Easter Road HIBS Stadium Final.Indd
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EASTER ROAD & HIBS STADIUM Analysis and Framework Strategy LETICIA VALLE GARCIA JYOTI VIJAYAN NAIR Urban Project USD 2015-16 ABSTRACT The urban project is a research proposal based on a deep analysis of Easter road and surrounding neighbourhoods. It is divided in two parts, the fi rst corresponds to the analysis and the second is a proposal of development which tries to tackle several issues through the development of an strategy. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABBREVIATIONS This report has been a great learning experi- CEC City of Edinburgh Council ence and we are thankful to our program di- CETS Co-operative Education Trust Scotland rector Dr. Ola Uduku for introducing us to the DMU Diesel Multiple Unit course and conducting reviews and guest ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency lectures that have been a source of varied Hibs FC Hibernian Football Club feedbacks. LDP Local Development Plan LNP Leith Neighbourhood Partnerships First of all, we would like to thank our course MIR Main Issues Report director Kaminer Tahl for letting us carry out NPF National Planning Framework our study in Easter Road area, his tireless NRIP National Renewables Infrastructure Plan tireless support and guidance while helping OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development us put our experiences in new perspective; PEB Program on Educational Building professor Luca Brunelli and Stacey Hunter POLHA Port Of Leith Housing Association for sharing their knowledge about Leith and PPP Public Private Partnership Esater Road area with constant valuable feed- SDP Strategic Development Plan back. SESPlan Strategic Development Plan for Edinburgh and South-East Scotland SNS Scottish Neighbourhood Survey Furthermore, we have received invaluable SPP Scottish Planning Policy inout for various interviewees, experts, edu- UK United Kingdom cationists, activists. We would especially like to thank Nuria, who works at the University’s Distance Learning Department for sharing her vast knowledge about immigrant com- munities and social organisations in Leith, which have formed the backbone of our anal- ysis and strategy. C O N T E N T S ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABBREVIATIONS CONTENTS BRIEF AIM METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION NTRODUCTION 1 LOCAL CONTEXT 10 TOPOGRAPHY 11 GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT 12 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISONS 13 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 14 ANALYSIS PHYSICAL ANALYSIS 26 LAND USES 27 GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE 30 ROAD HEIRARCHY 33 PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND CYCLE ROUTES 34 PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 36 ARCHITECTURE TYPOLOGY 38 SOCIO - ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DEMOGRAPHICS 44 PLANNING LEGISLATIONS AND POLICIES 52 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS 56 SOCIO - CULTURAL ANALYSIS ECONOMIC TRENDS 62 CULTURAL FESTIVALS 63 CULTURAL HUBS 64 ORGANIZATIONS CONCLUSION 71 STRATEGY STRATEGICAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 88 DESIGN ELEMENTS AND MATERIALITY 98 MULTICULTURAL HUB - MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 101 BRIEF The Urban Projects report is an academic work from the Masters programme MSC. Urban Strategies and Design 2015-16, delivered jointly by Edinburgh College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) - The University of Edinburgh and Heriott-Watt University. It was carried out in the Semester 2 (January - April 2016) as a collaboration between authors Leticia Valle Garcia and Jyoti Vijayan Nair, on a given site - in this case, Hibernian Stadium and Easter Road in the Leith area of Edinburgh, Scotland. The aims of this assignement is to develop the following skills of : 1. Urban Analysis Expanding the case studies from semester 1 to the in-depth study of the urban condition of a specifi c area, using diverse methodologies (interviews & fi eldwork, mappings, etc.) to develop a holistic understanding of the urban environment. The analysis is primarily team work. 2. Urban Project Proposal A reaction to the analysis in the form of a detailed urban project proposal, which outlines the diverse comprehensive means of transforming the urban area in question, of bettering it for the benefi t of its residents, via changes in policies, in regulations, improvements to education, built environment, transport, political representation etc. The proposal is a strategic framework for the Easter Road Area and Hibs Stadium formulat- ed on the basis of analytical conclusions obtained through this study. A part of the develop- ment brief, is the introdution of Game Changer, a Non-Governmental body, working closely in collaboration with Hibernian Football Club which aims to “harness the power of football to help tackle inequalities and to promote social justice”. Game Changer is working towards many fl agship projects such as Entreprenurial Startup Zone and Learning Centre at Hibs Stadi- um, Easter Road and a proposed family centre and Growing Centre at Ormiston, East Lothian. This report is a strategic development framework envisioned along the lines of the visions set by Game Changer in their brief, which aims to work towards a Wealthier and Fairer, Smarter, Healthier, Safer and Stronger, and Greener social outcomes for “Leith, Edinburgh, the Lothians and South East Scotland. 