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20 08 Annual report Highlights of 2008 t0QFSBUJOHQSPmUTHSFXCZQFSDFOUUP4&,CJMMJPO t3FUVSOPOFRVJUZGPSDPOUJOVJOHPQFSBUJPOTXBTQFSDFOU t/FUJOUFSFTUJODPNFSPTFCZQFSDFOUUP4&,CJMMJPO t5IFBWFSBHFWPMVNFPGMPBOTJODSFBTFECZQFSDFOUBOEIPVTFIPME EFQPTJUTSPTFCZQFSDFOU t5IFCPBSEQSPQPTFTBOPSEJOBSZEJWJEFOEPG4&,QFSTIBSF t5IF#BOLIBEBQQSPYJNBUFMZ FNQMPZFFT t)BOEFMTCBOLFOIBEUIFNPTUTBUJTmFEDVTUPNFSTJOUIF/PSEJD DPVOUSJFTBDDPSEJOHUPUIF4,*&14*TVSWFZT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Notice of attendance Handelsbanken’s annual reports, annual reviews and Shareholders wishing to attend the AGM must: interim reports can be ordered from Handelsbanken’s website: t CFFOUFSFEJOUIFSFHJTUFSPGTIBSFIPMEFSTLFQUCZ Euroclear Sweden AB (previously VPC AB) by Thursday, 23 April 2009. IMPORTANT DATES 2009 tHJWFOPUJDFPGUIFJSBUUFOEBODFUP 28 April Interim report January – March 2009 Board Office, Handelsbanken, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 2, 29 April Annual general meeting SE-106 70 Stockholm, Sweden, phone +46 8 701 19 84, 21 July Interim report January – June 2009 or online at at 28 October Interim report January – September 2009 the latest by 3 p.m. on Thursday, 23 April 2009. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be entitled to take part in the AGM, any shareholders Place: Grand Hôtel, Vinterträdgården, whose shares are nominee-registered must also request a tem- Royal entrance, Stallgatan 4, Stockholm. porary entry in the register of shareholders kept by Euroclear. Date: Wednesday, 29 April 2009, 10 a.m. Shareholders must notify the nominee about this well before 23 April 2009, when this entry must have been effected. Dividend The board proposes that the record day for the dividend be Tuesday, 5 May 2009. If the AGM votes in favour of the proposal, Euroclear expects to send the dividend to shareholders on Friday, 8 May 2009. Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) Corporate identity number: 502007-7862 Registered office: Stockholm This annual report is also available in Swedish.
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