shore bases on the was installed by McDermott’s Derrick cap and flow a runaway well in water U.S. Gulf Coast. Regular training exer- Barge 50. A second McDermott vessel, depths from 500 to 10,000 feet, tem- cises keep MWCC’s equipment and North Ocean 102, installed the control peratures as great as 350 degrees personnel ready to respond to a well and power umbilicals. Fahrenheit, and pressures up to control emergency at any time. 16 | JACK/ST. MALO The Production Hub Largest in the Gulf of Mexico

ith a nameplate capacity of was -based Wood Group Mus- W170,000 barrels per day, the tang. Wood Group also managed the Walker Ridge Regional host floating commissioning of the production plat- production unit is the largest such form. Construction began on the hull facility that Chevron operates in the at the Samsung Heavy Industry yard Gulf of Mexico. Indeed, it is one of the in Geoje, South Korea in early 2011. At largest in the world. Building the host the time, JSM was the largest semi-sub- platform and moving it around was mersible hull constructed in terms of no easy job. displacement, as it displaces 146,168 metric tons (161,122 short tons) of water. Fabricating the hull KBR performed the detailed engi- The front-end engineering and design neering for the floating production (FEED) for JSM’s topsides facilities began unit’s hull, deck box, crew quarters, in the second quarter of 2009. The prin- equipment foundations, mooring sys- cipal contractor for this part of the job tem and the anchor suction piles.

JACK/ST. MALO | 17 GVA Consultants, a subsidiary of KBR, and commissioning of the mooring worked exclusively on the hull con- piles was also completed before the figuration. The deep draft hull design facility was towed to the field. minimizes the motion of the vessel, The integrated semi-submersible which in turn reduces stress on the platform left Ingleside in November, vessel’s risers, umbilicals and more 2013, and was moored offshore and in than 164,000 feet (50,000 meters) of place by early January, 2014. Offshore polyester mooring lines. commissioning began while the hull was being towed to the field, and the Transporting the hull installation of the subsea infrastruc- The hull was completed in February, ture continued through 2014. 2013. Soon after, it left South Korea aboard the new Dockwise Vanguard— Project economics the world’s largest heavy lift transport Chevron holds a 50 percent inter- vessel—on the ship’s inaugural run. est in Jack, a 51 percent interest in The Dockwise Vanguard took its St. Malo, and is the operator of both 56,000-ton cargo safely around South- fields. The company also has a 40.6 ern Africa and the Cape of Good percent interest in the production Hope to arrive at Kiewit Offshore facility, which is designed to accom- Services’ Ingleside yard near Corpus modate production from the Jack/St. Christi, Texas, in mid-April. Malo development and third-party tiebacks. Chevron’s other co-own- Topsides ers for the hub facility are Statoil, The host topsides facilities were fabri- Maersk Oil, Petrobras, ExxonMobil cated and assembled at Ingleside. There and Eni. The total daily production are three main topsides modules for from the Jack and St. Malo fields in production, power generation and gas 2015 averaged 61,000 barrels of liquids compression. The completed modules and 10 million cubic feet of natural were lifted onto the hull and deck box gas. Although the project delivered in May 2013. Most of the integration first oil in December 2014, ramp-up and commissioning was completed and development drilling for the first before the facility was towed to the phase of the development contin- field. Kiewit also fabricated the host’s ued into 2015. Production for the Julia mooring piles. For efficiency and field, which is also serviced by the worker safety, most of the integration host, began in April 2016.


The Export Pipelines Planning for growth in the region

rude oil from the regional host travels 136 miles Cto the Shell-operated Green Canyon 19 plat- form via the Jack/St. Malo Oil Export Pipeline. From there it enters the larger network that delivers crude oil to refineries all along the Gulf Coast. To handle the natural gas, Chevron and , Inc. signed an agreement in 2009 for a 170-mile (274-kilome- ter) southern extension of the Enbridge central Gulf of Mexico natural gas gathering system. The 8- and 10-inch pipeline includes bi-directional points at Jack and St. Malo and similar links to other nearby fields. For the oil and gas export pipelines alike, the combination of extreme water depths, large diame- ter, high-pressure design, and the system’s flexibility for future development have set new milestones for the Gulf of Mexico.

Largest pipeline at this depth The JSM oil export pipeline is the first of its kind to address the challenges of installing high-pressure, large diameter pipe in ultra-deep water. The 24-inch (61-centimeter) export pipeline, with a pressure rat- ing of 4,500 psi, was installed in 2014 at water depths greater than 7,000 feet (2,134 meters). The pipeline’s innovative design includes two 92-ton inline modules that allow Chevron or future operators in the Walker Ridge area to connect their development projects to the main export line. The oil export pipeline was designed, built and installed by Amberjack Pipeline Company LLC, a joint venture between Chevron Pipe Line Company and Shell Pipe- line Company. “It was a first for us, especially in dealing with a 24-inch diameter pipeline in 7,000 feet of water and operating at 4,500 psi,” says Edward LaCour, Chevron Pipe Line’s asset manager, The pipe is fed in a gentle curve off Joaquin Valley Business Unit. “Com- Gulf Coast Area. “Safety and reliabil- the back of the vessel and down to the pleting this project demonstrated to ity were our primary concerns, but seabed. All the while, a constant tension our co-owners that Chevron Pipe Line another feature is that the pipeline on the pipeline keeps it from buckling. has the ability to perform in this chal- includes inline sleds for future tie-ins. At the seabed, the pipe curves again lenging environment and can deliver It links our upstream and downstream until it is lying flat on the bottom. these critical resources to the mar- businesses in a supply chain that will “A project this size takes years of ket. Every Chevron employee can also provide competitive solutions for planning by teams from around the take pride in the way individuals and other leaseholders in the transport of world,” Hoose adds. “What we deliv- teams came together to develop one crude to the market.” ered was the largest pipeline ever laid of the company’s most technologically in these water depths.” challenging and commercially reward- Installing the crude The success was noted throughout ing projects.” oil export line the industry, according to Al Williams, For this project, even the pipe-lay the president of Chevron Pipe Line The gas export line vessel was new. At the time, the Cas- during the installation and the cur- All of the natural gas produced from torone was the largest such vessel in rent vice president of Chevron’s San Jack and St. Malo is sold into a pipe- the world. The vessel and its crew line system built and operated by installed up to 1.5 miles (2 kilome- Enbridge, Inc. To reach the host, ters) per day, which translates to more Enbridge spent some $500 million to than 120 joints of pipe being laid off extend its southern reach into the the back of the vessel. deepwater Gulf of Mexico. “The pipe is brought out in 40-foot The Walker Ridge gathering system segments,” explains Jerry Hoose, is a new supply source for the Enbridge Chevron Pipe Line’s installation engi- Manta Ray and Nautilus offshore pipe- neer for the JSM export pipeline. line systems, which enhances the “Within the vessel’s triple-joint fac- company’s existing offshore pipeline tory, sets of three 40-foot lengths of business and establishes a strategic pipe were welded into 120-foot seg- base for future growth by Chevron ments. They were then brought up and other operators in the ultra-deep to the main firing line where the seg- Al Williams, the former president of Chevron Gulf of Mexico. The new line has the ments were welded together to form Pipe Line and current vice president of capacity to carry 100 million cubic feet a continuous pipe.” Chevron’s San Joaquin Valley Business Unit. of natural gas per day.

22 | JACK/ST. MALO JACK/ST. MALO | 23 24 | JACK/ST. MALO There’s nothing more exciting than the startup of a new oil field in the “deepwater,” says Steve Thurston, vice president of Deepwater Explo- First Oil ration and Projects. “With the startup of the Jack and St. Malo fields, we were finally able to see what these wells could produce.” The start Jack/St. Malo is a showcase of Chevron’s focus on safety and opera- of a long run tional excellence, yet for all of the exploration success so far, the Wilcox remains a challenging reservoir. Many questions remain. In the next few years, development drilling at Jack/St. Malo will teach the industry a great deal. One thing that is known is that the Wilcox reservoir is very thick in this area, as much as 1,400 feet (427 meters). There is a lot of oil in place in both fields, which means they should be productive for a very long time.

