
"Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin"

Written by Ethan Banville "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 1.


EXT. SPORTSBAR -- NIGHT (NIGHT 1) We establish a chain type sportsbar. It’s late.

INT. SPORTSBAR -- NIGHT (NIGHT 1) Inside, WAITERS in horrid uniforms zip to and fro delivering greasy meals riddled with cheese. A few are gathered singing “happy birthday” to a woman in rumpled business attire. She’s surrounded by others in business attire who sing poorly along. The song finishes and one of the waitstaff breaks off and moves across the restaurant, stopping by a large party of MEN. In front of all of them are polished off dinner plates, empty glasses and pitchers. The guest of honor, MARK, sits at the head of the table wearing a top hat and a T-shirt that reads “Dead Man Walking.” There are only two glasses in front of him. One empty, one half-full with water. A server walks up with a tray of shots and begins doling them out. One of the men at the table, STEVE, picks up his shot and stands. STEVE (raising his shot) Okay, I’d like to make a toast. JIMMY (heavily inebriated) Yeah, more garlic toast. The guys laugh at JIMMY’S idiocy. STEVE Thanks, Jimmy. (then) I just wanted to say congratulations to Mark on finding himself a great girl and best of luck to him and Shana as they enter into the rest of their lives together. The guys all give a goofy “awwww.” MARK Thank you, Steve. STEVE Hey, man. A week from now you’ll be wishing me the same thing. (MORE) "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 2. STEVE (cont'd) (raises shot) To Mark. Everyone picks up their shot. Mark smiles as they all slam a shot. He doesn’t touch his. Instead he sips his water. STEVE (cont’d) You’re not gonna drink with us? That’s bad luck. MARK Sorry, no can do. I haven’t checked my blood sugar in hours. TODD Yeah, last thing you want to do is die the night before your wedding. MIKE If he’s smart he does! The guys laugh at the stupid joke. MARK (stands) Alright, guys. I’m outta here. They all react “C’mon”, “You’re kidding,” etc. STEVE It’s only nine o’clock. Mark exchanges hugs with the guys. He goes to hug Steve. STEVE (cont’d) (holding up shot) C’mon, buddy. One for the road. MARK It’s all you, Steve. See you in the morning. Mark exits. Steve slams the shot and moves away from the party. He takes out his phone and starts to dial.

INT. APARTMENT -- LIVING ROOM -- A LITTLE LATER (NIGHT 1) We HEAR the sound of KEYS JINGLING, then a DOOR OPENING. Mark enters and tosses his keys on an end table. They land next to a picture of a young couple. The man is Mark. He has his arm around a beautiful brunette who’s wearing an engagement ring. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 3.

INT. APARTMENT -- BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS (NIGHT 1) Mark enters and begins unbuttoning his shirt. He tosses it over a chair then goes to the nightstand and opens the drawer. Sitting down on the bed, he pulls out a blood sugar meter and some test strips. He pricks the tip of his finger then squeezes a drop of blood onto the strip before sliding it into the meter. Numbers pop up on the screen. He reads it, then puts the meter on the nightstand, then opens the cabinet door below the drawer on the nightstand. Inside is a mini-fridge. He opens the door revealing an insulin pen and some bottles of insulin. He pulls out the insulin pen. It’s the high-end kind with the data screen on the side. He inputs some numbers then pulls off the cap. He lifts up his shirtsleeve and injects himself in the LEFT SHOULDER. He places the insulin items back in the fridge and closes it. He lays down on top of the sheets and clicks the TV on.

INT. APARTMENT -- BEDROOM -- LATER (NIGHT 1) Mark is now asleep, having dozed off with the TV on. A WOMAN enters the doorway. Standing next to the picture we saw earlier, she appears to be the woman in the picture. Dressed in casual clothing, she’s wearing a pair of rubber exam gloves. She watches Mark sleeping. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out an insulin pen as she crosses to Mark. She sets a measurement on the pen, then jabs Mark in the same SHOULDER he injected himself in earlier. Mark wakes with a start. MARK (squinting his eyes awake) Shana? Suddenly ashen, his eyes roll back and he collapses on the bed, unable to lift his head. The woman places the insulin pen she injected him with on the nightstand then exits the room. She returns a moment later with a bottle of dark rum and a glass with some ice. She places the glass on the nightstand and pours a drink. She pulls a syringe from her other pocket and uses it to suck the rum out of the glass. She carefully taps the needle, making sure to get the air bubbles out by squirting some of the rum out of the needle into the air. She then injects rum into the same spot she injected the insulin. The groom's eyes close and he collapses completely. The woman smiles, puts the needle back in her pocket and exits. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 4.


INT. DR. KROGER’S OFFICE - THE NEXT DAY (DAY 2) MONK sits across from DR. KROGER. DR. KROGER (laughs) So it was the same guy? The same one you had arrested when you first joined the force? For the same crime? MONK People don’t change. DR. KROGER You’re right about that. MONK (looks worried) Really? DR. KROGER Adrian, I-- MONK (stands up, begins pacing) I knew this was a waste of time. How much money have I spent? Monk begins straightening things out in Dr. Kroger’s office, touching lamps, etc. DR. KROGER Adrian, sit down. MONK Why? You just said this was pointless. DR. KROGER No, Adrian, what I meant was that most people don’t change because they never take the steps to move on. You’re doing great. It just takes time. MONK How much time? At this rate, I’ll be dead by the time they let me back on the force. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 5.

Monk starts moving the coffee table back and forth, trying to find its “place.” DR. KROGER Adrian, please stop. MONK Why? If this is what I’m going to be like the rest of my life, I might as well enjoy it. Dr. Kroger removes his glasses and rubs his forehead.

EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- LITTLE LATER THAT DAY (DAY 2) NATALIE and Monk pull up outside of a small apartment building. Natalie pulls down her visor, does a quick makeup check, then gets out. Monk goes to get out, but stops, seeing Natalie’s visor still down. He puts it up, but then decides it would be better with both visors down. He’s about to get out, then sees that only one cup holder is out. He goes through the same process with that. Natalie opens his door. NATALIE Mr. Monk, what are you doing? MONK Just making everything right. She waits a beat as he adjusts the seats to be even. NATALIE Okay, that’s enough. She pulls him out of the car. MONK Why do you have to always ruin my fun? NATALIE Fun? You go to therapy four days a week to try and stop doing this. Since when is it fun? MONK (condescending) Natalie, I’m never going to stop this. You see, people don’t change. They never change. I’m just having fun with what I’m cursed to do until I die. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 6.

