INDEX Abattoir Company (Jersey Agassiz , Louis , 121, 435 office of the Supervising PAGEREFERENCES City , N .J.), 541 Airlie , Earl of , 156 - 157 Architect , 437- IN ITALICSREFER TO Abbey , Edwin Austin , Albany Capitol . SeeNew 438 ILLUSTRATIONS. 69 York State Capitol consolidation of , with Academie des Beaux - Albert (Prince Consort of Western Association , Arts ( ), 29, 35 England), 394 328 Hunt as member of , Albert Edward (Prince of conventions of

324 , 433 , 435 Wales ), 125 first (1867), 169 Academie Royale d' ArchitectureAldrich , Thomas Bailey, second (1868), 169 (Paris), 28, 95 third (1869), 169

29 , 108 - 109 Alexander II (Czar of ninth (1875), 252, 508 Academie Royale de Russia ), 159, 160 tenth (1876), 255- 256 Peinture et de Alexandria , , 51 twenty -second (1888), 327 Sculpture (Paris ), 28, All Souls ' Church 29 (Biltmore Village , twenty -third (1889), 327 - 329 Academy of Music Asheville , N .C .), (N .Y . C.), 539 454 - 455 , 548 twenty -fourth (1890), 329 - 330 Adams , Charles Francis , Aliard , Jules , et Fils , 513, 157 523 twenty -fifth (1891), 330 - 331 Adams , Mrs . Charles Allen Library (Pittsfield ,

Francis , 157 Mass .), 542 twenty -ninth (1895), 453 Adams , Henry , 265, 411 Alma - Tadema , Sir Adams , Mrs . John Lawrence , 295 , 323 early history of , 112- 117 Quincy , 8 Amboise , Chateau of , 49 Adams , Marian Hooper American Academy in first annual reception of (Mrs . Henry Adams ), (1866), 168 265 background of, 438- 439 founding of , 110- 111, Adelbert College (Cleveland founding of , 439- 441 485 ) American Architect and headquarters of , 69, Clark Hall , 374 , 376 , 547 Building News , 259, 111 , 163 , 550 President ' s house , 524 , 260 , 506 , 508 Hunt ' s role in , 108 , 169 , 459 547 American Art Union , 77 Adler , Dankmar , 328 , American Geographical as president , 327- 331, 417 395 Society , 69 Adler & Sullivan , 397 American Institute as secretary , 111- 116 Administration Building (N .Y .C .), 539 as vice-president , 169, 508 , World ' s Colum - American Institute of Hunt Collection at , viii , bian Exposition , 92, Architects 548 chapter system, 168- 457 , 477 , 483 , 538 , assigned to Hunt , 399 169 , 327 - 328 550 , 559 criticisms of , 407 , 410 concerns of incorporation of , 111, 485 delay on , 402 competitions , 113, 485 design of , 392, 403, education , 169 Chapter of , 168 , 169 , 170 , 173 , 407 - 408 , 409 , 458 , 529 fee structure , 87 , 259 , 260 , 392 , 456 , 508 fame of , 453 , 454 167 - 168 , 171 , 213 , 494 framing and materials ironfronts / 114 - 115 , officers of , 111 , 169 , of , 530 213- 214 j 255 , 327 reconstitution of location of , 399 multifamily housing , (1864), 144 statuary groups on , 408 113 , 204 reorganization of Architectural Record , 453 Astoria Hotel (N . Y.C .), 563 (1867), 168 Architectural revivals . 345 , 346 American Institution of See Revivals , architectural Atelier system , French , Architects , 109 - 110 , 31 - 32 , 470 117 Arm strong , Maitland , Hunt in , 25 , 29 , 30 , 36 American Museum , 336 , , 23 , 54 77 - 78 Arm strong , General Aumale , Duc d ' , 324 , American School of Architecture Samuel C . , 192 , 193 , 332 - 333 in Rome , 195 Avery , Henry Ogden, See American Arsenal , Central Park 494 Academy in Rome (N . Y.C .), 118, 147, Ames , Oliver , house 154 , 185 , 492 , 539 Babcock , Charles , 112 , (Boston ), 286 Art Association (Newport 485 Ames , Winslow , 241 , ), 135, 487 , 539 Babcock , William Per - 507 Arthur , Chester A . , 302 , kins , 48

Anderson , MacVickar , 306 Bacon , Rev . S . W . , tomb 323 , 433 - 434 Arts , in American culture (Baltimore ), 542 Anderson , Major , 63 - 65 Baker , Richard , mansion Robert , 126 , 488 Aspinwall , William H ., (Newport ), 506, 541 Anthon Memorial 70 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 138 , Ball , Thomas , 263 Church rectory , 540 182 , 488 Balsan , Consuelo Vanderbilt Anthony , Holland C ., Association of Arts and , 274 , 27 .?, 358 , 288 ; 450 , 494 Industries (Chicago ), 362 Apartment houses , 113, 232 Bancroft , George , 142, 204 - 205 , 207 - 208 Association Residence 160 - 161 , 392 Stevens House , 208 - (N .Y .C .), 298- 299, Barbizon , , 48 - 49 ,

210 , 212 - 213 515 , 544 55 , 131 , 473

Stuyvesant Apartments Astor , Carrie , 284 Bartholdi , Frederic Au - , 204- 208 Astor , John Jacob , 345 guste , 314 , 316 , 317- Appleton , Thomas Gold , Astor , John Jacob , Jr. 318 , 322 , 323 , 518 , 544 23 , 48 , 63 , 238 , 240 (III ), 144, 227 , 345 , Barye , Antoine Louis , house of (Newport ), 238, 373 39 , 40 , 129 , 157 , 518 , 240 , 242 , 506 , 541 Astor , John 546 Architects ' and Jacob , IV , 345 , 346 , Batterson & Eisele , 522 Mechanics ' Journal , 348 , 548 Baudry , Paul, 50, 281, 87 , 116 , 479 Astor , William B., Jr ., 324 Architectural corn petitions 174 , 345 , 546 Beacon , N . Y . , 196 - 200 . See Competi - Astor , Mrs . William B . , Beadle , Chauncey D ., tions , architectural Jr. (Caroline Webster 532 Architectural education . Schermerhorn Astor Beaux - Arts , Ecole des . See Education , architectural ), 284 , 298, 345 , See Ecole des 346 Beaux - Arts Architectural League of mansion of (N . Y.C .), Beaux - Arts Architects , New York , 326 - 327 , 345 - 346 , 347 , 348 , Society of, 106,440 449 , 456 452 , 548 Beaux - Arts tradition ,

Architectural professionalismAstor , William Waldorf , xiv , 102 - 103 , 105 ,

. SeeProfessionalism 262 , 345 , 373 , 393 106 - 107 , 445 , 462 , , architecturalAstor Library (N .Y.C.), 471 . See also Ecole des 214 Beaux - Arts 564 Bedloes Island , N . Y . C ., Bigelow , John W ., house Biltmore House , 424 , INDEX 317 , 318 , 322 (Newport ), 539 426 , 428 , 429 Beecher , Henry Ward , Billings , W . W ., house , Breakers , 367 83 , 247 , 310 , 311 , 477 549 , 358 , house of (Peekskill , Biltmore estate 362 N . Y.) , 247, 248 , 543 (Asheville , N .C .) . See Metropolitan Museum monument to (Brooklyn also Biltmore House of Art , 448 , N . Y.), 311- 312 , criticism of , 431 Ochre Court , 349 313 , 517 , 546 forestry operations at, Trinity Church , 374 , Beechwood Museum 417 - 418 375 , 547 (Newport ), 546 gardens and nursery at, Blaine , James G ., 450 Belcourt (Newport ), 362 , 532 Blodgett , William T ., 363 - 364 , 365 , 522 , 548 landscaping at , 420- house (Newport ), 541 Bellows , Henry W ., 143 421 , 532 Blois , Chateau of , 49 , Belmont , August , 301 , planning of, 413- 415 131 , 421 314 , 363 significance of, 412, 432 Bloor , A . J., 168, 169, Belmont , Caroline (Mrs . workers ' resolution at , 181 , 486 August Belmont ), on Hunt , 454 Bogardus, James, 76, 214 301 , 314 Biltmore House Boker , John G ., 77 Belmont , Oliver Hazard (Asheville , N .C .), Bonaparte , Colonel Perry , 314 , 362 , 363 . 546 - 547 . See also Jerome , stables See also Belcourt Biltmore estate (Newport ), 542 Belmont , Mrs . Oliver construction of , 415 , Borden , John , 514 Hazard Perry . See 416 , 418 , 419 Borden , William , 288 Vanderbilt , Alva criticism of , 431 mansion of (Chicago ), Smith design of , 421 , 422 , 423 , 288 , 289 , 290 , 299 , Belmont Chapel (Newport 424 , 425 , 426 , 427 , 514 , 545 ), 314, 452, 511, 428 , 429 Boston , Mass . , 15 - 17 , 513 , 547 planning of, 329, 332- 203 , 208 Belmont tomb (Newport 333 , 414 - 415 Museum of Fine Arts , ), 314 , 315 , 452 , size of , 366 , 412 , 414 , 7 , 16 , 228 , 265 547 421 Public Library , 330 Williams houses , 118 , Beman , 5 . 5 . , 395 , 397 , Biltmore Village 400 (Asheville , N .C .), 119 Benson , Eugene , 69 418 , 420 , 454 - 455 , 548 Bouguereau , Adolphe Bern , Switzerland , 22 , Bishop , H . R., mansion William , 324 312 (N .Y .C .) , 548 Bourget , Paul , 372 , 461 Beth Israel Hospital Bitter , Karl Bouwens , Richard van (N . Y.C .), 515, 545 biographical sketch of, der Boilen , 370 Biarritz , France , 131 , 160 373 - 374 Bradbury , George , 100 Bibliotheque Sainte - impressions of Hunt Bradford , Seth , 241 Genevieve (Paris ), 27 by , 403- 404, 460 Brandis , Dietrich , 417 Bierstadt , Albert , 95 , 96 , works by Brattleboro , Vt . famous residents of , 4 143 , 158 , 182 Administration Building Bigelow , John, house (Chicago fair ), history of , 2- 3 (Highland - Falls- 402 , 408 Hunt family home in , on - the - Hudson , Astor mansion , 346 2 , 3 , 13 , 122 N . Y.), 548 Belmont tomb , 547 Jonathan Hunt in , 2, 6 and Leavitt Hunt , 61 Brown , Henry Kirke , 20, Carley , Pearl . See Hunt , 565 Tyler 's school in , 2, 7, 8 144 , 300 , 549 Pearl Carley Webster ' s visit to , 9 Brown , John G ., 95, 96 Carlisle , John G ., 437- Breakers , The (Newport Browning , Robert , 157 438 , 452 ), 548 Bryant , William Cullen , Carmenci ta , 97 design of, 366- 367, 368, 78 , 173 Carolus -Duran (Charles 369 , 370 , 371 Buchanan , James , 72 Auguste Emile documents on , 523 Bulfinch , Charles , 88 , 99 , Durand ), 324- 325 interiors purchased for , 378 Carrere & Hastings , 185, 435 Burchard , John , 462 , 513 346 Hunt work on , 364 , 366 , Burden , James A ., 452 Carroll , Lewis , 160 370 , 450 , 452 Burling & Whitehouse , Case Western Reserve planning of, 364, 366 397 University (Cleveland Brethren of the Workshop Burlington , Vt ., 303, 306 ), 374 of Vitrivius , 109 Burnham , Alan , viii , Casilaer , John W ., 95

Brimmer , Martin , 15 , 48 , 473 , 559 Castillia , Gaetano , 14 325 , 378 , 439 , 452 Burnham , Daniel Cast-iron buildings . See biographical sketch of, and American Iron -front buildings 228 Academy in Rome, Cecil , John Francis houses of (Boston ), 228 , 439 Amherst , 431 229 , 230 , 287 , 504 , 541 and " City Beautiful " Cecil Dreeme (Winthrop ), tomb of , 547 movement , 410 69 - 71 Briquet , Alphonse , dinner honoring , 404- Centennial Exhibition school , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 405 (Philadelphia ) 468 and Root ' s death , 399 architectural exhibits

