Social Sxtravaaance and Snobbery Jvjissiny in Yfewport of So day Detroit Soprano Flint Plans DiARy Soloist at Concert Cupid's THE DETROIT FEDERA- <>f TION OF MUSICIANS BAND New York conducting Three-Day Old with Herbert Tattle Tales Run Riot Straub 1 CAMACHE BOBBITT JORDAN-WILSON ~ will be heard tonight in tlie Mrs. Laurette A. Gamache Air. and Airs. Ernest R. Jor- Belle Isle announces the engagement of dan announce tho marriage, Shell at 8:15. Entertaining Bitter Feuds Ended, her daughter, Mary Jane, and early this month, of their This Fall Kourt ee n- tbt. ¦ ..- . --* < < Mayfair -jw ----- year-old Julia By ORBY KELLY Bayer, De- FI.TNT, Aug. 30. soprano Hollywnod Wtyllat troit doings highlight wh o leaves * Than 30 Years green is your w ardrobe ? J the Labor Day holidays with Resort Saner Ago here for p HOWIf it doesn’t include a soft Hollywood on a regular three-day program green green ahd a riotous it Monday, will planned at Flint Golf Club for flu Coolly KNicl , ipse in*o the parlance, I that caught gather for a regular outdoor >¦ ~* Maria do Rarril, whose family three yellow-greens her parents • Newport i'’ t it usc 1 N wjv»rt "knocked out Fisa's picnic with each group taking once w,!* rich enough to build Ann Sheridan’s eye when she set in Hollywood. ?o he." t'U , over the duties of chef the ‘ Beaulieu," out to buy a new slack suit suit- she at Of OOUT'C S’ Kn’f nothing \* ihe Bellevue avenue There al cooking. A ” fresco Wh.en T chatted with her she villa Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt able for almost any occasion. will join her two-ball buhbh'd over with enthusiasm of gabar- teacher foursome golf tourney will pre- \.' ** now calls “home." The trousers wool and, & of \ ir\v, :r in and your the I xuid .icclai'cd that nowhere else in a rich green, sponsor, cede event. sm*i.« \oti think Bailey’s beach came Into ' dine are bronze >tvial \\h- th- r she t i Looking after the various in the world had encoun- , l in apple green, and a Alfonso Pet* t-.'n-'u w. social glory about 1892, when a the shirt phases n tered grandeur, such ele- lIE MRS. ROBERT’ W 1! SON is ro/za, of the activities are Mrs. p such group of NrwjKjrt MARY JANC GAM AC JAMI'S knee-length, sleeveless coat in now rt is a ; *r- A gance, such an architectural Summer resi- the J. Palmer Crawford as women s ° Ann appearing in - :¦ : dents acquired tlw* property from likes outfit Jl 1.1A IIAIKR T¦ f \ flaunting of riches. Harry E. Bobbitt, son of Mr. daughter, Mary Emily, and reason. It is giving the Mexico entertainment chairman; Cole .j Bailey, a fence for a second Ward, Mr. erected Bobbitt. Robert Wilson, of looking coat at Mexico City. Petrozza A. men’s entertainment My only wish was that T.a and put up a “Private, Keep and Airs. Harry F. James her a good Summer Opera Maxwell, who knows her society The news was made knomt Air. nnd Airs. \Y. Wilson of she wearing with beige is arranging a screen test for chairman: Verner P. Mathews, < KT," sign that has survived lor which is j>ool Lk i in parts world, at a party held recently Cleveland, < >. the young Detroiter. chairman: R. G. Mann and of could dinner I all the almost hall a century. or white. James, have seen the Newport that at the Women’s City Club. The young couple will make The program for today’s con- Mrs. John R. golf chair- men. me the Newport of The bridegroom-elect is a linn**? in ] Blaze of Color re rt follows: fascinated F. W. Vanderbilt 0 0 0 Ilaggin. graduate of the University of Star R*nn#r. Mrs. James B. Mrs. *t>an*!«l ***"• .Several month* ago we pre- Kranral** Ft Farewell Gesture John Wvsong, Mrs. Oliver 11. That was just about Ihe 11m* Michigan. GENS- CIIRTS TE NSEN March Mltttalra J. • • Selection of Btra<»»« Wal?»»