He begins adjusting the windshield wipers, trying to make them “even.” NATALIE (exasperated) Oh, my god. (grabbing his hands) Mr. Monk, you’re not going to do this ‘till the day you die. You keep at this, I’ll kill you way before then. LT. DISHER approaches. LT. DISHER Hey, Natalie. Monk. (reading from notepad) Deceased is a Mark Solakian, twenty- eight, bookstore owner. Looks like he went out last night to his bachelor party -- his wedding was today. NATALIE Yikes. LT. DISHER I know, right? Anyway, he goes to his bachelor party, drank a little too much, comes home, gives himself his usual bedtime insulin -- he was a diabetic -- then goes to bed. The insulin combined with the alcohol drops his blood sugar too low. He never wakes up. MONK So this was an accident? NATALIE Wow, his fiancé must be heartbroken. LT. DISHER She is. That’s who requested Monk. MONK Why would someone request me to consult on an accidental death? LT. DISHER I dunno. You can ask her yourself. C’mon. I’ll introduce you. They follow Lt. Disher into the building. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 7.

INT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- HALLWAY -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Monk and Natalie follow Lt. Disher down the hallway. MONK Introduce me to who? NATALIE The fiance. MONK I know, but what’s her name? LT. DISHER Shana Robertson. Monk stops dead in his tracks. Natalie and Lt. Disher get a few steps then notice. NATALIE Mr. Monk, what’s wrong? MONK We have to go. NATALIE What are you talking about? Why? MONK Natalie, just listen to me. Let’s go. LT. DISHER Monk it’ll just take a second. MONK No. No seconds. Just going. I’m going. Monk turns to go just as a young woman, SHEILA, enters the hallway. She looks exactly like the murderer we saw in the opening, except with long blonde hair. Yes, they’re twins. SHEILA Uncle Adrian. Monk stops. He hangs his head. This is exactly what he didn’t want. NATALIE Uncle Adrian? He turns as Sheila walks up to him and gives him a quick hug. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 8.

MONK Sheila. (small talk) My how you’ve grown. NATALIE (can’t help herself) Hi, I’m Natalie Teeger. I’m Mr. Monk’s... Uncle Adrian’s assistant. Mr. Monk, I didn’t know you had a niece. I thought it was just you and Ambrose. SHEILA Oh, I’m only his niece by marriage. Aunt Trudy was my mother’s sister. We haven’t really seen Uncle Adrian since well... you know. NATALIE Yeah. (realizes now why Monk is being so strange) Oh, wow. No wonder you’re acting so weird. (touching him) I’m sorry. MONK (wanting to change subject, to Sheila) I’m so sorry about your fiance. LT. DISHER Oh, Mark and Sheila weren’t together. He was engaged to her sister, Shana. NATALIE (to Monk) You’ve got two nieces? (then, to Sheila) Well, I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. Mr. Monk didn’t even tell me he had a wedding to go to. SHEILA Oh, it’s not his fault. He didn’t know. It was kind of a last minute thing. Shana and Mark were supposed to get married in a couple of months, but they moved it up last minute. C’mon, I’ll bring you to Shana. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 9.

She enters the apartment followed by Lt. Disher. Monk has decided he’s staying put. NATALIE Mr. Monk, c’mon. MONK Natalie, I can’t go in there. He begins touching all the bulbs on a light fixture on the wall. NATALIE I know it won’t be easy being around Trudy’s relatives, but they’re family and they asked for you. MONK (thinks about it for a second, then) No. Monk continues his obsessiveness by starting to count flowers on the wallpaper. NATALIE Come on. (grabs him by the arm) I’m sure there’s lots of things to touch in there, too. Natalie drags him into the apartment.

INT. APARTMENT -- LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS (DAY 2) Monk enters to find CAPTAIN STOTTLEMEYER comforting Sheila’s sister SHANA. Her face is obscured by her long brown hair. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER I know it’s hard to believe, but sometimes accidents happen. SHANA Not like this. Not to Mark, I’m telling you. Captain Stottlemeyer sees Monk. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Hey, look who’s here. Just like you asked. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 10.

Shana looks up. We recognize her as the one from the picture in the opening. She jumps up and throws her arms around Monk and begins sobbing on his shoulder. SHANA Thank god you’re here. NATALIE Oh, my god. Twins. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Yep. Shana moves her head to the other shoulder. MONK (aside to Natalie) Wipe. Natalie wipes his free shoulder. Just as she finishes, Shana switches shoulders again. MONK (cont’d) Wipe. This happens a few more times before Captain Stottlemeyer grabs Shana off Monk. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Okay, why don’t you have a seat so you and Uncle Adrian can talk? SHANA I’m sorry. I just can’t believe this is happening. MONK I know, it’s... Sheila enters with a glass of water and sits down next to Shana, comforting her. Side by side we get our first clear look at them together. Yep, they’re twins, except for their clothes and hair color. Monk stares uncomfortably at the two. An awkward beat. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk? Monk continues to stare uncomfortably. NATALIE (aside to Monk) Mr. Monk? What’s wrong? "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 11.

MONK (aside to Natalie) They’re not quite the same. NATALIE (aside) They’re twins, Mr. Monk. MONK (aside) But they don’t match. NATALIE (aside) Of course not. They’re not five. They’re adults. They don’t have to dress alike. MONK (aside) It would be easier if they did. Can you ask them? NATALIE (aside) No! Now snap out of it. Natalie thwacks him on the back of the head, then turns back to Sheila. Monk sits, fighting his compulsion. NATALIE (cont’d) Sorry. So why’d you call Uncle Adrian if the police think it’s an accident? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER It was an accident. MONK (to Natalie) See, we’re not needed. We should go. SHANA I just don’t think Mark could die like this. He was much too vigilant with his sugar levels. (to Monk) Now I know how you felt when Aunt Trudy died. Shana begins weeping again. Monk seems thrown by what she’s said. Steve, the guy who made the toast at Mark’s bachelor party, enters, cellphone in hand. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 12.

