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POTown Box 202 Berry NSW 2535 www.berryalliance.org.au CrierFEBRUARY 2011 ALEXANDRA 2011 STREET EXIT Alexandra Street Exit Dumped by RTA

Following strong representations from the Berry DUMPED BY RTA communityBERRY and Shoalhaven City Council the RTA team Following strong representations from the working on the Upgrade of the Princes Highway have Berry community and Shoalhaven City Council announced they will not be progressing the exit into the RTA team working on the Upgrade of the Alexandra Street. Princes Highway have announced they will not SHOW be progressing the exit into Alexandra Street. Over a thousand people signed a petition opposing Over a thousand people signed a petition this option, whichFriday was presented 4th February to the Member for opposing this option, which was presented to Kiama MattSaturday Brown. The petition 5th was February organised by a the Member for Kiama Matt Brown. The petition subcommittee of concerned residents working under was organised by a subcommittee of concerned residents working under the auspices of the the auspices of theSome Berry of Alliance. this year’s Berry Alliance. Committee entertainmentChairman Will Armitage includes: said “the scrapping Committee Chairman Will Armitage said “the of theStunt Alexandra Bikes, Rodeo, Street Double exit is a Dan victory – Trick for Riding,common Whip scrapping of the Alexandra Street exit is a victory for common sense and demonstrates the power senseCracking, and Dressagedemonstrates Exhibition, the power Beaut of Utes, a coordinated Showgirls, Hay of a coordinated community action. We now communityStacking, our action. Heritage We now Parade, will The be workingGreat RACE to ensure ??? and of will be working to ensure other unsatisfactory other unsatisfactory courseaspects Fireworks. of the proposed highway aspects of the proposed highway upgrade are upgrade are addressed.”(See page 5 for further Details). addressed.” Program on pages 11 & 12 Back to back so you can cut it out

The Show Society Offi ce is now open everyday. (See page 5 for further Details). Call 44641 567 for more information.

TheBerry Town CrierAlliance INSIDE THIS EDITION.... 15th Annual Book Sale ...... page 5 Success for Tracks to the Future ...... page 9 Clean Up Australia – Berry ...... page 16 Seniors Week ...... page 17 TheBerry Devastating Floods in Queensland At the time of going to press the Donations can also be made at most Banks devastating fl oods in Queensland and the including NAB, Westpac, Commonwealth, people of Queensland are foremost in our and ANZ. They will issue a receipt for any thoughts. donations made. Any donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Alliance The Alliance has contacted a number of Berry community groups and considered Donations can also be made at the post offi ce and a receipt will be issued there as what best we can do to assist as a well. community. The Town Crier Cheques can be made out to the Premiers’ Red Cross will be collecting donations for Disaster Relief Appeal. INFORMATION “The Premiers’ Disaster Relief Appeal” as this is their policy if they do not have a Also, at the Berry Show the Berry Historical The Town Crier is produced by the Society have kindly agreed to accept Berry Alliance, Inc. specifi c appeal launched themselves. Red Cross volunteers will be setting up a table donations for the appeal. Their tent will be The purpose of this publication is to adjacent to the Grandstand. communicate to the people of in Berry and if you would like to assist Berry about community activities and to them as a volunteer they would welcome There will be many other opportunities generate a small income for the the additional help. They would have one to assist in the future including during Berry Alliance to cover Seniors Week in March the annual cricket administrative costs. of their Red Cross volunteers (who are registered to collect funds) sitting with game and bowls day “Hills versus Flats” Membership of the Berry Alliance an additional volunteer. In this way they have agreed to donate funds raised to the costs $10 pa. Flood Appeals. It aims to share information can extend their time that they are able to amongst community groups and collect. We are sure that there will be many more individuals, and to ensure that opportunities so please let the Editor Berry continues to be a If you would like to assist them please community we are proud of. know so we can assist in promoting them contact them directly by calling Sandra to our community. Membership is open to Berry Eldridge on 4464 2612 or Rick at the Berry community groups and individuals. Alliance on 0449 569 059 and we can Rick Gainford, To join the Berry Alliance, write to assist you. P.O. Box 202, Berry 2535. President, Berry Alliance EDITOR: 0428 037 572 [email protected] Alliance Secretary: 0449 569 059 Email: [email protected] Flexibility to Vary Berry Pool Post Offi ce Box 202, Berry 2535 BERRY ALLIANCE EDITORIAL BOARD Rick Gainford Hours Due to Weather Conditions Jennifer Clapham Kate Bramley Council have announced that there will This provision to vary hours of Sharon Dunn be a trial period of fl exibility of opening operation is a trial period and will be for Contributors are those from the Berry the 2010/2011 season. Feedback on the community hours for a number of Council pools who have news or views relating to including Berry. trial is to be reported to Council. residents of the area. The Berry Alliance recommends that The opinions expressed in the In the event of extreme heat: Town Crier are not necessarily those of the you make your views known to Council Berry Alliance or the Editor. 1. If the temperature remains above 28 either directly to Council or through the The Town Crier is published every degrees at 5pm, and over 30 patrons Berry Alliance or both. month, with a circulation of 2200. are in the pool at this time, the hours of The Aquatics Manager at Council can I would like to subscribe to the operation be extended from 6pm for a be reached on 4429 3538 or by email Berry Alliance Town Crier for further hour, to 7pm [email protected] twelve months. 2. If patronage is above 20 at 7pm, the I ENCLOSE MY CHEQUE FOR $55.00 INCL. GST. The Berry Alliance can be contacted on pool will remain open to 8pm. No further [email protected] PLEASE POST MY COPY TO: extension will be considered after 8pm. Berry Alliance Committee NAME: ...... In the event of cooler weather: ...... Thanks Caroline 1. If the ambient temperature drops ADDRESS: ...... A heart felt thank you to Caroline Hickling below 17 degrees, with no patrons for being the co-ordinating of Clean Up ...... utilising the pool, the pool will close. Australia Day – Berry for the past 3 years, PHONE: ...... your time and enthusiasm for this event RETURN TO: In the event of prolonged rain periods: PO Drop Box or PO Box 202, Berry NSW 2535 in our local community has seen it grow 1. During rain periods sustained for 3 from strength to strength Printed by Berry Printers hours and no patrons utilising the pool, each year. QUEEN STREET, BERRY PH: 4464 1100 pool will close. The Berry Alliance PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

Page 2 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Community Groups Thank you to all those community groups the forum the information pack was sent Editor’s Note... who have completed their current out via the post. registration with the Berry Alliance. The closing date for our If these forms have not been received MARCH issue will be Wednesday Community groups need to send in a by 28th February, the Editor will assume 16th FEBRUARY 2011 current Community Group Registration that the group no longer wishes to be form no later then 28 February 2011 to registered and they will not appear on the Please submit prior to this date if it is your fi rst submission. remain listed on the Community Groups Community Group Page and no longer be Material can be submitted via page of each Town Crier. eligible for submissions and articles in the e-mail to: [email protected] Town Crier. or drop box in the Berry Post Offi ce This form was included in the information If your group requires a Registration form PO Box 202 Berry 2535 pack handed out at our Community please email Sharon: Group Leaders forum late last year. For Phone 0428 037 572 [email protected] community groups that could not attend Sharon Dunn - BERRY TOWN CRIER PROPOSED USE OF PART OF SHOWGROUND FOR 48 SHORT-TERM CARAVAN SITES

The following submission was made by the had to leave to attend a funeral and in the Management Committee not Berry Alliance to Council regarding this DA. overstayed the 7 days because of this. being required to go to the expense of improving the facilities as they outlined At the time of printing the February edition 2. The Management Committee provide at the Forum. of the Town Crier this DA is still under active adequate signage in prominent consideration. positions around the outside fence 3. The Alliance welcomes the Management Russ Pigg of the Showground displaying clearly Committee’s Presidents offer of General Manager the contact details of the on site advertising meeting dates, times and Shoalhaven City Council management in case of problems or venue and welcoming any members issues arising from the activity. of the community who would like to Re: DA 10/2186 – Proposed use of part of attend. The Alliance feels that this is an We ask that the above be made conditions Showground for 48 short-term caravan excellent way to break down any barriers of any consent for this DA. sites and misunderstandings that may still be Dear Russ, We further request that: present or that may arise in the future. We would like to thank the Council and 1. The Management Committee The Forum was advised that the income raised from this enterprise was important the Council offi cers for their attendance immediately apply the guidelines for the upkeep and improvements to the at our Community Forum on this issue in outlined in their Development Showground and the community who live November. Application that restricts all camping near the Showground who were present, to the designated area in the DA. Following the issues raised and discussed in the main, recognised this but would like This will ensure that one of the major at this Forum and after having received the above issues seriously considered in objections to the DA is addressed now, various submissions / correspondence and this DA process. that is, camping activity around the then discussed all these at our December The Berry Alliance also recognises that perimeter of the Showground and / meeting we are making this submission the decision on this DA will be taken by or out of the designated area for the to Council regarding this DA. We are also Councillors, not the Delegated Authority camping activity. sending a copy of this to the Showground (staff) as Council are making the Management Committee for their application. We will be forwarding our 2. The Management Committee seriously requests on to all Councillors for their due consideration. consider altering the DA to reduce the consideration. The Berry Alliance requests that: maximum number of campers from The Berry Alliance had previously raised the 48 applied for to something closer the issue of non-compliance with State 1. The DA refl ects a maximum stay period to 24. This issue was raised in some Government Legislation for this activity in of 7 days (replacing the 14 days applied detail at the Forum and it was felt that a the Showground following an approach for). The Management Committee state business plan that refl ected an increase by some community members who live that their policy is for a maximum stay to the proposed $15 per night charge nearby and we are pleased to see the of 7 days and they applied for 14 days could well result in the same income matter being addressed. in the DA to provide some fl exibility in with less campers. This would result the case of emergencies and diffi culties. in having less noise, less visibility, less The example sited was one camper who impact and would quite possibly result

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 3

Great Southern Hotel Ph 4464 1009

Changing Bistro Menu Mon to Thurs—Lunch & Dinner $12.95* incl. a Beer, Wine or Soft Drink Cash Joker Draw Live Music $3800 on the Deck Was won on New Years Eve Saturday Afternoons 2.00 — 6.00 pm by local Resident Stephen ***************** Wilson Great to see Damien Leith enjoyed Just for purchasing a drink Great Southern Hospitality **Congratulations** during his break in Berry over Xmas Bulmer’s Cider Now on Tap + Great Wines at Reasonable Prices Too!! Cccc Live Music it is happening here Friday Nights too! ****************** Congrats to Staff & Bulmer’s Cider is now on Tap. Try it for a pleasant Patrons for raising Surprise as a thirst Quencher or with a tasty meal from the Bistro. Remember! Good Food doesn’t nearly $1000 for have to be that Expensive when you dine with a Leukaemia Foundation group of Friends or Family in Casual Surrounds during Ugly Bartender in November Did you recognize the ???? in the surfboat after a Local Xmas party in Town ?? Snap!! We Did!

Page 4 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 RTA Forum As advertised in the last edition of the the RTA on the design of the highway Town Crier the Berry Alliance held its third around Berry. The petition, signed by over forum on the proposed Upgrade of the 1000 people, together with the support of Princes Highway around Berry on Thursday Shoalhaven City Council was instrumental 16 December at the Berry Courthouse. The in getting the RTA to scrap the Alexandra objective of this forum was to provide Street exit. feedback to the community on the work Will also briefed the forum on discussions of the subcommittee formed at the with the RTA who are now fl agging that second forum in May, discuss community the height of the bridge over Woodhill concerns relating to the proposed Mountain Road may have to be raised by a highway upgrade, and determine future further 4 metres due to “build ability” issues action. relating to traffi c fl ows during construction. Alliance Chairman Rick Gainford opened This could result in large sections of the the forum by pointing out that the NSW road around Berry Township being higher Government had announced that the with worsened noise and visual impacts. upgrade of the section of the highway The forum agreed that the impact of the from Toolijooa Road to Schofi elds Lane highway upgrade, as currently proposed, will be considered a “Project of State on the amenity of our picturesque historic Signifi cance” and will be determined by township was signifi cant and proposed the Minister for Planning rather than the that further community action was RTA. He also mentioned that now the date necessary to minimise such impact. Now for construction of the section from Mt is the time for action as the design of the Pleasant had been announced the focus is highway will be settled in the next 12 on the design of the section around Berry months. Township and beyond. The subcommittee will prepare a Will Armitage, chairman of the community fact sheet on community subcommittee, reported on the activities amenity impacts similar to that prepared since the last forum which has included on entries and exits. A community action the organising of a petition objecting to plan will be drawn up to ensure our views the Alexandra Street exit, presentation are listened to and understood. of this petition to the Member for Kiama Matt Brown, preparation of a four page See the next Town Crier for fact sheet on the impact of the highway further details or ring Will upgrade on Berry and discussions with Armitage on 44642241.

