Africa: Background, May 1977, Part 3
, , . STATE~iENT OF PRINCIPLES OF U. S. FIRNS WITH AFFILIATES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA . 1. Non-segregation of the races in all eating, comfort, and ,,,ork facili ties. 2. Eoual, and fair .employment practices for all employees. 3. Equal pay for all employees doing equal or comparable work for the same period of t~me. 4 • Initiation of and development of training program~ that will prepare, in substan~ial numbers, blacks and,other non-whites for supervisory, administrative, clerlcal, and t echnical jobs. ~ . 5 . Incr~asing the number of blacks and other non-~lites in manag~ment and supervisory positions. 6. Improving the qualitY ' of employees' lives outside the work cnvi rO])Hl en t in such are as as hOl.S ing, tl'?nsporta U 0] )" school i ng, recreation and health facilities. We :lg 'r- Ct:: to fU 'rther implement these principles . Wh<;!te,J j~P l. (;':.:J:: : 1J~ E . ~.... iol1 requires a modification of existjng' South African . '\mrkir.q . con(iit:Lc:-;s . I we will seek s uch modification throug]l appropriate' ch ~ nnels. , . We be 1 i eve that the implementation of the foregoing pri n::.5.ples . Is t. consistent with respect for human dignity and will con t ribute grea t ly I to the general e~o;)omic vlelfare of all the people of the Republic. of South Afl"ica ~ . ; .' • • . r • •• t ... •..... h • • • • _ .... .t ... ;" ~ . " . , .t· - .- MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION Memo No. 861-77 April 20, 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT THRU: Denis Clift ~ FROM: Jay Katzen ~ SUBJECT: Anatomy of a Rebel, by Peter Joyce Attached, at Tab A, is a synopsis of the subject book, as you requested.
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