STEVE Hey. Sorry, I was in a meeting. I got here as soon as I could. SHEILA Captain, this is my fiance. He was with Mark last night. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Oh, good. (extending his hand) Leland Stottlemeyer. Steve quickly puts his cellphone away in his jacket pocket so he can shake. As he pulls out his hand, a business card falls out. STEVE (shaking hands) Steve Woodward. Monk picks up the business card. It’s for a Charles Woo at Negi Real Estate Developers. As he reads the card, Monk notices the way he’s holding it blocks Sheila from his eye line. It seems to help him until Steve takes his card back. STEVE (cont’d) Thanks. Monk holds up his hand trying to use it to block one of the twins from his eye line as he did with the business card. Throughout the rest of the scene, when one talks he blocks the other from his eye line. STEVE (cont'd) Shana, I’m so sorry. (to the rest) What a horrible accident. SHANA It wasn’t an accident. Tell them how much Mark had to drink. LT. DISHER Ms. Robertson, we’ll handle the interviews. Lt. Disher pulls out his pad. LT. DISHER (cont’d) (to Steve) Okay. Your name? "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 13.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER He just said his name. LT. DISHER Yeah, but I didn’t write it down. You know how I am. If I don’t write something down, I forget like immediately. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER It’s Steve Woodward. LT. DISHER Is that Woodward with two o’s or one u? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER “One u?” LT. DISHER Yeah. You know. With an umlaut. The Captain turns to Steve. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Steve, how much would you say Mark had to drink last night at the party? STEVE Oh, I’m not sure. I know he drank some, but I couldn’t really say how much. I was pretty blasted. SHANA I talked with Mark’s best man. He said Mark had one drink and left early because he had to check his insulin. This sparks Monk’s interest. MONK One drink? That shouldn’t be enough to kill someone, should it? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER It wasn’t one drink. We found an empty glass upstairs by his bedside. It reeks of rum. This was an accident. MONK He left the party to come home and drink alone? That doesn’t make any sense. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 14.

SHEILA Maybe he just wanted some peace and quiet. MONK Maybe. Monk is still experimenting with his “hand-blocking” method. He holds up both of his hands, blocking both girls from his eye line. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (leans in) You wanna take a look? MONK Yeah. They exit toward the bedroom.

INT. APARTMENT -- BEDROOM -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Monk enters followed by the Captain and Lt. Disher. Everything is as we saw it in the teaser, except Mark’s body has been removed. Monk begins looking around, doing his “thing.” CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk, I’m telling you this is a waste of time. Monk looks around the room, checking out random objects on the perimeter, then sees the insulin pen on the nightstand next to the glass of alcohol. He uses his pen in typical fashion to move the insulin pen. MONK Insulin pen’s empty. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Yep. A clear indication of an overdose. Monk notices a pad of paper next to it. It has a border on the bottom advertising some kind of medication, like one of those pads you see in your doctor’s office. MONK Medical pad. LT. DISHER Probably got it from Sheila. She’s a physician's assistant. Works for an endocrinologist downtown. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 15.

Monk takes a closer look at the pad. There’s a few dark spots on it as if some liquid dripped on it. Not sure of what to make of it, he moves on to the glass which after a quick look gets his immediate attention. He pulls out his handkerchief and lifts the glass to take a closer look. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER See? Rum. MONK Captain, this wasn’t an accident. It was murder. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 16.


INT. APARTMENT -- BEDROOM -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Monk, Lt. Disher, and Captain Stottlemeyer are where we left them. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Murder? MONK (still looking around the room) Uh-huh. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Oh, come on, Monk. Monk puts the glass back down on the nightstand. Lt. Disher picks it up and starts to examine it. MONK I know what it looks like, but something’s not right here. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Okay. How was he murdered? MONK I don’t know. But there’s no fingerprints on that glass. This wasn’t an accident. Monk goes back to looking around. LT. DISHER He could be right. (re: glass) There’s no lip prints either. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Lip prints? LT. DISHER Can’t drink without lips. I saw the body, he had lips. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (shakes head, then to Monk) Okay, I can’t explain the glass, but I gotta call this how it looks. (MORE) "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 17. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (cont'd) If you want to work it for Trudy’s family, be my guest. MONK Oh, no. I don’t want to work this. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Why not? You just said you thought it was murder. MONK Yeah, but, it’s... it’s a conflict of interest... of sorts. Maybe Randy could do it. They look over at Lt. Disher who’s trying to mock drink from the glass while rolling his lips under so as not to leave lip marks. Captain Stottlemeyer’s phone rings. MONK (cont’d) Okay. Someone should work it. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (into phone) Stottlemeyer. Yeah? Uh-huh. Okay, I’ll be right there. (hangs up phone) Monk, I gotta go. There’s a real murder across town. C’mon, Randy. MONK I think it was Shana. The Captain and Lt. Disher stop. MONK (cont’d) She was always a bad kid. On Trudy and my wedding day she tied firecrackers to my pants. LT. DISHER (laughs) Wow, that must have been funny. (off their looks) Or traumatizing. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk, c’mon. If this was murder and Shana did it, don’t you think she’d want us to call it an accident? Monk shrugs, “maybe.” "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 18.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (cont’d) C’mon, Randy. The Captain and Lt. Disher exit. Monk looks around the room, trying to put his finger on what he’s missing.

INT. APARTMENT -- HALLWAY -- LITTLE LATER (DAY 2) Monk comes out of the bedroom and runs into Natalie by the front door. NATALIE Hey, I saw the captain leave. What’s the verdict? MONK They think it was an accident. NATALIE But you don’t. MONK No. Monk reaches for the doorknob. Natalie stops him. NATALIE Oh, my god. You already figured it out. Who did it? MONK Shana. NATALIE Really? MONK Probably. Monk goes to exit. Natalie stops him. NATALIE Wait. Probably? Mr. Monk you’ve never said probably before. You’re always like, “That’s the guy,” “She’s the one.” MONK If I say she’s the one, can I leave? NATALIE Mr. Monk. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 19.

MONK Natalie, she’s the most likely suspect. She was always in trouble as a kid. Before Trudy died she got arrested for robbery and drug possession. NATALIE That was like ten years ago. People change. MONK No. They don’t. Monk opens the door. Natalie closes it. NATALIE Yes they do. I was wild when I was younger, but look at me. I grew up a good girl. MONK I don’t know if I’d say that. (off her look) You parked in a fire lane this morning while you ran into the dry cleaners. NATALIE To pick up your suits! (then) Mr. Monk you have to get back in there and find out who really killed Mark. MONK How? I can’t concentrate with the two of them. They’re too... different. NATALIE Oh, my god. You’re ridiculous. (then) Fine. Then you go in there and tell Shana you don’t want to help her find who killed Mark because she and Sheila don’t look alike anymore. Shana appears in the hallway with Sheila. Monk immediately starts doing the thing with his hands again to block his eye line. SHANA I saw the police leave. What’s going on? "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 20.