Matt Brown MP Working for Berry and • ALL SIZE LAWNS • ALL SIZE GARDENS MEMBER FOR KIAMA • ALL SIZE HEDGES • PLANT SALES • ADVICE • QUALIFIED HORTICULTURIST • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Please contact me at Based in we service Berry and Surrounding Areas 125 Terralong Street Kiama 2533 Call Lawrie Hathaway Telephone 4232 1082 Facsimile 4232 3577 0411 888 333 A/H : 42 342 900 Email: [email protected]

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 5 BERRY BOWLING CLUB Your local family club GREAT VALUE RAFFLES THURSDAY FRIDAY BERRY FISHO’S RAFFLE CLUB RAFFLE Tickets on sale from 5:30pm Tickets on sale from 6:30pm Drawn 7:15pm Drawn 7:30pm SATURDAY SUNDAY CLUB RAFFLE - BBQ PACKS BERRY CRICKET CLUB Tickets on sale from 6:30pm Tickets on sale from 6:30pm Drawn 7:30pm Drawn 7:30pm BOWLS Ladies : Tuesday and Thursday 9.00 am. CHINESE RESTAURANT Men: Wednesday 1.00pm. Lunch - Wednesday to Sunday - 12.00 noon to 2.00pm Mixed: Saturday 1.00pm. Dinner -Wednesday to Sunday - 5.30pm to 8.30pm Berry Bowling Club TELEPHONE:Berry Bowling 4464 2388 Club - For is Bookings proud andto announceTake-Away the opening of their new bistro. Come along Wednesday to Sunday and meet(02) 4464the 2995new team. Great food. Great service. Great atmosphere. Great company. Arch Mackinnon President Men’s Bowling Club BERRY BOWLING CLUB (02) 4464 3457 140On Princes the first Sunday Highway of the Win great Berry Shopping month, while away the winter VouchersPeg in Rutledge the Friday and afternoons with a wonderful Berry NSW PresidentSunday Women’s night Bowlingraffles fromClub blues band. This Fathers Day, 7pm or meat trays at the Sunday 2nd September, treat (02) 4464 3400 Fisho’s raffle Thursday Phone:Dad to an 4464 afternoon 2995with Tony nights from 6pm. Jaggers from 2 until 5. Page 6 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Graham Park – Schofi elds Lane (DA10/2443) BERRY SHOW 2011 It is Show time again and it will be bigger and better. Don’t Many Berry locals would be aware of the Graham Park site adjacent to the forget the cut off times for entries, printed at the top of each Princes Highway and Schofi elds Lane approximately one kilometre south of Section in the Schedule. Berry has the Best Woodchop, Berry which has remained unused for some years. featuring an Australian Championship and a NSW It is a 19.8 hectare rural block and historically was built and used for artifi cial Championship. Our Cattle Sections are the largest on the insemination for cattle and then owned by council and used by the University South Coast. The greatest Pet Show, Poultry Pavilion, Goat of Wollongong as their Berry Campus. Some years ago the university moved Sections, Horses and Showjumping and much more. these facilities closer to Nowra and the buildings and facilities at Schofi elds Lane have since remained unused. The existing structures on the land date Some of this year’s entertainment includes: - Stunt Bikes, from approximately 1958. Rodeo, Double Dan – Trick Riding, Whip Cracking, Dressage The site was subsequently sold by council to private ownership and over Exhibition, Beaut Utes, Showgirls, Hay Stacking, our Heritage recent years there have been several proposals for its use. Parade, The Great RACE ??? and of course Fireworks. The property was again sold recently and a Development Application Membership can be paid at the Show Offi ce any weekday (DA10/2443) has now been lodged with Council by the new owners who between 9am and 7pm up until the Show (NO MEMBERSHIP currently operate an equine business in the Southern Highlands. taken on Friday & Saturday of the Show). Membership $15 The DA states the proposed new facility will operate as an equine centre of Adults, $5 Children 5 – 15 years. excellence including injury rehabilitation, training and education, veterinary services and yearling preparation. Wrist bands to be worn whilst on the grounds during the Show, security have been requested to remove any person It is proposed to construct two training arenas and a wading pool and make not wearing wrist bands. Non members entry Two day: - $20 adaptive re-use of existing structures for the other facilities including on-site manager’s residence. Adult & $5 Child, One day: - $12 Adult & $5 Child. The DA states the work will be undertaken in three stages as follows: Entry to the bar area: must have wrist band and are over 18. No Wrist Band-No Entry. 1. Use of stables and yards, adaptive re-use of existing administrative facilities. 2. Construction of two training arenas and wading pool See You at the Show, Jim Bieler, Honorary Secretary 3. Adaptive re-use of stables for four tourist/guest cabins The new facilities appear consistent with the prior animal husbandry usage and preserve the current rural ambience of the site. Further details of the Development Application are available for scrutiny on the council’s website under DA Tracking and quoting the DA reference number DA10/2443.

Berry Alliance Committee

As the cold weather approaches come in and check out our range of weatherbeater “Here for your best waterproof jackets. friend”

Vet on premises at all times Warm baths still Reliable 24hr emergency service $10 and grooming Puppy pre-school continuing over 10% seniors discount winter for the style house-calls available at no extra charge conscious.

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 7 Page 8 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Berry Tracks to MORE GRANTS FOR the Future THE SHOALHAVEN Member for Kiama Matt Brown recently announced the NSW This sub committee of the Berry Alliance has been Government will invest more than $160,000 to fund 11 new local consulting and planning improvements to footpaths and projects in the northern Shoalhaven area of the Kiama Electorate. cycleway in and around Berry. The funding comes from the NSW Government’s Community An important part of that was an application to the State Building Partnership program, which provides community groups Government for some funding under the Community and local councils with funds to build community infrastructure. Partnership Building Fund. Matt Brown, our local Member of Parliament advised the Committee in December that “These funds will help local organisations to build better facilities we had been successful in our application and would be for our communities to use,” Mr Brown said. receiving $20,000 in 2011 to assist the work. "These grants actually provide a lot more to the community, The Tracks committee and the Berry Alliance are very because these organisations give so much back to the community. grateful for this wonderful injection of funds for our "Active voluntary organisations make our communities great project. places to live, and I'm always looking out for grants that can help strengthen these groups. The Committee will be meeting and determining which project or projects should be undertaken fi rst. "They use the grants to help boost the fundraising they already do, so the community gets good value from this seed capital with We have already received a request from the Masonic more projects coming to fruition." Retirement Home Self Care Residents Association to consider completing a footpath from the railway station The not-for-profi t organisations successful in achieving grants into town. They are asking for the path along Alexandra for their projects are: Street to complete the connection. · Slice of Life, , wheelchair access, $10,000 This project will be considered along with all the other · Nowra Players, Bomaderry, construction project, $25,000 projects already identifi ed and the Committee will do the · Cambewarra School of Arts Association, building upgrade, $20,000 necessary planning and costings and commence work. · Penwood Railroad, , shade structures, $10,000 We also note with pleasure that Rotary were successful · Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club, irrigation project, $18,120 in their application for $15,000 from the same State · Shoalhaven Heads Mens Shed, equipment, $8,950 Government fund to assist them in their footpath from the Highway to the David Berry Hospital project. · Shoalhaven City Council, fi tness track at Shoalhaven Heads, $15,000 Congratulations in particular to Ken Hutt who · Anglican Church, Shoalhaven Heads, play equipment, $3,533 drove this application and also sits on our · Berry Alliance, pathway building projects, $20,000 Tracks Committee. · Rotary Club, David Berry Hospital cycleway project, $15,000 Tracks to the Future Committee · Anglican Church Berry, internal building upgrade, $15,500

Shop 1/78 Albert Street Berry NSW 2535 Dr Stephen Henry BVSc MACVS(med) Dr Kristy Gilbert BVSc Brittany Adams Hayley Warden albert street veterinary clinic Megan Byrne Along with our sister practice in Shoalhaven Heads, Albert Street Veterinary Clinic is an exclusive small animal practice Mon-Fri 8.00am-12.00pm 3pm - 5.00pm which offers the following Pet of the month Sat 9.00am-12.30pm ƒ preventative medicine including Phone 44643986 vaccinations, wellness exams and senior care ƒ a wide range of medical and surgical procedures ƒ post-operative care and pain management ƒ dentistry ƒ in house pathology and blood tests ƒ x-ray, ultrasound and ECG facilities ƒ video microscopy ƒ video otoscopy ƒ puppy preschool Pet of the Month is Enzo McEwan. ƒ specialist referral Enzo had a great christmas despite ƒ Australian Quarantine Accreditation having been diagnosed with ƒ native wildlife treatment hypothyroidism. He had to be a little ƒ 24 hour emergency service ƒ Free pick up and delivery less indulgent but is doing great.

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 9 The Berry Blokes’ Book Club Berry Open EVERY MAN IN THE VILLAGE IS A LIAR - Megan Stack Gardens for

Megan Stack was a 25 year old has lost her innocent belief that “the SECET national correspondent for the Los Coalition of the Willing” can deliver Sat. 2 April 2011 - 9.30am-4.30pm Angeles Times, vacationing in Paris, freedom and democracy to the region when she was sent to Afghanistan to where everyone seems to be touched 3 Berry Gardens open in cover the response to the September by violence. She concludes that “you support of SECET 11 bombing of the World Trade Center. can survive war and not survive”. Shoalhaven Employers of “Every Man in This Village Is a Liar” The Blokes generally thought this was Christian Education Teachers. is her account of six years reporting one of those books you had to read. It Entry Cost: $10 for all 3 gardens – acc. from the Middle East. was disturbing and unsettling but the children under 15 free. No single entry, nor She characterises her book as an language was beautiful and the stories concessions. education in war but it is much more very moving. Controversially one of Garden 1. Tony & Carol Hampson - 3 Queen St: than that. It provides a unique insight the Blokes thought the author was sale of craft items, jams, etc. culturally insensitive using a feminist into the way ordinary people live in Garden 2. Ken & Susan Wade - 49 George St: this extraordinary region and how bias to criticise cultures that have been M.T., A.T. & cold drinks. they try and cope with the day to day male dominated for centuries. This violence that confronts them. It is not sparked an interesting discussion. Garden 3. Bob & Lynne Croker – 28 Victoria St: sale of assorted plants. an easy read but very compelling and The next book will be Parking: Visitors from the South and Kangaroo told with great clarity and evocative “The Uncommon Reader” language. Valley Rd are advised to initially visit Garden 1 by Alan Bennett and then turn right into George St and park The underlying insecurity of the Will Armitage there to visit Gardens 2 & 3. Visitors from the region is evident as many of those North (and locals) she interviews are either killed or are advised to park in disappear We follow her personal George St (between transition from an excited young Queen & Victoria Streets) - all gardens reporter in the mountains on should then be within the Afghanistan-Pakistan border walking distance. to a disillusioned war hardened correspondent reporting from the Further Details: please see the SECET suburbs of Beirut. In the interim she website - www.secet.org.au Enquiries: Ken or Sue Wade: tel. 4464 2564; Sponsored By: HARVEY BLUE mob. 0408 644 063


PARKLIKE SETTING EASY CARE LIVING COONOOER MYOORA Set amongst manicured 2 1/2 Located in a small complex of Boasting 270-degree of At Myoora you can relax and acres of the foothills of 3 is this lovely villa. Two spectacular sandstone enjoy the local rainforest Coolangatta Mountain you will double bedrooms and with escapement, valley views environment and be only find this beautifully presented built ins, open plan living area including Wedding Cake minutes from wonderful home. Open plan formal plus renovated bathroom and Mountain from this 9-acre beaches and delightful lounge & dining featuring slow kitchen. The villa has quality property. villages. combustion fire and bay carpet, curtains & blinds and Sleeps 6 Sleeps 8 window where you can relax modern appliances. Internal Bedding Configuration: Bedding Configuration: and admire the lovely country laundry, private courtyard and Bedroom 1: 1 Kingsize Bedroom 1: 1 Queensize views. the advantage of undercover Bedroom 2: 1 Queensize Bedroom 2: 1 Queensize parking. Bedroom 3: 1 Queensize Bedroom 3: 2 Tri Bunks


Page 10 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 11 Page 12 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 BERRY COURTHOUSE Thanks to a grant through the local The gardens are often used for Berry Community Groups Registered member, Matt Brown, through the wedding ceremonies, long table with the Berry Alliance are entitled Community Partnerships Grants the lunches and other casual functions to a substantial discount so why not Berry Courthouse is now freshly painted and inside the courthouse has been consider holding your community group or private function at the Berry inside and looking a million dollars. used for a huge array of community and private events from meetings Courthouse. The gardens are also looking fabulous to wedding ceremonies, from Contact: and we now just have to organise for the timber furniture exhibitions to funeral services and wakes, from art functions@berrycourthouse. org.au outside of the building to receive some or telephone 4464 2446 attention and a new paint job. exhibitions to musical events.

The private garden and the Courthouse Hall are both available to rent for a wide variety of uses.

“Matt Brown MP with Jennifer Clapham (Historian for Committee) and Janette Carter (Secretary, Berry Court- house Conservation Committee).

Alex Cochrane 0412 081 600


5 Prince Alfred Street, Berry 1 Host Place, Berry 33 Princess, Berry Penni Wildi Price: Offers Above $850,000 Price: Offers Above $650,000 Price: Offers Above $650,000 0411 756 602

• Beautiful Master built cottage, only 3.5 y/o • Commanding and expansive rural outlook • Beautifully renovated inside and out • 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom, Several living • Resort style open plan layout and ambience • Large block, private and secure back yard • Quality fi nishes, Timber fl oors, High ceilings • Architect design, Builder’s own home • Entertaining areas inside and out • French doors to wide covered verandahs • A family home that feels like a modern weekender • Large colourbond 3 car garage and workshop Patrick Tynan • Drive thru garage, Established gardens • 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Car Garage • Leisurely walk to Berry’s cafes and shop 0418 603 980 • Quiet cul de sac access • Perfect family home or weekender

2/65 Queen Street, Berry Ph: (02) 4464 1300 Fax: (02) 4464 2111

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 13 BERRY SHOWGROUND REPORT (Feb 2011.)

It is with great pleasure The Chook Auctions are generating great The Berry Show: We had the misfortune interest, & are very well supported. The huge of receiving over 14 inches of rain at Show that we bring you this demand calls for them to be run 3 times a year. Time, last year, making it a bit uncomfortable, All profi ts go to “Hands Across N.S.W” helping but being the diehard warriors that we are, fi rst ever “Showground our farmers & families. only a few events had to be cancelled due to the rain. Caretaker’s Report”. Berry’s Garden Lover’s Fair proved to be yet another well supported event and we are all Something to be really proud of: Due to the excess of rain during the past looking forward to it again this year. I am very happy to report that there has few months we have had a few camping been next to no vandalism or reckless Shoalhaven Orchid Society. A gorgeous array cancellations, but are fi nding more & more behaviour in the Showground over the past of Orchids was on show, bringing a great deal of building rentals, being used for “backups” year. in the event that people’s fi rst choice of pleasure to many people….an event not to be venue have to be cancelled due to wet missed. On that note, I would like to thank all the positive, supportive folk in Berry for making conditions. Many repairs, renovations & The Rotary Auction helped clean out our sheds us feel so welcome. painting have now been completed within & many bargains were had on the day. We are the grounds, while we look forward to looking forward to a fi eld day planned for 2011, We feel very honoured and proud to be ongoing improvements and additions to so keep a look out for the date. our well utilised ground & buildings. part of this wonderful, proud community New Year’s Fireworks. We could not have asked and welcome bookings, enquiries & we are Our monthly Country Fair Markets are for better weather or organisation for this event, more than happy to take your calls with as usual, extremely well supported and with the Lawn Mower races being the funniest any concerns or sightings of unwanted always a huge success; with seven 62 seater entertainment I have enjoyed for a long time. behaviour within the grounds. coaches arriving in May unannounced! Very witty Mower names too! Be sure to drop in and talk to us in the Pink Ribbon: What a wonderful day it Wanderers. Just for fun, it was decided Stables Offi ce or call us anytime on: turned out for the Pink Ribbon Horse to keep & count all the dockets that this group 0427605200. Festival with the wet weather holding off spent on local purchases in Berry in the week just long enough. This event just keeps that they were here. What a delightful shock it Vicki & Tony Pye. growing bigger every year! was when it tallied to $7,634.40 no less! … This is Fire Brigade Competition: 2010 was the only one of many Caravan & Motor home groups fi rst time the NSW Country Fire Competition that stay at our Showgrounds throughout the was held here in Berry Showground, & was year. Many thanks grey nomads! a great success, now promising to be a bi Wind Damage. Considering the 135km winds annual event. we sustained, we got away lightly with only Celtic Festival: Who could imagine how one tree on the roof of a building and a few many different coat of arms and coloured minor repairs to the roofs of some of the older tartans there are!? What an interesting fun buildings within the grounds needing a little fi lled day it is. A credit to everyone involved. attention. The Pilates Method What can Pilates really do for you?

