A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament for the Use
mM'-i^:'-''-" CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ENGLISH COLLECTION THE GIFT OF JAMES MORGAN HART PROFESSOR OF ENGUSH CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 092 355 1 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924092355100 A PLAIN INTRODUCTION CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT OjcforS HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY A PLAIN INTRODUCTION TO THE ;riticism of the new testament FOR THE USE OF BIBLICAL STUDENTS BY THE LATE FREDERICK HENRY AMBROSE SCRIVENER M.A., D.C.L., LL.D. PREBENDARY OF EXETER, VICAR OF HENDON FOURTH EDITION, EDITED BY THE REV. EDWARD MILLER, M.A. FORMERLY FELLOW AND TUTOR OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD VOL. I GEORGE BELL & SONS, York Street, Covent Garden AND NEW YORK : 66 Fifth Avenue CAMBRIDGE: Deighton Bell & Co. l8o4 ft.a^^qin In templo Dei ofiert unusquisque quod potest : alii aunim, argentum, et lapides pretiosos : alii byssum et purpuram et coccum offerunt et hyacinthum. Nobiscum bene agitur, si obtulerimus pelles et caprarum pilos. Et tamen Apostolus contemtibiliora nostra magis necessaria judicat. HiERONYMi Prologus Galeatus. — DEDICATION [in the third edition] to his grace EDWARD, LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. My Loed Archbishop^ Nearly forty years ago, under encouragement from your venerated predecessor Archbishop Howley, and with the friendly help of his Librarian Dr. Maitland, I entered upon the work of collating manuscripts of the Greek New Testament by examining the copies brought from the East by Professor Carlyle, and purchased for the Lambeth Library in 1805.
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