MONK Oh, hi, Shana. (moves hand to cover) Sheila. Well, you know, it’s kind of complicated. NATALIE No it’s not. MONK Natalie, who’s the detective here? (to Shana) She’s not a detective. SHEILA I don’t understand. What’s complicated? Either someone murdered Mark or they didn’t. MONK Well, you see that’s not the part that’s complicated. NATALIE Tell them. MONK Natalie-- SHEILA Tell us what? MONK (beat) Well, Mark was -- when did you start dying your hair brown? NATALIE Mr. Monk thinks Mark was murdered. SHANA Oh, my god. But the police left. Why’d they leave? NATALIE They still think it was an accident. SHANA So that’s it? They’re just giving up. MONK (feeling guilty) I’m sorry. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 21.

SHANA (suddenly up) Wait. You can figure out who did it on your own. I mean, you don’t want who did this to get away with it like they did with Aunt Trudy. Natalie looks at Monk. Monk can’t say no. MONK (giving in) Oh, alright. I’ll find who did it. Shana jumps up and hugs him. SHANA Oh, thank you. MONK I just need one favor.

INT. APARTMENT -- LIVING ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Mr. Monk stands in the middle of the room. MONK Okay, just a little to the right. No Shana’s part is a little off. NATALIE Mr. Monk, it’s fine. We see that Shana and Sheila are now done up to look exactly alike. Their clothes, makeup... Shana is even wearing a blonde wig so she looks like Sheila. SHEILA Why are we doing this again? MONK It’ll help me concentrate. Monk makes one last adjustment to both of them, fixing a sleeve on one of their shirts. MONK (cont’d) There. Isn’t that better? Shana and Sheila exchange an odd look. Satisfied, Monk takes a seat across from them. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 22.

MONK (cont’d) (to Shana) So where were you last night? SHANA At the spa with Sheila. NATALIE All night? SHANA Yes, all night. You don’t think I-- MONK It’s usually the spouse. Kind of have to ask. NATALIE Can you think of anyone who would have wanted to harm Mark? SHANA No. Everyone loved Mark. MONK He didn’t have any problems at the bookstore? No crazy customers? SHANA No. SHEILA What about that guy who was always sleeping in the doorway? SHANA Hector? Hector loved Mark. (to Monk and Natalie) He was this homeless guy that Mark used to pay to sweep the sidewalk. MONK What about someone who would have had access to your apartment. SHANA Well, there’s me and Sheila, our housekeeper, oh and my parents have a key. Shana’s phone rings. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 23.

SHANA (cont’d) Excuse me. (answers phone) Hello? SHEILA (to Monk and Natalie) Mark was notorious for forgetting to lock the front door. SHANA (covering phone) I’m sorry, it’s the funeral home. (starting to weep again) I gotta take this. She exits, pulling off the blonde wig as she walks out. MONK Oh, no. Don’t. The wig. Monk sighs. He begins looking around the room. NATALIE Poor Shana. I’m surprised she can even function. Gosh, the day before her wedding. SHEILA Well, it wasn’t supposed to be. MONK What do you mean? SHEILA Well, a couple of months ago Shana and Mark got in a fight and called off the wedding. Monk’s attention is drawn to a wedding invitation on the mantle. NATALIE So what made them work things out? SHEILA She chalked it up to wedding jitters. Said they realized they were fighting over something stupid. All I know is all of a sudden they made up and wanted to get married right away. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 24.

MONK (re: invitation) A week before your wedding? SHEILA Yeah. NATALIE Wow, talk about sibling rivalry. You must have been pissed. SHEILA Oh, she meant no harm. Besides, she’s my sister. NATALIE I dunno. SHEILA Natalie, we’re twins. We’d forgive each other for anything. (then) I’m gonna go check on her. Sheila exits. Natalie turns to Monk. He looks more focused. The wheels are starting to turn in his head as he WALKS OUT of the room.

INT. APARTMENT -- BEDROOM -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Monk enters and begins to take another look around. This time he’s doing his “thing” and goes through the motions he did earlier which lead him to the same place, the nightstand. He reexamines the insulin pen, glass, and pad. He then appears to hear something. He leans closer to the nightstand as Natalie enters. NATALIE Mr. Monk, what is it? Monk holds up his hand as if to say “Gimme a minute.” MONK You hear that? NATALIE Hear what? Monk opens the cabinet door on the nightstand. There’s a fridge inside. NATALIE (cont’d) Bedroom fridge. Swanky. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 25.

Monk opens it. Inside it are a few vials of insulin and the high-end syringe we saw Mark use on himself in the teaser. Natalie picks up a vial, Monk grabs the insulin pen. NATALIE (cont’d) Insulin. MONK A second insulin pen? NATALIE (Natalie grabs it) One of Julie’s friends has one like this. It’s really cool. (working the screen) See, it stores all the info about your most recent injections. MONK What does it say for yesterday? NATALIE (working the screen) One injection in the morning and one last night. MONK Only two injections? That shouldn’t be enough to kill a guy his size. Should it? NATALIE No. (re: one on nightstand) Maybe he used that one. MONK I don’t think so. He already gave himself a shot. Right around the time he got home. Why would he then take out a completely different pen to give himself a shot he didn’t need? NATALIE (realizing) Mr. Monk, you were right. This wasn’t an accident. Whoever did this must have brought that pen along. The killer knew Mark was a diabetic. MONK Randy said Sheila’s a physician's assistant? "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 26.

NATALIE Yeah. Mark goes to her office. That’s where he and Shana met. Oh my god. It could be Sheila. MONK Where is she? NATALIE She left to go to work. MONK We gotta tell the captain. Natalie and Monk head out.

INT. POLICE HQ -- BULLPEN -- LATER THAT DAY (DAY 2) Monk and Natalie enter to find the Captain in the bullpen. MONK Captain. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk. Good catch on the insulin pen. NATALIE You find anything on Sheila? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Nope. She’s clean. Lt. Disher comes over with a file folder. LT. DISHER However, Shana’s not. Lt. Disher hands Monk the file. NATALIE (looking over Monk’s shoulder) She’s got a wrap sheet? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Yep. Turns out Monk was right. She was quite the wildchild in her day. Robbery, drug possession... MONK But this is all a long time ago. I mean, there’s nothing here that would lead her to murder. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 27.