Creates longer leaner muscles. Improves posture & helps to strengthen the Back, not stress the back. Increased Core strength Is gentle on the joints & helps prevent injury by building strength equally throughout the body. Increased Sports performance Improves coordination, balance, breathing and relaxation.

We offer……. Mat, Small apparatus & full Studio Equipment Classes Class numbers are from 3-8 students Studio Times Tue & Thurs PM + Fri AM **New Pilates Mat Introductory Course Starting Thurs @ 715pm 3/2/2011** Mikel Woods. Dip Pilates Instruction Bookings Essential Suite 5/84 Queen St, Berry 0415547845 [email protected]

Page 14 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 BERRY LANDCARE The New Year will see Berry Landcare at Disturbance of the ecosystem has 3rd Sunday 20th Feb; Bundewallah, the Show as usual. We will again seek gone on since European settlement. The last Sunday 3-5 pm 27th Feb; data for the “Spatial Mapping” of the Logging opened up the forest canopy Coolangatta Mountain 1pm 1st biological assets of our area. Please visit allowing growth of under story shrubs Saturday 5th and 3rd Sunday 20th Feb. our stall to fi nd out more. that favoured bell miner’s nesting. In Email: [email protected] addition natural fi re frequency has Anyone who has lived in the Berry area For further information: also altered. for more than a decade or two will Kim Dove (4464 3391) probable remember the poor condition Some old photos of the country David Berry Hospital site; of the local woodland Eucalyptus around Tindalls Lane taken in 1978 forests in the 70s and 80s. The current show an amazing change in the fl ora Will Armitage (44642241) lush green of the crowns was brown of the area from open dairy country Bundewallah; and covered with sap-sucking native to woodland forest. It is as though the Julia Woinarski Bong Bong road; Psyllids insects. escarpment forests have slid down on Bill Pigott (44643241) or to the foot hills. Dieback was threatening the premature [email protected] death of the local Eucalyptus trees. This may not be why the lerp has Moeyan Hill; Dieback was a problem over much gone, but in the Berry area BMAD has Harvey Blue (44641880) of the Eucalyptus woodland forests disappeared. I would like to think that Tindalls Lane; around Australia. Landcare and the re-establishment of a population of native ecosystems is Research identifi ed the problem as “Bell Philip Thorniley (44642198) partially responsible for this healthy Miner Associated Dieback” (BMAD). The ; environment. What would our forests Psyllids excrete a sugary substance be with out gum trees? Ian Parker (44486359) known as Lerp. Bell Miner birds suck off Strongs Road; the Lerp but leave the insect to produce For more detail see “Receding Gums” Myke Cunningham (0418297435) more. They also aggressively ward off in “New Scientist” issue 11 Sept. 2010. Coolangatta Mountain. any other bird or insect that would eat the Psyllids. This duo has been long Regular Working Bees for February: Information can also be found at time inhabitants of Australian Forests, Bong Bong Road, 9-11am 2nd Sunday Berry Landcare on Facebook. so what has changed around Berry to 13th Feb; Tindalls Lane 3-5pm 2nd rid us of this problem? Sunday 13th Feb; Moeyan Hill 3-5pm

Friday 18th and ADOPTION OF Saturday 19th SHOALHAVEN CONTRIBUTIONS February 2011 at our magnifi cent Showground PLAN 2010 situated in the town centre Council at its meeting of 21 December 2010 adopted Shoalhaven Cattle showing, equestrian See our 2011 Show Schedule Contributions Plan 2010 to replace competition, poultry, dogs, For events and entry Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 1993. The adopted Plan is now pending Pavilion, fl ower show, wood chop, guidelines Minister for Planning approval and further notice will be given when it Kid’s bike races, fancy dress, pet www.kangaroovalley.nsw.au/show comes into force. show, animal nursery This notice is given pursuant to Talent quest, iron person, mower There’s something the Environmental Planning and races, hay stacking, for everyone Assessment Act. Any enquiries should be directed to James Harris Team penning, dog high jump - join in the fun or relax of Council’s Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Group on 4429 3570. Grand Parade and Rodeo and be entertained!

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 15 Around Town Red Cross The upgrade of Queen Street should be The members of Red Cross-Berry you spare fi ve minutes a day to make fi nished soon. The workers had a break over a phone call? For information about Christmas / New Year and started again the Branch begin the year focused on the week of 18th January. annual fundraising month of March. the program, and how you may help March is Red Cross Calling when phone the Telecross Coordinator: At the time of writing this they are commencing members, supporters, community Sharon Blazier, Nowra Offi ce on timber painted guards around the trees and groups, schools and anyone who Phone: 44 230 053. a footpath “fi ll in” on Albert Street between wants to make a difference will be Alexandra Street and the second entrance to out there raising funds for the Power For Red Cross Calling 2011 Berry Red the car park. Work should also be commencing of Humanity. Cross members will be out there in on some trees, seats and bins on the Northern Money raised during March is for Broughton Court on Sunday March side of Queen Street (approximately outside 6, selling ' Milk Shakes' to the thirsty the Museum) to balance the new work up a everyday services that Red Cross little. provides in Australia and the Asia crowds that fl ock to Berry on Fair Pacifi c Region. Everyday services day. We are grateful to South Coast Federal Government Stimulus Funding and provided by Red Cross in Berry and Milk and Shoalhaven Council for Council have extended the original scope of the surrounding Shoalhaven area their support of Red Cross. Also to works to include these last two items as well include Hands On, Community boost funds raised, a beautiful quilt as the now completed footpath on Alexandra Visitors Scheme, Telecross as well donated by Marilyn Kellett and Pam Street from Queen Street to Princess Street as Good Start Breakfast Programs, McCleod will be available to raffl e. (Berry School of Arts). Save-A-Mate(SAM) and a new service So come along, buy a raffl e ticket and quench your thirst on March There was some controversy and complaints commencing this year in Nowra, the about the timing of the works in the busy time Young Parents Program. 6 you can help raise funds to assist leading up to Christmas but balancing that the Red Cross provide vital services to work crew proved themselves very popular The Telecross Program in our area members of our Berry community. and helpful assisting many people around the assists older residents living alone to See you there!' new work and with shopping, trolleys, strollers remain connected to their community etc. Good for them. and live independently in their own homes. Telecross provides a free daily Crossing Queen Street is often diffi cult so call to people living alone to confi rm please, if you are driving along Queen Street and approaching the crossing, what about they are safe and well. Not only older a random act of kindness and stop to allow people use the service, people with pedestrians to cross. But only if it is safe to do disabilities and younger people who so. You are often rewarded with a very happy are medically dependent also use the smile and thank you – it may also encourage program. The service operates 365 Sandra Eldridge visitors and others to cross at the crossing and days a year throughout Australia; it's Hon Secretary not everywhere else. been ongoing for over 20yrs. Can Phone: 44 642 612 Clean Up Australia Day Berry If you enjoy living in Berry please come and help clean it up Sunday 6th March is Clean Up Australia Day Come to the Rotunda in Apex Park to sign on at 9am We will give you gloves and a bag and tell you where to go! Any queries phone Maurice Pepper 4464 1313 (The aim is to fi nish by lunch time) Please make a note in your diary now so you don’t forget Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday, 6th March 2011

Page 16 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Seniors Week - TOWN CREEK - Sunday 20th March to Berry ICON or just Sunday 27th March 2011 a storm-water drain! Following the success of Seniors Week in Berry in the last few years, 2011 is set to Shoalhaven City Council is currently it picks up water from various streams, be another wonderful event with a large undertaking a Risk Management Study storm-water drains as well as road and variety of things to do. and Plan for the Broughton Creek other run-off. fl oodplain with the township of Berry As residents of Berry would be aware The Berry Alliance is again co-ordinating being a signifi cant component of this Town Creek is in parts well maintained, the week. study. Council have put out a media release integrated with some park areas though seeking community input into the plan in other parts it is poorly maintained. There Guided walking tours were very popular – refer article page 29 in this issue of the are also some road and foot bridges that last year and will again be available as Town Crier. cross the creek that further add to the was the discount shopping - shops and It should be noted a study was carried character of Berry. businesses will offer special discounts to out in 2007 mapping the potential impact As part of the study council have released Seniors for the week. of various rain events and their effect an information Brochure and Survey on fl ooding behaviour in the town and and this will be distributed to relevant This will be a great week and we are surrounding areas. properties in the fl oodplain. It is also encouraging Berry residents to ask their There are a number of streams that intended there will community forums. family and friends Back to Berry for feed into Broughton Creek including Councils website can also be accessed for the whole or part of the week. Seniors Town, Broughton Mill, Bundewallah and further information; at home or in retirement homes are Connolly’s Creeks. www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au. encouraged to attend and celebrate Town Creek has perhaps the most The RTA are also considering the impact Seniors week in the beautiful town of obvious impact on the township of Berry on Town Creek of the proposed Princes Berry. itself though all streams in the vicinity Highway re-alignment where it will cross of Broughton Mill Creek can impact the North Street in the vicinity of the culvert There will be more events and attractions township. near Rawlings Lane and whether the creek throughout the week and these will be should be diverted at this point and sent In the case of Town Creek it originates in the detailed in the March Town Crier in a parallel to North Street and direct into area south and west of Thomas Close and special 4 page lift out. Kentia Crescent before crossing Kangaroo Broughton Mill Creek. Valley Road, North Street and Queen Street We are alerting residents of Berry to these If you have any suggestions, questions and then meandering through the town initiatives and seeking feedback from or would like to be a sponsor or offer a (e.g. it crosses Princess Street twice) and interested residents. discount in a business or get involved fi nally crossing Prince Alfred Street before Any feedback can be winding its way to Broughton Mill Creek in sent to please contact the Editor, Sharon Dunn the vicinity of the Sewage Treatment Works. [email protected]. on 0428 037 572 or email On its journey of some 2 to 3 kilometres [email protected] Time to Celebrate John, Paul, & Linda Marquis have been part of the Berry community for 10 years operating the BERRY POST OFFICE

1st February 2011 is our 10th Anniversary And you are invited to join us for a glass of bubbly and birthday cake to celebrate

Where: Berry Post Offi ce When: 1st February Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 17 Berry Gerringong Club Honours its Eldest Statesman At their Christmas Party held in December, the Rotary 80 Christmas cakes were subsequently purchased “We were blessed with a glorious night; hundreds Club of Berry-Gerringong honoured one of their and given to Meals on Wheels recipients in of family groups came, brought their picnic own … their longest serving and oldest member … Gerringong, Berry and Shoalhaven Heads. The blankets, and sat on the lovely green grass of 90 year old Artis Medenis. Club also donated a microwave oven for Meals on the Berry Showground. The entertainment was Wheels from the money. sponsored by the Lions Club of Bomaderry and Artis is well known throughout the Gerringong and the children had the time of their lives playing Berry district having been a prominent veterinarian However, the most signifi cant example of Artis traditional country games in the centre of the specialising in dairy industry herd breeding and Medenis’ generosity was seen fi ve years ago when Showground. We thank the many groups who genetics as well as training many young veterinarians on his 85th Birthday he endowed $30,000 to a Rural assisted on the night,” Phil said. through his Gerringong practice. Youth Scholarship Fund to be administered by the Rotary Club of Berry-Gerringong. His endowment Next Major Project He joined the Rotary Club of Berry-Gerringong together with additions on further birthdays now A major project for the Club in 2011 is to oversee in 1965 and has been a very generous and active totals $49,000. the construction of a cycleway/walkway linking member. As a recent example, he donated a bundle the town with the Berry Hospital. With Council of 50 cent coins that he and his wife Aina had Artis is shown with Club President Phil Monaghan approval for commencement and Government collected, totaling $1200, with the wish that the Club and District Governor Bill Seelis being presented funding contribution, it is all systems go. use them to assist the needy in the local community. with a framed photographic Certifi cate detailing

his more than 50 This is envisioned to be stage one of a years of outstanding three stage cycle track/walkway hopefully service to local completing a full circle and returning to Berry. agriculture and the wider Illawarra The Rotary Club of Berry-Gerringong meets at community. the Berry Bowling Club on Thursday evenings and always welcomes potential new members. Fireworks Success If you are interested in fi nding out more, The New Years Eve contact the Club’s Membership Committee Family Fireworks Chair, Narelle King on 4423 4461. night held at the Berry Showground was another huge success raising funds for community endeavours. Club President Phil Monaghan said the family oriented Artis Medenis Presentation event was the key.

Arts in the Valley 2011 Kangaroo Valley 6-8 May. 3 day festival combining fine music, dance and sculpture in the heart of Australia’s most beautiful valley. Some of Australia’s best musicians performing intimate recitals in superb acoustics. Full Festival Packages are available NOW. Pick up a brochure at one of the local shops or go to !www.artsinthevalley.net.au, or ring 0438 631 351 Page 18 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 SHOALHAVEN CITY COUNCIL News for Berry - COMMUNITY CONSULTATIVE BODY - BERRY ALLIANCE The following Development Applications, Development Determinations The Berry Alliance is the Community Consultative Body in Berry and we and other items have been notifi ed through the month and in accordance advertise all items that we are advised of by council so community members with Berry Alliance policy they have been placed on the Berry Alliance can have their say. Notice Board in the window of the Post Offi ce, posted on our web site Please Note: Council now have DA Tracking available on their web site www.berryalliance.org.au and printed in the next available issue of the where all details including submissions are displayed for your information. Town Crier. Go to: www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au and go to DA Tracking.