Bronson , Arthur , house and Tarsney Act , 437 at , 253 , 256 (Newport ), 118, 125, and World ' s Colum - buildings of, 255- 256 538 bian Exposition , 395 , general exhibits at , Bronson , Frederic , 396 , 397 , 398 , 401 , 253 , 255 house (N . Y.C .), 230 , 401 - 402 , 406 , 528 Hunt 's impressions of , 544 Burnham & Root , 163 , 255 - 256 Bronson , Frederic , 393 , 398 , 399 , 493 Hunt as juror at , 253 tenements (N . Y.C .), Burrage mansion (Boston Memorial Hall , 256 , 445 509 , 545 ), 286 opening ceremonies of , Bronson , Frederick , Bush - Brown , Albert , 253 house (Greenfield , 462 , 513 planning for , 252, 253

Conn .), 541 Busk , Joseph R., 340 . See purpose of , 394 Brooklyn , N .Y. also Indian Spring Statue of Liberty fragment Beecher monument , Byzantine style, 258, 270 at, 316 311 - 312 , 313 Central Gospel Chapel Soldiers ' and Sailors ' Caen , France , 45 (N .Y .C .), 545 Monument planned Cairo , Egypt , 51, 52 Central Park , N . Y . C . See for , 308 Calhoun College (Yale ), also Central Park Brooklyn Mercantile 498 Gateways Library Association , Campo Santo (Pisa , Arsenal , see Arsenal , 539 Italy ), 19 Central Park Brooks , C . PilS Capitol , . history and development Brown , Glenn , 329 , 381 See United States of, 146 Capitol 566 Metropolitan Museum 126 , 157 , 159 , 249 , impact on Hunt , 142- INDEX of Art , 174 . See also 251 , 488 145 Metropolitan Chauncey house Clark , Eliza , 376 Museum of Art (Dobb 's Ferry , N .Y .), Clark Hall , Adelbert College Pilgrim Statue, 306, 308 549 (Cleveland ), 374 , as proposed si te for Chemical Laboratory 376 , 377 , 547 Hunt Memorial , 455 (Princeton ), 271 , 272 , Clarke , J. D ., 497 Lenox Library , 185 511 , 545 Clay , Henry , 43 New - York Historical Chenonceaux , Chateau Cleave land , H . W . , 485 Society building , of , 49 Cleveland , Grover , 306 , 154 , 155 Cherbourg , France , 45 322 , 406 , 437 world ' s fair , 392 - 393 Chicago , 111. See also Coal and Iron Exchange . Seventh Regiment World ' s Columbian See Delaware and Monument , 145 , 301 Exposition Hudson Canal Company Central Park Gateways , Borden mansion , 288 , Building 539 289 , 290 Cobb , Henry Ives , 397 , criticisms of , 148 - 149 , Field mansion , 232 , 401

152 - 154 , 161 , 287 233 , 234 Codman , Henry Sar - designs for , 146- 148, planning for the fair , gent , 394 , 395 , 396 , 150 , 151 , 154 , 156 393 - 396 398 , 405 , 416 paymentfor , l54 response to fair ' s ar . Coles , Mrs . Elizabeth , proposed as Hunt chitects , 397 house (Glen Cove , Memorial , 455 , 491 Choate , Joseph , 15, 143, N .Y .), 546 Century Association 405 , 431 , 452 Coles , Mrs . William F . , (N .Y .C .), 78- 79, 126, as Hunt ' s lawyer , 212- house (Newport ) , 127 , 326 , 454 , 455 , 479 213 , 503 506 , 540 Cesnola , General Louis and Metropolitan Cologne, Germany , Palma di , 175 , 442 , Museum of Art , 173 , 249 - 250

443 , 496 175 Colt , Samuel , 68 Chambord , Chateau of , view of Hunt , 133 , 428 , Columbia University

49 431 , 533 (N .Y . C.) , 74 , 105, 412 Champney , Benjamin , Choate , Rufus , 15 Hunt plan for , 524- 525, 40 Church , Frederic , 95 , 96 , 548 Chantilly , Chateau of, 143 , 158 , 173 , 182 Competitions , Architectural 324 , 332 - 333 house design for (Hud . Chapman , John Gadsby, son , N .Y .), 539 at Ecole des Beaux - 78 Church , Colonel W . C . , Arts , 30 , 32 , 33 - 34 , Chase , William Merritt , 205 , 539 35 , 36 97 Church architecture , Hunt ' s lack of success Chateau -surMer (Newport 257 - 258 in , 166 ), 121, 507, 541 City Beautiful movement in United States , 113 , design of , 241, 244 , 245 , 410 170 - 172 Chateauesque revival , Civil War , 126 , 138 , 204 Congress of Architects 286 friends of Hunt involved (1867), 159 Chauncey, Emily How - in , 70 , 175 , Constable , John , 182 land , 126 , 157 , 159 , 196 , 488 , 23, 54

249 , 251 , 488 impact on A .I .A ., 116- Cook , Clarence , 149 , Chauncey , Henry , 42 , 117 152 , 153 , 287 , 492 Cooper , Edward , 262 Daly , Cesar, 325 Douglass , David B ., 66, 567 Cooper , Peter , 140 Dana , W . P . W ., 129 99 , 106 , 483 Cooper Union , 140 Darier , Samuel , 24 , 468 Dow , Joy Wheeler , 165 Copley, John Singleton , Davis , Alexander Downing , Antoinette F., 182 ] ackson , 68, 99, 109, 121 , 135 , 236 , 505 - Correja , J., 172, 540 110 , 185 , 485 506 , 521 - 522 Cortissoz , Royal, 286, Davis , J. C . Bancroft , Draper , John W., 68 407 house (Cedarcliff , Draper , Captain Perci - Couture , Thomas , 39 , N . Y.), 540 val , 144 40 , 48 - 49 , 157 Davis , Richard Harding , monument to (N . Y.C .), Craig House (Beacon, 403 144 - 145 , 491 , 539 N . Y.), 196, 543 . See Day , Frank M ., 440 Dresser , Edith Stuyve - also Tioranda Dayton , W . L ., 127 sant , 431 Cram , Goodhue & Fer - Debret , Fran ~ois , 28 Drexel Bank (N .Y.C .), guson , 348 Delacroix , Eugene , 157 542 Craven , Wayne , 300 Delano , Franklin , 144 Duban , Jacques -Felix , Crayon, The, 111, 113, Delano , Warren , tomb 27 , 28 , 469 , 475 116 (New Bedford , Duc, Joseph Louis, 475 Crawford , Thomas , 55 Mass .), 548 Duchesse d ' Orleans , 17 , Crimmins , Thomas and Delaware and Hudson 18 John D ., buildings Canal Company Dudley , Henry , 85, 259, (N . Y .C .), 230, 232, Building (N .Y.C.), 260 , 485 505 ,- 509 , 542 , 543 163 , 217 , 218 , 219 , Dumas , Alexandre , 158 Croly , Herbert , 287 502 , 543 Dummer , Fort (Mass .), 4 Crumwold Hall (Hyde Delonne , Philibert , 28 , Duncan , Alexander , Park , N . Y.), 337 , 339 , 58 house (Providence , 340 , 546 Dennis , James , 374 R.I .), 124, 538 Crystal Palace(London ), Depew , Chauncey M ., Duncan , David , 124 46 , 394 310 , 322 stables (Staten Island , Crystal Palace (New Dessez , Leon E . , 525 N .Y .), 549 York ), 76, 501 Dewey , Commodore Duncan , Francis , 84 , 85 , Cultural nationalism , George , 450 86 63 - 64 Dexter , Arthur , 36 Duquesnay , F.-A ., 27 Cummings , Thomas 5 ., Diaper , Frede;rick , 485 Durand , Asher B . , 78 , 106 Dix , Rev . Morgan , 374 182 Curtis , George William , Dodge , William E., Durand , J.-N .-L ., 445 121 statue (N . Y.C .), 545 Dusseldorf , Germany , Cushing , Mrs . Robert , Dodgson , Charles . See 25 , 46 , 50 262 Carroll , Lewis Dusseldorf Gallery Cushman , Charlotte , Dodworth Building (N .Y .C .) , 77 129 , 238 , 256 (N . Y.C .), 175 Dyer , Elisha , 18, 20, 467 house of (Newport ), Dorr , George B ., 488 238 , 239 , 240 , 541 Dorr , Joanna Howland , East Divinity Hall , Yale Cutter , Manly N ., 295 488 Divinity School (New Dorsheimer , William E . , Haven , Conn .), 540 Dakin , James H ., 66 547 building of, 186- 187 Dakota Apartments Douglas mansion design of, 187/188/ 190/ (N . Y.C .), 207 (N . Y.C .), 175 234 destruction of / 498 568 Eaton , Peggy , 9 Egypt , 51- 52, 53 Everett , Mrs . C . J., INDEX Ecole des Beaux - Arts . Egyptian style, 74 house (Tenafly , N .J.), See also Beaux - Arts Eidlitz , Leopold , 74, 114, 549 tradition ; Hunt , 115 , 120 , 168 , 213 , Everett , Edward , 10 , 15 Richard Morr ~s: Ecole 258 - 260 , 264 , 485 , 506 Everett , Horace , 10 - 11 des Beaux - Arts Eiffel , Gustave , 318 , 518 Expositions , international American students at , Eighth Avenue Grand , 394 36 Opera House Chicago (1893), 392- 411 buildings of, 27- 28 (N . Y.C .), 227 , 541 London (1851), 46 competitions at , 30 , 32 , Eisenhower , Dwight New York (1853), 76 , 501 33 , 34 , 36 David , 96 diploma instituted at , Elevators , 210 , 223 , Paris (1867), 156- 158 471 500 - 501 Paris (1889), 333 entrance examinations 1160 Broadway , 210, 211 , Philadelphia , 252- 253, for , 29 - 30 , 469 212 , 213 , S Ol , 542 255 - 256 exhibit of student work Eliot , Charles W . , 435 , Eymard Preparatory from , xiv 452 Seminary (Hyde faculty of , 31 Ellerslie (Rhinebeck , Park , N .Y .), 340 , 546 ferment in ideas at , N .Y .) , 331 , 336- 337 , 457 - 458 338 , 520 , 545 - 546 Fairlawn (Newport ), 336 history of , 28- 29 Ellin , Kitson & Co . , 513 , Farnam Hall (Yale ), 190 honors and prizes at , 522 Fees , Architectural , 87 , 28 , 30 , 31 , 438 , 439 Elliot , Dr . George , 124, 167 - 168 , 171 , 212 - instructional system at , 126 213 , 494 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 Elliott , Daniel Stuart , 51 , Fergusson , James , 217 principles of composition 474 Ferree , Barr , 286 - 287 at, 34- 35 Ellsworth , James , 394 Field , Marshall , 232 reforms at , 35 Emanu-EI, Temple mansion of (Chicago ), Ecole Speciale de I' Architecture (N .Y .C .), 348 232 , 233 , 234 , 288 , 542 , 29 Emerson , Edward Field , Mrs . Marshall , 232 Edmonds , Francis William Waldo , 487 Fifth Avenue Presbyterian , 78 , 95 Emerson , Ralph Waldo , Church Education , Architectural 435 (N .Y .C .), 543

in France , 28 - 35 Engineers ' and Ar - Fillmore , MillardS . , 88 in United States chitects ' Society .Fish , Mrs . Ha milton , 143 American Academy in ( Vienna ), 433 Fisk , James , 4, 227 Rome , 439 - 441 Equitable Life Assurance Fisk house (N . Y.C .), 541 American Institute of Company Building Fitzhugh , George, 72 Architects , 169 (N .Y .C.), SOl, 503 Flachat, Eugene, 27 history of, 98- 100, Hunt ' s design for , 539 Flagg, Ernest, 34 105 - 107 Ernst , Colonel Oswald Flemish style, 293 impact of Hunt on , H . , 388 - 389 Fletcher , Banister , 521 105 , 107 , 459 Etruria (ship ), 323, 325 , , Italy , 21, 50, 374 Hunt ' s views on , 519