LT. DISHER Unless of course you count greed. Lt. Disher hands him another file. He’s then hailed by another officer across the room who he crosses to. MONK (realizing what it is) A life insurance policy? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Yep. One week before Mark’s death, they bought life insurance. The beneficiary to receive five-hundred thousand dollars. NATALIE Wow. That’s a motive if I ever saw one. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Which is exactly why we’re bringing Shana in. MONK You’re bringing her in? LT. DISHER (crossing back over) They just arrived. MONK It wasn’t Shana. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Wait, so now you don’t think it’s Shana? MONK It couldn’t have been her. She loved Mark. She didn’t want to kill him. Besides, she was at the spa the whole night with Sheila. LT. DISHER Yeah, turns out Sheila went for a late massage. That means Shana was alone for more than an hour and a half during the time of the crime. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER She had motive, opportunity, she knew where he administered his insulin... "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 28.

He sees Shana being led into the interview room. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (cont’d) C’mon, Randy. Let’s see if she wants to talk. The Captain and Lt. Disher exit, leaving Monk looking forlorn. MONK I thought she’d changed. Natalie comforts him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 29.


EXT. POLICE HQ -- STREET -- A LITTLE LATER (DAY 2) Monk and Natalie exit the police station. Monk stops at the top of the stairs. NATALIE Mr. Monk? MONK Which foot do you think goes first? NATALIE I dunno. I usually just start down the stairs and see what happens. Monk starts to move with his right foot forward, then stops. He pulls it back, then sticks out his left foot. He let’s it hover over the top step, then thinking better of it, pulls it back. He repeats this same process a little more rapidly then stops. NATALIE (cont’d) (knowing the cause) Mr. Monk, we still don’t know for sure if Shana did it. She could have changed. MONK (unsure groan) Engh... Monk takes his right foot and holds it out over the top step. This time he actually begins to drop it slowly down toward the step. Natalie, thinking he’s finally going to do it, starts down. As soon as she does, Monk pulls his foot back at the last second. Fed up, Natalie sighs, walks back up to the top of the stairs and pushes Monk forward, forcing him to move forward, stumbling down the stairs. NATALIE Guess it was the right foot. Monk gets his stair-stepping under control and continues down. As he does, he looks across the street to City Hall where he sees Sheila and Steve coming out. They look happy. Monk stops in his tracks. Natalie notices them as well. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 30.

NATALIE (cont’d) Maybe they were talking to someone about getting Shana out of jail. MONK I don’t think so. She hasn’t officially been arrested. (then) Look at her hand. We see what Monk is seeing. Sheila’s holding a small bouquet of flowers. They kiss. NATALIE It looks like they just got married. MONK Her wedding’s next weekend. Why would she cancel that to get married at city hall? NATALIE Only one way to find out. MONK Yeah. Monk turns around and heads back into the police station. NATALIE Mr. Monk, where are you going? Mr. Monk? Monk’s gone. Natalie wants to go after Sheila and Steve but decides to follow Monk inside.

INT. POLICE HQ -- INTERVIEW ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Inside the interview room, Shana sits across from Captain Stottlemeyer who seems to be playing the “bad cop.” CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Shana we just got the bloodwork back. Mark’s insulin levels were sky high. Much higher than an accidental overdose would have made it. This wasn’t an accident, it was murder. SHANA That’s what I said, but you didn’t believe me. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 31.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Well, now we believe you and we believe you did it. SHANA That’s crazy. I loved Mark. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER If it wasn’t you, then who was it? SHANA (weepy) I don’t know. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER C’mon, Shana. You knew Mark was a diabetic, you knew how to do this. Plus you had opportunity and a motive to kill the one guy that would care about a troubled girl like you. LT. DISHER (chuckles, then) It’s kind of ironic. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (annoyed) What? LT. DISHER You know, like the Alanis Morrisette song. SHANA (stops weeping) That song’s not ironic. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (turns to Shana) What?! LT. DISHER I know, right. “Rain on your wedding day...” that’s really more of a bummer than anything. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Can we get back to the questioning, please? LT. DISHER Sorry. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 32.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Thank you. (then) So why now, Shana? Why’d you wait to kill him ‘till the night before your wedding. SHANA (begins weeping again) I didn’t kill Mark! LT. DISHER (not realizing, to himself) IT’S LIKE RAIN... ON YOUR WEDDING DAY... A FREE RIDE... The Captain just shakes his head. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Randy, outside. Now! The Captain and Lt. Disher exit to the bullpen.

INT. POLICE HQ -- BULLPEN -- CONTINUOUS (DAY 2) Lt. Disher and Captain Stottleymeyer enter the bullpen just as Monk and Natalie enter. MONK Captain, you’ve got the wrong person. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk, I’m really not in the mood right now. NATALIE Captain, I think he’s right. We just saw Sheila coming out of city hall. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER So what? MONK So she had just gotten married. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Married? While her sister’s being questioned? LT. DISHER Now that’s-- "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 33.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Randy! Lt. Disher finally let’s it go. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (cont’d) Why would Sheila try to kill her sister’s fiance? MONK I’m not sure. But if I could just get a few minutes with Shana, maybe I could find out. The Captain thinks for a minute, then gestures for Monk to go ahead. MONK (cont’d) Thanks. Monk and Natalie enter the interview room.

INT. POLICE HQ -- INTERVIEW ROOM -- CONTINUOUS (DAY 2) Monk and Natalie enter. As soon as Shana sees them, she jumps up. SHANA Uncle Adrian! She goes to throw her arms around him, but Monk sidesteps it and pushes Natalie into her. She weeps on her shoulder. NATALIE (peeling her off) Why don’t you sit down? Shana sits. SHANA They’re saying I killed Mark. Uncle Adrian, I didn’t do it. MONK I know. SHANA Oh, thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 34.

MONK Shana, we just saw your sister coming out of city hall. She and Steve just got married. Why would they do that? SHANA I don’t know. (then) Wait. Oh, my god. I can’t believe she would stoop so low. NATALIE What is it? SHANA My family’s beach house. MONK What about it? SHANA (to Natalie) My dad was a weird guy. He used to love to put me and Sheila in competition with each other. Said it was so we wouldn’t end up like every other set of twins. You know, all codependent and exactly alike? MONK That might not have been so bad. Natalie elbows him. SHANA Well, it worked. Sheila and I are different as can be. I thought the forced competition was over when Dad died, but he had other plans. He stipulated that the first of us to get married got the beach property in Monterey. NATALIE Monterey... nice. No wonder you moved your wedding up before Sheila’s. SHANA No. We moved it up because I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to get married right away so my family wouldn’t freak out. (then) Sheila was so angry. (MORE) "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 35. SHANA (cont'd) I didn’t think this angry. I can’t believe she’d do this to Mark. NATALIE Your sister told us she didn’t care about you moving up your wedding. She said you were sisters and she could forgive you for anything. SHANA Sheila? Not likely. MONK She was lying.