Safely delivered on time and on budget The Jack/St. Malo project was completed on a timeline that began with the discovery of St. Malo in 2003. First oil occurred on schedule on December 1, 2014. Soon after, Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico business unit took over the daily operation of the fields. Within a few months, the proj- ect was producing a steady 70,000 barrels per day from five wells. Stage 1, which will continue into 2017, includes nine production wells. Four addi- tional wells are planned in the second stage of the development. Stage 2 development drilling will continue through 2017. Stage 1 of the investment, which included more that 20 million hours of work, was accomplished with only three lost-time incidents. “While working on Jack/St. Malo, some of our contractors posted the best safety records they’ve ever had,” says Billy Varnado, the Jack/ St. Malo project director. “I think that is good evidence of all the effort everyone put in.”

Billy Varnado, the Jack/St. Malo project director.

JACK/ST. MALO | 25 Continuing Operations Innovation, safety and efficiency are the keys

t’s only natural for a project as large our most complex wells around the Iand important as Jack/St. Malo to world. They are called upon any time become a showcase for the industry’s Chevron is drilling a complex well. most advanced technology. Given the This state-of-the-art center can sup- anticipated life of the fields—more port as many as 15 drilling rigs on a than 30 years—we’ve also planned for continuous basis, providing expert years of expansion and growth. backup and advice to ensure safe, reli- able and efficient operations. Decision Support Center In 2015, Chevron expanded the capa- Monitoring equipment bilities of its Drilling & Completions performance Decision Support Center. The cen- Within Chevron’s Energy Technol- ter is a combination of technology, ogy Company, the Machinery and processes and people designed to Power Support Center (MPSC) help eliminate serious well-control uses predictive analytics to mon- incidents and improve operational itor machinery performance at a efficiency. Working as a team, Chev- centralized and local level. There, ron specialists monitor in real time and in several of the business unit

26 | JACK/ST. MALO JACK/ST. MALO | 27 Equipment Decision Support Cen- early 2016, Chevron has an interest in maintains its own Gulf of Mexico heli- ters (EDSC), experts remotely monitor 466 leases in the Gulf of Mexico, 347 copter fleet, for example, which gives rotating equipment to evaluate its of which are located in water depths us greater flexibility if we need to evac- performance and safety, ensure the greater than 1,000 feet. At the end uate a platform prior to a storm.” proper maintenance, and to avoid of 2015, Chevron was the Gulf’s larg- Jack/St. Malo is also equipped with unplanned shutdowns. est leaseholder. Over the decades, technology to track a storm’s prog- Rather than waiting for equipment Chevron brought their people safely ress and trajectory, as well as detailed to fail, the MPSC and EDSC teams through numerous tropical storms computerized crew manifests to feed data into a model that gives and hurricanes, including mega-storm keep tabs on who is offshore and advance notice of potential failures or Katrina, when the company evacu- where they are. maintenance needs. ated more than 1,000 employees and “Like other fields, Jack/St. Malo is This process reduces unplanned contractors without a single injury. connected to our onshore Decision downtime, couples work-orders and Offshore installation manager Tommy Support Center (DSC) in Covington, identifies what spare parts are needed. Boepple knows the drill first hand. Louisiana,” Boepple says. “Coving- “Jack/St. Malo is more remote than ton serves as our ‘mission control’ Ready for the next big storm most of our offshore facilities, so we during severe weather. To make sure Chevron and its legacy companies allow extra time to initiate the systems we’re ready, we conduct periodic have been exploring for and develop- that will ensure the safety of our peo- drills that reinforce each individ- ing oil and gas resources in the Gulf of ple and assets,” Boepple says. “We rely ual’s role and responsibilities in a Mexico for more than 75 years. As of on a number of resources. Chevron weather emergency.”

28 | JACK/ST. MALO Chevron’s tasks and timelines phases, based on the track of the The role of information during severe weather are guided by storm and information provided technology the company’s hurricane action plan. by the National Weather Service,” Chevron information technology (IT) Storms are monitored as soon as they Boepple adds. “The facilities clos- teams from around the world put develop. If they have the potential to est to the tropical weather’s most their stamp on Jack/St. Malo, provid- impact the Gulf of Mexico, the hur- immediate path are cleared first. All ing the technical support that helped ricane evacuation team is activated, available marine and aviation assets this major capital project achieve and the DSC is staffed 24 hours a day. are directed and monitored by the first oil. Chevron IT experts deliv- “Assets in the Gulf are evacu- DSC throughout the entire evacua- ered telecommunications and the ated and production is curtailed in tion and remobilization process.” infrastructure needed to support

JACK/ST. MALO | 29 30 | JACK/ST. MALO operations at Jack/St. Malo as well as operator workflows and Chevron’s floor. The cable runs from Jack/St. network connectivity on the floating Production Reliability and Effi- Malo to a high-performance network production unit, the pipe-laying ves- ciency Program. connectivity system made available sel, floating accommodation vessel “These solutions helped the GOM by BP to oil and gas producers in the and the drillships. business unit increase the reliability Gulf of Mexico. The host also boasts “One of the big wins was the great of the facility, reduce health, safety more than 137 miles (220 kilome- collaboration we had,” says Keith and environmental risks, and decrease ters) of telecommunications cabling Breaux, Chevron’s DWEP Information costs,” says GOM Information Tech- onboard for fast, reliable access to Technology manager. “We were aligned nology manager Jennifer Scriabine. data and systems. not only in transition from the project “Real-Time Reservoir Management Design, construction and regula- team to the Gulf of Mexico business is also providing engineers with the tory approval required the processing unit, but on the facility itself. The IT information they need to make faster, of more than 200,000 documents teams from Jack/St. Malo, DWEP and better decisions to bring wells on line and drawings, including regulatory GOM business units were phenomenal. sooner, reduce downtime and maxi- and specifications documentation, They worked together seamlessly.” mize production.” process safety, personal safety and Over the course of the project Linking the facilities required 88 environmental management system nine “digital oil field” solutions were miles (142 kilometers) of new network documentation, as well as operat- also implemented, including new subsea fiber optic cable on the ocean ing and installation manuals. The team migrated construction data to a document management system for use during handover and operations and developed a central docu- ment archive. “The IT challenge for a major cap- ital project is staggering,” explained Eric Sirgo, DWEP’s general manager of Major Capital Projects. “IT is integral to all aspects of the project, including document management, telecommu- nications, security, operational data gathering and control and reservoir management. IT’s role and contri- bution were critical to the project’s Eric Sirgo, DWEP’s general manager of Major Capital Projects. overall success.”

JACK/ST. MALO | 31 Operational Excellence Chevron’s values and vision

o achieve and sustain projects like Jack/St. TMalo, Chevron has developed world-class capabilities and a company-wide culture of opera- tional excellence. It is a process that requires active leadership and the engagement of the entire work- force, employees and contractors alike. At its core is the belief that all incidents are preventable and that “zero incidents” is an achievable goal.

Workforce health and safety Every job involves risk. Chevron identifies and mit- igates those risks by enhancing technology, tools and competency at all levels. The company gives its employees and contractors the authority and responsibility to stop work if they believe that con- ditions are unsafe. Chevron is also an industry leader in providing health awareness and educational pro- grams to its employees and their families, as well as to the residents of their host communities.

32 | JACK/ST. MALO JACK/ST. MALO | 33 34 | JACK/ST. MALO The View from Here A solid foundation for future deepwater developments

Jack/St. Malo is the fourth deepwater facility that we operate in “the Gulf of Mexico,” says Mike Illanne, vice president of Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit. “Chevron is a big operator in the Gulf and the number one leaseholder overall. Our top priorities are pro- tecting people, being good stewards of the environment, and good business partners in the communities where we operate.” With its numerous technical advancements, Jack/St. Malo serves as an example of what Chevron can achieve and a foundation for its future deepwater developments. To that end, we place the highest priority on the health and safety of our workforce and protection of our assets and the environment. We aim to be admired for world- class performance through disciplined application of our Operational Excellence Management System. “I believe that the work we’ve done on process safety and envi- ronmental protection—ensuring that we had the right design and procedures in place to operate this project reliably—has been out- standing,” Illanne adds. “I am very confident that Jack/St. Malo will have a great record of safety and success going forward.”

Mike Illanne, vice president of Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit.