* up • dicted that a blaze of color P. Belmont and Mi's. Richard the first Vanderbilt mustered Miss F.lda Gens, daughter of Prayer «nrie»»ienn« (e) Tbmi* women were blessed iiose into A recent wedding was that of ville, Minn., and Carl Chiisten- be a ) * other. leaving Ihe bulk of bis $78,000,- tai II Hnclo —Srdltt >hi»r' Irefoie members separate Our prediction has already Selection* from JClleen Herbert for That made for a social race 000 estate to Mrs. James Lau- fulfilled, Fall wear Tone Poem I-inland.# *¦ ''r various schools. Miss Carrie who been but for Stripe* fc<’U»n KN, < **KB,K M K M it was fabulous to behold. rens Van Alen. .still lives In atari and Jane Miner has the job of look- : s lly 1 his willbe an established n ocn great style at “Wakehurst," a trend ing after general details, c snoblwry of ihe What Fisa Maxwell saw In In the aided n.n • fashion. Winter months is of 1!M1 port baronial-like pile* of s'tone built by Miss Hetty Bonhnght, ~f \lrs. Stuyvesant Kish, Mrs. year in Now these full colors look warmer. Dick Hermann w.r a sefies of magnificent by her father-in-law, the late . mei and Ilinry Clarl I ngden Goelet, Mrs. at the Thev’re also, I'm informed. Very to architectural ghosts of the past. J inics ,T. Van Alen, about Labor Day evenis at Atlas Oclrichs. etc., not mention (1895) spirit lifting. Green heads the Catholic waged Some Newport houses are like rime that “Fred" Valley Country Club include a tho tor social fouds . bit the chateaux of France, others Vanderbilt erected “Rough two-liall foursome in the after- Kmonc ambitious Newport L rr* Wffl I could elaborate on leaf green like bits England. Point." now ihe Newport home rif)on with at the ... are of Old dinner club . M * at th# turn of the pajamas, spinach green t of Mrs James Luke, mother chiffon Monday evening. Some are beautiful, others ugly. R negligees, green and white Group Mr. and Mrs. centurv crepe few ''am- All are touched with a of Doris I >uke Cromwell, and taffeta Offers I-eon A. Pratt head the enter- Todav there are striped and checked and the standing at ihe far end of that tainment committee. Then a bitious" hostesses at the cele- grandeur and nobility, breakfast coats, green satin trees former “Avenue of Millions"-- event is slated at brated Rhode Island resort. verdant and velvet-like nightgowns, nnd so on ad in- mysterious lawns that t?> tb* Rulli vue avenue, Atlas for September l's a “ambitious" host- slope down l finitum I want to ronren- Plays with And it takes among year 1895 saw but More notice walk" are tho most The also that low-heeled and to make things hum—and “cliff trate on a new pajama designed shoes esses charming ihe "" (costing $1:750.- j flashlights are required. provide gossip. on continent. by Warner's Howard Shoup. THEATER The the Yet ihe late Mrs. Oeltaeh’s (m.(H rise next to Ihe late Mrs. rpi IE CATHOLIC only information passed on to No question- but what *¦- enlarge is “Rijsecliffe," built site of William Astqr’s “Bcechwood." OF DETROIT will embers t‘.a* *‘•••rs life Jived at Newport today on 111?' Half and Half is vlll healthy less Ihe home of Bancroft, the his- For almost a generation its activities during Hie coming be a steak roast. The Pratts a far more and put nightgown top led torian, at a cost of 52.000,000, stately “Marble House" was the 1 Howard a season, according to a report is- are also supervising tins social exacting existence than that ,MK). U III IAM D. JI2A I l MRS. CARL CHRISTr\’M\ pajama bottom the socially ladies has iu In “luehlights" of Rellevue avenue. where Count Alexander is mn- that boated of “trimmings ' Breakers," its no rooms, one actors regularly a’tended sessions hats with ?' I.upe is .also wearing of The I t Mrs. Astor’s older ' nerted with the motion picture ranging from stuffed birds to lose out on Ochre Point in place the string of a “Summer Course in Theater" cost $750,000 1o new mesh blouses - “Beechvvood" industry. what looked like replicas of their of the simple cottagf' of an rat with her suit. This one has a held Tuesday and Thursday nights build and equip. But, realizing Count* -s Goudovitch flower gardens veils, lace para- h?'r Pierre Retaliat'd, and "Ochre jabot collar. for seven weeks at H»* Catholic studied the new Nevv|)orters are not, nt Ferry Hall and at sols. etc., thev paraded on to the Court” was built by Ogden Theater Workshop, 675 East Jef- the Girl s financially, in a class with those Latin School fn Baltimore. sand* of Bailey’s but never Goelet. j ferson nvenue. The who ruled things in other days, | Powder The curricula Included voice and Count Is the son of Countess bathing attire. 'Hus Summer bolh “The Shades donned Astor, great Mrs. ; and Rh akers" and “ Vincent tho TY RUNE T R are of many diction, interpretive reading, j>oi'e, Anastasia Count Basil Astor’s grandson, willingly ac- * characterization, technical design Goudovitch of Monie Carlo and Bailey's Beacb are closed and untenanted. But ~ many cepted ft $55,000 of for lor types, variations. 'lTie subjects were Nice H** u.i« graduated frorni housekeeping" aparT- Jk nnd direction. ’ probably why Bailey's the “light “Bcechwood" Amer- a range of pow- of Parc Monte That's tnenls so charmingly created hv from the MRS. k\.\rp MRS. I 12* ANDOWskI Tliere is wide taught by e\j>rri(’nced members Imperial In Carlo. - r.. Reach flourished all those yeaV- ican horn Countess Kotzebue, John HENRY the Theater, who included Honoring the Fred R. I ra/ier out the garden- der shades from which to Catholic Frasers poor dears who never stuck .lelke of who now dwells in halls sacred Black, Payne. who leaving shortly The er’s cottage on the J. J. Wysrrng bride of E. John Knapp, son of Air*. AHchalicn Gronkovvskl. and choose, and lipsticks come in Viola Isabel Louis F. are for so much as a patrician toe in the to th?' memory of the late Mrs. Nap Buffalo, Mr. cstale ;it the gnt?'s to the closed Air. and Airs. Clifford Knapp of Henry Lewandow>ki, son of Mr. every shade from deep coral to Hayes, Frank Wurtsmith and nnd Mrs. Cole A. breakers that roll up A'fur and at a price. I might Sanchez, were n group Lilliputian Vanderbilt ian “Breakers’’ are Sussex avenue. and Airs. R. J. Levvandow ski. damask. Always the dark-eyed Ward hosts to of n p strand controlled by the .•'dd, that wouldn’t have secured neighbors at 1o overflowing. They were married at St. 0 0 0 lovely should use rich tints to an ol fresco supper Reach Associa- full for decent Spouting Rock Which sjH'aks volumes- and her a farmhouse in Church. make her eyes look soft, deep cooked in their backyard grill water i- -' Marks Alethodist tion. ri !n’t r< a’i/e the i it by (’onnoeticut! • * • Brother, Sister Saturday evening. 'Hie Golf .unis the wav Newport )' g?>m. . HARRIS-ROST and velvety. club cleaner and the bathing fa? I With Mrs Herbert Shipman was during DZURIS-A NPERSON This smiling There are ochre nnd flesh the destination the better over at what is known threatening to tear down her bride in delicate To End Camp Stay evening hours, with the group Pleasanter Newport bet broth d is be- tones in powder, and blends as as the "public heath," $2i)00,00(> "" if Just revealed is Ihe lace Airs. C. F. Rost who, ELAIS T. KNOWLSON of taking in the holiday informal 4, •’ a tiny p,,r onl\ d d say well. Sometimes hit of one rt Goelet haughty dame of bygone ; a-ant' i Newport? tlie scene and Robert for the olive complexion. Airs. Know Ison Dodge of Rye. Newport general ioti journos Secretly, however, my snob- loving vviih the idea of wreck- Elderly ladies who have pale N. Y., will return this week Gives Cocktail Party daily to Bailev s Reach in full i h soul can yearn for the over- ing “Ochre UouM” just to save skins can apply mauve powder from Camp Wilderness. Airs. ?