IFSC Newsletter 2013
Idaho Falls Ski Club Newsletter January 2013 Sign up for trips: Big Sky; Targhee; Sun Valley; IFSC Hut Chile Party; Yellowstone, Old Faithful; Discovery Basin/Mt. Haggin; Snowbird; Craters Of The Moon Go To www.ifskiclub.com for details on trips What a deal, $10adults/$5junior Lessons for Downhill, Snowboard, X-Country, Telemark, Skate Ski Targhee Instructional 1 was a huge success with 246 lessons,72 Junior and 68 Adults participated. Come join us in February and March to take advantage of the great lessons from Targhee’s Experienced Instructor’s. Targhee Instructional#2 Targhee Instructional I February 1 - 3 Targhee Instructional#3 March 1 - 3 Contact: Moira Solle 208-524-6323 Sign up form can be copied from our website 2 Avalanche Awareness Night By Wray & Lani Landon The Idaho Falls Ski Club, the American Avalanche Institute, and Wray and Lani Landon presented the 4th An- nual Avalanche Awareness night at Taylorview Junior High School. This educational event was held December 3 and provided information that served as a refresher for experienced winter backcountry travelers while also providing basic knowledge for those considering the backcountry. Sarah Carpenter and Don Sharaf, owners of the Institute, split the evening between avalanche basics, a checklist approach to decision making, and a discussion of this year’s snowpack in the Tetons. The night ended with 52 door prizes. Many in the crowd of 90 left not only smarter about the risks of winter backcountry travel but also with smiles on their faces from the prizes. We had $3000 worth of great prize sup- port from: Grand Targhee Resort, Jackson Hole Ski Resort, Sun Valley Resort, Big Sky Resort, Mammut Sports Group, Great Harvest Bread Company, Idaho Mountain Trading, Idaho Nordic Ski Patrol, Peaked Sports, Play it Again Sports, Bucks T4, Post Register, Yostmark Mountain Equipment, Barrie’s Ski & Sports, 4600 Bread, East Idaho Off-Piste, Kate’s Real Food, Fred Meyer, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Walmart Idaho Falls, Walmart Ammon, and Sams Club.
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