260 - 261 , 261 - 262 ; see Eugenie , Empress , 158, Fogg , Elizabeth , 376 , 378 also Hunt , Richard 159 Fogg Art Museum (Hunt Morris : as educator Evarts , William M . , 317 , Hall ; Harvard ), 548 Education , artistic , 172 , 322 acoustical experiments

175 , 263 in , 379 - 380 demolition of , 380 Frick , Henry Clay , xii , mansion of (N . Y.C .), 569 design of , 377 , 378- 379 185 340 , 343 , 344 , 345 , estimates of , 379 , 524 Frullini , Luigi , 241 346 , 421 , 548 Hunt ' s work on , 374 , Fuller , Thomas 5 . , 258 , Geymuller , Baron von , 376 , 450 259 434

Forest i , Eleuthere Felix , Fulton , 127 Gibbs , Sarah , tomb 14 Fulton Monument , 549 (Brattleboro , Vt .), 539 Fomachon , Maurice , Furness , Frank , 92 , 164 , Gibbs , Wolcott , 142 134 , 380 , 385 , 443 , 493 , 494 Gibert , Mrs . J. T ., barn 452 , 493 , 526 in Hunt atelier , 100 , (Newport ), 542 Four Hundred , The , 345 102 , 103 - 104 Gifford , Sanford R . , 95 France Furness , William , 92 , coup d ' etat of 1851 , 47 100 ethic of success , artistic

revolution of 1848 , Furness , Rev . William , 64 41 - 42 Henry , 103- 104 materialism of , 334 - Second Empire , 47 335 , 372 architecture in , 56 - 57 , Gage , LymanJ ., 398 , reassessment of , xiv 58 , 60 401 - 402 , 438 Gilder , Jeannette L ., 505 Franco -American Union , Gainsborough , Thomas, Gilman , Arthur , 258 316 , 317 , 318 , 322 182 Gilman , Daniel Coit , 403 Franklin , Benjamin , 436 , Gambardella , Gliddon , George , 51 533 Spiridione , 14, 466 Godkin , E . L . , 372 Franklin Institute Gambrill , CharlesD . , Godwin , Parke , 405 (Philadelphia ), 99 100 , 102 , 168 Goelet , Ogden , 348 , 349 , Free Circulating Library Gambrill & Richard son , 352 , 435 . See also (N . Y.C .), 412 , 546 203 Ochre Court design of , 291, 293 , 294 Gammell , MrS : . William , Goelet , Mrs . Ogden , 450 Freedmen 's Bureau , 192 , house (Newport ), 543 Goelet , Robert , 352 193 Gardiner , Edward , 485 Goodale Monument French , Daniel Chester , Gardner , Mrs . Jack (Columbus , Ohio ), 140 , 407 , 455 , 462 (Isa beila Stewart 517 , 546 French flats , 112 - 113 , Gardner ), 97 Gothic , castellated , 204 , 205 , 207 , 208 , 509 Garfield Monument , style , 385- 386 French Renaissance 308 , 517 , 545 Gothic Revival style , 66, style , 299, 458- 459 design of , 309 , 310 68 , 74 , 75 , 458 in Astor mansion , 346 Garnier , Charles , 57 , Gothic style , 374 in Biltmore House , 421 157 , 434 Gottlieb , Abraham , 395 , in Brimmer houses , 228 Gau , Franz - Christian , 27 396 in Gerry mansion , 340 , Gaynor , John P., 76, 214 Grace Church (N . Y.C .),

343 Gaza , Palestine , 52 73 , 74 , 456 , 457 in Marquand houses , Geneseo , N . Y . Grant , Hugh J., 392 293 Wadsworth Memorial Grant , UlyssesS ., 219, in Ochre Court , 348 Fountain , 22 , 312 , 314 235 , 253 , 302

in W . K . Vanderbilt Geneva , Switzerland , Grant , William H . , 493 mansion , 274 , 276 , 22 - 25 Gray , David W ., 526 279 , 287 , 512 Genoa , Italy , 19 Greece , 23 , 54 in W . K . Vanderbilt , Gerry , El bridge T., 340, Greek Revival style , Jr., mansion , 286 343 , 345 73 - 74 570 Greeley , Gabrielle , 310 Second Academic Hall , Herter, Christian, 512 INDEX Greeley , Horace , 219 , 193 , 544 Herter Brothers, 513 310 Virginia Hall , 194, 195, Heywood, C. F., house statue of , 310 - 311 , 517 , 543 (Middle town, R.I.), 544 Hampton Roads , Va ., 541 Green , Andrew H . , 192 Hill Top Cottage(Newport 146 - 147 Hansen , Oskar , J. W ., ), 236, 238, 262, Greenough , Horatio , 64 303 540 Grey Towers (Milford , Hardenbergh , Henry J., alterationson, 234-235, Pa .), 417 , 520, 545 207 261,487,489 design of , 337 , 339 , 340 Hardouin - Mansart , descriptionof, 122 Griswold , ] . N . A ., 128 Jules , 362 history of, 487 house of (Newport ), Harrison , Benjamin , Hunt purchaseof, 138 236 , 539 331 , 336 , 394 , 437 studio at, 135,451 design of , 134- 135, Harrison , Mrs . Benjamin taxesand assessments 137 , 331 of, 505 estimates of , 489 Hart , Coleman , 115 Hitchcock, Henry- location of , 134 , 301 Hart , William M . , 95 Russell, 27,190,503, planning of, 128, 136 Harthill , Alexander , 116 511-512 Grosvenor house . See Harvard College (Cambridge Hitchcock, Thomas, Phinney , T . W ., , Mass .) . See house(Westbury, house also Fogg Art N.Y.), 548 Guernsey Office Building Museum Hitchcock, ThomasH., (N .Y .C .), 293 , architectural instruction house(Newport), 540 504 , 544 at , 106 Hoar, SenatorGeorge F., design of , 223, 224 , 225 honorary doctorate to 392 Guggenheimer , Randolph Hunt from , 433 Hoban,James,99 , 455 need for architectural Hoe, Robert, Mortuary Guy , Seymour , 96 course at , 261 - 262 Chapel(Tarrytown, William Hunt and , 15 , N.Y.), 545 Haight , Charles 16 , 17 , 21 Holt, Henry, 78 Coolidge , 524 Haseltine , WilliamS . , 95 Homer, Winslow, 69, 95, 158 Haight , Dr . David H ., Haskell house , 549 207 Hastings , Thomas , 439 Hone, Philip, 124 Hall , Gardiner , C . , 13 Hatfield , R . C . , 539 Hooper, EdwardW., 378 Hall , George Chandler , Havemeyer , Theodore Hoppin, Ha milton, 124, house (Brattleboro , A . , mansion 126,488 Vt .), 539 (N . Y.C .), 547 houseof (Middle town, Ha milton , Alexander , Haviland , John , 214 R.I.), 489-490 Jr ., 144 Hay , John , 227 , 310 Hoppin, LouisaHow- Hammer slough Brothers Hayes , Rutherford Bo, 4 , land, 126,488 Building . See 175 , 302 , 317 Hoppin, William J., 133, Roosevelt Building Hayward , Pelham, 13, 147, 153, 156 Hampton Institute 61 , 475 Hospital design, 178- 179 (Hampton , Va .), 43 , Heidelberg , Germany , 177 , 192 25 , 47 Howe, JuliaWard, 138, First Academic Hall , Hermant , Jacques , 410 235,363

193 , 194 , 540 Howelis , William Dean , European trips of and Hunt Memorial 571 405 (1860), 124 dedication , 455 - 456 Howland , Catharine (1861- 1862), 127- 129, images and representations Clinton . See Hunt , 131 - 132 of Catharine Ointon (1867), 156- 161 portrait by William Howland (1874- 1875), 248 , Morris Hunt , 135 ,

Howland , Eliza 249 - 252 138 , 139 , 144 , 263 , 490 Woolsey, 196,324, (1885- 1886), 323- 325 sketch by Richard 325 (1889), 331- 333 Morris Hunt , 129 , 130 Howland , G . G . and S . (1893 ) , 433 - 435 tableaux vivants , 253 , (shippers ), 124 family background of, 254 Howland , Gardiner 124 , 326 , 488 marriage of , 125- 126 Greene , 124 grave of , 453 work on Metropolitan Howland , Joanna Esther health of , 248 , 262 , 303 , Fair , 143 Hone , 124 325 , 456 personality of , 128, 133, Howland , Joseph and Hunt , Richard 227 (grandfather of Howland , 129 , 131 , social life of , 138 , 156 ,

Catharine C . H . 160 , 234 , 443 , 452 227 , 235 , 252 , 253 , Hunt ), 124 and Hunt , Richard 256 , 261 , 284

Howland , Joseph Morris , 71 , 142 , 163 , views of others by , 140,

(brother of Ca tharine 322 , 431 147 , 228 , 250 , 331 , C . H . Hunt ), 71 , 142, executor of estate of , 332 , 379 196 , 197 , 200 , 256 , 453 Hunt , Catharine How - 324 , 325 , 488 on health of , 450 land (daughter , Howland , Samuel Shaw , introduction to , 124 " Kitty " ) 124 materials on , presented birth of , 133 , 234 Howland , WilliamEd - to children , death of , 457

gar , 124 456 , 537 education of , 261 , 323 Howland & Aspinwall , power of attorney for , engagement of , 521 70 , 124 248 European trip of , 323- Howland Center for Cultural workers ' resolution 325 , 518 - 519

Exchange on , 454 family papers given to, (Beacon , N .Y .), 200 and Hunt , Richard 128 Howland Circulating Morris , biography of, health of , 251 , 323 , 325 Library (Beacon, 128 , 226 , 528 at Hunt Memorial dedication N . Y.), 196, 542 description of, viii - ix , , 455 - 456 design of, 197,199, 200 456 marriage of , 450 Hoyt , Henry R., house errors in , 462 - 463 , son ' s birth , 452 (N . Y.C .), 548 467 , 472 , 473 , 475 , visit to Chicago , 402

Humboldt , Baron Alexander 476 , 479 , 482 , 505 Hunt , Catherine Jarvis

von , 473 and Hunt , Richard (wife of Leavitt Hunt , Arad (great - Morris , visits to Hunt ), 127, 128 uncle ), 4- 5 works of Hunt , Esther Morris Hunt , Catharine Clinton Biltmore estate , 416 , (daughter), 450, 536 Howland (wife ) 428 birth of , 133 - 134 , 256 birth of , 488 Grey Towers, 337 death of , 457 death of , 456 World ' s Columbian education of , 323 , 324 Exposition , 403 , 406 572 Hunt , Esther Morris and Hunt , Richard Hunt , Joseph Howland

INDEX (cont .) Morris , 16 - 17 / 22 / 24 / (son ) European trips of , 25 / 60 - 61 / 62 / 127 - architectural work of , 323 - 324 , 433 128 / 131 - 132 363 / 456 at Hunt Memorial dedication marriage and early family birth of , 133 / 234 , 455 life of , 2/ 6- 11/ 462 death of , 456 marriage of , 457 photograph of, 38 education of , 261 / 323 / memorial window for , residence in N . Y .C . / 324 / 326 / 450