* Mrs. L. C. Cost ley of Atlanta, par.oplv : 'to snub I,n U" ot < -tered and heavily hejew- the taxes, it looks as if the with good effect, especially Knowlson and her daughter if , f, C,a was a much gue«t •.' • feted fortunate who had mai d ' » dowagers: “Mayrne" Fish Sybaritica'l Nevvjxut some of us WE: Sik. the eye- Patricia returned from the I they touch temples and during her visit here with the fall ipto disfavor with h? r asp-like tongue; knew and loved is doomed. lids with rouge. camp late last week. p con Ahem’ and Austin F. Youngs of Lake ’!"• new pott of old • St? Mary" Goelet an?l in favor of "light Fenton fur! 1 Trine, s t'oh- ('keeping." this week. Early In t»x* it all good, clean i? and jewel hou f her - . 1 larry 1/ hr provoking week hostess entertained at a cocktail party Dress Simply ' Ket noohan t<* harsh words Newport Tomorrow in her honor with guests present from De- • ot ,t, : poor, d< tr Lota Robin«nn Today most of the won n t However, if the children arid troit, Birmingham and Flint and R;< ' • >¦! ? ; equally p.i'hetie “Widow ’,l inters at the new S i grandchildren of th?* men and I ¦ as also Mrs. Wendell Crane of At- > » .* ? irphell" serving “yes- R, h that has ; seh on if i ! . ns women who built the great, lanta. who is visiting here. ¦ - w r ••n" to dynamic Mrs. Sim• (3 ¦¦ d*mt»-nyed by the 1 ol juaiu loomed Niwjiori palaces The large to old. t unqui 'iTnnabTy the Buick group de- pen- several yni' ago are Fish te m. them down >r the very e of » l part shortly for • Melrose . it tand:ng character of Park, drrvsed sjmply, r"«r.y ir- C ?*vs c\eel I»?iit reason they no Thnger 111., is also inspiring much enter- ,i t gaum ’ Now port and bat less. and ( in afford to tr untain them. taining. Among these function* • " V We' • - Heigb-bo, *f the L’e V , New |X»ft of t was the bridge given ]• T luncheon w<-- •• %• w- . pr Cddy that fust don’t llenry A. C. Ta\ lor. *'¦ morrow look like 7 \ by Mrs. Kenneth L. Arnold '• and .;Y , for was ht I. -(‘keeping ' The “town" of Newport which port r >kname * . her sister. Mrs. Archie R, *.f th> present-day New- I RANt s D/L'RIS MRS. * . L ROST feet j •|• • < l.netTii . 1 v md at the Newport r Campbell, who with her family, :«• w?‘dd «» v r - vh'i emulate ~f n U V> : • ( * mo v. here the “palnces" will leave next month. Included r, ' I “' he Empress > and fore her marriago was Aliss voting* r Ncvypnrt ho*?*’"- s h. hi in. h 'ill tfie rharm of a id Mi*« Frances D/uris on the guest list were •e Mills and S’anley the fol- today she'd think ?n< was V J’eon de e rtf .1 'onial New England Anderson. Roberta Harris. lowing; -lx 't Min’ < loelrt if ¦ Coney Bland. tew n mfisda yre j ? j ’• •••' t, r- had the neers- !<- At that. I eertrdr Jar T’> ¦ An ) the sudden change O'h* F Ffvport Wnit-r .T ’ Jjixr-ncs ,(, r %< •«" >ame They crept to t> Gfrald Wh«»|*r 4 “Turky Fror? » A from colonial charm paltry thousands today. has Into our social life Burkhardt o * •* • < •e‘ i? *.tiMpi. '• 1 n" at New- t of out Flmhlnc Prexel, and e* ?