Applications Received DA10/2117 Dwelling Additions - Use of Bedroom Addition to Existing Dwelling - 580A Tourist Rd - 23-Nov 10 – DA10/2433 Single Storey Dwelling - 4 Boran Pl, BERRY - 16-Nov-10 Approved DA10/2437 Single Storey Dwelling - 9 Lincoln Cl, BERRY - 17-Nov-10 DA10/2437 New Dwelling - Single Storey - 9 Lincoln Cl BERRY - 22 DA10/2443 Equine Centre & Four Tourist Cabins - 8 Schofi elds Lane, Nov-10 - Approved BERRY - 18-Nov-10 DA10/2176 Two Storey Dwelling & Detached Shed - 101A DA10/2444 Commercial Additions - alterations to existing shop to Bundewallah Rd BUNDEWALLAH - 26-Nov-10 – Approved include change of glass windows and doors to bifolds, DA10/2126 Garage Detached - 27 St Andrews Way COOLANGATTA remove existing non load bearing internal walls and 23-Nov-10 – Approved kitchen layout changed - 105 Queen St, BERRY - 18-Nov-10 DA10/2131 Dwelling Additions - Conversion of Disused Dwelling to DA10/2453 New Rural Dwelling, Shed, Swimming Pool & 100,000 Storage Farm Shed and Construction of a Gazebo24 litre Water Tank - 490 Back Forest Rd, FAR MEADOW – 30 Abernethys Lane - 24-Nov-10 Nov-10 Approved CD10/1188 Dwelling Additions – Pergola 21 Host Pl, BERRY - 30-Nov-10 CD10/1188 Dwelling Additions – Pergola - 21 Host Pl BERRY - 29-Nov DA10/2507 New Dwelling - Bong Bong Rd, BERRY - 30-Nov-10 10 - Approved DA10/2538 New Rural Dwelling - Dwelling and detached barn and DA10/2453 New Dwelling Shed Swimming Pool & Water Tank - 490 studio - 27 Ashworth Pl, BERRY - 3-Dec-10 Back Forest Rd FAR MEADOW- -30-Nov-10 – Approved DA10/2501 Farm Shed - 470 Woodhill Mountain Rd, WOODHILL - 29 DA10/2242 Miscellaneous - Use of Gazebo dams and water feature - Nov-10 Coomonderry Rge BERRY - 9-Dec-10 –Approved DA10/2553 Commercial Additions - Permission to use already DA10/2034 New Dwelling - Single Storey St Andrews Way constructed front awning - 23 Prince Alfred St, BERRY - COOLANGATTA – 8-Dec-10 – Approved 9-Dec-10 DA10/2538 New Dwelling and Barn and Studio - 27 Ashworth Pl DA10/2556 Dwelling Additions - 122 Kangaroo Valley Rd, BERRY - BERRY – 16-Dec-10 – Approved 9-Dec-10 DA10/2344 Proposed conversion of one dual-occupancy dwelling DA10/2554 Rural Dwelling Additions - Permission to occupy change to Bed and Breakfast Accommodation - 193 Devitts Lane of use existing machinery shed/hobby studio converted MEROO MEADOW - 13 Dec-10 – Approved to B&B accommodation - 140F Bryces Rd, FAR MEADOW DA10/2556 Dwelling Additions - 122 Kangaroo Valley Rd BERRY - 21 - 9-Dec-10 Dec-10 Approved DA10/2593 Rural Dwelling with Height Variation - Broughton Vale Rd, DA10/2116 Proposed four-bedroom Guesthouse including BROUGHTON VALE – 16-Dec-10 alterations to existing greenhouse and offi ce and new SF10191 Boundary Adjustment & Lot Consolidation under Sep1 - additions - 125 Pestells Lane MEROO MEADOW - 23-Dec 10 Approved Bolong Rd, COOLANGATTA - 14-Dec-10 CD10/1204 Dwelling Additions - Patio Cover 1087B Meroo Rd MEROO CD10/1204 Patio Cover - 1087B Meroo Rd, MEROO MEADOW - 16 MEADOW - 22-Dec-10 - Approved Dec-10 DA10/2604 Proposed conversion of an existing dwelling to Bed and Breakfast Accommodation Development -1020 Kangaroo Valley Rd, BELLAWONGARAH - 10-Dec-10 Applications are advertised in accordance with Council’s Community Consultation Policy for Subdivision and Development Applications DA10/2610 Dwelling Additions & Replace Detached Garage - 10 Alexandra St, BERRY - 21-Dec-10 and the Formulation of Development Guidelines and Policies. DA10/2634 Alterations and additions to dwelling including a fi rst Please note, however, that not all applications on this list will be fl oor level deck - 265 Brogers Creek Rd, BROGERS CREEK advertised and that advertising may not commence immediately, - 23-Dec-10 particularly if important documentation has been omitted from the DA10/2645 Two storey dwelling - 8 Boran Pl, BERRY - 24-Dec-10 application. If an application is required to be advertised, the relevant DA11/1008 Advertising Sign projecting. 5ft circular wall sign - 91 community associations will be separately notifi ed of the advertising Queen St, BERRY - 6-Jan-11 period and the closing date for xreceipt of submissions. Enquiries Applications Determined If an application on this report is of particular interest to your DA10/2333 Outbuildings - Machinery Shed - 16 Coomonderry Rge Association, or you would like to enquire if the application has been BERRY 16-Nov-10 – Approved or will be advertised, please contact Council on: (02) 4429 3111. DA10/2433 Single Storey Dwelling - 4 Boran Pl BERRY - 19-Nov-10 Approved The development and subdivisions applications may be viewed on Council Website (DA Tracking) www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 19 Advertising Rates Calendar of Events page

1 issue $60 6 issues $276 ($46 each issue) February 12 issues $504 ($42 each issue) 2nd February - Wednesday – Berry Computers for Seniors, Uniting Church Hall, 69 Albert Street, Berry To assist the mature aged members of our community to use and enjoy the benefi ts of One box, no changes, computer technology. Phone Kevin Watson 4448 6267 to add your name to our waiting list. one invoice paid up front Contact the Editor on 4th & 5th February – Friday and Saturday – Annual Berry Show – see 2 page insert inside this 0428 037 572 For more details issue for further information 10th February – Thursday Berry Alliance Meeting at 5.30 pm No special topic listed this month. BERRY MUSEUM All Berry community members are welcome. All enquiries or to list a topic for future Forum discussion, contact Rick Gainford on 0449 569 059 or [email protected] 11th February – Friday - Berry CWA meeting at CWA rooms, Victoria Street, Berry at 1pm Enquires Marcia 4464 3187. 16th February – Wednesday Berry Masonic Village Auxiliary Meeting from 9:30am in the A NEW EXHIBITION is on display Activities Hall morning tea provided all enquiries Jean Sealy ph: 4464 3585 from December 2010. 16th February - Wednesday – Berry Computers for Seniors, Uniting Church Hall, 69 Albert Street, “MONUMENTS AND Berry To assist the mature aged members of our community to use and enjoy the benefi ts of MEMORIALS OF BERRY” computer technology. Phone Kevin Watson 4448 6267 to add your name to our waiting list. Have you ever wondered about the Drinking Fountain on the corner of Queen and Prince Alfred 17th February – Thursday - Berry Leprosy Mission Auxiliary meeting at 17 Gwenda Ave Berry at Streets or the Horse Trough in Apex Park This 1.30 pm for more information contact Trish on ph: 44616193 exhibition will tell you all about them and all the other monuments and memorials in Berry and why they are there? March 135 Queen Street, Berry - 44643097 2nd March - Wednesday – Berry Computers for Seniors, Uniting Church Hall, 69 Albert Street, www.berryhistory.org.au Berry To assist the mature aged members of our community to use and enjoy the benefi ts of [email protected] computer technology. Phone Kevin Watson 4448 6267 to add your name to our waiting list. Opening hours: Saturday 11am to 2pm - Sunday 11am to 3pm 6th March – Sunday – Clean Up Australia Day – Berry, meet at Apex Park at 9am all enquiries to Remember also that the museum is open Mon to Fri in Maurice Pepper ph: 4464 1313 School Holidays from 11am to 2pm. 6th March – Sunday – Berry Country Fair at the Berry Showground Enquiries to 44 64 1476 on ALSO OPEN BY ARRANGEMENT OUTSIDE THESE HOURS SO CONSIDER A VISIT TO THE MUSEUM AS A SPECIAL EVENT FOR YOUR GROUP. Thursdays and Fridays 10am – 3.30pm If you wish to become a member of the Historical Society and support your town’s museum please contact us. 6th March - Sunday – Berry Red Cross will be selling Milk Shakes in Broughton Court. Buy a ticket in our beautiful quilt raffl e, don't miss out! March is Red Cross Calling. Phone Sandra on 44 642 612. 10th March – Thursday - Berry Alliance Meeting at 5.30 pm No special topic listed this month. All Berry community members are welcome. All enquiries or to list a topic for future Forum discussion, contact Rick Gainford on 0449 569 059 or [email protected] 11th March – Friday - Berry CWA meeting at CWA rooms, Victoria Street, Berry at 1pm Enquires Marcia 4464 3187. 12th March – Saturday - David Berry Hospital Auxiliary 15th Annual Book Sale Berry School of Arts from 9am – 4pm all enquiries and book donations to Moira Harris 4464 2776 or Marilyn Kellett 4448 5703 13th March – Sunday - David Berry Hospital Auxiliary 15th Annual Book Sale Berry School of Arts from 9am – 3pm all enquiries and book donations to Moira Harris 4464 2776 or Marilyn The Emporium Food Company is a gourmet deli and café, sourcing Kellett 4448 5703 gourmet fare from all over the globe. 16th March - Wednesday – Berry Computers for Seniors, Uniting Church Hall, 69 Albert Street, If there is something you can’t find Berry To assist the mature aged members of our community to use and enjoy the benefi ts of we will source it for you. computer technology. Phone Kevin Watson 4448 6267 to add your name to our waiting list. Or you can sit in-store and enjoy 20th – 27th March - Seniors Week – Berry a number of activities have been planned for this a light lunch with Grinders coffee. week further details will be provided in the March issue all enquiries to the Editor, Sharon Dunn 0428 037 572 or email [email protected] 127B Queen Street Berry NSW 2535 T: 4464 1570 F: 4464 3291

Page 20 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Future Dates 21st April Berry Leprosy Mission Auxiliary meeting at 17 Gwenda ave Berry at 1.30 pm for more information contact Trish on 44641693 16th June - Berry Leprosy Mission Auxiliary meeting at 17 Gwenda ave Berry AT 1.30 p.m. for more information contact Trish on 44641693. 18th August Berry Leprosy Mission Auxiliary meeting at 17 Gwenda ave Berry at 1.30 pm for more information contact Trish on 44641693. 27th October Annual General meeting for the Berry Leprosy Mission at 17 Gwenda ave Berry at 1.30 pm for more information contact Trish on 44641693.

The Calendar of Events page is on the Web See this page at www.berryalliance.org.au – see the latest edition of the Town Crier or go to Calendar of Events on the home page. Just $30 (inc. GST) or a display ad gets you a listing in the Town Crier and on our Web site, please request at Calender entry at the time of booking your ad.

For advertising enquiries: call the Editor on 0428 037 572 or [email protected] Free listing for Berry community groups - must be registered with the Berry Alliance and provide a contact name and number to be listed. Berry’s Calendar of Events is constantly being updated. Information given here is provided by event organisers. The Berry Alliance does not accept responsibility for errors, alterations or omissions.

RECYCLING COLLECTION FOR BERRY 9, 23 February& 9, 23 March

Fire Permits in Rural Areas

The Bush Fire Danger Period begins in the Shoalhaven on 1st September, 2010. All fi res lit in the open from this date require a permit.

Permits can be issued by John Milne (Captain) - 0427 641 445, Neil Percival (Senior Deputy Captain) - 0412 352 937, Jeff Fahl (Deputy Captain) - 0419 280 673 and Brian Coulthart (Deputy Captain) - 0417 428 284. Permits and further information can also be obtained from the RFS Fire Control Centre in Nowra – 4424 4424. • Household & Commercial Storage res is prohibited and the Be aware that even with a permit, the lighting of fi • Climate Controlled Wine Storage permit is automatically suspended, on Total Fire Ban Days, days of Extreme Fire • Units individually alarmed Danger, or when the Environment Protection Authority declares a “No Burn Day.” • Boxes & Transportation Arranged • Free Move in Service State Emergency Services Nowra 4424 4472. Ph: 4422 1955 Cnr Meroo Rd & Victa Way Bomaderry

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 21 If your Berry Community Group is not listed here please return the form Berry Community Groups sent out or contact the Berry Alliance for the form to complete to register.