457 66 / 133 European travels of , visit to World ' s Colum - tour of United States , 251 / 324 / 325 / 433 bian Exposition , 406 42 - 43 health of , 249 - 250 / 323 / Hunt , Herbert Leavitt inWashingtonD .C ., 326 (son ) 9 - 11 / 87 library of , 483 / 512/ 550 birth of , 134 , 261 We bs ter letters to / 465 visit to World /s Colum - death of , 457 as young widow / 11 / bian Exposition , 406 education of , 324 , 450 13 - 17 Hunt , Leavitt (brother ) health of , 261 , 325 Hunt / John (Jonathan ; birth of / 9 / 464 Hunt , Jane (sister ), 18, brother ) childhood of , 2 / 9 / 10 /

66 , 87 birth of , 464 14 / 466 artistic talent of , 7 , 14 , childhood of , 2 / 8 - 10 in Civil War / 133 / 488

40 , 550 death of , 250 / 265 education of , 17 / 18 / Bible of , 463 education of / 4 , 14 / 16 / 22 - 25 / 47 / 468 birth of , 464 17 / 25 / 466 Egyptian travels of , 49 / childhood of , 2 , 4 , 9 , 11 , 14 European travels of , 18/ 51 / 473 European travels of , 22 / 23 / 24 / 39 / 45 - 46 European travels of , 20 / 22 - 23 , 25 , 39 , 40 , 41 , life in Paris of , 40 / 42 / 22 - 23 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 46 - 47 / 61 / 127 - 128 47 , 49 , 55 - 56 , 127 , 47 / 128 / 131 / 143 / 157 /

128 , 467 250 / 472 and family history / 456 and Hunt , William photograph of, 38 and Hunt , William Morris , 40 / 264 Morris , 48 , 264 , 510 Hunt , Jonathan (ca. and family history , 456, 1610- 1661) / 4 indebtedness of , 261 463 Hunt , Jonathan (1738- in / 66/ photograph of, 38 1823) (grandfather ), 5 78 / 118 tour of United States Hunt , Jonathan (1787- photograph of/ 38 tour of United States by , 41, 42- 43 1832) (father ) Hunt , Jane Maria Leavitt birth of , 5 by / 42- 43 (mother ) compositions by / 464 Hunt , Levinah Swan artistic interests of , 7 , as Congressman , 6/ (grandmother ), 5/ 464

10 , 14 , 465 8- 10 / 463 Hunt , Livingston (husband of Catharine birth of , 6 death and burial of , burial of , 509 10 - 11 Howland Hunt ), 450 character of , 7 education of , 5 Hunt , Louisa Perkins death of , 261 , 265 estate of , 13 / 466 (wife of William Morris education of , 6 influence of , on Richard Hunt ), 61/ 122/ European travels of , Morris Hunt , 7 / 12 128 / 135 / 157 / 264 17 - 25 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 47 , life in Brattleboro of , 2 / Hunt , Pearl Carley (wife of Richard Howland 49 , 55 - 56 , 127 4 / 6 and Hunt , Catharine marriage of , 6 Hunt ) / 323 -325 C . H . , 128 residence of , 2 / 3 / 464 Hunt , Richard Carley Hunt , Richard Morris exposition , 143, 402 , 573 (grandson ), 325 , 455 ancestry of , 2/ 4- 7 407 - 408 Hunt , Richard Howland and American Institute governmental , 87- 92, (son ) of Architects , 108 / 380 - 391 architectural work of , 110 - 117 / 168 - 170 / hospital , 177- 181 450 327 - 331 / 485 library , 181- 185, 197, Biltmore House , 416 , appearance of , 15 / 63 / 200 , 266 417 162 / 332 medical , 298 - 299 , 515 Biltmore Village , architectural princi pIes monument and 548 - 549 of , 102 / 115 / 162 - 167 / memorial , 144 - 145 ,

Hitchcock house , 548 214 / 217 / 256 / 257 - 290 - 291 , 300 - 322

Idlehour , 271 258 / 260 - 262 / 329 - museum , 154 , 376 ,

Lawrence mansion , 331 / 441 / 457 - 461 378 - 379 , 443 - 449 340 , 547 artistic talent of , 15 / scientific laboratory , Marble House 102 / 129 / 140 / 529 271 , 380 - 381 teahouse , 363 arts, support of, by / studio , 93 , 95 Metropolitan Museum 172 - 176 / 436 - 441 tenement , 262 , 509 of Art , 443 , 549 assistance to others by , career plans of, 17, Mortimer house , 548 100 , 102 - 107 , 129 , 23 - 25 , 55 , 60 - 61 , 463

M unson - Williams 163 - 165 , 373 , 400 , 494 carelessness of , 85 - 86 ,

Memorial , 549 atelier of , 98 , 100 , 102 - 383 , 384 , 386 - 387 ,

Rice house , 548 105 , 107 , 459 , 482 , 483 391 , 402 Russell house , 547 awards and honors to , Central Park gateways Schmid mansion , 547 253 , 322 , 324 , 327 - controversy , 146- United States Military 329 , 378 , 403 , 404 , 149 , 152 - 154 , 156 Academy , 388 , 389 , 433 - 435 character of , xv , 7 ,

549 birth of , 2 , 462 - 463 15 - 16 , 30 , 33 , 42 , 60 , birth of , 129 , 131 bookplate of, 281 102 - 103 , 162 - 163 , death of , 456 building types in the 167 , 226 , 329 , 406 , education of , 250 , work of , 457 459 - 460 256 - 257 , 323 , 324 academic , 186 - 187 , childhood of , 7 - 8 ,

engagement of , 323 190 , 192 - 195 , 374 , 13 - 15 European travels of , 376 , 378 - 379 , 381 - and Civil War , 127 , 133 , 159 - 160 , 251 , 252 391 138 , 142 - 145 named executor of apartment house , clients of , xii , xv , 166 -

father ' s will , 453 204 - 210 , 500 , 509 167 , 334 , 458

in Hunt firm , 166 , 456 club , 190 , 192 , 203 clu bs of kidnap ping threat to , commercial , 210 , 212 , Century , 78- 79, 326, 160 214 - 225 , 245 , 504 479 library of, 483, 550 domestic , 80 - 87 , 118 , Town and Country , marriage of , 323- 324 120 , 134 - 135 , 196 - 235 portrait of , 135, 138, 139, 197 , 226 - 247 , 271 - Union , 479 234 , 263 , 490 272 , 273 - 290 , 293 , Union League , 142- son ' s birth , 325 295 - 298 , 334 - 372 , 143 at Vanderbilt ball , 284 414 - 432 , 506 University , 79, 326 and Vanderbiltman - ecclesiastical , 190 , 200 , collections of , 40 , 50 ,

sion stonemason 203 , 266 , 270 - 271 , 54 - 55 , 61 , 69 , 100 , figure , 281 373 - 374 324 574 Hunt , Richard Morris exhibitions of work by , 100 , 113 - 114 , 163 , INDEX (cont .) 168 , 327 , 454 477 , 483 , 550 collaborations with expositions , international marriage of , 125- 126 others by , 172,300- , participation and Metropolitan 314 , 316 - 319 by , 156- 159, 252, 253, Museum of Art , competitions , engaged 392 - 393 , 395 - 411 172 - 175 , 441 - 443 , in un success fully by , family relationships of , 444 , 445 , 446 , 447 , 118 , 120 , 142 , 166 , 11 - 12 , 25 , 36 , 39 , 48 , 448 - 449

203 123 , 127 , 234 , 250 , office staff of , 163 - 166 ,

death and burial of , 256 , 261 , 264 , 265 , 510 493 - 494

443 , 452 , 453 , 463 , friendships of , 15, 133, offices of , 95 , 98 , 126 , 483 , 536 177 , 227 , 228 , 256 , 134 , 163 - 164 as decorator , 523 308 , 326 , 413 patriotism of , 2, 22, Designsfor the Gateways health of , 18 , 19 , 54 , 60 , 61 - 62 of the SouthernEn- 124 , 227 , 248 , 249 , personality of, xv, 19, trances to the Central 251 , 252 , 262 , 324 , 63 , 86 , 102 , 123 , 125 , Park (1866), 147, 325 , 326 , 329 , 332 , 127 , 129 , 162 - 165 , 153 - 154 333 , 398 , 399 , 401 , 227 , 308 , 328 , 329 , disputes of, 85- 87, 170, 403 , 406 , 417 , 428 , 374 , 404 212 - 213 , 258 - 261 , 435 , 450 , 452 , 507 , 515 political allegiance of, 288 , 384 - 385 , 386 images and representations 72 , 142 , 147 and Ecole des Beaux - of prejudices of , 19, 20 , Arts bronze head (Bitter ) at 226 application to, by , 24, Trinity Church , 374 , professionalism of, xv, 25 375 62 , 64 , 108 , 110 - 117 , concours projet by 37 bust (French ) on Hunt 142 - 143 , 256 , 328 - dinner of , 324 Memorial , x , xi , 462 329 , 459 - 460 dossier of , 463 bust (Grant ) for reputation of , xii , xiv , entrance examinations George Vanderbilt , xv , 5 , 60 , 87 , 92 , 98 , taken by , 29- 30 332 , 520 103 , 118 , 123 , 165 , first visit by , 19 medallion (Bitter ) for 166 , 169 , 204 , 225 , and Lefuel atelier Marble House , 362 247 , 261 , 328 - 329 , work , 25 , 29 - 31 , 36 photographs of, xiii , 376 , 381 , 395 , 400 , recollections of , 165 38 , 285 434 , 459 , 462 . See training of , at , xii , xiv , portrait by Gambar . also estimates of , 30 - 36 , 49 , 474 della , 14 , 466 above education of , 14 , 15 , 18 , portrait by Gerome, residences of , 65 - 66 , 22 - 25 , 40 , 468i see 474 69 - 71 , 95 , 133 , 135 , also Ecole des portrait as Hamlet by 138 , 163 , 325 - 326 , Beaux - Arts , above William Hunt , 138 489 , 540 as educator , 98 , 100 , portrait by Sargent, sketch es and sketching 102 - 107 , 167 , 335 , 428 , 430 , 431 , 452 by , 49, 52, 53, 77, 102, 372 , 459 , 460 statue as stonemason , 129 , 130 , 136 , 140 , estimates of , 60 , 92 , 279 , 280 , 513 141 , 251 - 252 , 303 , 103 , 105 , 108 , 203 , journal (1844-1848) of, 304 , 324 , 529 395 , 400 , 405 , 434 , 19 , 20 , 22 , 23 , 25 , 40 , social life of , 13 , 36 , 453 - 455 , 457 - 461 , 41 , 42 , 467 , 472 40 - 41 , 42 , 69 , 118 ,

522 , 533 . See also library of , 24, 40, 60, 69, 120 , 124 , 125 , 129 , reputation of , below 133 , 156 , 226 - 227 , (1850), 45- 46; (1851), as educator , 96 , 98 , 104 , 575 235 , 252 , 261 - 262 , 46- 47 ; (1852), 47; 122 - 123 , 142 , 263 , 478 284 , 285 , 323 , 324 , (1855), 61 European residence 326 , 405 , 433 (1843- ), and travel of , 20 - 23 , social position of , 2, 6, 18- 25; (1861- 1862), 40 , 45 - 46 , 50 , 60 , 61 ,

