Berry Town Crier October Edition 2019.Indd

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Berry Town Crier October Edition 2019.Indd Supporting Community Groups and Keeping Berry Informed PPOO BBOXOX 220202 BBERRYERRY NNSWSW 22535535 WWWW.BERRYALLIANCE.ORG.AUWW.BERRYALLIANCE.ORG.AU FFINDIND UUSS OONN FFACEBOOKACEBOOK OOCTOBERCTOBER 22019019 PPRICE:RICE: $$3.003.00 Berry Gardens Festival Berry is turning Pink is on this month this month for Page 2 a great cause Page 3 Don’t miss out on the Berry Men’s Shed Useful water-saving tips Annual Sale Page 9 Page 8 Meroo Union Church is celebrating 130 years of service Page 6 Second Hand Book Stalls this Spring Page 7 Raising funds to support young people in our community Zonta’s Trivia Night is on this month Page 25 Calling all Newborns to Pre-schoolers Join the fun with Mainly Music Page 23 With so many local community groups to suit everyone, make 2019 the year to get involved in our thriving community. See pages 18 and 19 for all the information. BBERRYERRY AALLIANCELLIANCE BBerryerry & DDistrictistrict GGardenarden CClublub NNewsews IINFORMATIONNFORMATION SECRETARY MARY SEELIS 4464 1191 VISIT US ON The village will be alive with visitors on the “weekend” of Thursday 17 October through to Sunday 20 October. This will be ry of Festival the thirtieth time the Berry Garden Club Year Anniversa has organised and run the Berry Gardens Berry Gardens Festival Festival. Of course, we like to see the locals enjoying the gardens as well. We Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th look forward to seeing you there. OCTOBER 2019 Eight Berry gardens - four town and four The Town Crier is produced more rural - will be opened to the public by the Berry Alliance, Inc. from 10am – 4pm at just $20 for all gardens. Tickets cover admittance over The purpose of this publication is the four days and are sold at all Festival to communicate to the people of venues and in Apex Park. Individual Berry about community activities . gardens can be toured for $5. ky and to generate a small income The Club has organised attractions andys. for the Berry Alliance to cover stalls at selected gardens, along with administrative costs and donations. its famed Plant Sales Stall at Garden 8, The Burrow in Bundewallah Road. MEMBERSHIP Brochures are already available from most Berry retailers. Membership of the Berry Alliance A full history of the Festival can Gardens Open 10.00am-4.00pm Daily costs $10 pa. It aims to share be seen on our website: www. information amongst community $20 FOR ALL 8 GARDENS groups and individuals, and to $5 FOR INDIVIDUAL GARDENS At our October meeting we will ensure that Berry continues to TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL THE GARDENS ANDFree AT FOR APEX CHILDREN PARK UNDER 18 enjoy slides of Maple Glen, a be a community we are proud of. 65 acre private garden, nursery, Membership is open to aviary, woodland and wetland in Southland, Berry community groups South Island, NZ. and individuals. To join the Come along and enjoy an evening of gardening with us. We welcome visitors, Berry Alliance, write to particularly new residents, to our meetings, held each month on the third Tuesday in PO Box 202 Berry NSW 2535 St. Luke’s Church Hall. Come at 7:00 pm for the meeting’s start at 7:30 pm. There is no charge for attendance. ALL BERRY Our website, contains information concerning the Club, ALLIANCE ENQUIRIES upcoming events, membership matters and gardening advice. Check our Instagram Secretary: 0449 569 059 and Facebook presence also. Email: [email protected] Post Offi ce Box 202 OOurur mmotto:otto: FFriendshipriendship tthroughhrough GGardening.ardening. Berry NSW 2535 Our Secretary, Mary Seelis, welcomes enquiries on 0411 244 673 or [email protected] October Editor's Note 16 The closing date for our November issue will be Wednesday 16th October 2019 at 5pm. Please submit prior to this date if it is your CALL BILL OR DEBBIE: fi rst submission. Material can be submitted (02) 4465 1841 / 0424 867 994 via e-mail to: [email protected] [email protected] Phone 0428 037 572 Town Criers can be downloaded for free from Like us on Facebook! or our Facebook UPPER KANGAROO RIVER Page: Berry Town Crier. Review us on Nancy Davies - Berry Town Crier TOWN CRIER EDITORIAL BOARD Nancy Davies Rick Gainford Holly Landgren Adrian Bishop AREAS OF SERVICE: CContributorsontributors aarere tthosehose ffromrom tthehe BBerryerry ccommunityommunity wwhoho J0ªªغw 0પ!