37 Schlumberger 48 JDR Cable Systems Ltd 40 Halliburton 49 KBR, Inc. 42 Enbridge Inc. 50 Oil States Industries, Inc. 44 Aker Solutions Inc. 51 OneSubsea 44 DNV GL 52 Ruths.ai 45 Bevel Tech Group Inc. 54 Technip 46 Danos 55 Wood Group Mustang 47 Heerema Marine Contractors 56 McDermott International, Inc.


Jack/St. Malo—a collaborative success

A winning formula To illustrate, flow assurance, which (2,134 m). Reservoir targets were esti- As with any major development, success is typically a completions concern, mated at more than 20,000 ft (6,096 hinges on close and continuous collab- requires field designers to know pre- m) beneath the seabed. They were oration between all parties involved. cisely where the asphaltenes thresh- characterized as low permeability, Chevron’s Jack/St. Malo prospect is old will be reached. The information 30,000-psi ultra-high pressure reser- no exception. This ongoing deepwa- required to make this calculation is pro- voirs that would require a full portfo- ter frontier development in the Gulf of vided by sophisticated logging tools lio of suitable and reliable technologies Mexico began following discovery of run many months earlier in the devel- to enable Chevron to assess the res- the two fields in 2003–2004. With such opment process. Coordination between ervoirs’ economic potential toward a major project, Chevron elected to the information providers and data reaching production goals of 94,000 benefit from the ‘chain of accountabil- users fast-tracked resolution of this b/d of oil and 21 MMcf/d of natural gas ity’ for mission-critical services, whereby critical task. in the coming years. responsibility for key, linked services was assigned to a single provider. The challenge Valuable information for For Chevron, collaborating with The Jack/St. Malo prospect presented exceptional planning Schlumberger to develop several of numerous technical challenges in Chevron’s planners were already apply- these service solutions was a natural terms of water depth that ranged from ing their foreknowledge based upon choice based on the companies’ shared 2,100 ft (640 m) to more than 7,000 ft seismic surveys and other exploration positive experience developing the techniques to build dynamic models. Tahiti prospect in 2004. Learnings from These could be easily updated as addi- the Tahiti prospect proved invaluable tional information became available. as it set the record for water depth for a The early models were promising; nev- producing well. ertheless, each new bit of information The decision to collaborate had dual helped to clarify and improve Chevron’s benefits: first, communication between ability to estimate costs and profits. Schlumberger and Chevron was greatly In 2006 Chevron commissioned a facilitated by all parties having a com- 3D seismic survey conducted with the mon purpose—working with Chevron Q-Marine* point-receiver marine seis- to construct wells in challenging geology mic system to image the St. Malo reser- and landing them precisely in reservoir voir. Information from this survey enabled sweet spots. Second, technical expertise Chevron to high-grade initial reservoir was available to all participants up and models and optimize early appraisal and down the chain of operations. Learnings development targets. The positive results experienced by operational planning of this survey led Chevron to sponsor a and implementation teams was seam- multiclient wide-azimuth (WAZ) proj- less, resulting in major efficiencies as the ect in 2008. The new survey provided project proceeded. Close collaboration Figure 1: A collaborative environment better illumination under complex salt ensured that data required for life-of-res- between Chevron and Schlumberger teams bodies and improved structural defi- enables optimal data integration and ervoir decisions was acquired at the most nition. During 2011 and 2012, Chevron management throughout operations at opportune time. Jack/St. Malo. employed a combination of Chevron and


WesternGeco imaging technologies to performance, efficiency, and trajectory be quickly adjusted via flow activation, improve the seismic imaging, which then control, even when high shock and vibra- 48 hours of trip time was saved. served as the foundation for a collabora- tion and other harsh drilling conditions Continuous measurements transmit- tive uncertainty analysis study that inte- are present. ted in real time while drilling enabled grated Chevron’s knowledge of the Earth The system enabled accurately M-I SWACO, a Schlumberger company, Model with the WesternGeco WAZ data. steering through the overlying strata to customize its drilling and comple- Results from the study were integrated to hit reservoir targets and to achieve tion fluids as needed. Chevron drilling into Chevron’s static model for St. Malo Chevron’s ambitious development plan engineers worked with Schlumberger reservoir management and used for sce- while reducing shock and vibration fluids experts to model each sec- nario testing and risk mitigation. issues that are anathema for bottomhole tion to minimize equivalent circu- assemblies. The drilling system deliv- lating density (ECD) and reduce lost Drilling technology evolution ered an unprecedented 24% improve- returns. Conventional fluid systems The Jack/St. Malo project benefited ment in salt penetration rates, and 208% were compared with M-I SWACO’s from application of the industry’s tech- improvement in the sediment. WARP* advanced fluids technology. nology advancements. Drilling tools and This micronized-barite was techniques, drilling fluid development, Compared with earlier St. Malo selected in consideration of its ability and logging and well-testing technol- wells, Chevron saved 15.9 days to maintain ECD within a narrow band, ogy were all evolving rapidly at this time of deepwater drilling vessel time, with a subsequently reduction in overall to deliver higher efficiency, more precise which is equivalent to a 55% drop fluid losses to 144 bbl. information, and greater safety. in estimated costs and savings of For drilling at Jack/St. Malo, the more than USD 14 million. Reducing risk PowerDrive Orbit* rotary steerable sys- Chevron’s mission-critical objectives tem (RSS) efficiently drilled up to 8,000 One application where innova- for wireline logging addressed reser- ft (2,439 m) of complex, salt, shale and tion directly addressed Chevron’s con- voir compartmentalization and commu- abrasive sandstone strata that would cerns was underreaming while drilling. nication, relative position of reservoirs have greatly affected the run-life of pre- Previously numerous trips were required for designing well paths, prospec- vious-generation equipment. The highly to achieve desired hole diameter, with tive production potential, and, most reliable push-the-bit pad actuation of the costs not in line with the marginal importantly, early identification of any the PowerDrive Orbit RSS utilizes met- value. Because the Rhino XC* on-de- production impediments. al-to-metal seals for enhanced drilling mand hydraulically actuated reamer can Although wireline logging tools pro- vide the most accurate geological and petrophysical information needed to characterize the reservoir, the risk of tool sticking with its subsequent fish- ing costs concerned Chevron engineers. Accordingly, Schlumberger deployed the logging toolstrings on the MaxPull* high-tension wireline conveyance sys- tem using TuffLINE* torque-balanced composite wireline cable to provide 40% greater pulling capacity than con- ventional ultra-strength logging cable Figure 2: The newly designed pad actuation system, combined with real-time three-axis shock- and-vibration measurements, allows the PowerDrive Orbit RSS to withstand the most difficult systems. The MaxPull system also deliv- drilling conditions and operate at higher rotational speeds than conventional systems. ers higher bottomhole wattage to run

38 | JACK/ST. MALO complex tool combinations that reduce technology. Chevron the number of logging runs. used the technology Workflows were developed to effi- to minimize debris fall- ciently acquire and analyze the data out and manage the needed to address Chevron’s immediate dynamic underbal- concerns, but Schlumberger understood ance effects in their HP that more insight would be required as wells, enabling a best- development progressed. Perhaps the fit completions design. most valuable information was derived The development of from measurements acquired with the Jack/St. Malo remains MDT* modular formation dynamics tes- on target due to the ter equipped with Quicksilver Probe* continuous collabora- focused fluid extraction and the InSitu tion between Chevron Fluid Analyzer* real-time downhole and Schlumberger. As fluid analysis (DFA) system because it the program contin- enabled real-time decision making by ues, knowledge of the Chevron engineers. The previously men- reservoir—from data tioned asphaltenes threshold is but one integration and man- Figure 3: Engineers discuss the Quicksilver Probe focused extraction of the critical parameters revealed by agement by Chevron which drains off contaminated filtrate from the outer ring while DFA conducted with specialized sensors sampling uncontaminated formation fluid from the center port. experts in the 3D on the fluid at reservoir conditions. dynamic reservoir As its name implies, Quicksilver well test, a temporary completion of the model—will benefit future decisions Probe extraction speeds the acquisition well achieved by a string of downhole as well as provide backbone informa- of uncontaminated formation fluid. In test tools. Pressure transients, measured tion for completion and production addition to the real-time insights pro- by precise downhole gauges, are used engineers, extending all the way to final vided by DFA, fluid samples can be by reservoir engineers to calculate abandonment. retrieved for laboratory analysis. Both reservoir volume and connectivity Perhaps the ultimate achievement the shorter station time for Quicksilver and place boundaries. These data give is that the development of the Jack/ Probe extraction and the critical reser- critical input to Chevron’s 3D reservoir St. Malo blueprint will guide geosci- voir information obtained enable reduc- model for economic decisions. entists and engineers as they tackle ing the risk of sticking to save valuable future challenges. rig time. Where closely spaced fluid Well testing at Jack/St. Malo *Mark of Schlumberger samples are not required, the MDT tool determined that commercial is augmented with PressureXpress* res- production rates were indeed ervoir pressure while logging service to achievable and, in the process, set determine pressure gradients that iden- a world record for well test depth tify gas/oil and oil/water contacts, which at more than 28,000 ft (8,537 m). is vital knowledge for completions spe- cialists and reservoir engineers. As part of the dynamic underbal- ance management program, wells were The gold standard prepared for optimal flow using the lat- Recognized by petroleum engineers as est-generation innovation in HP high- th the “gold standard” of reservoir data, the shot-density gun systems—the INsidr* 5599 San Felipe, 17 Floor Houston, Texas 77056 final step in the well evaluation is the perforating shock and debris reduction www.slb.com