63 , 65 , 128 , 329 , 335 , 127 - 219 , 131 - 132 ; 128 , 157 460 (1867), 156- 161; exhibition of works of , speech es of, 226 (1874- 1875), 248- 252; 7 , 175 - 176 , 265 , 406 to A . I . A . , 255 - 256 , (1885- 1886), 323- 325; gravestone of , 544 327 - 328 , 329 - 331 (1889), 331- 333 ; health of , 17 - 20 , 264 - to Architectural (1893), 433- 435 265 League , 326- 327 Ireland (1846), 39 and Hunt , Richard to Church Congress , Italy (1844), 19- 21; Morris , 123 - 124 257 - 258 (1852), 50- 51; (1853), personality of , 16- 17, to Congress of Architects 54- 56; (1875), 252; 40 , 42 , 123 - 124 , 263 , 333 (1885) , 324 photograph of,38 to Harvard Club of Russia (1867), 159- 160 residences of , 120 , N .Y . , 261 - 262 Spain (1886) , 325 122 - 123 , 135 , 138 , 487 to , United States (1848), studios of , 122 - 123 , 433 42 - 43 135 , 263 , 264 , 487 to Royal Institute of versatility of , xv , 161, works of British Architects , 177 , 204 , 457 La Bonne Aventure , 48 434 , 475 wealth and income of , Boy with Butterfly, 406

to St . Mark ' s School , 129 , 133 , 226 , 453 in Brimmer collection , 326 will of , 443 , 453 , 536 228 to Vermont Association see also main entries for portrait of Catharine , 326 specific projects, and Richard How - as spokesman for profession places, and works land Hunt , 135 , 138 , , 116, 435 , 437 , Hunt , Samuel 139 , 144 , 263 , 490 438 , 459 (great-grandfather ), Girl at the Fountain , 48 studios of , 69 , 100 , 101 , 4 , 5 in Hunt Collection ,

138 , 261 , 451 , 476 , Hunt , William Morris 550 477 , 482 (brother ) Lincoln , 158 Supervising Architect ' s Albany Capitol work La Marguerite , 48 position , offered to , of , 39 - 40 , 264 , 510 portrait of Justice 437 , 520 appearance of , 263 Shaw , 135 technology , knowledge artistic talent of , 7 , 15 , Hunt and Hunt , 456 , 550 of , by , 457 16 , 47 - 48 Hunt Collection . See travels of awards to , 138 , 433 American Institute of chateau country birth of , 464 Architects : Hunt Collection (1852), 49 childhood of , 2 , 4 , at Continent (1844), 7 - 10 , 14 - 16 Hunt Hall . See Fogg Art 22 - 23 collections of , 263 Museum Continent (1852), death of , 142 , 263 , Hunt - Lenox Globe , 186 , 50 - 51 264 - 265 498 Egypt and Near East education of , 14 , 15 , Hunt Memorial (1853), 51- 55 16 - 17 , 20 , 25 , 39 , 46 , (N . Y.C .), x, xi , xii , England (1846), 39; 48 - 49 , 300 , 473 " 185 , 436 , 455 , 462 , 463 576 Hunt Papers , viii , 537 , Jackson , Andrew , 9 Kowsky , Francis R., 499 INDEX 538 , 550 , 551 , .559 Jackson Park (Chicago ), Kremlin Palace (Moscow Huntv . Parmiy, 80, 394 , 395 , 398 , 404 , ), 159- 160 83 - 87 , 210 , 463 , 479 410 , 527 Hunt v . Stevens , 210 , James , Henry (Jr.), 122, La Farge , John

212 - 213 ; 261 123 , 124 , 372 , 431 , 477 and Marquand mansion Hunting ton , Daniel , 68 James , Henry (Sr .), 122, , 295 Hyde , E. L ., 102 477 , 478 and Metropolitan Hypothenuse , The James , William , 122- Museum of Art , 173 (Newport ), 236 , 237, 123 , 478 , 487 portrait of Richard H . 238 , 240 , 541 James , Sinclair & Co ., Hunt by , 234 , 505 513 atRimmer lectures , 140 Idlehour (Oakdale , Java , 156 at Studio Building , 95, N .Y .), 271 , 272 , 511 , Jay , John , 172- 173, 316 96 , 518 544 Jayne Building study with William Indian Hunter (Brown ), (Philadelphia ), 222 Morris Hunt , 122 ,

300 , 301 Jefferson , Thomas , 99, 123 , 487 Indian Spring (Newport 435 Laboulaye , Edouard de, ) , 340 , 341 , 547 Jenney, William Le 316 Inland Architect and Baron , 395 , 397 Labrouste , Henri P . - F . , Builder , 327 Jersey , Isle of , 45- 46 27 Inland Architect and News , 52 , 54 Lacomee , Jacques , 27 Record , 453 Johnson , Eastman , 69, 95 Lafayette, Marquis de, Inman house , 547 Johnston , James 303 , 306 Inness , George , 69 Boorman , 93 , 481 statue of (Burlington , Institut de France , 29 , Johnston , John , 93 Vt .), 303 , 306 , 545

324 , 332 - 333 , 433 , Johnston, John Taylor, Laing stores (N . Y.C .), 214 434 , 435 71 , 93 , 173 , 174 , 175 International Art Union Johnston , William L ., Lambier , William , 84 , 85 (N .Y .C .), 77 222 Lariboisiere , Hopital Iron -front buildings , Jones , Mrs . Colford , (Paris ), 496 114 - 115 , 213 - 214 , chalet (Newport ), Larmande , L . , 144 , 539

214 - 217 236 , 237 , 505 - 506 , Lamed , Charles W ., 386 , Iselin , Adrian , Jr., house 539 388 (N . Y.C .), 548 Jordy, William H ., 503 Latrobe , Benjamin , 42 , Iselin , C . O . D . , house 88 , 99 (N .Y .C .), 545 Karnak , Egypt / 52 Laune, StephenD ., 193 Island Cemetery (Newport Kendall , Edward H ., 453 Laver , Augustus , 258 ), 452- 453 , 463 , Kendall , William , 440 Lawrence , Abbott , 15 511 Kennedy / Robert Lenox , Lawrence , William Italian Renaissance 511 Beech , house (Newport style, 366, 374 Kenton , Simon , Monument ), 118, 125, 538 Italianate style, 74, 75, (Urbana , Lawrence , William V . , 76 , 121 Ohio )/ 545 mansion (N . Y.C .), Italy , Hunt 's travels in , Kerr , Robert , 217 340 , 342 , 547 19 - 22 , 50 - 51 , 54 - 56 , Klenze , Leo von , 445 Lawrence , Warring -

252 , 324 Knowlton , Helen M ., ton G . , 494 263 Lazarus , Emma , 318 Le Brun , Napoleon , 172, ical Seminary library , Linden Gate (Newport ), 577 260 , 540 266 240 - 241 , 243 , 293 , 542 Le Havre , France , 18 , 45 residence of , 177 , 182 Lindsay , E. D ., 134, 494 Leavitt , Elizabeth King , store of (N . Y .C .), 504, Livingston , Edward , 435 6 542 Livingston , Maturin , Leavitt , Jemima Loomis , Lenox Library (N .Y.C.), house (N . Y.C .), 546 6 , 10 , 13 215 , 346 , 541 Logan Monument Leavitt , John G ., 11 design of, 182, 183,184, (WashingtonD . C.), Leavitt , Thaddeus 185 548 (1750- 1813), 6 erection of , 182 - 183 , Loire valley , France, 49 Leavitt , Thaddeus 251 London , England , 39, (1778- 1828), 6, 7, 465 estimates of , xii , 177 , 46 , 47 , 249 , 251 , 323 , Ledyard Monument 287 332 , 433 - 434 (Newport ), 452 , 544 heating and ventilation Long fellow , Fanny Ap - Lee , Robert E ., 144 of , 497 pleton , 23 Lee, Tweedy & Company history of, 185 Long fellow , Henry , 214 and Hunt - Lenox Globe , Wadsworth , 121 Lefuel , Hector Martin 186 , 498 Loomis , Jemima Bron -

atelier of , 25 , 29 , 30 , 31 , and Hunt Memorial son , 6 36 , 41 dedication , 455 Loomis , Luther , 6

awardsto , 31 Lenox (or New Seminary Lord , Austin W . , 439

on Ecole des Beaux - ) Library , Princeton Lorillard , Pierre , 364 , Arts council , 35 Theological 523 education of , 31 Seminary (Princeton Louis XVIII , 29 and Hunt , Richard ), 266, 267 , 270 , Louis Napoleon . See Morris , 43 , 49 , 60 , 299 , 510 , 543 Napoleon III 128 , 157 Lescot , Pierre , 58 Louis Philippe , 18, 26, work on Louvre , 56 , 58 , Lesseps , Count Fer - 27 , 36 , 324 , 332 59 , 60 , 80 , 475 , 538 dinand de , 322 Louvre Palace extensions Legion d ' Honneur , 433 Leutze , Emanuel (Paris ) Leighton , Sir Frederick , teacher of William Hunt ' s work on , 56 - 60 295 , 323 Hunt , 25 Low , Seth , 311 Lemercier , Jacques , 58 tenant at Studio Building Lowell , John , Jr., 51 Lenoir , V . - B . , 27 , 95 , 96 Lynes , Russell , xii Lenox , James visits to , of Richard Lynn , Kenneth 5., 520 biographical sketch of, Morris Hunt , 46 , 50 177 Washington Crossingthe Maass , John , 73, 445 employs Henry Stevens Delaware , 46 , 143 McComb , John , Jr ., 75 , 186 Liberty Bank building McEntee , Jervis , 95, 97 and Lenox Library , (Providence , R . I .) , Mackay, Charles, 72 181 - 182 540 McKim , Charles F . on Metropolitan Lienau , Detlef , 75 , 85 , and American Museum of Art 114 , 168 , 259 , 260 Academy in Rome , committee , 173 Lincoln , Abraham , 126 , 438 - 441 , 452 and Presbyterian Hospital 144 and Boston Public Library founding , 177- Lincoln funeral monument , 330 , 452 178 (N . Y.C .), 144, and Burnham dinner , and Princeton Theolog - 539 404 - 405 578 McKim , Charles F. (cont .) Marl borough , Duke of , Massachusetts Institute INDEX and Columbia University 362 of Technology (Cambridge campus plan , Marquand , Frederick , , Mass.), 105, 524 - 525 190 106 , 261 - 262 at Ecole des Beaux - Marquand , Henry G . See Matheu , Celestine , 250 Arts , 32 , 438 - 439 also Linden Gate ; Mathews , James M ., 66 at Hunt funeral , 452 Marquand Chapel Matteawan , N .Y . See and Metropolitan (Princeton ) Beacon , N . Y . Museum of Art and American Mead , William Ruther - wings , 443 Academy in Rome , ford , 4 , 397 , 398 , 400 awarded Royal Institute 439 Meigs , Montgomery of British Architects ' biographical sketch of, C . , 89 , 91 medal , 533 240 , 293 Metric system , 508 and Tarsney Act , 437 and Burnham dinner , Metropolitan Fair (1864), and Vanderbiltman - 405 143 , 144

sion , 286 and Guernsey Building Metropolitan Fair Annex and World ' s Colum - , 223, 293 Building (N . Y.C .), bian Exposition , at Hunt funeral , 452 143 , 539 396 - 397 , 400 , 402 , mansion of (N . Y.C .), Metropolitan Museum of

403 , 406 544 Art (N . Y.C .) McKim , R , V " house design of , 293 , 295 , Cesnola Collection in , (Newport ), 542 296 , 298 , 299 175 McKim , Mead & White , opened to architects , Fifth Avenue wing addition

