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Download 1 File EWS- E Xiaoyun Willoughby PREP BASEBALL is Wednesday's Woman Elizabethtown to name field PAGE .10 after coach Ron Myers SPORTS, 81 lUR CH 21, 2012 SERV I NG HHOIN COU NTY SINCE 1914 • RUCH SU BSCRIBER SERVICES AT (HO) 5D5-11TO 50 ~lnll Radcliff E'town • man turns retaIns himself in One Hughes pleaded not guilty Tuesday Knox to attempted murder By SARAH BENNEIT obcnn<;tl@th<n<""""lCrpri" .""'" An Elizabethtown man indict· funding ed in connection to a Dec. 29 at· tempted murder in Radcliff turned himself in Backing continues Samantha Porter, staff educator with BirthPlace at Hardin Memorial Hospital. speaks to women Tuesday Tuesday during during tha ven-dor portion of a community baby showar IIoIIted by tha family Resource Centers 01 local an arraignment school dlstrkU, Communleare, Hardin COllnly S-ehools Cradl e S-ehool and Urteoln Trail District Health in H ardin Cir· through fiscal year Department at PrHchard Community Center In Elizabethtown. cuil Court. Reginald L By MARTY fiNLEY Hughes, 23, mfmley@' ...........nlelpri ...e<>m pleaded not guil· ty Tuesday be· Radcliff will remain a parmer S -ng parents (ore turning him· HUGHES of One Knox for at least a few self over to a more months. Hardin County sheriffs deputy Radcliff City Council on in J udge Kelly Mark Easton s Tuesday backed a rC(:ommenda­ courtroom. He is one of fOUf in· tion from Mayor J). Duvall to with kedge dicted in February in connection pay the remainder of the money to a crime that police say sent allocated to One KJlOX in thi~ one man to Hardin Memorial year's budget. It also agreed 10 Residents gain support, Hospital. place about $1,1100 in the 2012- Along with Hughes, Annstead 13 budget 10 cover fourth quar­ advice at community shower C. Bayror II, 21, and Gary J. ter expenses because the agency j ohnson, 26, of Radcliff, each are back bills the city in quarterly By KELLY CANTRALL charged with complicity to com· payments. mit criminal attempt to commit I«. n' ... n@ 'h. "......, n~ ...c"'" Duvall told the council it murder and compUcity to commit should honor it:; commitment A community baby shower for new parents tam pering with physical evidence. this year but carefully SCll.ltinize was less about playing games and more about Sharita L Gibbs, 25, of Eliza· any further payments during assisting the newest Hardin bethtown, also faces a complicity budget sessions latcr th is year. County residents. to commit tampering with physi· Duvall said other programs Mothers, fathers and parents­ cal evidence charge in the case. would be reviewed as the city I Io-he filled Pritchard Conunwtity Indictments allege tile three continues 10 look for ways to Center in Elizabethtown to b'<lth· men attacked a man with inlent trim expenses. ~ er parenting advice as well as to kill at a Hill Top Circle resi· The re<;ommendation was dence in Radcliff. i~~;;d~items for their babies at Tuesday's surprising after a consensus was event staged by Family Re­ - They inlentionally struck rea(:hed March 13 to discontinue \ source Centers of local school him repeatedly about the face funding to the agency th at distric:U, Communicare, Har· and head, pushed him into a helped facilitate roughly $251 din County Schools Cradle glass table, causing severallacer· million in state infrastructure School and Lincoln Trail ations to his body, and lried to funding for the Base Realign. Disuict Health Department throw him over a sc<:ond story ment and Closure Initiative. New parents perused a balcony," the allegations read. However, with BRAC wrapping number of tables set up by lo­ All four suspects allegedly up in 20\ I, couucil members cal agencies to hand out informa· used bleach to destroy blood ev· found themselves . tion, ranging from programs idence knowing all official pro­ their heads as to what available at EUzabethtown Com· Robert ClaytQn £If tile Jef~f$on COIJnty Public ceeding was pending, aecording One Knox now serves munity and Technical Colle!, " Schools Fatherhood InltlaUve shares statistiCS to indictments. WlSure if Radcliff was I tips on how to use a car seat rom about fatherless homes with fathers and fathers-It)­ Radcliff police arrested Bay. any benefit for money it is pro­ Kentucky State Police. be who attended the cDmmunlty baby Bhower. lor and johnson in December on viding. Holly Powell, family con· the risks of smoking during pregnancy. She said charges of second-degree assault Duvall and the council re­ SWller sciences program assis· mothers were very interested in health tips and while Gibbs and H ughes initially ceived extensive feedback from tant for the Hardin County especially were drawn by a display she had de· were not charged. According to the community following last an earl ier report, the all eged vic· Cooperative Extension Se r· picting five pounds of body fat. week's meeting, but the mayor vice, talked to parenl$ about Powell said she hoped the community would tim told police in December he said he was afraid some of the exercise and nutrition, oral host more events similar to the community was attacked by three men. health during pregnancy and Thm to ONE KNOX, 1.13 Thrn to SHOWER, All Thm to HUCHES, 1. 