Berry Alliance Inc. 0449 569 059 SPONSORED BY P O Box 202 Berry 2535 www.berryalliance.org.au [email protected] 3rd Thursday Monthly 6.30pm Courthouse Berry Silver Band (est. 1897) 4464 1250 6 Clarence Street Berry 2535 [email protected] Berry Alliance Town Crier 0428 037 572 Meet Monday evenings 7.30-9.30pm, Agricultural Hall, Berry Showground P O Box 202 Berry 2535 [email protected] www.berryalliance.org.au Berry Spinners and Weavers 4446 5813 Berry Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Inc. 4464 3122 P O Box 377 Berry 2535 [email protected] Thursdays 10-12noon at Berry Showground Hall P O Box 216 Berry 2535 [email protected] www.berry.org.au Crickadero 4464 1816 or 0405 782 738 Australian Labor Party Berry Shoalhaven Heads Branch 4464 3660 P O Box 95 Berry 2535 [email protected] [email protected] Brogers Creek Landcare 4465 1482 4th Monday Monthly, Hotel Berry, 6:30pm Dinner & 7:30 Meeting starts Last Saturday of each month 2.30-4.30pm. afi [email protected] Australian Red Cross 4464 2612 Broughton Vale / Berry Rural Fire Brigade 4464 1522 P O Box 249 Berry 2535 1st Wednesday each month at 1.30pm, Berry School of Arts 82 Albert Street Berry 2535 [email protected] Last Tuesday monthly at 7:30pm Berry Alcoholics Anonymous 1300 903 392 Meet Thursday Nights at 7.30pm 34 Alexander Street Berry - www.shoalhavenaa.com.au Country Women’s Association – Berry Branch 4464 3187 P O Box 321 Berry 2535 - [email protected] Berry Al Anon Family Group Irene 4448 8231 Second Friday each month at 1pm in the CWA Rooms. Meet every Monday at 7.30 CWA Rooms - Victoria Street, Berry David Berry Hospital Auxiliary 4448 5703 Berry Apex Club Inc. 4464 2399 P O Box 285 Berry 2535 - [email protected] P O Box 16 Berry 2535 [email protected] Second Monday Monthly at 12.30pm at the David Berry Hospital Conference Room. Wednesdays fortnightly – 7pm Hotel Berry Four Seasons Sustainable Housing Forums 4464 1620 Berry Bridge Club INC 4464 2742 C/- 76 Borrowdale Close, Berry 2535 www.sustainablehousingforums.com PO Box 366 Berry NSW 2535 Saturdays 1pm - 4:30pm at Masonic Lodge Community Hall Knit with Love 4464 1058 - Leanne Berry Community Activities Centre Inc. 4464 1476/4422 1794 At St Lukes Anglican church hall every Friday, 1pm - 3pm. ‘Come along & knit squares for rugs, P O Box 244 Berry 2535 [email protected] & other items for the needy of the world. ‘All welcome.’ First Monday Monthly, 5pm School of Arts. Offi ce open Thurs and Fri 10am till 3pm. Masonic Lodge Broughton 131 4464 3894 or 4464 1798 Berry Computers for Seniors 4448 6267 Lodge Broughton Masonic Rooms Cnr Albany & Victoria Sts P O Box 103 Berry 2535 [email protected] 7.30 on 1st Wednesday each month except Jan and Feb when 2nd Wednesday. 10am on the fi rst and third Wednesday of the month at Uniting Church Hall, 69 Albert Street Berry. Natures Child Playgroup 4464 1876 - 4234 4860 c/- 35 Croziers Rd Jaspers Brush 2535 Wed, Thurs, Fri 9.30-11.30am Berry Courthouse Conservation Committee 4464 1365 Old Council Chambers, Alexandra St, Berry PO Box 218 Berry 2535 - 3rd Monday every 2nd Month at 5pm Penwood Rail Road Inc. 4464 1201 Berry & District Garden Club (02) 4464 1191 215 Princes Highway Jaspers Brush NSW 2535. [email protected] P O Box 122 Berry 2535 www.berrygardens.org.au Monthly running day - 1st Sunday monthly - visitors welcome [email protected] - Third Tuesday Monthly, 7.30 Masonic Village Community Room Probus Club of Berry 4421 4669 - 4464 3525 Berry Drama group 4464 2700 PO Box 68 Berry 2535 Second Tuesday each month, 9.30am Meeting Hall at C/- PO Box 423 Berry NSW 2535 Berry Masonic Retirement Village, Albany Lane Meet fi rst Wednesday of each Month at 7.00pm at the Berry School of Arts (except Jan & Dec) [email protected] Slow Food Saddleback 0410 289 539 PO Box 435 Gerringong 2534 [email protected] Berry Evening VIEW Club 4464 1236 94 North Street, Berry 2535 [email protected] Shoalhaven Poultry Group 0410 548 704 Third Wednesday Monthly, 7pm Berry Bowling Club 165 Kangaroo Valley Road First Tuesday each month St Vincent de Paul Society 4464 2038 Berry & District Historical Society Inc. 4464 3097 PO Box 77 Berry [email protected] P O Box 153 Berry 2535 [email protected] Third Monday Monthly, 10am at the Berry Museum The Zonta Club of Berry Inc. 4446 1001, 4232 2881 P O Box 302 Berry 2535 - [email protected] Berry-Gerringong Rotary Club 4464 2167 Meet 4th Tuesday at 6.30pm Coachhouse Restaurant, Berry Hotel PO Box 81 Berry 2535 [email protected] Thursday 6pm for 6.30pm at Bowling Club Hands Across NSW Inc ph/fax: 4446 0567 e: [email protected] SPORTING GROUPS PO Box 162 Cambewarra NSW 2540 w: handsacrossnsw.org meet: Quarterly Jan, Arpi, Jul, Oct at Broughton Lodge, Berry Agriculture Hall Berry Boules and Petanque Club 4464 2446 78 Woodhill Mountain Rd Berry [email protected] Berry Landcare 4464 3391, 4464 3241 1st and 3rd Sunday Monthly at 5pm c/- 35 Houston Place Berry 2535 - 3rd Saturday monthly and last Sunday monthly (Bundewallah) Berry Hockey Club 4464 1992 Berry Leprosy Mission Auxiliary 4464 1693 13 Windsor Drive Berry 2535 [email protected] 17 Gwenda Avenue Berry 2535 [email protected] 3rd Thursday Bi-Monthly (June, Aug etc.) 1.30pm Berry Junior Mixed Touch Football 4448 6027 or 4464 1609 9 Ford Street Berry Play Term 4- Thursdays 4-6pm at Berry Sporting Complex Berry Masonic Village Auxilliary Inc. 4464 3457 Berry Netball Club 0414 482 999 PO Box 435 Berry 2535 3rd Wednesday monthly at 9:30am PO Box 280 Berry Berry Meals on Wheels Inc. 4464 1604 Berry Pony Club 0414 832 100 PO Box 221 Berry 2535 3rd Monday monthly at 9am P O Box 227 Berry 2535 [email protected] 2nd & 4th Sunday each month, 9am. www.berryponyclub.org.au Berry Men’s Shed 4464 2619 PO Box 103 Berry 2535 e: [email protected] Berry Riding Club 4464 1143 Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 - 4, North Street w: www.berrymensshed.com.au 445 Coolangatta Road Berry 2535 [email protected] - www.berryridingclub.com Berry Musicale w: berrymusicale.org 4464 2629 Berry Shoalhaven Heads Junior League 4464 1896 Berry Playgroup 0411 383 573 43 Prince Alfred Street Berry [email protected] www.crlnsw.com.au PO Box 185 Berry NSW 2535 [email protected] 4th Wednesday Monthly, 7.30pm at the Berry Bowling Club Friday mornings at St Lukes Hall, via Victoria St Berry Tennis Club 4421 3568 Berry Community Pre-school 4464 1764 PO Box 133 Berry 2535 [email protected] P O Box 143 Berry 2535 www.berrypreschool.org.au 1st Thursday - Bi-Monthly at tennis clubhouse [email protected] Berry Men’s Bowling Club 4464 2995 140 Princes Hwy Berry 2nd Wednesday monthly at 5.00pm Berry RSL Sub Branch 4423 1960, 4421 4981 PO Box 3307 North Nowra 2541 - [email protected] Berry Women’s Bowling Club 4464 2995 1st Tuesday Monthly at 10.30am 140 Princes Hwy Berry [email protected] 3rd Tuesday monthly at 12.15pm at Bowling Club Berry School of Arts 4422 1794 (See Berry Community Activities Centre Inc.) Thursdays & Fridays 4464 1476 Shoalhaven Showjumping Club Inc. 4232 2338 25 Gwinganna Avenue, Kiama NSW 2533 Email: [email protected] Berry Show Society Inc. 4464 1567 P O Box 173 Berry 2535 - [email protected] www.berryshow.org.au Meet 1st Tuesday monthly at Committee Rooms at the Showground Berry Show Society - Ladies Auxillary Committee 4464 1191 EMERGENCY 000 c/-59 Woodhill Mtn Road Berry - Meet 1st Tuesday Jan, Mar, May, Sep, Nov 7:30 at Committee Rooms at the Showground Police Assistance Line (non-urgent Police reports) 131 444 Berry Showground Management Committee Secretary 4448 6093 Berry Police 4464 2175 - Berry Fire Brigade 4464 1008 or 000 PO Box 443 Berry NSW 2535 24 hour caretakers / bookings Tony & Vicki Pye Rural Fire Brigade (Broughton Vale) 4464 1522 [email protected] 0427 605 200 (24hrs)

Page 22 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Living Each Moment at The Arbour, Berry

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FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 23 Maintenance & Graffi ti Reporting Management of Requests Shoalhaven Berry CWA News An old Chinese proverb says: “For the busy Choir resumes at 9am on February 11th. City Council man time passes quickly.” How true that is We have room for those who love to To notify maintenance problems of many people and how applicable to our sing, so come, and join us each Friday with Roads, Bridges, Footpaths Berry CWA ladies. Time has passed quickly morning. Last year kept the choir very and Parks that require attention and here we are already in the second busy with rehearsing and taking joy to month of the new year 2011! Activities have the residents of many local retirement (street signs, pot holes, etc.) begun in earnest. villages. They loved it and we loved it!

Business Hours 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Craft on Wednesday mornings began with We all love a birthday party and the Log on to www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au much ado. The chatter over one's doings CWA ladies are no different. We are th Go to the Your Council tab; select during the break, new ideas surfacing for celebrating the 60 birthday of the Complaints & Compliments some new craft under the watchful eye of Berry CWA in April with an “Elegant Afternoon tea” at the Berry School of and complete the online Maintenance our talented Craft Offi cer, Robyn. Yes, the Arts. What size will the birthday cake fl urry of handiwork for the stall at Berry Request. be? Well, we will have to wait until the Show has begun. Once again the CWA Telephone: 4429 3821 event but I'm sure it will be “the best” ladies were involved with the catering at the that we can offer. (for the Northern Area.) Show. Morning started early and a jolly time was had by all whilst making sandwiches May I, on behalf of Berry CWA, wish you After Hours and packing them into hygienic plastic Call the Maintenance & Graffi ti Reporting all the best for a great 2011? We would containers. Please note: not once did we lick welcome any one wishing to join us Line 24 hours/day, 7 days/week and an our hygiene-conscious fi ngers! automated system will record your concern. at our meetings that are held on the second Friday of each month in the Telephone 4429 3506 Australia Day is one in which we all can CWA rooms, Victoria Street Berry. Emergencies: Telephone: 4421 3100 rejoice in a free and beautiful country. At Love to see you. the Berry CWA rooms on the 26th January (This number should only be used for the Australian fl ag was raised and it was For further information contact Marcia emergencies, outside offi ce hours) followed by a “Poets' Surprise” and morning on 44643187, Marie on 44232164, tea. Lately, Dorothea Mackellar's poem or visit the CWA web site at www. For more complex issues write to Council and comes to mind: “I love a sunburnt country, cwaofnsw.org.au , or write to Secretary, your correspondence will be referred to the appropriate person for action. Council staff a land of sweeping plains, of ragged PO Box 321, Berry 2535. members are required to respond to general mountain ranges, of droughts and fl ooding correspondence within 28 days of receipt. rains.....” We are mindful of our friends and Jean Stanfi eld Please address all correspondence: The relatives in areas of our country devastated Publicity Offi cer General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, by fl oods. Australians, true to form, dug PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541 deeply to raise funds to help those in need.

Berry Books At Last a Local Grower “Berry’s Secret Bookshop” at the Berry Country Fair just near the North West Gate We buy and sell Fresh local Vegetables grown by Greengold Vegies at 62 Millbank Rd quality-second hand books Also Available at the Shoalhaven Heads Hotel Fresh Food Fair every Saturday Morning from 8.00am to 11.30am, Rain, Hail, Wind or Sunshine. Currently Growing Beetroot / Cabbages / Leeks / Sweet Corn/ Pumpkins/ Cucumbers/ Zucchini/ Beans / Rhubarb / Spinach / Herbs / Free Range Eggs We also purchase Vegetables and a full range for Fruit direct from the Sydney Markets and this is also available: Bananas / Strawberries / Spuds/ Lettuce/ Avocados / Tomatoes and seasonal Fruit such as Peaches and Nectarines Don’t forget our farm gate shop at 62 Millbank Rd Terara is open Monday to Friday 9.00am- 5.00pm Saturday until 3.00pm We are just past the Terara Primary School approx 4kms east of Nowra www.berrybooks.com.au Fruit by the box is available eg apples, oranges etc. Order by Wednesda Ph. 44642260 Phone 4421 2096 or 0413 205 437

Page 24 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 The following businesses have provided Vouchers for the Berry Alliance BERRY RESTAURANTS to provide to Berry Community groups to use for fundraising purposes & CAFES, FUNCTIONS or prizes. If you would like your business listed here (and on the web site) please contact Rick Gainford, Secretary Berry Alliance on 0449 569 059 & CATERING GUIDE or email [email protected] Restaurants & Cafes The Cake Store 39A Kinghorne Street Nowra 2541 - t 4423 0063 - thecakestore.com.au Berrylicious Café Monday to Friday 6.30am to 5.00pm, Saturday 8.00am to 1.00pm Shop 2, 89 Queen Street Berry - t 4464 3880 Closed Sunday Open 7 days – 8.00am to 5pm Berry Jetz Café Functions & Catering 1/94 Queen Street Berry - t 4464 3320 7 days – 8am to 5pm Berry Courthouse Berry Sourdough Bakery and Café Corner Victoria and Albany Streets, Berry - t 4464 2446 23 Prince Alfred Street Berry – t 4464 1617 Functions, weddings, meetings inside and in gardens. Open Wednesday to Sunday – 8am – 4pm. www.berrycourthouse.org.au, email: [email protected] Hedgehogs Coffee Shop Berry Jetz Café 4/98 Queen Street, Berry - t 4464 3051 1/94 Queen Street Berry - t 4464 3320 7 days – 8am to 4pm [email protected] Hungry Duck Catering and Functions available 85 Queen Street Berry 2535 - t 4464 2323 Berrylicious Café www.hungryduck.com.au Shop 2, 89 Queen Street, Berry t: 4464 3880 Wednesday to Sunday dinner from 6pm Open 7 days – 8am – 5pm. Just Delicious Broughton Mill Farm Guesthouse Berry Shop 3 / 62 Albert Street Berry – t 4464 3650 78 Woodhill Mountain Road Berry - t 4464 2446 Open 7 days – 9am – 5pm. Weddings, functions and conferences hosted and catered for on site. Pavillion Restaurant www.broughtonmillfarm.com.au 72 Queen Street Berry - t 4464 1074 [email protected] 7 days – 7.30am to 9.30am (10am on weekends) Tuesday to Saturday - Dinner from 6pm Garnish Creative Catering t 0432 559 078 The Berry Tea Shop Catering and Functions Shop 1, 66 Albert Street, Berry - t 4464 1218 [email protected] Open 7 days: 10am to 5pm The Silos Restaurant Table Talk Café Princess Hwy Jaspers Brush –t 4448 6160 6 / 97-99 Queen Street Berry Lunch: Open 7 Days from 12 noon. t 4464 2420 Dinner: Monday to Saturday inclusive. www.silos.com.au Catering and Functions available Table Talk Café 6 / 97-99 Queen Street Berry - t 4464 2420 7 days – 9am to 4pm