غjyJªßmm0æغhhaveave nnewsews oorr vviewsiews rrelatingelating ttoo rresidentsesidents ooff tthehe aarea.rea. TThehe 0ªªæ ²ÇÀR0ªyRXJRmy(²غjXwغoopinionspinions eexpressedxpressed iinn tthehe TTownown CCrierrier aarere nnotot nnecessarilyecessarily J0ªªXyJyJ tthosehose ooff tthehe BBerryerry AAlliancelliance oorr tthehe EEditor.ditor. TThehe TTownown CCrierrier iiss ppublishedublished eeveryvery mmonth,onth, wwithith a ccirculationirculation ooff 22400.400. • Fully Insured • Residential • Commercial • Industrial PRINTED BY Berry Printers • 20+ years experience • New Homes • Maintenance CONCORDE WAY BOMADERRY PH: 4422 3774 • Renovations & Extensions • Repairs • Upgrades • Installations PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER • Switchboards • Safety/Maintenance Inspections • Troubleshooting ABN 70 845 107 241 LIC NO. 253095C Page 2 - The Town Crier October 2019 TicketsTickets $1EachE ach RafRafflfl e wiwillll be dradrawnwn MajorMajor RaffleRaffle oonn TTuesdayuesday 55thth Pink Up NovemberNovember 2019 1ST PRIZE – ValuedVaV luedd at $2800$228000 - 2 NightsNights LuxuryLuxxuury WeekendWeekend AccommodationAccommmodatioon forfor upp toto 10 people,people, At Bel-Air BerryBerry NSW.NSW. A SpectacularSpectat cuc lar MidMid CenturyCentury Pad locatedloocatet d Berry 2019 rightright in the heart of Berry.Berry. KindlyKindly Donated by Bel-Air Berry • Great Southern Hotel will be donating;donating; 2ND2N PRIZE – ValuedValued at $600$600 - Pair of R.M.WilliamsR.M.WiW lliams BootsBooo ts The profiprofi ts ffromrom the Meat RafflRaffl e and Joker Draw on Friday 4th KindlyKindndly Donated by The Berry Barn October!!October!! Tickets on sale fromfrom 6:30pm,6:30pm, Draw starts 7:30pm7:30pm PLUSPLUS 3RD PRIZE P – ValuedValul ed atat $500$5$ 00 - $500$5000 HomemakersHoommemakers GiftGift theythey will be donatingdonating $1$1 from everyevery “Pink Peach” cocktail sold Voucherr duringduring October!October! Kindly DonatedDononated By Homemakers and Sleepzone Nowra • For the month of October The Berry Hotel willwill be donating;donating; $1$1 from every glass of Rosé soldsold 4TH PRIZE ZE - ValuedValued at $200$200 - $200$200 HolidayHoliday HavenHavenn 50¢ perper litre of German Beer sold $2.50 for their specialspecial ‘Pink VoucherVoucher DessertsDesserts sold Plus proceeds from Raffl es/Auctions + More! Kindly Donated By Holidayiday HavenH ParksParks • For the month of October The Treat FactoryFactory & DairyDairy Bar will be do- MANY THANKS TO OUR R MAJORMAJOR RAFFLERAFFLE nating;nating; 100% ofof all sales fromfrom their StrawberryStrawberry Jam & Rose GelatoGelato SPONSORS FOR THEIR GENGENEROSITY!!ENEROSITY!! • ForFor thethe monthmonth ofof OctoberOctober GlobalGlobal ContactContact BookstoreBookstore TeamTeam LoveLove “Pink“Pink Tickets are currentlycurrently available from The BerryBer Barn & BerryBeerry Up” October - They are excitedexcited to gift;gift; *Pink*Pink ddollarollar DoDonationsnations Chiropractic and from any of our proud Pink Up BerBerryry 220190119 forfor McGrathMcGrath Foundation/Foundation/ Nurses; *Pink Rose QuartzQuartz “LOve”“LOve” Committee Members. We will also be selling themm atat: BeBBerryrry braceletsbracelets Free.Free. Farmers’ Market EverEveryy ThursdThursdayay in October & BerrBerryy MaMarketsrkets onn *Pink Products Discounted;Discounted; *Pink HugsHugs AnytimeAnytime & Everyday;Everyday; SSundayunday 6th October. All proceeproceedsds wwillill go didirectlyrectly ttoo *Give*Give away Therapy treatments ranging from Massage,Massage, Reiki, McMcGrathGrath FoFoundation.undation. SoundSound healings, refl exology & physical Therapy treatments, And More!More! • DuringDur ing October Octo ber Juniper Jun iiper Hearth Heart h willw ill be be hosting host ing a season launch launc h andand PINKPINK UPUP YOURYOUR HOUSEHOUSE COMPETITIONCOMPETITION Entry Cost: donatingdonating the proceedsproceeds ofof their rafflraffl e and also goldgold coin donations $10$10 - 1st Prize - $150 Gift Voucher from Home ThymeThyme Albion received fromfrom their giftgift wrappingwrapping service.service. Park.Park. Runner Up - $50 Gift Voucher from Home Thyme Albion BupaBupa AgedAged CareCare BerryBerry willwill be hostinghosting lotslots ofof pinkpink eventsevents forfor their Park.Park. JudgingJudging will take placeplace on ThursdayThursday 1010thth October.October. To ententerer residents duringduring the month ofof October!October! email [email protected] or phonephone 04280428 005005 910. BerryBerry PlaygroupPlaygroup will be hostinghosting a Pink Mufti/MorningMufti/Morning Tea, on FridayFriday 25th October! PINK UP YOUR BUSINESS BUSINESS COMPETITIOCOMPETITIONN Thanks to Yolande Buchan who is kindly donating a painting to be Winner will receive a $100$100 Salmon & Co Voucher and two bottles raffl ed at our Barefoot Bowls Day, and also painting some of her of wine from Justin Lill Wines. To enter email pinkupberry2019@pinkupberry2019@ ‘famous‘famous rocks’ for us to sell at our Street Stall. or phone 0428 005 910. Judging will take place on CurrentCurrent ListList of newnew businesses who have kindlykindly
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