163 , 235 , 286 , 348 , 515 to , xii , 154,

396 , 479 Oudinot work on , 513 172 , 456 , 549 McKinley , William , 438 picture gallery design of , 441 , 443 , McLean , Robert Craik , planned , 546 444 , 445 , 447 , 448 - 449 327 , 528 plan of , 296 expansion plan of , MacMonnies , Frederick , and Metropolitan 445 , 446 407 Museum of Art , 173 , planning of , 442- 443 Mahan , Captain Alfred 174 , 442 - 443 first museum building Thayer , 450 and Princeton chapel , of , 174 , 175 , 441 - 442 , 51 270 additions to , 442 Mangin , Joseph F., 75 stable for , 545 founding of , 172- 174 Mansard roof , 75 tomb of (Newport ), William Hunt ' s work Mansart , Fran ~ ois , 75 452 , 545 exhibited at , 265 Marble House (Newport and Washington and Hunt Memorial , ), 546 Square Arch , 331 455 design of , 352- 353 , Marquand Chapel Marquand as president 354 - 357 , 358 , 359 - (Princeton ), 266, 268 , of , 293 361 , 362 , 458 269 , 270 - 271 , 293 , opening of , 175 grille of, 353, 358, 522 299 , 544 resolution regarding housewarming at , 362 Marquand Chapel (Yale Hunt from , 453 - 454 Hunt consultations on , Divinity School), 189, proposal for , as world 's 332 190 , 498 , 541 fair site , 393 sale of , 363 Marsh , E . L . , 164 , 494 Milan , Italy , 22 tea house at , 363 Martin , Homer D . , 96 Military Academy , Marcotte , Leon , 513 Masque ray , EL ., 494 United States . See United States Military house of (Newport ), New York Academy of 579 Academy 540 Medicine , 69 Millet , Francis 0 , , 402 stable of (N . Y .C .), 542 New York City , N .Y . Millet , ] ean -Franl ;ois , Morton , J. Sterling , 418 as artistic center , 65 , 48 - 49 , 131 Moscow , Russia , 159 - 68 - 69 , 77 - 78 , 93 ,

Mills , 0 . 0 . , 295 160 95 - 98 , 172 - 176 , 436 tomb of (Tarrytown ), Motley , John L., 435 Buildings Department 545 Mould , Jacob Wrey , 74, dockets , 499 , 500 , 538 Mills , Ogden , 295 85 , 120 , 485 commercial buildings mansion of (N . Y.C .), design for first Metropolitan in , 76 , 110 , 163 , 501 295 , 297 , 298 , 299 , 545 Museum of description of , in 1855, Mills , Mrs . Ogden, 298 Art building by , 174, 71 - 79 Mills , Robert , 88 , 99 175 , 442 hospital facilities in , Mitchell , Donald Grant , Mullett , Alfred B . , 172 , 177 - 178 493 540 hotels in , 77 , 126 , 208 , Mitchell , Edward , 536 Municipal Art Society , 345 , 346 , 489 , 501 Moholy -Nagy, Laszlo, 436 , 455 , 456 housing conditions in , 232 Munson - Williams 262 Monell , ] ., 197 Memorial building Hunt ' s commissions in , Monroe , Fortress , Va . , (Utica , N . Y.), 549 80 , 82 - 87 , 93 , 95 , 118 , 192 144 - 145 , 146 - 148 , Monroe , Harriet , 398 , , Italy , 21, 55 172 , 178 - 185 , 205 - 399 . Napoleon 1, 26, 27, 29 , 57 225 , 228 , 230 - 232 , Mont - St . - Michel , Napoleon 111,29, 47, 48, 276 - 288 , 290 - 299 , France , 45 56 - 58 , 75 , 158 , 159 306 - 308 , 310 - 312 , Moorish style, 190, 192, Nation , 149 319 , 340 , 343 - 348 , 214 - 215 National Academy of 373 - 374 , 443 - 449 Moravian Cemetery , Design (N .Y.C .), 77, public places in , 75- 76 New Dorp , 5 .1., 95 , 120 , 140 , 147 , 539 Central Park , 146 - 156 N .Y . , 290 National Art Association City Hall , 75, 144, 172, Morgan , Edwin D ., 156 , 435 - 436 311 Morgan , J. Pierpont , 174 National Sculpture Society Croton Reservoir , 174 , Morgan , Junius Spencer , , 436 185 323 Naval Observatory . See Crystal Palace (1853), Morris , Ellen Hunt , 463 United States Naval 394 , 501 Morris , General Lewis Observatory Madison Square , 316 Richard , 463 Neo -Grec design , 57, Post Office , 170 - 172 , Morris , Richard Hunt , 2 , 185 , 215 , 217 , 228 , 540

464 319 , 474 - 475 , 497 Public Library , 185, Morris on, Hugh , 503 Neoclassical style, 396- 186 Morse , Samuel F . B . , 68 , 397 , 399 , 401 , 407 - Union Square , 73, 144 186 , 476 408 , 410 , 438 Washington Square, Mortimer , Richard , New England Society , 14 , 66 , 73 , 133 , 326 , house (Tuxedo , 306 , 308 331 N .Y.), 548 New Hampshire Grants , and world 's fair plans, Morton , Levi P . , 318 , 4 , 5 392 - 393

331 , 336 , 403 , 404 . See New Haven , Conn . , New York Gallery of

also Ellerslie 13 - 15 , 186 - 192 Fine Arts , 77 580 New -York Historical Hunt family in , 135, Columbia University INDEX Society , 69, 77 138 , 234 - 235 , 261 campus plan , judge museum building design Hunt ' s commissions in , of , 525 for , 154, 155, 118 , 125 , 134 - 135 , as conservative reformer

161 , 539 236 - 247 , 340 , 348 - , 537 New York Hospital 372 integrity of , 167 Asylum for the Insane social life of , 138 , 235 , and Metropolitan (White Plains, 348 , 505 Museum of Art , N .Y .), 541 Newton , Dudley , 348 founding of , 173- 174 New York Institute for Nice , France , 251 - 252 and New York Committee the Blind (N . Y.C), Niehaus , Charles for the International 540 Henry , 374 , 547 Exposition , 392 New - York Sketch - Book Nielley cottage (Newport portrait of , by Sargent , of Architecture, 502 ), 540 428 New York State Capitol Nightingale , Florence, relations of , with Hunt , (Albany ), 40, 170, 179 149 , 259 , 290 , 400 , 171 , 258 - 261 , 264 , 510 Nijni Novgorod , Russia 415 , 420 , 532 New York Times , 226 , 160 Union League membership New York Tribune , 219 , Nilsson , Christine , 227 , views of , 142 221 , 310 Norton , Charles Eliot , New York University 121 , 379 , 405 George Vanderbilt , (N . Y.C .) Notman , John , 478 views of , 413 A .I .A . offices at , 111 , Noyes , John , 4 Vanderbilt Mausoleum , 116 Noyes , John Humphrey , design for , 290 and World ' s Colum - architectural instruction 4 at , 99 , 106 , 483 bian Exposition , 394 , 395 , 396 , 398 , 400 , building uses of , 68- 69, Oakey , Alexander F., 93 494 404 , 406 demolition of old building Oaklawn (Newport ), Olmsted , John , 416 , 71 124 - 125 , 235 , 488 Olney , Richard , 438 description of , 66 , 67, O ' Brien , Peter T ., tenements Opera (Paris ), 157 68 , 74 (N . Y.C .), 509, Ordnance Building 546 early history of , 66 (Sandy Hook , N .J.), 547 Hunt at , 65 , 69 - 71 , 98 , Ochre Court (Newport ),

163 , 483 421 , 435 , 450 , 546 O ' Rourke , Jeremiah , 437 Osborn , William H . , University Heights design of , 348 , 349 , 350 , house (N . Y.C .), 230, plan for , 525 351 , 352 New York World , 318 estimates of , 521 - 522 231 , 504 , 540 Otis , Elisha Graves , 501 Newport (R.I .). See also Olmsted , Frederick Law Island Cemetery and Albany Capitol , Oudinot , Eugene , 511, 513 Bellevue Avenue , 121 258 - 260 cultural life of , 135 , 235 at Biltmore estate , description of , 120- 122, 412 - 418 , 420 - 421 , Pace College (N . Y.C .), 532 221 235 - 236 , 301 - 302 , Burnham tribute to , 405 314 , 348 - 372 , 506 Page , William , 55, 95 early history of, 120- and Central Park , 146 , Palatka Presbyterian 121 149 , 152 , 154 Church (Palatka , in Century Club , 78 Fla .), 511 Palustre , Leon , 512 Pennsylvania Institute of (Milford , Pa.), 337 , 581 Paris , France Architects (Philadelphia 520 building projects in ), 168 Pisgah National Forest 1830s and 1840s , 26 , Perkins , Gus , 61 (N .C .), 431 27 Perkins , Thomas Han - Plaza Bank (N . Y.C .), 548 coup d ' etat of 1851 in , dasyd, 122 Plymouth Church of the 47 Perry , Commodore Pilgrims (Brooklyn , hospitals in , 179 Matthew C . , 301 N .Y .), 247, 477 housing regulations of, statue of , 301 , 540 Pompeii , Italy , 55- 56 362 Perry , Oliver Hazard , Pope , John Russell , Hunt in , 18 - 19 , 25 , 26f , 302 440 - 441

36 , 39 - 42 , 55 , 56 , Pershing Barracks . See Portois , Peter , 471 - 472 58 - 61 , 129 , 131 , United States Military Post , George B. 157 - 159 , 250 , 251 , Academy : in Albany Capitol controversy 323 - 325 , 332 - 333 , Academic Building , 260

435 Pessen , Edward , 520 in A . I .A . , 168 rebuilding of , by Napoleon Peterson , Frederick A . , and Hunt , affection for , III , 56- 57, 58, 60 77 , 85 , 114 , 115 , 485 399 - 400 revolution of 1848 in , Pettengill , George E., in Hunt atelier , 100 , 41 - 42 512 . 102 , 103 , 164 Paris Exposition (1867), Phelps, Royal, commercial at Hunt funeral , 452 156 - 159 buildings at Hunt Memorial dedication Parker , Samuel , 17 (N .Y .C .), 504 , 542 , 455 Parkman , Francis , 16 , 21 Phelps tomb , 543 design for Cornelius Pannly , Eleazer , 82- 84, Philadelphia , Pa., 92, Vanderbilt II mansion 85 , 479 253 , 255 - 256 by , 286 , 364 , Paul , William , 210 , 213 Philadelphia Centennial 523 , 548 PavilIon de la Bib - . See Centennial Western Union Telegraph liotheque (Paris), Exhibition Building , 223 80 - 81 , 128 , 434 , 475 , , Egypt , 52 and World ' s Colum - 538 Phinney , T . W ., mansion bian Exposition , Hunt ' s work on , 58 , 59 , (Newport ), 506 , 396 - 398 , 402 , 406 60 , 474 542 Potter , Rev . Henry C ., Paxton , William M . , Photography , 50, 51, 473 258 house and studio Pierrefonds , Chateau of , Potter , Mrs . James

(Princeton , N .J .), 251 Brown , 284 511 , 545 Pilgrim statue Powers , Hiram , 42 P.eabody, Francis, 36, 41 (N . Y.C .)/ 306/ 308 / Pradier , James , 39 Peabody, RobertS., 397, 545 Presbyterian Church 398 , 400 Pinchot , Gifford , 413 / (Beacon , N . Y.), 196, Peabody & Stearns, 203, 417 - 418 / 521 200 , 542 348 , 364 , 396 Pinchot , James Wallace , Presbyterian Church Peale , Charles Willson , 337 / 521 (Palatka , Fla .), 511, 182 mansion of . See Grey 544 Pedro II , Emperor , of Towers Presbyterian Church in Brazil , 253 Pinchot , Nettie , 521 the U .S .A ., 177 - 178 Pellegrini , Giovanni AntonioPinchot Institute for Presbyterian Hospital , 428 Conservation Studies (N . Y.C .), 22 , 251 , 540 582 Presbyterian Hospital Renwick , James , 73, 116, Rogers , Isaiah , 77 INDEX (N . Y.C .) (cont .) 168 , 174 , 442 , 496 Rogers , John , 158 design of , 179, 180, 181 Renwick & Sands , 172 , Rome, Italy , 19- 21, founding of, 177- 178 540 50 - 51 , 55 , 252 , 439 - plan of, 180 Republican Party , 72 441 Preservation Society of Revivals , architectural , Roosevelt , James Henry , Newport County 73 - 76 215 Breakers , The , 548 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Roosevelt , Judge James Chateau - surMer , 507 , 182 1. , 111 541 Reynolds Monument Roosevelt , Theodore , Marble House , 363 , 546 (Gettysburg , Pa.), 174 , 251 Price , Bruce , 455 , 462 541 Roosevelt , Mrs . Theodore Priest , ] . W ., 485 Rhind , J. Massey , 374 , , 474 Prince , Frederick H . , 363 547 Roosevelt Building Princeton , N .] ., 266- 271 Rice , William , house (N . Y .C .), 215 , 216, Princeton College (Albany , N .Y.), 548 217 , 543 (Princeton , N .] .) , Rice , Goodwin , Walker Roosevelt Hospital 266 , 268 - 271 , 544 , 545 & Co . See Van Rens - operating theater Princeton Theological selaer , Alexander , (N . Y.C .), 546 Seminary (Princeton , building Roosevelt Hospital store N .J.) Richard son , George C ., and warehouse houses for , 510 - 511 , house (Newport ), (N .Y .C .), 504, 543 543 238 , 541 Root , John Wellborn library for . See Lenox Richard son , Henry Hob - Burnham tribute to , 405 Library , Princeton son , xii , 459 death of , 399 Theological Seminary admiration for buildings Hunt letter to , 329 Professionalism , architectural of , xiv , 454 , 462 and World ' s Colum - , xv , 65 , and Albany Capitol , bian Exposition , 393 , 87 , 108 - 117 , 142 - 143 , 258 - 260 395 - 398 , 404 , 528