6 AIM METHODOLOGY The aim of this report is to understand the To study the area, a site boundary was es- three parts, viz Physical, Socio-Economic and link between the Hibs Stadium and Easter tablished, demarcating the interest areas Socio-Political. The former primarily deals Road area with its immediate urban environ- from the rest of Edinburgh. The analysis with the physical aspect of the site such as ment and propose potential improvements for the study has been carried out primari- existing Land-use patterns, Green Areas, to its physical and social fabric. To be able to ly through two types of sources : Transport and connectivity, Pedestrian Activ- fulfi l this aim, four key questions have formed ity and Architecture Typology. For all practical the basis for our investigation. Primary Sources of information collection purposes, these can be noted as data collect- such as visual observations through fre- ed purely through secondary internet sources • How has the history of the place shaped quent site visits, personal interviews of and primary visual exploration, and do not in- and evolved use of the built environment? locals and activists, and photo documen- volve any societal aspects involving people. • tation. Socio-Economic analysis contitutes data on lo- • What factors contribute to the existing cal demographics and economic structure of economic and social backbone of Leith Walk Secondary Sources such as literature read- the area, collected through Secondary online and Easter Road? ing of planning policies, development sources such as Scottish Neighbourhood Sur- • plans by council and various other gov- vey, City of Edinburgh Council websites. The • How can these factors contribute to the ernmental and non-governmental organi- context of economic policies have also been development of socially sustainable commu- sations, proposed developments and their briefl y described in this section with an intro- nities and what is our role as facilitators to scope, etc. duction to proposed developments by the this development? council. Socio-Political analysis is essentially The theoretical framework adopted for a fi rst-hand analysis of existing authoritative the report broadly categorises it into three structures in the area. It provides a detailed major parts, viz Introduction, Analysis and analytical review of the major organisations Strategy.As the name suggests, Introduc- and institutions that work towards strength- tion aims to provide the reader an over- ening of the community. view of Hibs Stadium area with respect to Leith and Easter Road, its locational con- Lastly, the Strategy section consititutes rec- text and a brief historical timeline of its de- ommended proposals, an outcome of analy- velopment in the last few centuries. sis and are guidelines for potential develop- ments aiming at strengthening of the social Analysis section is further divided into and political infrastructure of the area. 7 INTRODUCTION S T R A T E G Y AA NN AA LL YY SS II SS I N T R O D U C T I O N Site Introduction INTRODUCTION Easter Road area is located to the North-East of Edinburgh city centre and in closer prox- imity to the Port of Leith or Shore, area of historical importance whose popularity has grown in recent years after a process of re- generation and enhancement of its public realm, becoming a new focal point within the city. The main street which connects the city centre with this area is Leith Walk, centre of vitality of the zone. Although its attractiveness and the growing interest among the Edinburgh citizens, only the 2% of the tourists who come to the city visit the Shore. Even the Royal Yacht of Britan- nia, set besides the Ocean Terminal mall cen- tre, does not seem to infl uence the visitors fl ow in the area despite being the sixth most popular paid attraction in Scotland (Leith Study Report, 2014). 10 Context LOCAL CONTEXT The extension of the tram lines and the plans for the development of the waterfront, re- peatedly interrupted and paralyzed for the time being, could bring a new opportunity to exploit its touristic potential. T I O N T R O D U C I N Apart from the Shore and the World Herit- age site of the city centre of Edinburgh, other main touristic attractions in the surrounding area are the Botanic gardens to the West and the Arthur Seat to the South, a treasure of natural life in the heart of the city with incred- ible views of its cityscape. TOPOGRAPHY Easter road area is located on a gentle slope that goes down towards the sea, although this feature is not visible from the area due to the dense built environment. However, Calton Hill to the South off ers a gentile per- spective of the whole place with the sea at the bottom. The other natural feature with a strong presence in this zone is Arthur Seat whose magnifi cent views can be observed from Easter Road and some of the streets that run perpendicularly to it as in the case of Brunswick road and from the bottom part of Lochend Road.