INT. POLICE HQ -- BULLPEN -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Monk and Natalie enter the bullpen. MONK It’s not Shana. You gotta let her go. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Monk, I was listening and I think you’re on to something, but I can’t just let her go. The D.A.’s already making a case. MONK They’re gonna charge her? NATALIE You can’t just let Sheila get away with this. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Until I can go to the D.A. with proof of her guilt my hands are tied. MONK Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER What are you gonna do? MONK I don’t know. I’ll think of something. Monk starts out, Natalie follows. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 36.

EXT. SHEILA’S HOUSE -- NEXT MORNING (DAY 3) The next morning, Natalie and Monk drive up to a quaint little home. They get out of the car and walk up to the door, Natalie’s holding a wrapped present. NATALIE (handing him present) Here. You should give it to her. MONK What is it? NATALIE Crystal. MONK Crystal? I told you nothing expensive. NATALIE It’s was left on the registry. They’ve reached the door. MONK Couldn’t we return it and give them, I don’t know, something cheaper that they don’t want? Natalie rings the doorbell. NATALIE Too late. MONK (sighs) Maybe we can get it back if she’s arrested. Sheila opens the door. SHEILA (surprised) Oh, Uncle Adrian, hi. MONK Hi. You remember Natalie. SHEILA Yes, hi. What are you doing here? Steve appears behind her. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 37.

MONK Oh, well, we wanted to congratulate you on getting married. SHEILA (a bit thrown) Oh, thank you. Sheila reaches for the present. Monk can’t get himself to let it go. Natalie finally intervenes and pulls it out of Monk’s hands before handing it to Sheila. NATALIE So why’d you cancel your big wedding? STEVE How did you--? MONK (to Steve) We saw you at city hall. SHEILA Oh, we just didn’t think it would be right to throw a big celebration after Mark’s death and all. MONK So you cancelled your wedding because of Mark’s death, but then you went and got married at city hall instead of getting Shana out of jail? SHEILA She made her own bed, Uncle Adrian. STEVE You know what? We should get going. Steve grabs the gift from Sheila and tosses it inside. We hear a small crash. Monk cringes. Steve grabs Sheila and they cross to their car. NATALIE (aside to Monk) Boy, somebody’s guilty of somethin’. MONK It’s looking like it. Monk and Natalie watch them drive off. As soon as they’re out of sight, Monk runs to Natalie’s car. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 38.

MONK (cont’d) We gotta follow them. He grabs the door handle, it’s locked. MONK (cont’d) Keys, keys! Natalie digs through her purse. She can’t find them. MONK (cont’d) C’mon, they’re getting away. NATALIE (digging in her purse) I’m sorry. This bag is like a vortex. Monk runs over, dumps the bag out on the hood and grabs her keys. He clicks the fob to unlock the doors, then hops in. Natalie quickly scoops her things back into her bag, her lipstick leaves a small smudge on the hood. She gets back in. Seeing the smudge, Monk jumps back out, wipes the hood with his sleeve, then gets back in. They take off in pursuit.

EXT. STREET -- LATER (DAY 3) Monk and Natalie are perched across the street from a small office suite. A sign on it reads “Marvin Pembleton Real Estate Law.” NATALIE Okay, they’ve been in there for an hour. What could they be doing? MONK Probably something to do with the beach house. (then) You think I could return that crystal? Say it’s defective? Sheila and Steve come out. They seem even happier than at their wedding. Steve hugs her so hard he picks her up off the ground. NATALIE Wow, must be some beach house. MONK There must be something else. She already knew she was getting the beach house. What’re they celebrating about? "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 39.

Sheila and Steve walk off. Monk starts toward the lawyer’s office building. Natalie follows. NATALIE Wait, Mr. Monk, what are you doing? MONK Going to find out what they were doing. NATALIE By talking to their lawyer? He’s not gonna tell us anything. MONK Why not? NATALIE He’s a lawyer. MONK Oh, right. Attorney client privilege. Such a dumb rule. NATALIE Law, Mr. Monk. It’s a law. (then) Wait, I think I have an idea. Natalie leads Monk into the building.

INT. REAL ESTATE LAWYER’S OFFICE - LITTLE LATER (DAY 3) Monk and Natalie are now seated across from MARVIN PEMBLETON. He’s a robust, boisterous fellow. MARVIN So, Mister and Missus... MONK/NATALIE (simultaneous) Monk. / Teeger. Marvin looks suspicious. NATALIE I kept my maiden name. MONK (playing it off) Modern women. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 40.

MARVIN Oh, I know all about that. (then) So, what can I do for ya? NATALIE Well, we got your name from Sheila and Steve. MARVIN Oh, they were just here. We were finalizing a big deal for their property in Monterey. NATALIE Oh, right. She told us she inherited the beach property. MARVIN Yep, as of yesterday it’s all legit. NATALIE Oh, that’s great. (grabbing his hand) Isn’t it, dear? MONK Oh, yes. Wonderful. (then under his breath) Wipe, wipe. Natalie slips him a wipe. Marvin pulls a cigar out of a cigar box on his desk. MARVIN Yeah, they had me worried for a bit. MONK Um, are you going to smoke that? MARVIN (lights it) Mm-hmm. You want one? MONK No thanks. The wife doesn’t care for them. MARVIN (to Natalie) Boy you got him on a short leash. (whip-cracking sound) Woopa! "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 41.

Marvin lights up. Monk pulls out his handkerchief and holds it up like a mask. MARVIN (cont’d) Yep, I thought the deal was shot when Shana moved her wedding up. But then her fiance died and their wedding was canceled so-- (a little too loud) Bam! Sheila’s house again, deal back on. Funny how life works. NATALIE (coughs) Yes. MONK (through handkerchief) Hilarious.