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137 QUEEN STREET BERRY NSW 2535 T: 4464 2444 H]de&$++6aWZgiHigZZi!7Zggn7Z]^cYi]Z><6 ^c[d5i]ZWZggniZVh]de#Xdb#Vjlll#i]ZWZggniZVh]de#Xdb#Vj E: [email protected]

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 25 BERRY MASONIC BERRY EVENING VIEW CLUB

VILLAGE Welcome to the New Year from the Our next meeting will be on 16th. Berry Evening VIEW Club. We hope February, 2011 at the Berry Bowling AUXILIARY INC you all had a great Christmas and for Club. As this is our Annual General those who are glad it is over, you only Meeting, only members can attend. Our December meeting was an extremely have 10 months until the next one. happy and celebratory occasion when we We have some interesting outings reviewed our supporting activities during coming up. Firstly, on Monday 7th 2010. The President reported on the Berry We wish you all a Happy and Healthy Alliance Community Group meeting which New Year. March, Women’s International Day – was extremely useful in enabling different 100 years – will be held at Bateman’s volunteer Groups to exchange ideas. We very Our View Club year ended with our Bay. If enough members wish to go, a much appreciate the importance of the Town Christmas Celebration in December. bus will be arranged to take us there. Crier’s publicity for voluntary welfare in Berry. We had a fantastic evening with a Please put your name down at our The Hostel Christmas decorations provided guest performance from Susan Boyle next meeting so this can be arranged. by our volunteers were praised for their and Belly Dancers from Turkey – and variety and excellence and voted the best dancers from other countries around After that, on Tuesday 22nd March ever. the world. Also some poetry and we are going on a Mystery Trip. Our The Christmas Party was thoroughly enjoyed stories. On hearing this, I am sure you guest speaker in November, Avalynne by all – Hostel Residents, relatives, friend, and will be disappointed that you didn’t Wilby from Shoalhaven City Council, visitors alike. A fi rst-class buffet was arranged spoke on Rubbish and Recycling and by the Hostel care staff and the “R” & “R” join us. A big thank you to Yolande singers from St George’s Basin entertained us and friends. mentioned that a Mystery Bus trip can for an hour with old familiar songs. be arranged to inspect Council’s sites. If we can get 38 people, Avalynne will The hand –made Patchwork Quilt donated We also had 3 new members join by Enid Rutledge was raffl ed and won by her our Club; they are Beth Muller, Sue have a bus pick us up and return us to four year old Grandson, Josh, so that her gift Creamer and Lyn Host. Welcome to Berry – also lunch will be supplied. I will remain in the family. The raffl e proceeds Berry Evening Club ladies and we am sure you will remember Avalynne’s provided a valuable contribution to our hope you enjoy coming along to our talk. It all sounded fun so get your welfare funds. meetings. friends, husbands etc together and In keeping with tradition, Santa arrived with join us for the day. presents for all the Residents of the Hostel We do not have a meeting in January Our next Meeting will be held on Wednesday but we got together for a social Jean Rolfe 16th February at 9.30 in the Activities Hall evening and this year we went to the Publicity Offi cer. when we shall welcome old friends and new Great Southern Hotel. Thank you to all to Morning Tea and a discussion on our plans who came along and to the staff for a for 2011. very nice meal. Jean Sealy Publicity Offi cer - 4464 3585

REMEDIALREMEDIAL MASSAGE MASSAGE Specialising in: For Deep & Thorough Remedial Therapy Accounting & Financial Services Taxation Services WE ARE BACK IN THE CENTRE OF Self Managed Superannuation Funds BAS Preparation & Lodgement BERRY TOWNSHIP GST Advice Business Advice Deep Tissue Massage Energy Healing Manual Lymphatic Drainage Reike Company Secretarial Services Sport Massage Refl exology All your compliance needs Melissa Salway GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Ph. 0407 488 583 ATMS Accredited - Health Fund Rebates Email: [email protected] In Clinic & Mobile Massage PO Box 1175 Nowra NSW 2541 Berry & Beyond 4464 3035see page 25 for photos 4/84 QUEEN ST ( Above Vet & Physio)

Page 26 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Shoalhaven Berry Meals Poultry Group Once again thank needed for your new birds will be available you to all those who for purchase. on Wheels supported our auction in November, it All penning fees and profi ts from the day With the start of another year our was a huge success. A BIG THANK YOU will be donated to Hands Across NSW, a to our sponsors, Simmark, Berry Co-Op, local charity. The funds will go to help fl ood wish to you all is for ‘Better Health’. Cafe2U and all our fantastic volunteers. affected families in NSW. A big thank you to the Berry- And of course our local MP Joanna Gash Gerringong Rotary Club for for auctioning the fi rst bird of the day for Refreshments available all day including charity. The donated bird was a beautiful free range egg and bacon rolls and donating small Christmas cakes Gold Laced Wyandotte which raised $100. gourmet coffee. that went into all the clients

On the day $1500 was raised for Hands Birds already booked in for auction are Christmas hampers, this was very Across NSW and these funds, plus the Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, lots of much appreciated by everyone. process from the next auction on the 20th of pretty backyard layers, Light Sussex, March 2011 will go to help those who have New Hampshires, Cochins, Silkies, Deliverers please remember to been affected by the recent devastating Araucana, Barnevelders, Campine, fl oods in NSW. Maran, Orpintons, Wyandottes, Brown pick up your petrol vouchers on Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Coronation the day you deliver the meals. If Details of the next auction Sussex, Polish, Hamburgs, Rose Combs anyone would like any information Venue: Berry Poultry Pavilion located at and Minorcas. regarding being a volunteer the Berry Showground Alexandra Street For bantams we have Pekins, Pekin x Berry NSW delivery person or know of anyone Silkies, Araucana, Belgians, Australorps, th who would like to receive a meal Date: Sunday 20 March 2011 Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes. Plus Time: Poultry Shed will open from 9am to there will be Indian Runners, Call Ducks, please get in touch with John view the birds. The Auction will commence Guinea Fowl and lots and lots of chicks McLeod ph: 44 641 604. at 10.30am. and ducklings. Payment: Cash only sales. All bidders Over 600 birds have been booked in May you all look forward to working must register prior bidding. for auction so well as a team for another year All birds will have informational cage labels For more information contact Thank you all. with breed, gender, age and colour to help Shayne on 0410 548 704 or you in the buying process. Email: [email protected] or checkout Knowledgeable volunteers will be happy to our website: www.shoalhavenpoultry.com. Val Ison answer all your questions about the birds Publicity Offi cer on Auction. Plus food and all accessories We look forward to seeing you all there.


From green to clean A sparkling clear pond could be yours, with the right kind of help, Just call Rob Packer your pond, pump & fi ltration specialist. Also available, repairs, cleaning and on going maintenance

Southern Elements Fountains & Sculpture 0409 550 741

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 27 Swim safe in the Shoalhaven Leprosy With summer season upon us, it is time to make royal life saving society has these important tips sure our backyard pools comply with safety to remember. laws and that residents and visitors are aware Find the fl ags and swim between them - the red of safety measures on and around our beaches and yellow fl ags mark the safest place to swim Mission and waterways. at the beach. Unfortunately many in Australia die each year How can I fi rstly thank the folk of Berry as a result of drowning, but there are steps that Look at the safety signs - they help you identify for their generous support for our last can be taken to avoid such tragedies. potential dangers and daily conditions. Ask a surf lifesaver for some good advice - surf months street stall, it is always amazing SWIMMING POOLS to tally up the total at the end of the day conditions can change quickly so talk to a surf With over 300,000 backyard swimming pools lifesaver or lifeguard before entering the water. and much to our delight I can tell you in NSW, an understanding of swimming pool safety is imperative. Get a friend to swim with you - so you can that our total for the stall was $3004. 80 look out for each other's safety and get help if and we are still taking money for other Under the Swimming Pools Act 1992, there are needed. Children should always be supervised items that were left so the fi nal tally will conditions that must be adhered to. The law by an adult. states that if you are the owner of a swimming blow us away. pool you must; Stick your hand up for help - if you get into The money will go towards new projects trouble in the water, stay calm, and raise your • Ensure that the pool is at all times that need support and when we receive arm to signal for help. Float with a current or rip surroundedby a child resistant barrier which - don't try and swim against it. the fi nal list we will let you hear about is no less than 1.2 metres in height (1.8 the work. metres if a boundary fence or house wall) And remember – • Keep all fences and gates secured and in Never swim at unpatrolled beaches Other great news that we received this good condition. Never ever swim at night past month out of Geneva is to confi rm • Display a prominently placed warning sign Never swim under the infl uence of alcohol that from 2010 Novartis will continue to in the immediate vicinity of the swimming Never run and dive into the water supply the continuation of medication pool. This sign gives a supervision warning for the treatment of Leprosy. We applaud and resuscitation techniques. Never swim directly after a meal the generosity of Novartis in ensuring Non-Compliance of these and other regulations Shoalhaven City Mayor , Clr. Paul Green said high quality drugs are ready and will result in serious penalties ranging from “ We always look forward to the holiday period available to maintain the thrust against $550- $5,500. and long warm days spent at the beach, but I urge leprosy. all residents and visitors to be aware of beach To check if your pool meets all of the requirements conditions and other safety measures prior to May we take this opportunity to wish set down in the Act and Regulations you can heading into the water. Weather they are swimming access these and Australian Standard AS1926.1- in pools, rivers, lakes or beaches, we want everyone you all the best for the coming year and 2007 Swimming Pool Safety Pt 1 “Safety Barriers to have a fun but more importantly, safe experience seek your ongoing support for the work for Swimming Pools at Council’s libraries”. in the Shoalhaven over the summer period.” of the Mission and the Berry Auxiliary. BEACHES, LAKES AND RIVERS Summer in the Shoalhaven is not complete Many of council’s pools and leisure centres run Trish Nicholson without visiting one of the 109 pristine beaches learn to swim programs all year round. For more Secretary/Treasurer in the area. information on swimming programs contact It is vitally important though to ensure that Councils Aquatics section on 4429 3153 or visit New Email Address: all swimmers are aware of weather conditions the website at [email protected] and can swim confi dently in open waters. The www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au

Page 28 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Development Control Plan No. 106 (Draft Amendment No. 1) BERRY DEVELOPMENT ON NETBALL A New Year and a New Committee Registration Date: 10-2pm FLOOD PRONE LAND Saturday, 12th February, 2011 Notice is given that draft Amendment Please note the substance of Venue: Berry Public School, Library No.1 to Development Control Plan submissions made to Council on this (DCP) No.106 - Development on Flood matter may be made available to the We have had years of wonderful commitment from many enthusiastic parents and we Prone Land will be on public exhibition public or included in a Council report thank them wholeheartedly for their efforts. from Wednesday 15 December 2010 without notifying the correspondent. However, it was time for some of those people until Wednesday 16 February 2011 Pre-printed form letters, which to hand over the reins. (inclusive) between 9am and 5pm at have been individually signed, will the City Administrative Centre, Bridge be considered but not formally Last year at our Extraordinary Meeting, a small Road, Nowra. Information is also acknowledged. team of dedicated parents pulled together to fi ll the Committee Positions and keep the available at Council’s S outhern District If you lodge a submission, you must Berry Netball Club alive. At that meeting, we Offi ce, Deering Street, Ulladulla and declare any reportable political voted to order new uniforms for the girls to via Council’s website at. www3. donations (being donations of $1,000 give them a ‘snazzy’ new look. We have some shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/applications/ or more) or gifts made in the previous wonderful coaches in the form of older players LepDcpS94. two years and up to determination who give of their time freely and sponsorship The draft Amendment is intended of the planning application. This from Elders Real Estate Berry. to provide a more effi cient and includes donations or gifts made by Any parents who are willing to offer up their integrated approach to addressing an associate. More information about spare time to help us with Coaching, Managing fl oodplain management in your disclosure obligations and a copy etc please call Jahna on 0414 482 999. We Shoalhaven and provides information of the Disclosure Statement Form can would love have you on board. and development controls needed be found on Council’s website at www. Now we need new players to follow on from to prepare and assess development shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au or www. our older kids. If you have girls from the age applications on fl ood prone land. The planning.nsw.gov.au/donations. of 5 that may be interested, please come draft Amendment also integrates along to our registration day and fi nd out all the Shoalhaven River and St Georges Enquiries regarding DCP No. 106 about this dynamic game. Its great exercise, Basin fl oodplains into the DCP. (Draft Amendment No. 1) should team orientated lots of fun be directed to Bernadette Sharpe at and a lovely way for Berry Written comments are invited and Council’s Strategic Planning Group friends to get together, should be lodged in writing to on 4429 3482 quoting fi le number (parents included). Please the undersigned before 5pm on support our wonderful 24778E. Wednesday 16 February 2011. Berry Netball Club.