Lower Tertiary success with leading-edge completion and production technologies

The Lower Tertiary trend in deepwa- ter Gulf of Mexico is characterized by older sediments with low porosi- ties, ultra-deepwater depths, and high bottomhole pressures. At the outset, Chevron realized that production from the Jack/St. Malo discoveries was not economically feasible without signifi- cant advances in completion and pro- duction technologies. To develop the critical solutions, Chevron teamed up with Halliburton to push the technol- ogy frontier.

Enhanced completions For optimum results in the Lower Tertiary, Halliburton developed the ESTMZ™ Enhanced Single-Trip Multizone system in 2007, based on its The Stim Star IV has the frac fluid and proppant storage capacity, blending on the fly and high-volume pressure pumping capabilities needed for Lower Tertiary wells in deepwater highly successful single-trip multizone Gulf of Mexico. system. Chevron depended on the ESTMZ system’s full 10,000 psi differen- tial pressure rating, which increases the The industry’s highest frac and saving 14 trips. Compared to conven- operating envelope for deeper wells proppant ratings enabled pres- tional completions, Chevron estimates and allows frac design optimization. sure pumping to be increased to the ESTMZ system saved up to 25 days 45 bbl/min. The vol- on average and approximately $22 mil- ume for 16/30 high- lion per well. strength proppant increased from 300,000 State-of-the-art stimulation lb to 3.75 million lb During the first completions for the per well with the use Jack/St. Malo fields, Halliburton used of special alloys that two stimulation vessels in order to meet have greater erosion the high volume stimulation require- resistance. These capa- ments. Through innovative solutions, bilities enabled the such as the Offshore Proppant Transfer Chevron-Halliburton System, and through the launching of team to perform sin- the Stim Star IV in 2015; Halliburton can Halliburton’s Integrated Completions Center in New Iberia, gle-trip completions accomplish these same tasks with just Louisiana, provides comprehensive resources for deepwater completions throughout the Gulf of Mexico region. on a six-zone well, one stimulation vessel.

40 | JACK/ST. MALO The Offshore Proppant Transfer string and the service tool by simulat- St. Malo project have made deepwater System has blown proppant offshore, ing the job using the proposed opera- economics more favorable by reducing vessel to vessel, at 1,000 lb/min. The tional steps. As the job is underway, it is the number of trips needed to complete Stim Star IV has storage capacity for possible to track, in real time, the service a well from Lower Tertiary formations. 14,374 bbls of frac fluid and 4 million lb tool’s movement, position and status. of proppant. With 21,500 hhp of high For post-job analysis, the crew is able Advancing the industry frontier pressure pumps, redundant 75 bpm to use the visualization tools to review Halliburton is committed to working blenders, redundant power units, and all or portions of the job data using the with Chevron to reduce completion and redundant proppant movers, the Stim replay feature or log plots. production costs for successive phases Star IV is capable of providing more Wellbore assurance, provided of the Jack/St. Malo project and apply quality assurances than any vessel to through various critical operations such the efficiency gains to other deepwa- date. These technological advances as wellbore cleanout, completion ser- ter and ultra-deepwater E&P projects in make it possible to place over 4 million vices, pumping and fluids, also contrib- the Gulf of Mexico and throughout the lb of proppant in a single trip. utes to the success of the wells. This world. In fact, Halliburton has worked integrated approach in planning and on more than 90% of deepwater opera- Real-time visualization execution mitigates risks, while promot- tions worldwide, including every project service (RTVS) ing efficiency, and providing an optimal in the Lower Tertiary. Halliburton’s completion crews can conduit for the reservoir to flow. access the InSite® system for real-time Integrated completion resources visualization of the entire sandface Collaboration success In February 2015, Halliburton opened assembly, including the service string. The Jack/St. Malo project is a remarkable its new Integrated Completions This helps save significant time and example of how collaboration between Center (ICC) in New Iberia, Louisiana. money, while increasing the reliability an operator and a service company can Located on 103 acres, the 275,000-sq- of service tool positioning. During pre- achieve step-change advances in oilfield ft climate-controlled facility includes a job analysis, the crews can validate the technologies. The technical innovations 30,000-sq-ft administration building, interaction between the completion and lessons learned during the Jack/ an operations command center and several learning auditoriums for train- ing. The ICC will increase the company’s resources for deepwater completions, align services, ease equipment mainte- nance, preparation and job execution for its Gulf of Mexico area customers, all aimed at delivering the highest level of service quality.

3000 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E. Houston, Texas 77032 Real-time visualization/collaboration centers provide technological elements that facilitate access 281/871-4000 to information and effective team decision making. www.halliburton.com


Enbridge WRGS provides gas gathering services for Jack/St. Malo

Enbridge constructed, owns and oper- control, engineering and project man- 7,000 feet of water. In addition, the team ates the Walker Ridge Gathering System agement. Chevron team members par- worked with Chevron to provide a com- (WRGS). WRGS currently serves the Jack/ ticipated in technical, commissioning prehensive progress report annually to St. Malo fields, and will also provide the coordination and risk management the project co-owners on Jack/St. Malo. gas portion of the Big Foot field when roles on the Enbridge Project Team. The integrated team approach worked it is connected. With an estimated cap- Representatives from Jack/St. Malo and well and kept the project on schedule. ital cost of $400 million, the WRGS has Big Foot, as well as a commercial rep- a capacity of 120 million cubic feet per resentative were actively monitoring Unique Requirements for WRGS day (MMcf/d) and includes 170 miles the project and officially represented The Walker Ridge Gathering System was of 10-inch and 8-inch diameter pipe- Chevron and its project co-owners on designed to meet a number of unique line at water depths of up to 7,000 feet. interface issues and decisions. requirements. The WRGS had to trans- The WRGS ties into Enbridge’s Manta The team conducted biweekly meet- port up to 120 MMcf/day of high pres- Ray and Nautilus offshore pipeline sys- ings to discuss ongoing issues, make sure gas 150 miles from Walker Ridge tems. The first phase of the system, serv- decisions, and carefully document every 718 to Ship Shoal 332. The system had ing Jack/St. Malo, went into service in step of the project. The team consulted to safely tie into the Jack/St. Malo FPU December 2014. with groups working on the Jack/St. Malo in 7,000 feet of water using steel cate- floating production unit (FPU) to under- nary risers (SCR) and terminate in the Integrated Project Team stand all requirements and develop pro- crowded infrastructure on the shelf Soon after the Jack/St. Malo discoveries, cedures to tie the pipeline into the FPU in around Ship Shoal 332. Enbridge engaged with Chevron and its project co-owners to understand (Below) Ship Shoal 332 platforms (A & B) in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, the requirements of a gas gathering (left) Technip’s Deep Blue system for the Walker Ridge area. performed the pipelay work. “It’s important for us to always Photo courtesy of Technip. focus on the needs of the customer,” said Enbridge’s Allan Schneider, vice president of engineering and proj- ect execution. “Having a clear under- standing of their needs and working with our customer every step of the way ensures a good outcome.” Once definitive agreements were signed in December 2010, Enbridge and Chevron formed an integrated team, with defined roles and responsibilities, to design and implement the WRGS project. The 20-person team had members from all aspects of the project including procurement, project controls, quality

