The Ukrainian Weekly 1944, No.4
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb і СВОБОДА і Український Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК LII. Ч. 19. VOL. ІД. No. 19. SECTION II. Щг Ukrainian ШееШр Dedicated to the needs and interest of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. •———•• No. 4 NEW YORK and JERSEY CITY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1944. VOL. ХП 3*= • • freedom, he declared, is our most precious treasure. The spirit of SECOND UKRAINIAN AMERICAN CONGRESS WIDELY REPRESENTATIVE American Demorraey, he emphasized, is the hope and salvation of the en slaved nations throughout the world, were also advocated by the speaker. including war-torn and occupied Uk Attracts Delegates from Many Communities (5) "Congress Committee Needs raine. Dwelling on the famous prin Material Support," delivered in Uk-j ciples of Woodrow Wilson of the last rainian by Dtnytro Halychyn. retiring war and the analagous principles Despite the restrictions imposed inating committees, a report on the treasurer of the Committee. Praising enunciated during the present war upon them by war time work and work of the Congress Committee the spirit that caused the Ukrainian by President Roosevelt, the speaker travel, and in spite of the vain at since its reorganization last Septem і Americans to go over the top in their declared that victory of the Ukrain tempts by the Communists and their ber was given in Ukrainian by Ste war bond purchases as well as dona ian national movement will be the ' mouthpieces to discredit the national phen Shumeyko, retiring president, tions to the Red Cross, the U.S.O. victory of these principles of freedom gathering, 235 delegates represent who spoke on behalf of all the other and kindred agencies, Mr. Halychyn and democracy. officers. The report dealt with the ing Ukrainian American communities pointed out that the effectiveness of The above addresses were followed current Bond Drive, the National War throughout the country convened the war effort activities of the Con by a general discussion of the matters Fund campaign, and the coming Uk last Saturday, January 22, at the gress Committee is dependent upon and issues raised by them, in which rainian Blood Donor Week; the me Second Congress of Americans of the amount of material support the most of those present had an op-, morandum on the Ukrainian situation Ukrainian Descent, held at the Ben Committee receives from the Ukrain- portunity to express their views. sent to Secretary of State Hull prior jamin Franklin Hotel in Philadel I ian American people. The War Bond to his departure last October for the phia, and there adopted measures de drive itself, he said, requires a con Election of New Congress Committee Moscow tri-power conference; the signed to further coordinate and in siderable amount of money to cover j publication of the Congress Commit Following a report of the Nominat tensify the Ukrainian American war its costs. tee bulletin, the first number of which ing Committee by its chairman, Rev. effort; and at the same time to cele (6) "What's Behind the Un-Ameri-; Walter Bilinsky, the following were brate the 25th anniversary of the appeared just before the Congress; in it was also included the treasurer's can Anti-Ukrainian Campaign," given ; elected or re-elected to office in the historic January 22, 1919 when the ; in English by Stephen Shumeyko. Ukrainian Congress Committee of Dnieper and Western Ukraines united report By unanimous vote the re port was accepted and the retiring The attempts to besmirch the patriot America: І themselves into an independent and ism and good name of Ukrainian і President, Stephen Shumeyko indivisible Ukrainian National Re Congress Committee given a vote of confidence. Americans, he said, are primarily the (Newark, N. J.); Vice-presidents, public. Work of those un-American elements John Panchuk (Detroit); Dr. Walter Every section of the country where Addresses who have always been hostile to the Gallan (Philadelphia); Wasyl Sha Ukrainian Americans mostly dwell, Ukrainian American endeavors to j batura (Pittsburgh); and Mrs. Helen roughly between the Atlantic and the The following addresses were then help free Ukraine, and who covet the Stogryn (Philadelphia); Recording Mississippi river and between the delivered. control of the fine organizations and Secretary, Stephen Kurlak (New Mason and Dixon line and the Can (1) "The Ukrainian American Con institutions the Ukrainian Americans York City); Financial Secretary, Boh adian border, was represented at this tribution tp Our Country's War Ef have created here through hard and dan Katamay (Philadelphia); Treas national and representative gather fort," delivered in English by John and sacrifice (text of talk on page2). urer, Dmytro Halychyn (New York); ing of democratically-minded Ukrain Panchuk. The speaker outlined the (7) "Ukrainian War Relief," given Controllers, John Evanchuk (De ian Americans, held , under the aus proportions of that contribution and in Ukrainian by Dr. Longin