✓ Local MATT BROWN MP ✓ Experienced ✓ Deliveries Congratulations Berry on your success in the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnerships Grants:

✓ St Luke’s Anglican Church Berry $15,500 ✓ Penwood Railroad Inc. $10,000 ✓ Rotary Club of Berry $15,000 ✓ Berry Alliance Inc. $20,000 Authorised By R. Gainford, 78 Woodhill Mtn Rd, Berry NSW Advertisement

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 29        OUR HOPE

George Costanza is the bumbling This is a funny yet sad exchange on a betterment not harm, plans that give neurotic character on the show person's understanding of the character us a hope and future that is true and Seinfeld whose life is always not and purposes of God. God's character certain. working out the way he would like. and plans are the exact opposite of the There is an episode where George's life way that George is thinking. In fact listen Maybe it is time for many of us to stop is starting to turn around and the TV to how God puts it in the Bible - "For I having the understanding of God like show he has been working on is going know the plans I have for you,” declares George, and start encountering a God to be picked up by a network. Yet still the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not of good plans and purposes for us; a he is concerned and lacks hope for the to harm you, plans to give you hope and God who wants to bless people not future as he sits down with Dana his a future". [Jeremiah 29:11]. bring them harm; a God who wants to counsellor. give us a future with great hope. I encourage you to read this Word from Here's how his conversation goes – God over a number of times slowly. Allow I encourage you to join in with us as we GEORGE: What if the pilot gets picked God to speak to you about it. Unlike together explore with God what this up and it becomes a series? George's understanding, this Word from may look like. DANA: That'd be wonderful George; God reminds us that he has good plans God bless from Brendan at Berry you'll be rich and successful! and purposes for our lives. Plans and purposes that will allow us to fi nd life to Community Church…see advert for GEORGE: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm the full in God not harm; plans that bring details. worried about. God would never let me us our hope and a future. be successful! He'd kill me fi rst. He'd never let me be happy! As a community of people following DANA: I thought you didn't believe in Jesus we seek Him each year for a theme. God? In 2011 our theme is "His people, His plans, Our Hope.” A God who has made GEORGE: I do for the bad things! plans for our lives, plans that are for our Choosing Life

Berry   Uniting     Albert Street  Church Berry Minister: John Brentnall    Phone: 4464 1034 Mobile: 0410 650 045 Email: [email protected] church.org.au  ()    " Sunday Celebrations: 10.30am Groups & activities:    +"('  *"('" &*"('" Bible study groups Community Garden !%#%$   " Fellowship groups Prayer groups  Men’s Shed   ()  ! ! '*(*   $    ""  Social Craft Group Primary Drama Club  %)&-,,,-+( "    ""  Computers for seniors “To know Christ & make him known”     #  http://berry.unitingchurch.org.au      

Page 30 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 BERRY Broughton Vale Berry Rural Fire Brigade PRESCHOOL Don’t Forget your Fire PERMIT After a fond farewell to the Class of 2010, Berry Community Preschool From the 1st of September everyone in Be aware that even with a permit, the welcomes new children, families, the Rural Fire Service Area is required lighting of fi res is prohibited and the and committee members for the to have a permit to light a fi re. An permit is automatically suspended, on 2011 school year. inspection, of what is to be burnt, is Total Fire Ban Days, days of Extreme The 2010 school year ended on a high with a required before a permit can be issued. Fire Danger, or when the Environment memorable Christmas barbecue, held at the Berry Showground pavilion. Permits can be issued for up to 21 days, Protection Authority declares a “No depending on the circumstances at the Burn Day.” Wet weather forced a late switch from Apex Park, but time. Everyone is required to give 24 the showground proved the ideal venue. hours notice, before lighting fi res, to Please contact one of the following The Berry Silver Band kept the children entertained adjoining properties and Shoalhaven permit offi cers to organise fi re permits with an extended set of Christmas carols. Thanks to Fire Control - open 8am to 5pm, Monday John Milne - Captain Col Escott and all the band members for helping to to Friday on Ph 4424 4424. Mobile: 0427 641 445 create a wonderful atmosphere. The preschool's annual general meeting was held on Permit issuing offi cers are volunteers Neil Percival- Senior- Deputy Captain December 7. so please give them as much notice as Mobile: 0412 352 937 Cath Philpott was elected unopposed as the new possible. A mutually convenient time Jeff Fahl - Deputy president, while Fiona Pigott (vice-president), Rene for the inspection will need be arranged Mobile: 0419 280 673 Arnold (treasurer) and Michelle Sullivan (secretary) and in most cases permits will not be all retained their positions for 2011. Ian Patrick was able to be issued on the day of fi rst Brian Coulthart – Deputy Captain elected public offi cer, while Jo Jorgensen is the new contact with the offi cers. NO COST is Mobile: 0417 428 284 fundraising coordinator. involved in obtaining a permit but it A special welcome to the new members of the general does stop local RFS brigades being committee. called out to false alarms. The meeting heard that after a year that had many During the warmer months, 2 or 3 changes, including the increase in the number of children from 20 to 24 places each day, the preschool brigades can be called out to respond starts 2011 in a strong position. to an incidence, only to fi nd out it is someone burning a pile of sticks or Berry Preschool is a non-profi t community based centre. the like that is under control and not causing any problems. Permits can We are not privately owned and are grateful for the alleviate these problems and save time Permits and further information can assistance from the local community. and money. Please keep our region also be obtained from the RFS Fire For more information the preschool director Janelle Emery safe and organise for a fi re permit this Control Centre in Nowra can be contacted at [email protected] or season. Ph: 44 244 424. by phone between 3.30pm and 4pm Monday to Friday on 4464 1764.

Serving Berry & Surounds for 8 years PROUD SUPPORTER OF B.S.H.R.L.F.C & JUNIOR TOUCH FOOTBALL - Treatment for acute & chronic conditions - Pilates & exercise programs - Foot analysis for orthotics using Gaitscan up to date technology - Using mobilisation, myofascial work and acupuncture - Home visits Mary Pentecost Suite 4, 84 Ph: 4464 2874 Queen Street, Berry Fax: 4464 2874

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 31 Sesquicentenary paving project completed

By the time thehe Berry The Sesquicentenary Committee would like to community readad tthishis thank Mark and Kate Bramley for their assistance. edition of thee TTownown Although Berry is experiencing an unseasonably Crier many families will be startingrting to mild summer, this was not the case on the day think about and perhaps look forward that the pavers were laid. With little shade on to the start of the school yearr ahead.ahead. offer, by mid-afternoon the weary volunteers Whilst the year 2010 will bee ffondlyondly were zapped of what little energy they had left remembered as the year that Berryry Public and were extremely relieved to fi nally fi nish. School celebrated its 150th birthday,ay, there The committee was still a project that neededd to be would also like completed before the school couldld fi nally to thank Phil put their Sesquicentenary celebrationsbrations Monaghan who behind them. also helped out with the Throughout last year many families,ies, both preparation of past and present, took the opportunitytunity to the site before purchase an engraved paver to bee placedplaced the working around the long awaited neww school bee. hall. And thanks to the handy work ofof Mark Bramley (Charlie, Hannah and Darcy’s Dad and a former student at Berry Public School), this project has now been completed and by all accounts is a fantastic accompaniment to the new hall. From the hand drawn works of art by current students to pavers that list families spanning three generations of association with Berry Public, each paver holds a slice of the school’s history and will be enjoyed for many years to come.


Make up artist available The Berry Courthouse Conservation Includes: Committee would like to invite any Berry Furniture (antique, retro, modern) Community Group to visit to the Vintage bric a brac Courthouse Gardens. Tools and other shed items If your group is interested in a visit please contact Want more info? Email [email protected] Rick on 44642446. or call 0412 265 386

Page 32 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 Berryerry Garden Club I am writing this article in the middle of and Bub), also the leaves remain opposite, prolifi cally when in a sunny position. January while light rain is falling. Rain every in the genus Eucalyptus the juvenile leaves The fi rst fl owers on Crepe Myrtles, one or two days accompanied by humid are opposite, but the adult are alternate. The Lagerstroemia species, burst into bloom conditions has ensured maximum plant latter description refers to the arrangement this week. This very popular tree has many growth and gardeners are busy pruning, of leaves on a stem. Angophora Costata attractions, fl owering in mid summer, leaves weeding, mulching, and taking trips to the is noted for its trunk, branching habit and colouring in autumn and an exceedingly tip. While happy to see such growth, the colour, but this year the clusters of white attractive trunk, the latter, patterned and wet weather has caused the demise of some fl owers took centre stage. It grows on rocky twisted, is shown to advantage when the plants due to the elimination of oxygen from sandstone ridges in Sydney. The bark sheds tree is deciduous in winter. Trees with the soil. Under normal conditions oxygen in early summer to reveal its bright salmon- white, shades of pink, mauve, and red fi lls the air spaces between soil particles pink new bark. An outstanding feature is fl owers are available. This tree has been once water has drained away, however this is the gnarled and twisted branch habit. If popular in Australian gardens since the not happening at present. the tree is unfamiliar to the reader make 19th century, it is a feature of many historic sure you look for it when next in the region. gardens; the oldest recorded in Elizabeth The addition of mulch is of great benefi t When travelling to Sydney by car I drive on Farm, Parramatta. Crepe Myrtle is native to during dry periods but now does not allow the Heathcote Road and through Menai; India, east to China. The commonly grown soil to dry out. Potted plants should be there are many magnifi cent specimens in species prior to the 1990’s is Lagerstroemia inspected regularly particularly if the pot has indica; however its leaves are susceptible few drainage holes or sits on a saucer. Wet the valley. to powdery mildew fungus when grown humid conditions promote fungal diseases, My garden is displaying some lovely in eastern Australia's coastal areas. Hybrids another problem to consider. climbers. Stephanotis fl oribunda, Madagascar Jasmine, is a mass of fragrant developed over recent years show tolerance If travelling through bushland areas of white tubular fl owers, the fragrance being to this problem. Sydney, The Royal National Park, or Ku-ring- more pronounced at night. Another is Gardeners are looking forward to Berry gai National Park during November and the white, with golden centre, Mandevilla Show where they can admire vases of December the traveller's attention would Boliviensis, native to Bolivia and Ecuador. fl owers, potted plants, fl ower arrangements, have been drawn to Angophora Costata, Native to Australia is Pandorea Jasminoides, vegetables, and bottled garden produce. commonly called Smooth Barked Apple or Bower of Beauty; this species is native to Hazel King. Sydney Red Gum. The fl owering this year NSW and Queensland and has pale pink was exceptional, its attraction even noted in fl owers. Hybrids are available with fl owers Sydney's newspapers. Angophora, closely of a deeper pink also white. The well-known related to Eucalyptus, is an endemic species Chinese Star Jasmine, Trachelospermum of thirteen trees native to eastern Australia. jasminoides, is growing on a fence and has Members of the genus are known as apples. been showing off its white, fragrant fl owers Angophoras differ from Eucalyptus in not since the middle of October; this climber have a bud-cap (the well-known hats of Bib will grow in sun or shade but fl owers more

2011 Campaign Dates: Business Clean Up – Tues 1st March Schools Clean Up – Fri 4th March Clean Up Australia – Sun 6th March CUAD REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD) is coming around again and Shoalhaven City Council would like to invite you to become part of this national event. Shoalhaven City Council would like to invite you to join with other members of the community to clean up the Shoalhaven environment; our local beaches, reserves, forests, creeks, bushland, farmland, schools and business areas. This year celebrates over 20 years of the event and it is individuals and the community who have made it a success over the past 20 years. As part of Council’s commitment to this program Shoalhaven City Council will be offering assistance with waste removal on the day. Registration for the 2011 Campaign is now open. To participate in this national event you must register with Clean up Australia on- line at - www.cleanup.org.au . We look forward to working together with you as part of our ongoing commitment to care for, and protect, the unique and precious environment of the Shoalhaven. For further information Ph: 44293462 or e-mail: [email protected]

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 33 TheBerry Town Crier Phone: 0428 037 572 P.O. Box 202, Berry NSW 2535 [email protected] or Free Drop Box inside the Berry Post Offi ce Alliance www.berryallliance.org.au ABN 86 234 611 252 Advertising Rates & Requirements Why advertise in the Town Crier? The Town Crier is a community newspaper produced monthly by The Berry Alliance; The Berry Alliance would like to thank advertisers for their support. It is only through our current circulation is 2200 copies distributed around Berry and its outer lying advertising fees, subscriptions and sponsorships that our community paper can areas. Additional copies are given to shops, cafes, hairdressing salons, doctors and continue to provide such communication. restaurants within the township to alert tourists as to what’s happening around The Town Crier is not funded from any other source. We receive no grants or public Berry. funding. Advertiser’s investment will go even further now that the Town Crier is live on the Our advertising rates have remained static for four years; however as of the 1st web and available to so many more people. The feedback received has been very July2010 the rates had a slight increase. positive; the Berry community value the enhancements made to our on line services and appreciate being able to access archived copies of the Town Crier on our web Berry Alliance Town Crier Board of Editors site: www.berryalliance.org.au. Display Advertisements Calendar of Events page Please Note Repeat rate applies to 3 or more issues with no One box, no changes, one invoice paid up front • All rates include 10% GST and are payable in 7 changes and one invoice to be paid up front. days from date on invoice. 1 issue ...... $60 New advertisers are required to pay in advance 10cm x 1 column ...... $105 / $80 x 3 = $240 (repeat) • 6 issues ...... $276 ($46 each issue) prior to advertising in fi rst issue. 10cm x 2 columns .... $133 / $107 x 3 = $321(repeat) Advertisements will not be accepted or printed 12 issues ...... $504 ($42 each issue) • 10cm x 3 column ...... $176 / $137 x 3 = $411(repeat) where there is payment outstanding. We cannot guarantee the position of your Full Page ...... $290 / $266 x 3 = $798(repeat) • Listing in Calendar of Events advertisement on a particular page or side of the paper. Trades & Services Free if the event is listed in your paid • Your contact name, address and telephone One box, no changes, one invoice paid up front. advertisement for that issue. number must accompany your advertisement as well as the size of the advertisement you 1 issue ...... $48 You must request the listing at the time of want and when and how often you want it to 6 issues ...... $198 ($33 each issue) submitting your advertisement. appear. 12 issues ...... $363 ($30.25each issue) Otherwise: $30.00 per listing only. Requirements: Please note: • Our graphic artist sets out your advertisement as they do with the entire paper. • We cannot reproduce your entire advertisement from a “hard copy” by scanning it. • Our graphic artist can lay your advert out to look the same if you provide clean images for us to scan (no text covering the image) or scanned images and the text for the advertisement. • Not everyone has the same programs (or indeed computer) and we do not use any desktop publishing programs. Advertisers can choose one of the following options.

Option One - Deal directly with the Town Crier Editor: Option Two - Deal directly with a Graphic Artist of your choice 1. Any wording should be as “text only” in the body of your Email or saved as 1. Booking your advertising space with the Editor. “text only” format and emailed or on a disk. 2. Deal directly with your graphic artist to design your advertisement. 2. Any scanned photos or logos please send as a TIF or JPG fi le either by email or on a disk. All jpeg fi les should be at least 300 dpi. Any fi les supplied 3. Artwork must be sent to the town crier as a PDF, it must be a high at less than 300 dpi may not print correctly. quality, print ready PDF. All fonts must be embedded in the PDF. A typical 72 dpi screen quality PDF is not acceptable. 3. Artwork sent as PDF’s must be high quality, print ready PDF’s. They must also have all fonts embedded in the PDF. A typical 72 dpi screen quality PDF 4. Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that their advert has been is not acceptable received by the town crier prior to close off date. Please note advertisers will not get to proof their advertisement Please note All changes and proofi ng should be done with your prior to printing and are responsible for ensuring that all wording/ graphic artist prior to submitting a fi nal press ready PDF to content is correct upon submitting to the town crier the editor.

The Berry Alliance uses, Sam Price, graphic artist at Berry Printers ph: 44 21 0569 for the layout of the Berry Town Crier. Sharon Dunn, Editor - Town Crier Any queries concerning advertising please e-mail: [email protected].