42 | JACK/ST. MALO The Jack/St. Malo FPU was designed up to 33 miles of 10-inch diameter pipe comply with the requirement, Enbridge to be powered by natural gas, so the in a single voyage, were selected to per- acquired and tested a complete EPRS WRGS pipeline had to be bi-directional, form the work. package, including lifting frames, providing import gas for FPU startup The WRGS was constructed during clamps, connectors and remotely oper- operations, and for times when pro- peak activity in the Gulf of Mexico. At ated vehicle tools for coating removal, duced gas became insufficient to meet the time, pipeline contractors were cutting and beveling. fuel needs during the life of the plat- working at full capacity, and Enbridge At Ship Shoal 332, Technip’s Uncle form. In order to provide suitable pres- had to coordinate with suppliers and John vessel was used for spool and sure and quality for gas riser installation in 435 used during import oper- feet of water. For redun- ations, a compressor and dant protection, instal- dehydration station were lation included a subsea installed at the Ship Shoal safety shutdown system 332 platform. for the high pressure gas The WRGS design also line in addition to the stan- had to accommodate the dard surface emergency subsequent tie-in of gas shutdown system. production from other At Jack/St. Malo, the deepwater fields, so the gas export line was suc- project included installa- cessfully connected to the tion of several large subsea FPU through a steel cate- sled structures with Y con- nary riser, and during initial nection points. startup, Enbridge deliv- In addition, by terminating at Ship several producing groups to schedule ered gas to the platform, demonstrat- Shoal 332, the WRGS gave the Jack/St. WRGS construction and keep the proj- ing the bi-directional operation of the Malo owners an alternate route to ship ect on schedule. Work proceeded with- pipeline system. gas to market. In the unlikely event of out weather delays, completing the The WRGS delivered first gas from problems on Enbridge’s Nautilus pipe- 170 miles of the gas pipeline system in Jack/St. Malo in December 2014. line, gas from WGRS could be directed five segments. Enbridge completed the project on time to the nearby Kinetica Energy Express As the pipeline was installed, the and under budget. pipeline, assuring reliable gas delivery. project team focused on equipment The WRGS system is designed for During the front-end engineering inspection and quality control of system reliable operation, and provides options and design (FEED) process, the team components. Extensive pigging tests for Chevron and its project co-own- developed a comprehensive design were performed on the bi-directional ers to keep oil flowing and deliver for the WRGS to address all of these Y connections (provided by Quality gas to market. requirements. Connector Systems, now part of Oil States International), and additional tests WRGS Implementation were performed to assure pig-ability of While the Jack/St. Malo FPU was being the entire system. assembled in Ingleside, Texas, Enbridge Chevron and other project co-own- began construction of the WRGS, with ers required the WRGS to have a very Technip as the pipelay contractor. robust emergency pipeline repair sys- ENBRIDGE (U.S.) INC. Technip’s Deep Blue and Deep Energy tem (EPRS) in place to minimize down- 1100 Louisiana, suite 3300 Houston, TX 77002 vessels, which are capable of installing time in the event of pipeline damage. To www.enbridge.com


deployment contractor and Chevron’s Early delivery of complex JSM team,” explained Aker Solutions’ project manager Graham Jones. production control umbilicals “Despite the logistical challenges and complex umbilical construction, which Over the past 20 years, Aker Solutions company’s state-of-the-art umbili- included UV protection for the dynamic has delivered more than 550 umbil- cal facility in Mobile, Alabama. “The portions of the umbilicals that are icals for some of the world’s most JSM umbilical project required exten- above the water line and a double clos- challenging fields, from harsh envi- sive coordination with suppliers, the ing process to incorporate additional ronment to ultra-deep, high-pressure fiber-optic cables and hydraulic lines, water conditions. Aker Solutions achieved early delivery, For the Jack/St. Malo fields, Aker before the contractual date.” Solutions supplied five subsea produc- tion control umbilicals, which provide hydraulic, electrical and fiber-optic ser- vice. Totaling 112,403 m, these steel- tube umbilicals have been deployed at Aker Solutions’ umbilical facility in Mobile, AKER SOLUTIONS INC. 7,000-ft water depth. Alabama, with its high-capacity horizontal 3010 Briarpark Drive, Suite 500 cable, is specially designed to meet the Engineering, project management, Houston, Texas 77042 challenges of demanding deepwater (713) 685-5700 and manufacturing took place at the applications. www.akersolutions.com


Success through project performance forecasting and technology qualification

The Jack/St. Malo project posed numer- were fit-for-purpose in the downhole ous challenges in terms of performance Lower Tertiary environment. forecasting, technical risk assessment Chevron has endorsed DNV-GL’s rec- and qualification of innovative E&P tech- ommended practice (RP 8203) for its nologies. “DNV-GL is proud to have con- Technology Qualification Program (TQP). tributed to the success of this deepwater The TQP is used to qualify any novel milestone through our technical advisory included technical risk assessments to or unproven technology that is under services,” explained Graeme Pirie, Vice ensure that the topsides and loads were consideration. President DNV-GL – Oil &Gas. within design specifications. Performance forecasting. A Technology qualification. In DNV-GL team performed an asset risk Bergen, Norway, DNV-GL performed study, assuring that the Jack/St. Malo testing on umbilicals and polyester facility will meet its intended production ropes. Laboratory testing was also per- DNV GL targets based on the engineering design formed at DNV-GL’s facility in Columbus, 1400 Ravello Drive Katy, Texas, USA 77429 and system configuration. The study Ohio, to ensure that materials under test www.dnvgl.com


Bevel Tech Group Inc. provides ID Machining of JSM Riser and FSFL pipe joints

Bevel Tech Group Inc. (BTG) provides critical, precision machining on the ID and OD of deepwater pipe and compo- nents from 3” to 28” onsite, with CNC precision, in the U.S. and internationally. In 2006 BTG completed the machining on Chevron’s Tahiti Project steel cate- nary risers (SCR), FSFLs, Flow-lines and J-Collars, machining over 6,000 ends to project specifications using our manual counter boring systems.

Proprietary CNC Machining Developed in 2006, BTG’s CNC machin- ing system was designed to provide CNC quality machined products in vir- tually any location, no matter how rug- Bevel Tech Group Inc.’s machining system provides CNC quality products in virtually any location, ged or remote. The system can operate no matter how rugged or remote. under generator power, is adjustable to compensate for uneven landscapes, and is containerized for shipping overseas. shop machining company with heavy • Bolting/ Torqueing However, BTG’s main goal in develop- emphasis on deepwater pipe and prod- • Isolation Testing ing the concept was to provide our fully ucts. Since then, BTG has become a • Millwrights trained staff a safe operating system for leader in counter boring SCR pipe and • Field Machining of all Types use in any set up location. components needed for deepwater For the Jack/St. Malo Project BTG’s projects. Bevel Tech Group Inc. part- BTG provides proven project automated CNC system performed the ners with major oil companies and their management, equipment, and ID machining on the FSFL and SCR pipe EPC contractors to develop and pro- technicians while achieving high joints on location. More than 3,500 ends vide unique services for the deepwa- standards in Safety and Quality. were machined to exact ID and WT ter industry: specifications needed on time, safely. • Counter boring (OD and ID) for Entering our 10th year of operating our SCR and flow line piping or other CNC systems, we have completed more applications than 50 deepwater machining projects • Specialized coating machining without any safety or quality incidents. removal/modifications • Pipe End Measurement Services About Bevel Tech Group Inc. (PEMS) Laser Metrology BEVEL TECH GROUP INC. Bevel Tech Group Inc. was estab- • Pipe cutting and beveling services for 4030 Bowden Road, Geismar, LA +1 225 677 8276 +1 866 875 1286 lished in 1998 as a specialty field and all sizes of pipe. www.beveltechgroup.com


Danos Supports Jack/St. Malo Platform Commissioning

Danos provided mechanical hook-up and commissioning support for the Jack/St. Malo floating production unit (FPU). The company also closed out or mitigated more than 2,000 punch-list items to enable Chevron to produce first oil on schedule.