EXT. STREET -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 3) Back on the street, Monk and Natalie make their way to her car. Monk’s smiling. NATALIE So that’s it. Sheila did it. She killed Mark so she’d be married first and could sell the property. MONK (smiling) Uh-huh. NATALIE Mr. Monk, this is awful. Why are you smiling? MONK Natalie, Sheila was always the good twin. But now she’s done something bad. This means people can change. NATALIE (unsure) I guess. Even if it is for the worse. Monk’s smile vanishes. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 42.

MONK I hadn’t thought of that. Oh, no. What if people can change, but only for the worse? I’m going to get worse! Monk starts to freak out a little. Natalie grabs him. NATALIE Mr. Monk, get a grip. You’re not going to get worse. You couldn’t get any worse. MONK You’re probably right. Beat. NATALIE So what now? You think we have enough to convince them to release Shana? Monk paces a little, thinking. MONK No. Too many unanswered questions. NATALIE Like what? MONK Like how did Sheila have time to get a massage and go all the way across town to kill Mark? NATALIE Maybe Steve did it. MONK No. He was at the bachelor party the whole night. There were ten witnesses. NATALIE Well, Randy said he talked with the spa. Sheila went for her massage. MONK (realizing) Maybe she didn’t stay for it. They take off for the car. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 43.

INT. FOUR SEASON’S HOTEL SPA -- LOBBY -- LATER (DAY 3) Monk and Natalie enter and walk up to reception. A new-agey RECEPTIONIST sits behind the desk. RECEPTIONIST Hello. Are you here to get beautiful? MONK Um, no. Actually, we’re looking for-- RECEPTIONIST Are you sure? Today we’re offering free facials for first time customers. NATALIE Free? Wow, that’s a deal. Monk shoots her a look. NATALIE (cont’d) What, I pay like a hundred bucks for a facial. MONK We’re with the police. I was hoping I could speak to whoever gave a massage to Sheila Robertson Friday night. The receptionist checks the schedule book. RECEPTIONIST Oh, that looks like it was Rick. He’s in the break-room. (pointing) Down the hall on the right. Monk exits. NATALIE Any chance I could get a rain check on the free facial? The receptionist shakes her head “no.” Natalie exits.

INT. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL SPA -- BREAKROOM -- MOMENTS LATER A young man, RICK, is slumped in a chair, his head on the table next to an open gift basket. He’s holding an almost empty bottle of high-end “natural” water that obviously came from the gift basket on the table. Monk and Natalie enter. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 44.

MONK Hi. Rick? Rick doesn’t move. Monk looks concerned. He pulls out his pen and pokes Rick. He doesn’t move. NATALIE Oh, my god, is he dead? MONK No one’s that deep of a sleeper. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 45.


INT. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL SPA -- LOBBY -- LITTLE LATER (DAY 3) At the spa, Monk and Natalie are back in the lobby as police move about interviewing people. Off to the side a few people are seated in chairs, waiting to be interviewed. The Captain and Lt. Disher approach Monk. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Well, you were right. Lab tech says the water was poisoned. What were you two doing here? MONK The dead guy was Sheila’s masseuse the night of Mark’s murder. NATALIE We were coming to find out if Sheila made her appointment. LT. DISHER We already cleared that. Receptionist said she was here. MONK Too bad we can’t confirm if she left early. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER I suppose that’s what you were gonna ask the dead guy. Monk nods “yes.” Off to the side, a woman, HELEN, one of the people waiting to be interviewed, stands up. A couple of officers walk by. HELEN (to officers) Excuse me, how much longer is this going to be? The officers don’t even respond and continue on. HELEN (cont’d) Aw, hell with this. Helen begins gathering her things. Monk sees this. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 46.

MONK Um, excuse me. Where are you going? HELEN Got an appointment to make. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Ma’am, this is a crime scene, we need you to stay put. HELEN Yeah, well I need to pay my rent. If I don’t make this appointment, that ain’t gonna happen. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (sighs) We have your information? HELEN Yep. (re: Lt. Disher) Slim took it. Lt. Disher looks uncomfortable with this comment. He tries to puff himself up a bit. MONK If I could just ask you a few questions before you go. HELEN Sorry. She takes out a bag for her massage chair and is about to begin breaking it down. Monk looks anxious. Natalie reaches in her bag and pulls out a twenty. NATALIE (handing her twenty) Please? It would really help. HELEN (takes money) Eh, my client’s always late anyway. (pats chair, to Monk) You got ten minutes. MONK Oh, no thanks. If you could just tell me-- "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 47.

HELEN Unh-unh. I ain’t no charity. You pay, you get rubbed. MONK Captain? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER I can’t force her to talk. Knowing he’s stuck, Monk takes a breath and goes to get in the chair. He stops. MONK Wipe. Natalie quickly wipes down the chair. Monk takes another breath, then rather awkwardly attempts to get into the chair. Finally, Helen just rolls her eyes and pushes him in. She begins rubbing him, Monk tweaking a little bit with each touch. HELEN So what do you want to know? MONK Did you know Rick? HELEN ‘Course. Good guy. Him and I used to take smoke breaks together. MONK Did he happen to mention if he had any odd clients last Friday night? HELEN Actually, yeah. Woman said her sister had bought her a massage, but she wasn’t comfortable with a strange man’s hands on her body. So she paid him for his time plus an extra hundred if he’d keep his mouth shut. Monk, having what he needs, jumps up from the chair like he’d been locked in a refrigerator. HELEN (cont’d) Wait, you still got five minutes. MONK It’s okay, I’m good. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 48.

LT. DISHER (stretching strangely) I could use a little something. They all look at him. LT. DISHER (cont’d) You know what? I’m good, too. Helen begins packing up. MONK So, Captain, what do you think? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER I think it’s time we picked Sheila up.

INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE -- EXAM ROOM -- LATER (DAY 3) Sheila is in an exam office with a patient. SHEILA Okay, well, everything looks good. Lemme just give you a booster and you’ll be all set. Sheila goes to the counter and pulls out a needle and a vial. Monk enters with Captain Stottlemeyer, Lt. Disher and Natalie behind them. SHEILA (cont’d) Uncle Adrian, hi. I’m sorry, but I’m with a patient. Sheila puts the needle in the vial and pulls back the plunger, pulling liquid into the needle. MONK Why’d you lie to the police? SHEILA What are you talking about? CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER You said you had a massage at the time Mark was murdered. LT. DISHER We know you paid the masseuse to keep quiet about you leaving. SHEILA That’s impossible. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 49.

CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Why, because you poisoned him? SHEILA (caught) What? No. It’s impossible because it didn’t happen. I was there the whole time. MONK We also know about the beach house and the land deal you and Steve set up. SHEILA You think I killed Mark for the house? NATALIE You said it, not us. SHEILA Captain, you said yourself it was an accident. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Yeah, well now I’m not so sure. SHEILA Okay, then how’d I do it? Everyone looks to Monk. MONK I haven’t completely figured that part out. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (aside to Monk) You could have mentioned that on the way over. SHEILA So this is all speculation? (then) If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do. Sheila squirts some liquid out of the needle to clear the air bubbles. Liquid squirts out and lands on the counter nearby, a few drops showing up on a notepad. Monk sees this and goes to the pad. MONK That’s it. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 50.

NATALIE What? MONK The pad. (then) Here’s what happened.

EXT. MONTEREY BEACH HOUSE PROPERTY -- DAY -- FLASHBACK (B&W) (FB-1) Begin BLACK AND WHITE FLASHBACK SEQUENCE. Steve stands with an ASIAN MAN in a suit in front of a beach house. MONK (V.O.) Sheila and Steve were going to get married and therefore be the ones to get the summer house. They made a big deal to sell the land to a developer for millions. Steve and the man shake hands and smile. The man hands him a business card. Steve slips the business card into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out his phone as he walks away.

INT. SHEILA AND MARK’S HOUSE -- DAY -- FLASHBACK (B&W) (FB-2) FLASHBACKS CONTINUE. Sheila is on the phone obviously arguing with someone. Steve looks on concerned. MONK (V.O.) But then Mark and Shana moved their wedding up. This was going to ruin everything Sheila and Steve had planned. Sheila slams the phone down. Her and Steve begin arguing. MONK (V.O.) To get the house, they had to get married first. They had to find a way to make that happen. Sheila picks up the phone and dials. She seems to be putting on a happy face. MONK So Sheila suggested a spa night at the Four Seasons hotel for Shana's bachelorette. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 51.

INT. FOUR SEASONS’ SPA -- NIGHT -- FLASHBACK (B&W) (FB-3) FLASHBACKS CONTINUE. Sheila walks into the massage room at the spa. Rick closes the door and turns to find sheila holding out a wad of cash. MONK (V.O.) While Shana was alone in the hotel room Sheila went for a massage, paid off the masseuse so she'd have an alibi and left to go take care of Mark. Rick shrugs, takes the cash and Sheila exits.

INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE -- EXAM ROOM -- PRESENT DAY (DAY 3) The FLASHBACKS END. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Right, with the insulin. But what about the alcohol. How’d she get it into his system? Monk picks up a note pad with a drug company logo (just like the one we saw earlier in Mark's room). It still has wet marks on it from Sheila clearing the needle and squirting liquid in the air. MONK With a needle. I saw marks just like this on a pad in Mark’s room. I bet if you test them, you’ll find it’s rum. LT. DISHER (pulling out phone) I’m on it. Lt. Disher exits. NATALIE So the insurance policy was just a coincidence? MONK Once I became suspicious that it wasn’t an accident, Sheila had to try and throw us off her trail. (to Sheila) You knew the police would look at Shana for this if they had a reason. (MORE) "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 52. MONK (cont'd) So you gave them the information about the life insurance policy. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Nice work, Monk. The captain pulls out his cuffs. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER (cont’d) Ms. Robertson, you’re under arrest for the murder of Mark Solakian. SHEILA But I didn’t mean to kill him. I just wanted to put him in a coma so I could get married first. Uncle Adrian, you have to believe me. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER You mean to kill the masseuse? SHEILA That was Steve’s idea. I swear. CAPT. STOTTLEMEYER Then I guess we’ll be picking him up on the way in, too. The Captain exits with Sheila. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 53.


EXT. MONTEREY BEACH HOUSE PROPERTY -- DAY (DAY 4) At the much spoken about Monterey property, Shana, now released from jail is talking with the developer CHARLES WOO. CHARLES WOO Again, I’m sorry to hear about your sister, but I’m glad we could still make a deal. He hands her an envelope. SHANA Me, too. This house caused so much trouble, I just want it gone. In the background we see Monk and Natalie approaching. Monk is doing his usual o.c.d. touching of a row of flagpoles on the property which display nautical flags. Shana sees Monk. SHANA (cont’d) Will you excuse me? CHARLES WOO Sure. Shana runs up to greet Monk and Natalie. She goes to throw her arms around Monk, but stops herself, seeing Monk flinching. SHANA Hi. MONK (happy for no hug) Hi. SHANA Hey, Natalie. (then, to Monk) I can’t thank you enough for clearing me. MONK Well, I knew you didn’t do it. SHANA Oh, come on. I know you thought it was me at first. (MORE) "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 54. SHANA (cont'd) But you overlooked my past and saw that I’m a different person now. (then) Just like Mark did. MONK He sounds like a good guy. I’m sorry I couldn’t have met him. NATALIE (re: envelope) So you still went through with the property deal, huh? SHANA Yeah. It just would have been weird coming here after what happened with Sheila. MONK And to think she was always the good one. SHANA (little sad) People change. NATALIE (changing subject) So what are you going to do with the money? SHANA Mark and I are gonna take a trip. Monk and Natalie look at her strangely. SHANA (cont’d) Mark always said he wanted us to travel the world together so I’m going to take his ashes with me and sprinkle a little bit in every city. That way wherever I go in the world for the rest of my life he’ll be with me. NATALIE Oh, my god. That’s so sweet. Natalie’s not the only one affected. Monk can’t help but smile. CHARLES WOO (O.C.) Miss Robertson, I just need you to sign one more thing. "Mr. Monk And The Bad Twin" 4-29-10 55.

SHANA I better go finish up. (then, extends hand to Monk) Thanks again. Monk looks at her a beat. MONK Thank you. Monk opens his arms and actually embraces Shana. She’s not sure what to make of it, neither is Natalie. Shana hugs Monk back. Of course it doesn’t last long and Monk breaks the hug. SHANA I’ll call you guys when I get back in town. Shana walks off with Natalie and Monk ad-lib “good-byes.” Natalie looks at Monk with a big grin. MONK What? NATALIE What?! The hug. I’ve never seen you hug anyone before. Not wilfully at least. MONK (smiles) People can change. Monk walks off in the direction he came, happily touching each of the flagpoles. Natalie shakes her head and smiles, then follows. FADE OUT. END OF SHOW