Cehelsky. troit), Maria Demydchuk (Brooklyn, pices of the Ukrainian Congress Com stressed the vital role of morale in Drawing a picture of the plight of the N.Y.), and Michael Dutkeyich (Pitts mittee of America, which was origin the war effort. High morale; Mr. Ukrainian emigres following the last burgh); Board of Directors: Rev. ally established at the First Ukrain Panchuk pointed out, is one of the war and the collapse of the Ukrain Bilinsky (Chester, Pa.), Rev. Basil ian American congress held in Wash striking features of the Ukrainian ian republic, Dr. Cehelsky said that Fedash (Philadelphia), W. Dowhan ington, in May. 1940 and reorganized American war effort. the present war and the social and. (Detroit), Rev. Bilon (Cleveland), find HFevitalized at Philadelphia last (2) "The Ukrainian American War political upheavals that are bound to Rev. Pypiuk (Monessen, Pa.), Prof. September. Bond Drive," delivered in English and follow it in Ukraine,, will greatly in M. Chubaty {New York), Dr. L. Ce Among the delegates were a num Ukrainian by Dr. Walter Gallan, crease the numbers and the suffer helsky (Philadelphia), Mrs. Claudia ber of younger generation Ukrainian chairman of the drive. The speaker ings of Ukrainian emigres. He ad Olesnitsky (New York City), Zaporo- Americans, although the absence of reminded his auditors that American vocated the adoption by Ukrainian zhets (Detroit), A. Malanchuk those in service was very noticeable. civic and patriotic matters engaged Americans of relief measures for (Springfield, Mass.), Rev. A. Kist Besides the delegates a large number the energies of Ukrainian Americans them. Mr. Panchuk supplemented Dr. (Minneapolis, Minn.), Prof. A. Gra- of visitors attended the sessions of from the very time of their advent Ceheleky's address with a report of nowsky (St. Paul, Minn.), Chemniy the congress. here. Refering to the current war bond j the possibilities of establishing a Uk- (Detroit), Miss Genevieve Zepko The Congress was formally opened drive, which started January 18 and I rainian war relief for the war vic (Akron, O.), Mrs. Catherine Chomiak in English by Stephen Shumeyko, will end April 15, the speaker re tims in Ukraine now (text of report (Detroit), Dr. L. Myshuha (Jersey retiring president of the Ukrainian vealed that 20% of its $5,000,000.00 on page 3). City, N. J.). Congress Committee. He called upon quota has already been achieved (8) "Independent Ukraine—A His-; By express resolution of the Con Miss Luba Kowalska, a New York (t*»xt of talk on page 5). torical Necessity," delivered in Uk gress, the executive board of the delegate, to sing the Star-Spangled (3) "Our Women and the War rainian by Prof. Mikola Chubaty., Congress Committee is empowered Banner, and then upon Rev. Myron Effort," given in Ukrainian by Mrs. The speaker traced the course of the j to coopt into its Board of Directors Danilovich, a Newark delegate, for Claudia Olesnitsky, editor of the centuries-old Ukrainian national chairmen of bona-fide and truly re the Invocation. In his address of wel Soyuz Ukrainok's "Our Life" month j movement for independence until presentative central committees of come, delivered in Ukrainian, Mr. ly. She outlined the notable contri modern times. The Act of Union of Ukrainian American communities. Shumeyko stressed the two underly bution in various fields of the women January 22, 1919, he said, consti Resolutions ing purposes of the congress, as out to the Ukrainian American war ef tutes the true and legal expression lined above in the opening para fort, and recommended that the Con of the entire Ukrainian people con Following the presentation of pro graph. gress Committee take steps to co cerning their national aspirations, as posed resolutions by the chairman of ' By virtue of a motion unanimously ordinate the Red Cross work of Uk it was voluntarily and freely ex the Resolution Committee, John approved by the delegates, the retir rainian American women. pressed ; something which has been Panchuk, a number of them were ing Congress Committee's executive | (4) "The Need of Coordinating I impossible for them since the fall of adopted by the congress, subject only board was constituted as the presid-j Bodies in Our Communities," given in і the short-lived Ukrainian republic, to certain stylistic modifications. ing body at the congress. Hence the English by Miss Mary Kusy, a high | and the occupation of their native The resolutions passed deal with chair was occupied throughout the| school teacher. Outlining the elements land by foreign powers. Concerning (a) coordinating and intensifying the day by the president as well as thei of Ukrainian life and culture that our the current Soviet-Polish dispute over j Ukrainian American war effort in all three retiring vice--presidents, the lat- j American-born young people are de Western Ukraine, he further declared, possible fields, including War Bonds ter being John Panchuk, Dr. Walter; veloping as their contribution to the sentiments of the people most and Red Cross; (b) the necessity of Gallan, and Wasyl Shabatura.