Onshore and Offshore Support Danos provided onshore logistics, materials management, fabrication and construction support throughout the topsides integration. Mechanical walkdowns began 90 days before the FPU was towed from the integration Danos owners, from left: Paul Danos, Executive Vice President; Garret"Hank" Danos, President & yard in November 2013. CEO; Mark Danos, Vice President of Project Services; and Eric Danos, Executive Vice President. Once the FPU was moored at Walker Ridge 718, Danos continued and 500 linear feet of pipe, requiring About Danos to provide installation, testing and over 300 shop welds. Founded in 1947, Danos is a family- remediation services through January • Removed and reinstalled five owned and managed oilfield service of 2015. One of the challenges of large ASD skids in two buildings, provider. In addition to project the Jack/St. Malo project was that and designed and performed management and construction services, many operations typically performed infrastructure modifications needed Danos offers production workforce, onshore— adjustable speed drive to complete the task. environmental, instrumentation and (ASD) transformer removals, large • Removed, repaired and reinstalled electrical, fabrication, coatings, materials valve replacements, and hydrostatic 106 PetrolValves and actuators, management, scaffolding, shorebase testing — had to be carried out in the including 52 large, high-pressure and logistics solutions. offshore environment. Danos managed valves (rated at 15,000 psi).

difficult logistics, as well as limitations • Installed a 66,000-pound H2S removal for personnel on board, to successfully skid below the platform’s north bridge. perform these complex operations on Danos project managers designed a the FPU moored 250 miles from the skid-in plan to install the unit from the nearest port. platform’s moonpool, eliminating the need for derrick barge support. Project Highlights • Completed 160 pressuretests of 34 DANOS Danos contributed to the success of the systems at pressures up to 22,500 psi. 3878 West Main Street Jack/St. Malo project: Issues found during 14 flow line tests Gray, LA 70359 • Fabricated and installed a temporary were successfully repaired without Toll Free: 800-487-5971 Tel: 985-219-3313 oil export system with two pumps delaying line commissioning. www.danos.com


Heerema transports, installs Jack/St. Malo FPU

Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) Marshalling Materials Custom SCR Pull-in System transported the Jack/St. Malo floating At its facility in Port Fourchon, La., HMC HMC managed the design, procure- production unit (FPU) from the Kiewitt gathered and organized 13,000 m of ment, fabrication and testing of the cus- Offshore Services (KOS) shipyard in chains with associated shackles; 43 reels tom-engineered SCR Pull-in equipment. Corpus Christi 425 miles to Walker Ridge containing more than 72,000 m of poly- The system, which includes an SCR 718. HMC installed mooring lines and ester rope; and a variety of subsea moor- module (SCRM), specially manufactured steel catenary risers (SCR) to the FPU. In ing connectors and rope connectors. chain, chain locker and work wire winch, addition, HMC managed has the capacity to pull 1250 mT of riser. design, fabrication and Once the FPU was moored on loca- testing of the SCR pull-in tion, six SCRs were laid down on the equipment, and marshaled seabed in proper orientation, and so chains, ropes and connec- their installation would not interfere tors needed to install the with the mooring lines. Then the SCRs FPU in 7,000 ft of water. were recovered in sequence and pulled This large-scale installation up by the SCRM. This operation was required subcontracting completed in January 2014. with 18 suppliers, as well as deployment of the Balder About HMC Deepwater Construction Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) Vessel, a support vessel, a DCV Balder lifting a Jack/St. Malo suction pile. is a world leading marine contrac- smart buoy, two barges and tor in the international offshore oil and a total of 14 tugs. Tow-out and Installation gas industry. HMC transports, installs, of Mooring Lines and removes fixed and floating struc- Suction Pile Installation In November 2013, HMC towed the tures, subsea pipelines and infrastruc- First, Heerema transported 16 suction Jack/St. Malo FPU from the KOS facility. tures in all water depths. The company piles and installed them in the ocean The massive FPU, which weighs 55,000 is a fully-owned subsidiary of the floor to secure the mooring lines. Each mT, was towed by 11 tugs to a hold- Heerema Group. pile was 120 ft long and 19 ft in diam- ing area where the push fenders were eter, with a dry weight of 353 short removed and bunkering took place to tons. The piles were towed on barges increase its draft. Then the FPU was from the KOS facility to Walker Ridge towed to its operating location. block 718. The Balder vessel, which is Next, HMC installed the 16-line equipped with two cranes and can lift mooring system to secure the FPU in up to 6300 tons, unloaded the piles place. Each of the mooring lines was from the barge and lowered them to secured to a mooring pile, and was the seabed. Suction pumps were used comprised of an anchor chain, multi- to drive them into the sea floor. This ple polyester rope segments joined by HEEREMA MARINE CONTRACTORS operation took two weeks, from May 8 H-link connectors, and an upper chain Vondellaan 47 2332 AA Leiden to May 22, 2013. connected to the FPU. The Netherlands


Self-supporting, open-water umbilical systems for rigless, riserless well control

A world-class provider of subsea tech- nologies, JDR Cables plays a key role in the design, development and delivery of self-supporting, open-water inter- vention workover control (IWOC) umbil- ical systems. Self-supporting open-water umbilicals. Custom-engineered, pat- ented and manufactured by JDR, this class of open-water umbilicals utilizes high strength materials and innovative component configuration to support its own weight—and that of the subsea termination assembly. The JDR umbil- icals are suitable for riserless, rigless Comprehensive pre-deployment inspection and testing ensured successful installation of the open-water applications. They can be IWOC umbilicals for the Jack/St. Malo project. spooled rapidly and immediately upon arrival at the site, and may be deployed and custom-engineered hydraulic reel- specified minimum break load (MBL) through the moonpool or “over the ers for open-water operations. Designed of 72,500 lb. side” from a vessel of opportunity. The and manufactured in Littleport (UK), the JDR’s dynamic and agile approach Umbilical Termination Assembly (UTA) umbilicals were integrated with the reel- delivers industry-leading solutions; can be deployed via the umbilical as ers before field shipment. building long-term partnerships and well. JDR umbilicals have a smaller foot- Comprehensive testing. In addi- increasing asset productivity. New tech- print and reduced need for topside tion to a full API17E qualification pro- nologies, such as JDR’s self-support- equipment. Risk of exposure for person- gram, JDR undertook a series of tests ing, open-water umbilical systems, have nel is reduced as well. to evaluate and verify the strength and been developed to enable Operators to Workscope. For the Jack/St. Malo compatibility of the umbilical design realize significant cost savings for their project, JDR developed two high- under a variety of operational and envi- intervention operations in deepwater strength, self-supporting, open-water ronmental workloads. applications. umbilical systems, designed to oper- The umbilicals were load tested at ate in water depths of 7,000 ft. With 2.5 x SWL with no failure. There was patented terminations, the umbilicals 95% retention in strength of umbili- enable an extensive range of well con- cal after fatigue due to continuous reel- trol packages to be rapidly deployed ing (employing a solid turning wheel for from a vessel of opportunity, without uniform load distribution). The umbili- the need to clamp the umbilical to a cals were suitable for continued oper- JDR CABLE SYSTEMS LTD wireline or riser. ation at its safe working load (SWL) of 177 Wisbech Road, The umbilical packages featured 30,000 lb for >50 deployment cycles. Littleport Innovation Park, Littleport Ely, CB6 1RA, England JDR’s high-capacity subsea terminations The subsea termination exceeded the www.jdrcables.com


KBR is Pleased to Have Collaborated with Chevron on Successful, Ground-Breaking Jack/St. Malo Project

The opportunity to participate on the Jack/St. Malo floating produc- tion unit (FPU) for Chevron positioned KBR at the forefront of deep water field development. One of the largest semi-submers- ible production platforms in the world and the first semi-submersible floating production unit designed and built as a low-motion unit for the Gulf of Mexico, the Jack/St. Malo FPU is an example of KBR’s ability to offer integrated solutions through combined expertise across all of KBR and our subsidiaries. KBR performed conceptual engi- Jack/St. Malo’s hull arrives in Port Aransas, TX on its way to the fabrication yard in May of 2013 neering and design, pre-front-end engi- neering design (FEED) and FEED services of the design and engineering sup- deck box, accommodations, appurte- and KBR subsidiaries Granherne and port through fabrication for the deep nances, equipment foundations, moor- GVA collaborated on the execution draft semi-submersible including: hull, ing system design, and anchor suction piles. The semi was designed to mini- mize vessel motion and allow accept- able fatigue lives of the moorings, risers and umbilicals. With the Jack/St. Malo FPU, Chevron has expanded the possibilities of off- shore exploration and production and KBR is pleased to have collaborated with Chevron on this successful and ground-breaking project.