13 Hardin Memorial hires new chief medical officer phen K. Toadvine new chief person to hold the position of the Baptist Healthcare System, years at Baptist Regional Med· Stephen K. Toadvine medical officer. He is slated to chief medical officer at HMH. from December 2006 to April kal Center in Corbin, he has a start April 30. HMH President Prather filled the role shortly af· 2011. keen sense of machinations with· to fill position vacated and CEO Dennis Johnson said ter HMH decided to create the j ohnson, who has known in HMH,johnson added. HMH the start dale is warranted be­ position. Toadvine for several years, said also is part of tile Baptist by Jody Prather cause of Toadvine's commit­ Toadvine has served as chief he brings a wealtll of experience Healthcare System. By MARTY FINLEY menU to hb outgoing employer. medical officer at Mountain and robust background in ho~p i . The hospital is in the process m~nl<y8' h .n........,'<TP';"'.rom Toadvine replaces Prather, States Health Alliance - a tal administration to the role. of developing a hospitalist pro­ who left the hospital in late J an­ health·care system based In "He really is a knOWTl entity gram, which contains physicians After a metiOllous search, Har· uary after taking on the role of Johnson City, Tenn. - since (in the hospital industry) and has who specialize in hospital medi· din Memorial Hospital has found chief medical officer for Baptist April 201 J and was chief medical a proven track record,~ j ohnson cine. johnson has said the hospi· Dr. jady Prather's suo::essor. Healthcare System. officer for Baptist Regional Me­ said. talist program could enhance the HMH has named Dr. Ste' Toadvine is only the second dical Center in Corbin, part of And by serving for several Tum I<t CMO, All INSIDE WEATHER • TODArS OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED THURSDAY Keith Glenn Bratcher, oS3 ABBY .............. A. OBITUARIES ..... A4 J=ie Lee tiumcr, 78 Resullli of Tuesday's The Nrrm-Enln-­ CALENDAR ......."'4 OPINION ............. 6 '"FAIith Mae Graham, 75 prlslonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: ClASSIAEOS ... BS PUZZLES ....... B10 Linda Anne Gmves, 63 COMICS ........ Bll SPORTS .......... 81 Dennis Wayne Nelson, 64 Lon ERIES ...... B2 TELEVISION ... B10 QUESTION: Will Mitt Romney win MOYI ES ......... B10 WEONESDAY'S Mary OIUilwOO. 59 the GOP presidential nomination? jeanette :Je anie~ Bnlner NEIGH60AS ..... A8 WOMAN ......... A10 Yes: 65 percent No: 35 percent Phelps, 87, PARTLY CLOUDY Vernon Wilson, 93 JODAl'S QUESTION: Have you ever contributed to a food pro~'T"dm for chil· • COMPlETE OBITUARlES . .u dren overseas? 83/61 Read a review of fni!he poll QI,l(!Stion~!he 'opiIion' meru at • OOMPLEfE REPORT. A2 ,,-,~e.prI& 'My WBek WIth Marilyn' A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE WEUHESOAY, lU RC H 21, 2U2 LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DATE IN IN 1960, HARDIN COUNTY about 70 people were killed in SharpeviHe, South Africa, Idening the way Woman involved in when police fired on black Sunday wreck dies protesters. IN 1962, the first Taco Bell E'town approves agreement with Silver Gate Properties A Louisville woman in· restaurant was opened by volved in a three·vehicle col· Glen Bell in Downey, Calif. lisioJl Sunday in Hardin IN 1965, morc than 3,000 for Hayden School Road improvements County died from her in· civil rights demonstrators By MARTY FI NLEY ment. developers will set up payment juries at 8:54 a.m. Tuesday at led by the Rev. Martin University Hospital. mfintey @~nt< lbe city in retum will provide methods with those suppliers to Luther King, Jr. b.:gan a Police said Shelly Thrash· engineering plans and construction ensure delivery of materials within march from $erma to Mont­ After approving an interlocal er, 30, was uorthbollnd on layouts, and contact all city home· 10 days of orders, according to the Interstate 65 near the 101· gomery, Ala. agreement Monday with Hardin owners whose driveways are af· County government concerning agreement. The county will order mile marker when fo r un· IN 1972, the Supreme fe<:ted. Elizabethtown also will ob· Q:,urt, in DUI1Il v. Bl ulll­ improvements to the county sec· and coordinate all material deliv· known reasons her Toyota tain agreements with home<;>wners stein, roled st(lles may not tion of H ayden &hool Road, '0'.
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