>t 'n » the breath-taking luxury derive snobbish pleasure of stay. John P. Hom 0*or»;* W. Crnw ‘ t ’ |V( s to keep up rr jeh »nore Newo *rt f .u o T« 1 i* 'll ihe I oii'c*. of the one-time the feeling they are close to And I’m .already having night- Ikiiii*I>*l,u> Jr. W. H. RaMM** “ the New Karl 8. Tuckrr J. ! ¦’* • ’ of old poi t iiien.' o> Summer that what mares in which I see tinsv- J-'mnic Man;*? the great Airs a ’ rr i colony represented untold riches. H/irt Kol*n f r Kei'-ys Reach. rail'* - th*' stranger* w’ithin the the .- • There are no “new" million- winsy cottages of “develop- ••• .r' never were w« 7- •< <’ • ¦ i Newfmr) gates ga*f» in aston- along and tyfx* rising on the •*, sartorj.” 1 I to aires tf.xlav to rome ment" sites " I ;¦» Rail? v s I’.eaeh • and ishment. opera’e the large houses now where 1 once proudly looked at Detroit Federation social “don't« ' < \ ’ :• s ;!l like poison Yet lr, her rathe-- g> • w v treated No eric can tell me without closed. “," “Seaview Ter- * "the Empress J?r -!•) ’ i' * short ng an argument - - that For, as 7vo written, Newport race." “< )chre Court.” “Belcourt" Changes Meeting (- ’ - - •» 'a h hou a “Th*» Breaker' changed it's healthier, and the re't of the New- tetter show tt an . i has all BECAUSE OF the rational . * Social Suicide ' "file (’ouri ’ * Sea view Tei - more not port real estate “white ele- “Tucky" French A 1 tor : definit? ly simple and convention of the Woman's t tec, “Roseciiffe," etc, a rent so as in I>rrx«d provide today. v s another reason why nearly “wicked" the phants." Christian Temperance Union in ? CM A*tnr, New [Ki’t*‘- ils" W • ** grea* houses of ttiosc' ih.e “window-dressing’ other fhns of terfific fortunes Mrs. Fish. Alt*. Mrs. Rapids T’hose old »- Grand work, , ’ j#..t.»i this which * l •• New p>rt need*. and terrific snobs. Belmont, Harry Lehr. Airs. Ker- J-'.»s t v *’T pretensions, g-e¦p v . rich 'hys have bee • me ¦ *** ?¦ *£ ¦ closes with a banquet at the ,r ( Strange as it. may seem, the nochan, Mrs. Gambrill, etc., will re*tnUeS of sr’orrrr 1; "l “, te ¦ ; Hants.” To pur* base Housekeeping Pantlind Hotel Wednesday eve- .< Light r. >?• "new through ages, indulge acrobatic in glass" figure* provided a r< a n ri N wport and not h«« rich." the in stunts ning, the Detroit Federation * will ending ->f ;¦> : ? '?» 1m cross th.e portals of haven't wanted anything labeled their resting places when .source Tourists and even the le‘« ’ hold its September meeting Fri- etv .scpl> l 1 vn? •hu f >t * of present day “simple, “healthy" and, shall I that happens. day at the Frances 1.-»••• ' *»f> ilcnt socialites Willard rc say “seraphic." And having certain rever- Tot(ay most Newport L to . .'¦<• d si). ,de \ a?i no ga/ing at the millions of a House, instead of the usual first * 4 ‘ ence the regime”—l’ll W l*h feW CXeep* .or -Te ' T’r r while the «urf lathing at dollars worth of real evtatc and for "old Wednesday. Nightmares ho very unhappy. This “Charlie McCarthy" was in 1 1-*0 jyi'r or tor I’N • Jl<* r'-f L l»-y*s is poor and the beach weaving dreams of tho-e/bril- much ?! > - jt's ( Tattle-Tales Old New York! their cta*;r.n, to ar.;. n t.‘ t'»<> s'f»aeio?)s, the svni- -1 mt c. i\' of “Mayme" Fish, So Newport seems definitely of evidence in the entertainment which featured Ides Back From Chicago thing that would r ke t' ? m .!• ( ' 'h? 'her .V' U.*>( \- ?>• ;? < Is holding the performer, FRANCES DODS- A U‘ « week h.;r 7 V I Ik•come kiiring house for “’he million* of dollars admit it an?l in print, t?>o I'm RENFIELD are week-ending at are spending the week-end at ve‘ 1 «r* foo* in N? wpeot ter , r and hndge in- of real c'ta*e’’ w’dl onlv bring - "lig’’ ho'ixef eening" (V»t?» park on .Michigan. WORTH is at the left and NORMA RANKS. Gull Lake. r a i< x PAGE 6 Detroit Sunday. Times, August Si, 1941