255 , 328 - 329 at Ecole des Beaux - Rossiter , Thomas P . , Protestant Episcopal Arts I 36 82 - 85 , 480 Church , 257 - 258 influence of , on Hunt , house of (N . Y .C .), 80, Pull tzer , Joseph , 318 337 81 , 82 - 87 , 391 , 479 , Putnam , G . P . , 205 Sever Hall , 378 480 , 538 Trinity Church , 203 Rouen , France , 18 , 45 Queen Anne style, 240, Riley , Thomas, tenements Royal Institute of British 271 (N .Y.C.), 509, Architects , 109 , 168 , Quincy , Edward , 102 546 169 Quincy , Josiah , 15, 16 Rimmer , William , 140 , gold medal award of , to 141 Hunt , 433 - 435 , 475 Raht , Edward E ., 221 , Ristori , Adelaide , 158 gold medal award of , to 494 , 503 , 543 Ritch , John W ., 116, 485 McKim , 533 Rathbone house (Providence Robinson Hall annex . Royal Naval Hospital , R .I .), 540 See Fogg Art (Plymouth , England), Reed , Luman , 77 Museum 179

Reid , Whitelaw , 310 , Rogers , Archibald , 331 , Russell , Caroline (Mrs . 502 - 503 337 . See also Crum - Charles H . Russell ),

Rensselaer Institute wold Hall 124 , 125 , 138 , 488 , (Troy , N .Y .), 99 491 , 539 Russell, Charles Handy , Saratoga, N .Y., 227,262 Schwalbach , Germany , 583 125 , 146 - 147 , 149 , Sargent, John Singer, 97 22 , 251 , 323 , 325 235 , 488 Hunt portrait by , 428 , Schwarzmann , Her - Russell , Charles How - 430 , 431 , 452 mann ]oseph, 253 land , house (N .Y . C.), Scandinavian timber - Scotia , 132 547 work style, 271 Scroll and Key Society Russell , Fanny , 125 Schenck , Carl Alvin , 418 Hall (Yale College, Russell family monument Schickel , William , 494 New Haven , Conn .), (Newport ), 452, Schmid , Mrs . Josephine , 190 , 191 , 192 , 539 491 , 539 mansion (N .Y .C .), Scully , Vincent F., 121, Rutherfurd , Lewis , 547 135 , 236 , 505 - 506 , houses (Newport and Schoenborn , August 521 - 522 N . Y .C .), 506 , 540 , 543 Gottlieb , 89 - 91 Second Empire style , Schroeder , Henry , 487 74 - 75 , 118 , 230 , 478 Sackville , Lord , 332 Schultz and Warker store Sedgwick , Catherine Saint Agnes Church and (N .Y .C .), 542 Maria , 14 School (N . Y.C .), 546 Schulze & Schoen , 172 , Seventh Regiment , 126 Saint -Gaudens , Augustus 540 monument to (Central , 400 , 401 , 403 Schuyler, Montgomery Park , N . Y.C .), 145, St. Gilies (ArIes , France ), Hunt ' s ~haracter , view 301 , 539 291 of , 162 , 329 , 458 Seymour , Epaphroditus , St. Isaacs Church (St . Hunt 's works , critiques 13 Petersburg , Russia ), of , 556 Shakespeare, William , 159 Administration Building monument (N . Y.C .), St . John the Divine , (Chicago fair ), 540 Cathedral of 410 Sharp, Lewis I., 311- (N . Y.C .), 547 Brimmer houses , 228 312 St . Luke , Society of Central Park gateways Shaw , Richard Norman , (Rome ), 433 , 154 240 St . Luke ' s Church East Divinity Hall , 190 Sheehan , ] ohn , 384- 385 (Saranac Lake , N . Y.) , Fogg Museum , 378, 524 Shepard , Elliott F., 543 Gerry mansion , 345 house (N .Y .C .), 547; St . Malo , France , 45 Griswold house , 489 tomb , 548 St . Mark 's Church (Islip , Lenox Library , 185 Shepard , Mrs . Elliott F., N .Y .), 159, 271 , 273 , Linden Gate , 241 house (N .Y.C .), 512 299 , 544 Marquand houses , 515 Shepard, William , St . Mark ' s School Ochre Court , 348 , 521 monument (Newport (South borough , Presbyterian Hospital , ), 539 Mass .), 326 181 Sheridan , General St . Peter ' s Basilica Roosevelt Building, 217 Philip , 156 (Rome ), 20 St . Mark ' s Church , 271 Sherman , General William St . Petersburg , Russia , Stevens House , 210 T . , 317 159 Stuyvesant Apartments Sherman , W . W . , house Salisbury , Earl of , 157 , 500 (N . Y.C .), 547 Salisbury , England , 46 U.S. Military Academy Shields , Charles W . , Salve Regina College buildings , 526 house (Newport ), (Newport ), 352, 546 W . K . Vanderbilt 245 , 246 , 247 , 544 Sanford , Judge Charles mansion , 276 , 277 , Simmons , Edward , 436

F . , 213 286 , 512 584 Simmons , Franklin , 546 , planning for , 314, 316 design of , 93, 94, 95- 97 I!\:DEX 548 symbolic meaning of , Hunt ' s atelier at , 92 , 98 , Skyscrapers , 219, 222- 300 , 314 100 , 102 - 107 223 , 330 , 503 Stave design , 159 Hunt ' s office at , 65 - 66 , Sloane , Adele , 352 , 452 Stem , Robert A . M . , 515 164

Sloane , Mrs . WilliamD . , Stevens , Henry , 186 Hunt ' s studio at , 100 , 512 Stevens , Paran 101 Smith , Francis Hopkin - death of , 212 receptions at , 96 son , 402 house of (N . Y.C .), 500 , tenants of , 70 , 95 Smith , Goldwin , 142 541 Sturges, Jonathan, 77 Smith , Rev . John Cotton stable of (N . Y .C .) , 500 , Sturges, Jonathan, house , 126 542 (N . Y.C .), 230, 231, Smith , Richard Sharp , and Stevens House , 504 , 540 549 Hunt ' s work for , 208 , Sturgis , Russell , 143, Smyth , Douglas , 483 210 , 212 , 213 173 , 174 , 190 , 323 Snook , John Butler , 77 store of . See 1160 Sturgis & Brigham , 203 Societe Centrale des Ar - Broadway Stuyvesant , Peter chitectes (Paris ), 109,' Stevens , Mrs . Paran , Gerard , 205 433 213 , 261 , 284 Stuyvesant , Rutherfurd , Society o~Decorative Art Stevens House (N . Y.C .), 173 , 204 , 205 , 500 (N . Y.C .), 456 541 . See also Hunt v . Stuyvesant Apartments SoHo Cast - Iron Historic Stevens (N .Y .C .), 540, 541

District (N . Y.C .), 214 cost of , 501 cost of and income Soldiers ' and Sailors ' design of , 208, 209, 210 from , 500 Monument (Brook - demolition of , 501 demolition of , 208 Iyn , N . Y.), 308 , 545 problems with , 210, design of , 205 , 206, 207 Soldiers ' and Sailors ' 212 , 213 plan of , 206

I\tlonument (Indianapolis Steven son , Adlai , 514 significance of, 204,

, Ind .), Stewart , A . T . , 290 - 291 205 , 225 516 , 546 Stick style , 121, 134- 135, Subtreasury Building Soldiers ' and Sailors ' 236 , 238 , 240 , 247 , 506 (N .Y .C .), 73 , 306 Monument (Portland Stock Exchange Su Ilivan , Louis , xii , 165 , , Me .), 546 (N .Y .C .), 544 398 , 401 , 411 , 470 , 528 Southampton , England , Stockton , Frank R . , 406 Sumter , Fort , 126 46 Stone , Alfred , 435 Sun Association Building Spain , 325 Stone , General Charles (N . Y .C .) , 543 Sprague , Peleg , 10 P . , 317 Supervising Architect of Statue of Liberty Stratton , Sydney , 165, the Treasury , Office (N .Y .C .), 323 , 544 494 of the , 329 - 330 , 437 , framework of , 318 Strickland , George , 99 520 Hunt named architect Strickland , William , 43 , Swasey , Ambrose , of pedestal for , 317 88 , 99 , 109 house (Cleveland , inaugural ceremonies Strong , George Temple - Ohio ) , 525 , 547 for , 319 , 322 ton , 118 , 227 Swiss chalet , 236 , 237 , payment to Hunt for Studio Building 505 - 506 work on , 518 (N . Y.C .), 538 pedestal design for , criticism of , 152 Talks on Art (W . Mo 317 - 319 , 320 , 321 demolition of , 481 Hunt ), 263 Tarsney , John Co, 437 Tarsney Act , 437- 438 , Travers Block (Newport Tyler , AmeliaS . (Mrs . 585 534 ), 245 , 246 , 507, Royall Tyler ), 4, 7, 8 Taste , elevation of , 112 , 541 Tyler , Royall, 4 172 , 256 , 260 , 329 , Treadwell , Adam , 230 335 - 336 , 372 , 436 , Treadwell Farm Historic Union Car Spring Company 441 , 457 , 458 , 460 District (N .Y.C .), 232 warehouses , Taylor , Bayard, 205 Trench, Joseph, 77 540 - 541 Technology , 158,213- Tribune Building Union League Club 217 , 222 - 223 , 457 (N .Y.C .), 225, 502 , (N . Y.C .), 142, 144, Tenement housing , 204 , 543 173 , 252 , 316 262 , 509 construction of , 503 clubhouse for , 116 , Tenth Street Studios . See design of, 219,220, 142 - 143 , 161 , 202 , Studio Building 221 - 223 203 , 490 , 539 , 544 Thackeray, William enlargement of, 221- Union Theological Makepeace , 78 222 Seminary (N .Y.C.), Theatricals , 252 , 261 , 262 estimates of , 503 539 Thebes , Egypt , 52 Hunt office at , 163 United States Capitol Thomas , Ambrose , progress of , 251 (WashingtonD .C.), tomb , 548 as site for Greeley 159 , 408 Thomas , Griffith , 76 Statue , 310 extension of , 83 , 87 - 92 ,

Thomas , Theodore , 403 Trieste , 54 - 55 479 , 538 Thomas , William , 84 , 85 Trinity Building United States Military Thompson , Launt , 95 (N .Y . C.), 144, 163 Academy (West Thompson , Martin E., Trinity Church (Boston ), Point , N .Y .), 99, 373 , 118 201 , 203 , 542 458 , 526 Thomson , John , 84- 86 Trinity Church (N . Y.C .), Academic Building , Thornton , William , 88 21 , 74 , 144 - 145 , 381 , 383 , 385 , 386 ,