KBR, INC. Jack/St. Malo is the largest semi-submersible in the Gulf of Mexico based on displacement. With a 601 Jefferson Street planned production life of more than 30 years, current technologies are anticipated to recover in Houston, TX 77002 excess of 500 million oil-equivalent barrels www.KBR.com


Oil States technology gets SCRs on board at Jack/St. Malo

Oil States Industries, Inc. collaborated The modules included: project. The flexible joints provide the on the Jack/St. Malo project, providing • SCR Pull-In Module with chain jack required storm safety and fatigue resis- pull-in technology for the installation designed for a 1250 Te nominal tance for the SCRs connected to the of multiple SCRs as well as FlexJoint™ capacity and 147mm chain for lifting Jack/St. Malo FPU. HPHT SCR flexible joint assemblies. and positioning the SCRs Acute Technological Services (ATS), A cooperative effort between Oil • Chain Locker Module for storage of owned by Oil States, provided spe- States–Houma and Bardex, the SCR 600m of 147mm chain, including cialty welding services for the project Pull-In System was used to transfer the a 40 Te auxiliary winch to manage and qualified three first-joint girth weld flow-lines and risers from the installa- and store slack procedures and NDE. ATS also fabri- tion vessel to the FPU. The Oil States • Work Wire Winch Module designed cated the first girth welds for each of the team designed, manufactured, and for 700m of 3” wire with a line pull six top-of-riser assemblies. tested the system’s SCR Pull-In Module; of 175 Te on all layers; used to install Oil States Houma provided 16 Model the chain windlass and chain locker the chain onto the FPU from the UCF-104 7-pocket Underwater Chain assembly; and the work wire and auxil- support barge Fairleads sized for 165mm chain. iary winches. Oil States completed a full-scale dynamic The system offered the ability for test of the system at its facility in Houma, the entire system and components to Louisiana. The installation was completed translate 360° around the moon pool on on time and without incident. rails and for the SCR module to rotate Oil States also designed, quali- 360° under load. These capabilities were fied and manufactured four 10 ¾” OIL STATES INDUSTRIES, INC. vital to achieving precise installation production, one 10 ¾” gas export, and 7701 S. Cooper Street Arlington, Texas 76001 USA into the hang-off porches integral to one 20” oil export FlexJoint™ HPHT T +1 817 548 4452 the FPU hull. SCR flexible joints for the Jack/St. Malo www.oilstates.com

SCR Pull-in system on board the Chevron Jack/St. Malo FPU


Subsea Boosting Systems Contribute to Jack/St. Malo’s Success

Seabed boosting technology from OneSubsea, a Schlumberger company, is making an important contribution to Chevron’s Jack/St. Malo project by pro- viding the necessary lifting required to produce from the two deepwater fields and enable long tiebacks to the develop- ment’s Floating Production Unit (FPU). To date, Chevron has drilled 12 wells in three clusters (one in the Jack field and two in the St. Malo field), which are served by three subsea pumps.

Importance of Seabed Boosting The prolific Lower Tertiary reservoirs The OneSubsea boosting pumps are rated for 13,000 psi design pressure and differential pressures tapped by Jack/St. Malo’s 28,000-ft wells up to 4,500 psi. naturally provided enough pressure to lift the hydrocarbons from the reservoir production. After rigorous evaluation, 4,500 psi. The powerful pumps convey to the seabed, and carry them through Chevron chose OneSubsea as its sup- production through two 20-km (12.5- the long tiebacks and to the production plier for the subsea boosting system on mile) tie-backs and the risers to the top- platform. However, as the original reser- the Jack/St. Malo project. side processing system on the FPU. voir pressure declined, Chevron chose OneSubsea provided a broad scope to deploy subsea pumps on the seafloor of services and products for Jack/St. Booster Systems Installed to boost the production to the topsides Malo, including engineering, project and Commissioned facility. Chevron has stated that by reduc- management, 12 subsea trees, produc- The subsea boosting systems were ing the back-pressure on the reservoir, tion controls, and four manifolds. Subsea installed and tested in 2014, and Jack/ the boosting pumps have the potential boosting technology was the most St. Malo’s first oil was produced in to improve the recovery factor by 10% to advanced contribution from OneSubsea, December of that year. In early 2016, the 30%. This translates to between 50 and including three pump stations with systems were fully operational, lifting 150 million barrels of additional oil recov- 3.0MW single-phase pumps, subsea 70,000 bopd. Jack/St. Malo production ery resulting from this leading-edge sub- transformers, and pump control mod- is expected to ramp up to 94,000 bopd sea boosting technology. ules; associated controls and instrumen- and 21 MMCF/day in the coming years. tation; and a complete topside power The OneSubsea Solution and control system. OneSubsea, through its Schlumberger Installed in 2,100 m (7,000 ft) of and former Cameron roots, has imple- water, the 3.0MW pumps are the most mented 30 subsea projects over the last powerful subsea pumps ever deployed, 25 years and has unmatched experience and are rated for 13,000 psi design pres- 4646 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Houston, Texas 77041 in meeting the challenges of deepwater sure and differential pressures up to www.onesubsea.slb.com


Data-driven solutions across the entire oil and gas value chain

Buzzwords such as “analytics”, “data- ai has over eight years of experience closely with Chevron’s technical and IT driven solutions” and “business intelli- in applying Spotfire to both common teams to design and implement sophis- gence” have entered the lexicon of the workflows and in-depth analyses in the ticated analyses for a growing set of oil and gas industry for some time now. oil and gas domain. Based in Houston, global applications. With the implementation of oil and gas the Ruths.ai team works with technical apps on the TIBCO Spotfire platform, end users and IT departments to gain Data analytics resources Ruths.ai has transformed these buzz- valuable insights for some of the larg- Ruths.ai works with its clients through words from promises to best practices. est and most complex oil and gas fields an analytics retainer. This arrangement in the world. provides a comprehensive set of ser- Ruths.ai The Ruths.ai team is led by Troy vices for an organization to help mature An oil and gas data analytics company, Ruths, who is the founder and Chief and support its growth in data sciences Ruths.ai specializes in building solutions Data Scientist. Troy earned his BEng in and data-driven solutions. Specifically, that handle the messy reality of today’s Computer Science from Washington the retainer offers: data. These solutions enable scientists University in St. Louis in 2008. 1) Exchange.ai Premier Membership and engineers make informed deci- Subsequently, Troy graduated with a for privileged access to Exchange.ai, a sions across the entire oil and gas value PhD, also in Computer Science, from multi-vendor analytics app store, chain. Ruths.ai leverages the TIBCO Rice University. He gained his first 2) Onsite and Web Support for day- Spotfire platform as the visual analyt- insights into the oil and gas indus- to-day data analysis questions, ics and interactive exploratory analy- try as an intern for Chevron. In recent 3) Advisement for access to a sis engine of delivered solutions. Ruths. years, through Ruths.ai, Troy has worked Community of Excellence and data sci- ence advisors, 4) Training consisting of a deep course catalog of classes provided at regu- lar intervals. An exciting part of the Ruths.ai eco- sphere is DataShopTalk, a collection of curated articles about Spotfire, data, data science, and messages about how the data analytics community lives, works, and plays.