Custom made rugs to ensure that “Snug Rug” fi t for your horse. MANY PRODUCTS MADE RIGHT HERE ON PREMISES All rug and leather repairs. New • Gift Box chocolates, rocky road, marshmallow and used saddlery and a range of horse • Honey, preserved fruits in liquor • Over 50 varieties of and rider accessories. jam conserves, chutneys, pickles, vinegars and sauces. UNIT 5, OLD CREAMERY LANE OPEN 7 DAYS PHONE 4464 2999 OLD CREAMERY LANE - PHONE 4464 1112 We stock a comprehensive range of Gardening Products, Hardware, Agricultural Products, Stockfeed’s, Hard Yakka Clothing, Rossi & Baxter SAVE $$ Boots, Wet Weather Gear and Electrical Fence Equipment. Berry Rural Co-op Self Storage Fully Equipped Fitness Studio, IN STORE PRODUCTS Right In The Heart Of Berry!! ALL GARAGE SIZES • Personal Training Wild Bird Mix 20Kg Phone us last for • Supervised Gym Memberships Pool Chlorine Liquid 20Lt the best price • Seniors Programs Layer Pellets 20Kg • High School & Uni Student Concessions • Modern facilities, Brand New Equipment! Sulphate of Ammonia 25kg Banana Special 20kg 4464 1209 BERRY CO-OP COMPLEX Old Creamery Lane Berry 4464 3800 Gypsum 25kg Pool Salt 25kg www.wroughtirongates.net.au Berry Automotive Pool Chlorine Granular 4kg Snail Pellets 1kg Repairs Coprice working dog 20kg Phone: 4464 3999 Shavings Pine 18kg Mobile: 0417 251 205 Parrot Mix 20kg 2c Old Creamery Lane Berry Ocean Blue Laundry Detergent 8kg CARS - 4WDS - TRUCKS Potting Mix 30litre • Late Model & Fuel TM Sugarcane Mulch 240L THE VILLAGE FORGE Injected Vehicles Katek Standard Pellets Fertiliser 35kg • Brakes, Steering and Suspension Mushroom Compost 30litre PHONE FAX 02 4464 3333 MOBILE 0402 418 888 PHONE FAX 02 4464 3333 MOBILE 0402 418 888 • Servicing, Repairs Pure & Healthy Honey 250g, 500g,1kg WEB www.villageforge.com.au EMAIL [email protected] WEB www.villageforge.com.au EMAIL [email protected] & Registration Inspections Straw hats Sudden Impact Rose 10kg Sudden Impact Lawn 10kg Assorted Coloured TUBS 40L Keep it Now stocking Green Line poly pipe and fittings plus blue line pressure pipe and local! fi ttings

OPEN: MON-FRI buy South 8.00AM-5.00PM AND SAT 8.00AM-NOON Coast Milk OLD CREAMERY LANE, BERRY PHONE 4464 1209 www.southcoastdairy.com.au

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 35 Town Crier Costume Free to Hire


The Town Crier Costume has played Owners Name: LAWRIE HATHAWAY a role in many of Berry’s community festivities over the last ten years and Time in Business: 25 years has also been worn by a few big names around town! What your business offers: We specialise This costume can be hired by any of in the maintenance of all types and sizes of Berry’s registered community groups hedges, lawns, and gardens. free of charge on condition that the costume is dry cleaned upon return. As professional gardeners we don’t believe in wasting time and the effi ciency of our equipment and work The Town Crier costume was designed and sewn by Julee Jones for the Berry practices is paramount. Courthouse when the Courthouse was We can suggest creative and practical solutions to garden issues fi rst saved by the community from development – over 10 years ago now. including plant selection and design, i.e. Right plant, Right place. Recently the Courthouse Committee We believe in delivering a reliable, high standard of service. very kindly donated the Town Crier uniform to the Berry Alliance as they We offer obligation free quotes or assessments, by phone or by felt it was very appropriate given the a site visit, seven days a week. name of our local paper and that the Alliance could look after it. Please refer to page 5 of this issue for For information on hiring please contact Rick on: Hathaway Hedges contact details. [email protected]

BERRY COURTHOUSE Advertising Rates Trades & Services 1 box is $48 for 1 issue 6 issues for $198 ($33 each) ()'(15!,)49#,%!.).'3%26)#%3 12 issues for $363 ($30.25each) Wedding Ceremonies and other functions both in s7EEKLYANDFORTNIGHTLY No changes permitted, one invoice s2ESIDENTIALANDCOMMERCIAL the beautiful gardens or inside. s%NVIRONMENTALLYFRIENDLYPRODUCTS paid up front s7INDOWCLEANING Call Rick on 4464 2446 or email functions@ s&ULLYTRAINEDPROFESSIONALS berrycourthouse.org.au Contact the Editor on www.berrycourthouse.org.au 0428 037 572 for more details 

PR K9 Behaviour & Training Positive Reinforcement CRISP HOME Behaviour Management & Training for dogs IMPROVEMENTS Professional, high quality, one-on-one SPECIALISING IN THE DESIGN AND BUILDING OF COMPLETE consultation. Tailor made behaviour and KITCHEN AND BATHROOM obedience training programs. Exercise and RENOVATIONS. enrichment programs are also available ALL OTHER BUILDING Dog walking. REQUIREMENTS Please call Cara on 0457 262 603 RING STEVE ON 0407203893 BLD/LIC NO. 203648c

Page 36 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 TRADES & SERVICES berry physiotherapy dr chambers’ practice alexandra st, berry 1DWXURSDWK belinda henry &KCPC%QZJGCF mark burns Dip Pharm(NZ) ND DBM DRM Dip Hom JP • MPS MATMS MNHAA branch practice of )RU*RRG+HDOWK1DWXUDOO\ gerringong physiotherapy  ph 4234 4666

COW HIDES PROFESSIONALLY TANNED HIDES AVAILABLE Zelinda Turk YOUR HIDE OR CHOOSE CHIROPRACTOR ~ Specialising in gentle, FROM OUR RANGE low force techniques ~ SAFE, EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR: ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOME ‡$OODJHVIURPEDELHVWKURXJKWRWKHHOGHUO\ ‡+HDGDFKHVPLJUDLQHV ‡%DFNQHFNSDLQ ‡3RVWXUDOSUREOHPV 0409 444 081 M: 0401 571 228 ‡:KLSODVK ‡6FROLRVLV www.tannedhides.com.au EFTPOS available Health fund / DVA registered e:[email protected] 0409 517 430 Ian’s Interior Linings ★ All plasterboard & fi brous plastering SERVICE & REPAIR ALL MAKES AND MODELS CARS Architecturally Designed NEW VEHICLE LOG BOOK SERVICING ★ Commercial & Domestic TYRES & WHEEL ALIGNMENTS Extensions/Alteration/Renovation TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY Pergolas/Decks/Bathrooms LAWNMOWERS, CHAINSAWS & BRUSHCUTTERS M: 0418 220 751 WATER& IRRIGATION PUMPS Paul Morrow 0413 887 042 PHONE MICK ON Lic: 141931c E: [email protected] Sacred Funerals Nowra Handyman W.P. King Carpentry Blue Ladies Funerals HONEST - RELIABLE - INSURED Affordable, personal, caring service Specialising in: Painting, Plastering. Extensions, renovations, decks, Family owned and operated Home Maintenance, Pressure pergolas, maintenance. Cleaning, Flyscreen Replacement Member of 28 yrs experience. L/N 69526C National Funeral Directors Association Selling or renovating your home? 24 hours, 7 days Good Advice & Free Quotes ☎ Wayne 0411639233 Phone: 4421 6009 CALL COL WHITEHURST or 42342948 Mobile: 0410 664 799 0411 251 098 Carpenter

• ALL SIZE LAWNS Peter Vaughan • ALL SIZE GARDENS • ALL SIZE HEDGES Renovations ~ Restorations • PLANT SALES ~ Decks ~ Pergolas ~Maintenance • ADVICE • QUALIFIED HORTICULTURIST No Job too small • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Based in Broughton Village we service Berry and Surrounding Areas Call Lawrie Hathaway 0414 553 577 0411 888 333 A/H : 42 342 900 Lic No. 196393c

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 37 TRADES & SERVICES

Painless HERE IS HOW TO GET THE BEST KITCHEN, Window VANITY, FURNITURE, TIMBER WINDOWS, Cleaning DOORS, FLYSCREENS AND JOINERY Professional Family Business Since 1982 Rybrook Joinery Ph: 4234 4141 CALL SCOTT OR MICHAEL Mob: 0404 473 314 ABN:34283316351 4422 4600

Roo Valley Mowing & Property Maintenance Servicing Kangaroo Valley & surrounds • Brush cutting • Lawn mowing • Garden cleanup • Small tree lopping • Hedge trimming • Odd jobs Let us take the hard work out of your yard work LOCAL • COUNTRY • INTERSTATE Commercial – Rural – Residential Experience a New Level of Professionalism Phone 04 2864 3557 or 4464 3557 Call Warren: 44 652 342 or 0438 418 198 NN Hartman Hartman BookeepingBookeeping Ian McLean • Payroll Home Handyman • Creditors • Debtors • BAS & IAS • Finance Reports WWWSUMMERSALTDESIGNCOMAU • Computerised or manual GRAPHICDESIGNsLOGODESIGN • Reasonable rates BUSINESSCARDSsmYERSBROCHURES ADVERTISINGsWEBSITEDESIGN Nerida: 0427 488 447 SAMANTHAKEATS e: [email protected]  Tel: 4464 3267 Mob: 0427 643 267

our Legged PET FEEDING riends SERVICE TERMITES! For Horses, Dogs, Cats, Birds ▼ Pre purchase termite inspections and reports ▼ Termite barriers new & existing buildings, council approved & all other domestic pets ▼ Thermal imaging and microwave inspection tools Megan White ▼ Termite Baiting Systems dip in animal care FREE QUOTES Call Ph. 4464 2472 / 0407 407 328 [email protected] TERMITE SOLUTIONS- Established: 1995 4448 5444 • FEEDING • EXERCISING • RUGGING • termite experts GARDEN • MAIL • GARBAGE Fully Licensed, Accredited & Insured www.fourleggedfriends.com.au Family Business with over 20 years experience FLOOR SANDING -TAXI- P. O. Box 301 Berry NSW 2535 Berry Shoalhaven Electrical Contractor Integral Energy Authorised Level 2 Service Provider Coolangatta Domestic + Commercial + Industrial Design Prestige Taxis + Installation + Repair + Maintenance Owed and operated by LOCAL People. Floor Sanding Smoke Detectors Safety Switches The original business handed down through the Town. Test + Tag Hot Water Systems SPECIALISING IN OLD & NEW FLOORS We are on your doorstep and only a phone call away. Fuel Dispenser Repairs Stove Repairs FREE MEASURE AND QUOTE Free Quotes 7 DAYS/ 24 Hours Bookings Contact Peter Mob: 0412594907 PHONE GLEN Tel: 44641993 4448 7932 0488 644 344 Fax: 44641940 Lic No. 133674C www.coolfl oors.com.au

Page 38 - The Town Crier www.berryalliance.org.au FEBRUARY 2011 TRADES & SERVICES DIRECTORY Charlie Bobcat R & J WOTTON Painting, Decorating Just In Trees & General Repairs Justin Van Hoven Giving you good quality, professional & All Earthworks Arborist, Horticulturist reliable workmanship. Experienced in Landscaping federation colours and new works Driveways Specialist climber, diffi cult access, crown • Pension Rates • No job too small Rural Roads shaping and thinning. • Over 40 years experience # Charlie 0418 429 740 0419386550 Ph: 44 64 2488 Mobile: 0421 931 246 Brendan 0408 429 740 ABN: 87214396156 Lic. No: 220018C Country Quilts, Curtains & Blinds $140.00 Shop 4, 97 Queen St Berry (entrance in Alexandra Street) All window fashions and soft furnishings Drapes, Pelmets, Tracks and Rods Blinds: Timber, Roller, Roman Free measure and quote Open Wed to Saturday 10am-3pm Ph: 4464 3776 – Mob: 0414 983 757 Southern Tree Service • Qualifi ed Arborist • Qualifi ed Horticulturist • Tree care and maintenance • Expert trimming and tree removal in confi ned areas • Chipper • Mulch • Advice on replacments Paul Gillen • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured Ph/Fax 4464 2822 • Mobile 0407 405 968 LOOK HAMILTON EARTHMOVERS GREG LYNCH Excavator Bobcat MOBILE FARM SERVICE 12 Tonne Tipper SERVICE AND REPAIR OF: Cut & Fill MOWERS, TRACTORS, 4WD’S, LIGHT TRUCKS & FARM MACHINERY Footings QUALIFIED & LICENCED Auger Drills MECHANICS THAT COME TO YOU!!! Rock Grabs Ph: 4464 1531 0414 800 359 Rubbish Removal Wayne Road Bases NOW! CRANE TRUCK HIRE AS WELL 0424 399 094 Berry Horse Motel rural bitumen services pty ltd Berry Showground Specializing in Private Road Construction & Bitumen Seal. Vicki & Tony Pye • Driveways • Carparks 0427605200 • Decorative driveways Clean, safe, independently locked, • Fully Insured enclosed stables and yards. Contact Offi ce (02) 44 641 555 Long or short term hire. John 0408 160 428 Horse Washing, Farrier & Vet Bay.

FEBRUARY 2011 www.berryalliance.org.au The Town Crier - Page 39 THE BERRY HOTEL 120 QUEEN STREET BERRY 4464 1011 - Fax 4464 2142 RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING FEBRUARY ENTERTAINMENT 4TH & 5TH ...... BERRY SHOW 12TH...... RICKY LYNCH 19TH...... ATOM REMEDY Friday Night Wine, Women & Wool is Back! Wednesday 2nd and 16th February Jackpot Draw from 7.30pm in the main Bar. Supporting Berry Hockey and Berry Shoalhaven Heads Cricket Club

Over $6000 in cash and LTPS/10/06785prizes to be won! (at time of print) -

Take Away Local Sporting Highlights Congratulations to Specials Ted Street Over 300 games for Berry Shoalhaven VB stubbies $37 per case Heads Cricket Club Rachel Price Carlton Premium Dry $37 per case Race horse Owner and Strapper of Druid- Stella Artrois $44 per case For a win in Canberra.

Berry’s First Super 15 Rugby Kitchen News Tipping Competition Mid Week Specials are Back! Tuesday-Thursday. Prizes, discounts and more. Choice of 4 meals for $16.50 Sign up today! with complimentary garlic bread.

RESTAURANT - FUNCTIONS - WINE TOURS - it can only ACCOMMODATION happen here Website: www.berryhotel.com.au - Email: [email protected] Off-street parking for patrons at the rear of the hotel.