Ticknor , George , 15 373 - 374 388 - 389 , 390 , 526 , 547 Tiffany , Louis C., 295 portals of, 373- 374,375, Central Barracks , 385 , Tinney , Harold B ., 522 547 388 Tioranda (Beacon , N . Y.), Trinity Church (Newport Guardhouse , 289 , 390 ,

256 , 499 , 504 , 543 ), 120, 452 391 , 549 design of , 196- 197, 198 Trollope , Anthony , 75 Gymnasium , 381, Touro Park (Newport ), Trumbull , John , 64 383 - 386 , 387 , 547 301 Trumbauer , Horace , 348 Library , 389 , 549 (Newport Tuckerman , Arthur 1 " United States Naval Observatory ), 120, 122 442 (WashingtonD Town and Country Club Tuckennan , Henry T . / .C .), 156, 373, (Newport ), 235 68 / 78 / 95 / 133 380 , 381 , 382 , 450 , Towne , John Henry , Tuileries Palace (Paris ), 525 , 546 tomb , 543 56 - 58 United States Sanitary Townsend , J. J., tomb , Turner / Joseph M . W ./ Commission , 142 , 548 182 143 Trachtenberg , Marvin , Twachtman , J. H ., 69 United States Trust 319 Twain , Mark , 158 Company of New Travers , William R . , Tweed , William Marcy / York (N . Y.C .), 549 house (Newport ), 226 University Building . See 506 , 507 , 540 Tweedy / Samuel, tomb , New York University 540 586 University Club death of , 363 and Vanderbilt homestead INDEX (N.Y.C.), 326 houses of . See Belcourt ; / 291 University of the City of ldlehour ; Marble and Vanderbilt New York. SeeNew House ; Vanderbilt , Mausoleum / 291 York University W . K . , mansion Vanderbilt , Gertrude , Upjohn, Richard, 15,55, marriage of , 275 536 74,99,488,489,493 personality of, 274, 275 Vanderbilt , William and AmericanInstitute remarriage of , 362 Henry / 274/ 290- 291 , of Architects, 110, social ambitions of , 412 111,112,114,115, 281 , 284 , 286 , 335 , 362 mansion of (N . Y .C .) / 117,168,169,255, social life of , 281 , 284 , 290 / 413 / 512 / 547 327,485 332 , 363 Vanderbilt , William K . Upjohn, RichardM., 485 Vanderbilt , Consuelo . biographical sketch of, See Balsan , Consuelo 274 Vail , Alfred , 68 Vanderbilt death of , 287 Van Brunt , Henry Vanderbilt , Cornelia , inheritance of , 412 and American Institute 431 mansion of (N . Y.C .)/ of Architects , 108 , Vanderbilt , Commodore 298 - 299 / 544

114 - 116 , 168 Cornelius , 71 , 274 , assessments of , 286 - and Hunt 290 288 / 352 / 462 affection for , 398 - 400 Vanderbilt , Cornelius , comparisons with , at atelier of , 100 , 102 , 11, 284 , 364 , 412 , 413 , 290 / 340 / 343

103 , 482 435 , 523 contractors and artists estimates of , 62 , 453 mansion of (N . Y.C .), working on , 513 N . Y .U . studio of , 69 286 , 523 , 548 cost of , 511 and National Academy mansion of (Newport ) . demolition of , 287 - 288 of Design , 120 See Breakers , The design of , 276 / 277/ office of , in Boston , 105 Vanderbilt , Mrs . Cornelius 278 / 279 / 281 / 283 and World ' s Colum - , 11, 284 , 450 fame of , 454 bian Exposition , 396 , Vanderbilt , George imitations of , 286 398 - 400 Washington plan of, 281/ 282 and Yorktown Monument appearance of , 413 site fori 274 , 302 , 544 death of , 431 statue of Hunt on , 279 /

Van Brunt & Howe , 396 estate of (Asheville , 280 / 281 Van Buren , Martin , 55 N .C .) . See Biltmore style of, 275/ 421/ Van Rensselaer , Alexan - estate 511 - 512 cler , 488 fortune of , 412 mansion of (Newport ). building of (N . Y.C .), house of (N . Y.C .), 291 , See Marble House 214 - 215 , 216 , 542 413 , 545 mansion of (Oakdale , house of (Middle town , and Hunt memorial N .Y .) . See Idlehour R.I .), 490 , 539 window , 454 - 455 marriage of , 275 / 362 Van Rensselaer , Mary mansion of (Asheville , personality of, 413 Howland , 488 N .C .). See Biltmore and St . Mark /s Church , Vanderbilt , Alva Smith , House 271 512 personal i ty of , 413 social life of , 284 / 332 construction direction and Sargent portraits , stable of (N . Y.C .)/ 546 by , 352, 353, 364, 416 428 Vanderbilt , William K ., costume ball of , 281 , travel with Hunt , 331 - Jr ., mansion

284 , 285 , 513 333 , 403 , 416 , 428 , 452 (N .Y .C .)/ 286 Vanderbilt ball , 281 , 284 , Viollet - le - Duc , Belmont tomb , 314 , 587 285 , 513 Eugene -Emanuel , 27, 315 , 452 , 547 . Vanderbilt homestead 35 , 36 , 57 , 157 , 251 , Dodge Statue , 545 (New Dorp , StatenIs - 258 , 500 , 518 Garfield Monument ,

land , N . Y.), 291 , 412 , Virginia Hall . See 308 , 309 , 310 , 517 , 545 546 Hampton Institute Goodale Monument ,

Vanderbilt library . See Visconti , Louis , 27 , 56 , 517 , 546 Free Circulating Library 58 , 475 Greeley Statue, 310- 311 , 544 Vanderbilt Mausoleum Wadsworth , Herbert , Indian Hunter , 300 , 301

(New Dorp , StatenIs - 312 Kenton Monument , land , N .Y .), 290 , 291 , Wadsworth , William 545 292 , 412 , 514 , 545 Austin , 312 Lafayette Statue, 303, Vanderlyn , John, 182 Wadsworth Memorial 306 , 545 Varden , Dolly , store. See Fountain (Geneseo , Perry Monument , 301 , Roosevelt Building N . Y.), 22, 312, 314 , 540 Vaux , Calvert 546 Pilgrim Statue, 306, and American Institute Walker , C . Howard , 410 308 , 545 of Architects , 112 - Wallis , Frank E ., 164 , Reynolds Monument , 113 , 168 , 204 165 - 166 , 459 , 494 , 529 541 and Central Park Walter , Thomas U ., 42 , Seventh Regiment (N . Y.C .), 146, 154 99 , 329 Monument , 145 , 300 , and Central Park gateways and American Institute 539 , 148- 149, 152, of Architects , 100 - ShakespeareMonument 153 111 , 169 , 255 , 327 , 540 integrity of , 167 and American Institution Soldiers ' and Sailors ' and Metropolitan of Architects , Monument (Brooklyn Museum of Art , 109 ), 308 , 545 173 - 175 , 441 and U ni ted Sta tes Soldiers ' and Sailors ' in Stuyvesant Apart . Capitol , 87- 91, 156, Monument (Indianapolis ments , 205 159 , 408 , 479 , 538 ), 546 and survey of Chicago War Department build . Washington Statue, parks , 395 ing (WashingtonD 306 , 545 Venetian Gothic Style, .C.), 170- 171 Yorktown Monument , 120 , 295 , 298 Ward , George C., house, 302 - 303 , 544 Venice , Italy , 21, 50, 549 Ware , William R . 54 - 55 , 324 Ward , John Quincy and American Vermont , University of, Adams Academy in Rome, 303 , 306 biographical sketch of, 439 - 441 Vermont Association , 300 - 301 and Columbia Univer . 326 houses and studios of sity campus plan , 525 Vernon , Vt . , 4 , 5 (N . Y.C .), 228 , 230 , as educator , 105 , 106 , Victoria Hotel . See Stevens 300 , 504 , 540 , 544 165

House studio of (Urbana , Ill .), in Hunt atelier , lao , 544 Victorian Gothic style, 102 , 103 295 , 298 works of , 300 - 301 Hunt ' s influence on , Viking Motor Inn (Newport Beecher Monument , 459 ), 487 311 - 312 , 313 , 517 , 546 office of , in Boston , 105 Villard , Henry , 405 Belmont Statue , 314 588 Ware , William R . (cont .) Hunt 's design for , 542 Woolsey , George M ., 457 INDEX and Royal Institute of W es ton , Theodore , 442 World 's Columbian Exposition British Architects , Wetmore , George Pea- (Chicago ). 168 , 169 body , 241 See also Administration Ware & Van Brunt , 105 , mansion of (Newport ). Building ,

203 , 378 See Chateau - surMer World ' s Columbian Waring , George E., 236 , Wetmore , William Exposition 506 , 508 Shepard, 241 background of, 392- 394 house of (Newport ). See Wetmore family monument Board of Architects , Hypothenuse , The (Newport ), 543 398 - 402 Warner , Charles Dudley , Wharton , Edith , 73 , 372 , classical modules used

403 , 405 505 for , 396 - 397 , 399

Warner , Worcester R . , Wheelwright , Edward , Court of Honor , 396 , house (Cleveland , 122 397 , 400 , 401 , 404 , Ohio ), 525, 547 White , Richard Grant , 406 - 408 WashingtonD .C., 8- 11, 152 - 153 criticism of , 434 83 , 87 - 92 , 156 , 308 , White , Stanford , 325 , dedication of , 403

310 , 380 - 381 326 , 331 , 403 design of , 399- 402 Washington , George , Whitney , Harry Payne , Hunt 's critique of , 330

302 ,. 306 536 opening of , 405- 406 statue of (N . Y .C .), 300 , Whitney , W . C ., 380 planning for , 394- 400 306 , 307 , 545 Whittredge , Worth - selection of architects Washington Centennial , ington , 95, 205 for , 396 - 397 , 434 , 528 331 Wight , Isle of, 129 speculation on Hunt Webb , Philip , 240 Wight , Peter B., 120 as consulting architect Webster , Daniel , 9 , 10 , Wightman , James5., 100 for , 395 , 528 13 , 15 , 17 , 465 Williams , Dr . H . H . , Wrentham house . See Webster , J. Carson , 503 houses (Boston ), 118, Indian Spring Webster , Julia , 9 119 , 230 , 538 Wright , W. P., picture Webster , Sidney , 452, 519 Willing , Edward , house gallery (Hoboken , house of (N . Y.C .), 515 , (Newport ), 118, 125, N .] .), 118, 538 545 538 Weir , John F., 158, 226 , Wilson , Colonel John Yale College (New Haven

406 , 435 , 490 M . , 381 , 383 - 386 , 388 , Conn .), 226 , 435

Welsman , Winston , 503 Windham County , Vt ., Scroll and Key Hall , Welch , John , 485 2 , 4 , 5 190 , 191 , 192 , 539 Wells , Joseph C ., 76, 83, Winthrop , Egerton L ., Yale Divinity School 85 , 115 , 477 , 485 house (N . Y.C .), 230 , (New Haven , Conn .), Wells , Joseph Morrill , 543 - 544 186 494 Winthrop , Robert C ., East Divinity Hall , West , Benjamin , 435 302 186 - 187 , 188 , 190 , 540 West Point . See United Winthrop , Theodore , 13, Marquand Chapel, 189, States Military 26 , 43 - 44 , 64 , 69 - 71 , 190 , 541 Academy 95 Yorktown , Va . , 302 , 303 , Western Association of Withers , Frederick , 196 , 306

Architects , 327 , 328 499 Yorktown Monument Western Union Telegraph Wolf , Joseph, 442 (Yorktown , Va .), 300 , Building Wood , Fort (N . Y.C .), 302 - 303 , 304 , 305 , (N . Y .C .), 223 , 503 317 , 319 516 , 544