Oil and gas apps at Exchange.ai Exchange.ai is the only multi-vendor analytics app marketplace that allows users to browse solutions and download a growing array of templates and exten- sions across the oil and gas value chain. Ruths.ai’s 3D Subsurface Visualization extension adds surfaces, trajectories and seismic volumes Templates are guided analytic work- for a true, 360°, interactive view of the subsurface environment, bringing together the best data science interface for 3D analytics. flows that provide the users a launching

52 | JACK/ST. MALO point for their Spotfire analysis. The data feeds from the JSM templates are designed to solve com- wells as well as to dis- mon oil and gas workflows. Extensions cern how parameters, provide new functionality to Spotfire such as the productivity by adding visualizations, data connec- index (PI) and reservoir tors, and tools. pressure, for the wells Ruths.ai provides modular templates compare with simulation and extensions that can be combined data as they were ramp- to make powerful workflows. Some of ing them up,” explained the Ruths.ai products, available through Troy Ruths. “We were Exchange.ai, include: able to bring up the sim- • 3D Subsurface Visualization – an A visual, interactive experience enables scientists and engineers ulation data side-by-side to discover new and actionable insights into their oil and fields to extension for visualizing 3D surfaces, increase production and reduce costs. with the field data for a well paths, variables on well paths, real-time comparison. wellbore features, geobodies, and relevant, oilfield-related data sources to We also ran predictive seismic within Spotfire, improve the efficiency and quality of well integrity models against PI degra- • Basic Type Curve Analysis – an decision-making, communication, and dation and pressure loss.” The JSM stage extension for aggregating well data mining in a friendly, visual analytics 1 producing wells data will be utilized declines to determine typical behav- environment. The application is stable, in the analysis to provide insights and ior of a well ensemble, tested, and deployed across Chevron’s information to support future JSM wells. • Workover Candidate Analysis – global assets. a workflow for identifying potential Analyst Recognition workover candidates using past field Startup monitoring Gartner has named Ruths.ai as one performance, for JSM wells of the Cool Vendors in Oil and Gas, • Well Log Visualization – an exten- Ruths.ai delivered several analytics tools 2016 for its custom developed data sion to create, visualize, and interact that provided advanced Spotfire capa- science solutions. with log data. bility for the JSM engineering team. Specifically, these tools enabled the JSM Data analysis partnership team to build dynamic plots necessary with Chevron for startup monitoring. This extension Ruths.ai and Chevron have had an improved the existing toolset for the enduring data analytics collaboration. JSM startup workbench in terms of per- A recent example is a reservoir man- formance and content, built additional agement application that Troy Ruths analyses that target tactical workflows, and John Pederson, production man- and is supporting ongoing reporting RUTHS.AI ager of a Chevron asset, designed to requirements. 708 Main Street, Suite 820 Houston, TX 77002 USA analyze and monitor oil fields. The soft- “Our application enabled the +1 (832) 255-5100 ware’s goal is to integrate and expose Chevron engineers to monitor real-time [email protected]

Gartner, Cool Vendors in Oil and Gas, 2016, May 5, 2016. The Gartner Cool Vendor Logo is a trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Technip leverages its products and services to deliver an integrated subsea system

Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and con- struction for the energy industry. From the deepest subsea oil and gas devel- opments to the largest and most complex offshore and onshore infra- structures, our 34,400 people are con- stantly offering the best solutions and most innovative technologies to meet the world’s energy challenges. Present in 48 countries, Technip has state-of- the-art industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of specialized ves- sels for pipeline installation and subsea construction.

Jack/St. Malo (JSM) The Deep Blue is one of the most advanced pipelay and construction vessels of the subsea industry subsea project and the flagship of the Technip fleet. Technip was responsible for subsea installation services, using the Deep Blue, were fabricated to initiate flowlines, and HSE milestones one of the world’s largest ultra-deep- two gravity-base, second-end PLETs Consistent with our HSE Pulse program, water pipelay and subsea construction were supplied for terminations. All stab the health and safety of our employ- vessels, to install 55 miles of flowlines and hinge-over PLETS were stabbed ees is a core value and an absolute com- and SCRs, eight PLETS, and eight heavy- into pre-installed piles and hinged over mitment for Technip. The JSM project lift structures over four, continuous off- to land on the pile top. completed over one million man-hours shore campaigns. The Technip-designed stab and without a recordable injury (LTIR=0.00 Stalk fabrication for the flowlines hinge over PLETS were the first of their and TRIR=0.00). and SCRs took place at Technip’s spool- kind for rigid pipelay applications with base in Theodore, Alabama, which also the Deep Blue. The heavy-lift structures, served as the mobilization site for the four manifolds and four tie-in skids, Deep Blue. Fatigue-sensitive flowline were free-issued by Chevron and loaded sections required buoyancy modules. out by inland barge, transferred to an Strakes and anodes were also part of offshore barge and transported to the the flowlines installation. The Technip- field for offshore installation. All struc- TECHNIP designed pipeline end terminations tures were installed onto pre-existing 11740 Katy Freeway, Suite 100 (PLETs) were fabricated in Houston, piles. The heaviest of the manifold struc- Houston, Texas 77079, USA 1 281 870 1111 Texas. Six stab and hinge-over PLETS tures installed weighed 200 tonnes. www.technip.com


Wood Group Mustang Puts Experience to Work with the Jack/St. Malo Topsides Design

Since its inception more than 25 years ago, Wood Group Mustang has devel- oped a global reputation for its innova- tion, technical excellence and project management expertise on many of the industry’s most notable floating deep- water projects. As testimony, it has designed and engineered more than 60% of the topsides for floating produc- tion facilities currently operating in the U.S. Gulf Mexico (GOM). In just the past decade alone, Wood Group Mustang has designed more than 500,000 metric tons of topsides representing produc- tion of over 1.5 million BOPDE. further awarded the detailed design for provided the layout for the equipment, The complexity of the Jack/St. Malo the topsides. which was installed without incident. design was complicated by the need Utilizing its very experienced proj- The project was delivered safely, for the facility to host the two co-devel- ect team, Wood Group Mustang found within budget and on schedule. oped fields, 25 miles (40 km) apart and in innovative ways to keep the project Wood Group Mustang’s sister com- ultra-deep 7,000-foot water depths. The on schedule while assuring the neces- panies also made significant contri- design also needed to incorporate addi- sary quality standards were met. Wood butions to the success of the Jack/St. tional provisions to accommodate future Group Mustang performed process Malo project. Wood Group Kenny per- subsea tie-backs to additional fields. Jack/ and mechanical designs for the many formed detailed design for the 137-mile St. Malo is one of the largest semi-sub- equipment packages; procured valves, oil export pipeline and Wood Group mersible facilities in the world and the instruments and other equipment for PSN provided services relative to the largest by displacement in the GOM, with the topsides, as well as some hull and planning, management and execution a final topsides weight of 33,000 tons. subsea packages; then provided con- of onshore and offshore hook-up and The initial design throughput was for struction management for the topsides commissioning services. 170,000 BOPD and 43 mmscf gas. The assembly by the selected fabricator. hub supports 43 subsea wells and is the This procedure allowed the detailed first such facility to operate in the gulf’s piping design to be expedited, greatly high-pressure Lower Tertiary trend. reducing the time normally allotted for Wood Group Mustang first com- packaged equipment vendor data. An pleted the front-end engineering design example was a highly complex subsea WOOD GROUP MUSTANG (FEED) phase for the production facili- chemical distribution module that had 17325 Park Row ties. Following the project’s sanction- to fit in a compact deck footprint. Wood Houston, Texas 77084 USA Tel: +1 832-809-8000 ing in 2010, Wood Group Mustang was Group Mustang’s experienced designers www.woodgroup.com/mustang


by the subsea construction vessel, McDermott delivers North Ocean 102. In March 2015, Chevron awarded integrated subsea solutions the company a contract to support the brownfield expansion of the Jack/ The ability to fabricate jumpers in house, For Jack/St. Malo’s first-stage devel- St. Malo fields. The transportation and and the combined strengths of its off- opment, McDermott completed in installation of 30 miles of umbilicals is shore construction vessels, enables September 2014 the installation of jump- expected to commence in the second McDermott to deliver integrated sub- ers, flying leads, subsea pump stations quarter of 2016. sea solutions for challenging deepwa- and umbilicals, and achieved subsea ter projects. landings for some of the industry’s larg- est and most complex umbilical-end terminations. McDermott performed in-house fabrication of 21 high-specifica- tion rigid flowlines, manifold and pump jumpers, and installed the structures using the Derrick Barge 50, with its spe- McDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. cialized deepwater lowering system. 757 N. Eldridge Parkway Houston, Texas 77079 USA McDermott’s North Ocean 102 installed Three control and two power umbil- Phone: +1 281 870 5000 umbilicals totaling 65 miles. icals, totaling 65 miles, were installed www.mcdermott.com

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56 | | JACK/ST. Jack/St. MALOMalo